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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The role of community participation and community empowerment in the planning and delivery of low-income housing : an evaluation of housing project 59 in Paarl

Oosthuizen, Jolandie 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MS en S)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In the past, the policy for the provision of low-cost housing was, by and large, ineffective because apartheid planning spatially and economically marginalised the majority. The disenfranchisement of the majority and social engineering denied this majority any access and voice in shaping, or influencing the shape, of their living environment. Today, there are various pieces of legislation that emphasise and highlight the importance of community participation in development planning. The concept of community participation has repeatedly appeared in the literature as an approach that empowers people to take control over their own lives. The involvement of people in all aspects of planning and development programmes that affect them is a fundamental requirement for sustainable development. Satisfying basic human needs in participatory, empowering and sustainable formats is the essence of development. The study is descriptive and issue-orientated, limiting itself to the understanding of the process of community participation and empowerment in low-cost housing. Interviews were conducted with 75 respondents from male- and female-headed households, using a semi-structured questionnaire. The study records how respondents participated in the shaping of their living environments, and the extent to which they were/felt empowered by the housing delivery process. The findings suggest that participation contributed to empowerment, and an overwhelming 91% of the sample were satisfied with their level of involvement in the project. The findings of the study further indicates that, although there had been some effort to involve the community as a whole, as well as individual members in the project, the level of involvement, particularly of individuals, was not satisfactory. Beneficiaries were given information regarding the housing development and were offered opportunities to participate, but their views were not taken into account during the design and implementation phases. The recommendations provide some insights on how low-income housing delivery can be made more participatory, empowering and sustainable. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In die verlede was die beleid oor lae-kostebehuising oneffektief, omdat apartheidsbeplanning die meerderheid ruimtelik en ekonomies gemarginaliseer het. Die ontburgering en die ruimtelike manipulasie van rasse het die meerderheid enige toegang tot deelname in vorm, of beinvloeding van vorm, van hulle eie omgewing ontsê. Tans bestaan daar 'n verskeidenheid van wetgewing wat klem plaas op gemeenskapsdeelname in ontwikkelingsbeplanning en die belangrikheid daarvan beklemtoon. Die begrip gemeenskapsdeelname het verskeie kere in die literatuur voorgekom as 'n benadering wat mense bemagtig om verantwoordelikheid vir hulle eie lewens te neem. Die betrokkenheid van mense in alle aspekte van beplannings- en ontwikkelingsprogramme wat hulle raak is 'n fundamentele vereiste van volhoubare ontwikkeling. Die bevrediging van basiese menslike behoeftes binne 'n deelnemende, bemagtigende en volhoubare konteks, is die essensie van ontwikkeling. Die studie is beskrywend van aard en konteks qeorienteerd en word beperk tot 'n verstaan van gemeenskapsdeelname en bemagtiging in die voorsiening van laekostebehuising. Onderhoude is met 75 respondente van huishoudings waarvan of 'n man of 'n vrou aan die hoof gestaan het gevoer deur middel van 'n semigestruktureerde vraelys. Die studie meld hoe respondente deelgeneem het in die vorming van hul leef omgewing, en die mate waartoe die respondente bemagtig was/gevoel het deur die behuisings voorsienings proses. Die bevindinge suggereer dat deelname bygedra het tot bemagtiging, en dat 'n indrukwekkende 91% van die steekproef tevrede was met hul deelname aan die projek. Navorsing het verder gevind dat, alhoewel daar pogings aangewend is om die gemeenskap as 'n geheel, en individueel, te betrek, deelname onvoldoende was, veral op individuele vlak. Begunstigdes het inligting in verband met die ontwikkeling ontvang en is die geleentheid gebied om deel te neem, maar hul menings is nie in ag geneem tydens die ontwerp- en beplanningsfases nie. Die aanbevelings verskaf 'n paar insigte oor hoe die voorsiening van lae-koste behuising meer deelnemend, bemagtigend en volhoubaar gemaak kan word.

