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Charakteristiky kriminální kariéry a osobnosti recidivního pachatele násilné trestné činnnosti / Characteritic of the criminal career and chronic offender of a violent crimePopelková, Alena January 2012 (has links)
The diploma thesis Characteristics of the criminal career and chronic offender of a violent crime is divided into two parts: theoretical and empirical part. The theoretical part deals with risk factors that can lead to criminal career, psychological characteristics of chronic offenders and offenders of violent crime. Finally, theoretical part mentioned the concept of criminal careers with basic elements: participation, frequency, duration, starts a criminal career, the interval between of the offenses, the remaining length and finishing of the criminal career, specialization or universality, severity and escalation, accomplice to criminal career. The theoretical part also summarizes the basic statistics on the crime of chronic offender. The empirical part is the quantitative retrospective study of the forensic expertises in the field of clinical psychology. The main task of the thesis focused on the assessment of escalation - increased severity of crimes during individual criminal career of the chronic offender of violent crime. The basic hypothesis is: The length of the first and last imprisonment sentence is not differing. In terms of qualitative description of escalation of violent crime, I examined the first and last type of aggression, the first and last degree of violence and the first and...
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Kriminální recidiva / Criminal recidivismVejběrová, Andrea January 2011 (has links)
The submitted work, as follows from its title, is concerned with criminal recidivism, in the first part primarily from a criminological perspective, while the second part of the work then deals particularly with the perspective of criminal law. As there has been a tendency to neglect recidivism in the professional literature in recent years, this work attempts to provide an overall summary of the subject of criminal recidivism while endeavouring to mention the most important aspects that are closely related to recidivism. Consequently, the introductory part of the work is devoted to a general delimitation of criminal recidivism and its various forms. The work attempts to make a basic excursion into this subject area while simultaneously endeavouring to evaluate the effectiveness of the commonest approaches employed in connection with criminal recidivism, primarily in relation to the current legislation in this country and abroad. In the context of foreign legislation and especially of the application of life sentences in the most serious cases of recidivism in some countries (including the former legislation in the Czech Republic) as obligatory punishment, considerable space is devoted here to the "three strikes law", which is applied primarily in the U.S.A. and, recently, also by our Slovak...
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Nepřímé pachatelství / Indirect PerpetrationHaasová, Zuzana January 2019 (has links)
Indirect perpetration Abstract This diploma thesis deals with the institute of indirect perpetration. First it mentions its historical development, since the acceptance of indirect perpetration was inconsistent in earlier times. Now the principle of accessory criminal liability of the participant applies in our country, and the participant can be criminally liable only if the perpetrator is criminally liable. Back then the opposite principle was applied, namely the principle of independence of the participation. Indirect perpetration was not necessary and was only accepted by such authors who recognized it as another specific form of perpetration. Participation, especially instigation and organization, is very close to indirect perpetration. The indirect perpetrator or a participant, do not fulfil the elements of the offence by their own activity, but they contribute significantly to it. The major difference between them is what person they are instigating. If the person is fully criminally liable and commits the offence intentionally, it is participation, if not, it is indirect perpetration. An indirect perpetrator must be aware that he uses a person that is not criminally liable or at least not criminally liable for specific offence. In addition, he must have the intention to commit his offence through...
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Pachatel trestné činnosti v ekonomiceBerdichová, Karolína January 2007 (has links)
Práce se zabývá vývojem počtu pachatelů obecně, pachateli z řad mladistvých, cizinců a policistů. U pachatelů mladistvých, cizinců a policistů je věnována pozornost specifikům kriminality těchto skupin. Pojednáno je o problematice mezinárodního srovnání pachatelů a o kriminogenetických teoriích, které vysvětlují, proč se pachatelé dopouštějí trestné činnosti. Důraz je kladen na biologické, psychologické a sociální kriminogenetické teorie.
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Problematika domácího násilí a informovanost studentů Jihočeské univerzity v Českých Budějovicích / The issue of domestic violence and awareness of students of the University of South Bohemia in the Czech BudejoviceDIVOKÁ, Iva January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on a domestic violence. This topic was chosen to find out wether or not the students of the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences and Faculty of Economics at the University of South Bohemia have the appropriate knowledge about this topic. The thesis consists of the theoretical and the practical parts. In the theoretical part, we can find a comprehensive overview of the issue of domestic violence. It is focused on the different forms of violence, the personality of the offender and the victim. One chapter is dedicated to organizations that provide help to victims of domestic violence. There is also given a recommendation on prevention, which helps to avoid many things. In the research part, my goal is to find out the differences in recieved information about the issue of domestic violence from the students of the aforementioned faculties. Two hypotheses related to the goal of the thesis were chosen. In the first one, it is believed that the students of the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences of the University of South Bohemia have more information about domestic violence than the students of the Faculty of Economics of South Bohemia University. In the second one, it is assumed that the students of the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences know the organizations that the victims of domestic violence can turn to, the students of the Faculty of Economics do not know these organizations. Based on the statistical evaluation via chi quadrate test, I managed to confirm both hypotheses. In conclusion, it is clear from the results that the students of the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences have extensive knowledge about this issue. Students of the Faculty of Economics have heard about domestic violence, but greater knowledge about the issue has not been proven. They responded quite differently to various types of questions compared to health and socially oriented students. My work could serve students from different faculties to obtain more professional information about domestic violence issues. At the same time it could be used as a suitable source of information for clients of intervention centers, but also for the general public.
