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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A geração de magmas ácidos na Província Magmática Paraná, região de Piraju-Ourinhos (SP): uma contribuição da geoquímica isotópica e de elementos traço em rochas e minerais / Acid magma generation in the Paraná Magmatic Province, Piraju-Ourinhos region, state of São Paulo: a contribution of isotopic geochemistry end of trace elements in rocks end minerals

Vivian Azor de Freitas 12 May 2009 (has links)
Os dacitos da região de Piraju-Ourinhos (SP), que se estendem por cerca de 60 km acompanhando o curso do rio Paranapanema, são as exposições mais setentrionais do magmatismo ácido da Província Magmática Paraná. Estratigraficamente, jazem sobre os arenitos eólicos da Formação Botucatu e são sobrepostos por derrames de basaltos de alto Ti tipo Pitanga. Diques e soleiras de basaltos presentes na região têm afinidades químicas variadas, podendo ser comparados aos tipos Paranapanema, Urubici e Pitanga. Os traquidacitos, classificação química dessas rochas, apresentam textura porfirítica com 5 a 15% de fenocristais de plagioclásio, clinopiroxênio, minerais opacos e apatita. A matriz afanítica a fanerítica fina é composta por vidro, plagioclásio, clinopiroxênio, quartzo e feldspato alcalino. Vidro pode constituir de 10 a 90% da matriz e em muitos casos está devitrificado, mostrando texturas reliquiares de quenching. Vesículas e amígdalas são abundantes em certas variedades de traquidacitos, podendo chegar a 40% da rocha. Foi obtida neste trabalho a idade U-Pb do magmatismo ácido por TIMS em concentrados de badeleíta e zircão. O valor, 134,4 ± 0,9 (2\'sigma\'), é mais exato e preciso que as idades obtidas previamente nos traquidacitos da região, 133 -134 ± 6 Ma (K-Ar, 1\'sigma\') e 128,7 ± 1 Ma (\'ANTPOT.40 Ar\'/\'ANTPOT.39 Ar\', 1\'sigma\'), e encontra-se no curto intervalo de tempo atualmente admitido para o clímax do vulcanismo na Província. As razões iniciais \'ANTPOT.87 Sr\'/\'ANTPOT.86 Sr\' dos traquidacitos (0,7078 a 0,7080) são pouco mais radiogênicas que as dos basaltos (0,7056 a 0,7068), enquanto os valores de \'épsilon\'\'Nd IND.134\' são mais negativos (~ -5 versus -4). Tais diferenças sugerem que, embora os basaltos devam ter vínculo genético com o magmatismo ácido da região, deve existir alguma contribuição crustal na gênese das rochas vulcânicas ácidas. As razões iniciais \'ANTPOT.87 Sr\'/\'ANTPOT.86 Sr\' obtidas por LA-ICPMS mostram valores idênticos na matriz e em fenocristais de plagioclásio e apatita (~0,7077), consistentes com cristalização em equilíbrio. Com exceção de um cristal de plagioclásio que é fortemente mais radiogênico (~0,7083) e outro menos radiogênico (~0,7074), podendo corresponder a duas diferentes suítes de antecristais. A maioria dos fenocristais de clinopiroxênio tem razões iniciais \'ANTPOT.87 Sr\'/\'ANTPOT.86 Sr\' diferentes da matriz [em geral menores, entre 0,7045 e 0,7071; somente um cristal é mais radiogênico, 0,7084]. Junto com dois fenocristais de plagioclásio (com \'ANTPOT.87 Sr\'/\'ANTPOT.86 Sr\' inicial de 0.7083 e 0.7074), eles não se formaram em equilíbrio com a matriz, e são prováveis antecristais. Modelamentos geoquímicos utilizando elementos maiores e elementos traço compatíveis e incompatíveis mostram que é possível obter o magma ácido após a cristalização fracionada de 60 a 80% de basalto tipo Pitanga. O principal obstáculo para esse modelo seria o hiato composicional de sílica entre os magmas ácidos e básicos; no entanto, esse hiato pode resultar de limitações físicas impostas à separação cristal-líquido em composições intermediárias e à extração por filter pressing de líquidos residuais mais evoluídos. As pequenas diferenças nas razões isotópicas de Sr e Nd entre as rochas ácidas e básicas podem ser explicadas por um modelo de AFC com 60% de cristalização de um magma basáltico e assimilação de 10-30% de líquido granítico derivado do embasamento pré-Cambriano. Por outro lado, o modelo de refusão de