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Periodic Solutions And Stability Of Differential Equations With Piecewise Constant Argument Of Generalized TypeBuyukadali, Cemil 01 July 2009 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, we study periodic solutions and stability of differential equations with piecewise constant argument of generalized type. These equations can be divided into three main classes: differential equations with retarded, alternately advanced-retarded, and state-dependent piecewise constant argument of generalized type.
First, using the method of small parameter due to Poincaré / , the existence and stability of periodic solutions of quasilinear differential equations with retarded piecewise constant
argument of generalized type in noncritical case, that is, the unperturbed linear ordinary differential equation has not any nontrivial periodic solution, are investigated. The continuous and differential dependence of the solutions on an initial value
and a parameter is considered. A new Gronwall-Bellmann type lemma is proved.
Next, quasilinear differential equations with alternately advanced-retarded piecewise constant argument of generalized type is addressed. The critical case, when associated linear homogeneous system admits nontrivial periodic solutions, is considered. Using the technique of Poincaré / -Malkin, criteria of existence of periodic solutions of such equations are obtained. One of the main auxiliary results is an analogue of Gronwall-Bellmann Lemma for functions with alternately advanced-retarded piecewise constant argument. Dependence of solutions on an initial value and a parameter
is investigated.
Finally, a new class of differential equations with
state-dependent piecewise constant argument is introduced. It is an extension of systems with piecewise constant argument. Fundamental theoretical results for the equations: existence and uniqueness of solutions, the existence of the periodic solutions, the stability of the zero solution are
obtained. Appropriate examples are constructed.
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Non-commutative quantum mechanics : properties of piecewise constant potentials in two dimensionsThom, Jacobus D. (Jacobus Daniel) 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Physics))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this thesis is threefold. Firstly, I give an overview of non-commutative quan-
tum mechanics and build up a description of non-commutative piecewise constant poten-
tial wells in this context. Secondly, I look at some of the stationary properties of a finite
non-commutative well using the mathematical tools laid out in the first part. Lastly, I in-
vestigate how non-commutativity affects the tunneling rate through a barrier. Throughout
this work I give the normal commutative descriptions and results for comparsion. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie tesis is drievoudig. Eerstens gee ek ’n oorsig van niekommutatiewe
kwantummeganika en bou daarmee ’n beskrywing van niekommutatiewe deelswyskon-
stante potensiaal putte op. Tweedens kyk ek na ’n paar van die stasionˆere eienskappe
van ’n eindige niekommutatiewe potensiaal put deur die wiskunde te gebruik wat in die
eerste deel uiteengesit is. Laastens ondersoek ek hoe niekommutatiwiteit die spoed van
tonneling deur ’n potensiaal wal be¨ınvloed. Dwarsdeur die hierdie hele tesis gee ek die
normale kommutatiewe beskrywings en resultate vir maklike vergelyking.
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Extension Of The Logistic Equation With Piecewise Constant Arguments And Population DynamicsAltintan, Derya 01 July 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Population dynamics is the dominant branch of mathematical biology. The first model for population dynamics was developed by Thomas Malthus. A more complicated model was developed by Pierre Franç / ois Verhulst and it is called the
logistic equation. Our aim in this thesis is to extend the models using piecewise constant arguments and to find the conditions when the models have fixed points, periodic solutions and chaos with investigation of stability of periodic solutions.
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Neural Networks With Piecewise Constant Argument And Impact ActivationYilmaz, Enes 01 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
This dissertation addresses the new models in mathematical neuroscience: artificial neural networks, which have many similarities with the structure of human brain and the functions of cells by electronic circuits. The networks have been investigated due to their extensive applications in classification of patterns, associative memories, image processing, artificial intelligence, signal processing and optimization problems. These applications depend crucially on the dynamical behaviors of the networks. In this thesis the dynamics are presented by differential equations with discontinuities: differential equations with piecewise constant argument of generalized type, and both impulses at fixed moments and piecewise constant argument. A discussion of the models, which are appropriate for the proposed applications, are also provided.
Qualitative analysis of existence and uniqueness of solutions, global asymptotic stability, uniform asymptotic stability and global exponential stability of equilibria, existence of periodic solutions and their global asymptotic stability for these networks are obtained. Examples with numerical simulations are given to validate the theoretical results.
All the properties are rigorously approved by using methods for differential equations with discontinuities: existence and uniqueness theorems / stability analysis through the Second Lyapunov method and linearization. It is the first time that the problem of stability with the method of Lyapunov functions for differential equations with piecewise constant argument of generalized type is investigated. Despite the fact that these equations are with deviating argument, stability criteria are merely found in terms of Lyapunov functions.
