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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Query builder for database system / Framtagning av verktyg för att skapa databasförfrågningar

Stigeborn, Patrik, Strömgren, Jonathan January 2015 (has links)
Large amount of data is used by companies to enable good analysis of their system’s workability. Data can be stored in a partitioned database, to enable an optimal way of accessing the data. The problem with partitioning is that the complexity of the database structure increases. Therefore retrieving data demands higher expertise of the user. This degree project will examine different solutions to create an efficient and easy to use method, to access and retrieve data from a database with such architecture. Interviews have been conducted at Ericsson and were an important source of information. Existing query builders were another source - they were analyzed for comparison and ideas. As result of research and development, a customized query builder was created. It was adapted to Ericsson’s database environment and internal software. The SQL-queries are generated dynamically using the query builder that was developed in this degree project. The query builder takes input parameters, interpret them and then generate a query. It was implemented in C++, and satisfies specific demands and functionality. / Stora mängder data används av företag för att skapa bra analyser av deras systems prestanda. Denna data kan lagras i partitionerade databaser, för att möjliggöra optimal hämtning av data. Problemet med partitionering är att det skapar komplex databasstruktur, därmed ökar kraven på användaren i samband med inhämtning av data. I detta examensarbete kommer vi att undersöka olika lösningar för att skapa en effektiv och lättanvändlig metod för att få åtkomst och hämta data från en partitionerad databas. Intervjuer har genomförts med anställda på Ericsson, som tillsammans med litteraturstudier har varit vår främsta informationskälla. Resultatet av våran undersökning och utveckling blev en specialanpassad query builder. Den är anpassad för Ericssons databasmiljö och interna system. SQL-frågor kommer att genereras dynamiskt utav vår query builder. Denna query builder kommer att ta emot indata, vilket den sedan kommer att tolka och utifrån detta skapa en SQL-förfrågan. Query buildern är uppbyggd i C++, och tillfredställer givna krav på funktionallitet.

Couplage et synchronisation de modèles dans un code scénario d’accidents graves dans les réacteurs nucléaires / Coupling and synchronisation of models in a code for severe accidents in nuclear reactors

Viot, Louis 12 October 2018 (has links)
La thèse s'inscrit dans le contexte des accidents graves dans les réacteurs nucléaires qui sont étudiés au laboratoire de physique et modélisation des accidents graves (LPMA) du CEA de Cadarache. Un accident grave survient lors de la perte du caloporteur au niveau du circuit primaire ce qui provoque une dégradation du combustible et la création d'un bain de corium. Celui-ci va ensuite se propager en cuve et fortement endommager les structures du réacteur. Pour la sûreté nucléaire, il est donc nécessaire de pouvoir prévoir la propagation de ce corium, d'où la création en 2013 de la plateforme PROCOR (Java) permettant aux travers d'applications industrielles de simuler cette propagation. Ces applications sont un ensemble de modèles physiques, couplés sur une macro boucle en temps, ayant chacun un ensemble d'équations algébriques et différentielles qui sont résolues en interne des modèles. Les modèles de la plateforme sont généralement des modèles OD dont la discrétisation spatiale est remplacée par des corrélations généralement issues de l'expérience. Chaque modèle a aussi un ensemble d'états et de règles de transition, et un changement d'état peut alors survenir à l'intérieur de la macro boucle en temps. Au début de la thèse, le couplage était simplement un chaînage des modèles sur la macro boucle en temps : chaque modèle est résolu l'un après l'autre, l'ordre étant défini par le créateur de l'application, et les modèles sont synchronisés à la fin de cette boucle. Les résultats des applications industrielles de la plateforme en modifiant simplement le pas de temps de la macro boucle en temps montrent une forte dépendance du schéma avec ce pas de temps. On a par exemple 10 % d'écart sur les flux imposés sur la cuve du réacteur en passant d'un pas de temps de 100 s à 50 s, ce qui a un fort impact sur les résultats de sûreté nucléaire. / This thesis focuses on solving coupled problems of models of interest for the simulation of severe accidents in nuclear reactors~: these coarse-grained models allow for fast calculations for statistical analysis used for risk assessment and solutions of large problems when considering the whole severe accident scenario. However, this modeling approach has several numerical flaws. Besides, in this industrial context, computational efficiency is of great importance leading to various numerical constraints. The objective of this research is to analyze the applicability of explicit coupling strategies to solve such coupled problems and to design implicit coupling schemes allowing stable and accurate computations. The proposed schemes are theoretically analyzed and tested within CEA's procor{} platform on a problem of heat conduction solved with coupled lumped parameter models and coupled 1D models. Numerical results are discussed and allow us to emphasize the benefits of using the designed coupling schemes instead of the usual explicit coupling schemes.

