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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le bilan hydrologique régional: étude de sa variabilité à l'aide de simulations numériques

De smedt, Sylvie 01 1900 (has links) (PDF)
A l'occasion de ce travail de thèse, nous avons souhaité contribuer aux études d'impacts du changement climatique sur le bilan d'eau en Europe. Nous avons utilisé les outils de la modélisation du climat, modèle de circulation générale et schéma de surface, et nous nous sommes placés à l'interface entre l'atmosphère et la surface. Ce travail s'est décomposé en deux parties. Dans un premier temps, nous avons étudié la sensibilité du bilan d'eau simulé par le schéma de surface du laboratoire, ORCHIDEE, à la résolution des forçages atmosphériques sur deux régions d'Europe, la péninsule ibérique et le bassin versant du Rhône (dans le cadre du projet international Rhône-AGG). Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons abordé la thématique des impacts du changement climatique sur le bilan d'eau sous un angle plus atmosphérique, par l'étude des dépressions qui traversent l'Atlantique en direction de l'Europe, et de leurs liens avec les précipitations.

The Stable Isotopic Variations and the Hydrogeology of the Coronet Peak Skifield, Queenstown.

Belcher, Danielle Marie January 2009 (has links)
This study aims to investigate the stable isotopic characteristics of meteoric and ground waters, and to obtain spring flow rates in the Coronet Peak Skifield, Queenstown. Spring flows were gathered during the winters of 2008 and 2009, whilst water samples were collected from precipitation, springs, reservoirs and groundwater during July, August and September 2009. The spring flows were examined and the water samples were analysed for δD and δ¹⁸O values using the CF-IRMS at the University of Canterbury. A database has been gathered from all natural water sources to give a local meteoric water line (LMWL) for the area that fits clearly with the global meteoric water line. The LMWL has an R2 value of 0.97 and the equation is δD = 8 δ¹⁸O +10. An understanding of evaporation as it occurs in the water storage reservoirs of the mountain has also been obtained, giving rise to a local evaporation line. The stable isotope ratios of hydrogen and oxygen within precipitation have been used extensively to characterise the hydrogeology with emphasis on altitude effects, storm duration and variations in storm track trajectories. Of these three phenomena, it is the trajectory of the storm track that is best shown to affect the composition of precipitation in this area. The air masses advancing on the study area from the north being more depleted in their isotopic signatures, with approximate δD and δ¹⁸O values of –130‰ and -16‰. The air masses approaching from a southerly direction are more positive in comparison, having approximate δD and δ¹⁸O values of –65‰ and -9‰. The altitude effect in precipitation on the Skifield has led to an altitude gradient being found: for every 100-metre increase in elevation, δ¹⁸O decreases by 0.71‰. However there were some inconsistencies. The influence on precipitation from storm duration is also inconsistent in this area. The R2 values range from 0.14 to 0.99, but this method does not take into account the position of the individual samples. Some samples did not plot in the expected order that is governed by a decrease in stable isotopic ratios with storm duration. The stable isotopic compositions within meteoric waters can be used as tracers of water sources. The isotope date of the springs also infers an altitude effect. The springs gave an altitude gradient of a decrease –0.43‰ with each 100-metre increase in elevation. This indicates that precipitation is the main influence on the stable isotopic composition of the springs in this area. However, data shows differences between the current precipitation and the groundwater compositions, indicating that present precipitation is not flowing from the springs, past precipitation is. The stable isotopic compositions of the springs have also been correlated with groundwater isotope data and suggest the sources of the springs are groundwater dominated. Although some springs compositions indicate an influence by current precipitation. This is shown by a negative stable isotopic trend in the precipitation sampled in August, corresponding with a relatively negative stable isotopic composition in some springs during this time period. Monitoring of spring flows on Coronet Peak have led to an average winter flow rate being established of 26.5 litres per second. Spring flow rates range from 0.25 – 6 litres per second. This monitoring has indicated the springs of the greatest yield that are not already being utilised on the Skifield. It is these springs that should be further investigated as to whether they would provide a sustainable source of water on the mountain. This locally derived water would then be utilised for the purposes of artificial snowmaking and other activities and amenities that are currently operated by NZ Ski on Coronet Peak.