Exploring programme design, evaluation of programme performance and describing the clinical outcomes of a public sector based ARV treatment programme in a semi-rural area in the Western Cape over the past 6 years. (2004-2010)

Grobbelaar, Cornelis Johannes (Nelis) 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MFamMed)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Background: A national roll-out of antiretroviral therapy in the public sector was started in 2004, and Paarl was one of the first sites to start these services in the Western Cape. Operational research is required to guide the continuous improvement of such services. This research aimed to describe the characteristics of the treatment cohort started at TC Newman CDC’s ARV clinic in Paarl, to determine the retention in treatment rate and to assess the clinical and virological outcomes. Methods: A retrospective descriptive and observational study was done at the TC Newman ARV clinic in Paarl. All adult HIV positive patients that were started on antiretroviral therapy in the given time period were included. Patient and treatment data had been collected in an electronic database (e-register) and were extracted and analysed. Results: Starters: Out of the 2469 patients that were enrolled for ARV treatment between February 2004 and December 2010, 2254 started locally (the rest transferred in). 64% of them were female (decreasing rate over the years). Strugglers: By June 2011 51.5% of patients were still on ARVs, 6.9% patients had died, 16.7% had been ‘transferred out’and 24.7% were reported as ‘Lost to Follow-up’. 40% of the attrition of the cohort occurred in the first 6 months, 70% in the first 18 months. Stayers: Of the 1172 patients retained after start at TC Newman CDC, 1023 (87.3%) were still on Regime 1 and 149 (12.7%) on Regime 2. Conclusions: The results of this treatment cohort (mortality, treatment retention and regimen durability) equal those in other published treatment cohorts, although very limited comparable data are available. However, the high ‘lost to follow-up’ rate is of concern and needs further investigation. Changes in the programme structure and environment tend to have an immediate effect on initiation numbers of new patients.

Die Frank Pietersen Musieksentrum : historiese agtergrond en ontwikkelingsbydrae tot die gemeenskap

