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Molecular Mechanism of Connector-RNA Interaction of Bacteriophage Phi29 DNA Packaging Motor and Applications of Motor Components in NanotechnologyXiao, Feng January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Thermodynamics and Kinetics of the Three-Way Junction of Phi29 Motor pRNA and its Assembly into Nanoparticles for Therapeutic Delivery to Prostate CancerBinzel, Daniel W. 01 January 2016 (has links)
The emerging field of RNA nanotechnology necessitates creation of functional RNA nanoparticles, but has been limited by particle instability. Previously, it was found the three-way junction (3WJ) of the Phi29 DNA packaging motor pRNA was found to be ultra-stable and assemble in solution without the presence of metal ions. The three-way junction is composed of three short oligo RNA strands and proven to be thermodynamically stable. Here the assembly mechanism, thermodynamic and enzymatic stabilities, and kinetics are examined in order to understand the stability behind this unique motif. Thermodynamic and kinetics studies found that the pRNA 3WJ formed out of three components at a rapid rate creating a single-step three component collision with a lack of dimer intermediate formation while being governed by entropy, instead of the commonly seen enthalpy. Furthermore, the pRNA 3WJ proved to be stable at temperatures above 50 °C, concentrations below 100 pM, and produced a free energy of formation well below other studied RNA structures and motifs. With the high stability and folding efficiency of the pRNA 3WJ, it serves as an ideal platform for multi-branched RNA nanoparticles constructed through bottom-up techniques. RNA nanoparticles were constructed for the specific targeting of prostate cancer cells expressing Prostate Specific Membrane Antigen (PSMA) by receptor mediated endocytosis through the addition of an RNA aptamer; and the delivery of anti-miRNA sequences for gene regulation. The resulting nanoparticles remained stable while showing highly specific binding and entry in PSMA positive cells through cell surface receptor endocytosis. Furthermore, the entry of the nanoparticles allowed for the knockdown of against onco-miRNAs. Nanoparticles harboring antimiRNAs led to the upregulation of tumor suppressor genes, and signaling of apoptotic pathways. These findings display RNA nanotechnology can result in the production of stable nanoparticles and result in the specific treatment of cancers, specifically prostate cancer.
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Towards Elucidation of a Viral DNA Packaging MotorSchwartz, Chad T. 01 January 2013 (has links)
Previously, gp16, the ATPase protein of phi29 DNA packaging motor, was an enigma due to its tendency to form multiple oligomeric states. Recently we employed new methodologies to decipher both its stoichiometry and also the mechanism in which the protein functions to hydrolyze ATP and provide the driving force for DNA packaging. The oligomeric states were determined by biochemical and biophysical approaches. Contrary to many reported intriguing models of viral DNA packaging, it was found that phi29 DNA packaging motor permits the translocation of DNA unidirectionally and driven cooperatively by three rings of defined shape. The mechanism for the generation of force and the role of adenosine and phosphate in motor motion were demonstrated. It was concluded that phi29 genomic DNA is pushed to traverse the motor channel section by section with the aid of ATPase gp16, similar to the hexameric AAA+ family in the translocation of dsDNA. A new model of "Push through a One-way Valve" for the mechanism of viral DNA packaging motor was coined to describe the coordinated interaction among the hexameric packaging ATPase gp16 and the revolution mechanism of the dodecameric channel which serves as a control device to regulate the directional movement of dsDNA.
