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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Problematika domácího násilí v souvislosti s působením zákona č. 135/2006 / The Issue of Domestic Violence in connection with the act (number ) 135/2006

STŘELCOVÁ, Hana January 2009 (has links)
Domestic violence has been an urgent problem also in the Czech Republic. The necessity to solve its complexity upon level of the state, not only through non governmental, non-profit-making institutions, is especially expressed by adopting Act No.135/2006 Collection of Laws, by which some acts in scope of domestic violence protection are amended. This Act allows the Police of the Czech Republic to banish an offender committing domestic violence from mutual residence for a period of 10 days and the Act has established a new social service the so called ``Intervention Centre{\crq}q, i.e. a specialized facility that provides help with people who are endangered by domestic violence. The objective was to find out the level of public awareness, knowledge of the Intervention Centres in the Moravia-Silesian and Pilsen Regions. Within the first year of that Act operating, there were the least banished offenders v. s. number of inhabitants, just in the Pilsen Region and there were the most ones in the Moravia-Silesian Region. The theoretical work part describes forms of violence in the family, historical relationship of violent actions with women, possibilities how to prevent them or advised help measures to victims of domestic violence. Further, it is focussed on a legislative solution of that problem area in the Czech Republic and some of European countries or the USA as well. The practical work part involves results of a quantity research that was aimed to discovery of public awareness of the Intervention Centres. The research was performed by method of questioning in a way of a questionnaire. The research was focussed on consciousness of general public relating to domestic violence, whether the research respondents have ever met that phenomenon or what is their opinion on information effectiveness of the problem area. The research demonstrated low awareness of the Intervention Centres of inhabitants in both regions. However, most respondents know what domestic violence is. Nearly one third of interviewees have got certain experience with domestic violence. Majority of respondents consider the information on the Intervention Centres and domestic violence as generally useful. This work may be used to increase public awareness of the Intervention Centres or on the other side to provide the Intervention Centres employees with general public{\crq}s reflection as to availability and activity of the Intervention Centres.

Muž jako oběť domácího násilí / Man as a victim of domestic violence

Hajná, Martina January 2017 (has links)
Dissertation focuses on men who became victims of domestic violence. Theoretical part is separated into four chapters. First chapter is talking about problem of domestic violence in general. Second chapter is focused especially on men as victims of domestic violence. Third chapter i stalking about social work and priciples how to help ad work with those victims of domestic violence. The last, fourth chapter is focused on how to help people who are threatened by domestic violence. Practical part of my dissertation is based on a qualitative research, which consists of semi- structured interviews. The aim of the empirical part is to introduced domestic violence, where the victims are men, show the concrete examples, describe the story of their life and current life situation, but also how the social workers see the probematics of domestic violence.

Trestněprávní a kriminologické aspekty domácího násilí / Criminal Law and Criminological Aspects of Domestic Violence

Králová, Nicola January 2016 (has links)
The topic of the thesis is "Criminal Law and Criminological Aspects of Domestic Violence". The phenomenon of domestic violence transpires through the whole society; it is a socially-wide issue which has been present for a long period of time. Initially, domestic violence was considered to be a private problem not to be intervened by the state. However, in last 30 years this attitude has changed and the interception of domestic violence gone through a significant transformation. The society started to recognize this issue as a subject of a public concern which requires also state intervention. The complexity of domestic violence requires interdisciplinary approach. The first part of the thesis provides definition and general description of domestic violence. It describes elements of domestic violence (such as privateness, recurrence, long-term, inequality of the involved parties, escalation, etc.), its kinds and forms, rules and specifics which differentiates domestic violence from other types of violent conduct. Further, it describes causes of domestic violence and theories of causes leading to its occurrence. The end of the first chapter deals with the role of gender in domestic violence. Criminological part of the thesis presents view on the perpetrators and victims of domestic violence and more...

Trest smrti jako odpověď na vzrůstající trend brutálního násilí / Death penalty as a response to the growing brutality of criminal offenses

Brühlová, Barbora January 2009 (has links)
The "Death penalty as a response to the growing brutality of criminal offenses" diploma thesis discusses the increasing trend of the violent and brutal criminality and the resolution possibilities of the situation. As the main goal of this thesis, the author deals with the idea whether returning the death penalty back into our justice system would be the right response to the increasing degree of brutality of violent criminals. In the theoretical part, the term "death penalty" is explained in general, as well as its history and use. Next the thesis acquaints us with the use of the death penalty on our territory in the past and its legislative question in our history. The next part of the theoretical part is a comparison of the several past years in the development of violent criminal offenses and their brutality in the Czech Republic. The empirical part of the thesis is focused on the research of the public opinion of the citizens of the Czech Republic and the USA regarding the degree of the increasing trend of brutal criminal offenses as well as their opinion on the use of the death penalty. The development of criminality in the USA is described here, as well as the use of the death penalty there. Another point is the evaluation of the situation of the use of the death penalty in the world. The...

Možnosti řešení domácího násilí z pohledu katolické církve / Alternatives of Home Violence Settling as seen by the Roman Catholic Church

Fraisová, Naděžda January 2012 (has links)
My dissertation Alternatives of Home Violence Settling deals with various alternatives of how the home violence problems can be settled. The introductory chapter goes through the professional interpretation of the home violence term as well as causes, forms and specific signs of this violence type, being followed by description of its consequences and the myths which have gained a foothold in the general public. The home violence is characterized as a long-term, repeated and escalating physical, mental, or sexual cruelty to persons living in the common household; it takes place between close persons, adult family members, or also life partners. The victims, being exposed to long-term violence, lost their self-confidence, however, their fear and confusion increase; they also suffer from a good many various symptoms as depression, shame, decline of general state of health, or increased suicidal behavior. Chapter two focuses on the characterization of the home violence victims and delinquests as well. As to the victims, these can be everybody, irrespective of their education, age, social position or economic situation - women, seniors and handicapped persons as well as men. The home violence occurs between adult partners, spouses, parents and their children, but also between young and aged persons. Chapter...