Coetzee, Petrus Jacobus 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MMus)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Nowadays Music Community Projects are a common phenomenon in South Africa. These projects start with great ambition to uplift underprivileged communities through music education, but due to various reasons many of these projects unfortunately do not last very long. The Frank Pietersen Music Centre (FPMC) in Paarl, which recently celebrated its fortieth year, suffered many drawbacks during its existence, but also showed unbelievable progress during the same time. At the moment the FPMC is a noticeable institution and the only one of its nature in the Drakenstein district. The centre was established in the Paarl Coloured community during the early years of Apartheid as a result of a shortage of music facilities for this population group. As music was one of the few activities in which this population group could express themselves during this time, various music activities resulted and the need for formal music education for the Paarl Coloured community became more prominent. Mr Frank Pietersen took notice of this need and in 1970 he established the Paarl Schools Music Centre (PSMC). This music centre showed immense progress, but as a result of various reasons it started declining during the late eighties and finally in 1988 it experienced a period of recess. After Mr Pietersen's death in 1989, his son, Mr Vaughan Pietersen, decided to let the PSMC relive. In October 1991 the PSMC celebrated its 21st year and at this occasion it was renamed after its founder and was known thereafter as the Frank Pietersen Music Centre. Since, the centre has reached many milestones and its existence was ensured when it was taken over by the Western Cape Education Department in 1994. At the moment the FPMC provides music education to children and adults, in and outside the borders of the Drakenstein area. Education is provided in nearly all the instruments of the Classical Symphony Orchestra, as well as African instruments and Jazz instruments. It has various instrumental ensembles and choirs and the FPMC is especially well known for its Youth Orchestra. The centre also provides for the needs of the surrounding underprivileged communities by means of outreach programmes that are presented at reasonable fees. The latest addition to the centre's education is the presentation of the full Subject Music programme for scholars and it forms part of the Western Cape Education Department's programme for Further Education and Training. This thesis attempts to research and document the unique history of the FPMC, as well as studying the current functioning of the centre in order to serve as a guide and motivation for other music centres or -projects of a similar nature. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Musiekgemeenskapsprojekte is deesdae ʼn algemene verskynsel in Suid-Afrika. Hierdie projekte begin gewoonlik met groot ambisie met die doel om minderbevoorregte gemeenskappe deur middel van musiekonderrig op te hef, maar as gevolg van verskeie redes gaan baie daarvan net so vinnig weer tot niet. Die Paarlse Frank Pietersen Musieksentrum (FPMS) wat onlangs sy veertigste bestaansjaar gevier het, het tydens sy bestaan deur diep waters gegaan, maar terselfdertyd ook vooruitgegaan. Tans is die FPMS ʼn gerekende instelling en die enigste van sy aard in die Drakensteindistrik. Die sentrum het tydens die vroeë Apartheidsjare in die Paarlse Bruin gemeenskap ontstaan, as gevolg van ʼn tekort aan musiekfasiliteite vir hierdie bevolkingsgroep. Aangesien musiek in daardie tyd een van die min aktiwiteite was waarin hierdie bevolkingsgroep hulself kon uitdruk, het daar verskeie musikale aktiwiteite ontstaan en het die behoefte aan formele musiekonderrig vir die Paarlse Bruin gemeenskap al hoe groter geraak. Mnr. Frank Pietersen het hierdie behoefte raakgesien en het in 1970 die Paarl Skole-Musieksentrum (PSMS) gestig. Hierdie musieksentrum het sterk ontwikkeling getoon, maar as gevolg van verskeie redes het dit in die laat tagtiger jare agteruitgegaan en het uiteindelik in 1988 ʼn periode van reses beleef. Na mnr. Pietersen se dood in 1989, het sy seun, mnr. Vaughan Pietersen besluit om die PSMS te laat herleef. Die PSMS het in Oktober 1991 sy 21ste bestaansjaar gevier en is by hierdie geleentheid vernoem na sy stigter en staan sedertdien bekend as die Frank Pietersen Musieksentrum. Sedertdien het die sentrum vele mylpale bereik en sy voortbestaan is verseker deur die oorname daarvan deur die Wes-Kaapse Onderwysdepartement in 1994. Tans bied die FPMS musiekonderrig aan skoliere èn volwassenes, binne en buite die grense van die Drakensteingebied. Onderrig word aangebied in byna al die instrumente van die Klassieke simfonie-orkes, asook Afrika-instrumente en Jazz-instrumente. Daar bestaan verskeie instrumentale ensembles en kore en die FPMS is veral bekend vir sy Jeugorkes. Die sentrum sien ook om na die behoeftes van die omliggende minderbevoorregte gemeenskappe deur middel van uitreikprogramme wat teen billike tariewe aangebied word. Die nuutste toevoeging tot die sentrum se onderrig is die aanbieding van die volwaardige Vakmusiekprogram vir skoliere, wat ook deel vorm van die Wes-Kaapse Onderwysdepartement se program vir Verdere Onderrig en Opleiding. Met hierdie tesis is gepoog om die unieke geskiedenis van die FPMS so deeglik as moontlik na te vors en op skrif te stel, asook om die huidige funksionering van die sentrum te belig sodat dit as riglyn en aanmoediging kan dien vir ander musieksentra of -projekte van ʼn soortgelyke aard.

