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Self-defence as a ground of justification in cases of battered woman who kill their abusive partnersSingh, Divya 08 1900 (has links)
1 online resource ([8], 326 leaves) / Criminal and Procedural Law / LLD
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Constructions of masculinity within a non-traditional marriage : a comparative case study.Bell, Shannon 27 September 2013 (has links)
Empirical research exploring the physical health of female sex workers and their risk of contracting and spreading sexually transmitted infections has been over-researched. There have also been numerous studies conducted on sex workers highlighting physical violence, rape and stigmatisation. There is, however, little empirical evidence exploring the personal lives of female sex workers especially with regards to their husbands and the impact that their wives choice in career may have on the constructions of their masculinity. Accordingly, this research aimed to qualitatively explore and understand, via a comparative in-depth case study with two married couples, how the masculinity of a man, who is married to a high-income female sex worker, may be constructed, as compared to a man who is married to a woman who is not involved in the sex industry. It was found, after conducting semi-structured, one-on-one interviews with each of the married couples, that the males constructed their masculinity in relation to their wives occupation, their income in comparison to that of their wives, their wives sexuality, familial and historical notions regarding infidelity, certainty regarding paternity, and issues of romantic jealousy (both sexual and emotional). It was found that, at least for the man from a non-traditional marriage (where his wife was a FSW), by constructing and reconstructing one’s masculinity (when faced with perceived threats regarding one's sense of masculinity), one is able to reclaim the typical patriarchal characteristics. This is done by strongly conforming (and potentially overcompensating by doing so) to traditional masculine and social patriarchal standards and/or by constructing one’s masculinity to align with a more liberal feminist perspective. Therefore one demonstrates a contemporary appreciation of gender equality and non-traditional gender roles for one’s female partner.
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Search for vector-like T quarks using events with oppositely-charged lepton pairs and jets in proton-proton collisions at centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV with CMS detectorMendis, Dalath Rachitha Asanga January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Physics / Andrew G. Ivanov / A search is performed for heavy vector-like top quark partner (T) with electric charge +2/3 by using proton-proton collision events from Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at a centre- of-mass energy of 13 TeV. The data corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 35.9fb−1 collected by the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment during 2016.
The production of this new hypothetical particle is assumed to be in pairs and strong interaction is responsible for such production mechanism. T quarks can decay to various combinations of third generation quarks and standard model bosons: T → bW, tZ, or tH, and hence the final states consist of pair of opposite-sign leptons consistent with coming from a Z boson and jets. No significant excess has been observed and hence 95% CL upper limits are obtained on TT production cross section by assuming different branching ratios. T quark mass values below 1280 GeV are excluded in case of 100% branching fraction for T → tZ.
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Expérimentation d'un dispositif de justice restaurative pour mineurs : les difficultés de l'implantation d'un nouveau modèle / Experimentation of a justice restorativedevise for minors : the difficulties of implementing a new modelDjoman, Otangba Jean Philippe 12 December 2018 (has links)
Cette recherche décrit et analyse le processus de mise en œuvre d’un dispositif de justice restaurative au sein du système de justice des mineurs. Le projet s’inscrit dans la politique générale du Ministère de la justice et particulièrement de celle de la Direction territoriale de la protection judiciaire de la jeunesse (DTPJJ). Il est l’un des premiers à être expérimenté sur le plan national avec pour objectif la tenue de conférences restauratives, c’est-à-dire des rencontres en face à face entre infracteurs et victimes, accompagnés de leurs proches et en présence d’un facilitateur ou médiateur. L’expérimentation a associé deux entités du Ministère de la justice, le tribunal de grande instance de Caen et le Service Territorial éducatif de milieu ouvert (STEMO) et trois entités du milieu associatif que sont l’ACJM, le CIDFF qui sont des services d’aide aux victimes et l’Association de thérapie familiale systémique (ATFS).L’expérimentation n’a pu déboucher que sur une seule conférence restaurative entre un jeune, auteur d’un vol avec effraction dans une école et la directrice de cet établissement. Elle a abouti à la conclusion d’un plan de réparation proposé par le mineur et accepté par la victime puis consigné dans un rapport et validé par le médiateur.Le présent travail restitue les enseignements d’une immersion par participation active aux