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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The fate and behaviour of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, dibenzofurans and polychlorinated biphenyls in sewage sludge : amended agricultural soils and their potential transfer into terrestrial foodchain via lactating cattle

Sewart, Andrew Paul January 1994 (has links)
No description available.

Historical trends of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans in fish and sediment associated with two bleached kraft pulp mills in northern Ontario.

Cater, Shari January 2013 (has links)
In the early 1990s polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin (PCDD) and dibenzofuran (PCDF) contamination of fish was widely associated with bleached kraft pulp mills. Regulations were put into place in Canada and elsewhere to reduce or eliminate the presence of these chemicals in pulp mill effluents. The industry quickly introduced treatment and process changes such as elemental (ECF) and total chlorine free (TCF) bleaching, which resulted in dramatically reduced PCDD/F concentrations in pulp mill effluents. However, PCDD/Fs may remain a concern for the receiving environment near bleached kraft pulp mills due to their tendency to persist in sediments and bioaccumulate in aquatic biota. Several studies conducted in the early 1990s reported significantly elevated levels of PCDD/Fs in white sucker (Catostomus commersoni) exposed to bleached kraft mill effluent (BKME). Particularly high concentrations were observed in the receiving environment of two mills in northern Ontario. The first mill, located in the town of Terrace Bay, discharges effluent into Jackfish Bay, Lake Superior. The second mill is located in Smooth Rock Falls, Ontario and discharges effluent into the Mattagami River where effects have been observed in fish collected downstream of the pulp mill. Over time, both mills have undergone a number of process upgrades, including a transition to 100% chlorine dioxide (ClO2) substitution. In 2006 the Tembec Smooth Rock Falls Pulp and Paper Mill closed permanently, while the mill in Terrace Bay has gone through a number of temporary shutdowns and is currently in the process of transitioning to a dissolving pulp process. Temporal changes in PCDD/F contamination was examined in white sucker historically exposed to BKME in Jackfish Bay and the Mattagami River, following mill process changes and closures. Historical data was summarized from studies conducted in the 1990s and analyzed along with liver tissue of male white sucker collected from each location in 2011 and 2012. The body burden of each fish was analysed using Toxic Equivalency (TEQ) calculations to account for concentration and relative toxicity of 2,3,7,8??? substituted PCDD/F congeners. At Jackfish Bay, concentrations of PCDD/Fs in surface sediment and dated sediment cores were used to document the spatial and temporal pattern of PCDD/F contamination in relation to historical process upgrades and operational changes at the mill. PCDD/Fs measured in white sucker liver samples collected from Jackfish Bay during gonadal recrudescence in the fall illustrate a decrease in mean TEQ from 74.2 ?? 20.9 pg???g-1 in 1991 to 3.34 ?? 2.05 pg???g-1 in 2012. These values were slightly elevated compared to the remote reference location at Mountain Bay, Lake Superior, which exhibited a mean TEQ of 1.88 ?? 0.45 pg???g-1 and 1.06 ?? 0.69 pg???g-1 in white sucker collected in fall 2011 and 2012, respectively. Although below consumption guidelines, trace levels of PCDD/Fs persist in fish collected from Jackfish Bay and these concentrations are suspected to reflect sediment contamination in Moberly Bay (part of Jackfish Bay). A unique PCDD/F contaminant profile, dominated by 2,3,7,8??? tetrachlorodibenzo???p???dioxin (TCDD) and dibenzofuran (TCDF), was observed in white sucker and sediment collected from Jackfish Bay. Analysis of surface sediment collected throughout Jackfish Bay revealed elevated PCDD/F concentrations, compared to reference areas in Lake Superior. TEQ values measured in surface sediment from the depositional areas of Moberly Bay exceeded the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME) guidelines. In 1991 PCDD/F contamination, reported as mean TEQ, of white sucker collected downstream of the pulp mill outfall in Smooth Rock Falls reached levels of 111 ?? 86.2 pg???g-1. At the time, the mill utilized molecular chlorine (Cl2) in the bleaching sequence and employed primary effluent treatment. A dramatic decline was observed in PCDD/F concentrations of fish collected in 1993 and 1995, corresponding to implementation of 100% ClO2 substitution in the bleaching process. PCDD/F contamination in white sucker collected from the Mattagami River in 2011 and 2012 were similar upstream (0.53???1.49 pg TEQ???g-1) and downstream (0.75???2.87 pg TEQ???g-1) of the historical pulp mill outfall at Smooth Rock Falls, suggesting a return to background condition following the 2006 mill closure. Levels of 2,3,7,8???TCDD and 2,3,7,8???TCDF in liver tissue of fish collected downstream declined drastically compared to concentrations measured in 1991. The PCDD/F congener profile observed in white sucker downstream in 2011 and 2012 was more similar to fish collected from the reference site upstream than exposed fish collected in 1991. No sediment depositional areas suitable for taking a core sample were found on the river downstream of Smooth Rock Falls due to the nature of the system. This study supports the conclusion that particulate (POM) and dissolved organic matter (DOM) from continuous inputs of effluent were likely the primary source of PCDD/Fs to fish in these receiving environments, with only a small contribution from surface sediment. Results indicate a decreasing trend in PCDD/F contamination of white sucker historically exposed to bleached kraft pulp mill effluent in the receiving environments of Jackfish Bay and the Mattagami River, consistent with mill process upgrades to eliminate the use of elemental chlorine from the bleaching sequence. Current levels of PCDD/Fs measured in white sucker collected from these locations suggest a return to background condition.

