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Analýza vlivu lokality a technického stavu na výši obvyklé ceny původní zemědělské usedlosti / Impact analysis of the location and the technical condition on the market value of the original farmsteadTomková, Pavlína January 2015 (has links)
The main aim of my diploma thesis „The analysis of influence location and technical condition on the market value of the original farmstead“ is to judge how much are different location and technical condition projected to the unit price selected realities. Next task had to find the differences between valution the family houses and valution the original farmstead. The analytical part contains process for identificate price of the cost´s and comparative method by valid valuation regulation no. 151/1997 Sb. including lands which are formed one functional unit. It also found estimate of market value by direkt comaparison´s method based on database of bid prices of comparable objels. In this thesis are choosen five realities, free of these are defined as originál farmstead and two remaining are family houses. In the last part is carried comparison of unit price at single methods and comparison identificate price addicted on location and technical condition.
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Analýza vybraných vlivů na výši obvyklé ceny rodinných domů ve Šlapanicích / Analysis of factors influencing the market value of houses in ŠlapaniceLicková, Věra January 2015 (has links)
The thesis presents the analysis of selected influences on houses valuation in Šlapanice, including the report on present state of the real estate market in the above mentioned locality. It involves expense method, comparative methods – both based on regulations and not, to find out the value of five family houses in Šlapanice. The work also considers the impact which the locality with its territorial plan has on real estate valuation. In the light of the acquired information the real estate prices are compared considering significant changes in territorial plan to join neighbouring cadastral area of Brno city.
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Analýza vlivu lokality a typu konstrukce na výši obvyklé ceny rodinných domů v Havlíčkově Brodě a okolí / Impact analysis of location and construction type on the market value of houses in Havlíčkův Brod and the surroundingsForman, Radek January 2015 (has links)
The main objective is assessment to which extent the usual price of selected houses is affected by the location and type of structure. Further tasks are finding the cost price of houses according to the valid valuation regulations and finding approximate price comparison method according to the valid valuation regulations, including the price of land in a single functional unit. Another task is to create a database of offered prices of comparable objects through which is determined by a direct comparison of the market price of houses. In the final part of the thesis is a price comparison of observed houses.
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Hotel / HotelBelatka, Martin January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis solves a hotel in Třebíč, street Svabinského. The hotel is designed as four-storey, building with a basement, with warm flat roof over the fourth floor and terrace on the fourth floor. The hotel has 20 rooms with a total capacity of 44 persons. In the hotel is a restaurant for guests hotel. External walls in basement are made of concrete blocks. External walls in above-ground floors are made of brick blocks Heluz with external thermal insulation. Plot is planar. Part of the design is thermal assessment, accustic assessment and fire safery assessment.
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Os anfíbios da restinga de Grumari, RJ, Brasil, e a comunidade de folhiço em duas zonas arbóreas / Os anfíbios da restinga de Grumari, RJ, Brasil, e a comunidade de folhiço em duas zonas arbóreas / Os anfíbios da restinga de Grumari, RJ, Brasil, e a comunidade de folhiço em duas zonas arbóreas / Amphibians from Grumari restinga, RJ, Brazil, and the leaf-litter anuran community i n two arborous zones / Amphibians from Grumari restinga, RJ, Brazil, and the leaf-litter anuran community i n two arborous zones / Amphibians from Grumari restinga, RJ, Brazil, and the leaf-litter anuran community i n two arborous zonesFelipe Bottona da Silva Telles 17 February 2011 (has links)
