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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analyse molekularer Mechanismen der ERα- und ERβ-vermittelten Wirkung spezifischer Liganden und des Phytoestrogens Genistein

Hertrampf, Torsten 24 May 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Die Behandlung menopausaler und postmenopausaler Beschwerden ist mit einem erhöhten Risiko verbunden, an Mamma- und Endometriumskarzinomen zu erkranken. Darüber hinaus zeigen epidemiologische Studien, dass in ostasiatischen Ländern postmenopausale Beschwerden, osteoporotische Frakturen und Herz-Kreislauferkrankungen seltener auftreten als in westlichen Ländern. Vor diesem Hintergrund war es Ziel der Untersuchungen dieser Arbeit, in dem Tiermodell der ovarektomierten Ratte die mögliche Bedeutung von estrogenrezeptorsubtypspezifischen Einflüssen für hormonell bedingte Erkrankungen und Beschwerden zu untersuchen. Hierbei sollten gewebespezifische Wirkungen estrogenrezeptorsubtypspezifischer Liganden untersucht und explizit die Bedeutung der Estrogenrezeptorsubtypen ERα und ERβ bei der Gewebehomöostase in Knochen und Darm analysiert werden. Darüber hinaus sollten vor dem Hintergrund estrogenrezeptorsubtypspezifischer Wirkungsweisen gewebespezifische Einflüsse des Phytoestrogens Genistein (Gen) näher charakterisiert werden. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass nach einer subkutanen Applikation der knochenprotektive Einfluss von Gen mit dem von Estradiol (E2) vergleichbar ist, durch die Kombination mit Bewegung verstärkt wird und über den ERα vermittelt zu sein scheint. Es zeigte sich außerdem, dass der stimulierende Einfluss von E2 auf den motorischen Antrieb ERα-vermittelt ist und ERβ-spezifische Liganden ebenso wie Gen diesen Effekt antagonisieren. Des Weiteren wurde deutlich, dass E2, nicht aber Gen über den ERα Einfluss auf die Körperfettverteilung nimmt. Mit einer phytoestrogenreichen Diät konnten in adulten Ratten physiologisch relevante Gen/Dai-Plasmaspiegel erreicht werden, allerdings blieben hierbei die nach einer subkutanen Applikation beobachteten knochenprotektiven Effekte dieser Phytoestrogene aus. Bei der näheren Betrachtung der Gewebehomöostase im Dünndarm zeigte sich, dass über den im Darm verstärkt exprimierten ERβ antiproliferative und proapoptotische Effekte vermittelt werden und Gen in diesem Gewebe wie ein ERβ-spezifischer Agonist wirkt. Bezogen auf eine hormonell bedingte Osteoporose, wie sie bei einem Großteil postmenopausaler Frauen auftritt, scheint das Phytoestrogen Genistein eine mögliche Alternative zur Hormonersatztherapie darzustellen. Außerdem zeigt sich, dass Genistein gewebe- und estrogenrezeptorsubtypspezifische antagonistische und agonistische Einflüsse hat und somit die Charakterisierung als „Phyto-SERMs“ (pflanzlicher selektiver Estrogenrezeptormodulator) zutreffend ist. Sollten sich in weiterführenden Studien die beobachteten Effekte im Dünndarm auch für die Gewebehomöostase im Kolon beschreiben lassen, können vor diesem Hintergrund Genistein und ERβ-spezifische Liganden für die Darmkrebsprävention diskutiert werden…

A study on endocrine disrupters in the environment through the microarray technology

