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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The effect of patient-centered care on hospital inpatient cost and quality outcomes the experience in southeast Michigan.

Bechel, Diane Lynn. January 1998 (has links)
::Dissertation (D.P.H.)--University of Michigan.

Accuracy of risk prediction tools for acute coronary syndrome : a systematic review

Van Zyl, Johet Engela 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MCur)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Background: Coronary artery disease is a form of cardiovascular disease (CVD) which manifests itself in three ways: angina pectoris, acute coronary syndrome and cardiac death. Thirty-three people die daily of a myocardial infarction (cardiac death) and 7.5 million deaths annually are caused by CVD (51% from strokes and 45% from coronary artery disease) worldwide. Globally, the CVD death rate is a mere 4% compared to South Africa which has a 42% death rate. It is predicted that by the year 2030 there will be 25 million deaths annually from CVD, mainly in the form of strokes and heart disease. The WHO compared the death rates of high-income countries to those of low- and middle-income countries, like South Africa, and the results show that CVD deaths are declining in high-income countries but rapidly increasing in low- and middle-income countries. Although there are several risk prediction tools in use worldwide, to predict ischemic risk, South Africa does not use any of these tools. Current practice in South Africa to diagnose acute coronary syndrome is the use of a physical examination, ECG changes and positive serum cardiac maker levels. Internationally the same practice is used to diagnose acute coronary syndrome but risk assessment tools are used additionally to this practise because of limitations of the ECG and serum cardiac markers when it comes to NSTE-ACS. Objective: The aim of this study was to systematically appraise evidence on the accuracy of acute coronary syndrome risk prediction tools in adults. Methods: An extensive literature search of studies published in English was undertaken. Electronic databases searched were Cochrane Library, MEDLINE, Embase and CINAHL. Other sources were also searched, and cross-sectional studies, cohort studies and randomised controlled trials were reviewed. All articles were screened for methodological quality by two reviewers independently with the QUADAS-2 tool which is a standardised instrument. Data was extracted using an adapted Cochrane data extraction tool. Data was entered in Review Manager 5.2 software for analysis. Sensitivity and specificity was calculated for each risk score and an SROC curve was created. This curve was used to evaluate and compare the prediction accuracy of each test. Results: A total of five studies met the inclusion criteria of this review. Two HEART studies and three GRACE studies were included. In all, 9 092 patients participated in the selected studies. Estimates of sensitivity for the HEART risks score (two studies, 3268 participants) were 0,51 (95% CI 0,46 to 0,56) and 0,68 (95% CI 0,60 to 0,75); specificity for the HEART risks score was 0,90 (95% CI 0,88 to 0,91) and 0,92 (95% CI 0,90 to 0,94). Estimates of sensitivity for the GRACE risk score (three studies, 5824 participants) were 0,03 (95% CI0,01 to 0,05); 0,20 (95% CI 0,14 to 0,29) and 0,79 (95% CI 0,58 to 0,93). The specificity was 1,00 (95% CI 0,99 to 1,00); 0,97 (95% CI 0,95 to 0,98) and 0,78 (95% CI 0,73 to 0,82). On the SROC curve analysis, there was a trend for the GRACE risk score to perform better than the HEART risk score in predicting acute coronary syndrome in adults. Conclusion: Both risk scores showed that they had value in accurately predicting the presence of acute coronary syndrome in adults. The GRACE showed a positive trend towards better prediction ability than the HEART risk score. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Agtergrond: Koronêre bloedvatsiekte is ‘n vorm van kardiovaskulêre siekte. Koronêre hartsiekte manifesteer in drie maniere: angina pectoris, akute koronêre sindroom en hartdood. Drie-en-dertig mense sterf daagliks aan ‘n miokardiale infarksie (hartdood). Daar is 7,5 miljoen sterftes jaarliks as gevolg van kardiovaskulêre siektes (51% deur beroertes en 45% as gevolg van koronêre hartsiektes) wêreldwyd. Globaal is die sterfte syfer as gevolg van koronêre vaskulêre siekte net 4% in vergelyking met Suid Afrika, wat ‘n 42% sterfte syfer het. Dit word voorspel dat teen die jaar 2030 daar 25 miljoen sterfgevalle jaarliks sal wees, meestal toegeskryf aan kardiovaskulêre siektes. Die hoof oorsaak van sterfgevalle sal toegeskryf word aan beroertes en hart siektes. Die WHO het die sterf gevalle van hoeinkoms lande vergelyk met die van lae- en middel-inkoms lande, soos Suid Afrika, en die resultate het bewys dat sterf gevalle as gevolg van kardiovaskulêre siekte is besig om te daal in hoe-inkoms lande maar dit is besig om skerp te styg in lae- en middel-inkoms lande. Daar is verskeie risiko-voorspelling instrumente wat wêreldwyd gebruik word om isgemiese risiko te voorspel, maar Suid Afrika gebruik geen van die risiko-voorspelling instrumente nie. Huidiglik word akute koronêre sindroom gediagnoseer met die gebruik van n fisiese ondersoek, EKG verandering en positiewe serum kardiale merkers. Internationaal word die selfde gebruik maar risiko-voorspelling instrumente word aditioneel by gebruik omdat daar limitasies is met EKG en serum kardiale merkers as dit by NSTE-ACS kom. Doelwit: Die doel van hierdie sisematiese literatuuroorsig was om stelselmatig die bewyse te evalueer oor die akkuraatheid van akute koronêre sindroom risiko-voorspelling instrumente vir volwassenes. Metodes: 'n Uitgebreide literatuursoektog van studies wat in Engels gepubliseer is was onderneem. Cochrane biblioteek, MEDLINE, Embase en CINAHL databases was deursoek. Ander bronne is ook deursoek. Die tiepe studies ingesluit was deurnsee-studies, kohortstudies en verewekansigde gekontroleerde studies. Alle artikels is onafhanklik vir die metodologiese kwaliteit gekeur deur twee beoordeelaars met die gebruik van die QUADAS-2 instrument, ‘n gestandaardiseerde instrument. ‘n Aangepaste Cochrane data instrument is gebruik om data te onttrek. Data is opgeneem in Review Manager 5.2 sagteware vir ontleding. Sensitiwiteit en spesifisiteit is bereken vir elke risiko instrument en ‘n SROC kurwe is geskep. Die SROC kurwe is gebruik om die akkuraatheid van voorspelling van elke instrument te evalueer en te toets. Resultate: Twee HEART studies en drie GRACE studies is ingesluit. In total was daar 9 092 patiente wat deelgeneeem het in die gekose studies. Skattings van sensitiwiteit vir die HEART risiko instrument (twee studies, 3268 deelnemers) was 0,51 (95% CI 0,47 to 0,56) en 0,68 (95% CI 0,60 to 0,75) spesifisiteit vir die HEART risiko instrument was 0,89 (95% CI 0,88 to 0,91) en 0,92 (95% CI 0,90 to 0,94). Skattings van sensitiwiteit vir die GRACE risiko instrument (drie studies, 5824 deelnemers) was 0,28 (95% CI 0,13 to 0,53); 0,20 (95% CI 0,14 to 0,29) en 0,79 (95% CI 0,58 to 0,93). Die spesifisiteit vir die GRACE risiko instrument was 0,97 (95% CI 0,95 to 0,99); 0,97 (95% CI 0,95 to 0,98) en 0,78 (95% CI 0,73 to 0,82). Met die SROC kurwe ontleding was daar ‘n tendens vir die GRACE risiko instrument om beter te vaar as die HEART risiko instrument in die voorspelling van akute koronêre sindroom in volwassenes. Gevolgtrekking: Altwee risiko instrumente toon aan dat albei instrumente van waarde is. Albei het die vermoë om die teenwoordigheid van akute koronêre sindroom in volwassenes te voorspel. Die GRACE toon ‘n positiewe tendens teenoor beter voorspelling vermoë as die HEART risiko instrument.

