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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Exposició laboral a compostos orgànics i metalls en la planta incineradora de residus especials del Camp de Tarragona.

Agramunt de Gràcia, Maria del Carmen 04 December 2002 (has links)
In recent years, incineration has demonstrated to be a commercially available technology for hazardous waste disposal. According to the assessments done to date, there appears to be little human risk from hazardous waste incinerator (HWI) emissions. The objective of this study was to determine and to compare blood and urine concentrations of a number of organic compounds in workers at a hazardous waste incinerator (HWI) of Tarragona, before one and two years after working in the plant, and to assess if the incinerator can be a risk for their health. Twenty-eight workers of the new HWI were selected to test internal exposure to organic substances. Twenty-two men and 6 women between 23 and 58 years, who had not been previously exposed to these substances, were included in the study. They were divided into three groups according to the workplace and task: group I, incinerator operators, boiler maintenance, control panel, furnace maintenance and waste gas washing operators; group II, laboratory workers, and group III, management and office workers. In all samples, the concentrations of benzene, toluene, ethiylbenzene and m-xylene were under the respective detection limit (1 mg/L for benzene and 4 mg/L for the other compounds). The mean levels in plasma of the HWI workers during the three years of study (1999, 2000 and 2001) of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) were 27.6, 16.9 and 10.0 ng I-TEQ/kg lipid, respectively (significant differences were found respect to 2001). The mean levels of hexachlorobenzene (HCB) were 152, 115.4 and 181.7 mg/kg lipid, respectively. Respect to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB 28, 52, 101, 138, 153 and 180) the mean levels in the year 1999 were 18.5, 10.4, 9.0, 151, 213 and 209 mg/kg lipid, respectively. In the year 2000, were 2.2, 1.3, 2.0, 89.0, 125.4 and 121.7 mg/kg lipid. Finally, in 2001, the mean levels were 3.4, 1.5, 2.0, 74.0, 103.8 and 92.0 mg/kg lipid. The urinary excretion of (CLPs) can be used as an indirect indicator of current exposure to PCDD/Fs, whereas the urinary levels of 1-HP were determined as an indicator of exposure to PAHs. The mean urinary levels during the three years of study of 2,4- dichlorophenol (DCPs) were 1.4, 4.4, 4.7 mg/g creatinine, respectively. For 2,5-dichlorophenol (DCPs), were 5.52, 110.1, 123.1 mg/g creatinine, respectively. For 2,4,5- trichlorophenol (TCPs) were 0.3, 0.6, 0.4 mg/g creatinine, and for 2,4,6-trichlorophenol (TCPs) were 0.3, 2.0, 0.9 mg/g creatinine, respectively. Finally, for pentaclorfenol (PCP) were 0.3, 1.8, 1.0 mg/g creatinine. Significant differences (p<0.05) were noted for 2,5-chlorophenol (DCPs) and pentachlorophenol (PCP). 1-HP could be only detected in few samples, the others samples were under the detection limit (0.1 µg/L). Although the present results showed a notable variability for the levels of chlorophenols, median values of these compounds were similar or even lower than those considered as potential reference values. The blood levels of manganese were 12.5, 5.9 and 10.9 mg/L (1999, 2000 and 2001, respectively). Significant differences (p<0.01) were noted between the years 2000 and 2001. The mean levels of lead were 3.4, 3.5 and 3.0 mg/dL, respectively. The levels of mercury in 1999 and 2001, were under the detection limit, but in 2000 the mean level was 9.9 mg/L. The urinary mean levels of arsenic, in the periode 1999-2001, were 54.8, 1.45 and 1.35 mg/g de creatinine, respectively. The levels of cadmium were 0.35, 0.40 and 0.21 mg/g de creatinine, respectively. Significant differences (p<0.01) were noted in 2001. Chromium levels were 0.14 and 0.30 mg/g de creatinine (1999 and 2000, respectively). In 2001, the levels were under the detection limit. Nickel mean levels during the three years of study were 11.6, 3.36 and 3.63 mg/g de creatinine, respectively. On the other hand, the concentrations of beryllium and vanadium were under their detection limits in all samples (4 mg/l and 16.6 mg/L, respectively) during the three years of study. According to the results of the current survey, one year of potential exposure to the