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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Effects of Acute Ketone Monoester Supplementation on Exercise Efficiency and the Influence of Dose and Intensity

Bone, Jack January 2023 (has links)
Introduction: Acute ketone monoester (KE) supplementation affects exercise responses but there are equivocal data regarding the effects on exercise efficiency. We examined the effect of ketone monoester ingestion on exercise efficiency during cycling and probed further the influence of supplement dose and exercise intensity. This study was registered prior to data collection at ClinicalTrials.org (NCT05665855). Methods: Twenty-eight trained adults were recruited [16 males, 12 females; peak oxygen uptake (V̇O2peak): 59±11 ml·kg-1·min-1]. Participants completed three experimental trials in a randomized, crossover, and double-blinded manner, each separated by ~1 week. Participants ingested either a 0.3 (KE-LO) or 0.6 g/kg (KE-HI) body mass dose of KE or a flavour-matched placebo (PLAC) ~30 min prior to exercise. The incremental cycling protocol involved a 3-minute warm-up, three 5-minute stages at 75%, 100%, and 125% of individual ventilatory threshold, and a ramp increase to volitional exhaustion. Expired gases and heart rate were measured continually during exercise. Results: Venous blood [ß-hydroxybutyrate], the major circulating ketone body, was higher in both KE conditions compared to PLAC and also different between conditions (3.0±1.1 and 2.3±0.6 vs 0.2±0.1 mM; all p<0.05). There were no differences in submaximal exercise V̇O2, exercise economy, gross efficiency, or delta efficiency between conditions (all p>0.05). Submaximal exercise heart rate and ventilation were higher in both KE conditions compared to PLAC (141±11 and 141±12 vs 137±12 beats/min; 63±14 and 62±13 vs 60±13 L/min, respectively; all p<0.05). Peak power output at V̇O2peak was lower in KE-HI compared to both KE-LO and PLAC (329±60 vs 339±62 and 341±61 W; both p<0.05). Conclusion: KE supplementation did not alter exercise efficiency during submaximal cycling. KE ingestion increased cardiorespiratory stress during submaximal exercise and the higher dose reduced peak aerobic power output. Future studies should investigate the mechanisms by which KE ingestion alters exercise responses. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc) / Endurance exercise performance is determined by many variables including the efficiency of the individual. This can be measured during cycling by calculating the ratio of oxygen uptake relative to power output. Ketone supplements have been suggested to alter exercise efficiency. We investigated this issue by having trained adults complete an incremental cycling protocol on three occasions. Before exercise the participants ingested either a small or large dose of a ketone supplement or a taste-matched placebo drink. Exercise efficiency was not different between the conditions but ventilation rate and heart rate were higher during the ketone supplemented trials compared to the placebo. The power output that the participants could achieve at maximal exercise was reduced in the high dose ketone condition. Our study does not support the use of ketone supplements as a strategy to enhance endurance exercise performance. Future studies should investigate the mechanisms by which ketones affect exercise responses.

The effect of sprint interval training on non-invasively determined peak cardiac output and the role of biological sex