Postfire regeneration of mountain fynbos by resprouting : a comparison of species with different life history types

Marais, Karen E. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScConEcol)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The fire-prone mediterranean-type climate regions of the world are immensely biodiverse. Changes in fire frequency due to anthropogenic ignitions and climate change are one of the factors threatening the plant diversity of these regions. Many postfire regeneration studies have focused on seedling recruitment, whereas much can still be learned about regeneration through resprouting. This project focused on resprouters after a fire and assessed if there are differences between the obligate (OS) and facultative (FS) resprouting life history types. OS species have to resprout after fire, as their seeds are not fire resistant and seedling recruitment takes place in fire-free periods, whereas FS species have the ability to resprout and recruit seedlings after a fire. My analyses found a significant difference in postfire resprout success between OS species and FS species, supporting the division of woody resprouting shrubs into these two life history types. OS species had minimal fire-related mortality and this was related to their ability to resprout early and vigorously after fire. OS species had no postfire mortality, which points to traits that enable them to endure the hot and dry summer months. The FS species varied in their response to fire and had greater fire induced mortality than the OS species. Postfire mortality (post-sprouting) was also greater compared to OS species, especially towards the end of the long dry summer suggesting a link to water stress. A postfire seedling survey of target FS, OS and non-sprouters (NS), revealed that NS species had seedling/adult ratios that were orders of magnitude higher ranging between 40-200 seedlings per adult against less than 1-10 seedlings per adults for FS, with OS species recruiting no seedlings directly postfire, as is consistent with their life history type. Although the NS species do not sprout and the FS species had some mortality, the population was at or above replacement two-year postfire on account of seedling recruitment. OS species maintained their pre-fire population by successfully resprouting and by experiencing almost no postfire mortality. These results provide strong justification for grouping woody resprouters into OS and FS species in future studies seeking to understand the underlying differences in postfire recovery. Postfire flowering phenology was also observed during the two year study period. Geophytes, mostly belonging to the Iridaceae and Orchidaceae were overrepresented within the first year postfire, many displaying fire-stimulated flowering. This suggests that some geophytes limit their reproductive cycle to the immediate postfire environment, when nutrients and light are abundant. Smaller resprouting shrubs generally flowered earlier than larger resprouting shrubs. Many non-sprouting shrubs did not reach maturity within the study period and those that did mostly belonged to the Fabaceae and Asteraceae families. This study added 71 species to the existing Paarl Mountain species list, including eight new red listed species, highlighting the importance of early postfire field surveys. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Veldbrande is ‘n natuurlike verskynsel in die meditereense klimaatstreke van die wereld. Hierdie areas is ook bekend vir hulle ryk biodiversiteit. Veranderinge in die vuur frekwensie as gevolg van klimaatsverandering en veldbrande wat deur mense veroorsaak word, bedreig die plantdiversiteit van hierdie streke. Vorige veldbrandstudies het meestal gefokus op saailinge en daar bestaan ‘n groot leemte om regenerasie deur herspruiting beter te verstaan. Hierdie navorsingsprojek fokus op herspruiting van fynbos plante as ‘n oorlewingstrategie na ‘n veldbrand. Spesifiek word daar gekyk na verskille tussen verpligte (VH) en nie-verpligte (fakultatiewe) herspruiters (FH). VH spesies moet herspruit na vuur om hulle populasie stabiel te hou, aangesien hulle saad nie vuurbestand is nie. FH spesies het die vermoë om te herspruit sowel as saailinge te werf na ‘n brand. Die studie bevindinge dui op betekenisvolle verskille tussen hierdie twee lewensgeskiedenistipes en regverdig die groepering van houtagtige herspruiter spesies as VH of FH. VH het minimale mortaliteit getoon na die veldbrand. Bykans alle plante het vinnig en kragtig herspruit. VH besit ook eienskappe wat hulle in staat stel om die warm, droeë somers te oorleef. Die oorlewing van FH was wisselvallig, met mortaliteit as gevolg van direkte vuurskade en verdere mortaliteit gedurende die lang somermaande, moonlik as gevolg van water stress. ‘n Saailingstudie van VH, FH en ook nie-spruiters (NS) het getoon dat die saailing/volwasse verhoudings van NS ordes hoër is as die van FH. VH het geen saailinge direk na die vuur geproduseer nie. Twee jaar na die vuur was FH en NS saailing getalle steeds heelwat meer as die aantal volwasse plante wat dood is in die veldbrand. VH het hul populasie stabiliteit gehandhaaf deurdat alle volwasse plante suksesvol herspruit het. Hierdie bevindinge regverdig die verdeling van herspruitende fynbos spesies as VH of FH. Verdere studies is belangrik om die onderliggende ekofisiologiese verskille tussen die twee lewensgeskiedenistipes beter te verstaan. Die blompatrone van verskillende spesies is ook aangeteken tydens die tweejaar studieperiode. Bolplante, veral in die iris- (Iridaceae) en orgidee (Orchidaceae) families het oorheers gedurende die eerste jaar na die brand, aanduidend van ‘n vuur-gestimuleerde blompatroon. Sommige bolplante mag hul voorplantingssiklus beperk tot die periode direk na veldbrand, terwyl daar genoeg lig is en die grond verryk is met voedingsstowwe. Kleiner herspruitende struike het in die algemeen vroeër geblom as groter struike. Nieherspruitende struike het meestal nie seksuele volwassenheid bereik binne twee jaar na die veldbrand nie, buiten sommige in die ertjie- (Fabaceae) en asterfamilies (Asteraceae). Die studie het 71 nuwe spesies tot die bestaande Paarlberg spesielys gevoeg, waarvan agt rooidataspesies was, wat die waarde van plantopnames direk na ‘n veldbrand beklemtoon.

