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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utility indifference pricing of insurance catastrophe derivatives

Eichler, Andreas, Leobacher, Gunther, Szölgyenyi, Michaela January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
We propose a model for an insurance loss index and the claims process of a single insurance company holding a fraction of the total number of contracts that captures both ordinary losses and losses due to catastrophes. In this model we price a catastrophe derivative by the method of utility indifference pricing. The associated stochastic optimization problem is treated by techniques for piecewise deterministic Markov processes. A numerical study illustrates our results.

Stochastic Switching in Evolution Equations

Lawley, Sean David January 2014 (has links)
<p>We consider stochastic hybrid systems that stem from evolution equations with right-hand sides that stochastically switch between a given set of right-hand sides. To begin our study, we consider a linear ordinary differential equation whose right-hand side stochastically switches between a collection of different matrices. Despite its apparent simplicity, we prove that this system can exhibit surprising behavior.</p><p>Next, we construct mathematical machinery for analyzing general stochastic hybrid systems. This machinery combines techniques from various fields of mathematics to prove convergence to a steady state distribution and to analyze its structure.</p><p>Finally, we apply the tools from our general framework to partial differential equations with randomly switching boundary conditions. There, we see that these tools yield explicit formulae for statistics of the process and make seemingly intractable problems amenable to analysis.</p> / Dissertation

Méthodes numériques pour les processus markoviens déterministes par morceaux / Numerical methods for piecewise-deterministic Markov processes

Brandejsky, Adrien 02 July 2012 (has links)
Les processus markoviens déterministes par morceaux (PMDM) ont été introduits dans la littérature par M.H.A. Davis en tant que classe générale de modèles stochastiques non-diffusifs. Les PMDM sont des processus hybrides caractérisés par des trajectoires déterministes entrecoupées de sauts aléatoires. Dans cette thèse, nous développons des méthodes numériques adaptées aux PMDM en nous basant sur la quantification d'une chaîne de Markov sous-jacente au PMDM. Nous abordons successivement trois problèmes : l'approximation d'espérances de fonctionnelles d'un PMDM, l'approximation des moments et de la distribution d'un temps de sortie et le problème de l'arrêt optimal partiellement observé. Dans cette dernière partie, nous abordons également la question du filtrage d'un PMDM et établissons l'équation de programmation dynamique du problème d'arrêt optimal. Nous prouvons la convergence de toutes nos méthodes (avec le plus souvent des bornes de la vitesse de convergence) et les illustrons par des exemples numériques. / Piecewise-deterministic Markov processes (PDMP’s) have been introduced by M.H.A. Davis as a general class of non-diffusive stochastic models. PDMP’s are hybrid Markov processes involving deterministic motion punctuated by random jumps. In this thesis, we develop numerical methods that are designed to fit PDMP's structure and that are based on the quantization of an underlying Markov chain. We deal with three issues : the approximation of expectations of functional of a PDMP, the approximation of the moments and of the distribution of an exit time and the partially observed optimal stopping problem. In the latter one, we also tackle the filtering of a PDMP and we establish the dynamic programming equation of the optimal stopping problem. We prove the convergence of all our methods (most of the time, we also obtain a bound for the speed of convergence) and illustrate them with numerical examples.

Processus de Markov déterministes par morceaux branchants et problème d’arrêt optimal, application à la division cellulaire / Branching piecewise deterministic Markov processes and optimal stopping problem, applications to cell division

Joubaud, Maud 25 June 2019 (has links)
Les processus markoviens déterministes par morceaux (PDMP) forment une vaste classe de processus stochastiques caractérisés par une évolution déterministe entre des sauts à mécanisme aléatoire. Ce sont des processus de type hybride, avec une composante discrète de mode et une composante d’état qui évolue dans un espace continu. Entre les sauts du processus, la composante continue évolue de façon déterministe, puis au moment du saut un noyau markovien sélectionne la nouvelle valeur des composantes discrète et continue. Dans cette thèse, nous construisons des PDMP évoluant dans des espaces de mesures (de dimension infinie), pour modéliser des population de cellules en tenant compte des caractéristiques individuelles de chaque cellule. Nous exposons notre construction des PDMP sur des espaces de mesure, et nous établissons leur caractère markovien. Sur ces processus à valeur mesure, nous étudions un problème d'arrêt optimal. Un problème d'arrêt optimal revient à choisir le meilleur temps d'arrêt pour optimiser l'espérance d'une certaine fonctionnelle de notre processus, ce qu'on appelle fonction valeur. On montre que cette fonction valeur est solution des équations de programmation dynamique et on construit une famille de temps d'arrêt $epsilon$-optimaux. Dans un second temps, nous nous intéressons à un PDMP en dimension finie, le TCP, pour lequel on construit un schéma d'Euler afin de l'approcher. Ce choix de modèle simple permet d'estimer différents types d'erreurs. Nous présentons des simulations numériques illustrant les résultats obtenus. / Piecewise deterministic Markov processes (PDMP) form a large class of stochastic processes characterized by a deterministic evolution between random jumps. They fall into the class of hybrid processes with a discrete mode and an Euclidean component (called the state variable). Between the jumps, the continuous component evolves deterministically, then a jump occurs and a Markov kernel selects the new value of the discrete and continuous components. In this thesis, we extend the construction of PDMPs to state variables taking values in some measure spaces with infinite dimension. The aim is to model cells populations keeping track of the information about each cell. We study our measured-valued PDMP and we show their Markov property. With thoses processes, we study a optimal stopping problem. The goal of an optimal stopping problem is to find the best admissible stopping time in order to optimize some function of our process. We show that the value fonction can be recursively constructed using dynamic programming equations. We construct some $epsilon$-optimal stopping times for our optimal stopping problem. Then, we study a simple finite-dimension real-valued PDMP, the TCP process. We use Euler scheme to approximate it, and we estimate some types of errors. We illustrate the results with numerical simulations.

