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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A relev?ncia do erro sobre a punibilidade nas causas de libera??o da pena

Bittar, Walter Barbosa 10 March 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T14:48:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 458048.pdf: 162775 bytes, checksum: 5c768af833797125450a156f4192cfe3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-03-10 / This doctoral thesis, developed in the area of Criminal Violence System in the research line of Contemporary Criminal Legal Systems, whose main purpose is the articulation of dogmatic, political criminal, criminology, empirical and rational arguments to review the issue of relevance of the error on the punishment, through the demonstration that the expansion of criminal law caused a systematic response that, among other effects, produced the paradoxical increase of the use of constrains of punishment. Among such constraints, there are the reasons of the liberation of the sentence, that have the conceptual autonomy, since they are shaped as a species of the genus punishment, as proposed in this work, and they are also bounded to the positive post criminal behavior, whose examination of the behavioral dimension allows a perspective analysis, different from the traditional doctrine. Therefore, it starts from the assumption that the historic doctrinal resistance to the recognition of the error on punishment, genus to which the species belongs, that are called causes of release of the sentence , is result of the way the theme is understood, and it is difficult to measure its scope and the way it influences its context. Thus, it presented not only a concept of punishment, but also the impossibility to treat it with a unitary view, so we divided it into three identifiable species: causes of liberation of sentence, personal causes of exclusion of sentence and objective conditions of punishment. The basis for the recognition of the relevance of error, inherent to the causes of the liberation of sentence, are seen, considering the purposes of punishment, the material concept of crime and the full penal system. Thus, in the punishment of error, in the hypothesis of positive and post criminal behavior, the static dogmatic, as it is not apropriate to respond to the excesses of the legislator, needs to absorb other evalues, including extrapenais that, with their particularities, provide the basis, considering the advance of Criminal Law. / A presente tese de doutoramento, desenvolvida na ?rea de concentra??o Sistema Penal e Viol?ncia, na linha de pesquisa Sistemas Jur?dico-Penais Contempor?neos, tem como principal finalidade a articula??o de argumentos dogm?ticos, pol?tico-criminais, criminol?gicos, emp?ricos e racionais, para rever o tema da relev?ncia do erro sobre a punibilidade, a partir da demonstra??o de que a expans?o do Direito Penal provocou uma rea??o sistem?tica que, dentre outros efeitos, produziu o paradoxal aumento do uso de limitadores da punibilidade. Dentre tais limitadores, est?o as causas de libera??o da pena, as quais s?o detentoras de autonomia conceitual, uma vez que, amoldadas como uma esp?cie do g?nero punibilidade, na forma proposta no presente trabalho, restam atreladas ? conduta p?s-delitiva positiva, cujo exame da dimens?o comportamental do erro permite uma perspectiva de an?lise, diversa da doutrina tradicional. Para tanto, parte o trabalho do pressuposto de que a hist?rica resist?ncia doutrin?ria ao reconhecimento do erro sobre a punibilidade, g?nero ao qual pertence a esp?cie causas de libera??o da pena , ? produto de uma compreens?o da punibilidade que dificulta a abrang?ncia e o alcance de seu contexto. Deste modo, apresenta-se n?o apenas um conceito de punibilidade, bem como se reconhece a impossibilidade de seu tratamento unit?rio, dividindo-a em tr?s esp?cies identific?veis: causas de libera??o da pena, causas pessoais de exclus?o da pena e condi??es objetivas de punibilidade. As bases, para o reconhecimento da relev?ncia do erro, inerentes ?s causas de libera??o da pena, s?o percebidas a partir das finalidades da pena, do conceito material de delito e do sistema penal integral. Sendo assim, no erro sobre a punibilidade, na hip?tese da conduta positiva e p?s-delitiva, a dogm?tica est?tica, mostrando-se insuficiente para responder aos excessos do legislador, necessita absorver outras valora??es, inclusive extrapenais que permitam, com as suas particularidades, sustentar a conten??o do avan?o do Direito Penal.