Metodología para hipervisores seguros utilizando técnicas de validación formal

Peiró Frasquet, Salvador 29 April 2016 (has links)
[EN] The availability of new processors with more processing power for embedded systems has raised the development of applications that tackle problems of greater complexity. Currently, the embedded applications have more features, and as a consequence, more complexity. For this reason, there exists a growing interest in allowing the secure execution of multiple applications that share a single processor and memory. In this context, partitioned system architectures based on hypervisors have evolved as an adequate solution to build secure systems. One of the main challenges in the construction of secure partitioned systems is the verification of the correct operation of the hypervisor, since, the hypervisor is the critical component on which rests the security of the partitioned system. Traditional approaches for Validation and Verification (V&V), such as testing, inspection and analysis, present limitations for the exhaustive validation and verification of the system operation, due to the fact that the input space to validate grows exponentially with respect to the number of inputs to validate. Given this limitations, verification techniques based in formal methods arise as an alternative to complement the traditional validation techniques. This dissertation focuses on the application of formal methods to validate the correctness of the partitioned system, with a special focus on the XtratuM hypervisor. The proposed methodology is evaluated through its application to the hypervisor validation. To this end, we propose a formal model of the hypervisor based in Finite State Machines (FSM), this model enables the definition of the correctness properties that the hypervisor design must fulfill. In addition, this dissertation studies how to ensure the functional correctness of the hypervisor implementation by means of deductive code verification techniques. Last, we study the vulnerabilities that result of the loss of confidentiality (CWE-200 [CWE08b]) of the information managed by the partitioned system. In this context, the vulnerabilities (infoleaks) are modeled, static code analysis techniques are applied to the detection of the vulnerabilities, and last the proposed techniques are validated by means of a practical case study on the Linux kernel that is a component of the partitioned system. / [ES] La disponibilidad de nuevos procesadores más potentes para aplicaciones empotradas ha permitido el desarrollo de aplicaciones que abordan problemas de mayor complejidad. Debido a esto, las aplicaciones empotradas actualmente tienen más funciones y prestaciones, y como consecuencia de esto, una mayor complejidad. Por este motivo, existe un interés creciente en permitir la ejecución de múltiples aplicaciones de forma segura y sin interferencias en un mismo procesador y memoria. En este marco surgen las arquitecturas de sistemas particionados basados en hipervisores como una solución apropiada para construir sistemas seguros. Uno de los principales retos en la construcción de sistemas particionados, es la verificación del correcto funcionamiento del hipervisor, dado que es el componente crítico sobre el que descansa la seguridad de todo el sistema particionado. Las técnicas tradicionales de V&V, como testing, inspección y análisis, presentan limitaciones para la verificación exhaustiva del comportamiento del sistema, debido a que el espacio de entradas a verificar crece de forma exponencial con respecto al número de entradas a verificar. Ante estas limitaciones las técnicas de verificación basadas en métodos formales surgen como una alternativa para completar las técnicas de validación tradicional. Esta disertación se centra en la aplicación de métodos formales para validar la corrección del sistema particionado, en especial del hipervisor XtratuM. La validación de la metodología se realiza aplicando las técnicas propuestas