Bostad, William January 2023 (has links)
Sprint interval training (SIT) increases peak oxygen uptake (VO2peak) but the mechanistic basis is unclear. The Fick principle broadly attributes increases in VO2peak to changes in peak cardiac output (Qpeak) and/or peak arteriovenous oxygen difference (peak a-vO2diff). The main purpose of this thesis was to investigate the role of Qpeak, measured non-invasively using inert gas rebreathing (IGR), on SIT-induced changes in VO2peak. It also considered the time course of these responses and the influence of biological sex. The SIT protocol involved 3 x 20-s “all out” sprints performed within a 10-min session of low-intensity cycling. Study 1 measured Qpeak after 2, 6, and 12 weeks of SIT and found it was increased after 12 weeks and associated with the change in VO2peak. Peak a-vO2diff, estimated based on the Fick equation (peak a-vO2diff = VO2peak/Qpeak), was also increased after SIT and associated with the change in VO2peak. Study 2 found that a novel constant-load protocol elicited Qpeak values that were non-inferior to an established step protocol, within a margin of 0.5 L/min. Both protocols elicited VO2 values at Qpeak that were similar to VO2peak. The constant load protocol had similar day-to-day repeatability as the VO2peak test (typical error = 6.6 and 6.4%, respectively). Study 3 investigated an exploratory finding from Study 1 that suggested Qpeak was increased in male but not female participants. The design was similar, but Study 3 employed suggested best practices for making sex-based comparisons. Contrary to our hypothesis, Qpeak was unchanged after 12 weeks of SIT and there was no sex-based difference. Like Study 1, peak a-vO2diff was increased and correlated with VO2peak. This thesis advances knowledge regarding the influence of SIT on Qpeak determined non-invasively and highlights the need for more mechanistic work to comprehensively assess the basis for the increase in VO2peak. / Thesis / Candidate in Philosophy / Sprint interval training (SIT) is a form of exercise that involves brief bursts of near-maximal to “all out” efforts separated by short recovery periods. The method improves cardiorespiratory fitness — an important health marker that is quantified as the highest amount of oxygen used by the body during strenuous exercise (VO2peak) — but the mechanisms are not well understood. This thesis examined the effect of SIT on peak cardiac output (Qpeak), which is the highest rate of blood pumped by the heart each minute, and the relationship to changes in VO2peak. Qpeak was measured non-invasively by having participants breathe an inert gas mixture. Two separate 12-week training studies confirmed that SIT increased VO2peak but yielded conflicting results regarding the role of Qpeak. The findings also suggest that the capacity of skeletal muscles to extract oxygen is increased after SIT. Biological sex does not appear to influence SIT-induced changes in Qpeak or VO2peak.

Adaptation of the Slow Component of VO₂ Following 6 wk of High or Low Intensity Exercise Training

Ocel, Jeffrey Vincent Jr. 26 November 1997 (has links)
Eighteen untrained males [age: 23 +/- 0.6 yr (SEM)] were randomized into high intensity (HIT: above lactate threshold, LT), moderate intensity (LIT: below the LT) or no training (NT) groups. Subjects trained on a cycle ergometer 4 days.wk-1 for 6 wk with the power output held constant. Maximal cycle ergometry was performed before and after the training period to determine changes in power output and oxygen consumption (VO2) at the LT and peak exertion. Before training and after 1, 2, 4, and 6 wk, subjects performed high constant-load (HCL) cycling bouts to quantify training adaptations in the SC. Training was designed to keep total work equivalent between the HIT and LIT groups. Increases in power output and VO2 at LT and peak exercise after 6 wk were noted in the HIT and LIT groups in comparison to NT group (p<0.05). No differences were noted between HIT and LIT. Two-way repeated measures ANOVA revealed a significant trial*group interaction for adaptation in the SC (p<0.001). After 1wk of training, a significant reduction in the SC was noted for HIT [mean+/-SEM]: (pre-training (PT): 703 +/- 61 ml.min-1; 1 wk: 396 +/- 60 ml.min-1) (- 44% from PT). Further adaptation for the HIT was also noted at 4 wk: 202 +/- 45 ml.min-1 (-71% from PT). For LIT, a significant reduction was noted at 2 wk (PT: 588+/-76 ml.min-1; 2 wk: 374 +/- 50ml.min-1) (-36% from PT). Further adaptation for LIT group was noted at 6 wk (252 +/- 38 ml.min-1) (- 57% from PT). Adaptation in SC was not noted at any interval for NT. Temporal changes in blood lactate (r = 0.40) and ventilation (r = 0.72) were significantly correlated with the changes for SC over the 6 wk training period (p<0.05). In conclusion, it was demonstrated that training at supra-LT and sub-LT intensities produces similar improvement in VO2 and power output at peak exercise and in the LT, when total work output is controlled. However, training at supra-LT intensity promotes larger and faster adaptations in the SC than training at the sub-LT levels. / Ph. D.

Stability-reliabilty and the relationship of an incremental protocol in determining peak VO2 in college-aged men and women on the StairMaster 2650 UE kayak ergometer

