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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Development of a Failure Criterion for Rock Masses Having Non-Orthogonal Fracture Systems

Mehrapour, Mohammad Hadi, Mehrapour, Mohammad Hadi January 2017 (has links)
Two new three-dimensional rock mass strength criteria are developed in this dissertation by extending an existing rock mass strength criterion. These criteria incorporate the effects of the intermediate principal stress, minimum principal stress and the anisotropy resulting from these stresses acting on the fracture system. In addition, these criteria have the capability of capturing the anisotropic and scale dependent behavior of the jointed rock mass strength by incorporating the effect of fracture geometry through the fracture tensor components. Another significant feature of the new rock mass strength criterion which has the exponential functions (equation 6.7) is having only four empirical coefficients compared to the existing strength criterion which has five empirical coefficients; if the joint sets have the same isotropic mechanical behavior, the number of the empirical coefficients reduces to two in this new strength criterion (equation 6.10). The new criteria were proposed after analyzing 452 numerical modeling results of the triaxial, polyaxial and biaxial compression tests conducted on the jointed rock blocks having one or two joint sets by the PFC3D software version 5. In this research to have several samples with the same properties a synthetic rock material that is made out of a mixture of gypsum, sand and water was used. In total, 20 joint systems were chosen and joint sets have different dip angles varying from 15 to 60 at an interval of 15 with dip directions of 30 and 75 for the two joint sets. Each joint set also has 3 persistent joints with the joint spacing of 42 mm in a cubic sample of size 160 mm and the joints have the same isotropic mechanical behavior. The confining stress combination values were chosen based on the uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) value of the modeled intact synthetic rock. The minimum principal stress values were chosen as 0, 20, 40 and 60 percent of the UCS. For each minimum principal stress value, the intermediate principal stress value varies starting at the minimum principal stress value and increasing at an interval of 20 percent of the UCS until it is lower than the strength of the sample under the biaxial loading condition with the same minimum principal stress value. The new rock mass failure criteria were developed from the PFC3D modeling data. However, since the joint sets having the dip angle of 60 intersect the top and bottom boundaries of the sample simultaneously, the joint systems with at least one of the joint sets having the dip angle of 60 were removed from the database. Thus, 284 data points from 12 joint systems were used to find the best values of the empirical coefficients for the new rock mass strength criteria. λ, p and q were found to be 0.675, 3.16 and 0.6, respectively, through a conducted grid analysis with a high R2 (coefficient of determination) value of 0.94 for the new criterion given by equation 6.9 and a and b were found to be 0.404 and 0.972, respectively, through a conducted grid analysis with a high R2 value of 0.92 for the new criterion given by equation 6.10. The research results clearly illustrate how increase of the minimum and intermediate principal stresses and decrease of the joint dip angle, increase the jointed rock block strength. This dissertation also illustrates how different confining stress combinations and joint set dip angles result in different jointed rock mass failure modes such as sliding on the joints, failure through the intact rock and a combination of the intact rock and joint failures. To express the new rock mass strength failure criteria, it was necessary to determine the intact rock strengths under the same confining stress combinations mentioned earlier. Therefore, the intact rock was also modeled for all three compression tests and the intact rock strengths were found for 33 different confining stress combinations. Suitability of six major intact rock failure criteria: Mohr-Coulomb, Hoek-Brown, Modified Lade, Modified Wiebols and Cook, Mogi and Drucker-Prager in representing the intact rock strength was examined through fitting them using the aforementioned 33 PFC3D data points. Among these criteria, Modified Lade, Modified Mogi with power function and Modified Wiebols and Cook were found to be the best failure criteria producing lower Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) values of 0.272, 0.301 and 0.307, respectively. Thus, these three failure criteria are recommended for the prediction of the intact rock strength under the polyaxial stress condition. In PFC unlike the other methods, macro mechanical parameters are not directly used in the model and micro mechanical parameter values applicable between the particles should be calibrated using the macro mechanical properties. Accurate calibration is a difficult or challenging task. This dissertation emphasized the importance of studying the effects of all micro parameter values on the macro mechanical properties before one goes through calibration of the micro parameters in PFC modeling. Important effects of two micro parameters, which have received very little attention, the particle size distribution and the cov of the normal and shear strengths, on the macro properties are clearly illustrated before conducting the said calibration. The intact rock macro mechanical parameter values for the Young’s modulus, uniaxial compression strength (UCS), internal friction angle, cohesion and Poisson's ratio were found by performing 3 uniaxial tests, 3 triaxial tests and 5 Brazilian tests on a synthetic material made out of a mixture of gypsum, sand and water and the joint macro mechanical parameter values were found by conducting 4 uniaxial compression tests and 4 direct shear tests on jointed synthetic rocks with a horizontal joint. Then the micro mechanical properties of the Linear Parallel Bond Model (LPMB) and Modified Smooth Joint Contact Model (MSJCM) were calibrated to represent the intact rock and joints respectively, through the specific procedures explained in this research. The similar results obtained between the 2 polyaxial experiments tests of the intact rock and 11 polyaxial experimental tests of the jointed rock blocks having one joint set and the numerical modeling verified the calibrated micro mechanical properties and further modification of these properties was not necessary. This dissertation also proposes a modification to the Smooth Joint Contact Model (SJCM) to overcome the shortcoming of the SJCM to capture the non-linear behavior of the joint closure varying with the joint normal stress. Modified Smooth Joint Contact Model (MSJCM) uses a linear relation between the joint normal stiffness and the normal contact stress to model the non-linear relation between the joint normal deformation and the joint normal stress observed in the compression joint normal stiffness test. A good agreement obtained between the results from the experimental tests and the numerical modeling of the compression joint normal test shows the accuracy of this new model. Moreover, another shortcoming associated with the SJCM application known as the interlocking problem was solved through this research by proposing a new joint contact implementation algorithm called joint sides checking (JSC) approach. The interlocking problem occurs due to a shortcoming of the updating procedure in the PFC software related to the contact conditions of the particles that lie around the intended joint plane during high shear displacements. This problem increases the joint strength and dilation angle and creates unwanted fractures around the intended joint plane.

Biogeoquímica dels fluxos de partícules en canyons submarins de la Mediterrània nord-occidental: Els efectes de les cascades d'aigües denses de plataforma

Pasqual Mas, Catalina 27 May 2011 (has links)