a la validación del hipervisor. Para ello, se propone un modelo formal del hipervisor basado en máquinas de autómatas finitos, este modelo formal permite la definición de las propiedades que el diseño hipervisor debe cumplir para asegurar su corrección. Adicionalmente, esta disertación analiza cómo asegurar la corrección funcional de la implementación del hipervisor por medio de técnicas de verificación deductiva de código. Por último, se estudian las vulnerabilidades de tipo information leak (CWE-200 [CWE08b]) debidas a la perdida de la confidencialidad de la información manejada en el sistema particionado. En este ámbito se modelan las vulnerabilidades, se aplican técnicas de análisis de código para la detección de vulnerabilidades en base al modelo definido y por último se valida la técnica propuesta por medio de un caso práctico sobre el núcleo del sistema operativo Linux que forma parte del sistema particionado. / [CA] La disponibilitat de nous processadors amb major potencia de còmput per a aplicacions empotrades ha permès el desenvolupament de aplicacions que aborden problemes de major complexitat. Degut a açò, les aplicacions empotrades actualment tenen més funcions i prestacions, i com a conseqüència, una major complexitat. Per aquest motiu, existeix un interès creixent en per permetre la execució de múltiples aplicacions de forma segura i sense interferències en un mateix processador i memòria. En aquest marc sorgeixen les arquitectures de sistemes particionats basats en hipervisors com una solució apropiada per a la construcció de sistemes segurs Un dels principals reptes en la construcció de sistemes particionats, es la verificació del correcte funcionament del hipervisor, donat que aquest es el component crític sobre el que descansa la seguretat del sistema particionat complet. Les tècniques tradicionals de V&V, com són el testing, inspecció i anàlisi, presenten limitacions que fan impracticable la seva aplicació per a la verificació exhaustiva del comportament del sistema, degut a que el espai de entrades a verificar creix de forma exponencial amb el nombre de entrades a verificar. Front a aquestes limitacions les tècniques de verificació basades en mètodes formals sorgeixen com una alternativa per a completar les tècniques de validació tradicional. Aquesta dissertació es centra en la aplicació de mètodes formals per a validar la correcció del sistema particionat, en especial d del hipervisor XtratuM. La validació de la metodología es realitza aplicant les tècniques proposades a la validació del hipervisor. Per a aquest fi, es proposa un model formal del hipervisor basat en màquines de estats finits (FSM), aquest model formal permet la definició de les propietats que el disseny del hipervisor deu de complir per assegurar la seva correcció. Addicionalment, aquesta dissertació analitza com assegurar la correcció funcional de la implementació del hipervisor mitjançant tècniques de verificació deductiva de codi. Per últim, s'estudien les vulnerabilitats de tipus information leak (CWE-200 [CWE08b]) degudes a la pèrdua de la confidencialitat de la informació gestionada per el sistema particionat. En aquest àmbit, es modelen les vulnerabilitats, s'apliquen tècniques de anàlisis de codi per a la detecció de les vulnerabilitats en base al model definit, per últim es valida la tècnica proposada mitjançant un cas pràctic sobre el nucli del sistema operatiu Linux que forma part de l'arquitectura particionada. / Peiró Frasquet, S. (2016). Metodología para hipervisores seguros utilizando técnicas de validación formal [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/63152

Secondary large-scale index theory and positive scalar curvature

Zeidler, Rudolf 24 August 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Développement d'un modèle numérique de couplage fluide-structure appliqué au cas d'une pompe à membrane ondulante / Development of a numerical model using fluid-structure interaction method apply to an undulating membrane pump