Apesar dos habitats de restinga representarem aproximadamente 5.000 km da costa brasileira, o conhecimento disponível sobre a composição da fauna de anuros nestes habitats ainda é restrito a poucas áreas. Estes habitats encontram-se sob intensa pressão imobiliária, com uma densidade demográfica cinco vezes maior do que a média do país, levando a uma ocupação descomedida, degradação e eventual perda destes importantes habitats. Isso é especialmente preocupante para as populações de vertebrados terrestres endêmicos e ameaçados de extinção, devido à dificuldade de recuperação da vegetação das restingas. Atualmente, os remanescentes de restinga ao longo da costa brasileira são representados por fragmentos completamente isolados. Esta é a primeira aproximação da lista de anfíbios da restinga de Grumari, inserida no Parque Natural Municipal de Grumari (PNMG), município do Rio de Janeiro, sudeste do Brasil. É também a primeira pesquisa a analisar a comunidade de anuros de folhiço, e a obter dados de densidade, para as restingas brasileiras. A área está situada no Domínio da Mata Atlântica. O estudo foi conduzido de maio de 2009 a dezembro de 2010 utilizando dois métodos de amostragem: parcelas grandes ou plots de 16 m (4x4 m) e transecções visuais/acústicas. Registramos 22 espécies de anfíbios anuros distribuídas em seis famílias: Leptodactylidae (3), Craugastoridae (1), Bufonidae (1), Strabomantidae (1), Microhylidae (2) e Hylidae (14). Ocorreram dez espécies de anuros de folhiço em 2560 m de chão de floresta amostrados com a metodologia de parcelas grandes durante o estudo. Na zona fechada de pós-praia ocorreram apenas sete espécies de anuros de folhiço, enquanto na mata de restinga ocorreram as dez espécies registradas para a restinga. A densidade geral estimada de anuros de folhiço para a restinga de Grumari foi de 13,1 indivíduos por 100m, superior a cinco de seis estudos publicados com dados de densidade de anuros de folhiço na Mata Atlântica. A biomassa total estimada foi de 13131 g/ha, podendo ser considerada a maior biomassa de anurofauna de folhiço globalmente. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre as zonas quanto aos parâmetros da comunidade (riqueza, densidade e biomassa), mesmo havendo diferença entre os parâmetros ambientais mensurados nas duas zonas. Os fatores que melhor explicaram a riqueza, a densidade e a biomassa na restinga de Grumari durante a estação chuvosa foram, respectivamente, a temperatura, o diâmetro das árvores/arbustos e o número de árvores/arbustos. A presença de espécies ameaçadas de extinção e endêmicas para o estado do Rio de Janeiro e Mata Atlântica evidencia que a restinga de Grumari é uma área essencial para a conservação da anurofauna dos remanescentes deste habitat no Brasil. Além disso, Grumari é a restinga com maior riqueza de espécies do estado e a segunda maior entre todas as áreas de restinga estudadas até o momento, quanto à anurofauna. / Although restinga habitats represent approximately 5000 km of the Brazilian coast, the information available about the composition of the anuran fauna present on those habitats are restricted to relatively few areas. Nowadays restinga habitats are under intense set of pressures as result of a demographic density five times higher than the average for the country leading to the occupation, degradation and eventual loss of such habitats. This is especially alarming for the threatened endemic populations of terrestrial vertebrates due to the difficulty of vegetation recovery after clearings. Presently, the remnants of these habitats along much of the eastern Brazilian coast are represented by completely isolated fragments. Herein we present the first approximation to the list of the amphibians from the restinga of Grumari, inserted in the Parque Natural Municipal de Grumari (PNMG), municipality of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro state, southeastern Brazil. The area is situated in the Atlantic Rainforest Biome. Its also the first study on the community of litter anuran fauna, obtaining density data, for the Brazilian restinga. The study was carried out from May 2009 to December 2010 using two sampling methods: quadrant plots (4x4 m) and acoustic/visual transects. We recorded 22 species of anuran amphibians distributed in six families: Leptodactylidae (3), Craugastoridae (1), Bufonidae (1), Strabomantidae (1), Microhylidae (2) and Hylidae (14). We found ten species of litter frogs in 2560 m of sampled forest floor with the methodology of large plots. In the closed post-beach zone, there were only seven species of anuran leaf litter, while the restinga forest zone present the ten species recorded for the restinga. The overall density of litter frogs at the restinga of Grumari was 13.1 individuals per 100m, more than five of six published studies on the density of litter frogs in the Atlantic Rainforest. The estimated total biomass was 13131 g/100m, being currently the area with highest litter frog biomass on the planet. There was no statistically significant difference between the zones regarding community parameters (richness, density and biomass), even though there is difference between the environmental parameters measured in both zones. The factors that best explained the richness, density and biomass in the restinga of Grumari during the rainy season were, respectively, temperature, diameter of the trees/shrubs and the number of trees/shrubs. The presence of endangered and endemic species indicates that the restinga of Grumari is an important area for conservation of the anuran fauna in remnants of these habitats in the Rio de Janeiro state, being currently the richest known area in terms of amphibian species of all restinga areas in the state, and the second richest of the Brazilian restingas studied up to now.
