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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L’importance du concept de la castration dans la formation et la résolution du symptôme et dans la notion de guérison en psychanalyse, à l'étude de l'oeuvre de Pierre Fédida / The importance of the concept of the castration in the formation and the resolution of the symptom and in the notion of cure in psychoanalysis, in the study of Pierre Fedida’s work

Mortimore, Julie 05 December 2017 (has links)
Existe-t-il un au-delà de la castration ? Cette aporie que Freud nous a légué comme un point de butée infranchissable est le point de départ de ma thèse. Celle-ci consistera à étudier le concept de la castration et son lien inextricable avec le complexe d’OEdipe, à travers les oeuvres de Sigmund Freud, Jacques Lacan et Pierre Fedida. A l’appui de la clinique psychanalytique d’aujourd’hui, il s’agira de montrer comment la cure psychanalytique, et la position du psychanalyste, visent à introduire la castration. La castration, au coeur de la théorie psychanalytique, est le pivot de la vie psychique et est impliquée dans la formation des symptômes mais aussi de leur résolution. Cetravail tente d’articuler les oeuvres de trois auteurs majeurs de la psychanalyse, Freud, Lacan et Fedida, non pas pour les opposer ou les confondre mais pour mettre en perspective leur champ d’expérience, selon leur référentiel et leur style, desquels ressortiront notamment les notions de spaltung (division et clivage) et d’absence / Is there exist one beyond castration ? This aporia where Freud left us as an insuperable point is the starting point of my thesis. This one will consist in studying the concept of castration an its inextricable link with the OEdipus complex, through the writings of Sigmund Freud, Jacques Lacan and Pierre Fedida. In support of the psychoanaytical private clinic of today, it will be a question of showing how the psychoanalytical cure, and the position of the psychoanalyst, aim at introducing castration. Castration, at the core of psychoanalytic theory, is the pivot of psychic life and is implied in the formation of the symptoms but also in their resolution. This work tries to articulate works of three major authors of the psychoanalysis, Freud, Lacan and Fedida, not to oppose them or confuse them but to put in perspective their field of experience, according to their reference and their style, of which will notably arise the concepts of spaltung (division and splitting) and of absence.


Houghton, Amber Jay-Marie, Navarro, Abigail 01 June 2014 (has links)
The present study was aimed at exploring the issues faced by previously incarcerated fathers and their children. A qualitative design utilizing face to face interviews was used to answer the question: according to previously incarcerate fathers, what are the differences between the reciprocal connectedness of fathers and their children prior to, during, and following incarceration? Interviews were conducted with 10 previously incarcerated fathers. Researchers found that all participants had positive relationships with their children at some point prior to incarceration. Furthermore, during incarceration the reciprocal connectedness of these relationships severely decreased due to limited or no contact. Following incarceration, fathers continued to have difficulty rebuilding the connection they once had with their children due to continued limited or nonexistent contact and mistrust by their children. Incarcerated fathers and their children are an underserved population in need of additional resources. The findings of the study add to the literature about the relationship between previously incarcerated fathers and their children, in hopes that further research and services will be developed.

Adolescents and Their Fathers: Do Dads Make a Difference?

Kamboukos, Dimitra 05 February 2005 (has links)
This study explored the role of fathers in adolescents behavioral and emotional functioning. Results revealed gender differences in adolescent ratings of their parents. Compared to girls, boys endorsed significantly lower negative affect toward mothers and fathers. Girls reported higher levels of maternal versus paternal involvement, monitoring and acceptance, and higher positive and lower negative affect toward mothers than fathers. Few gender differences were found in associations between maternal and paternal variables and adolescent outcomes. Results supported the unique contribution of fathers in explaining adolescent emotional and behavioral functioning. When considering boys and girls separately, fathers added unique variance in explaining self-reported internalizing problems for boys only. Results are discussed within the context of family-based research.

