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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza personální práce v podniku / Company's human resource management analysis

Fulínová, Dana January 2008 (has links)
Analýza personální práce je zaměřena na obsazování pracovních míst (personální plánování, získávání, výběr a přijímání pracovníků) a propojení s personální strategií, vytvářením a analýzou pracovních míst, marketingem personálního útvaru, rozmísťováním a počítačovým personálním informačním systémem.

Motivace a spokojenost zaměstnanců / Employee Motivation and Satisfaction

Hochmal, Jiří January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals with two factors that influence ability of a company to achieve competitive advantage thanks to its employees. These factors are satisfaction, that influences ability of a company to attract and retain good employees and motivation, that is prerequisite for their high performance. After introduction of main theories of work motivation and factors, that influence employee satisfaction, the theoretical knowledge is used on example of specific Czech production company.

Odměňování a poskytování benefitů ve společnosti Pfizer, spol. s r.o. / Remuneration and employee benefits in Pfizer, spol. s r.o.

Mocová, Iva January 2006 (has links)
V současné době musejí firmy uvažovat zejména vliv rostoucích mzdových nákladů poboček na jejich výkonnost, potřebu motivovat zaměstnance celosvětově a ne jen hlavní představitele společnosti, v souvislosti s nárůstem počtu vysílaných zaměstnanců také utvoření jednotné politiky odměňování expatriantů, outsourcing administrativy spojené s odměňováním expatriantů a vliv národní a firemní kultury na systém odměňování a benefitů. Jak jsem uvedla již výše, většina lokálních zaměstnanců je odměňována dle místních standardů. U mezinárodních zaměstnanců je potom odměňování ovlivněno těmito faktory:

Analýza personálních činností ve vybrané společnosti / Analysis of HR activities in selected company

Jandová, Šárka January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is based on theoretical knowledge and analysis of the basic HR activities in the selected company to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the policies implemented personnel work. Then propose an effective ways of improving HR activities and employee satisfaction. Basic personal activities analyzed in this thesis are the adaptation, acquisition and selection of employees, performance management and staff appraisal, remuneration and training of staff. Analysis of personal work and personal activities is carried out by observation and inquiry. Observations Concerning the work recruiters. Querying applies to employees and their view on the personnel work in the company. Conclusions include an assessment of individual personnel actions based on author's experience and opinions of employees. The conclusions include suggestions for improving analyzed HR activities.

Model e-personalistiky pro praxi / Model for E-HR Practice

Červená, Renata January 2009 (has links)
The content of this Master thesis is the Analysis of human resource management mainly its foundation. Part of the analysis is also the utilization of Intranet and Internet technologies during the personal processes. The basis is the description of the principles of operating, importance and the ways of application in the human resource management with the aim on current concept of personal work as human resources. Further then also the e-HRM itself with its aim to enable reaching the qualitative change in the personal management based on the utilization of the real possibilities of IT and communication technologies. The purpose of this thesis is also to analyse these processes and thus explain its efficiency and advantages.

Analýza procesů získávání a výběru zaměstnanců v konkrétní organizaci / Analysis of Recruitment and Selection Process of Employees in a particular Organization

Zimmerová, Tereza January 2010 (has links)
The diploma work focused on the topic of Analysis of the recruitment and selection process in the company of RealSan Group, SE is divided into two parts. In the first, theoretical part, I defined the key expressions and described the process of recruitment and selection from the moment of identifying the necessity of a new employee up to the final selection and accepting or not accepting of an applicant. In the second, practical part, I introduced the company of RealSan, its structure and development in the field of recruitment and selection of employees from 2001 up to now. I analysed the process of fluctuations in the years 2001 -- 2010 and I searched for the reasons why the emloyees had left the company. In this practical part I used the company documents and analysed them, I interviewed the employees of the company, I played an active role in the process of recruitment and used my own experience as an evaluator in an assessment centre. In the final part of my work I suggest and recommend how to make the recruitment and selection process better.

Faktory ovlivňující prosperitu středního podniku / Factors affecting prosperity of a middle company

Jindra, Michal January 2011 (has links)
This thesis analyzes the factors that affect the prosperity of SMEs. In the theoretical part, these factors are divided into four basic areas of business management - management, marketing, human resources management, financial management. There is a description of methods and approaches, whose application allows to find the correct causes of the current or past situation of the company. In the practical part, these methods are applied to a purely manufacturing company KRC SRO & CO, k.s., which has a relatively short history, but great potential. The company is part of a multinational group of companies whose business is the production of electrical components and specialization is production cemented and enamelled resistors. The objective of this work is to analyze the company according to these criterias and make a list of recommendations and possible strategies to improve the current situation.

Lidský kapitál v podniku: hodnocení z hlediska věku / Human capital in the enterprise: Age evaluation

Němcová, Veronika January 2016 (has links)
Human capital is one of the most valuable resource and the key factor in enterprise's economic development. The issue of population aging and the evaluation of human resources by age currently stands at the forefront of general interest. The aim of the thesis is to provide a comprehensive view of the human resources and their evaluation in the company. The first part is focused on description of human resources in economic theories, the process of population aging in the Czech Republic, evaluation and needs of employees. In the practical part, there is an introduction of the insurance company Generali and analysis of its staff via questionnaire. The final part is devoted to evaluation of results and recommendations.

Spokojenost zaměstnanců ve společnosti Nakladatelství Fraus, s. r. o. / The satisfaction of employees of the company Nakladatelství Fraus, s. r. o.

Kohoutová, Pavla January 2017 (has links)
The object of this diploma thesis is the evaluation of job satisfaction within the company Nakladatelství Fraus, s. r. o. The aim is to analyse the job satisfaction of the employees of this firm using a questionnaire and idividual interviews and according to the outcomes found to suggest recommendation to make this situation better. The diploma thesis is primary divided into two parts - a theoretical and a practical one. The theoretical part rely on literary sources and explains basic terms such as motivation, its sources and tools or the atributes of job satisfaction. The theoretical part includes the characteristics of the company Nakladatelství Fraus, s. r. o., individual interviews and the evaluation of the questionnaire. The final part pays attention to the suggested recommendations, how to improve the current situation of job satisfaction or dissatisfaction of the employees of the company.

Recruitment in small japanese company / Získávání a výběr zaměstnanců v japonské společnosti

Jarošová, Ilona January 2007 (has links)
The thesis focuses on employee recruitment in japanese environment. Among others, the discussed topics include interview process, experiences of recruitment agences with japanese companies on the Czech market and recommendations of specific steps for the analysed company. The hypothesis of the thesis is that japanese compnanies are unsuccessful regarding employee recruitment in the Czech Republic, suffer from insufficient interest of potencial candidates . All these factors combined with general underestimating of HR policies lead to high employee fluctuation in japanese branch offices.

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