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Metody vizualizace učiva / Methods of the visualizaotion in teachingLomnický, Matouš January 2014 (has links)
Program orgpad is used for sorting, sharing and "brightening" own ideas. Orgpad is the program, which was designed based on Herbart's psychology, respectively Herbart's knowledge of his own mind. This work is an introduction program pi-mind.js, which is the allocation of orgpad. The thesis discuss the status of the program pi-mind.js in the context of the current "brain mapping" and the program is put into the context of the educational process and its possible use in this field, in particular is examined through a questionnaire survey of its usefulness in writing thesis, respectively Ph.D. thesis at the Department of Applied Mathematics, Charles University.
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Analyses énergétiques, exergétiques, économiques et environnementales de systèmes de valorisation de chaleur à basse températurePoirier, Rémy January 2016 (has links)
Ce travail s'inscrit dans l'effort d'optimiser l'utilisation des ressources énergétiques en valorisant des rejets thermiques industriels à basse température tels que ceux trouvés dans les alumineries québécoises. Deux systèmes de valorisation de chaleur sont détaillés et analysés. Le premier système est constitué de deux échangeurs de chaleur, l'un situé à la source de chaleur et l'autre à la charge, et d'une boucle intermédiaire dans laquelle circule un fluide caloporteur chargé de transférer la chaleur d'un site à l'autre. Le deuxième système est constitué d'un cycle de Rankine organique (ORC), qui produit de l'électricité, et d'une pompe à chaleur (PAC), qui consomme de l'électricité et produit de la chaleur. La question fondamentale à laquelle ce travail essaie de répondre est: Quel est le meilleur système ? Quatre critères ont été utilisés pour répondre à cette question: 1) le rendement énergétique, 2) le rendement exergétique, 3) l'attrait économique et 4) l'impact sur l'environnement. Concernant le rendement énergétique, le système 1 est plus attrayant avec un rendement de 70% contre 21% pour le système 2. Concernant le rendement exergétique, le système 1 est également plus attrayant avec 30% contre 9% pour le système 2. Le système 1 semble légèrement plus intéressant que le système 2 pour l'attrait économique avec un coût d'investissement plus faible se traduisant pour un taux de rendement interne (TRI) sur 15 ans de 10.9% contre 7.5%. L'analyse économique est toutefois sensible aux hypothèses émises, qui peuvent varier grandement d'un site à l'autre. L'analyse du cycle de vie démontre de manière non équivoque que le système 1 est plus dommageable pour l'environnement, notamment en raison de la quantité de béton nécessaire à sa construction. Ce travail contient deux articles de conférence et un article de journal (soumis, mais non accepté à la date de dépôt de ce mémoire). L'analyse à l'aide de nombres sans dimension du système 1 permet d'identifier les variables non-dimensionnelles qui ont le plus d'influence sur les indices de performance de ce système. La méthode des moindres carrés est utilisée pour développer des corrélations entre chacun des indicateurs de performance et les variables non-dimensionnelles, et l'application de ces corrélations pour la conception d'un tel système est démontrée par un exemple qui utilise un algorithme génétique qui détermine les conditions maximisant l'efficacité exergétique.
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Neither presenting nor non-presenting : constructing a methodological framework to re-present Chinese calligraphy, an art burdened with traditionTao, Lin January 2007 (has links)
The research aims to provide an alternative working methodology from the perspective of a contemporary Chinese artist, not a calligrapher, to answer the research question: how does one create new works of calligraphy an art so burdened with historical tradition? This is practice based research; the designed pattern of study aims to test and to exemplify the relationship, and also most importantly based on the nature of the investigation and practical necessity, the strategy of the research project is implemented in a dialectical construction as the title of the thesis suggests.
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Autonomous Robotics PlatformsMorales, Néstor, Serrano, Manuel January 2019 (has links)
Nowadays, it is of crucial importance for the manufacturing industry to be prepared for the application and understanding of autonomous mobile robots. Given this fact, educational institutions have to provide knowledge and experience to students. These autonomous mobile robots are made and controlled using different platforms and programming languages. Currently, the University of Skövde wishes to expand the range of tools to be available for building and experimenting with autonomous robots. For this purpose, this thesis project has two main goals. The first goal is finding the best available robotic platform for small scale, self-built, programmable robots. Such a platform has to include all the hardware necessary for later implementation with the software. The platform is evaluated in this thesis following different criteria. The second goal is to build a robot using the chosen platform. The robot has to perform a certain task taking advantage of its specific hardware. The development of the task has been achieved using the Robot Operative System (ROS). This thesis provides step by step instructions of how to build the platform and perform the task.