underplates basálticos prevê a geração de magmas ácidos com teores de elementos compatíveis (Ni, Cr e V) mais elevados, e portanto demandariam fracionamento para alcançar as composições observadas nos traquidacitos. / Dacitic rocks from Piraju-Ourinhos, State of São Paulo, outcrop for ca. 60 km along the Paranapanema River valley, and constitute the northernmost expositions of the Parana Magmatic Province acid magmatism. They rest directly over the Botucatu Formation eolic sandstones and are recovered by Pitanga-type high Ti basalt flows. Basalt dykes and sills that occur in the region show different chemical relationship and can be compared to the Paranapanema, Urubici and Pitanga basalt types. Chemically classified as trachydacites, these rocks are porphyritic with 5 to 15% plagioclase, clinopyroxene, opaque minerals and apatite phenocrysts. Aphanitic to phaneritic groundmass is composed of glass, plagioclase, clinopyroxene, quartz and alkali feldspar. Glass can make up 10 to 90% of the original groundmass and is usually devitrified, being recognized by relict quenching textures. Vesicles and amygdalas are abundants in such trachydacites varieties and can achieve to 40% of rock. In this work, the age of the acid magmatism was obtained by U-Pb TIMS in baddeleyite and zircon concentrates. The value [134.4 0,9 (2\'sigma\')], is more accurate and precise compared with ages previously obtained in the trachydacites from region [133 -134 ± 6 Ma (K-Ar); 128.7 ± 1 Ma (\'ANTPOT.40 Ar\'/\'39 ANTPOT.Ar\')], and within the short age interval currently admitted for the Paraná volcanism climax. Initial \'ANTPOT.87 Sr\'/\' ANTPOT.86 Sr\' ratios of the trachydacites (0.7078 to 0.7080) are slightly more radiogenic than those of associated basalts (0.7056 to 0.7068), whereas \'épsilon\'\'Nd IND.134\' are more negative (~ -5 versus -4). These differences suggest that, although the basalts must have a genetic link with the acid magmatism of region, some crustal contribution may exist in the acid magmas. Initial \'ANTPOT.87 Sr\'/\'ANTPOT.86 Sr\' obtained by LA-ICPMS show identical values for the groundmass and plagioclase and apatite phenocrysts (~0.7077), consistent with equilibrium crystallization. Most of the clinopyroxene phenocrysts have initial \'ANTPOT.87 Sr\'/\'ANTPOT.86 Sr\' different from the groundmass (usually smaller; 0.7045-0.7071; only one crystal is more radiogenic, 0.7084). Together with two the plagioclase phenocrysts (with initial \'ANTPOT.87 Sr\'/\'ANTPOT.86 Sr\'= 0.7083 and 0.7074), they did not crystallize in equilibrium to the groundmass, and are likely antecrysts. Geochemical modelling using major elements and both compatible and incompatible trace-elements show that it is possible to obtain the acid magmas after 60 to 80% fractional crystalization of a Pitanga-type basalt. The main obstacle for such model would be the wide compositional silic gap between acid and basic magmas.; however, this gap could result from physical limitations to crystal-liquid separation at intermediate compositions and to the extraction by filter pressing of more evolved residual liquids. The small differences in Sr-Nd isotopic signature between acid and basic rocks can be explained by an AFC model, with 60% of basaltic magma crystalization plus ~10-30% assimilation of a granitic liquid derived from the pre- Cambrian basament. On the other hand, a model of remelting of basalt underplates generates acid magmas with higher contents of compatible elements contents (Ni, Cr, V) and therefore would demand some fractionation to achieve the observed trachydacite compositions.

Développement et application de la méthode Uranium-Plomb à la datation des carbonates diagénétiques dans les réservoirs pétroliers, et apport à la reconstruction temporelle de l'évolution des propriétés réservoir / Development and application of uranium-lead methodology to diagenetic carbonate dating in petroleum reservoirs and contribution to temporal reconstruction of petrophysical properties evolution.