Caldarelli, Antonio 28 March 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Due to the current rise of exposure to natural and synthetic compounds in our daily life, the debate concerning the safety of many substances is becoming increasingly relevant. The estrogenic activity of various compounds, described as xenoestrogens, is the major part of this debate. Humans beings are exposed to these substances from different environmental contaminations ranging from conscious intake of estrogenic substances, as in contraception or in hormone replace therapy (HRT), to unconscious exposure, from food, the use of synthetic material in daily life and air and water pollution. At this point the need for methods to investigate the activity and the safety of these substances is becoming increasingly important. Classical methods for the analysis of the estrogenic activity of substances, like batteries of in vivo test systems on the rat uterotrophic assay are not able to describe the different pathways of action of recently discovered estrogenic substances. This evidence was already shown by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), introducing new test guidelines for the investigation of effects of endocrine disruptors (according to enhanced Test Guideline 407). As reviewed by Nilsson (Nilsson et al., 2001), after the interaction of the estrogens with the Estrogen Receptor (ER) in the cells, the mechanism of activation possible is not only via direct binding of the ER to the Estrogen Responsive Elements (EREs) present in the promoter region of the target gene, very well described for many target genes, but that also other mechanisms are used: the interaction of the ER with the AP 1, Sp 1 and NFkB modes, that are discovered but not yet comprehensively described. The aim of my work is to produce a microarray DNA chip for the investigation of the estrogenic activity of different compounds present in the environment. The chip will consist of a selection of 100 genes that are estrogen responsive and it will cover the spectrum of activities of estrogenic compounds in various organs of the body. In the gene selection, genes were chosen that are estrogen responsive in the classical target tissues of estrogens, linked to reproduction, like uterus and mammary gland, and also in tissues not related to reproduction like liver, bones and capillars. In addition, other genes are included to monitor different pathways that are related to disease states; control of cell proliferation, apoptosis or cancer related genes. Currently these kinds of investigations are already in process, but by other methods which are more time consuming and with a lower throughput e.g. the gene expression profiling using the real time RT-PCR. The use of microarray’s satisfies the need for a less time consuming, high throughput method, to obtain a fast characterization of the gene expression finger print of the candidate substances and their mechanism of action in the organism. In my work I investigated the estrogenic potency of different Xenoestrogens that commonly occur in our daily life, in rat cells and tissue using well known estrogen sensitive genes like C3, Clu, IGFBP1 and CaBP9k. I focused on their effect on cell proliferation, studying PCNA expression. For the first time sensitivity of the gene CA2 was proofed in liver and uterus. A new identified mRNA sequence, r52, was characterized for its sensitivity to estrogenic exposure. This sequence was investigated at the molecular level expanding the known nucleic sequence. I produce a microarray chip with 16 genes to investigate the estrogenic potency of different compounds. As proof of principle of the microarray method completely produced in house I compared the result of gene expression obtained by the chip to that obtained by real time RT PCR finding a similarity of results. This new established method is less sensitive than the real-time RT PCR but allows a high throughput of gene expression analysis producing at the end a more complete picture of the expression signature of a compound.

Wirkung von Endokrinen Disruptoren auf die Tibiametaphyse der ovarektomierten Sprague Dawley Ratte / The effect of endocrine disruptors on the tibial methaphysis of ovariectomized Sprague-Dawley-rats

Vossmann, Vera 08 November 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Wirkungen endokriner Disruptoren auf Prostata und Samenblase der Sprague-Dawley-Ratte / Effects of endocrine disruptors on prostate and seminal vesicle of the Sprague-Dawley-rat

Litvinov, Vitali 02 April 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Charakterisierung östrogener Effekte von Genistein im Modell der langzeitovarektomierten Maus / Characterization of estrogenic effects of genistein in the long-time-ovarectomized mouse model

