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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Physical literacy in children and youth

Kozera, Tanya R 08 February 2017 (has links)
Background: Physical literacy has been adopted in PE, sport and recreation to develop active participation in Canada. Physical literacy (PL) is the motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge and understanding to value and take responsibility for engagement in physical activities for life (IPLA 2015). There are three proposed domains (physical, psychological, and behavioural) for PL. Little is known about PL in children and youth. Aims: Aim 1: To characterize PL in children and youth, and to relate PL to health related fitness, performance and physical activity. Aim 2: To evaluate a PL intervention (Run Jump Throw) in grade 3/4 PE. Methods: Design: Cross-sectional (n=299, grades 3, 4, 8 and 12) and quasi-experimental intervention (n=199, 4 intervention, 4 matched comparison schools, Grade 3/4, Run Jump Throw Intervention). Instruments: Physical Literacy Assessment of Youth tools (PLAY Fun, PLAY Self, PLAY Inventory), BMI, waist circumference (WC), 20 meter shuttle run (CVFIT), sprint speed (SPEED), accelerometer measured physical activity (PA), Physical Self-Description Questionnaire (PSDQ) and the Motivation to Physical Activity Measure (MPAM). Results: Motor competence increased with grade (p<0.01). Substantial gaps (3.4% object control) in motor competence between males and females (M>F, P<0.01) identified in grade 4, the gap widens with grade (16.6% by grade 12). Motor competence was correlated (p<0.01) to -0.29 WC, -0.48 BMI, 0.54 PA, 0.56 CVFIT, 0.86 SPEED, 0.23 MPAM, and 0.5 PSDQ. The affective/cognitive domain of PLAY Self was correlated to (p<0.01) to -0.22 BMI, 0.33 PA, 0.42 PLAY Inventory, 0.46 CVFIT, 0.45 SPEED, 0.44 MPAM, and 0.79 PSDQ. Moderate associations were observed between physical and psychological domains of physical literacy. PLAY Self demonstrated convergent validity with PSDQ and MPAM. The Run Jump Throw intervention improved motor competence (5.5%, p<0.01), and was greater than comparison schools (3.5%, p<0.05). Conclusion: Physical literacy shows appropriate linkages to health related outcomes in two key domains, physical and psychological. The gender gap in physical literacy is alarming, and requires studies for remediation. These results support the notion that PL may be a gateway to physical activity in youth, and that PL can be enhanced by means of quality PL enriched lesson plans in schools. / February 2017

The Energy Expenditure of Heavy Metal Drummers

Brown, Joshua T. 01 July 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this investigation is to examine the energy demand of heavy metal drummers during rehearsal in order to understand the physiological responses. This information may lead to a better understanding of energy expenditure and add to the compendium of physical activity. The investigation consisted of eight apparently healthy 20 to 37-year-old males were recruited for this investigation. Information gathered during the drum test was average VO2, VO2peak, HR in beats per minute (bpm), metabolic equivalents (METs), and energy expenditure (EE) expressed in calories (kcals) per minute and per hour. Rating of perceived exertion (RPE) was used in addition to VO2 and HR values to assess physical demand. The Bruce Protocol maximal treadmill test was administered to compare the participants VO2max to their VO2peak while drumming. The EE during the 40-minute drum test was 387.05 + 83 kcals with an estimated hourly EE of 567.33 + 111.7 kcals. VO2, VO2peak, VE, and HR was 21.4 + 4.1 ml/kg/min, 33.9 + 8.1 ml/kg/min, 63.5 + 19 L/min, and 150.4 + 13.6 bpm respectively. The average MET level reached was six. RPE was 13.8 + 1.2 and is expressed as “somewhat hard” in difficulty according to the ACSM. Those categorized as having an average level of fitness reached 50-59% of their VO2max while the two individuals categorized as having an excellent level of fitness reached 42-45% of their VO2max. In conclusion, heavy metal drumming is a form of physical activity that is of moderate intensity and can be compared to other forms of recreational and work related physical activity.