L‘estudi dels fluxos de partícules té per objectiu quantificar el carboni que s‘exporta cap a l‘oceà profund, el qual controla el segrest de CO2 atmosfèric a llarg termini. Els marges continentals juguen un paper important en aquest cicle oceànic, ja que són una bomba de carboni i nutrients entre l‘ecosistema terrestre i l'interior de l'oceà. En aquest treball s‘ha investigat la transferència de material al llarg del marge continental del golf de Lleó. Aquest mar-ge, situat al nord-oest de la Mediterrània occidental, està format per una ampla plataforma que s‘estén fins a un talús solcat per un gran nombre de canyons submarins. La major part dels sediments que entren al golf de Lleó provinents dels rius o resuspesos de la plataforma, circulen cap al sud-oest empesos per la circulació ciclònica de la massa d‘aigua i són deflectits majoritàriament a través dels canyons submarins més occidentals (canyons de Cap de Creus i Lacaze-Duthiers) cap a l‘interior de la conca. Aquest procés té lloc sobretot durant les tempestes marines d‘hivern i durant els esdeveniments de cascades submarines. L‘objectiu d‘aquest treball és estudiar la variabilitat temporal i espacial dels fluxos de partícules així com l‘origen i el grau de degradació de la matèria orgànica dins els canyons de Lacaze-Duthiers i Cap de Creus i al talús de la zona més meridional del golf de Lleó. La mesura directa dels fluxos ha estat possible gràcies al fondeig de línies instrumentades dotades amb trampes de sediments i correntímetres al llarg de tres transsectes. Les dades obtingudes indiquen que hi ha una ràpida resposta del sistema als forçaments físics. Així, es detecta una forta relació entre els condicionants atmosfèrics (que desencadenen la cascada d‘aigua densa, les onades i les aportacions fluvials i atmosfèriques), la producció primària, i la quantitat i qualitat del material que sedimenta al llarg del marge continental. La cascada d‘aigua densa de plataforma continental (DSWC) enregistrada durant els mesos de gener, febrer i març de 2006, esdevé el principal factor que controla la sedimentació de partícules a la zona estudiada. Les aigües de la cascada que s‘enfonsen canyó avall, escapen de la constricció que suposa el canyó a la zona baixa, continuen el seu camí paral•leles a les isòbates, i afecten el talús superior. Aquest fet denota la capacitat de la cascada per conduir el material erosionat de la plataforma continental cap als canyons i dispersar-lo cap al talús sud. Per tant, la DSWC pot esdevenir un factor important en la sedimentació en els canyons, el talús i el fons de la conca de la Mediterrània nord-occidental. Independentment dels esdeveniments de DSWC, les parts altes dels canyons estan afectades per un continu intercanvi de material amb la plataforma. Per contra, la zona d‘oceà obert (les zones baixes dels canyons i el talús) rep l‘arribada de material de la plataforma només com a conseqüència directa de la DSWC, mentre que durant la resta de l‘any hi imperen condicions de calma amb el predomini de fluxos pelàgics. La DSWC va ser el principal factor que controlà l‘arriba de matèria orgànica tant marina com terrestre al sistema, amb la transferència de grans quantitats de matèria orgànica d‘orígen terrestre durant el gener de 2006 (provinent de dipòsits de la plataforma), i matèria orgànica d‘orígen marí durant març i abril de 2006 (provinent del bloom fitoplanctònic). Per tant, la dispersió del material orgànic marí i terrestre va ser controlat per les condicions energètiques que afavoriren la resuspensió i el transport mar endins del material de la plataforma. La matèria orgànica es degradà no només durant el seu transport al llarg dels canyons, sinó també a través de la columna d'aigua, abans d'arribar a la zona de convergència dels canyons i al talús obert. Tot i que les aportacions laterals de matèria orgànica de la plataforma adjacent predominaren durant els esdeveniments de DSWC, les aportacions provinents d‘esdeveniments esporàdics de producció primària i la constant advecció de material marí varen ser evidents durant períodes de condicions energètiques i fluxos baixos. / Particle flux studies aim at quantifying the amount of carbon and other components that are exported into deep ocean, which controls the long term atmospheric CO2 sequestration. Continental margins play an important role in this oceanic cycle as they pump carbon and nutrients from aerial ecosystems to the interior of the ocean. This work analyzes the transference of material along the continental margin of the Gulf of Lion. This margin, located