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Pohybový režim devčat na druhém stupni ZŠ / Girls physical activity on the second step of comprehensive school.Hannsmannová, Lenka January 2013 (has links)
Title: Girls physical activity on the second step of comprehensive school. Author's name: Lenka Hannsmannová Supervisor: Prof. Ing. Václav Bunc, CSc. Objectives: To measure physical activity of girl on secondary step of comprehensive school and to compare results with recommendations, to detect their physical and sport preferences via questionnaire and adjust School Education Plan accordingly, to obtain quantitative data from pedometer and qualitative data from questionnaire. Methods: Girls physical activity was measured by pedometer Omron. Obtained data was downloaded to PC and further processed with Omron Health Management Software. The questionnaire was created to detect girls' physical and sport preferences. Results: By pedometer physical activity monitoring was total amount of steps obtained for individual classes, average amount of steps for each girl, girls classification according to daily average amount of steps, total aerobic walking time, daily aerobic activity average time and these results were compared with health recommendations. The ratio of sporting and non-sporting girls outside school was obtained, estimated daily time of sporting activity in minutes, frequency of admitted sport and other activities, the preferences for school physical activities and lessons and which possible...
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Testování úrovně pohybové aktivity u studentek v Mělníku / Testing of a movement activity quality of Mělník female studentsKalkantová, Michaela January 2015 (has links)
Title: Testing of a movement activity quality of Mělník female students. Objectives: The aim of the work is to evaluate the movement mode and the movement activity quality of adolescent girls and in addition we will evaluate their body composition with the help of BMI and caliperation method. Methods: We have worked out the thesis on the base of studying literary sources. 32 adolescent girls aged from 17 to 18 years studying the Secondary Grammar school of Jan Palach made up the examined file, their average body height was 170, 2 ± 6 cm, body weight 63,3 ± 8,8 kilograms. The body composition was assessed with the help of BMI and caliperation method. Then we measured the amount of walked footsteps a day with the help of Omron pedometer and on the base of found out results we evaluated the movement mode of female students. Finally we evaluated each student's movement activity quality with the help of test set Unifittest 6-60. All the measuring and testing took place in standardized conditions with minimization of external impacts to provide the objectivity of measuring. Results: It has been clear from the results of somatic measuring of body heights and weights that in comparison with the average of girls of the same age in the Czech Republic our examined file is 2,7 cm taller and 4,8 kg heavier in...
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Efeito de uma intervenção com mensagens eletrônicas no nível de atividade física e no estágio de comportamento em funcionários de uma instituição pública hospitalar / Effect of an intervention with electronic messages on physical activity level and stage of behavior in employees of a public hospitalSantos, Mauricio dos 13 September 2013 (has links)
A inatividade física é um fator de risco para o surgimento de diversas doenças, principalmente as cardiovasculares e as neoplasias. Nas últimas décadas, houve uma redução significante das atividades consideradas moderadas e pesadas no local de trabalho. Hoje, o trabalhador passa muito tempo sentado na frente do computador. Portanto, aproveitar a internet no ambiente de trabalho como meio de divulgar as vantagens da prática da atividade física para a sua saúde é fundamental. A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito de uma intervenção por meio de mensagens eletrônicas no nível de atividade física e no estágio de comportamento dos colaboradores de uma instituição pública hospitalar. Após divulgação via mensagens eletrônicas e nos murais do Instituto de Psiquiatria do Hospital das Clínicas da Universidade de São Paulo, cinquenta voluntários se inscreveram para participar da pesquisa. Após os critérios de exclusão e desistência, 29 indivíduos iniciaram na pesquisa. Desses, 16 concluíram as 3 fases. Todos os participantes passaram pelas 3 fases da pesquisa, isto é, compuseram o grupo inicial, o grupo controle e após o grupo experimental. A média de idade foi de 40,1± 9,2 anos, o valor médio do IMC foi de 27,5 ± 4,4 kg/m² e 82,2% da amostra foi composta por mulheres. Para avaliar o estágio de comportamento foi utilizado o questionário adaptado por Marcus e Forsyth (2009) que classifica os indivíduos em pré-contemplativo, contemplativo, preparação, ação e manutenção. Para mensurar o nível de atividade física de forma objetiva foi utilizado o pedômetro SW-200 (YAMAX- Japão). De acordo com o número de passos podemos classificá-los em sedentários, insuficientemente ativos ou ativos. Foi utilizado o International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) longo para