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Properties of an Orthic Black Chernozem after 5 years of liquid and solid pig manure applications to annual and perennial cropsAdesanya, Theresa 09 January 2016 (has links)
Soil physical and chemical properties determine a soil's crop production potential and the sustainability of a production system. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of solid and liquid pig manure application on the physical and chemical properties of soil after 5 years of manure application. Solid pig manure increased saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat) by 110%, aggregate stability by 30%, available and total phosphorus by 471% and 52% respectively, available nitrogen by 38%, organic carbon by 29% and exchangeable K by 308%, and reduced soil bulk density by 14%. Liquid pig manure (LPM) also increased aggregate stability by 21%, exchangeable K by 45%, available P and total P by 258% and 27%, respectively and, reduced bulk density by 6%. An important finding was the 33% decrease in the concentration of exchangeable Ca in LPM-amended soils. Significant manure by cropping system interaction was also obtained for water retention parameters and available water, total nitrogen and electrical conductivity. There was no effect of pig manure on pH and exchangeable Mg concentrations. Soils under perennial vegetation had 31% greater Ksat, 26% increase in available N, 31% greater available P, 15% greater total P and 12% lower bulk density compared with those under annual crops. Our results show that SPM has a potential as a better organic amendment in improving physical and chemical properties of surface soils. / February 2016
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Dynamique et impact des hormones stéroïdes et des activités endocriniennes dans les effluents porcins et les systèmes de traitement du lisier / Dynamic and impacts of steroid hormones and multiple endocrine activies from pig breedingCombalbert, Sarah 25 February 2011 (has links)
Les activités d'élevage sont responsables de la dissémination dans l'environnement d'un grand nombre de polluants, dont les perturbateurs endocriniens (PE) qui affectent le système endocrinien des organismes vivants. La disruption endocrinienne se fait par la liaison des PE sur des récepteurs nucléaires spécifiques dont le récepteur aux strogènes ERα, le récepteur à la dioxine AhR, le récepteur X aux pregnanes PXR, le récepteur aux androgènes AR et le récepteur régulant la prolifération des peroxysomes, PPARγ. Les hormones stéroïdes sont particulièrement actives sur le récepteur ERα. Elles sont naturellement produites par les animaux et concentrées dans les effluents d'élevage épandus sur les sols agricoles. Ce travail de thèse s'est focalisé sur l'étude du devenir des hormones dans des systèmes de gestion des lisiers porcins, à échelle réelle ou contrôliée, en conditions anaérobies ou aérobies. Au préalable, la méthodologie pour l'analyse des hormones dans le lisier a été validée. Les résultats montrent que les hormones sont principalement contenues dans la fraction solide; dans cette fraction les mesures d'activité strogénique (ERα) ont révélé une activité non explicable par les concentrations en hormones, suggérant la présence d'autres composés ayant une activité sur ERα. La quantification des nonylphénols, actifs sur ERα n'a pas permis d'expliquer cette activité. L'étude d'autres voies de perturbation endocrinienne via l'activation des récepteurs AhR, PXR, PPARγ et AR a permis de détecter une forte activité sur le récepteur AhR. L'analyse chimique de cette fraction a montré l'absence de dioxines et d'hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques, suggérant l'implication d'autres PE qui restent à être identifiés. Dans les systèmes de traitement sous conditions réelles ou contrôlées, les conditions aérobies sont plus efficaces pour éliminer les hormones et les activités strogéniques et « dioxin-like » associées, bien que cette dernière semble plus récalcitrante. / Livestock activities are responsible for the release of a wide range of pollutants in the environment. Among these pollutants, the endocrine disruptors (ED) can affect the endocrine functions of living organism. The endocrine disruption occurs via the binding of ED to specific nuclear receptors such as the estrogen receptor ERα, dioxin receptor AhR, pregnane-X-receptor (xenobiotics), androgen receptor AR and peroxysome proliferator-activated receptor γ, PPARγ. Steroid hormones are particularly active on ERα receptor. Animals naturally produce high amounts of hormones which are concentrated in manure used for land spreading. This study deals with the fate of hormones in swine waste management facilities at full or pilot scale, under both anaerobic and aerobic conditions. Firstly, the analysis of hormones in such a complex matrix was validated. Hormones are mainly present in the solid fraction of the manure. At the same time, estrogenic activity measurements showed that in this solid fraction, the estrogenic activity cannot be explained by hormones; which suggest the presence of other compounds active on ERα. Nonylphenols concentrations cannot explain this additional activity. The study of the other pathways of endocrine disruption through the activation of AhR, PXR, PPARγ, and AR allowed to measure high AhR activity in the solid fraction of manure. The chemical analysis of this fraction did not show the presence of dioxins and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons traditionally involved in such kind of activity; it suggests the presence of other AhR ligands that remain to be identified. In swine manure treatment systems, aerobic conditions were more efficient to remove hormones and the associated estrogenic and AhR activities, even if this last seemed to be more recalcitrant.