Är saltglaseringsindustrin en källa till tidig organokloridförekomst?

Liljeroos, Tom January 2009 (has links)
<p>Abstract.</p><p>The levels of dioxin and comparable substances rose to a large extent in our environment during the second half of the 20'Th century. This was the result of the synthesis of, and careless usage of these substances in cooling fluids, hydraulics, pesticides etc. </p><p>Background levels of dioxins and furans in sealed samples prior to this era suggest that former sources of these substances existed. </p><p>Salt glazing is a method of adding a smooth acid resistant exterior to stoneware ceramics. The technique has been in use since the 16'Th century, maybe even earlier than that. Some sources date the origin of the technique to the 13'Th century. Salt glazed ceramics were the prime type of industrial vessels and it was extensively used for food preservation in households from the 17'Th century to the early/mid 20'Th century. </p><p>The method was/is primarily used by Germany, Great Britain, America and Sweden.</p><p>Salt glazing is a source of graphite structures from soot, and of chlorine gas. Hence, the formation of organochlorides should be able to occur.</p><p>The reports main objective is to highlight the question; “Could the salt glazing industry be one of the sources to early dioxin emissions?” Secondary objectives are to present an introduction to dioxin and comparable substances, methods of analysis and symptoms of exposure. </p><p>The salt glazing industry is much likely one of the anthropogenic sources of early PCDD/F emissions. Though emission levels seem to be quite low, due to the persistence of PCDD/F noticeable levels could have accumulated. When the Leblanc soda process (a known source of PCDD/F) was introduced in 1791, the salt glazing process had already been used for nearly three hundred years.</p>

Är saltglaseringsindustrin en källa till tidig organokloridförekomst?

Liljeroos, Tom January 2009 (has links)
Abstract. The levels of dioxin and comparable substances rose to a large extent in our environment during the second half of the 20'Th century. This was the result of the synthesis of, and careless usage of these substances in cooling fluids, hydraulics, pesticides etc. Background levels of dioxins and furans in sealed samples prior to this era suggest that former sources of these substances existed. Salt glazing is a method of adding a smooth acid resistant exterior to stoneware ceramics. The technique has been in use since the 16'Th century, maybe even earlier than that. Some sources date the origin of the technique to the 13'Th century. Salt glazed ceramics were the prime type of industrial vessels and it was extensively used for food preservation in households from the 17'Th century to the early/mid 20'Th century. The method was/is primarily used by Germany, Great Britain, America and Sweden. Salt glazing is a source of graphite structures from soot, and of chlorine gas. Hence, the formation of organochlorides should be able to occur. The reports main objective is to highlight the question; “Could the salt glazing industry be one of the sources to early dioxin emissions?” Secondary objectives are to present an introduction to dioxin and comparable substances, methods of analysis and symptoms of exposure. The salt glazing industry is much likely one of the anthropogenic sources of early PCDD/F emissions. Though emission levels seem to be quite low, due to the persistence of PCDD/F noticeable levels could have accumulated. When the Leblanc soda process (a known source of PCDD/F) was introduced in 1791, the salt glazing process had already been used for nearly three hundred years.