Limite hidrodinâmico para neurônios interagentes estruturados espacialmente / Hydrodynamic limit for spatially structured interacting neurons

Aguiar, Guilherme Ost de 17 July 2015 (has links)
Nessa tese, estudamos o limite hidrodinâmico de um sistema estocástico de neurônios cujas interações são dadas por potenciais de Kac que imitam sinapses elétricas e químicas, e as correntes de vazamento. Esse sistema consiste de $\\ep^$ neurônios imersos em $[0,1)^2$, cada um disparando aleatoriamente de acordo com um processo pontual com taxa que depende tanto do seu potential de membrana como da posição. Quando o neurônio $i$ dispara, seu potential de membrana é resetado para $0$, enquanto que o potencial de membrana do neurônio $j$ é aumentado por um valor positivo $\\ep^2 a(i,j)$, se $i$ influencia $j$. Além disso, entre disparos consecutivos, o sistema segue uma movimento determinístico devido às sinapses elétricas e às correntes de vazamento. As sinapses elétricas estão envolvidas na sincronização do potencial de membrana dos neurônios, enquanto que as correntes de vazamento inibem a atividade de todos os neurônios, atraindo simultaneamente todos os potenciais de membrana para $0$. No principal resultado dessa tese, mostramos que a distribuição empírica dos potenciais de membrana converge, quando o parâmetro $\\ep$ tende à 0 , para uma densidade de probabilidade $ho_t(u,r)$ que satisfaz uma equação diferencial parcial nâo linear do tipo hiperbólica . / We study the hydrodynamic limit of a stochastic system of neurons whose interactions are given by Kac Potentials that mimic chemical and electrical synapses and leak currents. The system consists of $\\ep^$ neurons embedded in $[0,1)^2$, each spiking randomly according to a point process with rate depending on both its membrane potential and position. When neuron $i$ spikes, its membrane potential is reset to $0$ while the membrane potential of $j$ is increased by a positive value $\\ep^2 a(i,j)$, if $i$ influences $j$. Furthermore, between consecutive spikes, the system follows a deterministic motion due both to electrical synapses and leak currents. The electrical synapses are involved in the synchronization of the membrane potentials of the neurons, while the leak currents inhibit the activity of all neurons, attracting simultaneously their membrane potentials to 0. We show that the empirical distribution of the membrane potentials converges, as $\\ep$ vanishes, to a probability density $ho_t(u,r)$ which is proved to obey a nonlinear PDE of Hyperbolic type.

Limite hidrodinâmico para neurônios interagentes estruturados espacialmente / Hydrodynamic limit for spatially structured interacting neurons