in the northwestern Mediterranean, is a broad platform that extends to a slope cut by a large number of submarine canyons. Most of the sediments entering the system by rivers or resuspension in the shelf travel to the southwest due to the cyclonic circulation where are deflected mainly through the Cap de Creus and Lacaze-Duthiers submarine canyons to the deep basin. This process occurs mainly during winter sea storms and dense shelf water cascading events. The pourpose of this study is to analyze the temporal and spatial variability of particle fluxes and the source and degree of degradation of the organic matter within the Lacaze-Duthiers and Cap de Creus submarine canyons and the southern slope, in the Gulf of Lion. Direct flux measurements has been carried out by the deployment of 9 in-strumented lines equipped with sediment traps and currentmeters along three transects along the axis of the Lacaze-Duthiers and Cap de Creus canyons and the southern slope. Data indicate that there is a quick response of the system to physical forcings, with a close relation among atmospheric drivers (that trigger the dense water cascade, waving and river and atmospheric inputs), primary production, and the quantity and quality of settling material across the continental margin. The severe dense shelf water cascading (DSWC) event observed during January-March 2006 was the main factor controlling the sedimentation in the studied area. The dense waters escaped the lower canyon where it widens to flow along the isobaths and impacted the southern open slope. This denotes the capacity of such events to funnel and spread southwardly shelf eroded material through canyons. Therefore DSWC may become an important factor for the sedimentation in the middle and lower slope of the northwestern Mediterranean. Upper and middle canyon was primarily affected by continuous cross-slope exchanges with the shelf. The deeper ones were less affected by horizontal transferences and shelf material arrived only associated to the DSWC event, whereas outside the DSWC period pelagic fluxes become a significant part of the total mass flux. The severe DSWC event controlled also the arrival of organic matter to the sea floor, with the transfer of large quantities of land derived organic matter in January 2006 (from shelf deposits), and marine derived organic matter in March-April 2006 (from the concomitant spring bloom). Therefore, the timing of the dispersion of both terrigenous and marine derived organic material was controlled by the energetic conditions that enhance the resuspension and offshore transport of material in the shelf. In addition, this organic matter was degraded not only during its transport along the canyons but also in the water column before reaching the canyon mouth and open slope, as indicated by trends in amino acid and chloropigment concentrations and compositions. Furthermore, although lateral input of organic matter from the adjacent shelf predominated during DSWC events, sporadic primary production events and constant advection of land derived material were also evident during low energy and low flux periods.

Numerische Simulation und Untersuchung der Schneidstaubabsaugung an Schneid- und Wickelmaschinen

Wolfslast, Sandra 24 May 2023 (has links)
Die Verarbeitung von Folien auf Schneid und Wickelmaschinen erzeugt je nach verwendetem Material Schneidstaubpartikel, welche die Produktqualität herabsetzen können. Um eine hohe Qualität sicherzustellen, wird der Schneidstaub in unmittelbarer Nähe zu seiner Entstehung durch spezielle Absaugungsvorrichtungen entfernt. Versuche haben jedoch gezeigt, dass trotz hoher Absaugleistung bei bestimmten Prozessparametern ein Teil der Partikel nicht erfasst wird. Daher wird im Anschluss an eine Erhebung der bestehenden Systemgrößen ein Modell der Absaugdüse mittels numerischer Simulation auf ihre Eignung zur Partikelentfernung untersucht. Die Untersuchung zeigt, dass bei der Auslegung der Düse eine Berücksichtigung der auf der Folie entstehenden Grenzschicht zwingend erforderlich ist. Um eine zuverlässige Absaugung aller Schneidstaubpartikel auch bei extremen Prozesseinstellungen sicherzustellen, werden weitere Untersuchungen und Anpassungen erforderlich.