Changes in South Atlantic Cyclones due Climate Change / Mudanças nos Ciclones do Atlântico Sul devido às Mudanças Climáticas

Carolina Barnez Gramcianinov 04 October 2018 (has links)
Cyclones distribution and intensities impact directly on human activities, mainly due to their associated intense precipitation and winds. The main aim of this thesis is to understand changes in the cyclones originated in the South Atlantic focusing on their genesis and intensifying mechanisms. Cyclones are identified and tracked based on the relative vorticity field at 850 hPa computed from the winds. The characteristics of the cyclones are obtained by diagnostic variables sampled within a radial distance from each cyclone center and to produce a spatial distribution of the cyclone properties at the time of genesis. Also, cyclone centered composites are used to analyze the cyclone structure and the evolution of cyclones during their genesis. The climatology of cyclones was done using NCEP-CFSR and shows four main cyclogenesis regions in the South Atlantic Ocean: on the Southern Brazilian coast (SE-BR, 30°S), over the continent near the La Plata river discharge region (LA PLATA, 35°S), on the southeastern coast of Argentina (ARG, 40°S-55°S) and on the Southeastern Atlantic (SE-SAO, centered at 55°S and 10°W). To access changes in cyclone development, we used the CMIP5 HadGEM2-ES historical experiment (1980-2005) and RCP8.5 future projection (2074-2099). The HadGEM2-ES can represent the main South Atlantic characteristics of cyclones according to NCEP-CFSR climatology. However, there is an underestimation in cyclone frequency in the equatorward side of the storm track, particularly in the LA PLATA region. The HadGEM2-ES RCP8.5 future projection shows a general decrease of approximately 10% of cyclogenesis in the South Atlantic domain, which is mainly related to the poleward shift of the storm track. However, LA PLATA region presents a slight increase in its cyclogenetic activity (6.1 and 3.6%), in the summer and winter, respectively). The increase in genesis at 30°S over the continent is associated with the strengthening of the upper-level jet and the increase of warm and moisture advections at the same location. The enhance in the moisture transport from the tropics is also related to the intensification of the cyclone in the domain, mainly northward of 35°S. Finally, a downscaling using WRF was performed in an attempt to improve the climate model resolution. However the downscaling produces less and weaker cyclones in the NCEP-CFSR and HadGEM2-ES runs. The only region that presented an improvement was LA PLATA, due to the better representation of local features related to orography and moisture processes. The downscaled HadGEM2-ES RCP8.5 also shows an increase in cyclogenesis in the LA PLATA region and other locations. The HadGEM2-ES RCP8.5 projection and its downscaling shows that the cyclogenesis in some locations of South America is increasing, mainly due to the increase in the low-level moisture content and the strengthening of the equatorward flank of the upper-level jet. The cyclones in this locations will be slightly intense (between 20°S and 30°S) and will affect a narrow area close to the South American coast. / A distribuição e intensidade dos ciclones afeta diretamente as atividades humanas devido a precipitação e fortes ventos associados a esses sistemas. O objetivo principal deste trabalho é entender as mudanças nos ciclones gerados no Atlântico Sul devido às mudanças climáticas, focando em seus mecanismos geradores e intensificadores. Os ciclones foram identificados e rastreados utilizando a vorticidade relativa em 850hPa, calculada a partir do campo de ventos horizontal. Também foram usadas composições centradas para a análise da estrutura e evolução dos ciclones durante seu desenvolvimento. A climatologia de ciclones feita com o NCEP-CFSR mostra quatro regiões ciclogenéticas principais no Oceano Atlântico Sul: na costa sul do Brasil (SE-BR, 30°S), sobre o continente próximo da desembocadura do Rio da Prata (LA PLATA, 35°S), na costa sudeste da Argentina (ARG, 40°S-55°S) e no Sudeste do Atlântico (SE-SAO, centrada em 55°S, 10°W). Para analisar as mudanças no desenvolvimento dos ciclones, nós utilizamos os experimentos histórico (1980-2005) e RCP8.5 (2074-2099) do HadGEM2-ES (CMIP5). O HadGEM2-ES é capaz de reapresentar as principais características dos ciclones do Atlântico Sul, quando comparado à climatologia. No entanto, existe uma subestimativa do número de ciclones no lado equatorial da região de máxima atividade ciclônica, principalmente na região LA PLATA. A projeção futura HadGEM2-ES no cenário RCP8.5 mostra uma redução de aproximadamente 10% na ciclogêneses no domínio do Atlântico Sul, principalmente associada ao deslocamento em direção ao polo da região de máxima atividade ciclônica. Porém, a região LA PLATA apresenta um pequeno aumento em sua atividade ciclogenética (6.1 e 3.6%), no verão e inverno, respectivamente). O aumento na ciclogênese em 30°S está associada ao fortalecimento do jato de altos níveis e ao aumento da advecção quente e de umidade nessa localidade. O aumento do transporte de umidade dos trópicos está associado também à intensificação dos ciclones observada na projeção futura, principalmente ao norte de 35°S. Por fim, uma regionalização com o modelo WRF foi usada para melhorar a resolução do modelo climático. Porém, as simulações regionais subestimaram os ciclones em número e intensidade. A única região que em as regionalizações apresentaram melhor desempenho foi a LA PLATA, devido a uma melhor representação de feições locais associadas a orografia e processos úmidos. A regionalização do cenário futuro RCP8.5 também apresentou aumento da ciclogênese do LA PLATA, mas para o inverno. Tanto a projeção RCP8.5 do HadGEM2-ES quanto sua regionalização mostram que a ciclogênese em algumas regiões da América do Sul está aumentando, principalmente devido ao aumento de umidade em baixos níveis da atmosfera e fortalecimento do lado ramo equatorial do jato de altos níveis. Os ciclones nessas localidades serão intensos (entre 20°S e 30°S) e tendem a afetar uma região mais próxima à costa.