Niepelt, Anne 21 October 2014 (has links)
Phytoöstrogene sind in den vergangenen Jahren zunehmend in den Fokus der Wissenschaft gerückt, weil sie eine potentielle Alternative zur klassischen Hormonersatztherapie darstellen. Diese ist aufgrund von zum Teil drastischen Nebenwirkungen für den Einsatz von klimakterischen Beschwerden umstritten. In dieser Arbeit wird die dosisabhängige Wirkung des Phytoöstrogens Genistein an ausgewählten östrogenselektiven Organen näher untersucht. Die Versuche wurden am Modell der langzeitovarektomierten Maus durchgeführt. Es wurden 70 ovarektomierte Tiere in sieben Gruppen aufgeteilt und untersucht. Fünf der sieben Gruppen erhielten genisteinhaltiges Futter in verschiedenen Konzentrationen. Die anderen beiden Gruppen erhielten Estradiol als Zusatz oder sojafreie Diät und dienten jeweils als Positiv- und Negativkontrollgruppe. Zusätzlich gab es eine nicht ovarektomierte intakte Kontrollgruppe, die ebenfalls sojafreies Futter erhielt. Während des dreimonatigen Versuchszeitraums wurden regelmäßig Gewicht und Futterverbrauch der Tiere gemessen. Nach Ende des Versuchs wurden die Feuchtgewichte von Uterus und Herz bestimmt sowie die Genexpression am linken Ventrikel von IGF-1, ERα und Myocardin mittels PCR analysiert. Darüber hinaus wurde am Tibia-Knochen per pQCT die Messung der Spongiosadichte, des polaren Widerstandsmoments und des prozentualen Anteils der Trabekel an der Spongiosaquerschnittsfläche durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Genistein direkt am Herz wirkt, indem es das relative Herzgewicht und die Genexpression am Herz erhöht. Genistein beeinflusst auch das Körpergewicht und das relative Gewicht des Uterus und die untersuchten Knochenparameter dosisabhängig. Genistein kann in höherer Dosierung am Uterus proliferierend wirken, jedoch nach derzeitigem Kenntnisstand weniger stark als der klassische Hormonersatztherapie-Wirkstoff E2. Genistein kann zukünftig nur dann eine Therapiealternative zur klassischen Hormonersatztherapie darstellen, wenn es gelingt, eine Dosis zu finden, bei der Genistein die gewünschten Wirkungen entfaltet, gleichzeitig aber die unerwünschte proliferierende Wirkung an Brust und Uterus sicher ausgeschlossen werden kann. Im Modell der ovarektomierten Maus scheint eine Dosis von 1 g/kg Genistein im Futter ein vielversprechender Ansatzpunkt für weitere Untersuchungen zu sein.

Estrogen Receptor-Beta Dependent Activities of Dietary Compounds in a Genetically Modified Rat Raphe Nuclei-Derived Cell Line