Godeau, Nicolas 14 May 2018 (has links)
L'apport de contraintes chronologiques absolues sur les différents évènements et processus qui ont modelé la Terre constitue un des défis majeurs dans de nombreux domaines des sciences de la terre et de l'environnement. C'est en particulier le cas pour les bassins sédimentaires qui jouent un rôle économique majeur en étant sources d'importantes ressources naturelles, en particulier en hydrocarbures. L'objectif de cette thèse est de développer la datation absolue des minéraux secondaires carbonatés par la méthode U-Pb. Ces minéraux, quasi ubiquistes dans les réservoirs, témoignent des processus diagénétiques, tectoniques et des circulations fluides qui ont affecté ces systèmes. Au cours de cette thèse, plusieurs développements méthodologiques ont été mis en œuvre avec pour objectifs de repousser les limites de la méthode U-Pb. Des techniques d’analyses innovantes, comme le couplage ablation laser/SF-ICP-MS ou la sonde ionique, ont été testées et ont permis d’accroître de plusieurs ordres de grandeur la résolution spatiale des analyses U-Pb. Ces méthodes, couplées à la méthode plus classique de dilution isotopique ont été appliquées avec succès dans différents contextes d’exploration pétrolière permettant notamment d’apporter des contraintes temporelles sur des éléments clés du système pétrolier, comme le timing de la création/préservation du réservoir ou encore de la migration des hydrocarbures. Les différents résultats obtenus ont permis de dresser une synthèse des contextes les plus favorables à l’application de la méthode U-Pb, et de donner ainsi une vision d’ensemble du potentiel de la datation U-Pb sur carbonates secondaires appliquée aux réservoirs pétroliers. / Absolute chronological constraints on the different events and processes that have shaped the Earth constitute a major challenge in numerous realms in Earth and Environmental sciences. In particular this is the case for sedimentary basins that play a major economic role as being source of important hydrocarbon resources. The objective of this thesis is to develop absolute uranium-lead dating methodology on secondary carbonate minerals. This ubiquitous mineral phase in petroleum reservoirs testifies their complex geodynamic and diagenetic histories. In this study, several developments were implemented in order to circumvent the limits of U-Pb methodology. Innovative analysis techniques such as laser ablation coupled with SF-ICP-MS or ion probe were tested to increase the spatial resolution of the U-Pb analysis by several orders of magnitude. These methodologies coupled to the more traditional isotope dilution was successfully applied in different oil exploration context allowing to bring absolute constraints on key diagenetic events such as creation/preservation of reservoir properties or hydrocarbon migration. The results obtained during this study allowed to draw a synthetic model of the most favorable contexts for U-Pb method and gives an overview of the U-Pb dating potential to secondary carbonates applied to petroleum reservoirs.