Changes in South Atlantic Cyclones due Climate Change / Mudanças nos Ciclones do Atlântico Sul devido às Mudanças Climáticas

Gramcianinov, Carolina Barnez 04 October 2018 (has links)
Cyclones distribution and intensities impact directly on human activities, mainly due to their associated intense precipitation and winds. The main aim of this thesis is to understand changes in the cyclones originated in the South Atlantic focusing on their genesis and intensifying mechanisms. Cyclones are identified and tracked based on the relative vorticity field at 850 hPa computed from the winds. The characteristics of the cyclones are obtained by diagnostic variables sampled within a radial distance from each cyclone center and to produce a spatial distribution of the cyclone properties at the time of genesis. Also, cyclone centered composites are used to analyze the cyclone structure and the evolution of cyclones during their genesis. The climatology of cyclones was done using NCEP-CFSR and shows four main cyclogenesis regions in the South Atlantic Ocean: on the Southern Brazilian coast (SE-BR, 30°S), over the continent near the La Plata river discharge region (LA PLATA, 35°S), on the southeastern coast of Argentina (ARG, 40°S-55°S) and on the Southeastern Atlantic (SE-SAO, centered at 55°S and 10°W). To access changes in cyclone development, we used the CMIP5 HadGEM2-ES historical experiment (1980-2005) and RCP8.5 future projection (2074-2099). The HadGEM2-ES can represent the main South Atlantic characteristics of cyclones according to NCEP-CFSR climatology. However, there is an underestimation in cyclone frequency in the equatorward side of the storm track, particularly in the LA PLATA region. The HadGEM2-ES RCP8.5 future projection shows a general decrease of approximately 10% of cyclogenesis in the South Atlantic domain, which is mainly related to the poleward shift of the storm track. However, LA PLATA region presents a slight increase in its cyclogenetic activity (6.1 and 3.6%), in the summer and winter, respectively). The increase in genesis at 30°S over the continent is associated with the strengthening of the upper-level jet and the increase of warm and moisture advections at the same location. The enhance in the moisture transport from the tropics is also related to the intensification of the cyclone in the domain, mainly northward of 35°S. Finally, a downscaling using WRF was performed in an attempt to improve the climate model resolution. However the downscaling produces less and weaker cyclones in the NCEP-CFSR and HadGEM2-ES runs. The only region that presented an improvement was LA PLATA, due to the better representation of local features related to orography and moisture processes. The downscaled HadGEM2-ES RCP8.5 also shows an increase in cyclogenesis in the LA PLATA region and other locations. The HadGEM2-ES RCP8.5 projection and its downscaling shows that the cyclogenesis in some locations of South America is increasing, mainly due to the increase in the low-level moisture content and the strengthening of the equatorward flank of the upper-level