A life-skills intervention programme addressing the self-concept of Afrikaans-speaking youth offenders /

Wicomb, Priscilla Zenobia. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (MEd)--University of Stellenbosch, 2008. / Includes bibliographical references. Also available via the Internet.

Die verbreiding van die menslike woonplekke in die distrikte van die Perel en Wellington

Beyers, Maria Sara Magdalena January 1933 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 1933. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: no abstract available / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: geen opsomming

Die tradisionele wamakersbedryf in Suid-Afrika met spesifieke verwysing na die Paarl

Van der Merwe, Hennie 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 1983. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: no abstract available / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: geen opsomming

The involvement of faith based organizations with sexually abused adolescent females in the Paarl community

Thirion, Melanie 08 1900 (has links)
This research explores reasons why congregations in Paarl community are not involved, as faith based organizations (FBO's), with the support of female adolescent victims of sexual abuse. The researcher conducts a literature review concerning the developmental phase of adolescence and issues regarding sexuality that emerge from this phase. The researcher discusses the nature and effects of sexual abuse and statistics regarding this abuse. Different church leaderships' statements regarding the prevalence of sexual abuse are also viewed. Based on the literature study, empirical research is conducted to explore why congregations in Paarl are not involved as FBO's with the support of adolescent female victims of sexual abuse. The researcher uses basic individual interviews with several leaders of congregations in Paarl to gather the data needed. Lastly, the data is analyzed and discussed. Based on this discussion, the researcher offers some guidelines for congregations to become more involved as FBO's with adolescent female victims of sexual abuse. / Social Work / M.Diac.(Direction: Youth Work)

"Acts of disclosing" : an enthnographic investigation of HIV/AIDS disclosure grounded in the experiences of those living with HIV/AIDS accessing Paarl Hospice House seeking treatment