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Robust Methods for Interval-Censored Life History DataTolusso, David January 2008 (has links)
Interval censoring arises frequently in life history data, as individuals are
often only observed at a sequence of assessment times. This leads to a
situation where we do not know when an event of interest occurs, only that it
occurred somewhere between two assessment times. Here, the focus will be on
methods of estimation for recurrent event data, current status data, and
multistate data, subject to interval censoring.
With recurrent event data, the focus is often on estimating the rate and mean
functions. Nonparametric estimates are readily available, but are not smooth.
Methods based on local likelihood and the assumption of a Poisson process are
developed to obtain smooth estimates of the rate and mean functions without
specifying a parametric form. Covariates and extra-Poisson variation are
accommodated by using a pseudo-profile local likelihood. The methods are
assessed by simulations and applied to a number of datasets, including data
from a psoriatic arthritis clinic.
Current status data is an extreme form of interval censoring that occurs when
each individual is observed at only one assessment time. If current status
data arise in clusters, this must be taken into account in order to obtain
valid conclusions. Copulas offer a convenient framework for modelling the
association separately from the margins. Estimating equations are developed
for estimating marginal parameters as well as association parameters.
Efficiency and robustness to the choice of copula are examined for first and
second order estimating equations. The methods are applied to data from an
orthopedic surgery study as well as data on joint damage in psoriatic
Multistate models can be used to characterize the progression of a disease as
individuals move through different states. Considerable attention is given
to a three-state model to characterize the development of a back condition
known as spondylitis in psoriatic arthritis, along with the associated
risk of mortality. Robust estimates of the state occupancy probabilities are
derived based on a difference in distribution functions of the entry times.
A five-state model which differentiates between left-side and right-side
spondylitis is also considered, which allows us to characterize what effect
spondylitis on one side of the body has on the development of
spondylitis on the other side. Covariate effects are considered through
multiplicative time homogeneous Markov models. The robust state occupancy
probabilities are also applied to data on CMV infection in patients with HIV.
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Robust Methods for Interval-Censored Life History DataTolusso, David January 2008 (has links)
Interval censoring arises frequently in life history data, as individuals are
often only observed at a sequence of assessment times. This leads to a
situation where we do not know when an event of interest occurs, only that it
occurred somewhere between two assessment times. Here, the focus will be on
methods of estimation for recurrent event data, current status data, and
multistate data, subject to interval censoring.
With recurrent event data, the focus is often on estimating the rate and mean
functions. Nonparametric estimates are readily available, but are not smooth.
Methods based on local likelihood and the assumption of a Poisson process are
developed to obtain smooth estimates of the rate and mean functions without
specifying a parametric form. Covariates and extra-Poisson variation are
accommodated by using a pseudo-profile local likelihood. The methods are
assessed by simulations and applied to a number of datasets, including data
from a psoriatic arthritis clinic.
Current status data is an extreme form of interval censoring that occurs when
each individual is observed at only one assessment time. If current status
data arise in clusters, this must be taken into account in order to obtain
valid conclusions. Copulas offer a convenient framework for modelling the
association separately from the margins. Estimating equations are developed
for estimating marginal parameters as well as association parameters.
Efficiency and robustness to the choice of copula are examined for first and
second order estimating equations. The methods are applied to data from an
orthopedic surgery study as well as data on joint damage in psoriatic
Multistate models can be used to characterize the progression of a disease as
individuals move through different states. Considerable attention is given
to a three-state model to characterize the development of a back condition
known as spondylitis in psoriatic arthritis, along with the associated
risk of mortality. Robust estimates of the state occupancy probabilities are
derived based on a difference in distribution functions of the entry times.
A five-state model which differentiates between left-side and right-side
spondylitis is also considered, which allows us to characterize what effect
spondylitis on one side of the body has on the development of
spondylitis on the other side. Covariate effects are considered through
multiplicative time homogeneous Markov models. The robust state occupancy
probabilities are also applied to data on CMV infection in patients with HIV.
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Statistical Methods for Life History Analysis Involving Latent ProcessesShen, Hua January 2014 (has links)
Incomplete data often arise in the study of life history processes. Examples include missing responses, missing covariates, and unobservable latent processes in addition to right censoring. This thesis is on the development of statistical models and methods to address these problems as they arise in oncology and chronic disease. Methods of estimation and inference in parametric, weakly parametric and semiparametric settings are investigated.
Studies of chronic diseases routinely sample individuals subject to conditions on an event time of interest. In epidemiology, for example, prevalent cohort studies aiming to evaluate risk factors for survival following onset of dementia require subjects to have survived to the point of screening. In clinical trials designed to assess the effect of experimental cancer treatments on survival, patients are required to survive from the time of cancer diagnosis to recruitment. Such conditions yield samples featuring left-truncated event time distributions. Incomplete covariate data often arise in such settings, but standard methods do not deal with the fact that the covariate distribution is also affected by left truncation. We develop a likelihood and algorithm for estimation for dealing with incomplete covariate data in such settings. An expectation-maximization algorithm deals with the left truncation by using the covariate distribution conditional on the selection criterion. An extension to deal with sub-group analyses in clinical trials is described for the case in which the stratification variable is incompletely observed.