O desvelar do centro histórico de João Pessoa pelo turista/flâneur

Nóbrega, Lara Santina Santos da 06 1900 (has links)
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Centro de Excelência em Turismo, 2013. / Submitted by Alaíde Gonçalves dos Santos (alaide@unb.br) on 2014-01-13T10:44:06Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2010_LaraSantinaSantosdaNobrega.pdf: 7285978 bytes, checksum: 39ee4abc852175ab6fc06d70722760d9 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Patrícia Nunes da Silva(patricia@bce.unb.br) on 2014-01-29T16:21:56Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2010_LaraSantinaSantosdaNobrega.pdf: 7285978 bytes, checksum: 39ee4abc852175ab6fc06d70722760d9 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-01-29T16:21:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2010_LaraSantinaSantosdaNobrega.pdf: 7285978 bytes, checksum: 39ee4abc852175ab6fc06d70722760d9 (MD5) / Esta dissertação tem o objetivo de discutir a relação entre a experiência de caminhar/passear e o desvelar do Centro Histórico de João Pessoa pelo turista/flâneur. O fenômeno turístico, a experiência turística, o tempo, o caminhar/passear, o turista/flâneur, a paisagem e o olhar do turista são abordados como conceitos essenciais para esta discussão. Inicialmente, o turismo é tratado a partir dos discursos tidos como mais pertinentes, e que o concebem como fenômeno, como experiência do sujeito, considerando-se os sentidos daqueles que o envolvem. Nesse processo de desvelar da cidade, o tempo é um fator relevante e se configura como um elemento diferencial para a experiência do turista. Caminhar/passear pela cidade transcende, aqui, a noção de uma mera atitude locomotiva do corpo, posto que tais ações englobam o local, a maneira como se passeia e o olhar daquele que passeia. Propõe-se, assim, a concepção de um turista diferente daquele indivíduo tido apenas como mero consumidor de cartões-postais. O turista/flâneur evocado neste projeto é aquele que passeia pelos lugares com desenvoltura e atenção, sempre disponível às diferentes percepções. Descreve-se, ainda, a capital paraibana e a consolidação do seu Centro Histórico, com o intuito de fazer uma breve apresentação do estudo de caso em questão. A partir do Centro Histórico de João Pessoa, empreenderam-se as considerações sobre a experiência singular de caminhar/passear pela cidade. _______________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT / This thesis aims to discuss the relationship between the experience of roaming/walking and the unveiling of João Pessoa’s Historic Center by the tourist/flaneur. The phenomenon of tourism, the tourist experience, the time, the roam/walking, the tourist/flâneur, the landscape and the tourist gaze are discussed as essential concepts to this discussion. Initially, tourism is treated from the speeches considered more relevant, and that conceive it as a phenomenon, as the subject experience, considering the senses of those who involve them. In this process of uncovering the city, the time is a relevant factor and is configured as a differential element to the tourist experience. Roam/walking through the city transcends, here, the notion of a mere locomotive attitude of the body, since such actions include the location, the way you walk and the look of that who walks. It is proposed, thus, the conception of a different tourist than that individual had as a mere consumer of postcards. The tourist/flâneur evoked in this dissertation is one who walks through places with ease and attention, always available to different perceptions. It describes, also, Paraiba’s capital and the consolidation of its Historic Center, in order to make a brief presentation of the case study in question. From the Historic Center of João Pessoa, the considerations were undertaken on the unique experience of roaming/walking in the city.

A agricultura familiar no município de Solânea (PB) : o capital social no contexto do desenvolvimento territorial