avaliar, de forma subjetiva, o nível de atividade física no lazer. O protocolo de intervenção consistia no envio de duas mensagens eletrônicas (e-mail) semanais por um período de oito semanas. Para as análises descritivas foi utilizado a média e desvio padrão. O qui-quadrado para as 9 associações. O teste t de student pareado foi utilizado para comparar os momentos pré e pós-intervenção. Para as proporções foi utilizado o teste de comparação de duas proporções. Os pacotes SPSS versão 15.0 e o Stata foram utilizados nas análises. O comportamento sedentário, no qual foram agrupados os pré-contemplativos, contemplativos e preparação, passou de 62,5% para 56,5% após a intervenção. Já o comportamento ativo em que foram agrupados os estágios de ação e manutenção passou de 37,5% para 43,8%. O nível de atividade física no lazer aumentou em 79 minutos (p<0,05) no grupo experimental em relação ao grupo controle. Entretanto, em relação ao início da pesquisa os valores do grupo experimental não se alteraram. A média de passos do grupo controle foi de 10.719, após a intervenção houve um aumento para 11.117 passos. Concluí-se que as mensagens eletrônicas foram eficientes na manutenção do nível de atividade física no lazer e capaz de evoluir na prontidão dos indivíduos para a prática da atividade física, apesar de não apresentar diferenças significantes / Physical inactivity is a risk factor for the emergence of various diseases, particularly cardiovascular diseases and neoplasms. In recent decades, there has been a significant reduction in activities considered moderate and heavy in the workplace. Today, the worker spends a lot of time sitting in front of computer. So enjoy the Internet in the workplace as a means of spreading the benefits of physical activity for your health is essential. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of an intervention through electronic messages in physical activity level and stage of behavior of employees of a public hospital. After spreading via email and on the murals of the Institute of Psychiatry, Hospital das Clinicas, University of São Paulo, fifty volunteers signed up to participate. After the exclusion criteria and withdrawal, 29 subjects began the search. Of these, 16 completed the 3 phases. All participants went through three phases of the research, ie, formed the initial group, the control group and the experimental group after. Mean age was 40.1 ± 9.2 years, mean BMI was 27.5 ± 4.4 kg / m² and 82.2% of the sample was composed of women. To assess the stage of behavior questionnaire was used adapted by Marcus and Forsyth (2009) that classifies individuals in pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action and maintenance. To measure the level of physical activity objectively was used SW-200 pedometer (Yamax, Japan). According to the number of steps we can classify them into inactive, insufficiently active or assets. IPAQ was used to assess long, subjectively, the level of physical activity during leisure. The intervention protocol consisted in sending two messages (e-mail) weekly for a period of eight weeks. For descriptive analysis was used the mean and standard deviation. The chi-square test for associations. The paired Student t test was used to compare the pre-and post-intervention. For the proportions test was used for comparison of two proportions. Packages SPSS version 15.0 and Stata were used in the analyzes. Sedentary behavior, which were grouped in the pre-contemplative, contemplative and preparation, increased from 62.5% to 56.5% after the intervention. Already active behavior that were grouped stages of action and maintenance increased from 37.5% 11 to 43.8%. The level of physical activity during leisure time increased by 79 minutes (p <0.05) in the experimental group compared to the control group. However, compared to the beginning of the search values in the experimental group did not change. The average number of steps of the control group was 10,719, after the intervention had increased to 11,117 steps. It is concluded that electronic messages were effective in maintaining the level of physical activity during leisure time and can evolve in the readiness of individuals to physical activity, although not present significant differences
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Eficiência do uso de medidor de atividade eletrônico na detecção de cio de vacas leiteiras de alta produção / Efficiency of use of an electronic activity meter tag in the detection of estrous of high producing dairy cowsGuarín Montoya, Jose Fernando 16 January 2008 (has links)