O Direito Humano à Saúde Mental: compreensão dos profissionais da área / Human Right to Mental Health: the comprehension of health professionals

Brito, Emanuele Seicenti de 10 October 2011 (has links)
O movimento de reforma psiquiátrica consolidou-se no Brasil com a Lei 10.216 de 2001, formalizando assim, um novo modelo em rede de assistência à saúde mental. Nesse contexto, esta pesquisa descritiva com abordagem de dados qualitativa apresentou como objetivo identificar como os profissionais de saúde que trabalham em um hospital psiquiátrico do município de São José do Rio Preto compreendem os direitos humanos elencados na Lei 10.216/2001, que dispõe sobre a proteção e os direitos das pessoas portadoras de transtornos mentais e redireciona o modelo assistencial em saúde mental. Utilizou-se para a coleta de dados de entrevista semiestruturada e observação participante e a análise dos dados foi realizada a partir da análise de conteúdo. Foram entrevistados 33 profissionais de saúde que participam do processo de hospitalização e cuidados ao paciente, enfermeiros, auxiliares e técnicos de enfermagem, médicos, assistentes sociais, psicólogos e terapeuta ocupacional. Os resultados demonstram que: os profissionais acreditam que as pessoas tenham fácil acesso ao serviço, embora exista um fluxo de atendimento a ser seguido e os pacientes tenham que passar primeiro pela emergência onde será verificada a disponibilidade de vagas, que é sempre escassa, devido ao fato do hospital ser o serviço mais utilizado na região para atendimento aos portadores de transtornos mentais; embora os profissionais saibam da importância da participação da família no tratamento do portador de transtorno mental, as estratégias utilizadas para assegurar essa participação não são suficientes e ainda ocorrem muitos casos de abandono de pacientes no hospital por parte da família; a participação da comunidade no tratamento não é possível no local do estudo por se tratar de uma instituição fechada, o que limita a interação do paciente com a comunidade em que vive, sendo possível apenas quando saem de licença de final de semana. Assim, a participação da comunidade se limita a doações e trabalhos voluntários; o preconceito em relação à pessoa e ao transtorno mental ainda é muito evidente principalmente por parte da comunidade. Contudo, o preconceito não foi verificado apenas na comunidade, uma vez que os próprios sujeitos do estudo também demonstraram certo preconceito em suas falas; o acesso às informações pelos portadores de transtornos mentais sobre seu transtorno e tratamento é limitado. As informações foram consideradas insuficientes pela maioria dos sujeitos devido à falta de tempo para uma atenção individualizada e a dificuldade de compreensão dos portadores de transtornos mentais; há restrições no acesso aos meios de comunicação disponíveis, que ocorrem em relação ao uso do telefone, e se justificam pelo fato dos portadores de transtornos mentais na maioria das vezes apresentarem quadro psicótico, não sendo possível discernir quanto à utilização equilibrada desse meio. Os participantes demonstraram desconhecer os tipos de internação, o papel do Ministério Público Estadual na internação involuntária e os direitos dos portadores de transtorno mentais. Conclui-se assim que não basta a existência de legislação que garanta o respeito aos portadores de transtornos mentais. O conhecimento da legislação de saúde mental pelos profissionais de saúde mental é de extrema importância para a implementação efetiva da lei, sendo necessário, portanto, promover ações de conscientização direcionadas aos profissionais de saúde sobre os direitos dos portadores de transtornos mentais, bem como sobre as mudanças no modelo de atenção trazidas pela Lei 10.216/01. / The psychiatric reform movement was consolidated in Brazil with the Law 10.216 from 2001, formalizing the new model of the mental health care network. In this context, this descriptive research with a qualitative approach presented the aim to identify how health professionals who work at a psychiatric hospital at the city of São José do Rio Preto understand the human rights established by the Law 10.216/2001 on the protection of persons with mental disorders and about the changes in the care model established in the country. In order to collect data, the author used semistructured interviews and participant observation. Data were analyzed through content analysis. 33 health professionals who participate in the hospitalization process and care to patients were interviewed. Among them, there were nurses, nursing auxiliaries and technicians, medical doctors, social workers, psychologists and occupational therapists. Results showed that: health professionals believe people have easy access to the service, although there is an order to be followed and patients must enter the system through the emergency service where they will find the availability of places, which is scarce as this is the only hospital in the region; in spite of knowing the importance of family in the treatment of the patient with mental disorders, the strategies used to assure their participation are not enough and they face several cases of patients\' abandonment by their families, with respect to the community participation in the treatment, it is not strong at the hospital studied because it is a closed institution, which limitates the interaction between the patient and the community. Patients have some external contact when they have a temporary leave from hospital at the weekends. Thus, community participation is limited to donations and volunteer work; in addition, the stigma regarding the patient with mental disorders is still in the community. However, the author also found the stigma present among the health professionals. The access to information regarding the disorder and treatment is also limited by the patients with mental disorders. The information were considered insufficient by the majority of the subjects due to the lack of time for an individualized care and the difficulty of patients to understand. There are restrictions in the use of communication means, especially regarding the telephone. Participants justified the restriction to the fact that the patients are not able to use it in a balanced way. The subjects demonstrated a lack of knowledge about the hospitalization types as well as the role of prosecution on involuntary hospitalization and the rights of the patients. Author concludes that it is not enough to have a Law to assure the respect to the rights of persons with tmental disorders. The knowledge by health professionals of the legislation on mental health is extremely important for the implementation of the Law and in order to achieve this state it is important to promote actions directed to health professionals regarding the rights of the patients as well as their links with the changes occurred in the model of care after the Law 10.216/01.

