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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Improved nuclear predictions of relevance to the r-process of nucleosynthesis

Samyn, Mathieu 22 January 2004 (has links)
Doctorat en sciences, Spécialisation physique / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Improved Nuclear Predictions of Relevance to the R-Process of Nucleosynthesis

Samyn, Mathieu 22 January 2004 (has links)
The rapid neutron-capture process, known as the r-process, is responsible for the origin of about half the stable nuclei heavier than iron observed in nature. Though the r-process is believed to take place in explosive stellar environments and to involve a large number (few thousands) of exotic nuclei, this nucleosynthesis process remains poorly understood from the astrophysics as well as nuclear physics points of view. On the nuclear physics side, the nuclei are too exotic to be studied in the laboratory, even though great efforts are constantly made to extend the experimental limits away from the eta-$stability region. Therefore, theoretical models are indispensable to estimate the nuclear properties of interest in the r-process nucleosynthesis modelling. So far, models used to predict the properties of the exotic nuclei were based on parametrized macroscopic-type approaches the reliability of which is questionable when extrapolating far away from the experimentally known region. This work is devoted to the improvement of nuclear predictions, such as the nuclear ground- and excited-state properties, needed as input data to model the r-process. In order to give the predictions a reliable character, we rely on the microscopic mean-field Hartree-Fock theory based on the Skyrme-type interaction. Pairing correlations play an important role in the description of nuclei, and become essential for nuclei located near the drip lines, since the scattering of pairs of quasi-particles into the continuum increases significantly. In this work, we brought to the Hartree-Fock model the self-consistent treatment of the pairing correlations within the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (HFB) theory. Further improvements are made in the restoration of symmetries broken by correlations added in the form of additional degrees of freedom in the wave function. These include the translational invariance restored by calculating the recoil energy, the particle-number symmetry by an exact projection after variation, the rotational symmetry by an approximate cranking correction and the parity symmetry for reflection asymmetric shapes. In addition, the renormalization of the HFB equations has been studied as well and allows to eliminate the dependence of the total energy with respect to the cutoff energy. The effective nucleon-nucleon interaction is determined by adjusting its parameters on all available experimental masses, with some constraints derived from fundamental nuclear matter properties. A systematic study of the influence on mass predictions for each of the above cited improvements as well as of some uncertainties affecting the particle-hole and particle-particle interactions has been conducted. In spite of quite important differences in the input physics, we find a great stability in the mass predictions for exotic neutron-rich nuclei, though local mass differences can be significant. Each of the Skyrme force derived in the present work has been tested on the predictions of basic ground-state properties (including charge radii, quadrupole moments, single-particle levels), fission barriers and electric dipole $gamma-$ray strengths. The HFB predictions globally reproduce experimental data with a level of accuracy comparable with the widely-used droplet-like models. The microscopic character of the approach followed in the present work makes however the predictions for exotic neutron-rich nuclei involved in the r-process more reliable. The influence of such improved nuclear mass predictions on the r-process abundance distribution is studied in the specific scenario of the prompt supernova explosion mechanism.

Etude microscopique de systèmes fermioniques finis : corrélations dans les noyaux atomiques et gaz d'électrons confinés par un potentiel harmonique en présence d'un champ magnétique

Naïdja, Houda 09 January 2009 (has links)
Dans le cadre d'une approche Higher Tamm Dancoff Approximation notée HTDA, nous avons étudié les corrélations vibrationnelles de type quadrupole, avec et sans appariement. Le champ moyen a été déterminé dans le cadre d'une approche microscopique utilisant l'interaction effective de Skyrme. Une interaction résiduelle schématique de type delta plus quadrupole-quadrupole, tenant compte en particulier de l'appariement neutron-proton T=0 et T=1 a été utilisé. Les résultats obtenus pour la résonance géante quadrupolaire isoscalaire du noyau Ca40 ont été comparés aux données expérimentales et à d'autres résultats théoriques. Nous avons également étudié un gaz de fermions piégés dans un potentiel d'oscillateur harmonique à 2D, et à température nulle, en présence d'un champ magnétique uniforme. Les expressions exactes des quelques grandeurs thermodynamiques ont été dérivées à partir de la matrice densité de Bloch. / Within the framework of the so-called Higher Tamm Dancoff Approxiamtion (HTDA), we have studied the quadrupole vibrational correlations with and without pairing correlations. The mean field has been determined within a microscopic approach using the Skyrme effective interaction. A schematic residual interaction of the delta plus quadrupole-quadrupole type, allowing in particular neutron-proton T=0 and T=1 pairing, has been used. The results which have been obtained for the isoscalar quadrupole giant resonance of the Ca40 have been compared with the experimental data. A fermion gaz trapped in a 2D harmonic oscillator well at zero temperature and in the presence of a uniform magnetic field has been investigated. Exact expressions of some thermodynamic quantities have been derived from the Bloch density matrix.