Guilherme Ost de Aguiar 17 July 2015 (has links)
Nessa tese, estudamos o limite hidrodinâmico de um sistema estocástico de neurônios cujas interações são dadas por potenciais de Kac que imitam sinapses elétricas e químicas, e as correntes de vazamento. Esse sistema consiste de $\\ep^$ neurônios imersos em $[0,1)^2$, cada um disparando aleatoriamente de acordo com um processo pontual com taxa que depende tanto do seu potential de membrana como da posição. Quando o neurônio $i$ dispara, seu potential de membrana é resetado para $0$, enquanto que o potencial de membrana do neurônio $j$ é aumentado por um valor positivo $\\ep^2 a(i,j)$, se $i$ influencia $j$. Além disso, entre disparos consecutivos, o sistema segue uma movimento determinístico devido às sinapses elétricas e às correntes de vazamento. As sinapses elétricas estão envolvidas na sincronização do potencial de membrana dos neurônios, enquanto que as correntes de vazamento inibem a atividade de todos os neurônios, atraindo simultaneamente todos os potenciais de membrana para $0$. No principal resultado dessa tese, mostramos que a distribuição empírica dos potenciais de membrana converge, quando o parâmetro $\\ep$ tende à 0 , para uma densidade de probabilidade $ho_t(u,r)$ que satisfaz uma equação diferencial parcial nâo linear do tipo hiperbólica . / We study the hydrodynamic limit of a stochastic system of neurons whose interactions are given by Kac Potentials that mimic chemical and electrical synapses and leak currents. The system consists of $\\ep^$ neurons embedded in $[0,1)^2$, each spiking randomly according to a point process with rate depending on both its membrane potential and position. When neuron $i$ spikes, its membrane potential is reset to $0$ while the membrane potential of $j$ is increased by a positive value $\\ep^2 a(i,j)$, if $i$ influences $j$. Furthermore, between consecutive spikes, the system follows a deterministic motion due both to electrical synapses and leak currents. The electrical synapses are involved in the synchronization of the membrane potentials of the neurons, while the leak currents inhibit the activity of all neurons, attracting simultaneously their membrane potentials to 0. We show that the empirical distribution of the membrane potentials converges, as $\\ep$ vanishes, to a probability density $ho_t(u,r)$ which is proved to obey a nonlinear PDE of Hyperbolic type.

Contrôle optimal stochastique des processus de Markov déterministes par morceaux et application à l’optimisation de maintenance / Stochastic optimal control for piecewise deterministic Markov processes and application to maintenance optimization

Geeraert, Alizée 06 June 2017 (has links)
On s’intéresse au problème de contrôle impulsionnel à horizon infini avec facteur d’oubli pour les processus de Markov déterministes par morceaux (PDMP). Dans un premier temps, on modélise l’évolution d’un système opto-électronique par des PDMP. Afin d’optimiser la maintenance du système, on met en place un problème de contrôle impulsionnel tenant compte à la fois du coût de maintenance et du coût lié à l’indisponibilité du matériel auprès du client.On applique ensuite une méthode d’approximation numérique de la fonction valeur associée au problème, faisant intervenir la quantification de PDMP. On discute alors de l’influence des paramètres sur le résultat obtenu. Dans un second temps, on prolonge l’étude théorique du problème de contrôle impulsionnel en construisant de manière explicite une famille de stratégies є-optimales. Cette construction se base sur l’itération d’un opérateur dit de simple-saut-ou-intervention associé au PDMP, dont l’idée repose sur le procédé utilisé par U.S. Gugerli pour la construction de temps d’arrêt є-optimaux. Néanmoins, déterminer la meilleure position après chaque intervention complique significativement la construction de telles stratégies et nécessite l’introduction d’un nouvel opérateur. L’originalité de la construction de stratégies є-optimales présentée ici est d’être explicite, au sens où elle ne nécessite pas la résolution préalable de problèmes complexes. / We are interested in a discounted impulse control problem with infinite horizon forpiecewise deterministic Markov processes (PDMPs). In the first part, we model the evolutionof an optronic system by PDMPs. To optimize the maintenance of this equipment, we study animpulse control problem where both maintenance costs and the unavailability cost for the clientare considered. We next apply a numerical method for the approximation of the value function associated with the impulse control problem, which relies on quantization of PDMPs. The influence of the parameters on the numerical results is discussed. In the second part, we extendthe theoretical study of the impulse control problem by explicitly building a family of є-optimalstrategies. This approach is based on the iteration of a single-jump-or-intervention operator associatedto the PDMP and relies on the theory for optimal stopping of a piecewise-deterministic Markov process by U.S. Gugerli. In the present situation, the main difficulty consists in approximating the best position after the interventions, which is done by introducing a new operator.The originality of the proposed approach is the construction of є-optimal strategies that areexplicit, since they do not require preliminary resolutions of complex problems.

A Generalization of the Discounted Penalty Function in Ruin Theory

Feng, Runhuan January 2008 (has links)
As ruin theory evolves in recent years, there has been a variety of quantities pertaining to an insurer's bankruptcy at the centre of focus in the literature. Despite the fact that these quantities are distinct from each other, it was brought to our attention that many solution methods apply to nearly all ruin-related quantities. Such a peculiar similarity among their solution methods inspired us to search for a general form that reconciles those seemingly different ruin-related quantities. The stochastic approach proposed in the thesis addresses such issues and contributes to the current literature in three major directions. (1) It provides a new function that unifies many existing ruin-related quantities and that produces more new quantities of potential use in both practice and academia. (2) It applies generally to a vast majority of risk processes and permits the consideration of combined effects of investment strategies, policy modifications, etc, which were either impossible or difficult tasks using traditional approaches. (3) It gives a shortcut to the derivation of intermediate solution equations. In addition to the efficiency, the new approach also leads to a standardized procedure to cope with various situations. The thesis covers a wide range of ruin-related and financial topics while developing the unifying stochastic approach. Not only does it attempt to provide insights into the unification of quantities in ruin theory, the thesis also seeks to extend its applications in other related areas.