Garvin, Erin G. 29 August 2008 (has links)
Measuring V02peak is an important health assessment used to indicate cardiorespiratory fitness, prescribe exercise, and diagnose heart abnormalities (2,12). Utilizing the muscles of the upper body, the new StairMaster kayak ergometer is ideal for measuring V02peak on people with lower extremity disorders and those whose occupational or recreational activities rely primarily on the muscles of the upper body (16). Twenty-four healthy college-aged (17-31 years) males and females were screened, gave informed consent, and received orientation to experimental procedures prior to participation in the study. Subjects performed two maximal exercise bouts on the kayak incremental protocol and one on the treadmill incremental protocol. Pearson's r correlation estimated the stability-reliability coefficient of the kayak protocol to be 0.84. Pearson's r correlation estimated the relationship of the kayak protocol to the treadmill protocol to be 0.69. Given performance on the kayak ergometer, the predictive equation for treadmill performance was Y = 11.2605 + 1.02748X (r = 0.48). Body mass index and forearm circumference were found to be adequate predictors of kayak performance using the equation 45.2 - 1.60 BMI + 1.03 Forearm (~ 0.49). Although the kayak incremental protocol demonstrates adequate test-retest reliability for measuring V02peak, it has only a fair relationship to the gold standard of uphill treadmill running. The kayak incremental protocol, therefore, is generally best suited for those who, due to lower extremity complications, are unable to perform traditional modes of testing, or for those whose occupational or recreational activity is dominated by the upper body. / Master of Science

"Estimativa das contribuições dos sistemas energéticos e do gasto energético total na escalada esportiva indoor" / ESTIMATIVE OF ENERGETICS SYSTEMS CONTRIBUTIONS AND COST ENERGETIC IN INDOOR ROCK CLIMBING

Bertuzzi, Rômulo Cássio de Moraes 08 March 2005 (has links)
O propósito do presente estudo foi investigar as contribuições dos sistemas bioenergéticos e do gasto energético total durante a escalada esportiva indoor. As variáveis antropométricas, a composição corporal, a potência aeróbia máxima de membros superiores e o teste de Wingate para membros superiores foram avaliados em 13 escaladores (Grupo de Elite = 6; Grupo Recreacional = 7). Além disso, o grupo de elite escalou três rotas com diferentes níveis de intensidades (fácil, moderada e difícil) com a mensuração contínua do consumo de oxigênio e com a medida das concentrações sangüíneas de lactato de pico durante a recuperação, ao passo que o grupo dos escaladores recreacionais escalou apenas a rota fácil sobe as mesmas condições. As estimativas dos sistemas aeróbio, glicolítico e ATP-CP foram feitas por meio da mensuração do consumo de oxigênio, das concentrações sanguíneas de lactato de pico e do débito alático de oxigênio, respectivamente. A estimativa do gasto energético total foi realizada pela somatória desses três sistemas. Os principais resultados foram: a) as variáveis antropométricas influenciam apenas em situações específicas da escalada; b) o consumo de oxigênio de pico e a freqüência cardíaca de pico têm uma relação não-linear durante as ascensões das rotas de escalada; c) os sistemas oxidativo e o ATP-CP são os prioritários na transferência da energia na escalada esportiva indoor, independentemente da intensidade das rotas estudadas ou do nível de aptidão dos indivíduos; d) o perfil metabólico e o gasto energético total não apresentam relação linear com o incremento da dificuldade das rotas; e) o menor gasto energético total durante as ascensões está mais relacionado ao desempenho nesse esporte que o aprimoramento dos sistemas bioenergéticos. / The purpose of the present study was to investigate the contributions of the energetic systems and the total energetic cost, during the indoor rock climbing. The anthropometric variables, body composition, upper limbs maximal aerobic power and the Wingate test for the upper limbs were evaluated in 14 climbers (Elite group = 7; Recreation group = 7). Besides, the Elite group have climbed three routes with different levels of intensity (easy, moderate and hard) with the continue measurement of the oxygen uptake during these tasks and with the measurement of the peak blood lactate concentrations during the recovery, while as the recreational climbers group have climbed only the easy route under the same conditions. The calculation of the aerobic, glycolytic and ATP-CP systems were made by the measurement of the oxygen consumption, peak blood lactate concentrations and alactacid oxygen debt, respectively. The calculation of the total energetic cost was made by the sum of these three systems. The main results were: a) the anthropometric variables have secondary contribution on the rock climbers performance, b) the oxygen consumption and the heart rate have a non-linear relation during the ascension of the climbing routes, c) the aerobic and the ATP-CP systems have priority on the energy transference in the indoor rock climbing, independently on the routes intensity or the ability level of the individual, d) the metabolic profile and cost energetic don’t have a linear relationship with the route’s difficult increment; e) the minor energetic cost is more important for the performance in this sport than the improvement of the bioenergetic systems.