"Proposta de esquemas de criptografia e de assinatura sob modelo de criptografia de chave pública sem certificado" / "Proposal for encryption and signature schemes under certificateless public key cryptography model"

Goya, Denise Hideko 28 June 2006 (has links)
Sob o modelo de criptografia de chave pública baseada em identidades (ID-PKC), a própria identidade dos usuários é usada como chave pública, de modo a dispensar a necessidade de uma infra-estrutura de chaves públicas (ICP), na qual o gerenciamento de certificados digitais é complexo. Por outro lado, sistemas nesse modelo requerem uma entidade capaz de gerar chaves secretas. Essa entidade é conhecida por PKG (Private Key Generator); ela possui uma chave-mestra e mantém custódia das chaves secretas geradas a partir dessa chave-mestra. Naturalmente, a custódia de chaves é indesejável em muitas aplicações. O conceito de Criptografia de Chave Pública sem Certificado, ou Certificateless Public Key Cryptography (CL-PKC), foi proposto para que a custódia de chaves fosse eliminada, mantendo, porém, as características de interesse: a não necessidade de uma ICP e a eliminação de certificados digitais. CL-PKC deixa de ser um sistema baseado em identidades, pois é introduzida uma chave pública, gerada a partir de uma informação secreta do usuário. Nesta dissertação, apresentamos a construção de dois esquemas, um CL-PKE e um CL-PKS, baseados em emparelhamentos bilineares sobre curvas elípticas. Ambas propostas: (1) eliminam custódia de chaves; (2) dispensam certificados digitais; (3) são mais eficientes, sob certos aspectos, que esquemas anteriormente publicados; (4) e são seguros contra ataques adaptativos de texto cifrado escolhido (em CL-PKE) e contra ataques adaptativos de mensagem escolhida (em CL-PKS), sob o modelo de oráculos aleatórios. / Under the model of Identity Based Cryptography (ID-PKC), the public key can be the user's identity, therefore it does not require a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) with its complex management of Digital Certificates. On the other hand, this system requires a Private Key Generator (PKG), a trusted authority who is in possession of a master key and can generate any of the private keys. In this way, PKG can exercise the so-called key escrow, which is undesirable in many applications. The concept of Certificateless Public Key Cryptography (CL-PKC) was proposed in order to remove the key escrow characteristic of IBC, while it does not require PKI neither Digital Certificates to certify the public keys. CL-PKC is no more an IBC because public keys are introduced, to bind the identities with its secret keys. In this thesis we construct two schemes, one CL-PKE and one CL-PKS, based on bilinear pairing functions which: (1) does not allow key escrow by the PKG; (2) does not require Digital Certificates; (3) is more efficient, in some aspects, than previously published CL-PKE and CL-PKS schemes; (4) and is secure in the sense that it is strong against adaptive chosen ciphertext attacks (in CL-PKE) and adaptive chosen message attacks (in CL-PKS), under Random Oracle Model.

Autenticação e comunicação segura em dispositivos móveis de poder computacional restrito / Authentication and secure communication in mobile devices with restricted computational power

Araujo, Rafael Will Macedo de 31 October 2013 (has links)
Protocolos de autenticação e de estabelecimento de chaves são peças fundamentais em implementações de segurança para comunicação de dispositivos eletrônicos. Em aplicações que envolvam dispositivos com poder computacional restrito (tais como smartphones ou tablets) comunicando-se com um servidor, é primordial a escolha de protocolos eficientes e que necessitem de uma infraestrutura mais simples. Neste trabalho selecionamos e implementamos protocolos de acordo de chave seguros nos modelos de criptografia de chave pública baseado em identidade (ID-based) e sem certificado (Certificateless) em plataformas com processadores ARM. Comparamos tempos de execução, utilização de memória e uso do canal de comunicação. / Protocols for authentication and key establishment are fundamental parts in security implementations for electronic devices communication. In applications involving devices with limited computational power (such as smartphones and tablets) communicating with a server, the choice of efficient protocols that require a simpler infrastructure is essential. In this work we select and implement secure key agreement protocols in ID-based and Certificateless public key cryptography models on ARM processor platforms. We also compare running times, memory and network usage.