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The thesis describes the issue of transgenerational transmission of violence in families. The thesis is divided in into theoretical and research parts. The theoretical part describes the current state of the issue. The thesis contains several chapters focusing on a general description of violence, its causes and types. I also briefly described victims and perpetrators of domestic violence. The key chapter of the thesis deals with the transgenerational transmission of violence in families, in which I attempted to analyze the topic in detail by using opinions of several prominent authors. In the research part I set my objectives and formulated two hypotheses. The research was conducted among the general public and the respondents were selected at random. The respondents were represented evenly in terms of sex; they had different educational backgrounds and socioeconomic status. The objective of the thesis was to determine to what extent the childrearing models in families are transmitted from one generation to another and to specify which factors affect childrearing patterns. The results of the research part were described and shown in form of diagrams. The results have shown that violence is indeed transferred from one generation to another. The research has shown that most of the respondents do not agree with a childrearing method with a total absence of physical punishment. On the contrary, most of the respondents believed they were able to avoid mental punishment. It has been confirmed that a low socioeconomic status does not affect childrearing patterns. Nowadays the issue is discussed very openly and it is no more viewed as a taboo. However, the related information needs to be presented continually, including new discoveries and findings which might lead to an improvement of the situation. It is necessary to keep advertizing assistance and prevention in this area. Legislative changes are critical in the struggle against violence. A significant contribution to the solution could be the education about the issue as a natural part of curriculums for the helping professions.
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Institut organizované zločinecké skupiny v kontextu trestního zákoníku a judikatury / The institution of an organised criminal group in conjunction with the Penal Code and case lawKohút, Pavel January 2016 (has links)
The institution of an organised criminal group in conjunction with the Penal Code and case law The submitted diploma thesis concerns the institution of an organised criminal group in terms of effective legal regulation, and suggests legal solutions for the future. To meet the objectives of this thesis, it was necessary to study available legal regulations, case law, specialised literature and documents of international law. At the beginning of this thesis, it was necessary to distinguish the term of an organised criminal group from other two similar terms included in this thesis, namely the term of organised crime and the term of an organised group. This distinction was essential because all of these terms were further used in the thesis. The second chapter is dedicated to historical context of legislation regarding the organised criminal group. It was especially documents of two international organisations, the UN and the EU, which had considerable influence on the legislation in the Czech Republic. One subchapter also deals with the development in the Czech Republic itself. In the third chapter, there is a research of the institution of an organised criminal group in terms of effective legal regulation. The research was aimed at following terms: a) organised criminal group according to section 129...
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Reaktivita a tolerance k frustraci z pohledu psychologie u odsouzených pachatelů trestné činnosti / Reactivity and tolerence to frustration from the perspective of psychology for convicted criminal offendersOkrouhlická, Kateřina January 2015 (has links)
The thesis deals with reactivity in response to a frustrating situation for convicted offenders. The main issue in the theoretical element is reactivity; or rather the behaviour and manifestation of reactions in the moment when an individual gets into stressful situations, is impeded or blocked in achieving their target. The definition of frustration is an equally important area, which, in the thesis is initially described from the perspective of classic theorists, and then the various ways how we examine and diagnose frustration. The last and equally important chapter consists of the offender's personality, which is defined in the context of the aforementioned frustration and reactivity. The aim of the empirical component is to obtain quantitative data on the most frequent reactions among criminal offenders in the moment before they face the obstacle that is blocking their achievement of goals or satisfaction. The research sample was composed of 69 convicted criminal offenders from remand prisons Pankrác, Hradec Kralové and prison Plzeň. The Picture Rosenzweig frustration method was used to examine the reactivity as a result of frustration. Four hypothesis was determined and only one hypothesis was confirmed. Extragression, outside oriented response, is the most frequently response in comparison...
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Kriminologické aspekty kriminální recidivy / Criminological aspects of crime recidivismLelková, Helena January 2015 (has links)
Criminological aspects of criminal recidivism The topic of this thesis are the criminological aspects of criminal recidivism and goal is to present a complete outline of some of the basic ideas related to the concept of criminal recidivism and to introduce the reader to its selected criminological aspects. This thesis is divided into four chapters. The introductory chapter is focused on the concept of criminal recidivism itself, and similarly defines the various concepts with emphasis on the legal aspects. The basis of this chapter is the effort to achieve a more detailed description of the various forms in the Penal Code of 1961 and also in modifying de lege lata. The second chapter deals with personality of recidivist offender from the perspective of selected typologies and two fundamental questions are considered, namely whether and how recidivist offender differs from non-recidivist offender and whether the offender is commonly distinguished from individuals who are respecting the law. Third chapter focuses on the concept of criminal careers with an emphasis on the personal typology of the offender in terms of the intensity of criminal behavior. Furthermore there are presented selected criminological theories influenced by the paradigm of a criminal career. In the final chapter of the thesis is...
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Manipulace s účetnictvím v judikátech / Manipulation of accounting in case lawČerná, Irena January 2010 (has links)
Diploma thesis is focused on styles, methods and impacts of fraudulent accounting. There is used case -- low of Czech courts because of interpretation and better understanding. The first part of the work attends to basic legal context and Czech economic criminality overview. The main part of thesis introduces crimes, which relate to fraudulent accounting and offenders, who commit these crimes. The end of the thesis deals with analysis of responsibility of particular persons, who are involved in fraudulent accounting.
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