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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Konstruktivismus ve výuce geografie / Konstructivism in geography education

Medková, Eva January 2012 (has links)
Medková, E. (2012): Constructivism in geography education. Department of Social Geography and Regional Development, Charles University in Prague. The thesis deals with a constructivist model used in Geography classes. The theoretical part focuses on the characteristic of this model and compares it with the traditional transmissive model. It describes the methods used in the constructivist teaching. Part of the practical section was the pedagogical experiment that compared the efficiency of constructivist and transmissive teaching. Experiment was realized in the Primary school in two parallel 7th grade classes. There were two geographical topics tought - monsoons and the development of the Asian states. The development of the Asian states topic was tought transmissively in one class and in a constructivist manner in the second class. As a second step the other topic of monsoons was tought and the teaching method in the classes was interchanged. The efficiency of the teaching was determined by the help of the didactic test and then statistically evaluated.

Návrh a experimentální ověření portfólia učebních pomůcek v účetnictví / Creation and experimental verification of portfolio teaching aids in accounting

Bromová, Michaela January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the issue of teaching aids in the educational process. The attention in the first part of the work is paid to the analysis of the teaching aids functions and to the significance degree of their position in teaching. The work makes us acquainted with all the theoretical knowledge every teacher should know even prior to the creation and inclusion of relevant teaching aid within a lesson. In addition to the theory diploma thesis also provides a basic insight into the current modern concept of these didactic means. Furthermore, this area is analysed here from the point of view of experimental verification of the in teaching. This research shows how big or small the level of importance this resource has throughout the educational process and what other results there were achieved after an intensive spooling of teaching aids to lessons of accountancy. A detailed analysis pointing out all the changes and the tendencies that reign in the course of the implementation of the experiment and also after its termination. In conclusion, there is also advice and recommendations, compiled on the basis of the evaluation results that have been achieved in the framework of the pedagogical experiment.

Fizikos praktinių užduočių ir samprotavimų schemų panaudojimas mokant mechanikos sąvokų / Application of Physics Practical Tasks and Reasoning Schemes in Teaching Mechanics Concepts

Diadko, Tatjana 07 June 2006 (has links)
Master’s theses “Application Physics Practical Tasks and Reasoning Schemes in Teaching Mechanic Concepts“ consists of an introduction, 3 sections, conclusions, references to literature and 3 annexes. 8 tables and 18 pictures are presented in the work. The work comprises 72 pages (83 with annexes). Application physics practical task and reasoning schemes, teaching mechanic concept is examined in the theses. The problem of pedagogical and psychological concepts’ formation is examined in section I. In section II all the methodological material (the reasoning of the tasks system, structure and content is presented). The results of the pedagogical experiment are presented in section III. The pedagogical experiment showed, that practical tasks and their conceptional schemes help pupils to improve knowledge in physics as well as an effective way to raise the motivation.

Pasirinkto fizinių pratimų komplekso veiksmingumas / Efficiency of individually chosen physical exercise complex