Terapie pro pachatele jako způsob zvýšení efektivity prevence domácího násilí na ženách v České republice / Batterer intervention programs as a way of increasing an effectiveness of prevention of domestic violence on women in the Czech Republic

Štýbrová, Martina January 2014 (has links)
Diploma thesis Batterer intervention programs as a way of increasing an effectiveness of prevention of domestic violence on women in the Czech Republic deals with the issue of domestic violence against women and its impact on the Czech state budget. On example of the impact of domestic violence on children as witnesses of this violence, I try to explain that through strengthening a prevention of domestic violence (public awareness, programs for children and therapeutic work with perpetrators) the economic impact could be reduce. The main aim of this study is to define all economic losses associated with domestic violence against women, describe how is domestic violence solved by government and whether this solution reflects the high risk of transmitting of violent patterns from parent to child. Aims of the study focuses on the economic losses associated with domestic violence against women dealing with domestic violence by the state and abroad reflection of good practice. Domestic violence is a serious social problem that we encounter in most cultures. It could happen in all socio-economic strata, regardless of age or race. According to international research (International against Women Survey, 2002 - 2003) we could conclude that 22 - 40 % of women had experienced during his life domestic. In...

Prvé poznatky s uplatňováním zákona č. 45/2013 Sb. o obětech trestných činů v praxi poskytovatelů pomoci / First experiences of Act No. 45/2013 about crime victims in practice of assistance providers

Kořínková, Ivana January 2015 (has links)
(in English): The aim of the work was to describe the experience of the providers of assistance to victims of crime with the use of the law in their practice. The experience and the views of the providers were obtained in the form of a questionnaire survey. As a source of data for addressing service has been utilized to view all registered entities providing their services to the victims of the crimes on the web site of the Ministry of justice. The work was focused on the practical application of selected provisions of act no. 45/2013 Coll. and from its results revealed that providers in your practice are finding that the provisions relating to particularly vulnerable victims, are defined too narrowly. Also the communication between the provider and the police is not yet ideally set.

Informovanost české veřejnosti o problematice domácího násilí / Awareness about domestic violence among the Czech community

Trochtová, Jana January 2011 (has links)
Title The awareness about domestic violence among the Czech community Author Jana Trochtová Abstract Presented diploma thesis had for the object the theoretical processing of development of the phenomenon of domestic violence in historical contexts, the identification of variety and classification of domestic violence, the specification of victim and perpetrator of domestic violence and of course the identification of the effects that domestic violence in the family or intimate relationship brings to the victim or the perpetrator. Theoretical part of the thesis deals with the structure of professional organizations in the Czech Republic, the possibilities of the prevention and especially with the therapy of the perpetrator as well. The practical part of this diploma thesis was focused on evaluation of awareness about domestic violence among the Czech community, whereas the main output was the analysis of Czech community's readiness for perpetrator's therapeutic programs and the expression of its own preferences for improving the awareness of discussed issue. The method of questionnaire research was used for data collection. The diploma thesis is supplemented by information obtained from professionals working in specific organization helping people affected by domestic violence.

Sexuální zneužívání dětí / Child Sexual Abuse

DUDLÍČKOVÁ, Vendula January 2008 (has links)
My thesis deals with the problems of sexual abuse of children. It is divided into nine chapters, each of which has a subhead. In the first part, I focused on the term of child sexual abuse. In the second part, I focused on the problem of sexual abuse of children by family members. In the third part, I explained the term of commercial sexual violence committed against children. In the fourth part, I focused on the victims of sexual abuse and in the following part, I focused on the perpetrators. In the sixth part, I described the consequences of the abuse and in the seventh part, I described the therapy. I put a stress on the eighth part which deals with the sexual abuse prevention. The thesis ends with the ninth chapter where I described the moral crimes.

Psychologické souvislosti motivace ke změně odsouzených mužů v rámci resocializačního programu "Získej zaměstnání" / Psychological context of motivation for change in convicts under the "Get a job" resocialization program

Šípová, Emilie January 2016 (has links)
The dissertation thesis is focused on exploring the psychological context of motivation for change in adult convicted men who participated in and completed the motivational resocialization program named "Get a job". In the first part, selected theoretical knowledge is presented. Introductory chapters (Ch. 1-3) deal with the issue of social control, context of motivation for change in the offender as well as the motivational factors in the penitentiary environment. Subsequently, a system of probation and rehabilitation programs in the Czech Republic and risk factors affecting the process of prison rehabilitation are described. The next two chapters (Ch. 4-5) capture the development of view of penitentiary intervention, provide an overview of therapeutic approaches in rehabilitation, and contain a discussion of the possibilities of verifying the effectiveness of rehabilitation programs. The second part focuses on the description of the "Get a job" rehabilitation program. Here, basic information on the implementation of the program (Ch. 6) is presented together with individual topics including the content, tutoring work specifics and examples of specific work done by prisoners (Ch. 7). The third part includes an empirical investigation and presentation of the obtained results. The introductory...

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