différentes phases du projet, depuis la signature du protocole initial jusqu’aux différentes réunions de bilan du processus. Cette implication, assise sur les enseignements tirés de ma participation antérieure à un programme de justice restaurative en Côte d’Ivoire, m’a permis d’effectuer une enquête ethnographique approfondie.Après avoir situé les enjeux socio-politiques liés à l’implantation internationale de pratiques de justice restaurative et restitué les enseignements de mon expérience Ivoirienne, j’analyse le déroulement de l’expérience caennaise dans un cadre théorique ouvert référé à la sociologie de la traduction et aux économies de la grandeur.Cet ensemble vient selon moi documenter la question suivante : peut-on, malgré les lenteurs et difficultés inhérentes à l’instauration d’une innovation sociale telle que la justice restaurative parier sur les effets bénéfiques d’une rencontre médiée entre les protagonistes d’une infraction ? / This research describes and analyzes the process of implementing a restorative justice system within the juvenile justice system. The project is part of the general policy of the ministry of justice and particularly that of the Direction territorial de la protection judiciaire de la jeunesse (DTPJJ). He is one of the first to be experimented at the national level with the aim of holding restorative conferences, in face to face meetings between offenders and victims, accompanied by their relatives and in the presence of a facilitator or mediator. The expert appraisal involved two entities of the ministry of justice, the hight court of Caen and the Service territorial éducatif de milieu ouvert (STEMO) and three associations that are Association de contrôle judiciaire et médiation (ACJM), Centre d’informations sur les droits des femmes et des familles (CIDFF) which are victim support and Association de thérapie familiale et systémique (ATFS).The experiment was only able to stop at a single restorative conference between a young person who had broken into a school and the director of that school. It led to the conclusion of a repair plan proposed by minor and accepted by the victim then recorded in a report and validated by the mediator.The present work presents the lessons of an immersion through active participation in the various phases of the project from the signing of the initial protocol to the various review meeting of the process. This involvement based on the lessons learned from my previous participation in the program of restorative justice in Côte d’Ivoire allowed me to carry out an in depth ethnographic survey.After having located the socio-political issues related to the international implementation of practices of restorative justice and restituted the lessons of my Ivorian experience, I analyze the unfolding of the Caen experience in an open theoretical framework refered to the sociology of translation and economic of greatness.This set comes in my opinion to document the following question: Can one despite the delays and difficulties inherent in the establishment of a social innovation such as restorative justice bet on the beneficial effects of a mediated meeting between the protagonists of offense?
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Collaborating with Community Partners, ResidentsGrow, Mollie, LaRoche, Allison, Baca, Elizabeth, Bruce, Janine S, Borman-Shoap, Emily, Hall, Emily, Satrom, Katherine M., King-Schultz, Leslie, Dunlap, Marny, Weedn, Ashley E, Schetzina, Karen E, Jaishankar, Gayatri Bala, Hoffman, Ben 07 May 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Lived Experiences of African American Involved with an Incarcerated Intimate PartnerAlston, Sharon V 01 January 2019 (has links)
The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) accumulates annual data from state department of corrections. The information that the BJS accumulates annually is relevant to this study because it shows the possibility of the many African American women as well as other women in need of assistance while their loved one is incarcerated. The purpose of this study was to explore lived experiences of African American women involved with an incarcerated spouse, partner, or mate. The focal point of interest was how lived experiences affect African American women's physical and psychological well-being. The theoretical framework for this study comprised both the resilience theory and Bandura's self-efficacy theory. The research question that guided this study was: What are the significant experiences acquired during the incarceration process of the spouse, partner, or mate? Data were collected using semi structured interviews conducted with African American women over the age of 18 from a metropolitan city in the northeastern United States with incarcerated spouses, partners, or mates. NVivo software was used to find emergent themes from the data. The conclusions from the research, has endorsed positive social change by enlightening the helping professional. There are psychological implications that these women encountered during their lived experiences such as anxiety disorder, depression, trauma, stigma and shame, as well as criminality by association by staying in the relationship. The community should sustain these anguished women and be a factor in their well-being during the incarceration of their spouses, partners, or mates, as well as guiding them through the penal system via a resource center.