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Vulnerabilidade às inundações em Teresina, Piauí /Chaves, Sammya Vanessa Vieira. January 2015 (has links)
Orientador: Antônio Carlos Tavares / Banca: Roseane Corrêa Grilo / Banca: Thiago Salomão de Azevedo / Banca: Diego Correa Maia / Banca: Sandra Elisa Contri Pitton / Resumo: A falta de planejamento urbano, o aumento populacional nas áreas urbanas culminando com a ocupação de áreas inadequadas para a construção de moradias, podem ser consideradas como fatores que têm contribuído para o aumento do número de pessoas afetadas pelos chamados desastres naturais ao longo dos anos. No Brasil, inexiste uma tendência natural para fenômenos de origem tectônica, como os terremotos e vulcões, no entanto, são frequentes os registros de desastres resultantes de variabilidades climáticas e instabilidades atmosféricas, como secas, inundações e deslizamentos de terra. Dentre esses desastres, as inundações são as mais recorrentes e quando ocorrem em centros urbanos adensados, os transtornos se tornam mais graves. Em Teresina, capital do estado do Piauí, assim como em muitos municípios brasileiros, as inundações são frequentes em determinados pontos da cidade durante o período chuvoso, que vai de janeiro a maio. Diante disso, pretende-se com essa pesquisa, analisar a vulnerabilidade às inundações em Teresina, à luz das características do seu sítio urbano, das funções da cidade e seu meio ambiente, apontando as áreas com maior recorrência de episódios e o perfil da população afetada. Estudos acerca da vulnerabilidade em áreas urbanas vêm sendo, nos últimos anos, valioso instrumento utilizado por diversos estudiosos no sentido de apontar as áreas das cidades em que a população é suscetível a qualquer desastre que comprometa a sua qualidade de vida e a importância desses estudos perpassa o fato de que podem subsidiar políticas públicas que minimizem os problemas de parcelas significativas dos citadinos que estão suscetíveis aos diversos desastres. Para tanto, foram utilizados como procedimento metodológico, a construção de um referencial teórico abordando os conceitos de desastres naturais, seus tipos e ocorrências no mundo e no Brasil, bem como a aplicação de questionários... / Abstract: The lack of urban planning, the increase of the population in the urban areas culminating in the occupation of areas inadequate to build houses, can be considered as factors that have contributed to the increase in the number of people affected by the natural disasters throughout the years. In Brazil, there is no natural tendency for tectonic origin phenomenon, such as earthquakes and volcanoes, however, the records of disasters resulting from climate variability and atmospheric instability, such as droughts, floods and landslides are frequent. Among these disasters, the floods are the most recurring and when they happen in the dense urban centers, the troubles become more aggravated. In Teresina, capital of the state of Piauí, just like many other Brazilian counties, the floods are frequent in specific parts of the city during the rainy season, which goes from January to May. In view of the above, it's intended with this research, to analyze the vulnerability to floods in Teresina, by the light of the characteristics of its urban site, the functions of the city and its environment, pointing out the areas with the most recurring episodes and the profile of the affected population. Studies about the vulnerability in urban areas are becoming, in the recent years, a valuable instrument used by many scholars in order to point out the areas of the city in which the population is susceptible to any disaster that can compromise their quality of life and the importance of these studies goes through the fact that they can subsidize public policies that minimize the problems of less fortunate segments of the townspeople that are susceptible to many disasters. In order to achieve this, we used as methodological procedures the making of a theoretical referential approaching the concepts of natural disasters, their types and occurrences in the world and in Brazil, as well as the application of questionnaires in segments considered vulnerable to... / Doutor
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A comparison between database and Internet of Thing solutions : For remote measuring of radonSvensson, Wictor January 2018 (has links)
More and more devices around us are connected to the internet and communicate to each other. This includes devices such as radon sensors. Radon is a radio active gas and is the cause of several hundred cases of lung cancer. Smart connected radon sensors can be helpful to reduce the levels of radon as they provide remote access to the user. This study examines the opportunity to connect an already existing radon sensor to the “Internet of Things”. The aim of this study has been to answer the problem “find a better solution for the IoT system and develop it”. The study was performed with a literature study of three Internet of Things platforms. This resulted in one Internet of Thing platform being used throughout the study. A database system and a system with the chosen platform was implemented and a time measurement of the different systems was performed. The study has shown that a less secured system is faster and it is also shown that the Amazon Web Service IoT Core is fast with respect to the many features offered. The study concludes that the choice of system depends on where and how the system is supposed to be implement. If the system just needs to send and store data, a regular MySQL database is enough. If the system in the future is supposed to be able to communicate with other devices, a IoT platform should be used.