Blivande förstagångspappors tankar om att bli förälder

Gustafsson, Daniel, Wallberg, Frida January 2010 (has links)
<p>Papparollen har förändrats från att vara familjeförsörjare till mer aktivt deltagande i familjelivet, men det finns mer att göra för att uppnå en jämställd föräldraledighet. Tidigare forskning är grundade på pappors erfarenhet och tankar om den planerade föräldraledigheten. <strong>Syfte: </strong>Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka blivande förstagångspappors tankar om föräldraledighet, rollen som pappa och föräldrautbildning. <strong>Metod: </strong>Åtta blivande förstagångspappor intervjuades. Samtliga intervjuer spelades in digitalt, transkriberades och analyserades genom med hjälp av innehållsanalys. <strong>Resultat: </strong>Av intervjuerna framkom fyra kategorier; Förutsättningar att ta föräldraledighet, Jämställt föräldraskap, att vara pappa och förälder samt trygghet inför förlossningen. Samtliga pappor planerade att ta ut föräldraledighet men det var oklart för en del när det skulle ske. Sju av papporna nämner att amningen är den viktigaste faktorn till att mamman tar ut föräldraledighet under första tiden.  Utav åtta intervjuade pappor svarade fem att ekonomin var en avgörande faktor som föräldrarna tog hänsyn till när de planerade fördelningen av föräldraledigheten.  Det fanns en stor ambivalens till huruvida papporna ansåg att låsta månader var ett bra tillvägagångssätt för att uppnå en mer jämställd fördelning av föräldraledigheten. Papporna kunde se både negativa och positiva konsekvenser av de låsta månaderna. Den generella åsikten bland papporna var dock att de ville engagera sig i sina barn även om de inte har möjlighet att vara föräldralediga. <strong>Slutsats: </strong>Papporna vill ta föräldraledighet men de största hindren är den ekonomiska situationen och amningen som prioriteras under första tiden. Genom föräldraledigheten ansåg papporna att de kan knyta an till sina barn.</p> / <p><strong></strong>The father role has changed from being a breadwinner to taking a more active part in the family life, but there is still more to do before an equal parental leave is reached. Recent studies are based on fathers’ experiences and thoughts of the planned paternal leave. <strong>Objective: </strong>The aim of this study is to research soon-to-be fathers’ thoughts about the forthcoming parental leave, the father role and the parental education. <strong>Method:</strong> Eight soon-to-be fathers were interviewed. All interviews was digitally recorded, transcribed and analyzed with the help of content analysis. <strong>Results:</strong> From the interviews four different categories was found; Conditions to take parental leave, equal parenting, to be a father and a parent and feeling secure about the birth giving. All the interviewed fathers showed a desire to take parental leave but it was uncertain when they were going to do so. Seven of them refer to breastfeeding as the most important factor why the mother take parental leave in the beginning. Of eight interviewed fathers five of them responded that the negative change in their economy was a major factor in the distribution of the parental leave between the mother and father. There was a big ambivalence whether the fixed months is a good approach to reach a more equal distribution of the parental leave. The fathers saw both negative and positive consequences of the fixed months. However, the general opinion among the fathers was that they wanted to commit to their children, even if they were not able to take parental leave. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> Fathers wants to take parental leave, but the biggest obstacle is their economy and because the child was being breastfeed during the first period of time after birth. The fathers believed that through parental leave they would be able to connect to their children.</p>

Japanese Fathers in the United States: Negotiating Different Cultural Expectations

Abe, Yuka 12 January 2006 (has links)
Japanese fathers residing abroad have not been given much attention in Japanese scholarship. In this study, I examine how Japanese fathers in the United States negotiate between Japanese and American cultural expectations regarding fatherhood. Relying on a symbolic interactionist perspective, and through qualitative research involving in-depth interviews with 24 Japanese fathers who live in the United States for business, I focus on the men's culture, conduct, and self-identification. My interviews suggest that Japanese fathers who temporarily stay in the United States usually adhere to Japanese culture and, accordingly, live up to Japanese expectations of fatherhood. Thus, paternal modifications influenced by expectations from close associates are due not to their embracing American fatherhood, but rather to their "situational adjustment." Ultimately, this is a study of cognitive boundaries and of how people decide to internalize cultural expectations different than their own.

Föräldrar som trampar i rabatten - är det så farligt? : Föräldrar med ADHD om föräldraskap och samhällets familjebilder.

Norling, Karin, Olsson, Niklas January 2011 (has links)
This study examined parenting in relation to ADHD. The key point of the study was to let parents who experience an ADHD diagnosis share their view on parenting. The research required a comprehensive literature search, partly to examine earlier research in the particular field but also to gather information on parenting. One focus group interview and three semi structured interviews were used to gather relevant information. Informants were recruited from a project for individuals with neuropsychiatric disabilities. Aspects that were not taken in consideration in this study were gender differences in the view on parenting. Neither was the aim of the study to examine the children’s point of view. The study revealed that the informants’ view of parenting of today is all about status and reaching results. From their own experience of parenting, focus was on confirming their children and respect them as individuals. They considered themselves different than other parents, in areas as taking part of their children’s life and not to fit in according to clothing or appearance. Partly, they also felt that they did not get any understanding for their differences from the academic part of society.