"Estimativa das contribuições dos sistemas energéticos e do gasto energético total na escalada esportiva indoor" / ESTIMATIVE OF ENERGETICS SYSTEMS CONTRIBUTIONS AND COST ENERGETIC IN INDOOR ROCK CLIMBING

Rômulo Cássio de Moraes Bertuzzi 08 March 2005 (has links)
O propósito do presente estudo foi investigar as contribuições dos sistemas bioenergéticos e do gasto energético total durante a escalada esportiva indoor. As variáveis antropométricas, a composição corporal, a potência aeróbia máxima de membros superiores e o teste de Wingate para membros superiores foram avaliados em 13 escaladores (Grupo de Elite = 6; Grupo Recreacional = 7). Além disso, o grupo de elite escalou três rotas com diferentes níveis de intensidades (fácil, moderada e difícil) com a mensuração contínua do consumo de oxigênio e com a medida das concentrações sangüíneas de lactato de pico durante a recuperação, ao passo que o grupo dos escaladores recreacionais escalou apenas a rota fácil sobe as mesmas condições. As estimativas dos sistemas aeróbio, glicolítico e ATP-CP foram feitas por meio da mensuração do consumo de oxigênio, das concentrações sanguíneas de lactato de pico e do débito alático de oxigênio, respectivamente. A estimativa do gasto energético total foi realizada pela somatória desses três sistemas. Os principais resultados foram: a) as variáveis antropométricas influenciam apenas em situações específicas da escalada; b) o consumo de oxigênio de pico e a freqüência cardíaca de pico têm uma relação não-linear durante as ascensões das rotas de escalada; c) os sistemas oxidativo e o ATP-CP são os prioritários na transferência da energia na escalada esportiva indoor, independentemente da intensidade das rotas estudadas ou do nível de aptidão dos indivíduos; d) o perfil metabólico e o gasto energético total não apresentam relação linear com o incremento da dificuldade das rotas; e) o menor gasto energético total durante as ascensões está mais relacionado ao desempenho nesse esporte que o aprimoramento dos sistemas bioenergéticos. / The purpose of the present study was to investigate the contributions of the energetic systems and the total energetic cost, during the indoor rock climbing. The anthropometric variables, body composition, upper limbs maximal aerobic power and the Wingate test for the upper limbs were evaluated in 14 climbers (Elite group = 7; Recreation group = 7). Besides, the Elite group have climbed three routes with different levels of intensity (easy, moderate and hard) with the continue measurement of the oxygen uptake during these tasks and with the measurement of the peak blood lactate concentrations during the recovery, while as the recreational climbers group have climbed only the easy route under the same conditions. The calculation of the aerobic, glycolytic and ATP-CP systems were made by the measurement of the oxygen consumption, peak blood lactate concentrations and alactacid oxygen debt, respectively. The calculation of the total energetic cost was made by the sum of these three systems. The main results were: a) the anthropometric variables have secondary contribution on the rock climbers performance, b) the oxygen consumption and the heart rate have a non-linear relation during the ascension of the climbing routes, c) the aerobic and the ATP-CP systems have priority on the energy transference in the indoor rock climbing, independently on the routes intensity or the ability level of the individual, d) the metabolic profile and cost energetic don’t have a linear relationship with the route’s difficult increment; e) the minor energetic cost is more important for the performance in this sport than the improvement of the bioenergetic systems.

The effect of load carriage on aerobic capacity and ventilatory threshold in Swedish soldiers