Medonis, Aurimas 16 August 2007 (has links)
Aurimas Medonis Pasirinkto fizinių pratimų komplekso veiksmingumas Santrauka Tyrimo tikslas  įvertinti X klasės vaikinų pasirinktų fizinių pratimų kompleksų įvairialypį veiksmingumą. Nuo 2006 m. sausio 9d. iki 2006 m. gegužės 22 d. Vilniaus Žirmūnų gimnazijoje ir Vilniaus Šv. Kristoforo mokykloje buvo vykdytas ugdomasis pedagoginis eksperimentas. Jame dalyvavo 59 X klasių pagrindinės medicininės fizinio pajėgumo grupės vaikinai. Atsitiktiniu būdu buvo parinktos 3 eksperimentinės (E1  2a, 10c, 10d ─ 24 vaikinai) ir 4 kontrolinės (E2 ─ 2d, 2c, 10b, 10e ─ 35 vaikinai) klasės. Nepriklausomas kintamasis ─ sukurta fizinių ypatybių lavinimo per kūno kultūros pamokas bei laisvalaikiu metodika, kuri rėmėsi mokinio pasirinktu fizinių pratimų kompleksu. Ši metodika didino kūno kultūros pamokų žinias, įtvirtino savimoką. Eksperimentinėje (E1) grupėje vaikinams per 2 savaitines kūno kultūros pamokas buvo galima rinktis pratimus iš pateiktų variantų, taip pat sugalvoti savų pratimų. Be to pratimų kompleksą rekomenduota atlikti ir laisvalaikiu bent vieną kartą per savaitę. E2 grup��s vaikinai per kūno kultūros pamokas dirbo įprastai, į kūno kultūros pamokas įkomponuojant tradicines fizinių ypatybių lavinimosi priemones ir metodiką. Per eksperimentines kūno kultūros pamokas kryptingiau dirbta taikant bendradarbiavimo metodą: kūno kultūros ir socialiniai gebėjimai buvo plėtojami tiesiogiai mokiniams bendradarbiaujant dėl individualios atsakomybės ir teigiamos tarpusavio priklausomybės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aurimas Medonis Efficiency of individually chosen physical exercise complex Summary The purpose of the research is to evaluate individually chosen physical exercise complex method’s efficiency of the 10th grade schoolboys. Fifty-nine schoolboys, who belong to the main medical physical ability group and attend Vilniaus Žirmūnų gymnasium and Vilniaus Šv.Kristoforo secondary school, took part in the pedagogical experiment. The experiment was organized during the school year 2006, from January 9th to May 22d. Schoolboys were distributed into three experimental (E1  2a, 10c, 10d ─ 24 schoolboys) and four control (E2 ─ 2d, 2c, 10b, 10e ─ 35 schoolboys) classes. The experimental program was applied to group E1, while group E2 had the same physical education lessons as earlier. Independent variable ─ method of improving physical features was designed in order to increase individually chosen physical exercise complex. Research methods used in the Master‘s thesis are the following: analysis of literature, questionnaire, physical features testing and statistical analysis. Questionnaire investigated 10th grade schoolboys’ attitude towards sport, healthy life style as well as independent work out. Eurofit’s (2002) and J.Skernevičius’ (2004) physical tests as well as physical education standards were used in order to identify physical features of the pupils. Investigation results were evaluated with „Statistica“ and MS „Excel“ computer programmes. Results of the questionnaire show... [to full text]

Развој наставних инструкција у активној настави физике / Razvoj nastavnih instrukcija u aktivnoj nastavi fizike / Modern teaching methods aimed at increasing the efficiency of learning in physics