O Direito Humano à Saúde Mental: compreensão dos profissionais da área / Human Right to Mental Health: the comprehension of health professionals

Emanuele Seicenti de Brito 10 October 2011 (has links)
O movimento de reforma psiquiátrica consolidou-se no Brasil com a Lei 10.216 de 2001, formalizando assim, um novo modelo em rede de assistência à saúde mental. Nesse contexto, esta pesquisa descritiva com abordagem de dados qualitativa apresentou como objetivo identificar como os profissionais de saúde que trabalham em um hospital psiquiátrico do município de São José do Rio Preto compreendem os direitos humanos elencados na Lei 10.216/2001, que dispõe sobre a proteção e os direitos das pessoas portadoras de transtornos mentais e redireciona o modelo assistencial em saúde mental. Utilizou-se para a coleta de dados de entrevista semiestruturada e observação participante e a análise dos dados foi realizada a partir da análise de conteúdo. Foram entrevistados 33 profissionais de saúde que participam do processo de hospitalização e cuidados ao paciente, enfermeiros, auxiliares e técnicos de enfermagem, médicos, assistentes sociais, psicólogos e terapeuta ocupacional. Os resultados demonstram que: os profissionais acreditam que as pessoas tenham fácil acesso ao serviço, embora exista um fluxo de atendimento a ser seguido e os pacientes tenham que passar primeiro pela emergência onde será verificada a disponibilidade de vagas, que é sempre escassa, devido ao fato do hospital ser o serviço mais utilizado na região para atendimento aos portadores de transtornos mentais; embora os profissionais saibam da importância da participação da família no tratamento do portador de transtorno mental, as estratégias utilizadas para assegurar essa participação não são suficientes e ainda ocorrem muitos casos de abandono de pacientes no hospital por parte da família; a participação da comunidade no tratamento não é possível no local do estudo por se tratar de uma instituição fechada, o que limita a interação do paciente com a comunidade em que vive, sendo possível apenas quando saem de licença de final de semana. Assim, a participação da comunidade se limita a doações e trabalhos voluntários; o preconceito em relação à pessoa e ao transtorno mental ainda é muito evidente principalmente por parte da comunidade. Contudo, o preconceito não foi verificado apenas na comunidade, uma vez que os próprios sujeitos do estudo também demonstraram certo preconceito em suas falas; o acesso às informações pelos portadores de transtornos mentais sobre seu transtorno e tratamento é limitado. As informações foram consideradas insuficientes pela maioria dos sujeitos devido à falta de tempo para uma atenção individualizada e a dificuldade de compreensão dos portadores de transtornos mentais; há restrições no acesso aos meios de comunicação disponíveis, que ocorrem em relação ao uso do telefone, e se justificam pelo fato dos portadores de transtornos mentais na maioria das vezes apresentarem quadro psicótico, não sendo possível discernir quanto à utilização equilibrada desse meio. Os participantes demonstraram desconhecer os tipos de internação, o papel do Ministério Público Estadual na internação involuntária e os direitos dos portadores de transtorno mentais. Conclui-se assim que não basta a existência de legislação que garanta o respeito aos portadores de transtornos mentais. O conhecimento da legislação de saúde mental pelos profissionais de saúde mental é de extrema importância para a implementação efetiva da lei, sendo necessário, portanto, promover ações de conscientização direcionadas aos profissionais de saúde sobre os direitos dos portadores de transtornos mentais, bem como sobre as mudanças no modelo de atenção trazidas pela Lei 10.216/01. / The psychiatric reform movement was consolidated in Brazil with the Law 10.216 from 2001, formalizing the new model of the mental health care network. In this context, this descriptive research with a qualitative approach presented the aim to identify how health professionals who work at a psychiatric hospital at the city of São José do Rio Preto understand the human rights established by the Law 10.216/2001 on the protection of persons with mental disorders and about the changes in the care model established in the country. In order to collect data, the author used semistructured interviews and participant observation. Data were analyzed through content analysis. 33 health professionals who participate in the hospitalization process and care to patients were interviewed. Among them, there were nurses, nursing auxiliaries and technicians, medical doctors, social workers, psychologists and occupational therapists. Results showed that: health professionals believe people have easy access to the service, although there is an order to be followed and patients must enter the system through the emergency service where they will find the availability of places, which is scarce as this is the only hospital in the region; in spite of knowing the importance of family in the treatment of the patient with mental disorders, the strategies used to assure their participation are not enough and they face several cases of patients\' abandonment by their families, with respect to the community participation in the treatment, it is not strong at the hospital studied because it is a closed institution, which limitates the interaction between the patient and the community. Patients have some external contact when they have a temporary leave from hospital at the weekends. Thus, community participation is limited to donations and volunteer work; in addition, the stigma regarding the patient with mental disorders is still in the community. However, the author also found the stigma present among the health professionals. The access to information regarding the disorder and treatment is also limited by the patients with mental disorders. The information were considered insufficient by the majority of the subjects due to the lack of time for an individualized care and the difficulty of patients to understand. There are restrictions in the use of communication means, especially regarding the telephone. Participants justified the restriction to the fact that the patients are not able to use it in a balanced way. The subjects demonstrated a lack of knowledge about the hospitalization types as well as the role of prosecution on involuntary hospitalization and the rights of the patients. Author concludes that it is not enough to have a Law to assure the respect to the rights of persons with tmental disorders. The knowledge by health professionals of the legislation on mental health is extremely important for the implementation of the Law and in order to achieve this state it is important to promote actions directed to health professionals regarding the rights of the patients as well as their links with the changes occurred in the model of care after the Law 10.216/01.