El eximente de "obediencia debida" en el derecho penal peruano

Ugaz Heudebert, Juan Diego 30 May 2012 (has links)
Por obediencia debida se entiende el cumplimiento del subordinado de una orden que proviene de su superior jerárquico, cuando éste ordena en el círculo de sus atribuciones y en la forma requerida por las disposiciones legales1 . De lo dicho se podría entender que el Derecho penal sólo regula los supuestos en que la orden proviene de autoridad competente, y que además no tiene contenido antijurídico. Sin embargo, la doctrina no concuerda con respecto a si la obediencia debida debe también incluir las circunstancias en las que el inferior cumple con un mandato, que si bien proviene de autoridad competente, tiene un contenido antijurídico, y generalmente deriva en la comisión de un hecho punible. Los primeros registros históricos que se tienen de la figura de la obediencia debida aparecen en la época del imperio Romano. En este contexto, existía una relación de subordinación muy marcada entre la persona que emitía la orden y quien estaba obligada a cumplirla, a tal punto que siempre la responsabilidad era del que ordenaba, mientras que el obligado a obedecer resultaba eximido de responsabilidad. / Tesis

O direito de punir na constituição de 1988 e os reflexos na execução da pena privativa de liberdade / The right to punish in the Constitution of 1988 and its Effects on the Enforcement of Freedom-Restraintive Penalties (Inglês)

Praciano, Elizabeba Rebouças Tome 10 December 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2019-04-05T23:02:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2007-12-10 / Although imprisonment exists since Ancient Times, it has been established as a penalty due to the illuminist ideals which sought a way to humanize the Absolutist State s punitive system, whose sanction par excellence was the death penalty, among others in which the State exercised extreme cruelty in their application. The objective of this study is to analyze if the deprivation of liberty in the Brazilian Prison System fulfills that humanization role, according to the philosophical concept of that time and following the renowned principles of the Democratic State Under the Rule of Law. In the normative ambit, the Brazilian State has adopted a prison law policy based on the principle of human dignity and the banning of inhuman and degrading treatment of inmates, also establishing the principle of individualization of penalty so that, through resocializing measures, the prisoner s suffering can be lessened. In practice, however, several problems have been identified in prison facilities, making the enforcement of the deprivation of liberty take place in extreme misery, causing the prisoner suffering as cruel as that caused by the penalties of the old regime. Keywords: Prison law. Deprivation of liberty. Prison system. Resocialization of penalty. Principle of individualization of penalty. / A prisão, embora existindo desde a Antiguidade, firmou-se como pena, em virtude dos ideais iluministas que buscavam uma forma de humanizar o sistema punitivo do Estado absolutista que tinha a pena de morte como sanção por excelência, além de outras, nas quais o Estado exercia extrema crueldade em sua aplicação. Neste trabalho, objetiva-se analisar se a pena privativa de liberdade no sistema prisional brasileiro cumpre esse papel de humanização, conforme a concepção filosófica da época e os moldes dos atuais princípios consagrados pelo Estado Democrático de Direito. No âmbito normativo, o Estado brasileiro adotou uma política de execução penal pautada no princípio da dignidade da pessoa humana e na proibição de tratamento desumano e degradante ao preso, inclusive estabelecendo o princípio da individualização da pena para que, por meio de medidas ressocializadoras, o sofrimento do preso pudesse ser minimizado. Na prática, todavia, verificaram-se diversas mazelas nos estabelecimentos prisionais, fazendo com que a execução da pena privativa de liberdade se tornasse de extrema penúria, causando ao preso um sofrimento tão cruel quanto àqueles causados pelas penas do antigo regime. Palavras-chave: Execução penal. Pena privativa de liberdade. Sistema prisional. Ressocialização da pena. Princípio da individualização da pena.