The Role of Parental Emotional Support in the Development of Adolescents' Deviant Identity

Espinoza Sandoval, Evelyn Janeth 2010 May 1900 (has links)
A specific number sociological theories and empirical studies suggest that deviant identity is the result of being formally or informally sanctioned by social audiences. The process by which individuals develop a deviant identity has been well documented by the literature. Most of this literature has linked the development of a deviant identity to the performance of deviant behavior. There is less evidence documenting the maleficent effects of bearing personal deviant characteristics such as stigmatizing health conditions, and/or being an involuntary member of a group socially defined as deviant (e.g. being the child of an alcoholic parent) in the development of a deviant identity. It is also noteworthy that, although parenting has been the focus of hundreds of studies examining deviant behavior and its consequences for individuals and their families, researchers rarely have been concerned with the effects of parenting in the development of a deviant self-concept. This dissertation examines the effects of parental emotional support on the development of a deviant identity by using a longitudinal data set that incorporates information of adolescents aged 12-19 who report their race, gender, level of selfesteem, parental relations, parental deviant behavior/characteristics, and peers and teacher stigmatization. Various models were estimated to test whether the relationship between deviance and deviant identity was significant, the mediating effects of stigmatization by peers and by teachers, and the moderating effect of both maternal and paternal emotional support on the development of a deviant identity. The results indicate that both maternal and paternal emotional support moderated the effect of maternal deviance but not the effect of paternal deviance. In the case of personal deviance, however, maternal deviance tended to increase as opposed to decrease deviant identity. Paternal emotional support did not moderate the effect of health limitations but it did diminish the effect of contact with the police. These findings were independent of the effects of gender, race, socioeconomic status, age, family structure, and earlier deviant identity. The implications and significance of these findings are discussed.

Composition effects in labor markets and families : two essays /

Datta, Atreyee Rupa. January 2001 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Chicago, Faculty of the Irving B. Harris Graduate School of Public Policy Studies, June 2001. / Includes bibliographical references. Also available on the Internet.

Hur faderlig postpartumdepression påverkar familjens livssituation samt vilka tecken och riskfaktorer som finns för faderlig postpartumdepression : en litteraturstudie

Cordova, Viktoria, Andersson, Linn January 2011 (has links)
Sammanfattning Syftet med den föreliggande litteraturstudien var dels att beskriva hur faderlig postpartumdepression påverkade familjens livssituation samt att beskriva vilka tecken och riskfaktorer som fanns för faderlig postpartumdepression. Empiriska vetenskapliga artiklar söktes i databasen Medline (PubMed) och fjorton artiklar valdes ut. Artiklarna kvalitetsgranskades avseende urval och bortfall och tabeller över studiernas metod- och resultatbeskrivning sammanställdes. I den föreliggande studiens resultat framkom att en ökad risk för ”parsjuklighet” fanns och även barnen påverkades, då barn till deprimerade fäder i högre grad riskerade att drabbas av temperamentsproblem. Deprimerade fäder upplevde det svårare att hantera sitt barns temperament. Fäderna blev mer irriterade och hade mindre tålamod för barnet vilket gav färre positiva föräldra-barn interaktioner, vilket i sin tur påverkade barnens vokabulära utveckling negativt. I den föreliggande studiens resultat framkom även att fadern kan uppvisa känslomässiga yttringar i form av exempelvis irritation och ilska som tecken på postpartumdepression samt att prenatal depression var en riskfaktor för fadern att drabbas av postpartumdepression. Ingen av de granskade studierna bedömdes ha låg kvalitet och endast två studier bedömdes ha medelkvalitet efter utförd granskning. Författarna till föreliggande studie anser att depression hos fadern bör identifieras och uppmärksammas eftersom tillståndet inte bara kan få konsekvenser för partnern utan även för barnets välbefinnande och utveckling.   Nyckelord: Faderlig postpartumdepression, Familj, Livssituation, Riskfaktorer, Förebygga. / Abstract The purpose of this literature study was partly to describe how paternal postpartum depression effects the life situation of the family and to decribe which signs and risk factors that exist for paternal postpartum depression. Empirical articles were searched in Medline database (PubMed) and fourteen articles were selected. The articles were reviewed for quality regards the selection and dropping. Tables of the articles method and result description was compiled. Result of the present study revealed that an increased risk of "couple morbidity" existed and even the children were affected. Children of depressed fathers were more likely to have temperament problems. Depressed fathers felt difficulties in dealing with their childs temperament. The fathers became more irritable and had less patience for the child which resulted in fewer positive parent-child interactions, which in turn affected the children's vocabulary development negatively. The results of the present study also revealed that the father may display emotional expressions in the form of irritation as well as anger as a sign of postpartumdepression and that prenatal depression was a risk factor for the father to suffer from depression. After performed review none of the selected studies were judged to have low quality and only two studies were judged to have medium quality. The authors of the present study consider that depression in the father should be identified and addressed, since depression not only can have consequences for the partner but also on the child's welfare and development. Keywords: Paternal postpartum depression, Family, Life situation, Risk factors, Prevention.