A Numerical Study of the Gas-Particle Flow in Pipework and Flow Splitting Devices of Coal-Fired Power Plant

Schneider, Helfried, Frank, Thomas, Pachler, Klaus, Bernert, Klaus 17 April 2002 (has links) (PDF)
In power plants using large utility coal-fired boilers for generation of electricity the coal is pulverised in coal mills and then it has to be pneumatically transported and distributed to a larger number of burners (e.g. 30-40) circumferentially arranged in several rows around the burning chamber of the boiler. Besides the large pipework flow splitting devices are necessary for distribution of an equal amount of pulverised fuel (PF) to each of the burners. So called trifurcators (without inner fittings or guiding vanes) and ''riffle'' type bifurcators are commonly used to split the gas-coal particle flow into two or three pipes/channels with an equal amount of PF mass flow rate in each outflow cross section of the flow splitting device. These PF flow splitting devices are subject of a number of problems. First of all an uneven distribution of PF over the burners of a large utility boiler leads to operational and maintenance problems, increased level of unburned carbon and higher rates of NOX emissions. Maldistribution of fuel between burners caused by non uniform concentration of the PF (particle roping) in pipe and channel bends prior to flow splitting devices leads to uncontrolled differences in the fuel to air ratio between burners. This results in localised regions in the furnace which are fuel rich, where insufficient air causes incomplete combustion of the fuel. Other regions in the furnace become fuel lean, forming high local concentrations of NOX due to the high local concentrations of O2. Otherwise PF maldistribution can impact on power plant maintenance in terms of uneven wear on PF pipework, flow splitters as well as the effects on boiler panels (PF deposition, corrosion, slagging). In order to address these problems in establishing uniform PF distribution over the outlet cross sections of flow splitting devices in the pipework of coal-fired power plants the present paper deals with numerical prediction and analysis of the complex gas and coal particle (PF) flow through trifurcators and ''riffle'' type bifurcators. The numerical investigation is based on a 3-dimensional Eulerian- Lagrangian approach (MISTRAL/PartFlow-3D) developed by Frank et al. The numerical method is capable to predict isothermal, incompressible, steady gas- particle flows in 3-dimensional, geometrically complex flow geometries using boundary fitted, block-structured, numerical grids. Due to the very high numerical effort of the investigated gas-particle flows the numerical approach has been developed with special emphasis on efficient parallel computing on clusters of workstations or other high performance computing architectures. Besides the aerodynamically interaction between the carrier fluid phase and the PF particles the gas-particle flow is mainly influenced by particle-wall interactions with the outer wall boundaries and the inner fittings and guiding vanes of the investigated flow splitting devices. In order to allow accurate quantitative prediction of the motion of the disperse phase the numerical model requires detailed information about the particle-wall collision process. In commonly used physical models of the particle-wall interaction this is the knowledge or experimental prediction of the restitution coefficients (dynamic friction coefficient, coefficient of restitution) for the used combination of particle and wall material, e.g. PF particles on steel. In the present investigation these parameters of the particle-wall interaction model have been obtained from special experiments in two test facilities. Basic experiments to clarify the details of the particle-wall interaction process were made in a test facility with a spherical disk accelerator. This test facility furthermore provides the opportunity to investigate the bouncing process under normal pressure as well as under vacuum conditions, thus excluding aerodynamically influences on the motion of small particles in the near vicinity of solid wall surfaces (especially under small angles of attack). In this experiments spherical glass beads were used as particle material. In a second test facility we have investigated the real impact of non-spherical pulverised fuel particles on a steel/ceramic target. In this experiments PF particles were accelerated by an injector using inert gas like e.g. CO2 or N2 as the carrier phase in order to avoid dust explosion hazards. The obtained data for the particle-wall collision models were compared to those obtained for glass spheres, where bouncing models are proofed to be valid. Furthermore the second test facility was used to obtain particle erosion rates for PF particles on steel targets as a function of impact angles and velocities. The results of experimental investigations has been incorporated into the numerical model. Hereafter the numerical approach MISTRAL/PartFlow-3D has been applied to the PF flow through a ''riffle'' type bifurcator. Using ICEM/CFD-Hexa as grid generator a numerical mesh with approximately 4 million grid cells has been designed for approximation of the complex geometry of the flow splitting device with all its interior fittings and guiding vanes. Based on a predicted gas flow field a large number of PF particles are tracked throughout the flow geometry of the flow-splitter. Besides mean quantities of the particle flow field like e.g. local particle concentrations, mean particle velocities, distribution of mean particle diameter, etc. it is now possible to obtain information about particle erosion on riffle plates and guiding vanes of the flow splitting device. Furthermore the influence of different roping patterns in front of the flow splitter on the uniformness of PF mass flow rate splitting after the bifurcator has been investigated numerically. Results show the efficient operation of the investigated bifurcator in absence of particle roping, this means under conditions of an uniform PF particle concentration distribution in the inflow cross section of the bifurcator. If particle roping occurs and particle concentration differs over the pipe cross section in front of the bifurcator the equal PF particle mass flow rate splitting can be strongly deteriorated in dependence on the location and intensity of the particle rope or particle concentration irregularities. The presented results show the importance of further development of efficient rope splitting devices for applications in coal-fired power plants. Numerical analysis can be used as an efficient tool for their investigation and further optimisation under various operating and flow conditions.