A Generalization of the Discounted Penalty Function in Ruin Theory

Feng, Runhuan January 2008 (has links)
As ruin theory evolves in recent years, there has been a variety of quantities pertaining to an insurer's bankruptcy at the centre of focus in the literature. Despite the fact that these quantities are distinct from each other, it was brought to our attention that many solution methods apply to nearly all ruin-related quantities. Such a peculiar similarity among their solution methods inspired us to search for a general form that reconciles those seemingly different ruin-related quantities. The stochastic approach proposed in the thesis addresses such issues and contributes to the current literature in three major directions. (1) It provides a new function that unifies many existing ruin-related quantities and that produces more new quantities of potential use in both practice and academia. (2) It applies generally to a vast majority of risk processes and permits the consideration of combined effects of investment strategies, policy modifications, etc, which were either impossible or difficult tasks using traditional approaches. (3) It gives a shortcut to the derivation of intermediate solution equations. In addition to the efficiency, the new approach also leads to a standardized procedure to cope with various situations. The thesis covers a wide range of ruin-related and financial topics while developing the unifying stochastic approach. Not only does it attempt to provide insights into the unification of quantities in ruin theory, the thesis also seeks to extend its applications in other related areas.

Analyse et optimisation de la fiabilité d'un équipement opto-électrique équipé de HUMS / Analysis and optimization of the reliability of an opto-electronic equipment with HUMS

Baysse, Camille 07 November 2013 (has links)
Dans le cadre de l'optimisation de la fiabilité, Thales Optronique intègre désormais dans ses équipements, des systèmes d'observation de leur état de fonctionnement. Cette fonction est réalisée par des HUMS (Health & Usage Monitoring System). L'objectif de cette thèse est de mettre en place dans le HUMS, un programme capable d'évaluer l'état du système, de détecter les dérives de fonctionnement, d'optimiser les opérations de maintenance et d'évaluer les risques d'échec d'une mission, en combinant les procédés de traitement des données opérationnelles (collectées sur chaque appareil grâce au HUMS) et prévisionnelles (issues des analyses de fiabilité et des coûts de maintenance, de réparation et d'immobilisation). Trois algorithmes ont été développés. Le premier, basé sur un modèle de chaînes de Markov cachées, permet à partir de données opérationnelles, d'estimer à chaque instant l'état du système, et ainsi, de détecter un mode de fonctionnement dégradé de l'équipement (diagnostic). Le deuxième algorithme permet de proposer une stratégie de maintenance optimale et dynamique. Il consiste à rechercher le meilleur instant pour réaliser une maintenance, en fonction de l'état estimé de l'équipement. Cet algorithme s'appuie sur une modélisation du système, par un processus Markovien déterministe par morceaux (noté PDMP) et sur l'utilisation du principe d'arrêt optimal. La date de maintenance est déterminée à partir des données opérationnelles, prévisionnelles et de l'état estimé du système (pronostic). Quant au troisième algorithme, il consiste à déterminer un risque d'échec de mission et permet de comparer les risques encourus suivant la politique de maintenance choisie.Ce travail de recherche, développé à partir d'outils sophistiqués de probabilités théoriques et numériques, a permis de définir un protocole de maintenance conditionnelle à l'état estimé du système, afin d'améliorer la stratégie de maintenance, la disponibilité des équipements au meilleur coût, la satisfaction des clients et de réduire les coûts d'exploitation. / As part of optimizing the reliability, Thales Optronics now includes systems that examine the state of its equipment. This function is performed by HUMS (Health & Usage Monitoring System). The aim of this thesis is to implement in the HUMS a program based on observations that can determine the state of the system, anticipate and alert about the excesses of operation, optimize maintenance operations and evaluate the failure risk of a mission, by combining treatment processes of operational data (collected on each equipment thanks to HUMS) and predictive data (resulting from reliability analysis and cost of maintenance, repair and standstill). Three algorithms have been developed. The first, based on hidden Markov model, allows to estimate at each time the state of the system from operational data, and thus, to detect a degraded mode of equipment (diagnostic). The second algorithm is used to propose an optimal and dynamic maintenance strategy. We want to estimate the best time to perform maintenance, according to the estimated state of equipment. This algorithm is based on a system modeling by a piecewise deterministic Markov process (noted PDMP) and the use of the principle of optimal stopping.The maintenance date is determined from operational and predictive data and the estimated state of the system (prognosis). The third algorithm determines the failure risk of a mission and compares risks following the chosen maintenance policy.This research, developed from sophisticated tools of theoretical and numerical probabilities, allows us to define a maintenance policy adapted to the state of the system, to improve maintenance strategy, the availability of equipment at the lowest cost, customer satisfaction, and reduce operating costs.

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