Song, Mengdi 20 June 2013 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous avons étudié la simulation numérique des phénomènes d’interaction fluide-structure (IFS) par la méthode des éléments finis pour un fluide incompressible et non visqueux en interaction avec une structure flexible. Les modèles numériques développés sont basé sur une approche d’IFS partitionnée. Une amélioration basée sur une compensation des effets de massé ajoutée est proposée au cours de la thèse afin d’assurer la convergence et la stabilité du schéma de couplage partitionné indépendamment de la densité du fluide impliqué. L’approche corrective nécessite une estimation de la matrice de masse ajoutée et demande une légère modification de l’algorithme itératif. Les méthodes proposées ont été validées sur les cas académiques en comparaison avec les solutions analytiques et sont appliqués au cas d’une nouvelle conception de pompe pour tout type de fluides (gaz, liquides, fluide chargé…), en vue d’affiner la compréhension de son fonctionnement et ainsi mieux la caractériser. Les méthodes ainsi que les validations sont publiées sur un article qui a été accepté par le revue scientifique « Computers & Fluids ». Une présentation orale a effectuée pendant la conférence internationale ACE-X2012 à Istanbul et une autre a été accepté par la conférence nationale CSMA-2013 à Giens. / The numerical simulation of fluid-structure interaction (FSI) by the finite element method has been studied in the context of an incompressible and inviscid flow interacting with a very flexible structure.The numerical models developed in this work are based on a partitioned FSI approach. An improvement based on a compensation of the added-mass effect is proposed during the PhD research in order to ensure the convergence and the stability of the partitioned coupling scheme for all fluids regardless of its density. This simple correction requires to estimate the added-mass matrix and to modify slightly the iterative algorithm.The proposed methods were validated by comparing with analytical solutions for several academic cases and are applied to a novel pumping technology, which is applicable to all kinds of fluid (gas, liquid, slurry...). The main objective is to provide a better understanding about its operations and to improve the designing of pump. The methods and the validation cases are published in an article which has been accepted by the scientific review Computers & Fluids. They were also presented during the international conference ACE-X2012 in Istanbul and have been accepted and scheduled for oral presentation during the national conference CSMA-2013 in Giens.

A Design Space Exploration Process for Large Scale, Multi-Objective Computer Simulations

Zentner, John Marc 07 July 2006 (has links)
The primary contributions of this thesis are associated with the development of a new method for exploring the relationships between inputs and outputs for large scale computer simulations. Primarily, the proposed design space exploration procedure uses a hierarchical partitioning method to help mitigate the curse of dimensionality often associated with the analysis of large scale systems. Closely coupled with the use of a partitioning approach, is the problem of how to partition the system. This thesis also introduces and discusses a quantitative method developed to aid the user in finding a set of good partitions for creating partitioned metamodels of large scale systems. The new hierarchically partitioned metamodeling scheme, the lumped parameter model (LPM), was developed to address two primary limitations to the current partitioning methods for large scale metamodeling. First the LPM was formulated to negate the need to rely on variable redundancies between partitions to account for potentially important interactions. By using a hierarchical structure, the LPM addresses the impact of neglected, direct interactions by indirectly accounting for these interactions via the interactions that occur between the lumped parameters in intermediate to top-level mappings. Secondly, the LPM was developed to allow for hierarchical modeling of black-box analyses that do not have available intermediaries with which to partition the system around. The second contribution of this thesis is a graph-based partitioning method for large scale, black-box systems. The graph-based partitioning method combines the graph and sparse matrix decomposition methods used by the electrical engineering community with the results of a screening test to create a quantitative method for partitioning large scale, black-box systems. An ANOVA analysis of the results of a screening test can be used to determine the sparse nature of the large scale system. With this information known, the sparse matrix and graph theoretic partitioning schemes can then be used to create potential sets of partitions to use with the lumped parameter model.