Simulation of Unsteady Gas-Particle Flows including Two-way and Four-way Coupling on a MIMD Computer Architectur

Pachler, Klaus, Frank, Thomas, Bernert, Klaus 17 April 2002 (has links) (PDF)
The transport or the separation of solid particles or droplets suspended in a fluid flow is a common task in mechanical and process engineering. To improve machinery and physical processes (e.g. for coal combustion, reduction of NO_x and soot) an optimization of complex phenomena by simulation applying the fundamental conservation equations is required. Fluid-particle flows are characterized by the ratio of density of the two phases gamma=rho_P/rho_F, by the Stokes number St=tau_P/tau_F and by the loading in terms of void and mass fraction. Those numbers (Stokes number, gamma) define the flow regime and which relevant forces are acting on the particle. Dependent on the geometrical configuration the particle-wall interaction might have a heavy impact on the mean flow structure. The occurrence of particle-particle collisions becomes also more and more important with the increase of the local void fraction of the particulate phase. With increase of the particle loading the interaction with the fluid phase can not been neglected and 2-way or even 4-way coupling between the continous and disperse phases has to be taken into account. For dilute to moderate dense particle flows the Euler-Lagrange method is capable to resolve the main flow mechanism. An accurate computation needs unfortunately a high number of numerical particles (1,...,10^7) to get the reliable statistics for the underlying modelling correlations. Due to the fact that a Lagrangian algorithm cannot be vectorized for complex meshes the only way to finish those simulations in a reasonable time is the parallization applying the message passing paradigma. Frank et al. describes the basic ideas for a parallel Eulererian-Lagrangian solver, which uses multigrid for acceleration of the flow equations. The performance figures are quite good, though only steady problems are tackled. The presented paper is aimed to the numerical prediction of time-dependend fluid-particle flows using the simultanous particle tracking approach based on the Eulerian-Lagrangian and the particle-source-in-cell (PSI-Cell) approach. It is shown in the paper that for the unsteady flow prediction efficiency and load balancing of the parallel numerical simulation is an even more pronounced problem in comparison with the steady flow calculations, because the time steps for the time integration along one particle trajectory are very small per one time step of fluid flow integration and so the floating point workload on a single processor node is usualy rather low. Much time is spent for communication and waiting time of the processors, because for cold flow particle convection not very extensive calculations are necessary. One remedy might be a highspeed switch like Myrinet or Dolphin PCI/SCI (500 MByte/s), which could balance the relative high floating point performance of INTEL PIII processors and the weak capacity of the Fast-Ethernet communication network (100 Mbit/s) of the Chemnitz Linux Cluster (CLIC) used for the presented calculations. Corresponding to the discussed examples calculation times and parallel performance will be presented. Another point is the communication of many small packages, which should be summed up to bigger messages, because each message requires a startup time independently of its size. Summarising the potential of such a parallel algorithm, it will be shown that a Beowulf-type cluster computer is a highly competitve alternative to the classical main frame computer for the investigated Eulerian-Lagrangian simultanous particle tracking approach.