In studies of affective disorder, individuals are often observed to experience recurrent symptomatic exacerbations of symptoms warranting hospitalization. Interest lies in modeling the occurrence of such exacerbations over time and identifying associated risk factors to better understand the disease process. In some patients, recurrent exacerbations are temporally clustered following disease onset, but cease to occur after a period of time. We develop a dynamic mover-stayer model in which a canonical binary variable associated with each event indicates whether the underlying disease has resolved. An individual whose disease process has not resolved will experience events following a standard point process model governed by a latent intensity. If and when the disease process resolves, the complete data intensity becomes zero and no further events will arise. An expectation-maximization algorithm is developed for parametric and semiparametric model fitting based on a discrete time dynamic mover-stayer model and a latent intensity-based model of the underlying point process. The method is applied to a motivating dataset from a cohort of individuals with affective disorder experiencing recurrent hospitalization for their mental health disorder.
Interval-censored recurrent event data arise when the event of interest is not readily observed but the cumulative event count can be recorded at periodic assessment times. Extensions on model fitting techniques for the dynamic mover-stayer model are discussed and incorporate interval censoring. The likelihood and algorithm for estimation are developed for piecewise constant baseline rate functions and are shown to yield estimators with small empirical bias in simulation studies. Data on the cumulative number of damaged joints in patients with psoriatic arthritis are analysed to provide an illustrative application.
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Développement d'une nouvelle modélisation de la loi de choc dans les codes de transport neutronique multigroupes / A new modelling of the multigroup scattering cross section in deterministic codes for neutron transport.Calloo, Ansar 10 October 2012 (has links)
Dans le cadre de la conception des réacteurs, les schémas de calculs utilisant des codes de cal- culs neutroniques déterministes sont validés par rapport à un calcul stochastique de référence. Les biais résiduels sont dus aux approximations et modélisations (modèle d'autoprotection, développement en polynômes de Legendre des lois de choc) qui sont mises en oeuvre pour représenter les phénomènes physiques (absorption résonnante, anisotropie de diffusion respec- tivement). Ce document se penche sur la question de la pertinence de la modélisation de la loi de choc sur une base polynômiale tronquée. Les polynômes de Legendre sont utilisés pour représenter la section de transfert multigroupe dans les codes déterministes or ces polynômes modélisent mal la forme très piquée de ces sections, surtout dans le cadre des maillages énergétiques fins et pour les noyaux légers. Par ailleurs, cette représentation introduit aussi des valeurs négatives qui n'ont pas de sens physique. Dans ce travail, après une brève description des lois de chocs, les limites des méthodes actuelles sont démontrées. Une modélisation de la loi de choc par une fonction constante par morceaux qui pallie à ces insuffisances, a été retenue. Cette dernière nécessite une autre mod- élisation de la source de transfert, donc une modification de la méthode actuelle des ordonnées discrètes pour résoudre l'équation du transport. La méthode de volumes finis en angle a donc été développée et implantée dans l'environ- nement du solveur Sn Snatch, la plateforme Paris. Il a été vérifié que ses performances étaient similaires à la méthode collocative habituelle pour des sections représentées par des polynômes de Legendre. Par rapport à cette dernière, elle offre l'avantage de traiter les deux représenta- tions des sections de transferts multigroupes : polynômes de Legendre et fonctions constantes par morceaux. Dans le cadre des calculs des réacteurs, cette méthode mixte a été validée sur différents motifs : des cellules en réseau infini, des motifs hétérogènes et un calcul de réflecteur. Les principaux résultats sont : - un développement polynômial à l'ordre P 3 est suffisant par rapport aux biais résiduels dus aux autres modélisations (autoprotection, méthode de résolution spatiale). Cette modéli- sation est convergée au sens de l'anisotropie du choc sur les cas représentatifs des réacteurs à eau légère. - la correction de transport P 0c n'est pas adaptée, notamment sur les calculs d'absorbant B4 C. / In reactor physics, calculation schemes with deterministic codes are validated with respect to a reference Monte Carlo code. The remaining biases are attributed to the approximations and models induced by the multigroup theory (self-shielding models and expansion of the scattering law using Legendre polynomials) to represent physical phenomena (resonant absorption and scattering anisotropy respectively). This work focuses on the relevance of a polynomial expansion to model the scattering law. Since the outset of reactor physics, the latter has been expanded on a truncated Legendre polynomial basis. However, the transfer cross sections are highly anisotropic, with non-zero values for a very small range of the cosine of the scattering angle. Besides, the finer the energy mesh and the lighter the scattering nucleus, the more exacerbated is the peaked shape of this cross section. As such, the Legendre expansion is less suited to represent the scattering law. Furthermore, this model induces negative values which are non-physical. In this work, various scattering laws are briefly described and the limitations of the existing model are pointed out. Hence, piecewise-constant functions have been used to represent the multigroup scattering cross section. This representation requires a different model for the dif- fusion source. The discrete ordinates method which is widely employed to solve the transport equation has been adapted. Thus, the finite volume method for angular discretisation has been developed and imple- mented in Paris environment which hosts the Sn solver, Snatch. The angular finite volume method has been compared to the collocation method with Legendre moments to ensure its proper performance. Moreover, unlike the latter, this method is adapted for both the Legendre moments and the piecewise-constant functions representations of the scattering cross section. This hybrid-source method has been validated for different cases: fuel cell in infinite lattice, heterogeneous clusters and 1D core-reflector calculations. The main results are given below : - a P 3 expansion is sufficient to model the scattering law with respect to the biases due to the other approximations used for calculations (self-shielding, spatial resolution method). This order of expansion is converged for anisotropy representation in the modelling of light water reactors. - the transport correction, P 0c is not suited for calculations, especially for B4 C absorbant.