organic and inorganic substances here analyzed would not mean any specific health problem for the workers at the HWI. Future surveys will be performed in order to detect potential health risks with time for these workers. / L'actual desenvolupament industrial ha portat com a conseqüència l'augment del residus tòxics i perillosos els quals no poden ser reciclats, reduïts o dipositats en llocs segurs. Això, ha conduït a la construcció d'incineradores, basades en un procés d'oxidació termal, on els residus es converteixen en gasos i residus sòlids incombustibles. El propòsit d'aquest estudi ha sigut el d'obtenir dades de referència (abans de que la planta funcionés), així com controlar durant 2 anys els nivells d'una sèrie de compostos orgànics i metalls pesants en els treballadors de la Incineradora de Residus Especials del Camp de Tarragona. Escollint-se un total de 28 treballadors distribuïts en operadors de planta, laboratori, i administració (6 dones i 22 homes). Els valors obtinguts en plasma sanguini al 1999, 2000 i 2001, pels dibenzodioxines i dibenzofurans policlorats (PCDD/Fs) han sigut d'una mitjana de 27.6, 16.9 i 10.0 ng I-TEQ/kg de lípid, respectivament (mostrant un descens estadísticament significatiu). Pels nivells hexaclorbenzè (HCB) s'han obtingut una mitjana de 152, 115.4 i 181.7 mg/kg lípid, respectivament. Respecte als PCBs, pels congèneres 28, 52, 101, 138, 153 i 180, l'any 1999 els valors de les mitjanes han estat de 18.5, 10.4, 9.0, 151, 213 i 209 mg/kg de lípid, respectivament. Per l'any 2000, han estat de 2.2, 1.3, 2.0, 89.0, 125.4 i 121.7 mg/kg lípid. Finalment, per l'any 2001, s'han trobat unes mitjanes de 3.4, 1.5, 2.0, 74.0, 103.8 i 92.0 mg/kg lípid. Els nivells de BTEX (benzè, toluè, etlibenzè i m-xilè) en sang total han estat per sota del límit de detecció (1mg/L pel benzè i 4 mg/L per la resta). Referent als compostos orgànics en orina, les concentraciones medianes del clorfenols han estat pels anys 1999, 2000 i 2001, respectivament, de 1.4, 4.4, 4.7 mg/g creatinina pel 2,4-clorfenol, 5.52, 110.1, 123.1 mg/g creatinina pel 2,5-clorfenol, 0.3, 0.6, 0.4 mg/g creatinina pel 2,4,5-triclorfenol, 0.3, 2.0, 0.9 mg/g creatinina pel 2,4,6-triclorfenol, i 0.3, 1.8, 1.0 mg/g creatinina pel pentaclorfenol La majoria de nivells de l'1-hidroxipirè han estat sota el límit de detecció (0.1mg/L). El 2,5-diclorfenol, i el PCP van mostrar nivells significativament superiors en els dos últims estudis que els observats al realitzat l'any 1999 (blanc). Malgrat tot, els valors es poden considerar com a normals.Respecte als metalls en sangs, els valors mediana de manganès va ser de 12.5, 5.9 i 10.9 mg/L (1999, 2000 i 2001, respectivament). Sent les diferències estadísticament significatives (p<0.01) entre l'any 2000 i 2001. Pel plom, els valors mediana obtinguts van ser de 3.4, 3.5 i 3.0 mg/dL (1999, 2000 i 2001, respectivament). Respecte al mercuri, els anys 1999 i 2001, els seus nivells van estar per sota del límit de detecció, mentre que l'any 2000 es va obtenir un valor mediana de 9.9 mg/L. Altrament, el beril·li es va mantenir per sota del límit de detecció durant els 3 anys d'estudi.En orina, els anys 1999, 2000 i 2001, els nivells mediana d'arsènic, van ser de 54.8, 1.45 i 1.35 mg/g de creatinina, respectivament. Pel cadmi, els valors de mediana van ser de 0.35, 0.40 i 0.21 mg/g de creatinina, respectivament. Hi ha una disminució l'any 2001 sent estadísticament significativa (p<0.01). Pel crom, 0.14 i 0.30 mg/g de creatinina són els valors mediana (1999 i 2000, respectivament). En l'estudi de l'any 2001, es van obtenir nivells inferiors al límit de detecció. El níquel va variar durant els 3 anys d'estudi (1999, 2000 i 2001) amb valors mediana de 11.6, 3.36 i 3.63 mg/g de creatinina, respectivament. Per últim, els nivells de vanadi no van estar detectats en la seva majoria (límit de detecció: 16.6 mg/L). En l'estudi realitzat l'any 2001, es va observar un valor mediana de 15.1 mg/g de creatinina (23.5 mg/L).En termes generals, les xifres corresponents al "blanc" (1999) i als 2 anys de potencial exposició (2000 i 2001) a compostos orgànics i metalls pesants en els treballadors de la incineradora de residus especials del Camp de Tarragona, es poden considerar com a normals, amb referència a les d'una població no exposada ocupacionalment. No hi ha hagut cap aportació significativa que sigui específica de risc laboral a la planta incineradora.