Improving health communication : an anthropological perspective of health literacy among chronic disease patients

van Bronkhorst, Kelly Marie 01 December 2011 (has links)
This research examines the relationship between health literacy among End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) patients and its relevance for communication between patients and providers. The study was conducted among dialysis services providers at the Good Samaritan Dialysis Center and dialysis patients receiving care at the Center. Data collection techniques included individual interviews, surveys, and the Short Test of Functional Health Literacy in Adults (S-TOFHLA), which measured the health literacy level of the participants. The results of the study show that a large majority of the patients have "adequate" health literacy, which contradicts the provider's perceptions of the patient's ability to comprehend health information. Provider's perspectives are shaped by their training and work environment. The study suggests that structural barriers and communication issues impede effective patient-provider interactions. This issue is especially serious for those chronic disease patients who have limited self-management skills. / Graduation date: 2012

Knowledge of the the hypertensive person regarding prevention strategies for coronary heart disease

Boulle, Adri 03 1900 (has links)
Dissertation / The aim of this study was to determine the knowledge of persons with hypertension in a selected geographical area regarding cardiovascular risk factors in order to make recommendations for patient education. A quantitative, non-experimental, descriptive study was done in the form of a survey using a questionnaire as measuring instrument. The population was hypertensive patients from selected private medical practices in the western part of KwaZulu-Natal and the bordering eastern part of the Free State. Convenience sampling was used and 46 respondents participated in the study. Only 16 (35%) of the respondents achieved a percentage on or above the competency indicator of 50%. Respondents performed worst in questions where definitions, for example hypertension, were assessed. Recommendations for a patient education document, nursing practice and further research were made. / Health Studies / M.A. (Health Studies)

Knowledge of the the hypertensive person regarding prevention strategies for coronary heart disease