Ferreira, Éricka Sales 26 February 2010 (has links)
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Humanas, Departamento de Geografia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geografia, 2010. / Submitted by Luanna Maia (luanna@bce.unb.br) on 2011-05-27T14:29:53Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2010_ErickaSalesFerreira.pdf: 2474244 bytes, checksum: ad1160de80f31b372ddba49734fd3cd1 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luanna Maia(luanna@bce.unb.br) on 2011-05-27T14:30:44Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2010_ErickaSalesFerreira.pdf: 2474244 bytes, checksum: ad1160de80f31b372ddba49734fd3cd1 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2011-05-27T14:30:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2010_ErickaSalesFerreira.pdf: 2474244 bytes, checksum: ad1160de80f31b372ddba49734fd3cd1 (MD5) / Ao falar em desigualdades e dificuldades do meio rural, o Nordeste brasileiro tem sido uma das regiões que reflete esta realidade. Não só pela presença dos fatores físicos (provavelmente o de menor peso na balança), mas, principalmente, por fatores sociais e históricos, como a concentração de terras, a produção baseada na monocultura, a grande desigualdade no meio rural, a falta de políticas públicas voltadas para as suas necessidades e interesses e, como conseqüência, a fuga de grande parte da população rural para os centros urbanos. Uma forma de amenizar essas desigualdades é incentivar a agricultura familiar. Frente ao desengajamento e às carências do Estado, os coletivos ou as organizações de agricultores passam a assumir novos papéis. Um exemplo de busca de superação das dificuldades encontradas no espaço rural por meio de coletivos de agricultores é o município de Solânea (PB), localizado no agreste paraibano, em uma área de transição entre duas unidades morfoclimáticas, o Brejo e o Curimataú, sendo uma úmida e outra semi-árida. O município vem desenvolvendo projetos de convivência com a seca e fortalecimento da agricultura familiar com apoio de órgãos governamentais e não governamentais. Tais iniciativas foram desenvolvidas após a década de 1980 quando as lavouras de algodão (principal produto da época) foram praticamente dizimadas pela praga do bicudo, fazendo com que houvesse a fragmentação das grandes fazendas em parcelas menores. Para desenvolver esta discussão, as abordagens teóricas sobre o capital social, vinculado ao desenvolvimento territorial servirão de referencial. Assim, compreender o capital social como potencializador da agricultura familiar, articulando-se ao desenvolvimento territorial, tendo como espaço de análise o município de Solânea (PB) constitui o objetivo geral da pesquisa. ________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT / When speaking of the inequalities and problems of rural areas, the Northeast of Brazil has been one of the regions that reflects this reality. Not only the presence of physical factors (probably the least weight on the scale), but mainly by social and historical factors, such as concentration of land, production based on monoculture, the great inequality in rural areas, lack of political public policies for their needs and interests and, consequently, the flight of much of the rural population to urban centers. One way to mitigate these inequalities is to encourage familiar agriculture. Faced with the disengagement and the needs of the state, collectives or organizations of farmers are taking on new roles. A sample search for overcoming the difficulties encountered in rural areas by groups of farmers is the city of Solana (PB), located in the Caatinga in a transition area between two units morphoclimatic, the Heath and Curimataú, a wet and a semi-arid. The city has been developing projects coping with drought and strengthening of familiar agriculture with the support of government agencies and nongovernmental organizations. These initiatives were developed after the 1980s when the cotton fields (the main product of the time) were virtually decimated by the bicudo plague, were causing the fragmentation of large ranches into smaller portions. To develop this discussion, the theoretical boardings on the capital, linked to regional development will serve as a reference. Thus, understanding social capital as an enhancer of familiar agriculture and is linked to territorial development, with the space analysis of the city of Solânea (PB) is the aim of the research.

A Universidade Regional do Nordeste e a comunidade campinense : a URNe como resultante da politica comunitaria de Campina Grande na luta por uma posição hegemonica no contexto socio-economico e cultural da Paraiba - 1966 a 1976

Vieira, Cicero Agostinho 16 July 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Casemiro dos Reis Filho / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-16T06:57:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Vieira_CiceroAgostinho_M.pdf: 13654315 bytes, checksum: 4d11a5bac75b7d1c9aa6a701b8076aaa (MD5) Previous issue date: 1979 / Mestrado

The nouveau Roman and the aesthetics of modernity and postmodernity

Smyth, Edmund Joseph January 1993 (has links)
No description available.

Criteria for the effective translation of spoken discourse : the evidence from selected modern Spanish texts

Sproule, Kent Arthur January 1995 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is the formulation of a set of guidelines, criteria, which will serve as a bench mark for those who wish to attempt the translation of non-oral spoken discourse. This will be achieved by the examination of three modern Spanish texts and their translated equivalents in English. The Introduction sets the study in context and attempts to study the notion of translation in a general context before moving on to a closer examination of the translation of spoken discourse, and the problems which this form of language engenders. Chapter 2 examines the novel El Jarama and its translation in the light of a wide range of the published translation theories of Peter Newmark, and attempts to apply these systematically, in order to evaluate the effectiveness, or otherwise, of these theories. Chapter 3 examines Tiempo de silencio and its English language version, paying particular attention to the forms of discourse employed in the original, notably internal monologue, and the way that these formats affect the impact of the Spanish text, before moving on to examine how these issues have been dealt with in translation. Other elements which may be of relevance to the translator, such as layout and symbolism, and their effect on spoken discourse, are investigated. Chapter 4 deals with a play, Las cartas boca abajo, and its translation for the radio. This study looks at the problems associated with this medium in the context of spoken discourse, as well as examining a number of problems associated with the text, including culture and expansion. The conclusion attempts to set all the points raised in context and address the problem of drawing up a definitive list of criteria for the effective translation of spoken discourse.