Blivande förstagångspappors tankar om att bli förälder

Gustafsson, Daniel, Wallberg, Frida January 2010 (has links)
Papparollen har förändrats från att vara familjeförsörjare till mer aktivt deltagande i familjelivet, men det finns mer att göra för att uppnå en jämställd föräldraledighet. Tidigare forskning är grundade på pappors erfarenhet och tankar om den planerade föräldraledigheten. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka blivande förstagångspappors tankar om föräldraledighet, rollen som pappa och föräldrautbildning. Metod: Åtta blivande förstagångspappor intervjuades. Samtliga intervjuer spelades in digitalt, transkriberades och analyserades genom med hjälp av innehållsanalys. Resultat: Av intervjuerna framkom fyra kategorier; Förutsättningar att ta föräldraledighet, Jämställt föräldraskap, att vara pappa och förälder samt trygghet inför förlossningen. Samtliga pappor planerade att ta ut föräldraledighet men det var oklart för en del när det skulle ske. Sju av papporna nämner att amningen är den viktigaste faktorn till att mamman tar ut föräldraledighet under första tiden.  Utav åtta intervjuade pappor svarade fem att ekonomin var en avgörande faktor som föräldrarna tog hänsyn till när de planerade fördelningen av föräldraledigheten.  Det fanns en stor ambivalens till huruvida papporna ansåg att låsta månader var ett bra tillvägagångssätt för att uppnå en mer jämställd fördelning av föräldraledigheten. Papporna kunde se både negativa och positiva konsekvenser av de låsta månaderna. Den generella åsikten bland papporna var dock att de ville engagera sig i sina barn även om de inte har möjlighet att vara föräldralediga. Slutsats: Papporna vill ta föräldraledighet men de största hindren är den ekonomiska situationen och amningen som prioriteras under första tiden. Genom föräldraledigheten ansåg papporna att de kan knyta an till sina barn. / The father role has changed from being a breadwinner to taking a more active part in the family life, but there is still more to do before an equal parental leave is reached. Recent studies are based on fathers’ experiences and thoughts of the planned paternal leave. Objective: The aim of this study is to research soon-to-be fathers’ thoughts about the forthcoming parental leave, the father role and the parental education. Method: Eight soon-to-be fathers were interviewed. All interviews was digitally recorded, transcribed and analyzed with the help of content analysis. Results: From the interviews four different categories was found; Conditions to take parental leave, equal parenting, to be a father and a parent and feeling secure about the birth giving. All the interviewed fathers showed a desire to take parental leave but it was uncertain when they were going to do so. Seven of them refer to breastfeeding as the most important factor why the mother take parental leave in the beginning. Of eight interviewed fathers five of them responded that the negative change in their economy was a major factor in the distribution of the parental leave between the mother and father. There was a big ambivalence whether the fixed months is a good approach to reach a more equal distribution of the parental leave. The fathers saw both negative and positive consequences of the fixed months. However, the general opinion among the fathers was that they wanted to commit to their children, even if they were not able to take parental leave. Conclusion: Fathers wants to take parental leave, but the biggest obstacle is their economy and because the child was being breastfeed during the first period of time after birth. The fathers believed that through parental leave they would be able to connect to their children.

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