Engberg, Amanda January 2018 (has links)
Background: Working within the military as a ground combat solider is very physically demanding. Soldiers are required to handle situations ranging from peacekeeping to counterinsurgency and combat, while faced with the task of load carriage either in form of the military gear or other additional loads. Therefore, a good aerobic and anaerobic fitness is necessary. The aerobic and anaerobic fitness can be assessed with a wide range is methods such as measuring the peak oxygen uptake (VO2peak), ventilator threshold, blood lactate concentration and heart rate. However research is rather spares regarding the effects of load carriage on the aerobic capacity. Aim: The aim of the current study was to investigate if military gear affects VO2peak, ventilatory threshold, blood lactate concentration and heart rate in ground combat soldiers. Methods: A total of eight soldiers (seven men and one woman) participated in the current study. All participants completed two biological calibrations and VO2max tests (one without and one with military gear) using a modified Bruce protocol, where VO2 (L/min), absolute and relative VO2peck (L/min and ml/kg/min respectively), heart rate (beats/min) and blood lactate concentration (mM/L) were assessed. After the completion of the tests, the soldier’s individual ventilatory threshold (VT) was visually located using the V-slope method. The Wilcoxon test was used for the not normally distributed variables (blood lactate concentration and stage when VT occurred) and the paired sample t-test for the others. The significance level was set to 0.05. Results: The results showed that the soldier had 10.6 % lower absolute VO2peak and 23.7 % lower relative VO2peak while wearing military gear compared to without (p=0.002 and p=0.001 respectively). The soldiers also had 11.8 % higher VO2 at VT with military gear (p=0.003) and reached a higher percentage of the VO2peak (p=0.023) at VT. The blood lactate concentration was significantly higher when marching at 5.4 km/h and a trend of a higher blood lactate concentration while standing was observed without military gear compared to with military gear. Conclusion: The findings from the present study shows that performing load carriage in form of the military gear significantly decreased the VO2peak. Wearing a military gear also increased the VO2 at the individual VT and made the soldier reach a higher percentage of the VO2peak at VT. These results can act as guidance when recruiting and training soldiers, along with providing important information to other professions and sports that involve load carriage.

Effects of N-Acetylcysteine on fatigue, critical power, and muscle energy stores

Corn, Sarah D. January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Kinesiology / Thomas J. Barstow / The accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) has been linked to the development of muscular fatigue. Antioxidant administration has the potential to counteract the increased levels of ROS, leading to improvements in performance. N-acetylcysteine (NAC), a nonspecific antioxidant, is especially promising due to its ability to support the biosynthesis of glutathione, one of the primary endogenous antioxidants. Despite this, the effects of NAC on time to fatigue appear to be dependent upon the exercise intensity, with the more pronounced effects evident at submaximal exercise intensities. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of an acute dose of NAC on whole body fatigue, critical power (CP) and W’ during high-intensity exercise. It was hypothesized that pretreatment with NAC would result in (1) an increase in time to fatigue (TTF), CP and W’, (2) NAC administration would attenuate changes in the EMG responses indicative of fatigue, and (3) speeding of the kinetics of the primary phase of VO2 and a reduction in the slow component. Seven healthy, active males (age: 21.4 ± 1.6 years, weight: 89.1 ± 11.0 kg, height: 183 ± 5 cm) completed an incremental ramp test until exhaustion for the determination of peak VO2 and power. Four tests were subsequently performed at power outputs corresponding to 80, 90, 100, and 110% Pmax under NAC and placebo (PLA) conditions. NAC resulted in a significant increase in [tGSH] in red blood cells compared to baseline and PLA condition. TTF was significantly increased only in the 80% Pmax trial (p = 0.033). CP was also significantly higher with NAC (NAC: 232 ± 28 W vs PLA: 226 ± 31 W; p = 0.032), but W’ showed a tendency to decrease (NAC: 15.5 ± 3.8 kJ vs W’: 16.4 ± 4.5 kJ). The change in W’ was negatively related to CP (r = -0.96), indicating that the increase in CP was associated with a decrease in W’. EMG analysis revealed a tendency for MdPF and RMS to demonstrate less of a change with NAC. There were no significant differences in VO2 kinetics, but an inverse relationship was observed between the change in τp and the magnitude of the slow component expressed both in absolute terms (r = -0.632, p = 0.007) and as a gain (r = -0.751, p = 0.0005). We conclude that NAC was effective in delaying fatigue and improving exercise performance at 80% peak power, although the exact mechanisms are still unclear.

Maximal oxygen uptake and aging among elite distance runners : a 35 year follow-up