A Numerical Study of the Gas-Particle Flow in Pipework and Flow Splitting Devices of Coal-Fired Power Plant

Schneider, Helfried, Frank, Thomas, Pachler, Klaus, Bernert, Klaus 17 April 2002 (has links)
In power plants using large utility coal-fired boilers for generation of electricity the coal is pulverised in coal mills and then it has to be pneumatically transported and distributed to a larger number of burners (e.g. 30-40) circumferentially arranged in several rows around the burning chamber of the boiler. Besides the large pipework flow splitting devices are necessary for distribution of an equal amount of pulverised fuel (PF) to each of the burners. So called trifurcators (without inner fittings or guiding vanes) and ''riffle'' type bifurcators are commonly used to split the gas-coal particle flow into two or three pipes/channels with an equal amount of PF mass flow rate in each outflow cross section of the flow splitting device. These PF flow splitting devices are subject of a number of problems. First of all an uneven distribution of PF over the burners of a large utility boiler leads to operational and maintenance problems, increased level of unburned carbon and higher rates of NOX emissions. Maldistribution of fuel between burners caused by non uniform concentration of the PF (particle roping) in pipe and channel bends prior to flow splitting devices leads to uncontrolled differences in the fuel to air ratio between burners. This results in localised regions in the furnace which are fuel rich, where insufficient air causes incomplete combustion of the fuel. Other regions in the furnace become fuel lean, forming high local concentrations of NOX due to the high local concentrations of O2. Otherwise PF maldistribution can impact on power plant maintenance in terms of uneven wear on PF pipework, flow splitters as well as the effects on boiler panels (PF deposition, corrosion, slagging). In order to address these problems in establishing uniform PF distribution over the outlet cross sections of flow splitting devices in the pipework of coal-fired power plants the present paper deals with numerical prediction and analysis of the complex gas and coal particle (PF) flow through trifurcators and ''riffle'' type bifurcators. The numerical investigation is based on a 3-dimensional Eulerian- Lagrangian approach (MISTRAL/PartFlow-3D) developed by Frank et al. The numerical method is capable to predict isothermal, incompressible, steady gas- particle flows in 3-dimensional, geometrically complex flow geometries using boundary fitted, block-structured, numerical grids. Due to the very high numerical effort of the investigated gas-particle flows the numerical approach has been developed with special emphasis on efficient parallel computing on clusters of workstations or other high performance computing architectures. Besides the aerodynamically interaction between the carrier fluid phase and the PF particles the gas-particle flow is mainly influenced by particle-wall interactions with the outer wall boundaries and the inner fittings and guiding vanes of the investigated flow splitting devices. In order to allow accurate quantitative prediction of the motion of the disperse phase the numerical model requires detailed information about the particle-wall collision process. In commonly used physical models of the particle-wall interaction this is the knowledge or experimental prediction of the restitution coefficients (dynamic friction coefficient, coefficient of restitution) for the used combination of particle and wall material, e.g. PF particles on steel. In the present investigation these parameters of the particle-wall interaction model have been obtained from special experiments in two test facilities. Basic experiments to clarify the details of the particle-wall interaction process were made in a test facility with a spherical disk accelerator. This test facility furthermore provides the opportunity to investigate the bouncing process under normal pressure as well as under vacuum conditions, thus excluding aerodynamically influences on the motion of small particles in the near vicinity of solid wall surfaces (especially under small angles of attack). In this experiments spherical glass beads were used as particle material. In a second test facility we have investigated the real impact of non-spherical pulverised fuel particles on a steel/ceramic target. In this experiments PF particles were accelerated by an injector using inert gas like e.g. CO2 or N2 as the carrier phase in order to avoid dust explosion hazards. The obtained data for the particle-wall collision models were compared to those obtained for glass spheres, where bouncing models are proofed to be valid. Furthermore the second test facility was used to obtain particle erosion rates for PF particles on steel targets as a function of impact angles and velocities. The results of experimental investigations has been incorporated into the numerical model. Hereafter the numerical approach MISTRAL/PartFlow-3D has been applied to the PF flow through a ''riffle'' type bifurcator. Using ICEM/CFD-Hexa as grid generator a numerical mesh with approximately 4 million grid cells has been designed for approximation of the complex geometry of the flow splitting device with all its interior fittings and guiding vanes. Based on a predicted gas flow field a large number of PF particles are tracked throughout the flow geometry of the flow-splitter. Besides mean quantities of the particle flow field like e.g. local particle concentrations, mean particle velocities, distribution of mean particle diameter, etc. it is now possible to obtain information about particle erosion on riffle plates and guiding vanes of the flow splitting device. Furthermore the influence of different roping patterns in front of the flow splitter on the uniformness of PF mass flow rate splitting after the bifurcator has been investigated numerically. Results show the efficient operation of the investigated bifurcator in absence of particle roping, this means under conditions of an uniform PF particle concentration distribution in the inflow cross section of the bifurcator. If particle roping occurs and particle concentration differs over the pipe cross section in front of the bifurcator the equal PF particle mass flow rate splitting can be strongly deteriorated in dependence on the location and intensity of the particle rope or particle concentration irregularities. The presented results show the importance of further development of efficient rope splitting devices for applications in coal-fired power plants. Numerical analysis can be used as an efficient tool for their investigation and further optimisation under various operating and flow conditions.