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Solutions presque automorphes et S asymptotiquement ω– périodiques pour une classe d’équations d’évolution / Almost automorphic and S asymptotically omega-periodic solutions for a class of evolution equationsDimbour, William 14 May 2013 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse est consacré à l’étude d’équations d’évolution et d’équations différentielles à argument constant par morceaux. L’étude des équations différentielles à argument constant par morceaux est un domaine important car ces équations ont la structure de système dynanmique de longueur constante. La continuité des solutions conduit à une relation de récurrence entre les valeurs de cette dernière entre les points n et n+1, où n est un entier relatif quelconque. Par conséquent les équations différentielles à argument constant par morceaux combinent à la fois les propriétés des équations différentielles et des équations aux différences. Nous étudierons l’existence de solutions presque automorphes et S-asymptotiquement omega-périodiques d’équations d’évolutions et d’équations à argument constant par morceaux. L’étude de solutions presque automorphes et S’asymptotiquement omega periodiques est motivé par le fait que ces fonctions généralisent celle des fonctions périodiques. Nous obtiendrons donc des résultats concernant l’existence et l’unicité de solutions presque automorphes et S asymptotiquement omega périodiques de plusieurs équations d’évolutions. Cette problématique sera notamment étudiée dans le cadre des équations d’évolutions appartenant à la classe des équations différentielles à argument constant par morceaux. / This thesis deals with the study of evolution equations and differential equations with piecewise constant argument. Studies of such equations were motivated by the fact that they represent a hybrid of discrete and continuous dynamical systems and combine the properties of both differential and differential-difference equations. We study the existence of almost automorphic solutions and S asymptotically omega periodic solution of evolution equations and differential equations with piecewise constant argument. The study of almost automorphic and S asymptotically omega periodic functions is motivated by the fact that these functions generalize the concept of periodic functions. Therefore, we obtain results about existence and unicity of almost automorphic and S asymptotic omega periodic solution of evolution equations. We will study this problem considering evolution equations who belong to a class of differential equation with piecewise constant argument.
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Encouraging Mothers : The effect of German regional childcare policies on maternal employment between 2006 and 2018Schubert, Henrik-Alexander January 2020 (has links)
Childbearing is often associated with employment interruptions in women’s careers. Since 2005, the German federal government has implemented childcare reforms aiming at expanding the suitable infrastructure for children under the age of three, which should facilitate and accelerate the return to employment. The reforms have been a paradigm shift, because they show a shift from a traditional breadwinner family model to a dual earner-carer model. Despite federal leadership in childcare reforms, the characteristics of the care infrastructure in Germany vary by state and over time, which may contribute to different employment-interruption lengths. The study at hand evaluates Germany’s recent childcare reforms regarding the impact on maternal employment by examining relationships between childcare-characteristics -namely quality and availability- and mothers’ employment interruptions. A piecewise-constant exponential model is used to capture the cross-state and over time differences in childcare and their impact on the timing of women’s return to employment within the first three years after birth of their first child. The study uses individual data from the Pairfam 10.0 study and childcare indicators, which are collected by the federal and state’s statistical bureaus. The risk population includes 927 first-time mothers who gave birth between March 2006 and March 2018. Within this period, 525 first-time mothers return to employment within the first three years after childbirth. A significant positive effect of the childcare reform on maternal employment is revealed. Both the availability expansion and the quality improvements are associated with earlier returns to employment, establishing both institutional and cultural effects of childcare policies. An educational gradient of the effect of childcare quality on maternal employment was tested, but the results were not significant.
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