Familiar Microcompany and empreendedorismo in the quarter Are Peter in Teresina-PI / Microempresa familiar e empreendedorismo no bairro SÃo Pedro em Teresina-PI

Isidro Josà Bezerra Maciel Fortaleza do Nascimento 31 March 2008 (has links)
Universidade Federal do Cearà / The process of globalization brings with it the competitiveness as one of the main features of market economies. Feeling that the development of entrepreneurial skills, more than ever becomes a constant need within the business. With regard to the characteristics micro entrepreneurs are proving as an important tool to gain in competitiveness, so for his stay in market. Starting from this scenario of the market as they aim of this study assess the presence of the characteristics of entrepreneurs in micro family neighborhood of SÃo Pedro in municipality of Teresina in state of Piaui. The study makes a brief review of theories on the family business and, its relationship with entrepreneurship, and based their analysis on the theory of behavior entrepreneur, of David McClalland (1987), as well as in literature found. The type of research is exploratory, empirical, and descriptive. The information was obtained by direct search. The universe of search was constituted by 109 micro of the neighborhood SÃo Pedro in Teresina, PiauÃ, identified by the survey conducted by us. Conclude that all the companies surveyed with more than 5 years existence, the theory of behavior enterprise of McClalland, demonstrating the validity of variables indicator of entrepreneurial behavior. / O processo de globalizaÃÃo traz consigo a competitividade como uma das caracterÃsticas principais das economias de mercado. Neste sentido o desenvolvimento de habilidades empreendedoras, mais do que nunca se torna uma necessidade constante no Ãmbito dos negÃcios. No que diz respeito Ãs microempresas as caracterÃsticas empreendedoras se revelam como importante instrumento de ganho de competitividade e, portanto para a sua permanÃncia no mercado. Partindo deste cenÃrio se estabeleceu como objetivo deste estudo avaliar a presenÃa das caracterÃsticas empreendedoras nas microempresas familiares do bairro SÃo Pedro do MunicÃpio de Teresina no Estado do PiauÃ. O estudo faz uma breve revisÃo das teorias relativas à empresa familiar e sua relaÃÃo com o empreendedorismo, e fundamenta suas anÃlises na Teoria do Comportamento Empreendedor, de David McCLALLAND (1987), bem como na literatura consultada. A pesquisa à de tipo exploratÃria, empÃrica, e descritiva. As informaÃÃes foram obtidas por pesquisa direta. O universo da pesquisa foi constituÃdo por 109 microempresas do Bairro SÃo Pedro em Teresina, PiauÃ, identificadas pelo recenseamento por nÃs realizado. A anÃlise dos dados permitiu comprovar nossa hipÃtese, na medida em nos levou a concluir que todas as empresas pesquisadas com mais de 5 anos de existÃncia, demonstraram em maior ou menor grau, todos os 10 comportamentos explicitados na Teoria do Comportamento Empreendedor de McClalland, demonstrando a validade das variÃveis indicadoras do comportamento empreendedor.

Male Convict Sexuality in the Penal Colonies of Australia, 1820-1850

Gilchrist, Catie January 2004 (has links)
This thesis explores the moral and sexual anxieties produced by the transportation of male convicts to the penal colonies of Australia. My aims are twofold. First, this study argues that male sexuality lay at the heart of penal and colonial political discourse. The moral anxieties this both reflected and produced directly informed the penal administration of the convict population. This was implicit in the ways that convict bodies were ordered, surveilled, disciplined and accommodated. In this analysis the sexual and behavioural management of male prisoners is considered to be a fundamental dynamic within contemporary perceptions of criminal reformation. Second, this thesis examines the ways that these moral concerns permeated the wider colonial society. Free British settlers took their cultural cargo with them to the colonies. In the context of the penal colonies, they also had to negotiate the specific cultural and social implications of transportation. The moral concerns of colonial society were often played out around the politics of imperial transportation. This is examined through a consideration of the cultural meanings of colonial discourse and the many tensions that lay beneath it. During the slow transition from penal colony to respectable free society, colonists utilised and manipulated their moral and cultural anxieties in a number of political ways. This thesis argues that the moral and sexual anxieties of colonial society were both real and imagined. They informed a variety of discourses that linked the colonial periphery with the metropolitan centre in a relationship that was reciprocal but also antagonistic.