Formación de PCDD/Fs y otros contaminantes en procesos térmicos: aprovechamiento de biomasa y motores de combustión interna

Rey Martínez, María Dolores 04 July 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Total oxidation of chlorinated VOCs on supported oxide catalysts

Bertinchamps, Fabrice 04 November 2005 (has links)
Biomass-fed cogeneration units and waste incinerators have the advantages of producing efficiently heat and power and of reducing the amount of CO2 emitted per produced energy. However, they produce toxic polychlorinated VOCs (dioxins), CO and NOx. This thesis aims at developing a catalytic system for the total oxidation of chlorinated VOCs that: i) convert efficiently chlorinated VOCs below 250 °C and ii) resist to the exhaust co-pollutants (H2O, CO, NOx). Moreover, this thesis aims at having a complete understanding of the catalytic mechanism. Part I demonstrated that VOx/TiO2 based catalysts are very efficient in the total oxidation of chlorobenzene (taken as a model molecule). In particular, they proved to be highly resistant against deactivation. Moreover, Part I established that the addition of secondary phases producing VOx-WOx/TiO2 or VOx-MoOx/TiO2 induces a synergetic effect that improves the performances. Furthermore, the replacement of a classical TiO2 by a sulfated one improves the catalytic activity. In Part II, the investigation of the co-pollutants influence on the catalysts performances demonstrated their quite good resistance. Indeed, the presence of CO does not induce any deactivation of the catalysts while NOx induces a huge improvement of the catalysts ability to destroy chlorinated VOCs. This beneficial effect is explained by the in situ production of a strong oxidant (NO2) that speeds up the reoxidation of the reduced VOx sites. Nevertheless, H2O vapor can affect negatively the catalyst activity when present in a high concentration. Part III, by revisiting catalytic and characterization results exposed in Part I and II, demonstrated that the catalytic mechanism proceeds in four steps: i) adsorption of chlorinated VOCs on Brønsted sites, ii) VOx redox sites give some of their lattice oxygen atoms to oxidize the aromatic ring producing H2O and COx, iii) reoxidation of the VOx reduced sites thanks to the gas stream oxidant (O2) and iv) retrieving of the chlorine from the surface. The second and third steps compose a Mars and van Krevelen mechanism and the third one is the mechanism rate limiting step. Our work shows that the performances can be improved by tuning the redox properties of the VOx phases: i) improvement of the reducibility and ii) stabilization of the vanadium oxidation level above a limit value, estimated around 4.87.

Model d'Avaluació del Risc sobre la Salut. Aplicació als residents a les rodalies de la incineradora de Montcada i Reixac.