Mélange d’isospin et désintégration Beta

Le Bloas, Julien 19 September 2011 (has links)
Dans ce travail, nous nous sommes intéressés à la brisure de la symétrie d'isospin dans les noyaux N≈Z et à son effet sur l'élément de matrice de transitions β de Fermi super-permises 0+ ➝ 0+ dans le cas de la décroissance β+ du Mn50.Dans le cadre de l'approche microscopique Highly Truncated Diagonalization Approach (HTDA), dédiée à la description des corrélations au-delà du champ moyen et conservant explicitement de nombre de particules, nous avons étudié (en particulier) le rôle joué par les corrélations d'appariement dans les mécanismes de brisure de la symétrie d'isospin dans l'état fondamental de noyaux N≈Z. Une étude de sensibilité du degré de cette brisure, en fonction de l'intensité de l'interaction résiduelle décrivant l'appariement dans HTDA, a été menée et une interprétation des mécanismes recherchés a été proposée à l'aide d'une approximation développée dans ce travail. Cette étude a mis évidence toute la complexité d'un bon traitement de la symétrie d'isospin, tant au niveau de la description de la source de brisure qu'au niveau de la limitation des biais du modèle. Nous avons également montré la nécessité d'une description très fine des fonctions d'onde corrélées dans un tel problème. Plus précisément, nous avons obtenu une valeur de la correction δc de mélange d'isospin à l'élément de matrice de transition de Fermi de (0.2±0.1)%. Cette valeur a été confrontée à celles obtenues dans d'autres approches. Compte tenu des effets négligés dans notre travail, notre valeur de δc est supposée représenter une borne minimum. / In this work, we are interested in the breaking of the isospin symmetry in the N≈Z nuclei and in its effect on the matrix element of super-allowed 0+ ➝ 0+ Fermi β transitions in the case of the β+ decay of the Mn50. Within the framework of the Highly Truncated Diagonalization microscopic Approach, dedicated to the descritption of correlations beyond the mean field and conserving explicitely the particle number, we have studied (in particular) the role played by pairing correlations in the breaking mechanisms of this symmetry in the ground state of N≈Z nuclei. A sensitivity study of the isospin mixing, as a function of the strength of the residual interaction decribing the pairing correlations in HTDA, has been carried out and an interpretation of the mechanims at work has been proposed in terms of an approximation developped in this work. This study has pointed out the complexity of a good treatment of the isospin symmetry, in the description of the breaking sources as well as in the reduction of model biases. We have also paid attention to the necessity of a very fine description of the correlated wave functions in such a problem. More precisely, we have obtained a value for the isospin mixing correction δc to the Fermi transition matrix element of (0.2±0.1)%. This value has been compared to those obtained in other approaches. Taking account of the neglected effects in our work, our value of δc is expected to be a lower bound.

Penning-trap mass measurements of exotic rubidium and gold isotopes for a mean-field study of pairing and quadrupole correlations / Mesures de masse d’isotopes exotiques de rubidium et d’or avec un piège de Penning, pour une étude de champ moyen des corrélations d’appariement et quadrupolaires