Hajduković-Jandrić Gordana 22 January 2016 (has links)
<p>Предмет овог истраживања су ефекти два&nbsp; типа наставне инструкције: традиционалнe, и експерименталне-наставне&nbsp; инструкције засноване на&nbsp; aктивној&nbsp; настави физике.&nbsp; У раду су приказане проблемска настава и научни метод као&nbsp; наставне&nbsp; инструкције&nbsp; у&nbsp; aктивној&nbsp; настави физике.&nbsp; Научни метод који је предмет овог истраживања заснива се на једноставним огледима у физици&nbsp; који не захтевају скупу опрему и могу се реализовати уз минимум наставних средстава која су доступна сваком - 230 -ученику.&nbsp; Приказани су резултати истраживања спроведеног са циљем&nbsp; испитивања утицаја примењених наставних инструкција у настави<br />физике, на резултат&nbsp; укупног образовног учинка, трајности стечених знања као и разумевање аспеката природе науке и научног истраживања у односу на&nbsp;&nbsp; традиционалну наставу. Испитивање је извршено&nbsp; као&nbsp; педагошки експеримент типа<br />паралелних група,&nbsp; на узорку шестих и осмих разреда основне школе&nbsp; &bdquo;Мирослав Антић&ldquo; и &bdquo;Десанка Максимовић&ldquo; у Футогу. Утврђено је постојање значајне разлике у трајности задржавања знања као и бржем и темељнијем усвајању наставних садржаја применом наставних&nbsp; инструкција&nbsp; у&nbsp; aктивној&nbsp; настави физике&nbsp; у односу на традиционалну наставу. Анализа резултата финалног теста указује на&nbsp;&nbsp; позитиван тренд разумевања скоро свих аспеката природе науке у експерименталним групама. Главни недостатак у примени ових наставних инструкција представљају индивидуалне разлике ученика у&nbsp; брзини решавања постављеног проблема, као и недостатак адекватне литературе која би подржалa овакав облик наставе.</p> / <p>Predmet ovog istraživanja su efekti dva&nbsp; tipa nastavne instrukcije: tradicionalne, i eksperimentalne-nastavne&nbsp; instrukcije zasnovane na&nbsp; aktivnoj&nbsp; nastavi fizike.&nbsp; U radu su prikazane problemska nastava i naučni metod kao&nbsp; nastavne&nbsp; instrukcije&nbsp; u&nbsp; aktivnoj&nbsp; nastavi fizike.&nbsp; Naučni metod koji je predmet ovog istraživanja zasniva se na jednostavnim ogledima u fizici&nbsp; koji ne zahtevaju skupu opremu i mogu se realizovati uz minimum nastavnih sredstava koja su dostupna svakom - 230 -učeniku.&nbsp; Prikazani su rezultati istraživanja sprovedenog sa ciljem&nbsp; ispitivanja uticaja primenjenih nastavnih instrukcija u nastavi<br />fizike, na rezultat&nbsp; ukupnog obrazovnog učinka, trajnosti stečenih znanja kao i razumevanje aspekata prirode nauke i naučnog istraživanja u odnosu na&nbsp;&nbsp; tradicionalnu nastavu. Ispitivanje je izvršeno&nbsp; kao&nbsp; pedagoški eksperiment tipa<br />paralelnih grupa,&nbsp; na uzorku šestih i osmih razreda osnovne škole&nbsp; &bdquo;Miroslav Antić&ldquo; i &bdquo;Desanka Maksimović&ldquo; u Futogu. Utvrđeno je postojanje značajne razlike u trajnosti zadržavanja znanja kao i bržem i temeljnijem usvajanju nastavnih sadržaja primenom nastavnih&nbsp; instrukcija&nbsp; u&nbsp; aktivnoj&nbsp; nastavi fizike&nbsp; u odnosu na tradicionalnu nastavu. Analiza rezultata finalnog testa ukazuje na&nbsp;&nbsp; pozitivan trend razumevanja skoro svih aspekata prirode nauke u eksperimentalnim grupama. Glavni nedostatak u primeni ovih nastavnih instrukcija predstavljaju individualne razlike učenika u&nbsp; brzini rešavanja postavljenog problema, kao i nedostatak adekvatne literature koja bi podržala ovakav oblik nastave.</p> / <p>The subject of this study&nbsp; is&nbsp; the effects of two types&nbsp; of teaching instruction: traditional and experimental teaching instructions based on the active teaching of physics. In this &nbsp;article is presented&nbsp; the problem solving teaching&nbsp; and&nbsp; the scientific method&nbsp; as a teaching instruction in active teaching of physics. - 232 -Scientific method that is the subject of this research is based on simple experiments in physics that do not require expensive equipment and can be implemented with minimum teaching resources that &nbsp;are&nbsp; available to every student. There are presented results of research carried out to study the effect of the applied educational instruction in physics, the result of the overall educational performance, durability of acquired knowledge and understanding &nbsp;of&nbsp; aspects of the nature of science and scientific&nbsp;research in relation to the traditional teaching. The study was conducted as a pedagogical experiment of&nbsp; parallel groups in a sample of sixth and eighth-graders, in schools &quot;Miroslav Antic&quot; and &quot;Desanka Maksimovic&quot; in Futog. The study of pedagogical documentation as well as the results obtained from initial test designed for the purpose of this research, formed the control and experimental groups matched for relevant educational parameters. Is done a comparison of the control group&nbsp; &ndash;&nbsp; the&nbsp; problem teaching,&nbsp; the control group&nbsp; -&nbsp; the scientific method&nbsp;and the&nbsp; problem teaching&nbsp; -&nbsp; the scientific method,&nbsp; in quantum, quality and efficiency of knowledge of the applied methods. The results were statistically&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; analyzed. There existed significant differences in the durability of knowledge retention, faster and more thorough adoption of educational content using of the active teaching instruction in teaching physics than traditional teaching. Analysis of the results of&nbsp;the final test shows a positive trend understanding of almost all aspects of the nature of science in the experimental groups. The main drawback in &nbsp;the implementation of the teaching instruction students is individual differences in the speed of solving the&nbsp;problem, and the lack of&nbsp; adequate literature&nbsp; to&nbsp; support this form &nbsp;of teaching.</p>

Hodnocení ve výtvarné výchově z pohledu žáků prvního stupně ZŠ - empirická výzkumná sonda / Assessment in the art education point of view pupils in the primary school - empirical research probe