Meneses Benítez, Montserrat 30 October 2002 (has links)
Durant els últims anys l'oposició de la població cap a certes activitats industrials ha augmentat considerablement, a causa de que cada dia existeix una major consciència de la població dels impactes produïts per les emissions de contaminants sobre la salut. Entre les activitats que han portat un important rebuig per la societat trobem la incineració de residus sòlids urbans, degut principalment a les seves emissions de policlorodibenzo-p-dioxines (PCDDs) i policlorodibenzofurans (PCDFs), així com de metalls pesants.L'elevada toxicitat d'aquests compostos és la que ens va portar a proposar com a objectiu del present estudi: el desenvolupament d'un model d'avaluació del risc de les emissions de dioxines i furans (per als 17 congèneres tòxics) i metalls pesants d'una planta incineradora de residus sòlids urbans.Per tal de poder assolir aquest objectiu el present estudi ha estat dividit en tres parts: 1) el desenvolupament d'un model multi-compartamental, 2) l'avaluació de l'impacte medi ambiental de les emissions de dioxines i furans i de metalls pesants a les rodalies de la planta incineradora de residus urbans de Montcada i Reixac, mitjançant una monitorització de l'àrea d'estudi, i 3) l'anàlisi de risc degut a les emissions de la planta i als nivells ambientals a l'àrea.Desenvolupament d'un model multi-compartamentalPer tal d'assolir l'objectiu de la primera part, el primer que s'ha portat a terme ha estat un estudi de la dispersió dels contaminants des de la seva sortida per xemeneia per als 17 congèneres tòxics de PCDD/Fs i per a metalls pesants. El següent pas ha estat el desenvolupament d'un model multimedia simple (aire - sòl - vegetació), que descriu el transport i transformacions de PCDD/Fs i metalls pesants als diferents medis. En el model sòl-aire s'han considerat 4 vies d'exposició dels contaminants: deposició particulada seca i humida, deposició de gasos i exposició via arrels, a més a més de les pèrdues per lixiviació, degradació, arrossegament per aigües superficials, volatilització i erosió. Per al model aire-vegetals s'han considerat les mateixes vies d'exposició. D'aquesta manera s'han determinat els nivells de contaminants en sòl i vegetació deguts a les emissions de la planta. Durant el desenvolupament d'aquest model s'ha buscat l'equilibri entre un model el qual pugui predir amb una exactitud raonable la bioacumulació de compostos químics en sòls i plantes, i un model que no requereixi una extensiva caracterització i un gran número de dades físico-químiques.Monitorització de l'àreaLa segona part de l'estudi ha estat l'avaluació de l'impacte ambiental de les emissions de dioxines i furans i de metalls pesants a les rodalies de la planta incineradora de residus urbans de Montcada i Reixac. Per tal de poder assolir aquest objectiu, s'ha portat a terme la monitorització de l'àrea d'estudi, on s'han determinat els nivells de dioxines, furans i metalls pesants en 24 mostres de sòls i vegetació durant tres anys consecutius (1996, 1997, 1998). D'aquesta manera s'ha realitzat una avaluació espacial i temporal dels nivells de contaminants. Per altra banda, al 1999 la planta d'incineració de Montcada i Reixac va portar a terme unes millores medi ambientals en la seva instal·lació. D'aquesta manera les emissions de dioxines i furans i metalls pesants entre d'altres es van veure reduïdes considerablement. Per aquesta raó, al 2000 es va a tornar a portar a terme una altra monitorització de les emissions de la planta, per tal de determinar de quina manera la disminució en les emissions afectaria els nivells medi ambientals. Anàlisi de riscFinalment, s'ha quantificat el risc per la població degut a les emissions de PCDD/Fs i metalls pesants. El risc avalua la probabilitat de que un efecte advers sobre la salut pugui ocorre després de l'exposició a una dosi determinada d'una substància definida. L'avaluació del risc realitzada ha estat la deguda a l'exposició a contaminants com a combinació de les cinc vies següents: inhalació de partícules, inhalació d'aire, ingesta de sòls i vegetals conreats a l'àrea d'estudi, i absorció dèrmica. Els individus d'una població poden ser descrits per un número de diferents escenaris d'exposició, ja que poden ocorre diferents nivells de risc dins d'una població. Així, per tal d'avaluar la variabilitat i la incertesa del risc s'ha portat a terme una anàlisi de Monte Carlo.

Study on the Residue of Dioxins in Ashes and Gaseous Pollutants in A Fluidized-Bed Incinerator