Rojas Ugarte, Grover Remberto January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

El Proceso penal peruano: una investigación sobre su constitucionalidad

Burgos Mariños, Víctor January 2002 (has links)
No description available.

La complicidad en los delitos de organización personal mediante conductas externamente neutrales : una solución desde la prohibición de regreso

Rosales Artica, David Emmanuel January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Challenges and Reforms in the Nigerian Prisons System

Obioha, EE January 2011 (has links)
The main aim of establishing the prison institution in all parts of the world including Nigeria is to provide a rehabilitation and correctional facility for those who have violated the rules and regulations of their society. However, the extent to which this maxim is true in practice has been a subject of controversy. A casual observation of the population that goes in and out of the prisons in Nigeria presupposes that there are some problems in the system, hence the prisons system has not been able to live up to its expected role in Nigeria. Against this background, this paper makes an argument on why reform is necessary in the Nigerian prisons. Some of these reasons include reforming the prisoners to be better than what they were before they were imprisoned, rehabilitate the prisoners in order to equip them with new skills or improve on their old ones, and seclude criminals from the rest of the society, pending when they have atoned for their “sins”. The structural-functionalist approach of the system theory for the study of human society and culture as proposed by Radcliff-Brown of the British School of social anthropology and later developed by Meyer Fortes and Max Gluckman is utilized in explaining prison environment. Main sources of information for this study are secondary materials which include, journals and official bulletin of the government. Among other issues, this discourse articulates various reforms that have already taken place and are still on-going in the Nigerian prison system. These include efforts in the decongestion process, provision of necessary infrastructure facilities and other logistics including transportation services and general skills acquisition programmes. This article also makes a critical impact appraisal of the reform processes in the system. From the appraisal, the author believes that there are more gains than pains in the system since the gradual reform processes therein. In order to deal finally with prison congestion, this paper suggests that the decongestion committee needs to be strengthened in its work by changing their periodic visit to the prisons to be more regular and frequent, more prison yards need to be built, more non-governmental organizations should be encouraged and allowed to visit the prisons to monitor the activities there, from which they can make an input in form of suggestions to the various reform committees on what to do.

Para una teoría general de las medidas cautelares penales

Pujadas Tortosa, Virginia 09 March 2007 (has links)
In criminal proceedings are held before the final judgment, limitations of rights for preventive purposes. These restrictive measures are called precautionary measures. This thesis proposes a general theory for these acts: Based on the principle of necessity and the object of criminal proceedings, submits that those measures are justified by the existence of one or more risks for the valid performance of the process and the dangerousness of the defendant. The theory includes determining the basis for punitive preventive measures, materials and formal adoption requirements and the requirement of proportionality. It also proposes a methodology for practical application of theory and criteria to limit the use of remand. It addresses the analysis of the presumption of innocence as a rule of treatment, deriving their theoretical and practical virtuality in criminal proceedings / En el proceso penal se dictan, antes de la sentencia definitiva, limitaciones de derechos con fines preventivos. Estas medidas limitativas son denominadas medidas cautelares. La presente tesis propone una teoría general para estos actos: A partir del principio de necesidad y del objeto del proceso penal, sostiene que aquellas medidas se justifican por la existencia de uno o varios riesgos para la válida realización del proceso y la peligrosidad del imputado. La teoría incluye la determinación del fundamento de las medidas cautelares penales, sus presupuestos materiales y formales de adopción y la exigencia de proporcionalidad. Se propone además una metodología de aplicación práctica de la teoría y unos criterios para limitar el uso de la prisión provisional. Además, aborda el análisis de la presunción de inocencia como regla de trato, derivando su virtualidad teórica y práctica en el proceso penal

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