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Ammonium-N persistence and root nitrogen content of annual crops and perennial forage grasses following pig manure applicationLasisi, Ahmed 13 September 2016 (has links)
Studies have shown that significant amounts of nitrate-N is leached beyond root zones of annual crops while small amounts of nitrate-N is leached beyond the root zones of perennial forage grasses. This study investigated short-term ammonium-N persistence and root nitrogen content of annual crop and perennial forage grasses following application of pig manure to a sandy loam soil at Carman, Manitoba. Results showed that ammonium-N in liquid pig manure (LPM) amended treatment peaked four days after manure application (DAM) in perennial cropping system (PCS; 50 - 74 kg ha-1) and annual cropping system (ACS; 18 - 29 kg ha-1) in 2014 and 2015. Ammonium-N persisted up to 7 DAM in LPM amended PCS, but did not persist beyond 4 DAM in LPM amended ACS. Ammonium-N measured in solid pig manure (SPM) amended ACS and PCS was low throughout the sampling days in both years. There was a greater percentage increase in accumulation of nitrate-N at 15 - 30 cm soil depth of LPM and SPM amended ACS than PCS. In both years, dry weight below-ground plant biomass ranged from 5,258 to 9,627 kg ha-1 at 0 - 60 cm depth in PCS while that of ACS ranged from 1,088 to 1,456 kg ha-1. Also, root N content in PCS ranged from 43 to 118 kg N ha-1 in both years while that of ACS ranged from 9 to 20 kg N ha-1.
In conclusion, ammonium-N persisted longer in PCS than ACS in the short-term and total plant N was greater in PCS than ACS. Greater total plant N in PCS than ACS was mainly due to its greater root N content rather than above-ground N uptake. The order of magnitude of the difference in root N content (34 to 98 kg N ha-1) between ACS and PCS was sufficient to account for the 20 to 60 kg N/ha of nitrate-N leached in ACS in previous study at the same site. / October 2016
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Evaluation des potentialités de traitement par phytoépuration du lisier de porc en région PACA : paramètres chimiques, microbiologiques et macrophytiques / Evaluation of an integrated constructed wetland to manage pig manure under Mediterranean climateNehmtow, Julie 16 December 2015 (has links)
L’objectif de la thèse était de développer un procédé de traitement des lisiers de porc par zone humide artificielle (ZHA) adapté aux contraintes du climat méditerranéen ainsi qu’à celles des éleveurs porcins. Le lisier de porc présentant des teneurs en ammonium (NH4+) toxiques pour les espèces végétales, il a été nécessaire de prétraiter le lisier. Des expérimentations sur le prétraitement du lisier de porc par aération continue (30 jours) à petite (12 litres) et moyenne échelles (300 litres) ont donc été conduites, et ont permis une diminution des concentrations en NH4+ en dessous des seuils de tolérance végétale. Cependant, la volatilisation de l’ammoniac semble avoir été le processus majoritairement à l’origine des abattements observés (phénomène d'ihnibition). Afin d’améliorer la diminution du NH4+, des produits d’ensemencement microbiens commerciaux ont été utilisés sans que leur effet n'ait pu être mis en évidence. Lors des expérimentations à moyenne échelle, le lisier prétraité a été amendé en ZHA (mésocosmes constitués d’un filtre à écoulement vertical suivi d’un filtre à écoulement horizontal). La forte variabilité phénotypique en système expérimental des macrophytes sélectionnés et prélevés dans le milieu naturel environnant (Carex hispida, Typha latifolia, Carex cuprina, Iris pseudacorus, Alisma lanceolatum et Juncus effusus), a été illustrée. Lors des apports en lisier dans la ZHA, les espèces végétales ont répondu différement, soulignant l’intérêt des cortèges multi-spécifiques. Les premiers résultats épuratoires ont été probants. Cependant l’étude des processus épuratoires a mis en lumière la problématique de leur durabilité. / The aim of the thesis was to develop a treatment process of pig manure by constructed wetland (CW) and designed in order to be adapted to the