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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Maximizing the Benefits of the Inter Review Conference Process / II: Security & Oversight of Pathogenic Microorganisms and Toxins

Pearson, Graham S. January 2003 (has links)

Balancing consensus, consent, and competence: Richard Russell, the senate armed services committee & oversight of America’s defense, 1955-1968

Klimas, Joshua 11 December 2007 (has links)
No description available.

A Case for Corruption

Barber, Cary Michael 15 September 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Intelligence Outcomes: Assessing the 1975-1976 Intelligence Oversight Reforms

Brennan, John 01 June 2015 (has links)
Legislative oversight of the executive branch is a significant feature of the separation of powers, and takes on greater importance in a persistent era of divided political control in the United States federal government. Agency theory and oversight theory have served as principal lenses for the design and evaluation of congressional oversight functions. For the purpose of this study, oversight is politically-guided and technically-supported systematic foresight and review by First Branch members over Second Branch members and their activities in furtherance of public value and the protection of private liberties. The 1975-76 reformulation of the congressional oversight of federal intelligence activities offers a research opportunity to contrast the intelligence outcomes of a laissez-faire period of oversight (1947-1975) with a second period of active oversight (1976-2004). It also allows for the determination of whether more oversight (Johnson 1980; Zegart 2011) led to improved intelligence outcomes, and could serve as a case study in the more versus less foreign policy oversight scholarship debate (Olson 1989; Hinkley 1994; Scigliano 1994). The research is multi-faceted and employs mixed methods, primarily content analysis, comparisons of descriptive statistics, and Poisson regressions with time series autocorrelation corrections. The research contributes to our understanding of agency theory by attempting to evaluate several outcomes of an oversight design intervention: the Congress's transition from overseeing US intelligence activities via a few individuals in defense subcommittees to creating permanent standing select committees (with professional staff) in each chamber. The research provides public administration with new datasets focused on intelligence leaks and intelligence outcomes, specifically a record of intelligence failures and unavoided, uninitiated military conflicts involving the United States. It also provides a series of implications and recommendations for theory and praxis. / Ph. D.

La quête de légitimité des multinationales : la création d'un mécanisme de règlement de différends relatifs à la modération de contenu sur Facebook et Instagram

Rioux, Élyse 25 January 2024 (has links)
Mémoire présenté en cotutelle : Université Laval, Québec, Canada, Maître en droit (LL. M.) et Université Paris-Saclay, Cachan, France, Master (M.). / La présente étude met en lumière le développement d'une nouvelle sorte d'institution à caractère judiciaire : le Facebook Oversight Board (ci-après « FOB »). Cet organe a pour fonction de trancher les litiges découlant de la modération de contenu des plateformes appartenant à l'entreprise multinationale Meta, Facebook et Instagram. Comme le FOB est une nouvelle initiative, l'inconnu persiste autour de son fonctionnement et du champ de sa compétence. Cet organe répond à certains besoins des utilisateurs des deux plateformes et de la population en général, mais en même temps il sert à Meta d'instrument de légitimation. D'ailleurs, il commence à y avoir un intérêt des gouvernements et des législateurs à l'égard de ce type d'instrument. La Commission européenne a récemment adopté une loi comprenant des dispositions inspirées de celles instituant le FOB. En plus d'examiner les caractéristiques de cet organe par l'étude des documents encadrant son organisation et son fonctionnement, ce mémoire analyse de manière critique son statut à la lumière des qualités essentielles d'un tribunal : l'indépendance et l'impartialité. / This study puts light on a new form of judicial institution: the Facebook Oversight Board (FOB). This institution's function is to solve disputes arising from content moderation on social media websites belonging to the multinational company Meta, Facebook and Instagram. Considering the FOB is a new initiative, mystery lingers around its operation and its scope. This institution meets some of the users' needs on both social media platforms as well as the general population's needs, but it also serves as a legitimization tool for Meta. Moreover, governments and legislators are starting to show interest towards this type of instrument. The European commission has recently passed legislation containing provisions resembling the FOBs. In addition to analyzing this institution's characteristics by studying the documents governing its structure and its operations, this thesis critically analyzes its status according to the essential qualities of a tribunal: independence and fairness.

L'efficacité du contrôle parlementaire du budget exécuté en France sous la Cinquième République / The efficiency of french parliamentary oversight on budget under Fifth Republic