Estudio taxonómico (morfológico y molecular) de especies del género chaetomium y géneros afines.

Rodríguez Morejón, Kendra Catalina 25 March 2003 (has links)
The species included in Chaetomium and Achaetomium (Chaetomiaceae, Ascomycota) are morphological and molecularly studied. Particularly three species-groups belong to Chaetomium genus: Chaetomium bostrychodes --species-group; Chaetomium globosum - species group and Chaetomium indicum - species group. Chaetomium macrostiolatum sp. nov, Chaetomium olivocolor sp. nov, Chaetomium tarraconensis sp. nov and Achaetomium geophylum sp. nov. are described and illustrated. The first species is characterized by ascomata with a very broad ostiole and yellow hairs, and limoniform ascospores; the second by its thermotolerant growth, inconspicuous and short straight ascomatal hairs and fusiform ascospores; the third by its unusual, irregularly-shaped ascospores and subglobose ascomata with flexuous to undulate, unbranched ascomatal hairs and the last by its thermotolerance, and the opaque, big, limoniform ascospores. The combinations Achaetomium irregulare (Sörgel) K. Rodríguez, comb. nov. is proposed and Chaetomium dolichotrichum is accepted who valid species. Analysis of the D1 and D2 regions of the LSU rDNA supported these proposal. Phylogenetic relationships among the species are presented. D1 and D2 regions of the 28S rADN gene are very conserved (80-90 %).Título: "Estudio taxonómico (morfológico y molecular) de especies del género Chaetomium y géneros afines. / Especies incluidas en los géneros Chaetomium y Achaetomium fueron morfológica y molecularmente estudiadas. Particularmente se analizaron tres grupos morfológicos pertenecientes al género Chaetomium: el grupo morfológico "Chaetomium bostrychodes", el grupo morfológico "Chaetomium globosum" y el grupo morfológico "Chaetomium indicum". Las especies Chaetomium macrostiolatum sp. nov, Chaetomium olivicolor sp. nov, Chaetomium tarraconensis sp. nov y Achaetomium geophylum sp. nov. son descritas e ilustradas. La primera se caracteriza por presentar un ascoma con un amplio ostiolo, pelos peridiales de color amarillo y ascosporas limoniformes; la segunda presenta un crecimiento termotolerante, los pelos peridiales son cortos y rectos y las ascosporas presentan una morfología fusiforme; la tercera presenta ascosporas irregulares, sus ascomas son subglobosos y sus pelos peridiales no se ramifican y son flexuosos u ondulados y la última especie se caracteriza por presentar un crecimiento termotolerante, ascosporas opacas, grandes y limoniformes. Se propone la nueva combinación Achaetomium irregulare (Sörgel) K. Rodríguez, nov. comb. y se acepta la especie Chaetomium dolichotrichum como válida para el género. Las anteriores propuestas fueron ratificadas a través del análisis de secuencias nucleotidicas de la región D1-D2 del 28S ADNr. Se presentan las relaciones filogenéticas entre las especies estudiadas, observándose un alto grado de conservación (80-90 %) en las secuencias nucleotídicas analizadas.

