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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Etude des phenomenes critiques a l'aide des theories des champs conformes: des systemes desordonnes aux theories parafermioniques

Santachiara, Raoul 20 November 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Nous avons d'abord considere un modele theorique,<br />appele modele WD3, ou les effets du desordre sont non<br />triviaux mais peuvent etre determines analytiquement. En<br />utilisant un calcul de groupe de renormalisation, nous<br />avons determine la limite infrarouge du modele<br /> desordonne et etudie le probleme annexe de N modeles couples.<br />Puis nous avons construit les representations<br /> d'une classe d' algebres de type parafermionique.<br />L'hypothese la plus naturelle<br /> est que les theories correspondantes sont associees aux points multi-critiques<br /> auto duaux des systemes de spins avec symetrie Z_N.

Majorana Fermions and Parafermions in Hybrid Superconductor/Semiconductor Systems

Jingcheng Liang (5929967) 17 January 2019 (has links)
<div>The quantum phase transitions and exotic excitations are exciting and important topics of nowadays condensed matter theory. Topologically protected excitations are of great interest for potential applications in quantum computing. This Thesis explores two examples of exotic topologically protected excitations, Majorana fermions and parafermions in hybrid superconductor/semiconductor systems.</div><div><br></div><div>In the first part of the thesis, after a brief review of ideas on Majorana zero modes in solid state systems obtained by researchers over the past decade, I present our study of the emergence of Majorana fermions in charge carrier holes doped quantum wires. Study of Majorana modes in this system requires understanding Luttinger holes in low dimensions, which is also crucial for numerous spin-dependent phenomena, emerging field of spintronics and nanotechnology. We find that hole-doped quantum wires that are proximity coupled to a conventional s-wave superconductor is a promising system for the observation of Majorana fermions. We advanced understanding of Luttinger holes in quantum wells and quantum wires. We have shown that the vast majority of earlier treatments of Luttinger holes ignored an important effect, a mutual transformation of heavy and light holes at the heteroboundaries. We have derived the effective hole Hamiltonians in the ground size-quantized sub-bands of quantum wells and quantum wires. The effect of mutual transformation of holes is crucial for understanding Zeeman and spin-orbit coupling, and results in several spin-orbit terms linear in momentum in hole-doped quantum wires. We discuss the criterion for realizing Majorana modes in charge carrier hole systems and show that GaAs or InSb hole wires shall exhibit stronger topological superconducting pairing, providing additional opportunities for its control compared to intensively studies InSb and InAs electron systems.</div><div><br></div><div>In the second part of the thesis, I first introduce the basic facts of the current theoretical understanding of the fractional quantum Hall effect and a theoretical model of parafermion excitations. Parafermion zero modes are promising for universal quantum computing. However, physical systems that are predicted to host these exotic excitations are rare and difficult to realize in experiments. I present our work on modeling domain walls on the boundary between gate-induced polarized and unpolarized domains of the fractional quantum Hall effect system near the spin transitions, and the emergence of the parafermion zero modes when such domain wall is proximity coupled to an s-wave superconductor. Exact diagonalization of the Hamiltonian in a disk and torus geometries proves formation of the counter-propagating edge states with different spin polarizations at the boundaries between areas of the electron liquid in polarized and unpolarized filling factor $\nu=2/3$ phases. By analytical and numerical methods we find the conditions for emergence of parafermion zero modes in hybrid fractional quantum Hall/s-wave superconductor system. The phase diagram indicates that the parafermionic phase, which is represented by the six-fold ground state degeneracy, is separated from other phases by a topological phase transition. Such parafermion modes are experimentally feasible. They present a vital step toward the realization of Fibonacci anyons that allow a full universal set of quantum operations with topologically protected quasiparticles.</div><div><br></div>

Parafermion Excitations in Hole Systems in the ν=1/3 Filled Fractional Quantum Hall State

Ian Asher Arnold (7023134) 12 August 2019 (has links)
Non-Abelian excitations, including Majorana fermions, parafermions, and Fibonacci anyons, provide potential new settings for realizations of topological quantum computation operations. Topological quantum systems have the advantage of being protected against some types of entanglement with the surrounding environment, but their elusive nature has inspired many to pursue rare systems in which they may be physically realized. In this work we present a new platform for production of parafermions in the ν=1/3 fractional quantum hall effect regime in a two-dimensional hole gas in a Gallium Arsenide quantum well, where spin transitions in the rich Γ<sub>8</sub> Luttinger ground state can be manipulated by gate-controlled electric fields. When numerical and analytical calculations of many-particle interactions combine with a proximity-induced superconducting pairing potential in this system, the spin transition we observe gives rise to a superconducting gap with an onset of six-fold degenerate ground state which disappears at critical values of the gap parameter Δ<sub>k</sub>, the energetic signature associated with parafermion production.<br>