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Os anfíbios da restinga de Grumari, RJ, Brasil, e a comunidade de folhiço em duas zonas arbóreas / Os anfíbios da restinga de Grumari, RJ, Brasil, e a comunidade de folhiço em duas zonas arbóreas / Os anfíbios da restinga de Grumari, RJ, Brasil, e a comunidade de folhiço em duas zonas arbóreas / Amphibians from Grumari restinga, RJ, Brazil, and the leaf-litter anuran community i n two arborous zones / Amphibians from Grumari restinga, RJ, Brazil, and the leaf-litter anuran community i n two arborous zones / Amphibians from Grumari restinga, RJ, Brazil, and the leaf-litter anuran community i n two arborous zonesFelipe Bottona da Silva Telles 17 February 2011 (has links)
Apesar dos habitats de restinga representarem aproximadamente 5.000 km da costa brasileira, o conhecimento disponível sobre a composição da fauna de anuros nestes habitats ainda é restrito a poucas áreas. Estes habitats encontram-se sob intensa pressão imobiliária, com uma densidade demográfica cinco vezes maior do que a média do país, levando a uma ocupação descomedida, degradação e eventual perda destes importantes habitats. Isso é especialmente preocupante para as populações de vertebrados terrestres endêmicos e ameaçados de extinção, devido à dificuldade de recuperação da vegetação das restingas. Atualmente, os remanescentes de restinga ao longo da costa brasileira são representados por fragmentos completamente isolados. Esta é a primeira aproximação da lista de anfíbios da restinga de Grumari, inserida no Parque Natural Municipal de Grumari (PNMG), município do Rio de Janeiro, sudeste do Brasil. É também a primeira pesquisa a analisar a comunidade de anuros de folhiço, e a obter dados de densidade, para as restingas brasileiras. A área está situada no Domínio da Mata Atlântica. O estudo foi conduzido de maio de 2009 a dezembro de 2010 utilizando dois métodos de amostragem: parcelas grandes ou plots de 16 m (4x4 m) e transecções visuais/acústicas. Registramos 22 espécies de anfíbios anuros distribuídas em seis famílias: Leptodactylidae (3), Craugastoridae (1), Bufonidae (1), Strabomantidae (1), Microhylidae (2) e Hylidae (14). Ocorreram dez espécies de anuros de folhiço em 2560 m de chão de floresta amostrados com a metodologia de parcelas grandes durante o estudo. Na zona fechada de pós-praia ocorreram apenas sete espécies de anuros de folhiço, enquanto na mata de restinga ocorreram as dez espécies registradas para a restinga. A densidade geral estimada de anuros de folhiço para a restinga de Grumari foi de 13,1 indivíduos por 100m, superior a cinco de seis estudos publicados com dados de densidade de anuros de folhiço na Mata Atlântica. A biomassa total estimada foi de 13131 g/ha, podendo ser considerada a maior biomassa de anurofauna de folhiço globalmente. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre as zonas quanto aos parâmetros da comunidade (riqueza, densidade e biomassa), mesmo havendo diferença entre os parâmetros ambientais mensurados nas duas zonas. Os fatores que melhor explicaram a riqueza, a densidade e a biomassa na restinga de Grumari durante a estação chuvosa foram, respectivamente, a temperatura, o diâmetro das árvores/arbustos e o número de árvores/arbustos. A presença de espécies ameaçadas de extinção e endêmicas para o estado do Rio de Janeiro e Mata Atlântica evidencia que a restinga de Grumari é uma área essencial para a conservação da anurofauna dos remanescentes deste habitat no Brasil. Além disso, Grumari é a restinga com maior riqueza de espécies do estado e a segunda maior entre todas as áreas de restinga estudadas até o momento, quanto à anurofauna. / Although restinga habitats represent approximately 5000 km of the Brazilian coast, the information available about the composition of the anuran fauna present on those habitats are restricted to relatively few areas. Nowadays restinga habitats are under intense set of pressures as result of a demographic density five times higher than the average for the country leading to the occupation, degradation and eventual loss of such habitats. This is especially alarming for the threatened endemic populations of terrestrial vertebrates due to the difficulty of vegetation recovery after clearings. Presently, the remnants of these habitats along much of the eastern Brazilian coast are represented by completely isolated fragments. Herein we present the first approximation to the list of the amphibians from the restinga of Grumari, inserted in the Parque Natural Municipal de Grumari (PNMG), municipality of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro state, southeastern Brazil. The area is situated in the Atlantic Rainforest Biome. Its also the first study on the community of litter anuran fauna, obtaining density data, for the Brazilian restinga. The study was carried out from May 2009 to December 2010 using two sampling methods: quadrant plots (4x4 m) and acoustic/visual transects. We recorded 22 species of anuran amphibians distributed in six families: Leptodactylidae (3), Craugastoridae (1), Bufonidae (1), Strabomantidae (1), Microhylidae (2) and Hylidae (14). We found ten species of litter frogs in 2560 m of sampled forest floor with the methodology of large plots. In the closed post-beach zone, there were only seven species of anuran leaf litter, while the restinga forest zone present the ten species recorded for the restinga. The overall density of litter frogs at the restinga of Grumari was 13.1 individuals per 100m, more than five of six published studies on the density of litter frogs in the Atlantic Rainforest. The estimated total biomass was 13131 g/100m, being currently the area with highest litter frog biomass on the planet. There was no statistically significant difference between the zones regarding community parameters (richness, density and biomass), even though there is difference between the environmental parameters measured in both zones. The factors that best explained the richness, density and biomass in the restinga of Grumari during the rainy season were, respectively, temperature, diameter of the trees/shrubs and the number of trees/shrubs. The presence of endangered and endemic species indicates that the restinga of Grumari is an important area for conservation of the anuran fauna in remnants of these habitats in the Rio de Janeiro state, being currently the richest known area in terms of amphibian species of all restinga areas in the state, and the second richest of the Brazilian restingas studied up to now.