jet. The cyclones in this locations will be slightly intense (between 20°S and 30°S) and will affect a narrow area close to the South American coast. / A distribuição e intensidade dos ciclones afeta diretamente as atividades humanas devido a precipitação e fortes ventos associados a esses sistemas. O objetivo principal deste trabalho é entender as mudanças nos ciclones gerados no Atlântico Sul devido às mudanças climáticas, focando em seus mecanismos geradores e intensificadores. Os ciclones foram identificados e rastreados utilizando a vorticidade relativa em 850hPa, calculada a partir do campo de ventos horizontal. Também foram usadas composições centradas para a análise da estrutura e evolução dos ciclones durante seu desenvolvimento. A climatologia de ciclones feita com o NCEP-CFSR mostra quatro regiões ciclogenéticas principais no Oceano Atlântico Sul: na costa sul do Brasil (SE-BR, 30°S), sobre o continente próximo da desembocadura do Rio da Prata (LA PLATA, 35°S), na costa sudeste da Argentina (ARG, 40°S-55°S) e no Sudeste do Atlântico (SE-SAO, centrada em 55°S, 10°W). Para analisar as mudanças no desenvolvimento dos ciclones, nós utilizamos os experimentos histórico (1980-2005) e RCP8.5 (2074-2099) do HadGEM2-ES (CMIP5). O HadGEM2-ES é capaz de reapresentar as principais características dos ciclones do Atlântico Sul, quando comparado à climatologia. No entanto, existe uma subestimativa do número de ciclones no lado equatorial da região de máxima atividade ciclônica, principalmente na região LA PLATA. A projeção futura HadGEM2-ES no cenário RCP8.5 mostra uma redução de aproximadamente 10% na ciclogêneses no domínio do Atlântico Sul, principalmente associada ao deslocamento em direção ao polo da região de máxima atividade ciclônica. Porém, a região LA PLATA apresenta um pequeno aumento em sua atividade ciclogenética (6.1 e 3.6%), no verão e inverno, respectivamente). O aumento na ciclogênese em 30°S está associada ao fortalecimento do jato de altos níveis e ao aumento da advecção quente e de umidade nessa localidade. O aumento do transporte de umidade dos trópicos está associado também à intensificação dos ciclones observada na projeção futura, principalmente ao norte de 35°S. Por fim, uma regionalização com o modelo WRF foi usada para melhorar a resolução do modelo climático. Porém, as simulações regionais subestimaram os ciclones em número e intensidade. A única região que em as regionalizações apresentaram melhor desempenho foi a LA PLATA, devido a uma melhor representação de feições locais associadas a orografia e processos úmidos. A regionalização do cenário futuro RCP8.5 também apresentou aumento da ciclogênese do LA PLATA, mas para o inverno. Tanto a projeção RCP8.5 do HadGEM2-ES quanto sua regionalização mostram que a ciclogênese em algumas regiões da América do Sul está aumentando, principalmente devido ao aumento de umidade em baixos níveis da atmosfera e fortalecimento do lado ramo equatorial do jato de altos níveis. Os ciclones nessas localidades serão intensos (entre 20°S e 30°S) e tendem a afetar uma região mais próxima à costa.