The development of aspect in a second language

McManus, Kevin January 2011 (has links)
This thesis investigates the second language (L2) acquisition of aspect. Aspect is considered to be a universal property of language (Chung and Timberlake, 1985; Comrie, 1976; Klein, 1994, 1995; Smith, 1991, 1997). Therefore, all natural languages are thought to be able to convey the same aspectual meanings. However, languages do not always convey these meanings in the same ways. For example, although French and English are able to convey viewpoint aspect by tense, they differ from each other in the particular aspectual meanings they map to individual tenses. In other words, English and French differ in how they pair form with meaning for viewpoint aspect. In German, viewpoint cannot be conveyed by tense alone and semantics and pragmatics are required for viewpoint interpretation (Bohnemeyer and Swift, 2004). So whilst languages are able to convey the same meanings, there are differences in how they go about doing this. This raises the question of the role of learners‘ L1 in the L2 development of aspect (e.g. Domínguez, Arche and Myles, 2011; Gabriele, 2005, 2009; Montrul and Slabakova, 2002, 2003; Slabakova, 2000, 2002, 2008). In other words, do differences in how aspect is expressed in the L1 affect how it develops in the L2? The role of prototypes in the L2 development of aspect has been widely documented as an influencing factor (e.g. Andersen and Shirai, 1994, 1996; Bardovi-Harlig and Bergström, 1996; Bardovi-Harlig, 2000; Labeau, 2005; Salaberry, 1998, 2000). The Aspect Hypothesis (Andersen and Shirai, 1994, 1996) indicates that learners are sensitive to prototypes: L2 development is characterized by initially pairing prototypes of viewpoint with situation type. These form-meaning relationships then become less restricted as L2 proficiency increases. Central to this thesis is the effect to which L1 form-meaning pairings and prototypes affect the L2 development of aspect. This study‘s research questions are as follows: How do learners express perfective and imperfective viewpoint aspect? What role do L1 form-meaning pairings have in the L2 development of viewpoint aspect?  What role do semantic prototypes have in the L2 development of viewpoint aspect? What are the theoretical implications of the role of L1 background and semantic prototypes on L2 development more generally? Participants are English- and German-speaking university learners of French L2 (n=75) and a control group of French native speakers (n=6). C-test results established two significantly different learner groups: a low group and an advanced group. Learners were further divided into groups based on L1 background, resulting in: English low group (n=19), German low group (n=19), English advanced group (n=19), German advanced group (n=18). Participants undertook three tasks: two picture-based spoken narratives and a Sentence Interpretation task. Results show significant differences between learners in production and interpretation. Differences are attributable to both proficiency level and L1 background. English low group learners are significantly different to German low group learners for viewpoint marking, especially in imperfective contexts, whereas English and German advanced group learners are not significantly different from each other. Furthermore, tense selection is subject to a semantic prototype influence, with advanced group learners influenced more than low group learners. It is argued that L1 form-meaning pairings for viewpoint aspect significantly influence L2 development at the early stages of L2 development. However, as L2 proficiency increases L1 influence begins to recede and learners develop L2 form-meaning pairings. At the more advanced stages of L2 development, semantic prototypes significantly affect tense use. Furthermore, prototypical effects appear to increase with proficiency, contrary to the Aspect Hypothesis.