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Whole Genome Amplification von Plasma-DNA und Entwicklung eines Ausschlusskriteriums zur Verbesserung der Genotypisierungsqualität / Sample selection algorithm to improve quality of genotyping from plasma-derived DNA: to separate the wheat from the chaff.Schoenborn, Veit January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Plasma- und Serumproben waren in früheren epidemiologischen Studien häufig das einzige biologische Material, das gesammelt und untersucht wurde. Diese Studien besitzen gerade durch ihren sehr langen Untersuchungszeitraum einen riesigen Informationsgehalt und wären ein unbezahlbarer Schatz für genetische Analysen. Oft ist aufgrund damals mangelnder Akquirierung jedoch keine genomische DNA verfügbar. Um die in Plasmaproben in geringer Menge vorkommende DNA verwenden zu können, extrahierten wir die DNA mit Hilfe von magnetischen Partikeln und setzten sie in eine Whole Genome Amplification (WGA) mittels Φ29-DNA-Polymerase ein. Wir stellten 88 Probenpärchen, bestehend aus einer WGA-Plasma-DNA und der korrespondierenden Vollblut-DNA derselben Person, zusammen und genotypisierten bei diesen neun hochpolymorphe Short Tandem Repeats (STR) und 25 SNPs. Die durchschnittliche innerhalb der Probenpaare auftretende Diskordanzrate betrug 3,8% für SNPs sowie 15,9% für STRs. Basierend auf den Ergebnissen der Hälfte der Probenpaare entwickelten wir einen Ausschlussalgorithmus und validierten diesen in der anderen Hälfte der Probenpaare. Mit diesem ist es möglich, zum Einen diejenigen Proben mit einer guten DNA-Qualität herauszufiltern, um Genotypisierungsfehler zu vermeiden, und zum Anderen jene Proben mit insuffizienter DNA-Qualität auszuschließen. Nachdem Proben, die fünf oder mehr homozygote Loci in dem 9-STR-Markerset aufwiesen, ausgeschlossen wurden, resultierte dies in einer Ausschlussrate von 22,7% und senkte die durchschnittliche Diskordanzrate auf 3,92% für STRs bzw. 0,63% für SNPs. Bei SNPs entspricht dieser Wert ungefähr der Fehlerquote, wie er auch bei Genotypisierungen mit Vollblut-DNA in vielen Laboratorien auftritt. Unsere Methode und das Ausschlusskriterium bieten damit neue Möglichkeiten, um zuverlässige DNA aus archivierten Plasmaproben wiederzugewinnen. Dieser Algorithmus ist auch besser geeignet, als nur die eingesetzte DNA-Menge in die WGA-Reaktion als Kriterium zu benützen. / Plasma and serum samples were often the only biological material collected for earlier epidemiological studies. These studies have a huge informative content, especially due to their long follow-up and would be an invaluable treasure for genetic investigations. However, often no banked DNA is available. To use the small amounts of DNA present in plasma, in a first step, we applied magnetic bead technology to extract this DNA, followed by a whole-genome amplification (WGA) using phi29-polymerase. We assembled 88 sample pairs, each consisting of WGA plasma DNA and the corresponding whole-blood DNA. We genotyped nine highly polymorphic short tandem repeats (STRs) and 23 SNPs in both DNA sources. The average within-pair discordance was 3.8% for SNPs and 15.9% for STR genotypes, respectively. We developed an algorithm based on one-half of the sample pairs and validated on the other one-half to identify the samples with high WGA plasma DNA quality to assure low genotyping error and to exclude plasma DNA samples with insufficient quality: excluding samples showing homozygosity at five or more of the nine STR loci yielded exclusion of 22.7% of all samples and decreased average discordance for STR and SNP markers to 3.92% and 0.63%, respectively. For SNPs, this is very close to the error observed for genomic DNA in many laboratories. Our workflow and sample selection algorithm offers new opportunities to recover reliable DNA from stored plasma material. This algorithm is superior to testing the amount of input DNA.
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Expression of RNA Nanoparticles Based on Bacteriophage Phi29 pRNA in Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilisZhang, Le 01 January 2013 (has links)
Currently, most of the RNAs used in lab research are prepared by in vitro transcription or chemical synthesis, which can be costly. In vivo expression in bacterial cells is another approach to RNA preparation that allows large scale production at a lower cost. However, there are some obstacles in bacterial expression, including RNA degradation in host cell, as well as RNA extraction and purification. tRNA and 5S RNA have been reported as scaffolds to circumvent the degradation problem. These scaffolds can not only make the RNA product survive in the cell but also increase the stability after extraction.
The packaging RNA (pRNA) of bacteriophage phi29 is a small non-coding RNA with a compact structure. The three-way junction (3WJ) region from pRNA is a thermodynamically stable RNA motif good for constructing therapeutic RNA nanoparticles. The 3WJ can not only integrate multiple RNA modules, but also stabilize them.
Here I report a series of approaches made to express recombinant RNAs based on pRNA or 3WJ in bacteria, including 1) Investigating the mechanism of RNA folding in vitro and in vivo using 3WJ. 3WJ-based RNAs were expressed in E. coli using pET system. The results show that the folding of RNA is affected by both overall and regional energy landscape. 2) Expression of an RNA nanoparticle harboring multiple functional modules, a model of therapeutic RNA, in E. coli using a combination of tRNA scaffold and pRNA-3WJ. The expression was successful and all of the RNA modules were functional. 3) Expression of pRNA-based recombinant RNAs in B. subtilis. This is a novel system of expressing recombinant RNAs in Gram-positive bacteria.