Huang, Wen-chen 01 September 2004 (has links)
ABSTRACT Key words: PCDD/FS , aromatic precursor compounds , transition metal catalysts , chlorine donor , surface of fly ash particles In the last 20 years , increasing concern has focused on the environmental chemicals that mimic hormone functions , some of them toxic , which producing cancer , suppression of the immune system , and death from undefined causes . These chemicals are not made intentionally , but are formed as contaminants in combustion sources , including PCDD/FS of dioxin-like compounds that emitted from municipal solid waste incinerators (MWSI) and hazardous waste incinerators (HWI) . This study investigated the role that fly-ash plays in the formation of PCDD/FS using a commercial scale fluidized bed waste incinerators (FBWI) , which rated capacity at 3750000 kcal/hr (LHV) . In this design , a lay of sand is placed on the bottom of the combustion chamber. During combustion, the hot gases are channeled through the sand and crushed solid waste at relatively high velocity . This generated about eight times more mass of fly-ash will be produced from combustion zone than the others, and also makes much greater of PCDD/FS through the air pollutants control devices(APCD) to emission stack . The general reaction in this formation pathway is an interaction between an aromatic precursor compound and chlorine promoted by a transition metal catalyst on a reactive fly-ash surface. Since these reactions involve heterogenous chemistry , the rate of emissions is less depended on reactant concentration than conditions that promote formation such as temperature , retention time , transition metal catalysts (e , g,. Cu , Fe , Pb , Zn , Sn) and availability on catalytic surfaces of fly ash particle . These forming conditions will be proceeding a series of well study and experiment on fly-ashes from 4 zones (F1 , F2 ,F3 , F4) of FBWI . PCDD/FS synthesis from combustion of FBWI can potentially be explained by three principal mechanisms that results can be divided into several major parts as follows¡G 1. The fly-ash from zone F3 generated about 47 times more mass of PCDD/FS than zone F1 . 2. The F3 fly-ash proved to be the most active catalytic (Cu , Zn) medium , despite similarities with respect to specific surface area and average pore diameters . In addition , there are up to 75.9 percent by weight of Zn and 97.6 percent of Cu has been found in F3 of overall ashes. 3. In both fly- ash and transition metal catalysts in formation mechanisms are the dominant controlling factor for rates of PCDD/FS.

Návrh technologické jednotky pro odstraňování perzistentních látek při termickém zpracování kontaminované biomasy / Design of technology unit for removal of persistent pollutans for thermal processing of contaminated biomass

Plch, Michal January 2009 (has links)
The Diploma’s work deals with design to use new methods of cleaning the combustion products for the incinerator of biomass, which guarantees removal of dioxins from the combustion products. Thesis depicts methods of cleaning the combustion products, like ADIOX, using ceramic filters, catalytically filters and methods REMEDIA. Thesis compares constituent methods in terms of effectiveness and according to economic analysis applicable to incinerator of biomass-power output 1 MW. Thesis acquaints with the conception of biomass and with thermic processing, which produces dioxins. Thesis processes using biomass in Czech Republic and plan for using in the future. Thesis processes detailed model of filter using the fabric filters REMEDIA. Suggestion of position of the filter and it is connection to original products line of cleaning the combustion products. Increased pressure loss of the new pipework way and increased consumption of ventilator incinerator is calculated for the new connection. In quest of decreasing the thermal loss of combustion products and in quest of increasing safety of operation is calculated and in quest of increasing safety of operation is calculated proposal of isolation for the filter and pipework. In the end of the thesis is depicted using the technology for decreased amount of dioxins from the fly ash from dioxin filter.

Dioxinkontaminering i Gävleborgs län : Utbredning, orsaker och åtgärdsanalys / Dioxin contamination i Gävleborg County : Distribution, causes and analysis of measures