Analysis of High and Low Rossby Wave Phase Speed Events Over Northern Mid-Latitudes / Analys av event med hög och låg fashastighet hos Rossbyvågor i mellanbredderna

Rosengren, Emma January 2022 (has links)
The large-scale, mid-latitude circulation in the upper troposphere is dominated by Rossby waves. The jet stream flows along the wave structure and surface cyclones can be found ahead of the troughs of the waves, propagating eastward. This propagation is here estimated as the zonal phase speed which is quantified using spectral analysis, producing a unique, global daily value for each day of the winter season (DJF) between 1979 and 2019. From this data set phase speed events are defined as periods of more than four consecutive days of the top or bottom 5\% phase speed values, resulting in 15 low phase speed events and 22 high phase speed events. During events of low phase speed the 2m temperature is higher than the climatology at high latitudes and lower over Europe and Siberia. Zonal wind speed at 10m and 250hPa is also found to be lower than the climatology over both the Pacific and Atlantic storm track. Furthermore, low phase speed events are found to be occurring when blocking is present on either one or both storm tracks. During high phase speed events there is an overall increase in zonal wind speed both at 10m and 250hPa over both storm tracks as well as total magnitude of wind over western Europe. These findings suggest a link of high phase speed events to windstorms over Europe. A subjective classification indicates that at the onset of high phase speed events blocking is found mainly in two regions, one at high latitudes outside the Siberian coast and one at low latitudes outside the coast of Japan, suggesting enhanced temperature gradients at the entrance of the Pacific could cause these events. / Den storskaliga cirkulationen över mellanbredderna i den övre troposfären domineras av Rossbyvågor. Dessa är en vågstruktur som formas från Jordens rotation och vorticitet och associeras med det starka flödet från jetströmmen som återfinns längs vågstrukturen. På grund av vorticiteten uppstår cykloner framför vågornas tråg och hela systemet propagerar österut. Propageringen uppskattas här som fashastighet och kvantifieras med spektralanalys, en metod där interpolering från ett spektrum används snarare än teoretiska beräkningar. Detta producerar ett unikt och globalt dygnsmedel under vintersäsongen (December, Januari, Februari) mellan 1979 och 2019, där vintern väljs på grund av den stora variabiliteten i fashastighet som observeras då. Från denna data definieras fashastighetsevent som fyra eller fler dagar i sträck med de högsta eller lägsta 5 \%-värdena, vilket resulterar i 15 event med låg fasthastighet och 22 event med hög fashastighet. Under eventen med låg fashastighet är temperaturen vid 2m högre än klimatologin vid höga breddgrader och lägre över Europa och Sibirien. Den zonala vinden vid 10m och 250hPa är också lägre än klimatologin över både lågtrycksbanan över Stilla havet och Atlanten. Vidare så fann vi att låg fashastighet uppstår i samband med atmosfärisk blockering över en eller båda lågtrycksbanor. Under event med hög fashastighet observeras en ökning i zonal vindstyrka både vid 10m och 250hPa över båda lågtrycksbanorna samt en ökad styrka i den totala magnituden av vinden över västra Europa. Dessa fynd tyder på en länk mellan hög fashastighet och vindstormar i Europa. Vid starten av event med hög fashastighet återfinns atmosfärisk blockering främst i två regioner, en vid höga breddgrader utanför den Sibiriska kusten och en vid låga breddgrader utanför Japans kust, vilket tyder på att ökade temperaturgradienter vid början av lågtrycksbanan över Stilla havet kan orsaka dessa event.