Grandes avanços tem sido feitos para melhorar a produção de leite, mas estes avanços têm resultado numa queda geral da eficiência reprodutiva. Para se combater esta queda, tem sido seguidos principalmente três caminhos: um relacionado com a vaca, outro com as gametas e outro com o ambiente. Os problemas associados à vaca compreendem os problemas relacionados com a detecção de cio e os problemas hormonais que resultam em baixas taxas de concepção e aumento das mortes embrionárias precoces. Alternativas para melhorar a detecção de cio tem sido procuradas, dentre estas, os medidores de atividade são uma alternativa promissória, porém ainda em desenvolvimento. Com o fim de avaliar a eficiência do uso de medidor de atividade na detecção de cio de vacas leiteiras de alta produção, foram desenvolvidos três experimentos. O primeiro avaliou a eficiência do uso de medidor de atividade na detecção de cio após o período de espera voluntario (PEV), o segundo avaliou a eficiência do uso de medidor de atividade na detecção do cio de retorno após o uso de um protocolo de inseminação artificial a tempo fixo (IATF), o terceiro avaliou a relação custo-benefício da aquisição do aparelho. Na detecção do primeiro cio efetivo após o PEV o medidor de atividade apresentou maior taxa de detecção de cio, comparado com a observação visual de cio. O aparelho mostrou especial avantaja sobre a observação visual de cio na detecção de vacas multíparas de alta produção. No experimento de detecção de cio de retorno após o uso de IATF, o medidor de atividade detectou maior número de animais em menor tempo, porém, as mudanças no padrão de comportamento animal causadas pelos hormônios próprios da sincronização de cio, diminuíram a confiabilidade do sistema automatizado de detecção, ainda assim o numero de animais detectados em cio verdadeiro do sistema automatizado foi superior. Na análise de custo-benefício, a taxa interna de retorno obtida, demonstrou que o medidor de atividade é um investimento rentável o que possibilita sua aquisição. Enquanto aos falsos positivos gerados pelo sistema, sugere-se integrar as indicações feitas pelo sistema automatizado com a experiência dos funcionários das fazendas. / Huge progress has been made to improve the milk yield, but these advances have resulted in a general decrease of reproductive efficiency. Three main ways have been taken to combat this decrease: one related to the cow, another with the gametes and the lasts related with the environment. The problems associated with cow comprehend the estrous detection problems and the hormonal disorders that results in low conception rates and increases the early embryonic deaths. Alternatives to improve the heat detection has been developed. Among them, the activity meters are a promissory alternative, but still in development. Three experiments were developed in order to assess the efficiency of use of an activity meter in the estrous detection of high producing dairy cows. The first assessed the efficiency of the use of activity meter detecting estrous after the voluntary waiting period (VWP), the second assessed the efficiency of use of activity meter in the detection of the return estrous after use of a fixed-time artificial insemination (TAI) protocol, the third assessed the cost-benefit of acquisition of the system. In the first estrous after the VWP, the activity meter presented higher estrous detection rate, compared with the visual observation. The system has special vantage in the detection of multiparous high producing cows, if compared with visual observation. In the experiment of detecting return estrous after use of TAI, the activity meter detected greater number of animals in less time, however, changes in the pattern of animal behavior caused by hormones during the synchronization, decreased the accuracy of the automated system. On the other hand, the number of animals detected in real estrous of the automated system was superior than in visual observation. In the cost-benefit analysis, the internal rate of return obtained, showed that the activity meter is a profitable investment. Referent to the false positives generated by the system, it is suggested to integrate the indications made by the automated system with the experience of the functionaries of the dairy farms.
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Eficiência do uso de medidor de atividade eletrônico na detecção de cio de vacas leiteiras de alta produção / Efficiency of use of an electronic activity meter tag in the detection of estrous of high producing dairy cowsJose Fernando Guarín Montoya 16 January 2008 (has links)
Grandes avanços tem sido feitos para melhorar a produção de leite, mas estes avanços têm resultado numa queda geral da eficiência reprodutiva. Para se combater esta queda, tem sido seguidos principalmente três caminhos: um relacionado com a vaca, outro com as gametas e outro com o ambiente. Os problemas associados à vaca compreendem os problemas relacionados com a detecção de cio e os problemas hormonais que resultam em baixas taxas de concepção e aumento das mortes embrionárias precoces. Alternativas para melhorar a detecção de cio tem sido procuradas, dentre estas, os medidores de atividade são uma alternativa promissória, porém ainda em desenvolvimento. Com o fim de avaliar a eficiência do uso de medidor de atividade na detecção de cio de vacas leiteiras de alta produção, foram desenvolvidos três experimentos. O primeiro avaliou a eficiência do uso de medidor de atividade na detecção de cio após o período de espera voluntario (PEV), o segundo avaliou a eficiência do uso de medidor de atividade na detecção do cio de retorno após o uso de um protocolo de inseminação artificial a tempo fixo (IATF), o terceiro avaliou a relação custo-benefício da aquisição do aparelho. Na detecção do primeiro cio efetivo após o PEV o medidor de atividade apresentou maior taxa de detecção de cio, comparado com a observação visual