Boulle, Adri 03 1900 (has links)
Dissertation / The aim of this study was to determine the knowledge of persons with hypertension in a selected geographical area regarding cardiovascular risk factors in order to make recommendations for patient education. A quantitative, non-experimental, descriptive study was done in the form of a survey using a questionnaire as measuring instrument. The population was hypertensive patients from selected private medical practices in the western part of KwaZulu-Natal and the bordering eastern part of the Free State. Convenience sampling was used and 46 respondents participated in the study. Only 16 (35%) of the respondents achieved a percentage on or above the competency indicator of 50%. Respondents performed worst in questions where definitions, for example hypertension, were assessed. Recommendations for a patient education document, nursing practice and further research were made. / Health Studies / M.A. (Health Studies)

Isolation Precautions Use for Multidrug-Resistant Organism Infection in Nursing Homes: Evidence for Decision-Making

Cohen, Catherine Crawford January 2016 (has links)
Over the past decade, efforts led by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) have reduced healthcare-associated infections in acute care settings nationally. In 2013, HHS identified that the next phase of these healthcare-associated infection reduction initiatives would target long-term care facilities through the publication of a new chapter in the National Action Plan to Prevent Health Care Associated Infections devoted to this setting. Long-term care facilities are nursing facilities that provide “medical, skilled nursing and rehabilitative services on an inpatient basis to individuals who need assistance preforming activities of daily living, such as bathing and dressing”. These facilities are the primary residence for 2.5 million, predominantly elderly Americans and represented $143 billion nationally in healthcare costs as of 2010. Accordingly, it is a national priority to reduce healthcare-associated infections in this setting and protect this vulnerable population. Healthcare-associated infections caused by multidrug-resistant organisms (MDROs) are a particular burden in the long-term care population. These pathogens, usually bacteria, are defined as being resistant to one or more classes of antimicrobial agents. However, MDROs frequently exhibit resistance to nearly all antimicrobial drugs. Clinical infection control guidelines recommend isolation precautions to prevent MDRO transmission, based on evidence collected in acute care settings. However, the limited evidence that is available from studies in long-term care facilities suggests that isolation precautions may not be effective in this setting. Given that the reduction of antibiotic resistant infections is a priority of the HHS, The White House, Healthy People 2020, and the World Health Organization, it is necessary to confirm and support the appropriate use of isolation precautions for MDROs with evidence specific to long-term care facilities. Therefore, this dissertation describes the current evidence for and use of isolation precautions in long-term care facilities for MDROs. Further, it offers the most comprehensive descriptions of both isolation precautions use and predictors of MDRO infection in nursing homes (NHs), a specific type of long-term care residential setting. To assist the reader, Chapter 1 will provide background for these studies including context for current infection control and prevention practices in long-term care facilities, the importance of MDRO infections and the need for new evidence regarding isolation precautions in long-term care. It will also discuss the aims and significance of this dissertation in context of a conceptual framework, gaps in the literature and potential to improve clinical practice. Next, Chapters 2 and 3 of this dissertation systematically review the current evidence regarding effectiveness of isolation precautions against MDROs and the cost of infection prevention and control in this setting, respectively. These chapters outline how publications focused on long-term care are lacking in quality and quantity and offer suggestions for improvement in future research. Chapter 4 qualitatively describes decision-making process regarding use of isolation-based infection prevention techniques in NHs, which depends on four key considerations: perceived risk of transmission, conflict with quality of life goals, resource availability and lack of understanding. Chapter 5 builds on this qualitative analysis by quantitatively examining predictors of isolation precautions use for MDRO infection in a large, national dataset. This analysis confirms that isolation is rarely used and there is variation across NHs’ practice. However, NH staff may be tailoring infection prevention and control practice to the needs of specific residents, as would be expected based on the results of the qualitative analysis. Chapter 6 presents an analysis of MDRO infection predictors among elderly NH residents across the U.S. This study confirms concepts associated with MDRO infection in previous studies (e.g., low functionality) and provides more specificity in operationalization of these concepts than has been previously determined (e.g., needing support with locomotion), which can inform future use of isolation precautions in NHs. Finally, Chapter 7 contains a synthesis and discussion of these findings, as well as recommendations for health policy and future research regarding contact isolation precautions against MDROs in NHs.