La relación entre la regulación, la innovación privada y la transferencia de tecnología de éxito: el caso de AIDIT, como spin-off universitario de éxito y su impacto en la triple hélice

Sánchez Granados, Ana María 23 April 2013 (has links)
The implementation of standards is a source of innovation opportunities for firms, giving incentives to produce innovation within a competitive environment and regulation changes. The first objective of the PhD is to know more about the link between the appearance of new R&D standards and the process of firm creation. It is detected that the new legislation in 2003, RD1432, focused on the implementation of binding reasoned reports to the Treasury -based on technical evaluations of entities that received credentials from ENAC- was a key driver to achieve a secure access to fiscal incentives and R&D subsidies for firms. This regulation also facilitated the access of SMEs to those R&D subsidies and generated inter firm activity with new consultancy services. We could therefore conclude that this new R&D legislation generated firm activity and subsequent firm profits. The access to university knowledge was an important factor for understanding the success of new R&D legislations. In this regard both, systems of innovation (Lundvall, 1988, 1992; Nelson, 1993) and Triple Helix Model (Ezkowitz y Leydesdorff, 2000); propose the trilateral collaboration between government, university and industry. University researchers played an important role as external and independent evaluators of firms R&D activity. Also the university played an important role with the creation of the first company issuing certificates, AIDIT. It is considered a singular case with scientific interest given their nature of University Spin-off of UPC and UPM. AIDIT was conceived in 2001 as an entity which issued certificates for research and innovation projects, giving response to a growing demand before the regulation was effectively implemented. We follow the suggestion of Smith et al (2011), who encourage the use of case studies for understanding better the implementation of R&D regulations, technology transfer processes and triple helix models. Our qualitative approach is also consistent with Yin (1993), which stated that unique cases show evidence to the scientific community that could not have been known otherwise. The second objective of this PhD dissertation is to analyze whether AIDIT follows the usual patterns of new firm development. Using the work of Ortín and Vendrell (2010) as a reference, the annual growth rate of AIDIT doubled the one of an average Spanish university spin-off. In 2004 AIDIT reached the breakeven point and thereafter it showed positive profits consistently. This evolution is consistent with the one described by previous literature for general firms, and in particular the one described by Vohora et al. (2004) for university spin-offs. In addition, AIDIT has followed a process consistent with the different typologies of innovation cycle presented by Moore (2005). The analysis undertaken shows that the appearance of and entity as AIDIT, generates value as a support structure for innovation and a link between university and industry. AIDIT produced several indirect returns, for example giving access to salary complements for university researchers, and supporting firm access to R&D subsidies. AIDIT opened the door for other firms to enter to the sector of issuing R&D certificates and innovation consultancy services. Finally this PhD dissertation offers a wide range of recommendations for industrial and innovation policy. Some of them focused on enhancing the efficacy of R&D regulations and other are associated with the improvement of Triple Helix implementation.

Laughter and derision in Petronius' Satyrica a literary study /

Plaza, Maria. January 1900 (has links)
Thèse : Doctorat : latin : Stockholm University : 2000. / Bibliogr. p. 216-224 Index.

Presencia y ausencia de la figura femenina en los origenes de las culturas: De la diosa europea a la diosa americana

Gavilanes Bravo, Susana Loreto 19 November 2008 (has links)
La investigacion se fundamenta en la presencia de la figura femnina en los origenes y el como esta fue siendo desplazada de los espacios publicos, a traves de formulas violentas que se rigen principalmente por los aspectos religiosos, dando cuenta de una adoracion hacia lo femenino en los tiempos primigenios lo cual habria sido paulatinamente desplazado.