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The fog-unit : Evaluation of the fog-unit’s effect on network performanceHolm, Rasmus January 2018 (has links)
Today at various locations and factories we have a lot of sensors and actuators that interact with each other and a control-unit. The control-unit is in most cases a cloud-based solution. This is in most cases a good solution. However, there is a rise in expected devices and sensors which will most likely be too much data for the existing network to handle. This paper researches if a fog-unit might be the solution to this problem. The setup of the fog-unit in the network is a unit between the cloud and the sensors and actuators. In this paper the fog-unit and sensors/actuators have been emulated on Raspberry Pi’s. The sensors are emulated using python-threads and communicate with the fog-unit using the UDP-based protocol CoAP and the fog communicates to the cloud using the TCP- based protocol MQTT. After a prototype was built it using said Raspberry Pi’s it was sent through a few measurements in the fields of bandwidth, cloud-utilization and response times. This was later compared to another setup without the fog-unit as the control setup. The result with this kind of setup was that a fog-unit lowers the cloud-utilization and use of bandwidth, however it increases the round trip time of a request from the cloud by a large amount. Which leads to the conclusion that a fog-unit in this kind of setup might be a good network solution if the response time to the cloud isn’t important.
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Adapting the NEO-PI-3 for a South African context : a pilot study using a South African student population.Quy, G. S. 13 May 2011 (has links)
The trait approach to personality is one of the most influential epistemological frameworks in personality psychology and underlies the development of most objective personality inventories. The Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO-PI-R) is amongst the most widely used operationalisations of the FFM within personality assessment (Costa and McCrae, 1992). However, recent research (Franklin, 2009; Laher, 2010) suggests that the NEO-PI-R is not wholly applicable within the South African context; as there may be inappropriate items contained within the inventory, both linguistically and culturally. Within the United States, McCrae, Costa and Martin (2004) identified the NEO-PI-R as having specific problematic items, and developed the NEO-PI-3 as a revised “more readable” version of the NEO-PI-R. Thirty-seven items were changed from the original 240 items in the NEO-PI-R to create the NEO-PI-3. However, the modifications made to the NEO-PI-3 did not address all the issues pertinent within the NEO-PI-R from a South African perspective as evidenced in Laher’s (2010) and Franklin’s (2009) studies. This study adapted the NEO-PI-3 by changing specific items informed through Franklin (2009) and Laher’s (2010) research, as well as research conducted within this study on two samples of university lectures at the University of the Witwatersrand. Forty-nine items were changed from the original 240 NEO-PI-R items, retaining 30 items changed from the NEO-PI-3, and preferring 3 of the original NEO-PI-R items to the NEO-PI-3 items. These changes were aimed at making the NEO-PI-3 a more appropriate and applicable instrument both culturally and linguistically within the South African context. This modified inventory was then administered to 175 students at the University of the Witwatersrand to test the inventory’s validity and reliability. The reliability of this modified inventory was assessed through conducting an internal consistency analysis generating alpha coefficients indicating that the inventory was indeed reliable. The construct validity of this modified inventory was assessed through an exploratory factor analysis where five factors did emerge from the analysis; concomitant with the theoretical basis of the FFM. Based on feedback from the participants, both quantitatively and qualitatively, recommendations for future research and further problematic items are identified and discussed. In terms of the reliability of the modified version of the NEO-PI-3, internal consistency coefficients produced within the study suggested that the instrument is reliable, producing moderate to good alpha values, as well as producing evidence of good construct validity. Only 17 items emerged as still being potentially problematic within the modified version of the NEO-PI-3.