Comprendre le vécu et les ressentis des patients chroniques à la suite d'un [programme] d'éducation thérapeutique en court séjour : le cas des patients cardiovasculaires du CHU Clermont-Ferrand / Understanding the experiences and feelings of chronic patients after a therapeutic [program] education in short stay : The case of cardiovascular patients of the CHU Clermont-Ferrand

Thiam, Yacine 24 October 2012 (has links)
Les professionnels de l'analyse de la pratique et de l'organisation des soins interviennent dans un système complexe où interagissent des facteurs biologiques, culturels et sociaux. Ce travail de recherche porte sur les vécus du patient cardiovasculaire entrant dans un programme d'éducation thérapeutique, suite à un évènement aigu (infarctus du myocarde ou accident vasculaire cérébral). Il se justifie par la nécessité de comprendre le phénomène des récidives, rechutes et retours à l'hospitalisation malgré une prise en charge informative et éducative des facteurs de risques cardiovasculaires (tabagisme, sédentarité, mauvaise alimentation) durant l'hospitalisation initiale. Notre principal objectif est donc de comprendre ces récidives, rechutes et retours à l'hospitalisation des patients cardiovasculaires autrement que le résultat d'une non-observance. Cette recherche de type qualitatif est menée au Centre Hospitalo-Universitaire de Clermont-Ferrand (service de cardiologie court séjour) et à la clinique cardiopneumoloique de Durtol (centre de soins de suite et de réadaptation). La recherche est basée sur 22 situations d'observations de pratiques professionnelles, 9 entretiens centrés avec les professionnels dans ces 2 sites ci-dessus et 31 entretiens semi-directifs avec les patients. Ces enquêtes sont complétées par une analyse de la littérature française et anglo-saxonne, dans le domaine de l'éducation thérapeutique, de l'observance et du changement des comportements. En termes de résultats, la recherche présente les récidives, rechutes et retours à l'hospitalisation court séjour des patients comme le résultat d'une prise en charge inadaptée à leurs besoins. Des discordances de temps, de vécus et de ressentis entre professionnels de santé et patients durant l'hospitalisation initiale, l'inadaptation structurelle du court séjour, la discontinuité de la prise en charge et les ruptures de cohérence en fonction des différents niveaux de complexité (court séjour, centre de soins de suite et de réadaptation et chez les médecins traitants), mais surtout la confusion entre éducation du patient et information du patient, rendent les prescriptions médicales et soignantes en matière de changement des comportements à risques difficilement observables par les patients. Le format actuel de la relation et des interactions patients/professionnels de santé durant les soins, ne favorise pas l'implication et la participation active des patients dans leur prise en charge. En conclusion, nous retenons que les éléments qui influencent les comportements des patients vis-à-vis de leurs traitements ne relèvent pas seulement d'un apprentissage, mais de leur vécu et ressentis et également de leurs interactions avec les professionnels de santé. La prise en charge informative et éducative des facteurs de risques occulte parfois l'aspect relationnel de cette thérapeutique et les capacités cognitives et émotives des patients. Elle devrait suivre une double évolution : celle du patient (ses émotions, ses attentes, ses projets de vie…) et celle de la pathologie. Ce travail cherche également à répondre à la question suivante : en quoi et comment une approche socio-anthropologique permet-elle de comprendre les comportements des patients d'une part et des professionnels de santé d'autre part dans un contexte d'ETP en court séjour ? Il milite pour une reconnexion entre sciences sociales et sciences médicales et soignantes dans le système de soin et de santé français et montre l'apport considérable mais encore trop peu exploité des sciences sociales dans ce domaine. / The professionals of the practice analysis and care organization take part in a complex system where biological, cultural and social factors interact. This research task focuses on the experiences of the cardiovascular patient entering a therapeutic education program, after an acute event (myocardial infarction or stroke). It is justified by the need to understand the phenomenon of recurrence, relapse and hospitalization returns despite an informative and educational treatment in cardiovascular risk factors (smoking, physical inactivity, poor nutrition) during the initial hospitalization. Our main goal is therefore to understand these recurrences, relapses and hospitalization returns of cardiovascular patients other than the result of non-compliance. This qualitative research is carried out at the University Hospital Center of Clermont-Ferrand (Cardiology Department short stay) and at the cardio-pneumologic clinic of Durtol (follow-up and rehabilitation care center). The research is based on 22 observation situations of professional practices, nine focused interviews with professionals in these two sites above and 31 semi-structured interviews with the patients. These surveys are supplemented by an analysis of the French and Anglo-Saxon literature in the field of therapeutic education, compliance and behaviours change. In terms of results, the research presents the recurrences, relapses and returns to patients' short stay hospitalization as the result of an inappropriate care to their needs. Time discrepancies, experiences and felt between health professionals and patients during the initial hospitalization, inadequate structural short stay, the discontinuity of care and the inconsistencies in accordance with different levels of complexity (short stay, follow-up and rehabilitation care center and at the attending physicians', but mostly the confusion between the patient's education and the patient's information, makes medical and nursing requirements in terms of the change of risky behaviours hardly observable by patients. The current format of the relationship and the interactions patient/health professionals during the care doesn't promote the involvement and the active participation of patients in their care. In conclusion we retain that the elements which influence the patients' behaviours with respect to their treatments do not only depend on training, but on their experiences and felts and also on their interactions with health professionals. The informative and educational care of the risk factors sometimes conceals the relational aspect of this therapeutic and the cognitive and emotive capacities of the patients. It should follow a double evolution: that of the patient (his emotions, his expectations, his life plans) and that of the pathology. This work also seeks to answer to the following question: why and how a socio- anthropological approach allows us to understand the patients' behaviours on one hand and the health professionals on the other hand in a context of PTE (patient's therapeutic education) in short stay? It argues for a reconnection between social sciences and medical and nursing in the French health care system and shows the significant contribution but still too little used by social sciences in this area.