Rôle du déferlement des ondes de Rossby dans la variabilité climatique aux latitudes tempérées / The role of Rossby wave breakings in the climate variability at midlatitudes

Michel, Clio 26 October 2012 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse a été d'analyser la dynamique de l'interaction entre les ondes baroclines (ou rail des dépressions) et la variabilité basse fréquence de l'atmosphère aux moyennes latitudes. Deux approches distinctes ont été suivies pour étudier le rôle des déferlements d'ondes baroclines sur les courants-jets, l'une reposant sur les données réanalysées et l'autre sur des simulations numériques. La première partie de la thèse a plus précisément consisté à étudier le lien entre les déferlements d'ondes de Rossby et les quatre régimes de temps sur l'Atlantique Nord en hiver en utilisant les réanalyses ERA40. Le calcul des fréquences d'occurrence des déferlements d'ondes a montré que ceux-ci tendent généralement à renforcer les régimes sauf le blocage scandinave qui est détruit par du déferlement cyclonique au sud du Groenland. Ensuite, les précurseurs des transitions entre régimes de temps ont été identifiés. Le premier précurseur est relié à la propagation linéaire d'anomalies basse fréquence (période supérieure à 10 jours). Ce précurseur n'est pas systématique mais il survient durant la transition du régime zonal vers le blocage environ une semaine avant ce dernier où il prend la forme d'un train d'ondes quasi-stationnaire excité par des anomalies convectives dans l'Atlantique subtropical. Le second précurseur plus systématique intervient au niveau des interactions non-linéaires entre les tourbillons transitoires haute et basse fréquences et a pu être relié aux déferlements d'ondes. La formation et la destruction du blocage scandinave ont ensuite été plus particulièrement étudiées en analysant respectivement les transitions préférentielles du régime zonal au blocage et du blocage vers l'anticyclone groenlandais en lien avec les dépressions de surface et les déferlements d'ondes. Les dépressions de surface atteignent les mêmes intensités pendant la formation et la destruction du blocage mais ne suivent pas les mêmes trajectoires. Pendant la formation du blocage, les dépressions de surface ont des trajectoires rectilignes se dirigeant vers le nord de la Scandinavie et sont liées à un déferlement anticyclonique. Pendant la destruction du blocage, les trajectoires des dépressions de surface sont courbées sur l'Atlantique Nord en direction du Groenland et sont reliées à du déferlement cyclonique qui favorise ainsi l'apparition de l'anticyclone groenlandais. Notre analyse suggère que cette différence de comportement provient de la forme de l'écoulement basse fréquence qui n'est pas le même pendant la formation et la destruction du blocage et qui favorise un certain type de déferlement plutôt qu'un autre. Dans la seconde partie de la thèse, nous avons analysé le lien entre les températures de surface de la mer (SSTs) et le comportement du rail des dépressions avec le modèle de circulation générale de l'atmosphère Arpège-Climat en mode aquaplanète pour mieux comprendre les téléconnexions telles que l'Oscillation Arctique et/ou l'Oscillation Nord-Atlantique d'un point de vue idéalisé. / This thesis aims at analyzing the dynamics of the interaction between baroclinic waves (stormtrack) and the atmospheric low-frequency variability at midlatitudes. Two different approaches have been followed to study the impact of baroclinic wave breakings on jet-streams, one using reanalysis data and the other numerical simulations of a climate model. The first part of the PhD dealt with the link between Rossby wave breakings and the four weather regimes over the North Atlantic in winter using ERA40 reanalysis. The calculation of wave breaking frequencies showed that wave breakings tend to reinforce weather regimes except the Scandinavian blocking which is destroyed by cyclonic wave breaking south of Greenland. Then, precursors of weather regime transitions have been identified. The first precursor is linked to the linear propagation of low-frequency anomalies (period greater than ten days). This is not a systematic precursor but it occurs during the zonal to blocking transition about one week before this latter and is related to a quasi-stationary wave train excited by convective anomalies in the North Atlantic subtropics. The systematic second precursor is related to non-linear transient eddy interactions and has been linked to Rossby wave breakings. The link between the surface cyclones, Rossby wave breakings and the formation and decay of the Scandinavian blocking has been more precisely studied through the preferential transitions from the zonal weather regime to the blocking and from the blocking to the Greenland anticyclone. During the formation and decay of the blocking, surface cyclones reach the same intensities but do not follow the same trajectories. During the blocking formation, surface cyclones follow straight trajectories toward the north of Scandinavia and are linked to an anticyclonic wave breaking. Whereas during the blocking decay, surface cyclones trajectories are curved over the North Atlantic toward Greenland and are linked to a cyclonic wave breaking favouring the Greenland anticyclone formation. Our study suggests that this difference of behavior comes from the shape of the low-frequency flow which is not the same during the formation and the decay of the blocking and which can favour a particular type of wave breaking rather than another. The second part dealt with the link between sea surface temperatures (SSTs) and the storm-track in the atmospheric general circulation model Arpège-Climat in aquaplanet mode to better understand teleconnections such as the Arctic Oscillation and/or the North Atlantic Oscillation from an idealized point of view. We performed a sensitivity analysis of the eddy-driven jet variability to various stationary SST profiles.

