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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Role of S-phase Speed During an Erythroid Transcriptional Switch

Hwang, Yung 18 December 2019 (has links)
The cell division cycles of differentiating cells are coordinated so as to generate sufficient numbers of mature cells. The cell cycle may also regulate the process of differentiation, in ways that are not well understood. We previously discovered that during erythropoiesis, the cell cycle is synchronized with a specific developmental switch, where erythroid progenitors known as colony-forming-unit-erythroid (CFU-e) transition from a self-renewal state to a state of erythroid terminal differentiation (ETD). This switch takes place during a single cell cycle S phase and is dependent on S-phase progression. My work shows that this S phase is unusual, in that it is shorter than S phase in preceding cycles, as a result of a global increase in replication fork speed. I found that the CDK inhibitor, p57KIP2, negatively regulates replication fork speed in self-renewing CFU-e, and its down-regulation at the switch to ETD results in S-phase shortening. p57KIP2-mediated inhibition of CDK2 is essential for CFU-e self-renewal. It exerts this effect by reducing replication stress and also reducing the probability of transition from CFU-e to ETD, promoting CFU-e self-renewal instead. CDK2 inhibiting drugs that mimic the action of p57KIP2 stimulate erythropoiesis both in vitro and in vivo, through expansion of the CFU-e pool. In addition to p57KIP2, E2f4 also regulates S-phase shortening and the efficiency of the CFU-e to ETD transition. Overall, my work shows that S-phase speed regulates a key erythroid cell fate decision, and suggests a possible translational application of CDK2 inhibiting drugs in the stimulation of erythropoiesis.

Analysis of High and Low Rossby Wave Phase Speed Events Over Northern Mid-Latitudes / Analys av event med hög och låg fashastighet hos Rossbyvågor i mellanbredderna

Rosengren, Emma January 2022 (has links)
The large-scale, mid-latitude circulation in the upper troposphere is dominated by Rossby waves. The jet stream flows along the wave structure and surface cyclones can be found ahead of the troughs of the waves, propagating eastward. This propagation is here estimated as the zonal phase speed which is quantified using spectral analysis, producing a unique, global daily value for each day of the winter season (DJF) between 1979 and 2019. From this data set phase speed events are defined as periods of more than four consecutive days of the top or bottom 5\% phase speed values, resulting in 15 low phase speed events and 22 high phase speed events. During events of low phase speed the 2m temperature is higher than the climatology at high latitudes and lower over Europe and Siberia. Zonal wind speed at 10m and 250hPa is also found to be lower than the climatology over both the Pacific and Atlantic storm track. Furthermore, low phase speed events are found to be occurring when blocking is present on either one or both storm tracks. During high phase speed events there is an overall increase in zonal wind speed both at 10m and 250hPa over both storm tracks as well as total magnitude of wind over western Europe. These findings suggest a link of high phase speed events to windstorms over Europe. A subjective classification indicates that at the onset of high phase speed events blocking is found mainly in two regions, one at high latitudes outside the Siberian coast and one at low latitudes outside the coast of Japan, suggesting enhanced temperature gradients at the entrance of the Pacific could cause these events. / Den storskaliga cirkulationen över mellanbredderna i den övre troposfären domineras av Rossbyvågor. Dessa är en vågstruktur som formas från Jordens rotation och vorticitet och associeras med det starka flödet från jetströmmen som återfinns längs vågstrukturen. På grund av vorticiteten uppstår cykloner framför vågornas tråg och hela systemet propagerar österut. Propageringen uppskattas här som fashastighet och kvantifieras med spektralanalys, en metod där interpolering från ett spektrum används snarare än teoretiska beräkningar. Detta producerar ett unikt och globalt dygnsmedel under vintersäsongen (December, Januari, Februari) mellan 1979 och 2019, där vintern väljs på grund av den stora variabiliteten i fashastighet som observeras då. Från denna data definieras fashastighetsevent som fyra eller fler dagar i sträck med de högsta eller lägsta 5 \%-värdena, vilket resulterar i 15 event med låg fasthastighet och 22 event med hög fashastighet. Under eventen med låg fashastighet är temperaturen vid 2m högre än klimatologin vid höga breddgrader och lägre över Europa och Sibirien. Den zonala vinden vid 10m och 250hPa är också lägre än klimatologin över både lågtrycksbanan över Stilla havet och Atlanten. Vidare så fann vi att låg fashastighet uppstår i samband med atmosfärisk blockering över en eller båda lågtrycksbanor. Under event med hög fashastighet observeras en ökning i zonal vindstyrka både vid 10m och 250hPa över båda lågtrycksbanorna samt en ökad styrka i den totala magnituden av vinden över västra Europa. Dessa fynd tyder på en länk mellan hög fashastighet och vindstormar i Europa. Vid starten av event med hög fashastighet återfinns atmosfärisk blockering främst i två regioner, en vid höga breddgrader utanför den Sibiriska kusten och en vid låga breddgrader utanför Japans kust, vilket tyder på att ökade temperaturgradienter vid början av lågtrycksbanan över Stilla havet kan orsaka dessa event.