Mediterranean climate constraints and those of pig farmers. However hog manure has concentrations above 2 g.l-1 of ammonium (NH4+), toxic to the plants. It is therefore necessary to establish a slurry pre-treatment step. The thesis has included experiments including pre-treatment of pig slurry by continuous aeration (30 days) to small (12 liters) and medium scale (300 liters). Commercial products for microbial seeding were also used. The results showed that the aeration of pig manure did allow lower concentrations of NH4+ below plant tolerance threshold. However, the ammonia volatilization process appears to be the leading cause behind the observed reductions (inhibition phenomenom). No effect could be demonstrated for microbial treatments. During meso-scale experiments, the CW was amended with the pre-treated slurry (mesocosms made of a vertical flow filter followed by a horizontal flow filter). As a first step, the high phenotypic variability of macrophytes (taken from the natural environment) in experimental system was illustrated and discussed. After manure application, the selected plant species (Carex hispida, Typha latifolia, Carex cuprina Iris pseudacorus, Alisma lanceolatum and Juncus effusus) have presented different responses, emphasizing the importance of multi-species selection for the CW. Finally, the first purifying results were conclusive. However the study of the underlying purifying processes has highlighted the issue of sustainability of these phenomena.
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Água residuária de suinocultura associada à adubação mineral No cultivo da soja: 18º ciclo / Swine wastewater associated with mineral fertilizer on soybean crop: 18º cyclePereira, Pâmela Aparecida Maldaner 10 February 2015 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2015-02-10 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / 18 Abstract: The reuse of water in agricultural soils is an ancient and promising effective
19 practice in the development of cultures and important water resources management tool.
20 The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of continuous application of
21 swine wastewater in different doses, associated with mineral fertilizer, in eight years of
22 management in no-till system, about the chemical conditions of the soil and soybean.
23 The experiment was conducted in the field in typical Dystroferric Red Oxisol with a
24 very clayey texture. The wastewater doses of swine applied from the beginning in the
experimental area were 0, 100, 200, 300 m3 ha-1 25 prior to the seeding, associated with the
26 presence and absence of mineral fertilizer. The results were submitted to normality tests,
ANOVA and Tukey test. The dose of 100 m3 ha-1 27 of swine wastewater associated with
28 mineral fertilizer was efficient nutrition soybean requirements, without causing damage
29 to the soil. Attention should be paid to the possible accumulation of copper and zinc in
30 the soil over the years. / Resumo: O reúso de águas em solos agrícolas é uma prática antiga e promissora eficaz
4 no desenvolvimento das culturas e importante ferramenta de gestão de recursos hídricos.
5 O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos da aplicação continuada de água residuária
6 de suinocultura em diferentes doses, associada à adubação mineral, em oito anos de
7 manejo em sistema plantio direto, acerca das condições químicas do solo e da soja. O
8 experimento foi desenvolvido em Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico típico de textura
9 muito argilosa. As doses de água residuária de suinocultura aplicadas desde o início na
área experimental foram 0, 100, 200, 300 m3 ha-1 10 antecedentes à semeadura, associadas
11 à presença e ausência de adubação mineral. Os resultados obtidos foram submetidos a
testes de normalidade, análise de variância e teste de Tukey. A dose 100 m3 ha-1 12 de água
13 residuária de suinocultura associada à adubação mineral mostrou-se eficiente às
14 exigências nutricionais da soja, sem causar danos ao solo. Deve-se atentar ao possível
15 acúmulo de cobre e zinco no solo ao longo dos anos.