Understanding the Long-Term Change of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) during the Late Twentieth Century

Kim, Who Myung 03 October 2013 (has links)
The strength of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) is believed to be associated with changes in surface buoyancy in the subpolar North Atlantic, which naturally leads to a notion that the AMOC has been weakening under global warming. Yet, a variety source of observations and its assimilation into ocean circulation models have not supported such an AMOC decline so far. In this study, an aspect that has not been paid attention, regarding the maintenance of the AMOC strength, is explored: storm activity in the subpolar North Atlantic (NA). An analysis using reanalysis data shows that the wintertime turbulent heat flux variability in the LS deep convection region is largely controlled by a small number of extreme heat flux event days, suggesting a pivotal role of winter storms in prompting LS deep-water formation. A set of forced ocean-ice model simulations, in which synoptic winter storm activity associated with these event days is either suppressed or doubled over the subpolar NA, confirms the above analysis as the altered storm activity results in a substantial change in LS convection and the AMOC strength. These experiments also show an upward AMOC trend during the late twentieth century, the degree of which is to some extent related to the intensity of storm activity in the LS. The upward AMOC trend found in the first part of the dissertation opposes to a downward AMOC trend in the twentieth century coupled model simulations employing the identical ocean component. An analysis suggests that contrast to the ocean-ice model, storm activity in the LS convection region and associated heat flux decreases during the late twentieth century. Although there is also a buoyancy increase over the LS, the wintertime heat flux decrease appears to be a more dominant factor for a decrease in convection in the LS, as an increasing freshwater input from Arctic/Subarctic Ocean bypasses the interior LS along the western boundary current. Therefore, the downward AMOC trend in the coupled model can be linked ultimately to the decreasing storm activity over the LS. This study therefore suggests that storm activity over the major convection regions needs to be paid further attention in assessing AMOC variations, including long-term trend in response to a warming scenario, in future studies.