Manea, Vladimir 29 September 2014 (has links)
Les noyaux les plus complexes sont situés entre les nombres magiques et les médianes des espaces de valence, dans des régions connues pour les changements abrupts des observables nucléaires. Dans ces régions appelées de transition de forme, le paradigme nucléaire change entre la goutte liquide vibrationnelle et le rotor statique. Sauf quelques exceptions, les noyaux de ces régions sont radioactifs, avec des demi-vies qui chutent dans les millisecondes. Complémentaires aux propriétés des états excités à basse énergie, les énergies de liaison et les rayons de charge nucléaires sont parmi les observables les plus sensibles à ces changements de structure nucléaire. Dans ce travail, une étude du phénomène de transition de forme est effectuée, par des mesures de nucléides radioactifs produits dans le laboratoire ISOLDE au CERN. Les masses des isotopes de rubidium riches en neutrons 98-100Rb et des isotopes d’or riches en protons 180,185,188,190,191Au sont mesurées avec le spectromètre de masse de type Penning ISOLTRAP. La masse de 100Rb est déterminée pour la première fois. Des déviations significatives par rapport à la littérature sont trouvées pour les isotopes 188,190Au. Une nouvelle méthode expérimentale est présentée, utilisant un spectromètre de masse à multi-réflexion comme analyseur de faisceau pour la spectroscopie laser d’ionisation résonante. La nouvelle méthode donne la possibilité d’effectuer des études de structure hyperfine atomique avec ISOLTRAP, dont on peut extraire les rayons de charge et les moments électromagnétiques nucléaires. / The most complex nuclei are situated between the magic and the mid-shell ones, in regions known for sudden changes of the trends of nuclear observables. These are the so-called shape-transition regions, where the nuclear paradigm changes from the vibrational liquid drop to the static rotor. With few exceptions, nuclei in these regions are radioactive, with half-lives dropping into the millisecond range.Complementing the information obtained from the low-lying excitation spectrum, nuclear binding energies and mean-square charge radii are among the observables most sensitive to these changes of nuclear structure. In the present work, a study of the shape-transition phenomenon is performed by measurements of radioactive nuclides produced by the ISOLDE facility at CERN. The masses of the neutron-rich rubidium isotopes 98−100Rb and of the neutron-deficient gold isotopes 180,185,188,190,191Au are determined using the Penning-trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP. The mass of 100Rb is determined for the first time. Significant deviations from the literature values are found for the isotopes 188,190Au. A new experimental method is presented, using a recently developed multi-reflection time-of-flight mass spectrometer as a beam-analysis tool for resonance-ionization laser spectroscopy. The new method opens the path to measurements of atomic hyperfine spectra with ISOLTRAP, from which charge radii and electromagnetic moments of radioactive nuclides can be extracted. The properties of the studied nuclides map the borders of two prominent regions of quadrupole deformation, which constrain the fine balance between pairing and quadrupole correlations in the nuclear ground states. This balance is studied by the Hartree-Fock- Bogoliubov (HFB) approach. The sensitivity of the shape-transition phenomenon to the strength of pairing correlations is demonstrated. In particular, the strong odd-even staggering of charge radii in the mercury isotopic chain is shown to result in the HFB approach from the fine interplay between pairing, quadrupole correlations and quasi-particle blocking.

"Proposta de esquemas de criptografia e de assinatura sob modelo de criptografia de chave pública sem certificado" / "Proposal for encryption and signature schemes under certificateless public key cryptography model"