Robertsson, Jonas January 2014 (has links)
Detta examensarbete syftade till att ta fram ett underlag för en regional åtgärdsplan avseende dibenso-p-dioxiner och dibensofuraner, gemensamt benämnda som PCDD/F eller dioxiner, i Gävleborgs län. Länet har historiskt varit ett av de mest utsatta områdena i Sverige beträffande dessa föroreningar och höga koncentrationer i bland annat strömming har medfört att denna inte får saluföras i övriga EU.   I arbetet har resultaten från den rådande forskningen på området studerats för att få kunskap om nuvarande källor och möjliga förklaringar till de fortsatt förhöjda koncentrationerna av dioxiner. Därefter har data från tidigare undersökningar av dioxinkoncentrationer i Gävleborgs län samlats in, sammanställts och använts för att studera hur koncentrationerna varierar geografiskt inom länet. Principalkomponentanalys (PCA) av specifika dioxinkongeners koncentrationer har sedan använts för att försöka identifiera verksamhetstyper som potentiellt kan ha bidragit till föroreningarna på olika platser - en analys som dock är behäftad med stora osäkerheter. De insamlade provresultaten har även använts för att genom massbalansmodellering undersöka återhämtningen i två känt förorenade fjärdar i länet; Norrsundet och Gårdsfjärden. Utifrån resultaten av ovanstående analyser diskuterades även nyttan av att genomföra eventuella åtgärder för att reducera halterna i kraftigt förorenade områden.   Proverna som sammanställts visade klara geografiska skillnader i sedimentkoncentration, och till viss del även i koncentration i muskel från abborre, vilket visar på en stark betydelse av lokala källor i vissa områden. Bland strömmingsproverna kunde inget liknande samband ses. Detta kan förklaras av att det migrerande beteendet hos strömming gör att fisken under sin livstid exponeras för varierande föroreningsnivåer i olika områden, medan abborren är mer stationär även som vuxen. Principalkomponentanalysen gav, för vissa prover, indikationer kring vilken typ av verksamhet som bidragit till de uppmätta koncentrationerna. Dessa resultat är dock mycket osäkra och bör inte på egen hand användas som underlag för att fastställa föroreningskällor. Massbalansmodelleringen visade att PCDD/F-koncentrationen i sediment inte har någon betydelse för koncentrationen i vattenmassan utan att inflödet från omgivande hav dominerar även i avgränsade fjärdar. De modellerade jämviktskoncentrationerna mellan sediment och vattenmassa indikerade även att koncentrationerna i sediment kommer fortsätta överskrida somliga gränsvärden tills koncentrationen i vattenmassan reducerats, vilket även stöds av att dessa gränsvärden överskreds i majoriteten av de sammanställda proverna.   Baserat på samtliga ovannämnda resultat drogs slutsatsen att lokala saneringsåtgärder sannolikt inte ger någon effekt på PCDD/F-koncentrationerna i strömming, samt att de inte är tillräckliga för att erhålla sedimentkoncentrationer under samtliga gränsvärden. De kan däremot effektivt minska den exponering som mer stationära organismer som abborre utsätts för i områden med kraftigt förorenade sediment, och kan även ha positiva effekter på förekomsten av andra miljöfarliga ämnen i området. För- och nackdelar måste således övervägas i varje enskilt fall. / The aim of this Master’s Thesis was to provide a basis for a regional plan of action regarding dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans, commonly referred to as PCDD/F or dioxins, in Gävle-borg County. This region has historically been one of the Swedish areas most affected by these pollutants, and high concentrations in for example Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) have resulted in restrictions where some fish species cannot be sold in other EU countries.   In this work, results of current research on the subject were studied in order to gain knowledge about current sources and possible explanations to the continued high concentrations of dioxins. Thereafter, data from earlier investigations of dioxin levels in Gävleborg County have been gathered, compiled and used to study the regional geographic variation of the concentrations. Principal component analysis (PCA) was then used on the concentrations of specific congeners in an attempt to identify source types that might have contributed to the contamination in various sites; this analysis is however marred by uncertainties. The gathered data have also been used to investigate the recovery in two bays with known contaminations, Norrsundet and Gårdsfjärden, using mass balance modelling. The benefits of implementing measures to reduce the PCDD/F-concentrations in highly polluted areas were then discussed based on the results of the above-mentioned analyses.   The measured sediment concentrations, and partly also the concentrations in European perch (Perca fluviatilis), of the compiled samples showed distinct geographic differences, which indicates a strong influence from local sources in some areas. Among the herring samples, no such connection could be seen. This could be explained by the migrating behaviour of adult herring, resulting in an exposure to various levels of contamination in different areas as they migrate, while adult perch has a more stationary behaviour. For some samples, the principal component analysis gave indications on source types that might have contributed to the local contamination levels. These results are however very uncertain and they should not be used as the sole basis when determining emission sources. The mass balance modelling showed that the PCDD/F-concentrations in sediments have no influence on the concentrations in the water body; the inflow from the surrounding sea is predominant also in enclosed bays. The modelled equilibrium concentrations between sediments and water body also indicated that the sediment concentrations will continue to exceed the guideline values until the water concentrations have decreased. This is also supported by the fact that the majority of the samples showed concentrations exceeding these guideline values.   Based on all of the abovementioned results it was concluded that local remediation measures would most likely not affect the PCDD/F-concentrations in herring. It was also concluded that such measures would not suffice to obtain sediment concentrations that fall below all guideline values. They can however be used to lessen the exposure that stationary organisms are subjected to in areas with highly contaminated sediments, and can also have positive effects on the levels of other hazardous substances in the area. Thus, the benefits and disadvantages need to be considered in each specific case.

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