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Disclosure of Hiv status to sexual partners among people who receive antiretroviral treatment in Kampala, UgandaTina Achilla January 2010 (has links)
<p><font size="4" face="TrebuchetMS,BoldItalic"><font size="4" face="TrebuchetMS,BoldItalic">
<p>The study used a qualitative approach. Fourteen (14) in-depth interviews were conducted with English and Luganda speaking adult male and female clients on antiretroviral treatment (ART), in TASO Mulago. A focus group discussion (FGD) was conducted with 8 purposively selected ART clients who were considered to be &lsquo / expert&rsquo / clients in TASO Mulago. These participants were expert clients/ peer educators, who were open about their HIV status and have been involved in HIV/AIDS education and advocacy. The individual interviews and the focus group discussion were transcribed verbatim, and subjected to thematic and content analysis. Male and female participants who were married (primary relationship) disclosed their sero-status to their sexual partners, while few of those cohabiting or in steady relationship (only one) disclosed to their partners. Enabling factors to disclose to current sexual partners included: desire for partner to get treatment, need for the partner&rsquo / s support, having prior knowledge of partner&rsquo / s HIV status, out of anger, and having anxiety about the future. Some of the barriers to disclosure included: fear of blame and disappointing the partner, fear of abandonment, fear of stigma and discrimination. Participants suggested that couple counselling and testing, economic independence, peer support and involvement of the TASO staff in disclosure should be considered to facilitate or promote disclosure to sexual partners.</p>
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Social Partners’ Responses to Employment of Migrant Workers in the course of the ‘Lisbon Strategy’ and the ‘Europe 2020’ : Has there been any change in the social partners’ responses from the Lisbon to the EU2020? The case studies in Sweden, the UK and at European levelHan, Jihee January 2013 (has links)
The research is aimed at investigating how the common EU social and economic strategies, namely the 'Lisbon strategy' and the 'EU 2020', have been influential as a 'EU incentive' in European social partners having drawn the matter of employment of migrant workers both at Member state level and at European level by looking into their respective changes in responses towards the matter in the course of the two strategies. The research has found that there have been changes made in the European social partners' responses regarding the problematic matter of migrant workers' employment, namely precarious working conditions and lower employment rates than native workers, at all levels. To be specific, the trade unions have begun to emphasize more proactive protection of migrants at workplace than before. However, there is little evidence that it was the result of either the Lisbon or the EU2020. It was rather much more because of the evolving European economic market circumstance that has been getting liberalized more actively as the single market goes on, featured by the problematic side of the increase of posted workers and agency workers. Especially, the research is also aimed at shedding a light on how the Lisbon and the EU2020 have been articulated in the two different economic, social and employment models, namely the Nordic model and the Western model by investigating the Swedish case and the UK case in the study of Member state level social partners.
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Interorganisatorisk ekonomistyrning i nära relationer : En fallstudie av relationen mellan ett stort köpande företag och två av dess viktigaste samarbetspartners / Interorganizational accounting in close relations : A case study of the relation between a big purchasing company and two of their most important cooperation partnersPetersson, Jesper, Magnusson, Rikard January 2011 (has links)
Title: Interorganizational accounting in close relations – A case study of the relation between a big purchasing company and two of their most important cooperation partners Course: Master thesis in Business and Administration within Accounting, 30 ECTS Advisor: Gun Abrahamsson Theoretical framework: This thesis uses theories of business relationships, management information systems and interorganizational accounting. Conclusions: Despite a difference in the relations the interorganizational accounting is designed and used in a similar way. The interorganizational accounting that exists in the two relations has a medium scope, fast timeline, high aggregation and high integration. The information is mainly used for attention directing and for decision making. Keywords: interorganizational accounting, business relations, cooperation partners Research methodology: This thesis is based on a qualitative method. Interviews has been implemented on four respondents who are highly involved in each specific relation. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to describe the design and use of interorganizational accounting in the relationship between a big purchasing company and two of their most important cooperation partners. The thesis will aim particular focus on integration. Authors: Rikard Magnusson and Jesper Petersson Date of seminar: 2011-01-14
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Peer Influences on Weight-related Behaviors and Attitudes in Adolescence: A Longitudinal Examination of Romantic Partner EffectsGuerry, Whitney Brechwald January 2012 (has links)
<p>During adolescence, both boys and girls confront a period of heightened risk for dissatisfaction with weight and shape and engagement in unhealthy appearance-related behaviors. For many adolescents, this risk coincides with involvement in a range of romantic partnerships. Although a considerable body of empirical work has investigated same-gender peer influences on weight- and shape-related attitudes and behaviors, very little research has examined the role of romantic partners in this socialization process. Derived from social norms and social rewards theories of influence, this study examined several distinct modes through which romantic partners may influence changes in gender-specific behaviors and attitudes over a 6-month period. Participants included 214 (56% female) male and female adolescents ages 16-17 who reported having a romantic partner (of varying seriousness and relationship length) at Time 1. Results from multiple group (by gender) longitudinal path analyses revealed that both boys and girls experienced weight-related influence from a romantic partner. The seriousness and length of a romantic partner relationship moderated some, but not all, influence effects. Findings suggest that romantic relationships are important contexts for changes in adolescents' appearance-related health. Future research should examine romantic partners as contributors to both health-risk and health-promoting behaviors and attitudes.</p> / Dissertation
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