Denise Hideko Goya 28 June 2006 (has links)
Sob o modelo de criptografia de chave pública baseada em identidades (ID-PKC), a própria identidade dos usuários é usada como chave pública, de modo a dispensar a necessidade de uma infra-estrutura de chaves públicas (ICP), na qual o gerenciamento de certificados digitais é complexo. Por outro lado, sistemas nesse modelo requerem uma entidade capaz de gerar chaves secretas. Essa entidade é conhecida por PKG (Private Key Generator); ela possui uma chave-mestra e mantém custódia das chaves secretas geradas a partir dessa chave-mestra. Naturalmente, a custódia de chaves é indesejável em muitas aplicações. O conceito de Criptografia de Chave Pública sem Certificado, ou Certificateless Public Key Cryptography (CL-PKC), foi proposto para que a custódia de chaves fosse eliminada, mantendo, porém, as características de interesse: a não necessidade de uma ICP e a eliminação de certificados digitais. CL-PKC deixa de ser um sistema baseado em identidades, pois é introduzida uma chave pública, gerada a partir de uma informação secreta do usuário. Nesta dissertação, apresentamos a construção de dois esquemas, um CL-PKE e um CL-PKS, baseados em emparelhamentos bilineares sobre curvas elípticas. Ambas propostas: (1) eliminam custódia de chaves; (2) dispensam certificados digitais; (3) são mais eficientes, sob certos aspectos, que esquemas anteriormente publicados; (4) e são seguros contra ataques adaptativos de texto cifrado escolhido (em CL-PKE) e contra ataques adaptativos de mensagem escolhida (em CL-PKS), sob o modelo de oráculos aleatórios. / Under the model of Identity Based Cryptography (ID-PKC), the public key can be the user's identity, therefore it does not require a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) with its complex management of Digital Certificates. On the other hand, this system requires a Private Key Generator (PKG), a trusted authority who is in possession of a master key and can generate any of the private keys. In this way, PKG can exercise the so-called key escrow, which is undesirable in many applications. The concept of Certificateless Public Key Cryptography (CL-PKC) was proposed in order to remove the key escrow characteristic of IBC, while it does not require PKI neither Digital Certificates to certify the public keys. CL-PKC is no more an IBC because public keys are introduced, to bind the identities with its secret keys. In this thesis we construct two schemes, one CL-PKE and one CL-PKS, based on bilinear pairing functions which: (1) does not allow key escrow by the PKG; (2) does not require Digital Certificates; (3) is more efficient, in some aspects, than previously published CL-PKE and CL-PKS schemes; (4) and is secure in the sense that it is strong against adaptive chosen ciphertext attacks (in CL-PKE) and adaptive chosen message attacks (in CL-PKS), under Random Oracle Model.

可訊息回復之免憑證簽章機制之研究 / Certificateless signatures with message recovery

詹省三, Chan, Sheng San Unknown Date (has links)
在傳統的簽章機制中,我們需要一個具有公信力的第三方 (Trusted Third Party, TTP) 來核發數位憑證,以驗證公開金鑰確實屬於簽章者所擁有,為了減少TTP的負擔,於是就有學者提出了免憑證簽章 (Certificateless Signature) 機制。另一方面,具有訊息回復 (Message Recovery) 功能的數位簽章是指原始訊息不需要與簽章一起傳送給接收者以簡化訊息及簽章在傳送時的長度。 本論文中我們提出了一個具有訊息回復功能的免憑證簽章機制,和一般簽章方式相比,我們的方法不僅具有免憑證簽章的優點,訊息回復功能也減少了訊息和簽章的總長度,提昇了訊息的傳送效率 (Communication Cost),在效能方面也有不錯的表現,因此非常適用於以頻寬為主要考量的公司組織以及對短訊息作簽章的應用,最後我們也有對我們的簽章方法做完整的安全性證明。 / In traditional digital signature systems, a trusted third party (TTP) is required in order to issue a digital certificate. The certificate is to assure that the public key actually belongs to the person of the signature. In order to reduce the burden of TTP, some scholars proposed the Certificateless Signatures. On the other hand, a digital signature with message recovery is a signature that the message itself is not required to be transmitted together with the signature. It has the advantage of small data size of communication. In this paper, a certificateless signature with message recovery is proposed. It inherits both the advantages of certificateless signatures and signatures providing message recovery. The performance of our scheme is compared with other schemes which shows that our scheme is quite efficient and the security of the scheme is finally proved in the random oracle model.

Etude microscopique de systèmes fermioniques finis : corrélations dans les noyaux atomiques et gaz d'électrons confinés par un potentiel harmonique en présence d'un champ magnétique

Naidja, Houda 09 January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Dans le cadre d'une approche Higher Tamm Dancoff Approximation notée HTDA, nous avons étudié les corrélations vibrationnelles de type quadrupole, avec et sans appariement. Le champ moyen a été déterminé dans le cadre d'une approche microscopique utilisant l'interaction effective de Skyrme. Une interaction résiduelle schématique de type delta plus quadrupole-quadrupole, tenant compte en particulier de l'appariement neutron-proton T=0 et T=1 a été utilisé. Les résultats obtenus pour la résonance géante quadrupolaire isoscalaire du noyau Ca40 ont été comparés aux données expérimentales et à d'autres résultats théoriques. Nous avons également étudié un gaz de fermions piégés dans un potentiel d'oscillateur harmonique à 2D, et à température nulle, en présence d'un champ magnétique uniforme. Les expressions exactes des quelques grandeurs thermodynamiques ont été dérivées à partir de la matrice densité de Bloch.

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