Amer, Dena Ahmed Mohamed 21 July 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Estrogens greatly affect the activity and connectivity of serotonergic neural cell populations, which extend from clusters of nuclei in the brainstem, termed the raphe nuclei, where estrogen receptor β is the most abundantly expressed estrogen receptor subtype. Estrogenic effects on the raphe nuclei are primarily important for influencing various neuropsychological behaviors, including depression, mood swings and anxiety behaviors. Because of this connection, phases of intense hormone fluctuations for instance during menopause are often associated with several mood disturbances that often reduce the quality of life of menopausal women. Accordingly, long-term use of hormone replacement therapy appeared to be the method of choice for many menopausal women to help alleviate vasomotor symptoms, which may include neuropsychological changes such as depression. However, given the limitations and number of serious health risks attributed to hormone replacement therapy, natural compounds such as phytoestrogens are receiving widespread awareness due to their occurrence in medicinal plant extracts and a wide variety of food items including dietary supplements with respective health claims. Flavonoids, particularly the isoflavones and the naringenin-type flavanones, belong to a group of polyphenolic plant-derived secondary metabolites known to possess estrogen-like bioactivities. Nevertheless, little is known about their transactivational activity and their potential to regulate endogenous gene expression of estrogen responsive genes in the raphe nuclei due to the lack of suitable cellular models expressing sufficient amounts of functional estrogen receptor β. Hence, a raphe nuclei-derived cell line that expresses a functional estrogen receptor β was sought as a model to investigate effects of flavonoids in vitro. In this regard, RN46A-B14 cells derived from embryonic day 13 rat medullary raphe nuclei were primarily used in this study as the main cellular model. Nonetheless, expression of endogenous estrogen receptor β in these cells was not sufficient to pursue downstream investigations of estrogen-dependent activities. To overcome this deficit, a rat raphe nuclei-derived in vitro model that overexpresses a functional estrogen receptor β was initially established (herein termed RNDA cells) by stably transducing its parent cell line, RN46A-B14 cells, with a suitable lentiviral expression vector encoding a human estrogen receptor β gene. The stable expression and the functional characterization of the transgenic receptor was confirmed by Western blot analysis and luciferase reporter gene assays, respectively. The same reporter gene assay was used to scrutinize the transactivational activity of the flavonoids in RNDA cells. Key results revealed that Genistein, Daidzein, Equol, Naringenin and 8-Prenylnaringenin demonstrated high transactivational activity in a concentration-dependent manner by stimulating luciferase expression from an estrogen responsive element-regulated reporter gene construct transiently transfected in RNDA cells. Low transactivational activity was observed in RNDA cells in response to increasing concentrations of 7-(O-prenyl)naringenin-4'-acetate. However, no transactivational activity was noticed in response to 6-(1,1-Dimethylallyl)naringenin in the studied cell model. All effects elicited by the flavonoids were antagonized by the pure estrogen receptor antagonist, Fulvestrant, indicating that all substances act by binding to and activating the transgenic ERβ. Additional effects were observed in RNDA cells in response to a co-treatment of 1 µM of either Genistein or Daidzein, but not Equol, with 10 nM 17β-Estradiol. Slight antagonistic effects were observed in the same studied cell line when either 8-Prenylnaringenin or 7-(O-prenyl)naringenin-4'-acetate, but not Naringenin or 6-(1,1-Dimethylallyl)naringenin, were co-added with 17β-Estradiol. Results from the reporter gene assays were validated on the basis of regulation of mRNA expression of estrogen responsive genes following the global assessment of 17β-Estradiol-induced gene expression in this cell line using a DNA microarray technique. Out of 212 estrogen-regulated genes with at least two-fold change of expression, six were selected according to specific features of estrogenic regulation of expression. The expression of the six selected 17β-Estradiol-regulated genes was validated using quantitative real-time PCR analysis. The regulation of mRNA expression of the selected genes in response to the tested flavonoids was then investigated in RNDA cells. Additionally, because RNDA cells encode a temperature-sensitive mutant of the Simian Virus 40 large T-antigen, their neuronal differentiation is constitutive upon shifting them from conditions promoting proliferation (permissive temperature) to differentiation (non permissive temperature). Hence, the regulation of mRNA expression of the selected genes in response to the tested flavonoids was additionally investigated as RNDA cells differentiate. In RNDA cells grown under proliferative conditions, 17β-Estradiol up-regulated mRNA expression of camello-like 5, sex determining region Y-box 18 and keratin type I cytoskeletal 19. Similar effects were observed in response to 8-Prenylnaringenin, Genistein, Daidzein and Equol. In addition, 17β-Estradiol down-regulated mRNA expression of neurofilament medium polypeptide and zinc finger DHHC-type containing 2. Similar effects were observed in response to 8-Prenylnaringenin, Naringenin, Genistein, Daidzein and Equol. Yet, no effect was observed on the regulation of mRNA expression of solute carrier family 6 member 4 in response to 17β-Estradiol or the flavonoids in RNDA cells grown under proliferative conditions. When RNDA cells were shifted to conditions promoting differentiation, changes in cell morphology, in mRNA expression levels and in responsiveness towards 17β-Estradiol or the flavonoids were observed. These expression studies additionally highlighted some of the genes as indicator genes for RNDA cellular differentiation. The newly established RNDA cell line should prove useful to elucidate basic physiological properties of estrogen receptor β in the raphe nuclei. The present study should serve as the basis to help shed light on molecular and cellular mechanisms following the action of phytoestrogens, endocrine disruptors or other exogenous estrogen receptor ligands in neural cell populations, particularly the raphe nuclei, for further applications within the brain.

Phytoestrogens and prostate cancer : experimental, clinical, and epidemiological studies /

Bylund, Annika, January 2007 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Umeå : Univ., 2007. / Härtill 5 uppsatser.

Etude phytochimique de deux espèces de Platanaceae européennes Platanus acerifolia (France) et Platanus orientalis (Grèce) / Phytochemical study of two european species Platanaceae, Platanus acerifolia (France) and Platanus orientalis (Greece)