Lyon, Ashley N. January 2003 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to assess the changes in maximal oxygen consumption and cardiorespiratory responses to maximal treadmill exercise of men, who engaged in intense physical training for more than 35-years. Thirteen men were first studied in 1969 and were re-examined in 1992 as a 25-year follow-up. The men were divided into two groups, group 1 (G1) and group 2 (G2). G1 (current age = 54.6 years) consisted of seven men who were Division I cross country runners in the late 1960's, and G2 (current age = 67.5 years) were highly active at the initial testing and were 14 years older than the men of G1 at all test dates. A maximal exercise test revealed a significant decrease in absolute and realtiveVO2ma, over the 35-years for both G1 and G2. G2 experienced a significant decline in VO2max when expressed in relative and absolute terms after the age of 56.5 years which occurred after the 25-year test. Maximal heat rate decreased over the 35-year period for both G1 (187.7 to 165.8 bpm) and G2 (181 to 164.7bpm), however only GI revealed a trend between the 25-and 35-year tests. O2pulse significantly decreased from the initial testing to the 35-year period in G2 (23.1 to 19.5 ml/beat). Body composition changes were evident with aging in that both GI and G2 had a significant increase in percent body fat over the 35-years however, only Gl had a significant increase in body weight at both the 25-and 35-year follow-up.These data suggest that aging and a reduced training regimen may have a significant effect upon VO2m and cardiorespiratory and body composition measures. It appears that after the age of 56 years, a greater reduction in VO2max occurs, which is accompanied by greater changes in stroke volume. Although the aerobic capacity of these men declined over the 35-year period, the values obtained by all men far exceeded the values reported for sedentary and less active men in other studies. Therefore, as previously reported, aging is associated with a reduction in aerobic capacity, however continued endurance training can reduce the rate at which aerobic capacity declines. / Fisher Institute for Wellness and Gerontology

Perceived exertion relationships and prediction of peak oxygen uptake in able-bodied and paraplegic individuals

Al-Rahamneh, Harran Qoblan Mefleh January 2010 (has links)
Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) relates to how ‘hard’ or ‘easy’ an exercise feels. The Borg 6-20 RPE scale is the most widely used scale to estimate the overall, peripheral and central perception of effort. To date, there are a limited number of studies on the use and efficacy of perceived exertion in persons with spinal cord injury and/or disease. The findings from these studies are also equivocal. Therefore, the aims of this thesis were to assess: i) the relationship between the RPE and physical and physiological markers of exercise intensity during arm cranking exercise in able-bodied and individuals with spinal cord disease, ii) the efficacy of sub-maximal RPE values to predict peak oxygen uptake during arm cranking exercise in able-bodied and paraplegic individuals using different exercise protocols, iii) the scalar property of the RPE during arm cranking exercise in able-bodied and paraplegic individuals. To achieve these goals, the thesis has been broken down to a series of seven studies. In each of these studies, except study 6, a group of able-bodied and a group of paraplegic participants were recruited to asses these hypotheses. Paraplegic individuals had spinal cord injury with neurological levels at or below the sixth thoracic vertebra (T6) or flaccid paralysis as a result of poliomyelitis infection. These individuals were physically active and participated in sports like wheelchair basketball, weightlifting, wheelchair racing and table tennis at both professional and recreational levels. Able-bodied participants were healthy and free from pre-existing injuries and physically active but not arm-trained. There were strong relationships between the RPE and each of the physiological and physical indices of exercise intensity during arm cranking exercise regardless of group or gender. Peak oxygen uptake can be predicted with reasonable accuracy from sub-maximal oxygen uptake values elicited during a sub-maximal perceptually-guided, graded exercise test for paraplegic individuals but not for able-bodied participants. It has also been shown that peak oxygen uptake can be predicted from power output using the equation prescribed by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM, 2006). Furthermore, for able-bodied participants using estimation procedures, a passive process in which an individual is asked to rate how ‘hard’ or ‘easy’ an exercise feels, the ramp exercise test provided more accurate prediction of peak oxygen uptake compared to the graded exercise test. For paraplegic persons using estimation procedures, the graded exercise test provided more accurate prediction of peak oxygen uptake compared to the ramp exercise test. Finally, the scalar property of the RPE (i.e., similar proportions of time at a given RPE) was evident during arm cranking exercise regardless of group. In conclusion, the prediction of peak oxygen uptake from sub-maximal exercise tests would provide a safer environment of exercise testing. In addition, using a sub-maximal protocol would make peak oxygen uptake more available for sedentary and clinical population compared to the graded exercise test to volitional exhaustion. Prediction of peak oxygen uptake from power output using the ACSM equation would make the estimation of peak oxygen uptake more available for large groups of people. Similar proportions of time were observed at a given RPE regardless of group or exercise intensity. The early RPE responses will give an indicator for how long a participant is going to exercise. This has important implications for rehabilitation settings. Based on the RPE responses the tester or the observer can increase or decrease the work rate to enable the participant to exercise for the desired duration.

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