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Polyfunkční dům Jihlava, Handlovy Dvory / Multifunctional House Jihlava, Handlovy DvoryBlažek, Martin January 2019 (has links)
The subject of this diploma thesis is the project documentation of the new multifunctional building on the plot in Jihlava, Handlovy Dvory. The building is planted in the shape of a substantially elongated rhomboid and is staggered into almost half-symmetrical halves. The height of these two parts is mutually displaced by one half of the floor so that the object better copes with the significant slope of the plot. The building has five above-ground floors. On the first floor there is a beerhouse with its facilities. The beerhouse goes on to the terrace. On the second to fifth floors are individual flats. The flats are designed primarily as 1 + kitchen and 2 + kitchen. On the second floor there are also apartments. Parking is done by a perpendicular stall around the adjacent road and the car park next to the building. The work contains drawing documentation for construction, thermal engineering assessment, fire safety solution, acoustic assessment and lighting assessment
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Intenzivní dům v Brně / Intensive Urban HousingHurych, Martin January 2015 (has links)
The study deals with a proposal to deal with an area of 27 hectares in the city of Brno - Center. The premises of the former military warehouses on a plot between the streets of Veveří, Pekárenská, Kounicova and Sokolská. At present there are used by supermarket, other buildings deteriorate and are intended for demolition. At the southern corner of the parcel is located on the street Veveří tram stop. From here you can easily walk through the plot in Kounicova street, but the current state of the environment at the site of the area devalues the experience of being in such a space and aesthetics due to the surrounding historic buildings. The dominant element on the corner of the parcel is a protected sycamore. The proposed structure is suited to the current understanding of the world. Combines resources for intensive way of life with the necessary convalescence and his need for space with greenery, calm and light. The concept uses a nautical elements inserted into the context of the Czech Republic and simultaneously builds on Brno functionalism.
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Oceňování věcných břemen - komparace různých metod ocenění / Valuation of Easements - Comparison of Valuation MethodsProkop, Jan January 2019 (has links)
In this diploma thesis I deal with methods of valuation of easements according to current legislation and methodology. The easements, as a tool for limiting or extending the rights to real estate, are dealt with in a general way, I will state the methods for their valuation and subsequently apply these methods to specific easements.
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Radnice Brno – Sever / New town hall for the district Brno-NorthČervinková, Šárka January 2015 (has links)
A city hall BRNO – North – dissertation 2015 A public building with the main function for the city hall for city part Brno – North. The building is extended with a representative hall which is also used for the culture and sociable events. Furthermore, this building includes a ceremonial hall, a cafe and a lecture room. A designed building of the city hall is situated in the centre position in a designed building. A close connection with Provaznikova street provides a connection to a current building a good accessibility for pedestrians and also for cars. At first was built the city hall, neverthless during following steps it would fit in the designed building. A position „centre“ and it´s own importance of the city hall allows to create a new strong binding with a current territory since it´s beggining. The public building and a public open space fill in this territory with an active life in a public space. A material solution of the city building reacts on a current and a future urban context. The traffic connection continues with a current communication. An entrances into the building are from Provaznikova street and a suggested square. An entrace to underground garages are on right side from a main entrance in a new designed street. A concept of the city hall includes two materials connected by communication hall which closes a public area of the square. Materials in a ground plan creates almost letter U. A combination of offices, servises for citizens, a multifunctional hall, a ceremonial hall and a cafe offer an optimal contain for a current and aslo for a future city hall. The height of building is moderate and isn´t higher than a designed or sorrounded buildings. A criterion of the building shows a kindness to people going by and also an honour to it´s meaning. A significant architectonic point of the city hall is a rotating arcade created by colonnade in an axial distance 2m and height 6,5m. This point itself contributes to an extraordinariness of this building and refers to Greek archatype. A regularity, a rast and a tectonics in all building is based on a constructive module which influenced an inner layout structure. A strenght and a stability is impared by a facade from a classical obverse masonry which has two visual solutions for an administrativelly – authoritilly part and more decorated for a part with a hall and a hall. A transparency of developments which is connected with a phylosophy of the city hall is shown in a glass entrance hall, furthermore in a solutions of corridors and offices and all kinds of boardrooms. The building is designed with a consideration of a premanently sustainable developement and management with energies, as a sustainable building.
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