Evaluating the referral system between Cecelia Makhiwane Hospital ART unit and its feeder sites, (Zone 2, 8 and 13 clinics)

Ncana, Lundi 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Industrial Psychology. Africa Centre for HIV/AIDS Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Purpose of the study. The primary purpose of the study was to evaluate the referral system between CMH ART unit and its feeder sites, and assess the staff perception and patient.s satisfaction about the latter with the intention of improving and shaping it. Research design A non-experimental descriptive type of quantitative research was used in conducting a cross sectional survey to evaluate the referral system between CMH ART unit and its feeder sites. Data was collected through open and closed ended questionnaires handed to the respondents to fill and return back to the researcher. Findings The results revealed lack of management support and supervision of the system; absence of standard operative procedure to follow when down referring patients; insufficient staffing; congested waiting rooms and long waiting hours. Conclusion The down referral process began without the completion of planning with all involved stakeholders because of the pressure to implement the decision to down refer, staff at the feeder clinics although trained on ART care, but not experienced enough to manage the large influx of patients on ART were left alone to manage patients on HAART. Simple measures like communication between facility staff and patient education should be adopted to improve the system. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Doel van die studie Die primêre doel van die studie was om die verwysing stelsel tussen die CMH ART eenheid en sy voeder werwe te evalueer, asook om die personeel se persepsie en pasiënte se tevredenheid oor die laasgenoemde te evalueer met die voorneme om dit te verbeter en verwerk. Navorsingsontwerp 'n Nie-eksperimentele beskrywende aard van kwantitatiewe navorsing is gebruik in die uitvoering van' n kruis deursnee-opname om die verwysing stelsel tussen CMH ART eenheid en sy voeder werwe te evalueer Data is ingesamel deur middel van oop en geslote geëindig vraelyste uitgedeel aan die respondente om in te vul en terug te keer na die navorser. Bevindings Die resultate blyk 'n gebrek aan ondersteuning van die bestuur en beheer van die stelsel; die afwesigheid van standaard operatiewe prosedure om te volg wanneer pasiënte af verwys word; „n tekort aan personeel; oorgelaaide wagkamers en lang wag ure. Gevolgtrekking Die af verwysing proses het sonder die voltooiing van die beplanning met alle betrokke belanghebbendes begin as gevolg van die druk om die uitvoering van die besluit om af te verwys te implementeer. Personeel by die voeder klinieke, alhoewel opgelei in ART sorg, maar sonder die nodige onderving om die groot instroming van ART pasiënte te behandel, was alleen gelos om die pasiënte op HAART te behandel. Eenvoudige maatreëls soos die kommunikasie tussen die fasiliteit personeel en die opvoeding van pasiente sal moet goedgekeur word om die stelsel te verbeter.

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