Implementing a Whole Atmosphere Gravity Wave Parameterization in the Middle and Upper Atmosphere Model: Preliminary Results

Lilienthal, Friederike, Samtleben, Nadja, Jacobi, Christoph, Yigit, Erdal 15 March 2021 (has links)
The Middle and Upper Atmosphere Model (MUAM) is used to implement a modern whole atmosphere gravity wave (GW) parameterization (Yigit et al., 2008). To adjust the resulting model climatology to observations, we compare two different spectra of GW phase speeds and the related momentum fluxes included in this parameterization.The first spectrum, termed Spectrum1, which is more narrow, covers phase speeds up to ±80 m s−1 and the second one, Spectrum2, goes up to ±95 m s−1. We analyzed the zonal GW drag, the acceleration of the zonal mean flow owing to breaking GWs, and the resulting background circulation. We also examined zonal wind amplitudes of the diurnal and semidiurnal migrating solar tide. As a result, we find that both GW phase speed spectra have their advantages and disadvantages. For example, Spectrum1 reproduces the zonal wind reversal in the mesosphere correctly, but it does not lead to a reversed zonal GW drag in the lower thermosphere. While the amplitudes of the diurnal tide tend to be more realistic for Spectrum1, those of the semidiurnal tide are more representational for Spectrum2. Overall, the new GW parameterization is a substantial improvement to the MUAM model. / Das Modell für die mittlere und obere Atmosphäre (MUAM) wird für die Implementierung einer neuen Schwerewellenparametrisierung, die für die gesamte Atmosphäre geeignet ist, verwendet (Yigit et al., 2008). Um die Klimatologie des Modells basierend auf der neuen Parametrisierung an Beobachtungen anzupassen, werden zwei verschiedene Spektren für die Phasengeschwindigkeiten von Schwerewellen und deren Impulsflüsse verglichen. Das erste Spektrum, als Spectrum1 bezeichnet, das einen schmaleren Bereich von Phasengeschwindigkeiten abdeckt, geht bis zu ±80 m s−1 und das zweite, Spectrum2, geht bis zu ±95 m s−1. Wir analysieren die Beschleunigung des mittleren Zonalwindes durch brechende Schwerewellen und die daraus resultierende Hintergrundzirkulation. Wir untersuchen ebenfalls die Zonalwindamplituden der ganztägigen und halbtätigen migrierenden solaren Gezeiten. Das Ergebnis dieses Experiments zeigt, dass beide Phasengeschwindigkeitsspektren ihre Vor- sowie Nachteile haben. Beispielsweise reproduziert Spectrum1 die Umkehr des Zonalwindes in der Mesosphäre korrekt, jedoch führt es nicht zu einer umgekehrten zonalen Beschleunigung durch Schwerewellen in der Thermosphäre. Während die Amplituden der ganztägigen Gezeit bezüglich Spectrum1 wesentlich realistischer zu sein scheinen, sind jene der halbtägigen Gezeit bezüglich Spectrum2 repräsentativer. Insgesamt ist die neue Parameterisierung eine erhebliche Verbesserung des MUAM Modells.

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