An investigation of the time-dependent structural and mechanical behavior of individual pulp fibers when subjected to an applied stress

Hill, Richard L. 01 January 1967 (has links)
No description available.

Experimental Study of Air-Water Flow Properties on Low-Gradient Stepped Cascades

Toombes, Luke Unknown Date (has links)
Stepped cascades are recognised for both aeration potential and energy dissipation, and have been employed in hydraulic structures for over 3,500 years. Yet little detailed information exists on their performance, especially pertaining to low-gradient cascades. This study presents a detailed investigation of both the macro and micro-scale flow properties on a low-gradient cascade (3.4º slope). Research is conducted on two large-size physical models: a 24m long multi-step cascade (10× 2.4m long steps), and a single-step model with identical step height and length. The large size of the model allows near full-scale data acquisition under controlled flow conditions, minimising potential scale effects. The study comprises three distinct components: 1. A global investigation of the general flow properties of nappe flow on a low-gradient, multi-step cascade. Unforeseen three-dimensional characteristics of the flow, including supercritical shockwaves and sidewall standing-waves downstream of nappe impact, are identified and examined by the study. Although comparable to similar phenomena at channel bends and expansions, these have not been previously described on stepped cascades. Energy dissipation on the cascade is investigated, and is found to be over twice that observed for a smooth chute of similar gradient. 2. A complete characterisation of the air-water structure of flow in a nappe regime. Significant outcomes of the analysis include: ⊕ Air-concentration Distribution: The air-concentration distribution at the lower nappe of the free-falling jet shows good agreement with an analytical solution of the diffusion equation. The experimental results from the study, and a reanalysis of existing data, indicate a distinct relationship between the turbulent diffusivity in the shear layer and distance from the step brink. This contradicts earlier investigations that assumed constant diffusivity. Strong aeration of the flow, with a large volume of spray, occurs downstream of the nappe impact. Depth-averaged air concentrations of 40% to 50% are observed within the spray region, decreasing towards the downstream end of the step. ⊕ Velocity Distribution: A theoretical analysis of the momentum transfer process imparts an improved understanding of the momentum transfer and velocity redistribution within the free-falling jet. An analytical solution based on twodimensional wake flow is developed, superseding existing solutions based upon a monophase free-mixing layer. ⊕ Bubble-frequency Distribution: A quasi-parabolic relationship between bubble frequency and time-average air concentration across a cross-section is observed. A theoretical explanation for the parabolic relationship is developed, and two correction factors are introduced to provide a better representation of the experimental data. ⊕ Air-bubble and Water-droplet Size Distributions: Chord-length distributions are compared with standard probability distributions, showing good agreement with standard Weibull, gamma and log-normal probability distributions within various regions of the flow on the step. A computer model is developed to model interaction between a bubbly transition from water to air and fluctuations of the free surface. 3. A parallel investigation of the oxygen aeration efficiency of a stepped cascade. Measured air-water property data is used to calculate the air-water interface area in bubbly flow, and to estimate the theoretical aeration efficiency of the stepped cascade based upon the integration of the mass transfer equation. The aeration performance of the stepped cascade model is also measured experimentally in terms of dissolved oxygen content. This analysis allows a unique, successful comparison of experimental dissolved oxygen measurements with the numerical integration of the mass transfer equation.