Švehlová, Lucie January 2013 (has links)
The theoretical part of the thesis contains information about the assessment and the specific method of assessment in the art education. The research part is divided into preliminary research and three stages of research - the interview, the observation and questionnaire own experiment and subsequent questioning. In these stages of research I have found information on the experiences and attitudes to assessment in the art education, but also on the whole subject of the art education. The survey was conducted in one class mainstream primary school in a small town in the South Bohemian Region. The work provides interesting information about the current view of pupils and their teachers on the art education and its assessment . The results suggest the need for pupils to be assessed, especially classified and the ability of students to use assessment criteria. Research findings may contribute to the debate regarding the evaluation in art education. They are also useful for the preparation of training teachers in the primary education, improving teaching and can be the basis for more extensive research investigations.

Формирование межкультурной коммуникативной компетенции у школьников 10 классов в процессе изучения иностранного языка при участии в международных волонтерских программах : магистерская диссертация / The formation of cross-cultural communicative competence among 10th graders at English lessons with the assistance of international volunteers

Щукина, А. И., Shchukina, A. I. January 2023 (has links)
Магистерская диссертация посвящена изучению формирования межкультурной коммуникативной компетенции у школьников 10 классов в процессе изучения иностранного языка при участии в международных волонтерских программах. Целью данного исследования является теоретическое обоснование, разработка и экспериментальная апробация модели формирования межкультурной коммуникативной компетенции у обучающихся десятых классов в процессе изучения английского языка при участии в международных волонтерских программах. Структура работы состоит из двух глав: теоретической и практической. В первой главе приведен теоретический обзор нормативных документов Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта среднего общего образования (ФГОС СОО) и научной литературы по теме формирования межкультурной коммуникативной компетенции у обучающихся старших классов на уроках иностранного языка, описаны особенности коммуникативного подхода в обучении иностранному языку, изучены двадцать семь волонтёрских программ и определены наиболее подходящие в рамках российских реалий, составлена и описана педагогическая модель формирования межкультурной коммуникативной компетенции у обучающихся десятых классов на уроках английского языка при участии иностранных волонтёров. Во второй главе описан материал исследования, педагогические технологии и деятельность обучающихся, учителя английского языка и иноязычного волонтёра в процессе формирования межкультурной коммуникативной компетенции в рамках курса внеурочной деятельности “Страноведение”, приведены результаты опытно-экспериментальной работы. Результаты экспериментальной работы подтвердили идеи о построении системы управления процессом формирования межкультурной коммуникативной компетенции старшеклассника, в котором ведущая роль принадлежит учителю английского языка, управляющему учебным процессом, сопутствующая роль принадлежит волонтёру, выступающему в роли фасилитатора коммуникативного процесса, который придаёт общению на иностранном языке более естественный характер. Материалы исследования могут быть использованы в преподавании таких учебных дисциплин как методика преподавания иностранного языка, дидактика внеурочной деятельности, практикум по межкультурной коммуникации. / The master dissertation is devoted to the study of the formation of cross-cultural communicative competence among 10th graders at English lessons with the assistance of international volunteers. The aim of this study is the theoretical justification, development and experimental testing of the educational model for the formation of intercultural communicative competence of the tenth grade students in the process of learning English with the assistance of international volunteers. The structure of the work consists of two chapters: theoretical and practical. The first chapter provides a theoretical review of normative documents (Federal State Academic Standard for High Schools) and scientific literature on the topic of the formation of intercultural communicative competence among high school students in foreign language lessons, describes the features of the communicative approach in teaching a foreign language. Twenty-seven volunteer programs have been studied during the research and the most suitable within the Russian realities have been pointed out. Moreover, a didactical model for the formation of intercultural communicative competence among the tenth grade students in English lessons with the foreign volunteers` participation has been compiled and described. The second chapter provides the information about the research material, the pedagogical technologies used in the process of forming intercultural communicative competence within the extracurricular activity course “Country Studies”, and presents the results of the experimental work. The results of the experimental work confirmed the ideas about building a management system for the formation of intercultural communicative competence of a high school student, in which the leading role belongs to the teacher of English who manages the educational process, the minor role belongs to a volunteer acting as a facilitator of the communicative process. It helps the foreign communication sound more natural and English-like. These results can be used within the courses of foreign language teaching methods, didactics of extracurricular activities, intercultural communication practice.

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