Le Roux, Rhonddie 10 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Paarl, in the Western Cape, has been identified as one of the 15 national sites where antiretroviral treatment (ARVs) would be made available to people living with HIV/AIDS. Paarl Hospice initiated a support group for people to deal with this disease in 2003. Since February 2004 Paarl Hospice has been recruiting people from the surrounding informal settlements for ARVs. By means of participant observation I explored how HIV/AIDS-related disclosure experiences unfolded in places, spaces and events associated with the support group in the context of factors enabling and preventing people from accessing Hospice House. I did this by considering the insights drawn from an anthropological approach. I found the meanings of disclosure in the majority of studies to be limited and restricted. Available studies approached disclosure in a top-down fashion by regarding the definition of disclosure as the announcement of HIV-positivity at the time of diagnosis only. These studies have not considered social differences relating to disclosure neither did they focus on the actual process of disclosure. By means of a constructivist approach to grounded theory I seek to broaden the definition of disclosure to account for the range of ways in which disclosure practices take place. I found that disclosure could not be separated from the situational context in which it occurs and that it can only be understood in relation to the circumstances and relationships in which it takes place. In this study, disclosure was an ongoing process, situated somewhere between active, public announcement of an HIV-status and complete secrecy and somewhere between voluntary and involuntary revealing of the disease. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Paarl in die Wes-Kaap is geïdentifiseer as een van die 15 nasionale areas waar antiretrovirale medikasie beskikbaar gestel sou word aan mense wat leef met MIV/VIGS. Paarl Hospice het gedurende 2003 ʼn ondersteuningsgroep geїnisieer om aan MIV/VIGS aandag te gee. Sedert Februarie 2004 is Paarl Hospice in die proses om mense te werf uit die omliggende informele behuisingsgebiede vir antiretrovirale behandeling. Met behulp van antropologiese insigte en deelnemende waarneming kon ek nagaan hoe verskillende maniere van MIV/VIGS-verwante bekendmaking ontvou in plekke, ruimtes en gebeurtenisse wat verband hou met die ondersteuningsgroep. MIV/VIGSverwante bekendmaking is ondersoek te midde van inhiberende en fasiliterende faktore wat mense verhoed of aanhelp om Paarl Hospice te besoek. Ek het bevind dat die definisie van bekendmaking in die meeste navorsing gebrekkig is. Beskikbare navorsing het bekendmaking volgens ‘n bo-na-onder-wyse benader as die openbare bekendmaking van ‘n MIV-status na afloop van diagnose alleenlik. Met behulp van ‘n konstruktiewe benadering van die begronde teorie het ek gepoog om die definisie van bekendmaking uit te bou om sodoende die verskeidenheid maniere waarop bekendmaking plaasvind te akkommodeer. Ek het vasgestel dat bekendmaking onlosmaakbaar deel is van die situasionele konteks waarin dit plaasvind en dat dit slegs begryp kan word in verband tot die verhoudings en omstandighede waarin dit plaasvind. In hierdie studie was bekendmaking ʼn voortdurende proses, gesitueer tussen aktiewe openbare bekendmaking en volledige geheimhouding van ʼn MIVstatus, asook tussen volkome vrywillige en onvrywillige bekendmaking van ʼn MIVstatus.

Die gesin se rol in die voorkoming van adolessente se middelemisbruik : 'n maatskaplikewerk-perspektief