Shojaei- Arani, Saïd 17 June 2013 (has links)
Le fondement théorique du contrôle parlementaire du budget exécuté a été prévu par la DDHC de 1789. Cependant, c’est sous la Restauration que son application fut devint possible. Ainsi, l’utilité et l’efficacité du contrôle parlementaire du budget exécuté résidèrent dans l’établissement d’un chaînage budgétaire qui avait pour finalité, non seulement la clôture d’un exercice budgétaire dans un délai assez court mais aussi de perfectionner la prévision des budgets ultérieures. Alors que la Restauration était « l’âge d’or » du contrôle parlementaire a posteriori du budget de l’État, la 3e et la 4e Républiques furent les périodes de l’abandon de la loi de règlement. Pour autant, la Ve République n’a pas amélioré la situation. Mais, la nécessité de réformer l’État a créé une occasion sans précédent pour que les Assemblées parlementaires françaises retrouvent une meilleure place parmi les institutions politiques. La LOLF du 1er août 2001, a été adoptée pour renforcer les prérogatives budgétaires du Législateur. Même si la loi de règlement n’a pas changé son caractère juridique, les documents comptables qui l’accompagnent et son adoption dans un délai très court, lui octroient toute son effectivité. En revanche l’absence d’objectif précis et pragmatique ainsi que le manque de volonté parlementaire en sont les principaux facteurs. La solution que nous proposons consiste à fixer la soutenabilité des finances publiques, exigée par les Traités européens, comme l’objectif principal de loi de règlement et à continuer la réforme de l’État afin de redonner aux parlementaires l’envie de contrôler l’exécution budgétaire. / The basis of parliamentary oversight on budget was foreseen by Human and Citizen Right’s Declaration of 1789. But, it wasn’t applicable before “Restauration”. If “Restauration” period was a “golden age” of parliamentary control on budget, the IIIrd and IVth Republic were the age of its decline. On one hand, parliamentary prerogative to amend Budget Act and on the other hand, delays in establishment of budgetary document were the essential reasons.We can observe a mutation in parliamentary budget control during the Fifth Republic. In 1958, France has adopted a new constitution to found a semi-presidential political system. But what had consequently reduced Parliament’s budget competence, was the Organic Act of the 2nd January of 1959. This limitation contributed to demotivate MPs because they considered this institution in decline. However, when the French State engaged in new reforms, Parliament tried to prepare and adopt a new Organic Act to balance again budgetary relationship. With this end in view, different mechanisms were created to reinforce parliamentary budget oversight. Nevertheless, we can not estimate the promised effectiveness until MPs haven’t political will and pragmatic objectives. We think the economical sustainability, as the most important European engagement of French Government, can be a real objective. For all that, political involvement of Parliament will be obtained when the State reform continues and the “value of money” becomes the national priority.

Oversight and accountability in the City of Johannesburg

Mbunge, Thandekile 04 August 2016 (has links)
A research report submitted to the Faculty of Commerce, Law and Management, University of the Witwatersrand, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Management in the field of Public Policy / This study investigates oversight and accountability in the City of Johannesburg. The study explores the City of Johannesburg’s new governance model as implemented after the 2006 local government elections. The study is premised on establishing an understanding of the issues that the City of Johannesburg is grappling with since rolling out its oversight and accountability model as adopted by its Council in 2006. The Constitution of South Africa (1996) vests both the executive and legislative authority in the Municipal Council. This is in contrast to other spheres of government, namely National and Provincial, whereby there are specific chapters on what the Executive, the Parliament and Provincial Legislatures powers are. The study begins by discussing the cases of separation of powers in local government in the United Kingdom and the City of Johannesburg governance model and the rationale behind implementing such a model. The study then makes an analysis of the legislative framework in South Africa that gives expression to oversight and accountability in government broadly. The study discusses its research methodology and the rationale for such a methodology in investigating issues that the City of Johannesburg is faced with in implementing its oversight and accountability model. In this case study the researcher explores the functionality of the model. In doing so, the researcher then proposes ways of ensuring that the oversight and accountability could be more effective and whether there are any legislative impediments, and then propose to national law makers what needs to be done as informed by the research conducted

A tese de Heidegger para a origem de metafísica / Hedegger's thesis of the origin of metaphysics