de cio. O aparelho mostrou especial avantaja sobre a observação visual de cio na detecção de vacas multíparas de alta produção. No experimento de detecção de cio de retorno após o uso de IATF, o medidor de atividade detectou maior número de animais em menor tempo, porém, as mudanças no padrão de comportamento animal causadas pelos hormônios próprios da sincronização de cio, diminuíram a confiabilidade do sistema automatizado de detecção, ainda assim o numero de animais detectados em cio verdadeiro do sistema automatizado foi superior. Na análise de custo-benefício, a taxa interna de retorno obtida, demonstrou que o medidor de atividade é um investimento rentável o que possibilita sua aquisição. Enquanto aos falsos positivos gerados pelo sistema, sugere-se integrar as indicações feitas pelo sistema automatizado com a experiência dos funcionários das fazendas. / Huge progress has been made to improve the milk yield, but these advances have resulted in a general decrease of reproductive efficiency. Three main ways have been taken to combat this decrease: one related to the cow, another with the gametes and the lasts related with the environment. The problems associated with cow comprehend the estrous detection problems and the hormonal disorders that results in low conception rates and increases the early embryonic deaths. Alternatives to improve the heat detection has been developed. Among them, the activity meters are a promissory alternative, but still in development. Three experiments were developed in order to assess the efficiency of use of an activity meter in the estrous detection of high producing dairy cows. The first assessed the efficiency of the use of activity meter detecting estrous after the voluntary waiting period (VWP), the second assessed the efficiency of use of activity meter in the detection of the return estrous after use of a fixed-time artificial insemination (TAI) protocol, the third assessed the cost-benefit of acquisition of the system. In the first estrous after the VWP, the activity meter presented higher estrous detection rate, compared with the visual observation. The system has special vantage in the detection of multiparous high producing cows, if compared with visual observation. In the experiment of detecting return estrous after use of TAI, the activity meter detected greater number of animals in less time, however, changes in the pattern of animal behavior caused by hormones during the synchronization, decreased the accuracy of the automated system. On the other hand, the number of animals detected in real estrous of the automated system was superior than in visual observation. In the cost-benefit analysis, the internal rate of return obtained, showed that the activity meter is a profitable investment. Referent to the false positives generated by the system, it is suggested to integrate the indications made by the automated system with the experience of the functionaries of the dairy farms.
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The Effect of Body Mass Index on Pedometer Accuracy in a Free-Living EnvironmentTyo, Brian Matthew 01 August 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this dissertation was to determine if the New Lifestyles NL-2000 (NL) and the Digi-Walker SW-200 (DW), waist-mounted devices, yield similar daily step counts as compared to the StepWatch 3 (SW), an ankle-mounted device, worn by adults and children in the free-living environment.
For the first study, fifty-six adults (32.7 + 14.5 y) wore the devices for seven consecutive days. There were 20 normal weight, 18 overweight, and 18 obese participants. The NL and DW undercounted (pedometer error) similarly in the normal weight and overweight groups (-15.4% to -18.2%, respectively). However, the DW undercounted more than the NL in the obese group (-32.8% vs -23.9%, respectively). Stepwise regression revealed that both the NL and DW had more error (undercounted more) as a greater percentage steps were accumulated while walking slowly. The DW also had more error with greater BMI. Use of the DW in an obese population will result in twice the error as compared to a normal weight population and thus the DW should not be used to determine relationships between walking volume and adiposity
For the second study, 74 children (13 ± 1.1 y) wore the same devices during one weekday. There were 33 normal weight, 21 overweight, and 20 obese participants. The error was determined for the NL and DW, and the values were similar in the normal weight and overweight groups (-10.8% to -15.4%, respectively). The DW undercounted more than the NL in the obese group (-27.3% vs -8.4%, respectively). The NL was very consistent regardless of BMI category, recording 89.1% (-10.8% error), 89.1% (-10.9% error), and 91.6% (-8.4% error) for the normal weight, overweight, and obese participants, respectively. Stepwise regression revealed that the DW undercounted more in participants with a high weight. Using the DW in obese children of this age group will result in significantly more undercounting when compared to normal weight children. The DW should not be used to determine relationships between walking volume and adiposity in this population. The NL undercounted by ~10%, regardless of BMI category.