A Robust Traffic Sign Recognition System

Becer, Huseyin Caner 01 February 2011 (has links) (PDF)
The traffic sign detection and recognition system is an essential part of the driver warning and assistance systems. In this thesis, traffic sign recognition system is studied. We considered circular, triangular and square Turkish traffic signs. For detection stage, we have two different approaches. In first approach, we assume that the detected signs are available. In the second approach, the region of interest of the traffic sign image is given. Traffic sign is extracted from ROI by using a detection algorithm. In recognition stage, the ring-partitioned method is implemented. In this method, the traffic sign is divided into rings and the normalized fuzzy histogram is used as an image descriptor. The histograms of these rings are compared with the reference histograms. Ring-partitions provide robustness to rotation because the rotation does not change the histogram of the ring. This is very critical for circle signs because rotation is hard to detect in circle signs. To overcome illumination problem, specified gray scale image is used. To apply this method to triangle and square signs, the circumscribed circle of these shapes is extracted. Ring partitioned method is tested for the case where the detected signs are available and the region of interests of the traffic sign is given. The data sets contain about 500 static and video captured images and the images in the data set are taken in daytime.

Computational fluid-structure interaction with the moving immersed boundary method / Résolution de l’interaction fluide-structure par la méthode des frontières immergées mobiles

Cai, Shang-Gui 30 May 2016 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, une nouvelle méthode de frontières immergées a été développée pour la simulation d'interaction fluide-structure, appelée la méthode de frontières immergées mobiles (en langage anglo-saxon: MIBM). L'objectif principal de cette nouvelle méthode est de déplacer arbitrairement les solides à géométrie complexe dans un fluide visqueux incompressible, sans remailler le domaine fluide. Cette nouvelle méthode a l'avantage d'imposer la condition de non-glissement à l'interface d'une manière exacte via une force sans introduire des constantes artificielles modélisant la structure rigide. Cet avantage conduit également à la satisfaction de la condition CFL avec un pas de temps plus grand. Pour un calcul précis de la force induite par les frontières mobiles, un système linéaire a été introduit et résolu par la méthode de gradient conjugué. La méthode proposée peut être intégrée facilement dans des solveurs résolvant les équations de Navier-Stokes. Dans ce travail la MIBM a été mise en œuvre en couplage avec un solveur fluide utilisant une méthode de projection adaptée pour obtenir des solutions d'ordre deux en temps et en espace. Le champ de pression a été obtenu par l'équation de Poisson qui a été résolue à l'aide de la méthode du gradient conjugué préconditionné par la méthode multi-grille. La combinaison de ces deux méthodes a permis un gain de temps considérable par rapport aux méthodes classiques de la résolution des systèmes linéaires. De plus le code de calcul développé a été parallélisé sur l'unité graphique GPU équipée de la bibliothèque CUDA pour aboutir à des hautes performances de calcul. Enfin, comme application de nos travaux sur la MIBM, nous avons étudié le couplage "fort" d'interaction fluide-structure (IFS). Pour ce type de couplage, un schéma implicite partitionné a été adopté dans lequel les conditions à l'interface sont satisfaites via un schéma de type "point fixe". Pour réduire le temps de calcul inhérent à cette application, un nouveau schéma de couplage a été proposé pour éviter la résolution de l'équation de Poisson durant les itérations du "point fixe". Cette nouvelle façon de résoudre les problèmes IFS a montré des performances prometteuses pour des systèmes en IFS complexe. / In this thesis a novel non-body conforming mesh formulation is developed, called the moving immersed boundary method (MIBM), for the numerical simulation of fluid-structure interaction (FSI). The primary goal is to enable solids of complex shape to move arbitrarily in an incompressible viscous fluid, without fitting the solid boundary motion with dynamic meshes. This novel method enforces the no-slip boundary condition exactly at the fluid-solid interface with a boundary force, without introducing any artificial constants to the rigid body formulation. As a result, large time step can be used in current method. To determine the boundary force more efficiently in case of moving boundaries, an additional moving force equation is derived and the resulting system is solved by the conjugate gradient method. The proposed method is highly portable and can be integrated into any fluid solver as a plug-in. In the present thesis, the MIBM is implemented in the fluid solver based on the projection method. In order to obtain results of high accuracy, the rotational incremental pressure correction projection method is adopted, which is free of numerical boundary layer and is second order accurate. To accelerate the calculation of the pressure Poisson equation, the multi-grid method is employed as a preconditioner together with the conjugate gradient method as a solver. The code is further parallelized on the graphics processing unit (GPU) with the CUDA library to enjoy high performance computing. At last, the proposed MIBM is applied to the study of two-way FSI problem. For stability and modularity reasons, a partitioned implicit scheme is selected for this strongly coupled problem. The interface matching of fluid and solid variables is realized through a fixed point iteration. To reduce the computational cost, a novel efficient coupling scheme is proposed by removing the time-consuming pressure Poisson equation from this fixed point interaction. The proposed method has shown a promising performance in modeling complex FSI system.