Thai, Quoc Dang 10 July 2014 (has links)
Le platane est un arbre de la famille des Platanaceae très commun en ville en particulier en Europe et dans toutes les zones tempérées. Les espèces du genre Platanus et plus particulièrement l’espèce Platanus orientalis, très répandue en Grèce, sont sévèrement attaquées par des agents phytopathogènes provoquant le chancre coloré du platane, l’anthracnose ou l’oïdium. En revanche, Platanus acerifolia, un hybride obtenu entre P. occidentalis and P. orientalis, très commun en France, se montre plus résistant vis-à-vis de ces pathogènes. L’étude par HPLC d’extraits de deux espèces de Platanaceae européennes P. acerifolia et P. orientalis a montré des différences selon le solvant d’extraction. L’extrait dichlorométhanique de P. acerifolia s’est montré plus riche en composés que l’espèce P. orientalis. Par contre, les chromatogrammes obtenus à partir des extraits méthanoliques sont très similaires et dominés par les deux composés majoritaires (tiliroside et platanoside). Des techniques préparatives comme la chromatographie de partage centrifuge (CPC), la moyenne pression (MPLC), la chromatographie sur colonne de Sephadex ou sur résine XAD-7 ont été utilisées afin d’isoler les différents constituants majoritaires et d’identifier les composés qui diffèrent d’une espèce à l’autre. L’élucidation structurale est réalisée grâce à des techniques telles que HR-EIS-MS et RMN 1D & 2D. L’étude de l’extrait dichlorométhanique nous a permis de compléter la connaissance phytochimique de ces deux plantes européennes et a conduit à l’isolement et à la détermination structurale de 38 molécules dont 7 composés nouveaux (1 coumarine, 3 flavonols prenylés, 2 dihydrochalcones, un terpénoïde. Par ailleurs, l’extrait méthanolique a conduit d’une part à l’isolement du tiliroside et du platanoside majoritaires et d’autre part à l’isolement de composés minoritaires, trente-trois autres molécules dont 5 nouveaux composés (1 flavonol glucosylé, 3 coumarines, 1 dihydrochalcone). Enfin, l’évaluation biologique des composés isolés in vitro ou in vivo a été réalisée sur différentes cibles : activités antifongiques, anti-âge, antioestrogéniques. Les activités cytotoxiques sur les cellules de cancer du sein MCF-7 et sur les cellules de cancer de l’endomètre (ISHIKAWA). / Platanus is a small genus of trees belonging to Platanaceae family, very common in Europe and temperate zones. Platanus species, and especially Platanus orientalis (Oriental plane), wide-spread in Greece are known to be severely attacked by phytopathogens such as Ceratocystis fimbriata f. sp. platani for canker stain, Apiognomonia veneta for anthracnose and Microsphaera platini for powdery mildew. However Platanus acerifolia (London plane), a hybrid between the P. occidentalis and P. orientalis, which is very common in France, have been found to be resistant to these pathogenic fungi. The HPLC profile of the dichloromethane extracts of the two species P. orientalis and P. acerifolia revealed a qualititative difference whereas, the methanol extracts were found to be similar with two predominant phenolic constituents (tiliroside and platanoside) present in both species. Further isolation and purification of their secondary metabolites were performed using various chromatographic techniques (CPC, MPLC, CC, XAD-7, Sephadex LH20, prep-TLC) and their identification was performed by HRMS and NMR (1 & 2D) spectroscopy. The studies of dichloromethane extract allowed us to deal with phytochemical knowledge of these two European plants in depth and led to isolation and structural elucidation of 38 compounds including 7 news constituents (1 coumarin, 3 flavonols, 2 dihydrochalcones and 1 terpenoid). Moreover, the methanol extract led to the isolation of their major constituents (tiliroside and platanoside) in one step. Furthermore, 33 minors compounds were isolated including 5 news compounds (one flavonol glycoside 3 coumarins and 1 dihydrochalcone). In addition, the isolated compounds have been subjected to in vitro or in vivo evaluation on different targets: antifungal, anti-ageing, anti-oestrogenic properties. Finally, the cytotoxic activity was studied on breast cancer cells (MCF-7) and endometrial cancer (Ishikawa).

Analyse molekularer Mechanismen der ERα- und ERβ-vermittelten Wirkung spezifischer Liganden und des Phytoestrogens Genistein