L'art de la cruauté : mythologies filmiques contemporaines de la cruauté

Boegelein, Florence January 2015 (has links)
The French film critic Stéphane Delorme, in Les Cahiers du Cinéma, writes that “horror is the unexpected answer to the question: how to create myths nowadays?” (2008: 11). This quotation is the starting-point for this thesis which aims to discuss and analyse the implications of his statement that cinema is a vehicle for myths, and most specifically, for those associated with what he calls “horror”, which we have interpreted as “cruelty”. The implications of this change will be discussed in the thesis. The thesis will set out the implications of the concepts both of “cruelty” and of “myth” in a context of representation. One theoretical starting point for this research is necessarily the writings of Antonin Artaud, fundamental for analysing cruelty in a context of spectacle (theatre or film). The introduction of this thesis will explore Artaud’s writings and their relevance to cinema. This thesis is about cinema; nevertheless, to speak about cinema and cruelty, we will first study Artaud’s writings to which cruelty is the heart of a theatre that he calls “Théâtre de la Cruauté”. Artaud elaborates his ideas from theatre, and the theatre, like cinema, can be a vehicle for myths. The importance of Artaud’s theories of spectacle should explain why we will research connections between cruelty, myths and cinema initially in the light of theatre. In fact, our analysis will show that cruelty in cinema, as we will define it here, is always linked to theatricality in the way in which it creates a relation between the audience, the film and the moviemaker. We will explore its lineaments through its development in a number of key films of the 1990s/2000s. As regards myths, our objective is, firstly, to understand how cinema can give rise to modern myths, and how they form and transform themselves. We will establish not only what a myth is, but also what “the myth of cruelty” may represent nowadays, and how this contemporary myth has been represented by the moviemakers. We consider that cinema, and not specifically horror cinema, may be one specific sort of collective myth. Then, however, we will consider how cinema, surprisingly for a vehicle for myths, questions its own myths and fights them. The main part of this thesis will focus on a corpus of films which will serve to show the evidence of definable myths of cruelty in the cinema. These films are: Trouble Every Day (2001) by Claire Denis Dans Ma Peau (2002) by Marina de Van Funny Games (1997), La Pianiste (2001), Caché (2005) by Michael Haneke Medea (1988) and Dogville (2003) by Lars von Trier The concept of cruelty, and its myths, will be discussed through an analysis of physical cruelty (Trouble Every Day and Dans Ma Peau), psychological cruelty (Funny Games and La Pianiste), social cruelty (Medea, Dogville and Caché), and myths and repetitions in the cinema of cruelty. The theoretical corpus of this thesis will include, apart from Artaud, the haptic vision theorised by Laura U. Marks and its relation to cruelty, Julia Kristeva’s work on abjection, Jean-Paul Sartre and Maurice Blanchot on sadomasochism, but also the work of Michel Serres, Mireille Rosello and Artaud’s theory of “humour-destruction”. The most important findings of this research concern films as a possible replacement for the function of sacrifice (mythic and cruel), the dangers of overestimating this (both because the actors are not fully engaged, and because a myth of cruelty is itself dangerous) but most of all, the possibility of the films to undermine their own mythic status (a process in itself cruel, since myths are consoling) and the possible effect of substituting a state of melancholia. Obviously, the destruction of myths may imply for the audience its replacement by the counter-myth of melancolia, as much cruel. Melancholia appears to be a principle of cruelty, seen by the moviemakers, which acts on the conception of modern spectators. Lucid cruelty takes part in the construction of committed spectators; producing what we may call heroism of conscience.

Exploring the potential value of alternating Philosophy with Picture Books (PB) with the Integrated Approach to Literacy Instruction (IATLI) to support two boys with dyslexia.

Harper, Helen 06 January 2014 (has links)
This study explored the potential value of alternating Philosophy with Picture Books (PB) within the Integrated Approach to Literacy Instruction (IATLI), to support two boys with dyslexia. PB was chosen in this explorative study because of its use of visual instruction, which a child with dyslexia is likely to respond more favourably to, because visual modes of learning is more complimentary to such learners. PB originates from the approach Philosophy with Children (P4C) that supports a pedagogy involving communicative virtues and collaborative thinking. Such attributes are likely to add value to an intervention as it may lead to the development of meta-cognitive strategies, which could both support and motivate their learning. The Integrated Approach to Literacy Instruction (IATLI) was also chosen in this explorative study because research suggests that children with dyslexia struggle with the acquisition of phonological awareness. One of the aims of the IATLI is to develop such a weakness. This study explores in particular how alternating the IALTI and PB could possibly add value in supporting two boys with dyslexia. The responses of both boys to the two approaches, in-depth interviews with both boys’ English teachers, and developmental diaries kept by the English teachers, the researcher, as well as the participants was analysed utilising thematic coding. In addition, pre and posttesting was administered and added to the triangulation of this study. The main findings indicated that alternating the IATLI and PB was valuable for these two boys and led to some improvement, relating to their personal development, positive attitude to engagement in remedial therapy, improved self esteem and areas of literacy improvement. It did not however result in significant improvement, as the boys did not transfer the skills taught in remedial therapy to the classroom, nor was significant improvement noticed by their English teachers.

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