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A ação do Estado e do mercado imobiliário no processo de segregação sócioespacial em bairros na zona leste de Teresina /Castelo Branco, Antonio Frederico Vilarinho. January 2012 (has links)
Orientador: Silvia Aparecida Guarnieri Ortigoza / Banca: Antonio Cardoso Façanha / Banca: Claudete de Castro Silva Vitte / Banca: José Gilberto de Souza / Banca: Eduardo Alberto Manfredini / Resumo: As características da sociedade se refletem diretamente no arranjo espacial da cidade, na forma como as pessoas habitam, trabalham e se deslocam em seu cotidiano. Na cidade moderna, produto da economia de mercado, é comum a tentativa de aglutinação da população segundo estratos econômicos, com as pessoas buscando a proximidade com seus assemelhados. Especialmente, assemelhados econômicos, em um processo de autossegregação, que apenas se consolida, mas nunca finda, pois em função da constante necessidade de multiplicação do capital, novas necessidades são criadas e essa elite segregada se desloca em busca de novos bairros, novos serviços, novos vizinhos, em uma constante busca pelo novo, o diferenciado, o exclusivo. O entendimento dos processos de segregação socioespacial é importante para a compreensão da própria cidade e da sociedade que a molda. Este trabalho busca explicar o processo de segregação socioespacial existente em bairros da zona Leste de Teresina, em especial o Jóquei, Fátima, Horto e São Cristóvão, identificando as contribuições dos agentes do mercado imobiliário e do Poder Público, este último enquanto poder legitimador do processo. A pesquisa é feita segundo o arcabouço metodológico estabelecido por Henri Lefèbvre, estruturado em três momentos de análise. São estudados diversos marcos temporais que de alguma forma possam ter contribuído com a evolução da autossegregação, desde a fundação do Jockey Club e dos primeiros loteamentos de seu entorno, no início da década de 1950, até os dias atuais / Abstract: The characteristics of society are directly reflected in the spatial arrangement of the city, in the way people live, work and move within it in their everyday life. In the modern city, a product of the market economy, attempts to agglutinating the population based on the socio-economic group they belong to are common, with people seeking proximity to their counterparts. Especially their economic counterparts, in a process of self-segregation that only consolidates itself, but never ends, for because of the constant need of self-replication that capital has, new needs are created and this self-segregated economic elite moves away, seeking new neighborhoods, new services, new neighbors, in a constant search for the new, the unique, the exclusive. The understanding of the processes of socio-spatial segregation is important to understand the city itself and the society that shapes it. This thesis aims to explain the process of socio-spatial segregation that takes place on the East Side of Teresina, especially in the neighborhoods of Jóquei, Fátima, Horto and São Cristóvão, indentifying the contributions of the agents of the real estate market and of the government institutions, the latter as the legitimating power of this process. The research is carried out according to the theoretical framework established by Henri Lefèbvre, structured in three moments of analysis. Many temporal marks that may have contributed in any way to the evolution of selfsegregation were analyzed, from the foundation of the Jockey Club and the first subdivisions of land in its surroundings, in the beginning of the decade of 1950, to the present / Doutor
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Lightweight Portable Intrusion Detection System for Auditing Applications : Implementation and evaluation of a lightweight portable intrusion detection system using Raspberry Pi and Wi-Fi PineappleNykvist, Carl, Larsson, Martin January 2019 (has links)
The goal of this thesis was to develop, deploy and evaluate a lightweight portable intrusion detection system (LPIDS) over wireless networks. The LPIDS was developed by adopting two different string matching algorithms: Aho-Corasick algorithm and Knuth–Morris–Pratt algorithm (KMP). The LPIDS was implemented and tested on the hardware platforms Wi-Fi Pineapple and Raspberry Pi. To evaluate and test the LPIDS as well as the algorithms, performance metrics such as throughput, response time and power consumption are considered. The experimental results reveal that Aho-Corasick performed better than KMP throughout the majority of the process, but KMP was typically faster in the beginning with fewer rules. Similarly, Raspberry Pi shows remarkably higher performance than Wi-Fi Pineapple in all of the measurements. Moreover, we compared the throughput between LPIDS and Snort. It was concluded that the throughput was significantly higher for LPIDS when most of the rules do not include content parameters. This thesis concludes that due to computational complexity and slow hardware processing capabilities of Wi-Fi Pineapple, it could not become suitable IDS in the presence of different pattern matching strategies. Finally, we propose a modification of Snort to increase the throughput of the system.
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