Typologie des tempêtes du XXe siècle / XX century windstorms typology

Martins Varino, Filipa Catarina 22 September 2017 (has links)
L'étude de la variabilité des cyclones extra-tropicaux (ETC) est non seulement un sujet d'intérêt pour la communauté scientifique mais aussi d'une grande importance en raison de ses impacts socio-économiques. Toutefois, l'étude continué de la variabilité des ETC et de leurs impacts est encore rare, en particulier a l'échelle de temps du Xeme siècle. Cette thèse vise a étudier la variabilité des trajectoires de tempêtes et de leurs dégâts associés du début du Xxeme siècle a 2010. Pour ce faire, le travail est divisé en deux sections principales, l'une dédiée a la climatologie des ETCs au cours du siècle dernier a partir de données de réanalyse, et la seconde centrée sur le calcul d'indices de pertes et l'évaluation des risques induits par les tempêtes. On s'intéresse en premier lieu a l'étude de la variabilité des ETCs par l'application d'un algorithme de suivi de cyclone, sur la réanalyse de long terme du Centre Européen (ECMWF) ERA-20C. Le nombre annuel d'ETC modérées a intenses fait ressortir trois périodes historiques distinctes. Deux périodes, l'une au début et la seconde à la fin du Xeme siècle (1900-1935 et 1980-2010) ne présentent aucune tendance tandis qu'au milieu du siècle (1930-1980) une tendance significative à l'augmentation apparait. Cette dernière peut toutefois être interrogée en raison de l'inhomogénéité temporelle des réanalyses de long terme. Pour cette raison, un ensemble de paramètres physiques sont analysés en vue d'interpréter physiquement les trois périodes. Durant la période 1930-1980, un refroidissement général de l'atmosphère est observé, en particulier aux hautes latitudes, qui augmente le gradient méridien de température et en conséquence la baroclinicité et la conversion barocline. Par ailleurs, cette augmentation de la fréquence d'ETC est observée spécifiquement sur le Pacifique (Atlantique) au cours de la première (seconde) moitié de la période en lien avec une inversion de l'indice Oscillation Décennale du Pacifique (Oscillation Multidecennale Atlantique). La seconde partie de la thèse s'intéresse à l'analyse des tempête scausant les plus forts dégâts du Xeme siècle. Tout d'abord, on calcule un champ d'indices de dégâts de vents forts pour plus de vingt pays. On développe ensuite une Méthode de Suivi de Tempêtes de Forts Dégâts et les résultats de l'algorithme de suivi sont combinés avec les indices de dégâts de vents forts pour chaque pays. [...] / Extratropical cyclones (ETCs) variability is not only a subject that raises interest among the scientific community, but also extremely important in terms of social-economical impacts. Nevertheless, the study of both the extratropical cyclones variability and windstorms impacts is still scarce, particularly at time-scales that cover the twentieth century. This thesis aims to study, both storms track variability and associated losses from the beginning of the 20th century until 2010. In order to do so, the work was separated in two main parts, one witch focus on ETCs climatology during the last century using reanalysis data and another focused on loss indexes calculations and risk assessment of windstorms. The first part of this PhD concerns the study of ETCs variability after applying a tracking algorithm on the long-term ECMWF reanalysis ERA-20C. The number of ETCs per year shows three distinct periods for the moderate and deep cyclones. Two periods, one at the beginning and another at end of the century (1900-1935 and 1980-2010) for which no significant e trends are observed and a middle-century period between 1935-1980 which presents a significant positive trend. This last trend, however, a deeper analysis on this period should be done due to time-inhomogeneity of long-term reanalysis datasets. For this reason, a set of physical parameters are analysed and a physical interpretation made for each one of the periods. During the middle period, a general cooling of the atmosphere is observed, particularly at high-latitudes, which increases the meridional gradients of temperature and consequently baroclinicity and baroclinic conversion. Besides that, this increase is also observed more specifically in the Pacific (Atlantic) in the first (second) half of this period and linked with a Pacific Decadal Oscillation (Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation) change in signs. On the opposite, the first and third periods are related with warmer polar temperatures that are more intense in the third period but never reach the upper levels of the troposphere. This creates differential changes in baroclinicity. On the one hand, baroclinicity decreases at lower levels and, on the other hand increases at upper levels. The second part of this thesis is focused on the analysis of the most damaging windstorms of the century. First, Loss and Meteorological indexes Pinto et al 2012 are computed for more than twenty countries. Then, a High-Loss Tracking Method is developed and the tracking algorithm trajectories are matched with the LI and MI information for each country. [...]

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