A Program Evaluation of a Worksite Wellness Initiative for Weight Loss

Martinez, Nicholas 06 July 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to conduct a program evaluation of ACME’s worksite weight loss initiative and collect evidence relative to the efficacy of the program. An anonymous online survey was administered to participants of the weight loss initiative. The survey was designed to gather information relative to the research questions, which explored the initiative’s barriers to participation, alignment of initiative with the goals of participants, utilization of initiative resources, overall strengths, weaknesses, and areas of improvement for the weight loss initiative, as well as the respondents’ general profile for the six dimensions of wellness. Reporting of data included descriptive statistics, which contained means, frequencies, and percentages. Some questions required open-ended responses, which were grouped together to identify trends. Of the 35 employees enrolled in the initiative, 32 responded to the online survey. Only a small group of participants from the larger pool of members at the worksite were successfully recruited into the weight loss initiative. Some respondents reported feeling intimidated towards the thought of participating in the initiative, which suggests that the weight loss theme may have been a barrier to participation. The majority of respondents identified weight loss as their primary wellness goal for the New Year, which aligned with the decision by the wellness staff to provide a weight loss initiative at the beginning of the year. The majority of respondents felt that the personal training provided by ACME Wellness was a primary resource in facilitating goal achievement. All of the respondents were satisfied with their experience in the weight loss initiative, and most summarized their experience as challenging, motivating, and fun. Strengths of the weight loss initiative were identified as teamwork, motivational factors, and communication. Weaknesses included organization, participation, and readiness. Areas of improvement were identified as planning, structure, and promotional factors. Respondents scored favorably in the intellectual, emotional, social, and spiritual dimensions of wellness, but not as high in the physical and occupational dimensions. The conclusions of this study suggest that weight loss initiatives can be an effective option for worksites since the design and implementation of such programs assist members in goal achievement.

Normkritisk undervisning hos lärare i Idrott och Hälsa : En kvalitativ studie om påverkansfaktorerna klass, kön och etnicitet / Physical education teachers and norm critical teaching : A qualitative study about social class, gender and ethnicity

Alvring, Simon, Jansson, Viktor January 2014 (has links)
Syfte och frågeställningar Syftet med studien var att undersöka om och hur lärare i ämnet idrott och hälsa, utbildade vid GIH arbetar normkritiskt utifrån faktorerna klass, kön och etnicitet. Vidare har ett syfte varit att undersöka vilka pedagogiska verktyg som de har fått från GIH för att förbereda dem att arbeta med dessa faktorer. Frågeställningar: Hur arbetar lärarna normkritiskt i sin undervisning utifrån klass, kön och etnicitet? Hur har lärarutbildningen vid GIH förberett lärarna att arbeta normkritiskt med dessa faktorer? Metod Studien genomfördes med en kvalitativ utgångspunkt där djupintervjuer användes som metod. Urvalet bestod av fem idrottslärare som undervisar i gymnasieskolan. Samtliga respondenter har gått lärarprogrammet på GIH och arbetat maximalt tre år som idrottslärare. En intervjuguide utformades utifrån syftet och Lindströms modell av Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK). Vilken även användes vid analys av resultatet. Resultat Resultatet visar att de intervjuade lärarna till viss del arbetar normkritiskt när det gäller genus genom att ge utrymme för diskussion och genus-uppgifter. Resultatet visar även att lärarna i studien uppvisar pedagogiska ämneskunskaper när det gäller normer kring genus, något som saknas när det gäller normer kring klass och etnicitet. Vidare visar resultatet att alla respondenter fått en teoretisk utbildning från GIH när det gäller normer kring genus och en del praktiska kunskaper för tillämpning i undervisningen. När det kommer till teoretiska kunskaper gällande normer kring både klass och etnicitet delger alla respondenter att dessa kunskaper har ingått minimalt i undervisningen på GIH. De didaktiska kunskaperna kring samma normer menar alla intervjuade lärare att det saknades helt eller endast diskuterade vid ett fåtal tillfällen. Slutsats   Lärarna uppvisar liknande arbetssätt när det handlar om normkritisk pedagogik. Lärarna arbetar inte normkritiskt enligt Lindströms pedagogiska ämneskunskaps modell. Dock arbetar de normkritiskt till viss del då det handlar om genus, men detta arbete saknas när det kommer till faktorerna klass och etnicitet. Lärarna arbetar snarare aktivt med de normer och den värdegrund som styrdokumenten anger samt låter eleverna arbeta med genus på ett uppgiftsorienterat sätt. Att det ser ut på detta sätt kan kopplas till GIH:s lärarutbildning då den lägger fokus på genus medan de andra faktorerna hamnar i skymundan. / Aim The aim of the study was to investigate if and how Physical Education (PE) teachers, with an education from the Swedish school of sports and health science (GIH) and a maximum work experience of 3 years work with norm critical teaching according to the study factors social class, gender and ethnicity. Moreover, an aim has been to investigate what kind of pedagogical tools the interviewed teachers have received from GIH to prepare them how to teach with these factors in mind. Research questions: How do the teachers work norm critical in their teaching according to social class, gender and ethnicity? How has the teacher education at GIH prepared the teachers to work norm critical with these factors? Method The study was carried out in a qualitative perspective and in-depth interviews were used as research method. One PE teacher teaching in the Swedish compulsory school participated in the pilot interview and five PE teachers teaching at Swedish high schools participated in the study. All respondents in the study have finished a teacher program at GIH and a maximum of 3 years’ working experience as a PE teacher. An interview guide was created according to Lindström’s model of PCK. Results The Result shows that the interviewed teachers work in a norm critic way to some degree when it come to gender through discussions and gender tasks. Furthermore the result shows that the respondents show some sort of Pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) when it comes to norms regarding gender, something that they do not have when it comes to norms regarding social background and ethnicity. Moreover the result shows that the respondents have acquired a theoretical knowledge and some practical knowledge about gender norms from GIH. When it comes to theoretical knowledge concerning social background and ethnicity norms all the respondents agree that this knowledge have been included minimally in their education. The didactical knowledge about these norms was not included in their education or was discussed at very few occasions. Conclusions The teachers of the study show similar working methods regarding norm critical pedagogy. According to Lindström’s PCK model, the teachers do not work norm critical. Though, they do in some extent work norm critical regarding gender, but this work does not exist regarding the factors social class and ethnicity. The teachers under study rather work actively with the norms and value principle stated by curriculum. Furthermore they work with gender in a task oriented way. The reason for this can be linked to GIH’s teacher program since the education focus on gender, the other factors, social class and ethnicity only is emphasized briefly during the education.