Characterization of topological phases in models of interacting fermions

Motruk, Johannes 15 July 2016 (has links) (PDF)
The concept of topology in condensed matter physics has led to the discovery of rich and exotic physics in recent years. Especially when strong correlations are included, phenomenons such as fractionalization and anyonic particle statistics can arise. In this thesis, we study several systems hosting topological phases of interacting fermions. In the first part, we consider one-dimensional systems of parafermions, which are generalizations of Majorana fermions, in the presence of a Z_N charge symmetry. We classify the symmetry-protected topological (SPT) phases that can occur in these systems using the projective representations of the symmetries and find a finite number of distinct phases depending on the prime factorization of N. The different phases exhibit characteristic degeneracies in their entanglement spectrum (ES). Apart from these SPT phases, we report the occurrence of parafermion condensate phases for certain values of N. When including an additional Z_N symmetry, we find a non-Abelian group structure under the addition of phases. In the second part of the thesis, we focus on two-dimensional lattice models of spinless fermions. First, we demonstrate the detection of a fractional Chern insulator (FCI) phase in the Haldane honeycomb model on an infinite cylinder by means of the density-matrix renormalization group (DMRG). We report the calculation of several quantities characterizing the topological order of the state, i.e., (i)~the Hall conductivity, (ii)~the spectral flow and level counting in the ES, (iii)~the topological entanglement entropy, and (iv)~the charge and topological spin of the quasiparticles. Since we have access to sufficiently large system sizes without band projection with DMRG, we are in addition able to investigate the transition from a metal to the FCI at small interactions which we find to be of first order. In a further study, we consider a time-reversal symmetric model on the honeycomb lattice where a Chern insulator (CI) induced by next-nearest neighbor interactions has been predicted by mean field theory. However, various subsequent studies challenged this picture and it was still unclear whether the CI would survive quantum fluctuations. We therefore map out the phase diagram of the model as a function of the interactions on an infinite cylinder with DMRG and find evidence for the absence of the CI phase. However, we report the detection of two novel charge-ordered phases and corroborate the existence of the remaining phases that had been predicted in mean field theory. Furthermore, we characterize the transitions between the various phases by studying the behavior of correlation length and entanglement entropy at the phase boundaries. Finally, we develop an improvement to the DMRG algorithm for fermionic lattice models on cylinders. By using a real space representation in the direction along the cylinder and a real space representation in the perpendicular direction, we are able to use the momentum around the cylinder as conserved quantity to reduce computational costs. We benchmark the method by studying the interacting Hofstadter model and report a considerable speedup in computation time and a severely reduced memory usage.

Étude des systèmes critiques bidimensionnels possédant des symetries discrètes : les th\éories conformes parafermioniques, et leurs applications.

Estienne, Benoit 30 September 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse est consacrée à l'étude des systèmes critiques possédant des symétries discrètes, en deux dimensions. Les théories conformes jouent un rôle central dans la compréhension des phénomènes critiques des systèmes bidimensionnels, et la symétrie discrète additionnelle donne lieu aux théories dites parafermioniques. Dans une première partie, nous étudions les flots du groupe de renormalisation sous l'effet de perturbations faiblement pertinentes pour ces théories parafermioniques . En utilisant les techniques issues du Gaz de Coulomb et de la représentation coset de ces théories conformes, nous avons obtenu perturbativement les équations du groupe de renormalisation. Nous avons ainsi mis en évidence des flots non massifs entre différentes théories parafermioniques. Dans une deuxiéme partie, nous étudions les applications des théories conformes parafermioniques à l'effet Hall quantique fractionnaire. Nous montrons, en calculant les fonctions de corrélation correspondantes, que les théories parafermioniques unitaires fournissent des candidats interessants pour décrire certains états non-abéliens, en particulier elles permettent de corriger les problèmes de non-unitarité. Enfin nous prouvons une conjecture reliant les polynômes de Jack aux théories W.

Characterization of topological phases in models of interacting fermions

Motruk, Johannes 25 May 2016 (has links)
The concept of topology in condensed matter physics has led to the discovery of rich and exotic physics in recent years. Especially when strong correlations are included, phenomenons such as fractionalization and anyonic particle statistics can arise. In this thesis, we study several systems hosting topological phases of interacting fermions. In the first part, we consider one-dimensional systems of parafermions, which are generalizations of Majorana fermions, in the presence of a Z_N charge symmetry. We classify the symmetry-protected topological (SPT) phases that can occur in these systems using the projective representations of the symmetries and find a finite number of distinct phases depending on the prime factorization of N. The different phases exhibit characteristic degeneracies in their entanglement spectrum (ES). Apart from these SPT phases, we report the occurrence of parafermion condensate phases for certain values of N. When including an additional Z_N symmetry, we find a non-Abelian group structure under the addition of phases. In the second part of the thesis, we focus on two-dimensional lattice models of spinless fermions. First, we demonstrate the detection of a fractional Chern insulator (FCI) phase in the Haldane honeycomb model on an infinite cylinder by means of the density-matrix renormalization group (DMRG). We report the calculation of several quantities characterizing the topological order of the state, i.e., (i)~the Hall conductivity, (ii)~the spectral flow and level counting in the ES, (iii)~the topological entanglement entropy, and (iv)~the charge and topological spin of the quasiparticles. Since we have access to sufficiently large system sizes without band projection with DMRG, we are in addition able to investigate the transition from a metal to the FCI at small interactions which we find to be of first order. In a further study, we consider a time-reversal symmetric model on the honeycomb lattice where a Chern insulator (CI) induced by next-nearest neighbor interactions has been predicted by mean field theory. However, various subsequent studies challenged this picture and it was still unclear whether the CI would survive quantum fluctuations. We therefore map out the phase diagram of the model as a function of the interactions on an infinite cylinder with DMRG and find evidence for the absence of the CI phase. However, we report the detection of two novel charge-ordered phases and corroborate the existence of the remaining phases that had been predicted in mean field theory. Furthermore, we characterize the transitions between the various phases by studying the behavior of correlation length and entanglement entropy at the phase boundaries. Finally, we develop an improvement to the DMRG algorithm for fermionic lattice models on cylinders. By using a real space representation in the direction along the cylinder and a real space representation in the perpendicular direction, we are able to use the momentum around the cylinder as conserved quantity to reduce computational costs. We benchmark the method by studying the interacting Hofstadter model and report a considerable speedup in computation time and a severely reduced memory usage.

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