16 Palavras-chave: reúso de água, fertirrigação, dejetos suínos
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Água residuária de suinocultura associada à adubação mineral No cultivo da soja: 18º ciclo / Swine wastewater associated with mineral fertilizer on soybean crop: 18º cycleMumbach, Mirian Carla 10 February 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T14:38:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
MIRIAN_ CARLA MUMBACH.pdf: 461293 bytes, checksum: 75a3f1196bd41e9eb4f11513b5896a7c (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2015-02-10 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The reuse of water in agricultural soils is an ancient and promising effective
19 practice in the development of cultures and important water resources management tool.
20 The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of continuous application of
21 swine wastewater in different doses, associated with mineral fertilizer, in eight years of
22 management in no-till system, about the chemical conditions of the soil and soybean.
23 The experiment was conducted in the field in typical Dystroferric Red Oxisol with a
24 very clayey texture. The wastewater doses of swine applied from the beginning in the
experimental area were 0, 100, 200, 300 m3 ha-1 25 prior to the seeding, associated with the
26 presence and absence of mineral fertilizer. The results were submitted to normality tests,
ANOVA and Tukey test. The dose of 100 m3 ha-1 27 of swine wastewater associated with
28 mineral fertilizer was efficient nutrition soybean requirements, without causing damage
29 to the soil. Attention should be paid to the possible accumulation of copper and zinc in
30 the soil over the years. / O reúso de águas em solos agrícolas é uma prática antiga e promissora eficaz
4 no desenvolvimento das culturas e importante ferramenta de gestão de recursos hídricos.
5 O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos da aplicação continuada de água residuária
6 de suinocultura em diferentes doses, associada à adubação mineral, em oito anos de
7 manejo em sistema plantio direto, acerca das condições químicas do solo e da soja. O
8 experimento foi desenvolvido em Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico típico de textura
9 muito argilosa. As doses de água residuária de suinocultura aplicadas desde o início na
área experimental foram 0, 100, 200, 300 m3 ha-1 10 antecedentes à semeadura, associadas
11 à presença e ausência de adubação mineral. Os resultados obtidos foram submetidos a
testes de normalidade, análise de variância e teste de Tukey. A dose 100 m3 ha-1 12 de água
13 residuária de suinocultura associada à adubação mineral mostrou-se eficiente às
14 exigências nutricionais da soja, sem causar danos ao solo. Deve-se atentar ao possível
15 acúmulo de cobre e zinco no solo ao longo dos anos.
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Biodigestão anaeróbia da cama de frango associada ou não ao biofertilizante obtido com dejetos de suínos : produção de biogás e qualidade do biofertilizante /Costa, Laura Vanessa Cabral da. January 2009 (has links)
Orientador: Jorge de Lucas Júnior / Banca: Regina Maria Quintão Lana / Banca: João Antonio Galbiatti / Resumo: Objetivou-se avaliar a produção de biogás e a qualidade do biofertilizante, produzidos a partir da associação da cama de frango diluída no biofertilizante obtido com estrume de suíno em diferentes proporções. Esta dissertação está dividida em 3 capítulos: a primeira parte consiste na descrição e apresentação da problemática dos resíduos gerados, objetivo do estudo e descrição do experimento. No Capítulo 2 analisa-se ensaio de biodigestão anaeróbia em sistemas contínuos abastecidos diariamente com dejetos de suínos, por aproximadamente 60 dias, em tempo de retenção hidráulica (TRH) de 30 dias com a finalidade de obtenção de biofertilizante, sendo que este foi armazenado em um tanque aberto, para que estivesse nas mesmas condições encontradas em lagoas, isto é, sujeito aos efeitos dos processos de evaporação e precipitação pluviométrica, sendo este armazenado por aproximadamente 60 dias, conclui-se que o sistema de biodigestão anaeróbia é eficaz para produção de biogás e biofertilizante. O Capitulo 3 consiste no abastecimento de biodigestores batelada, em que o biofertilizante obtido na primeira fase serviu como diluente para a cama de frango. Foram abastecidos doze biodigestores, com três diferentes tratamentos, a saber: cama de frango+biofertilizante+água CF+B+A, a cama de frango+biofertilizante CF+B e a cama+água CF+A, operados com aproximadamente 135 dias de retenção hidráulica. Caracterizaram-se os teores de sólidos totais (ST), sólidos voláteis (SV), análise de macro e micro nutrientes, bem como produção de biogás. Observou-se que o CF+B, foi o que melhor apresentou resultados em relação à produção e composição de biogás e melhores resultados para macro e micronutrientes.No capitulo 4, estão apresentados os dados de adequação de plantéis da avicultura de corte e suinocultura, para a operação... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The objective was to evaluate the production of biogas and the quality of fertilizer, produced from the combination of litter of broiler in diluted fertilizer obtained from pig manure in different proportions. This thesis is divided into 3 sections: the first part is the description and presentation of the problem of waste generated, objective of the study and description of the experiment. In Chapter 2 analyzes the test of anaerobic digestion in continuous systems supplied daily with pig manure, for approximately 60 days with hydraulic retention time (TRH) of 30 days with the purpose of obtaining fertilizer. The fertilizer produced during the whole period was stored in a tank open to the same conditions that were found in ponds, do then subject to the effects of the processes of evaporation and rainfall, which is stored for approximately 60 days, it appears that the system of anaerobic digestion is effective for production of biogas and fertilizer, adding values to swine. Chapter 3 is the supply of digester batch, where the biofertilizante obtained in the first round served as diluent of chicken litter. Were supplied twelve digester, with three different treatments: treatment 1 (biofertilizante+ litter of broiler + water), treatment 2 ( biofertilizante + litter of broiler) and treatment 3 (litter of broiler + water), operated at approximately 160 days of TRH. Were characterized the levels of total solids (TS), volatile solids (VS), analysis of macro and micronutrients, and production of biogas. It was observed that treatment 2, was presented the best results for production and composition of biogas, further reductions of volatile solids, and better results for macro-and micronutrients. Chapter 4 were's present adequacy by stud pigs and fowl, for the operation group digester with waste this activity from the production biogas and fertilizer. / Mestre
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Biodigestão anaeróbia da cama de frango associada ou não ao biofertilizante obtido com dejetos de suínos: produção de biogás e qualidade do biofertilizanteCosta, Laura Vanessa Cabral da [UNESP] 17 February 2009 (has links) (PDF)
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Previous issue date: 2009-02-17Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T18:57:28Z : No. of bitstreams: 1
costa_lvc_me_jabo.pdf: 349470 bytes, checksum: 39635f401178a561fc5275f262224dec (MD5) / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) / Objetivou-se avaliar a produção de biogás e a qualidade do biofertilizante, produzidos a partir da associação da cama de frango diluída no biofertilizante obtido com estrume de suíno em diferentes proporções. Esta dissertação está dividida em 3 capítulos: a primeira parte consiste na descrição e apresentação da problemática dos resíduos gerados, objetivo do estudo e descrição do experimento. No Capítulo 2 analisa-se ensaio de biodigestão anaeróbia em sistemas contínuos abastecidos diariamente com dejetos de suínos, por aproximadamente 60 dias, em tempo de retenção hidráulica (TRH) de 30 dias com a finalidade de obtenção de biofertilizante, sendo que este foi armazenado em um tanque aberto, para que estivesse nas mesmas condições encontradas em lagoas, isto é, sujeito aos efeitos dos processos de evaporação e precipitação pluviométrica, sendo este armazenado por aproximadamente 60 dias, conclui-se que o sistema de biodigestão anaeróbia é eficaz para produção de biogás e biofertilizante. O Capitulo 3 consiste no abastecimento de biodigestores batelada, em que o biofertilizante obtido na primeira fase serviu como diluente para a cama de frango. Foram abastecidos doze biodigestores, com três diferentes tratamentos, a saber: cama de frango+biofertilizante+água CF+B+A, a cama de frango+biofertilizante CF+B e a cama+água CF+A, operados com aproximadamente 135 dias de retenção hidráulica. Caracterizaram-se os teores de sólidos totais (ST), sólidos voláteis (SV), análise de macro e micro nutrientes, bem como produção de biogás. Observou-se que o CF+B, foi o que melhor apresentou resultados em relação à produção e composição de biogás e melhores resultados para macro e micronutrientes.No capitulo 4, estão apresentados os dados de adequação