La articulación de saberes populares y bio-médicos entre las comadronas de Rabinal, Baja Verapaz, Guatemala

Mosquera Saravia, María Teresa de Jesús 11 November 2002 (has links)
La atención de los padecimientos y enfermedades por comadronas en Guatemala, se singulariza porque éstas utilizan saberes, prácticas y representaciones de raigambre maya-achí, adquiridos por medio de la tradición oral, pero también las comadronas utilizan los conocimientos y terapias de la bio-medicina adquiridos en los cursos de capacitación que imparte el Sector Salud Oficial.La conducta pluralística de la comadrona fue el objeto de estudio de la tesis. ¿Cómo la comadrona acudía a la esfera bio-médica o tomaba de referente sus terapias maya-achí para tratar una enfermedad? o ¿Cómo la comadrona hace una articulación entre dichas esferas?Para entender el oficio de comadrona fue necesario visualizar que los saberes son adquiridos en la convivencia cotidiana con su familia extensa. Que esa forma de aprendizaje de la tradición oral se establece en la vía matrilineal. La futura comadrona aprende a "sobar" a cortar el cordón umbilical", "la terapia del sahumerio", etc. De esa convivencia que se establece en su familia.Sin embargo, también fue necesario establecer el itinerario de enfermedad reportado por la comunidad. En éste la comadrona se visualiza como un terapeuta tradicional que se ocupa de tratar los padecimientos de racionalidad maya-achí, dichos padecimientos en la lógica de las madres de familia se clasifican e interpretan en forma diferente de las enfermedades tratadas por médicos y enfermeras.Finalmente el comportamiento pluralístico de la comadrona, busca encontrar eficacias de índole farmacológica y simbólica en la atención de las enfermedades, dicho comportamiento se relaciona a la vez con el tipo de padecimiento atendido. Sin embargo otros padecimientos atendidos por comadronas requieren de una eficacia simbólica, más que procesos de eficacia farmacológica para su alivio. / The attention to sufferings and diseases by midwives in Guatemala, it singles out because these, used knowledges, practices and representations of maya-achí raigambre, acquired by means of oral tradition, but also the midwives used bio-medicine knowledges and therapies acquired in training courses that official health sector imparts.The pluralistic behavior of the midwife was the thesis object of study. How did the midwives get into the bio-medic sphere or How did she take from reference her maya-achí therapies to treat a disease? or How does the midwife make an articulation between these spheres?To understand midwife profession, it was necessary to visualize that the knowledges are acquired by daily life with her extense family. That way of oral tradition learning stablishes in the "matrilineal" way. The future midwife learns to "sobar", cutting the umbilical cord, a therapy called "sahumerio", etc. from that coexistence which stablishes in her family.However, it was also necessary to stablish the itinerary of disease reported by the community. In this one, midwife visualize herself like a traditional therapist who looks after to treat the sufferings of maya-achí rationality, the said sufferings in the logic of family mothers, classify and interpret in a different way of the diseases treated by medics and nurses.Finally, the pluralistic behavior of the midwife looks for to find efficacy from the pharmacological and symbolical nature in the attention of diseases, the said behavior have a relation with the kind of suffering treated. However, other sufferings, attended by midwives, require a symbolical efficacy, more than processes of pharmacological efficacy for its relief.