Roberto Saraiva Kahlmeyer-Mertens 25 February 2011 (has links)
O tema da pesquisa é a tese de Heidegger para a origem do pensamento metafísico. O presente tema parte do pressuposto de que o filósofo alemão Martin Heidegger (1889-1976) entende que a metafísica esteja ligada a um modo de comportamento criador de hipostasias. O conceito de hipostasia denota o comportamento de tomar a consciência e os objetos como entes simplesmente dados, comportamento observado no cotidiano mais imediato e no pensamento filosófico tradicional (metafísico). Assumimos como problema a seguinte questão: como, segundo Heidegger, se origina o modelo teórico da metafísica?; como subproblema: como a metafísica se vê comprometida com o comportamento hipostasiante? A pesquisa possui os seguintes objetivos: a) determinar como o modelo teórico da metafísica se originaria desse comportamento hipostasiante; b) avaliar em que grau o modelo teórico da metafísica está comprometido por tal comportamento. Nosso trabalho atuará em caráter expositivo, com o método descritivo próprio à fenomenologia. Tem, primeiramente, a tarefa de apresentar os pressupostos que permitem a caracterização da referida tese enquanto tema; depois, define seus termos para, partindo desses, reconstituir seus argumentos. Essa reconstituição, por sua vez, só se realiza unindo os indícios deixados em documentos que testemunham o interesse do filósofo pelo tema e antecipam a formulação mais elaborada da tese em Ser e tempo (1927). (Isso delimita o campo da presente pesquisa entre alguns dos principais textos da produção do filósofo na década de 1920). Deste modo, reconstruir a tese heideggeriana sobre a origem da metafísica implica reconstituir o modo com o qual o comportamento hipostasiante atua na filosofia tradicional criando crises. Essa metodologia (exposição reconstrutiva) busca, portanto, explicitar o esforço de Heidegger por mostrar que a metafísica é resultado de uma série de descuidos (Versäumnis) que podem ser identificados no interior da história da filosofia. O tema e problema de nossa pesquisa se justificam por trabalharmos com a questão que desde cedo motivou as investigações heideggerianas acerca do sentido do ser, o que não só inaugurou o diálogo do filósofo com a tradição metafísica, quanto provocou desdobramentos e modulações integrantes da obra de Heidegger. E ainda, por, ao nos ocuparmos do tema da origem da metafísica, buscamos esclarecer como é possível que algo assim com a filosofia seja possível. / The research theme is Heidegger thesis of the origin of metaphysics. This theme assumes that the German philosopher Martin Heidegger (1889-1976) understands that metaphysics is connected to a mode of behavior creator of "hypostasis." The concept of hypostasis denotes a behavior that takes conscientiousness and objects as simply given, behavior observed in everydayness and thought in philosophical tradition (metaphysical). We assume the problem: how, according to Heidegger, does the theoretical model of metaphysics arise?, and the subproblem: how metaphysics is compromised by the hypostatic behavior? The research has the following objectives: a) determine how the theoretical model of metaphysics would be originated from this hypostatic behavior; b) assess to what extent the theoretical model of metaphysics is compromised by such behavior. Our work will make an exhibition of this theme with the descriptive method of phenomenology. The work has primarily the task of presenting the assumptions that allow the characterization of that argument as an issue; then to define its terms, leaving them to reconstruct its arguments. This reconstruction, in turn, can only be achieved by uniting clues, left in documents that testify to the philosopher's interest in the subject and anticipates the more elaborate formulation of the theory in Being and Time (1927). (This limits the field of this research of some of the key texts of the production of the philosopher in the 1920s). Thus, the reconstruction of the Heidegger's thesis about the origin of metaphysics involves reconstitution of the way in which the hypostatic behavior operates on the traditional philosophy creating crises. This methodology (reconstructive exposition) seeks to clarify Heidegger's effort to show that metaphysics is the result of a series of oversights (Versäumnis) identified in the history of philosophy. The theme and problem of our study is justified by the work with the issue that motivated the early research on the Heideggerian sense of being, which not only opened the dialogue of the philosopher with the metaphysical tradition, but also led to developments and modulations of members of Heidegger's work. And yet, for we turn to the issue of the origin of metaphysics we seek to clarify how it is possible that such a thing is possible with the philosophy.

Legislative oversight and accountability of public finances : a case of Limpopo, Provincial Legislature for the period between 1994 and 2010

Kgatjepe, Maaria Ishmael January 2018 (has links)
Thesis (MPA. (Public Administration)) -- University of Limpopo, 2018 / The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa of 1996 requires the Legislature in Local, Provincial and National Governments to hold the Executive accountable and continue to do oversight on the work of government. The Legislature in executing its work, sometimes make use of the Auditor General’s reports, Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) reports and all other reports submitted by constitutional institutions, the Executive and other agents of the State. The study investigates whether the Legislature understands its mandate as legislated and whether the legislation is efficient and effective in ensuring accountability and conducting oversight of the work of the Executive. The research methodology used in this study is the qualitative approach. The respondents were clear that the Legislature understand its business as legislated, and further that there is a challenge at implementation of these important functions of the Legislature. There is varying implementation due to resources, capacity constraints and lack of commitment. The study recommends that the training of Members of the Legislature and staff, allocation of adequate resources and proper planning. The commitment of the Members of the Executive to the process and implementation of consequence management for poor performance and key interventions to ensure efficient and effective oversight of public finances in the province

The Politics of Torture, Human Rights, and Oversight: The Canadian Experience with the UN's Optional Protocol to the Convention Against Torture (OPCAT)

Holmes, Erin 20 February 2013 (has links)
Torture has long been denounced by the international community; the need to protect citizens from abuse at the hands of the state is a principle enshrined in international law. One area where abuse is common is within the correctional system and as a result, there is a need for oversight in places of detention. The Optional Protocol to the UN’s Convention Against Torture (OPCAT) is an international human rights instrument that acts as a preventive measure to monitor all places of detention through regular visits. Supportive of the OPCAT since its adoption, Canada has considered signature/ratification since 2002 but has yet to commit. The purpose of this study is to identify factors that have led to a delay in Canada becoming State Party to the OPCAT despite adherence to the principles that this instrument embodies. A policy analysis framework was utilized to conduct stakeholder interviews and review government documents. The concept of agenda-setting received special attention and content analysis of media reports and a review of government legislative activity were conducted to provide insight into the prevalence of the issue on the public and political agendas. The author argues that while there are real challenges that policymakers must overcome, the absence of political leadership has resulted in stagnation in the decision-making process. As a result, the issue has disappeared from both the public and political agenda. In order for progress to be made, political will must be created and the impetus to act (‘re-setting the agenda’) must come from civil society in the absence of government engagement on this issue.

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