Noble, Shimonay Eunice 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: During the researcher's work at the South African National Council for Alcohol and Drug Dependence (SANCA), based at the Paarl-office, it was obvious that adolescent substance abuse was growing into a huge governmental concern. During the first half of 2004 the average age of patients at drug rehabilitation centres who used crystal methamphetamine (streetname: "tik-tik") as their primary substance of abuse were between the ages of 15-19 years. Crystal methamphetamine is the latest drug that has taken the Western Cape by storm. It is obvious that the root of the problem is not being addressed since the number of adolescents abusing drugs seems to increase rather than decrease. The goal and aims of the study focuses on the factors contributing to adolescent substance abuse, parenting styles and -roles that contribute to adolescent substance abuse, and providing guidelines to social workers regarding the role of the family in the prevention of adolescent substance abuse. Adolescents have to deal with the new changes that occur, together with aspects such as, peer pressure, negative self-image, irresponsibility by the community and parents, poor parent-child relationships as well as socio-cultural variables that often lead tot substance abuse. Parents were found to be the role-models for their children and their parents' values, attitudes and behaviour regarding alcohol and/or drugs influence the values, attitudes and behaviour of their children. Therefore it seems that parents are primarily responsible for the prevention of adolescent substance abuse and the research study aims at providing facilitation skills on prevention strategies to social workers in order to successfully starting prevention of adolescent substance abuse. The quality of a family-system seems to have an important influence on adolescents in their growing up years, since adolescents experience a variety of changes and have to learn how to handle and accept these changes. During the literature study it was found that a negative family environment and negative experiences contribute to negative behaviour of adolescents, because the family is the primary unit where children learn their values, attitudes and processes that regulate their actions throughout their lives. A paradigm shift should be facilitated by social workers on maintaining healthy family relationships regarding the prevention of adolescent substance abuse. Supportive family-centred services therefore provide the best in adolescents' positive development, as well as identifying the most important needs of adolescents. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die navorser was gedurende die navorsingstudie as 'n maatskaplike werker by Die Suid Afrikaanse Nasionale Raad vir Alkohol en Dwelmafhanklikheid (SANRA) te Paarl aangestel. Na aanleiding van die werkslading kon die navorser tot die gevolgtrekking kom dat adolessente se middelemisbruik groot bekommernis vir die staat beteken. Gedurende die eerste helfte van 2004 was die gemiddelde ouderdom van pasiënte in dwelmrehabilitasiesentrums wie crystal methamphetime (straat naam: "tik-tik") as hul primêre middel van misbruik aangedui het, tussen die ouderdomme van 15-19 jaar. Na aanleiding van statistieke is dit duidelik dat die kern van die probleem nie aangespreek word nie, aangesien die hoeveelheid adolessente wie middele misbruik toeneem anders as om af te neem. Die doel en doelstellings van die studie fokus op die faktore wat bydra tot adolessente se middelemisbruik, ouerskapstyle en -rolle wat bydra tot adolessente se middelemisbruik, en die bied van riglyne aan maatskaplike werkers rakende die rol van die gesin tot die voorkoming van adolessente se middelemisbruik. Adolessente moet leer om die nuwe veranderinge in hullewens te hanteer, tesame met aspekte soos groepsdruk, negatiewe selfbeeld, onverantwoordelikheid deur die gemeenskap, swak ouer-kind verhoudings en sosio-kulturele veranderlikes wat telkens tot middelemisbruik bydra. Daar is gevind dat ouers die rolmodelle vir hul adolessente moet wees en dat ouerlike waardes, houdings en gedrag rakende alkohol en/of dwelms die waardes, houdings en gedrag van hul adolessente beïnvloed. Daarom blyk dit dat die primêre verantwoordelikheid op die ouers berus tot die voorkoming van adolessente se middelemisbruik en die navorsingstudie poog om die fasilitering van voorkomingstrategieë aan maatskaplike werkers te bied ten einde die voorkoming van adolessente se middiemisbruik aan te spreek. Die kwaliteit van die gesinsisteem het 'n belangrike invloed op adolessente in hul grootwordjare, aangesien adolessente 'n verskeidenheid veranderinge ervaar en moet leer hoe om die veranderinge te hanteer en te aanvaar. Gedurende die literatuurstudie is bevind dat 'n negatiewe gesinsomgewing en negatiewe ervarings bydra tot negatiewe gedrag van adolessente, omdat die gesin die primêre eenheid is waar adolessente hul waardes, houdings en prosesse aanleer wat hul aksies gedurende hullewens reguleer. 'n Paradigmaverskuiwing moet vervolgens deur maatskaplike werkers gefasiliteer word tot die handhawing van gesonde gesinsverhoudings ten opsigte van adolessente se middelemisbruik. Ondersteunende gesinsgesentreerde dienste bied vervolgens die beste opsie vir adolessente se positiewe ontwikkeling, sowel as om die mees belangrikste behoeftes van adolessente te identifiseer.

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