Transfussió autòloga i eritropoetina

Sans Mateu, Teresa 21 October 2002 (has links)
The study was designed with the aim of demonstrate the effectiveness of subcutaneous low-doses of recombinat human erythropoietin (rHuEPO) in improving the procurement of autologous blood collected in a program of autotransfusion for patients who needed orthopaedic elective surgery. Initially, we studied the pharmacokinetics of subcutaneous rHuEPO at 30, 60 and, 100 IU/kg bodyweight administered over a short period of time in healthy volunteers. Next, we investigated if these rHuEPO low-doses could effectively stimulate the erythropoiesis in patients included in autologous blood donation program previous to a elective orthopaedic surgical procedure.The pharmacokinetic study in 9 healthy volunteers shown that erythropoietin administered in repeat subcutaneous doses, in all treatment groups (30, 60 and, 100 IU/kg), was eliminated more slowly and remained longer in circulation in spite of lowered plasma drug levels. From the results we could not conclude the presence any decrease in reticulocyte response. Then, the treatment with more frequent and lower doses of rHuEPO would be efficacious and would contribute to reduce the risk of exposure to allogenic blood, when clinically or economically indicated. Subcutaneously administered rHuEPO at a dose of 100 IU/kg twice a week for two weeks in a preoperative autologous blood deposit program in patients scheduled for orthopaedic surgery, has shown effectiveness in proper erythropoiesis stimulation. Comparing this treatment with placebo and doses &#8804; 60 IU/kg of rHuEPO, we demostrate a lesser decrease in hematocrit, a greater increase in reticulocyte count and circulating red cell volume and, the collection of units with a higher red cell content. Despite of the decreased transfusion requirements in the group receiving 100 IU/kg of rHuEPO, the study could not demonstrate the effectiveness of rHuEPO therapy in reducing allogeneic blood transfusion, probably because the low rate of this procedure, even in the placebo group. / Aquest treball té com objectiu conèixer l'efectivitat de dosis baixes d'eritropoetina recombinant humana (rHuEPO), administrada subcutàniament, en poder augmentar la quantitat de sang autòloga, recol·lectada en pacients sotmesos a un protocol d'autotransfusió en predipòsit per cirurgia traumatològica electiva. Per això, s'ha estudiat en primer lloc el comportament farmacocinètic i farmacodinàmic de dosis de 30, 60 i 100 UI/kg de rHuEPO, administrada a voluntaris sans per via subcutània en un protocol curt d'administració, i en segon, estudiar si aquestes dosis mínimes de rHuEPO poden ser eficaces en estimular l'eritropoesi en pacients, en el marc d'un protocol de donació agressiva de sang autòloga previ a cirurgia ortopèdica. L'estudi farmacocinètic en 9 voluntaris sans demostra que l'eritropoietina recombinant humana administrada repetidament per via subcutània, en els tres grups (30, 60 i 100 UI/kg), s'elimina més lentament i persisteix durant un major període de temps, encara que la concentració plasmàtica aconseguida sigui inferior respecte a l'injecció inicial. D'aquests fets no es deriva una manca de resposta reticulocitària. Per tant, l'administració més freqüent i a dosis més petites de rHuEPO pot ser una pauta eficaç en contribuir a reduir l'exposició de sang alogènica quan l'administració de rHuEPO estigui clínicament i/o econòmicament indicada. L'administració subcutània de 100 UI/kg de rHuEPO, 2 cops per setmana durant dues setmanes, durant un programa de donació preoperatòria de sang autòloga en pacients candidats a cirurgia traumatològica, amb l'objectiu d'aconseguir 4 unitats de sang autòloga, ha demostrat estimular de forma eficaç l'eritropoiesi. Això es demostra amb un descens menor de les xifres d'hematòcrit en resposta a les repetides sagnies, un major increment de la resposta reticulocitària, un major increment del volum expandit d'hematies i un major contingut d'hematies en les unitats de sang autòloga, comparat amb el tractament amb placebo i amb dosis de rHuEPO inferiors o iguals a 60 UI/kg. Encara que els requeriments transfusionals són inferiors en el grup de pacients tractats amb 100 UI/kg de rHuEPO, l'estudi no pot demostrar que el tractament amb rHuEPO sigui eficaç en poder disminuir la transfusió de sang alogènica, probablement per que aquesta sigui ja molt baixa en el grup de pacients que reben placebo.

Estimation for replicative senescence via a population dynamics model of cells in culture

January 2000 (has links)
Lawrence M. Wein, Joseph T. Wu. / Title from cover. "April 18, 2000." / Includes bibliographical references (leaf 9).

Domain-independent exception handling services that increase robustness in open multi-agent systems

January 2000 (has links)
Mark Klein and Chrysanthos Dellarocas. / Title from cover. "May 2000." / Includes bibliographical references (p. 17-23).

An experimental evaluation of domain-independent fault handling services open multi-agent systems

January 2000 (has links)
Chrysanthos Dellarocas and Mark Klein. / Title from cover. "May 2000." / Includes bibliographical references (p. 13-16). / Supported in part by NSF. IIS-9803251 Supported in part by DARPA. F30602-98-2-0099

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