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Structure and Function Study of Phi29 DNA packaging motorFang, Huaming January 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Membrane embedded channel of bacteriophage phi29 DNA packaging motor for single molecule sensing and nanomedicineGeng, Jia 01 October 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Assembly of Phi29 pRNA Nanoparticles for Gene or Drug Delivery and for Application in Nanotechnology and NanomedicineShu, Yi 26 October 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Overcoming problems with limiting DNA samples in forensics and clinical diagnostics using multiple displacement amplificationMuharam, Firman Alamsyah January 2006 (has links)
The availability of DNA samples that are of adequate quality and quantity is essential for any genetic analysis. The fields of forensic biology and clinical diagnostic pathology testing often suffer from limited samples that yield insufficient DNA material to allow extensive analysis. This study examined the utility of a recently introduced whole genome amplification method termed Multiple Displacement Amplification (MDA) for amplifying a variety of limited sample types that are commonly encountered in the fields of forensic biology and clinical diagnostics. The MDA reaction, which employs the highly processive bacteriophage φ29 DNA polymerase, was found to generate high molecular weight template DNA suitable for a variety of downstream applications from low copy number DNA samples down to the single genome level. MDA of single cells yielded sufficient DNA for up to 20,000,000 PCR assays, allowing further confirmatory testing on samples of limited quantities or the archiving of precious DNA material for future work. The amplification of degraded DNA material using MDA identified a requirement for samples of sufficient quality to allow successful synthesis of product DNA templates. Furthermore, the utility of MDA products in comparative genomic hybridisation (CGH) assays identified the presence of amplification bias. However, this bias was overcome by introducing a novel modification to the MDA protocol. Future directions for this work include investigations into the utility of MDA products in short tandem repeat (STR) assays for human identifications and application of the modified MDA protocol for testing of single cell samples for genetic abnormalities.
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Using aptamers to regulate rolling circle amplificationBialy, Roger January 2021 (has links)
The work described in this dissertation focuses on developing simple yet effective assays integrating nucleic acid (NA) aptamers with rolling circle amplification (RCA) for the detection of non-NA biomarkers. The first project, a comprehensive literature review, highlights the current state of the art in functional NA-based RCA applications, and identifies shortcomings in the detection of non-NA targets with RCA. Biosensor design is critically evaluated from four key perspectives: regulation, efficiency, and detection of RCA, and the integration of all three components for point of care (POC) applications. The second project investigates how target-binding to a linear aptamer can be utilized to regulate RCA in a simple and inexpensive format. Phi29 DNA polymerase (DP) exhibits difficulty processing DNA strands that are bound to non-NA materials such as proteins. The work uses this restriction of phi29 DP as a feature by utilizing protein-binding aptamers as primer strands (aptaprimers) for RCA. The simplicity is showcased by adapting the method to a cellulose paper-based device for the real-time detection and quantification of PDGF or thrombin within minutes. As the second project is a turn-off sensor, the third project exploits the inherent 3’-exonuclease activity of phi29 DP to generate a simple turn-on assay instead. As target-bound aptamers were shown to be resistant to exonuclease activity, the phi29 DP preferentially digests target-free aptaprimers instead of target-bound aptaprimers. The target-bound aptaprimer could be liberated by a circular template (CT) by incorporating toehold-mediated strand displacement (TMSD), and used for RCA. Sensitivity was improved relative to project two, though the dynamic range was narrow owing to difficulty liberating target-bound aptaprimer at high target concentrations. Project four instead used RecJ, which has 5’-exonuclease activity, to modulate aptaprimer availability. Similarly to project three, target-binding conferred protection on the aptaprimer from 5’-exonuclease digestion by RecJ. By including a free 3’ terminus on the aptaprimer, inhibition of RCA due to target binding was avoided and CT-mediated TMSD was not needed, simplifying the assay. As well, this approach was generalizable as it was demonstrated using both a protein (thrombin) and a small molecule (ochratoxin A) target. This turn-on method further improved the assay compared to project three with a 100-fold enhancement in sensitivity and a restoration of the dynamic range. In sum, this work contributed multiple simple and sensitive approaches for the real-time fluorescent detection of proteins and small molecules with the RCA of linear aptamers. / Thesis / Doctor of Science (PhD)
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