Simulation of Unsteady Gas-Particle Flows including Two-way and Four-way Coupling on a MIMD Computer Architectur

Pachler, Klaus, Frank, Thomas, Bernert, Klaus 17 April 2002 (has links)
The transport or the separation of solid particles or droplets suspended in a fluid flow is a common task in mechanical and process engineering. To improve machinery and physical processes (e.g. for coal combustion, reduction of NO_x and soot) an optimization of complex phenomena by simulation applying the fundamental conservation equations is required. Fluid-particle flows are characterized by the ratio of density of the two phases gamma=rho_P/rho_F, by the Stokes number St=tau_P/tau_F and by the loading in terms of void and mass fraction. Those numbers (Stokes number, gamma) define the flow regime and which relevant forces are acting on the particle. Dependent on the geometrical configuration the particle-wall interaction might have a heavy impact on the mean flow structure. The occurrence of particle-particle collisions becomes also more and more important with the increase of the local void fraction of the particulate phase. With increase of the particle loading the interaction with the fluid phase can not been neglected and 2-way or even 4-way coupling between the continous and disperse phases has to be taken into account. For dilute to moderate dense particle flows the Euler-Lagrange method is capable to resolve the main flow mechanism. An accurate computation needs unfortunately a high number of numerical particles (1,...,10^7) to get the reliable statistics for the underlying modelling correlations. Due to the fact that a Lagrangian algorithm cannot be vectorized for complex meshes the only way to finish those simulations in a reasonable time is the parallization applying the message passing paradigma. Frank et al. describes the basic ideas for a parallel Eulererian-Lagrangian solver, which uses multigrid for acceleration of the flow equations. The performance figures are quite good, though only steady problems are tackled. The presented paper is aimed to the numerical prediction of time-dependend fluid-particle flows using the simultanous particle tracking approach based on the Eulerian-Lagrangian and the particle-source-in-cell (PSI-Cell) approach. It is shown in the paper that for the unsteady flow prediction efficiency and load balancing of the parallel numerical simulation is an even more pronounced problem in comparison with the steady flow calculations, because the time steps for the time integration along one particle trajectory are very small per one time step of fluid flow integration and so the floating point workload on a single processor node is usualy rather low. Much time is spent for communication and waiting time of the processors, because for cold flow particle convection not very extensive calculations are necessary. One remedy might be a highspeed switch like Myrinet or Dolphin PCI/SCI (500 MByte/s), which could balance the relative high floating point performance of INTEL PIII processors and the weak capacity of the Fast-Ethernet communication network (100 Mbit/s) of the Chemnitz Linux Cluster (CLIC) used for the presented calculations. Corresponding to the discussed examples calculation times and parallel performance will be presented. Another point is the communication of many small packages, which should be summed up to bigger messages, because each message requires a startup time independently of its size. Summarising the potential of such a parallel algorithm, it will be shown that a Beowulf-type cluster computer is a highly competitve alternative to the classical main frame computer for the investigated Eulerian-Lagrangian simultanous particle tracking approach.

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