Hertrampf, Torsten 23 May 2007 (has links)
Die Behandlung menopausaler und postmenopausaler Beschwerden ist mit einem erhöhten Risiko verbunden, an Mamma- und Endometriumskarzinomen zu erkranken. Darüber hinaus zeigen epidemiologische Studien, dass in ostasiatischen Ländern postmenopausale Beschwerden, osteoporotische Frakturen und Herz-Kreislauferkrankungen seltener auftreten als in westlichen Ländern. Vor diesem Hintergrund war es Ziel der Untersuchungen dieser Arbeit, in dem Tiermodell der ovarektomierten Ratte die mögliche Bedeutung von estrogenrezeptorsubtypspezifischen Einflüssen für hormonell bedingte Erkrankungen und Beschwerden zu untersuchen. Hierbei sollten gewebespezifische Wirkungen estrogenrezeptorsubtypspezifischer Liganden untersucht und explizit die Bedeutung der Estrogenrezeptorsubtypen ERα und ERβ bei der Gewebehomöostase in Knochen und Darm analysiert werden. Darüber hinaus sollten vor dem Hintergrund estrogenrezeptorsubtypspezifischer Wirkungsweisen gewebespezifische Einflüsse des Phytoestrogens Genistein (Gen) näher charakterisiert werden. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass nach einer subkutanen Applikation der knochenprotektive Einfluss von Gen mit dem von Estradiol (E2) vergleichbar ist, durch die Kombination mit Bewegung verstärkt wird und über den ERα vermittelt zu sein scheint. Es zeigte sich außerdem, dass der stimulierende Einfluss von E2 auf den motorischen Antrieb ERα-vermittelt ist und ERβ-spezifische Liganden ebenso wie Gen diesen Effekt antagonisieren. Des Weiteren wurde deutlich, dass E2, nicht aber Gen über den ERα Einfluss auf die Körperfettverteilung nimmt. Mit einer phytoestrogenreichen Diät konnten in adulten Ratten physiologisch relevante Gen/Dai-Plasmaspiegel erreicht werden, allerdings blieben hierbei die nach einer subkutanen Applikation beobachteten knochenprotektiven Effekte dieser Phytoestrogene aus. Bei der näheren Betrachtung der Gewebehomöostase im Dünndarm zeigte sich, dass über den im Darm verstärkt exprimierten ERβ antiproliferative und proapoptotische Effekte vermittelt werden und Gen in diesem Gewebe wie ein ERβ-spezifischer Agonist wirkt. Bezogen auf eine hormonell bedingte Osteoporose, wie sie bei einem Großteil postmenopausaler Frauen auftritt, scheint das Phytoestrogen Genistein eine mögliche Alternative zur Hormonersatztherapie darzustellen. Außerdem zeigt sich, dass Genistein gewebe- und estrogenrezeptorsubtypspezifische antagonistische und agonistische Einflüsse hat und somit die Charakterisierung als „Phyto-SERMs“ (pflanzlicher selektiver Estrogenrezeptormodulator) zutreffend ist. Sollten sich in weiterführenden Studien die beobachteten Effekte im Dünndarm auch für die Gewebehomöostase im Kolon beschreiben lassen, können vor diesem Hintergrund Genistein und ERβ-spezifische Liganden für die Darmkrebsprävention diskutiert werden…

Estrogen Receptor-Beta Dependent Activities of Dietary Compounds in a Genetically Modified Rat Raphe Nuclei-Derived Cell Line