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10,000 Steps a Day to Decrease Chronic Disease Risk Factors and Increase Aerobic Physical Activity Levels Among Capital Regional District Office Workers in Victoria, BC. / Ten thousand Steps a Day to Decrease Chronic Disease Risk Factors and Increase Aerobic Physical Activity Levels Among Capital Regional District Office Workers in Victoria, BCDelaney, Kara 30 April 2013 (has links)
The mixed method design examined the impact of a 6-week pedometer based 10,000 moderate-vigorous steps a day employee workplace wellness challenge on aerobic fitness, chronic disease markers, and self-reported physical activity. The study used prompts to both educate and facilitate the intervention. Pre and post-test data analyzed self-report physical activity and sedentary time, sub max aerobic walking levels, and anthropometric measures. Participants logged their step count across the intervention and were challenged to increase their steps throughout. Participants were on average unable to achieve the goal step count and thus no statistically significance was found between pre-post tests. Qualitatively, three themes emerged from discussions with participants about their experiences: awareness of physical activity (PA) levels, demands of both work and family, and the frequency and content of the information given as prompts. The combination of prompts and the pedometer created an awareness of PA levels among participants but failed to fully motivate them to hit their target step count. / Graduate / 0354 / karadelaney_04@hotmail.com
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Application of Methods in Physical Activity MeasurementJanuary 2011 (has links)
abstract: It is broadly accepted that physical activity provides substantial health benefits. Despite strong evidence, approximately 60% to 95% of US adults are insufficiently active to obtain these health benefits. This dissertation explored five projects that examined the measurement properties and methodology for a variety of physical activity assessment methods. Project one identified validity evidence for the new MyWellness Key accelerometer in sixteen adults. The MyWellness Key demonstrated acceptable validity evidence when compared to a criterion accelerometer during graded treadmill walking and in free-living settings. This supports the use of the MyWellness Key accelerometer to measure physical activity. Project two evaluated validity (study 1) and test-retest reliability evidence (study 2) of the Global Physical Activity Questionnaire (GPAQ) in a two part study. The GPAQ was compared to direct and indirect criterion measures including object and subjective physical activity instruments. These data provided preliminary validity and reliability evidence for the GPAQ that support its use to assess physical activity. Project three investigated the optimal h.d-1 of accelerometer wear time needed to assess daily physical activity. Using a semi-simulation approach, data from 124 participants were used to compare 10-13 h.d-1 to the criterion 14 h.d-1. This study suggested that a minimum accelerometer wear time of 13 h.d-1 is needed to provide a valid measure of daily physical activity. Project four evaluated validity and reliability evidence of a novel method (Movement and Activity in Physical Space [MAPS] score) that combines accelerometer and GPS data to assess person-environment interactions. Seventy-five healthy adults wore an accelerometer and GPS receiver for three days to provide MAPS scores. This study provided evidence for use of a MAPS score for future research and clinical use. Project five used accelerometer data from 1,000 participants from the 2005-2006 National Health and Nutrition Examination Study. A semi-simulation approach was used to assess the effect of accelerometer wear time (10-14 h.d-1) on physical activity data. These data showed wearing for 12 h.d-1 or less may underestimate time spent in various intensities of physical activity. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Physical Activity, Nutrition and Wellness 2011
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Sledování pohybové aktivity masného skotu v průběhu roku / Monitoring moving activity of beef cattle during the yearRUDA, Jan January 2011 (has links)
My work was focused on assesment of moving activity of beef cattle (whole year outdoor lairage) with special aim at outward and inward factors. Experiment was realized in a small privat farm (40ha) in foothills. Breeding animals are crossbreeds of these beef cattle races: charolais, piemontese, aberdeen angus, hereford, gasconne, limusine and czech pied cows.
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Hygienické návyky městských dětí mladšího školního věku / Hygiene habits of children of primary school ageDUNOVSKÁ, Klára January 2015 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the physical and mental hygiene habits of younger school children. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with physical activity, effects of hypokinesia and mental hygiene specificity of this age group in the context of physical and psychosocial. The research evaluates the results of data from pedometers and the results of the survey, to which were used questionnaires "Time Picture of the Day"(Mužík, Bártová, 2010) and a questionnaire of daily regimen (Řehulka, 1987). This is a quantitative research. There were processed 104 questionnaires that were filled by children from 4th and 5th grades at selected elementary schools in Strakonice. The results show the differences in the amount of physical activity on school and weekend days, total amount of physical activity is satisfactory and further show the connection between a length of sleep and fatigability during the day.
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