Anonymous Opt-Out and Secure Computation in Data Mining

Shepard, Samuel Steven 09 November 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Efficient Numerical Methods for Heart Simulation

2015 April 1900 (has links)
The heart is one the most important organs in the human body and many other live creatures. The electrical activity in the heart controls the heart function, and many heart diseases are linked to the abnormalities in the electrical activity in the heart. Mathematical equations and computer simulation can be used to model the electrical activity in the heart. The heart models are challenging to solve because of the complexity of the models and the huge size of the problems. Several cell models have been proposed to model the electrical activity in a single heart cell. These models must be coupled with a heart model to model the electrical activity in the entire heart. The bidomain model is a popular model to simulate the propagation of electricity in myocardial tissue. It is a continuum-based model consisting of non-linear ordinary differential equations (ODEs) describing the electrical activity at the cellular scale and a system of partial differential equations (PDEs) describing propagation of electricity at the tissue scale. Because of this multi-scale, ODE/PDE structure of the model, splitting methods that treat the ODEs and PDEs in separate steps are natural candidates as numerical methods. First, we need to solve the problem at the cellular scale using ODE solvers. One of the most popular methods to solve the ODEs is known as the Rush-Larsen (RL) method. Its popularity stems from its improved stability over integrators such as the forward Euler (FE) method along with its easy implementation. The RL method partitions the ODEs into two sets: one for the gating variables, which are treated by an exponential integrator, and another for the remaining equations, which are treated by the FE method. The success of the RL method can be understood in terms of its relatively good stability when treating the gating variables. However, this feature would not be expected to be of benefit on cell models for which the stiffness is not captured by the gating equations. We demonstrate that this is indeed the case on a number of stiff cell models. We further propose a new partitioned method based on the combination of a first-order generalization of the RL method with the FE method. This new method leads to simulations of stiff cell models that are often one or two orders of magnitude faster than the original RL method. After solving the ODEs, we need to use bidomain solvers to solve the bidomain model. Two well-known, first-order time-integration methods for solving the bidomain model are the semi-implicit method and the Godunov operator-splitting method. Both methods decouple the numerical procedure at the cellular scale from that at the tissue scale but in slightly different ways. The methods are analyzed in terms of their accuracy, and their relative performance is compared on one-, two-, and three-dimensional test cases. As suggested by the analysis, the test cases show that the Godunov method is significantly faster than the semi-implicit method for the same level of accuracy, specifically, between 5 and 15 times in the cases presented. Second-order bidomain solvers can generally be expected to be more effective than first-order bidomain solvers under normal accuracy requirements. However, the simplest and the most commonly applied second-order method for the PDE step, the Crank-Nicolson (CN) method, may generate unphysical oscillations. We investigate the performance of a two-stage, L-stable singly diagonally implicit Runge-Kutta method for solving the PDEs of the bidomain model and present a stability analysis. Numerical experiments show that the enhanced stability property of this method leads to more physically realistic numerical simulations compared to both the CN and Backward Euler (BE) methods.

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