Amer, Dena Ahmed Mohamed 10 June 2011 (has links)
Estrogens greatly affect the activity and connectivity of serotonergic neural cell populations, which extend from clusters of nuclei in the brainstem, termed the raphe nuclei, where estrogen receptor β is the most abundantly expressed estrogen receptor subtype. Estrogenic effects on the raphe nuclei are primarily important for influencing various neuropsychological behaviors, including depression, mood swings and anxiety behaviors. Because of this connection, phases of intense hormone fluctuations for instance during menopause are often associated with several mood disturbances that often reduce the quality of life of menopausal women. Accordingly, long-term use of hormone replacement therapy appeared to be the method of choice for many menopausal women to help alleviate vasomotor symptoms, which may include neuropsychological changes such as depression. However, given the limitations and number of serious health risks attributed to hormone replacement therapy, natural compounds such as phytoestrogens are receiving widespread awareness due to their occurrence in medicinal plant extracts and a wide variety of food items including dietary supplements with respective health claims. Flavonoids, particularly the isoflavones and the naringenin-type flavanones, belong to a group of polyphenolic plant-derived secondary metabolites known to possess estrogen-like bioactivities. Nevertheless, little is known about their transactivational activity and their potential to regulate endogenous gene expression of estrogen responsive genes in the raphe nuclei due to the lack of suitable cellular models expressing sufficient amounts of functional estrogen receptor β. Hence, a raphe nuclei-derived cell line that expresses a functional estrogen receptor β was sought as a model to investigate effects of flavonoids in vitro. In this regard, RN46A-B14 cells derived from embryonic day 13 rat medullary raphe nuclei were primarily used in this study as the main cellular model. Nonetheless, expression of endogenous estrogen receptor β in these cells was not sufficient to pursue downstream investigations of estrogen-dependent activities. To overcome this deficit, a rat raphe nuclei-derived in vitro model that overexpresses a functional estrogen receptor β was initially established (herein termed RNDA cells) by stably transducing its parent cell line, RN46A-B14 cells, with a suitable lentiviral expression vector encoding a human estrogen receptor β gene. The stable expression and the functional characterization of the transgenic receptor was confirmed by Western blot analysis and luciferase reporter gene assays, respectively. The same reporter gene assay was used to scrutinize the transactivational activity of the flavonoids in RNDA cells. Key results revealed that Genistein, Daidzein, Equol, Naringenin and 8-Prenylnaringenin demonstrated high transactivational activity in a concentration-dependent manner by stimulating luciferase expression from an estrogen responsive element-regulated reporter gene construct transiently transfected in RNDA cells. Low transactivational activity was observed in RNDA cells in response to increasing concentrations of 7-(O-prenyl)naringenin-4'-acetate. However, no transactivational activity was noticed in response to 6-(1,1-Dimethylallyl)naringenin in the studied cell model. All effects elicited by the flavonoids were antagonized by the pure estrogen receptor antagonist, Fulvestrant, indicating that all substances act by binding to and activating the transgenic ERβ. Additional effects were observed in RNDA cells in response to a co-treatment of 1 µM of either Genistein or Daidzein, but not Equol, with 10 nM 17β-Estradiol. Slight antagonistic effects were observed in the same studied cell line when either 8-Prenylnaringenin or 7-(O-prenyl)naringenin-4'-acetate, but not Naringenin or 6-(1,1-Dimethylallyl)naringenin, were co-added with 17β-Estradiol. Results from the reporter gene assays were validated on the basis of regulation of mRNA expression of estrogen responsive genes following the global assessment of 17β-Estradiol-induced gene expression in this cell line using a DNA microarray technique. Out of 212 estrogen-regulated genes with at least two-fold change of expression, six were selected according to specific features of estrogenic regulation of expression. The expression of the six selected 17β-Estradiol-regulated genes was validated using quantitative real-time PCR analysis. The regulation of mRNA expression of the selected genes in response to the tested flavonoids was then investigated in RNDA cells. Additionally, because RNDA cells encode a temperature-sensitive mutant of the Simian Virus 40 large T-antigen, their neuronal differentiation is constitutive upon shifting them from conditions promoting proliferation (permissive temperature) to differentiation (non permissive temperature). Hence, the regulation of mRNA expression of the selected genes in response to the tested flavonoids was additionally investigated as RNDA cells differentiate. In RNDA cells grown under proliferative conditions, 17β-Estradiol up-regulated mRNA expression of camello-like 5, sex determining region Y-box 18 and keratin type I cytoskeletal 19. Similar effects were observed in response to 8-Prenylnaringenin, Genistein, Daidzein and Equol. In addition, 17β-Estradiol down-regulated mRNA expression of neurofilament medium polypeptide and zinc finger DHHC-type containing 2. Similar effects were observed in response to 8-Prenylnaringenin, Naringenin, Genistein, Daidzein and Equol. Yet, no effect was observed on the regulation of mRNA expression of solute carrier family 6 member 4 in response to 17β-Estradiol or the flavonoids in RNDA cells grown under proliferative conditions. When RNDA cells were shifted to conditions promoting differentiation, changes in cell morphology, in mRNA expression levels and in responsiveness towards 17β-Estradiol or the flavonoids were observed. These expression studies additionally highlighted some of the genes as indicator genes for RNDA cellular differentiation. The newly established RNDA cell line should prove useful to elucidate basic physiological properties of estrogen receptor β in the raphe nuclei. The present study should serve as the basis to help shed light on molecular and cellular mechanisms following the action of phytoestrogens, endocrine disruptors or other exogenous estrogen receptor ligands in neural cell populations, particularly the raphe nuclei, for further applications within the brain.

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