Why monitoring doesn't always matter : the situational role of parental monitoring in adolescent crime

Hardie, Beth Nicole January 2017 (has links)
Parental monitoring of settings is not always relevant for the prevention of adolescent crime because adolescents with strong personal moral rules and the ability to exercise self control are unlikely to offend even when they are unsupervised and know that their parents have little knowledge about their activities. Parental monitoring, commonly operationalised as parental supervision or parental knowledge, is often shown to have a negative relationship with crime involvement. However, research often ignores both the mechanism by which these relationships occur and the conditions under which they might (and might not) be found. This thesis uses specialist Space-Time Budget data (from the Peterborough Adolescent and Young Adult Development Study) to allow the comparison of adolescent crime rates in settings characterised by the of convergence of i) the physical presence or absence of parents and other guardians, ii) the psychological presence or absence of parents (represented by adolescent-perceived generalised parental knowledge of the circumstances of unsupervised activity) and iii) personal crime propensity (moral rules and ability to exercise self control). The conclusion derived from the results is that the physical presence of parents and other guardians in settings reduces the rate of adolescent crime committed in those settings; and the psychological presence of parents reduces the criminogenic impact of unsupervised time. Crucially however, these effects of parental monitoring are almost irrelevant for adolescents with a lower personal crime propensity, who are not likely to offend in settings irrespective of the physical or psychological absence of parents and other guardians. These findings provide support for person-environment interactions inherent in the causal model of Situational Action Theory, and provide a novel addition to evidence that could be used in future to inform policy-relevant recommendations concerning parenting behaviour and adolescent offending. Although this thesis provides new evidence about the relationship between parental monitoring and crime, the bulk of its contribution is relevant to a much wider audience. It contributes to the debate on approaches to the study of crime and crime prevention, adds clarity to key concepts and develops theoretical arguments in the field of parental monitoring and crime, develops a novel application of Situational Action Theory, extends theoretical and methodological discussions surrounding situational analysis, applies novel data and analytical methods to the study of the psychological and physical presence of guardians, generates and situates unique findings about the situational role of aspects of parental monitoring and crime, and makes some policy recommendations and suggestions about the nature and direction of future research.

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