de plantéis da avicultura de corte e suinocultura, para a operação... / The objective was to evaluate the production of biogas and the quality of fertilizer, produced from the combination of litter of broiler in diluted fertilizer obtained from pig manure in different proportions. This thesis is divided into 3 sections: the first part is the description and presentation of the problem of waste generated, objective of the study and description of the experiment. In Chapter 2 analyzes the test of anaerobic digestion in continuous systems supplied daily with pig manure, for approximately 60 days with hydraulic retention time (TRH) of 30 days with the purpose of obtaining fertilizer. The fertilizer produced during the whole period was stored in a tank open to the same conditions that were found in ponds, do then subject to the effects of the processes of evaporation and rainfall, which is stored for approximately 60 days, it appears that the system of anaerobic digestion is effective for production of biogas and fertilizer, adding values to swine. Chapter 3 is the supply of digester batch, where the biofertilizante obtained in the first round served as diluent of chicken litter. Were supplied twelve digester, with three different treatments: treatment 1 (biofertilizante+ litter of broiler + water), treatment 2 ( biofertilizante + litter of broiler) and treatment 3 (litter of broiler + water), operated at approximately 160 days of TRH. Were characterized the levels of total solids (TS), volatile solids (VS), analysis of macro and micronutrients, and production of biogas. It was observed that treatment 2, was presented the best results for production and composition of biogas, further reductions of volatile solids, and better results for macro-and micronutrients. Chapter 4 were’s present adequacy by stud pigs and fowl, for the operation group digester with waste this activity from the production biogas and fertilizer.
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Teores de nitrogênio no solo e volatilização de amônia após injeção de dejeto líquido de suínos e uso de inibidor de nitrificação / Levels of nitrogen in soil and ammonia volabilization after injection of liquid swine manure and use nitrification inhibitorRauber, Luiz Paulo 02 February 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-08T15:50:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2015-02-02 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Strategies to improve the use of nutrients and reducing the environmental impact of pig slurry (DLS) can enhance the use of this residue in the soil, especially in southern Brazil. Therefore, studies were conducted to evaluate the transformations of N in the soil-atmosphere system. Initially two studies were conducted with pig slurry in no-till system, testing the injection to the ground and use of nitrification inhibitor (DCD). The study was conducted in a I Hapludox Bruno and a Aluminic Humic Cambisol in Lages / SC. Treatments were structured in a 2x5 factorial arranged in a randomized block design with four replications. The factor "A" was as DLS application with two levels (1-injected; 2 surface) and "B" types of fertilizers have been factor (1- Urea, Urea + DCD 2-, 3- slurry of pig (DLS); 4- DLS + DCD; 5- Control without fertilizer). Treatments were applied to soils with corn crops cultivation in 2011/2012, 2012/2013 and 2013/2014 and wheat harvest in 2013. The samples were collected at depths of 0-5, 5-10 and 10-20 cm in each plot. The reviews on the ground were performed on alternate days after the application of fertilizers and consisted of mineral N content (NH4+ and NO3-). In Study II, an experiment was conducted under controlled conditions in order to evaluate the ammonia volatilization, applying DLS. The experimental design was completely randomized with a factorial 4 x 2 x 2 x 2 with three replications. The factor "A" was the type of fertilizer: control,
urea, pig slurry (DLS) and DLS + nitrification inhibitor; the factor "B" was the type of soil: sandy and clay; "C" factor was the pH condition, natural and corrected; "D" factor was the form of fertilizer application: Injected and superficial. The dose of DLS applied was 21 m3 ha-1, DCD was 10 kg ha-1, and all the fertilized ones added dose equivalent to 130 kg ha-1 of N. The evaluations consisted of ammonia volatilization held days after the application of fertilizers and mineral N content in the soil. The results were submitted to analysis of variance and comparison of means by Tukey test at 5% probability. In study I inhibitor reduced the use of nitrification of urea alone, when added to Hapludox Cambisol while in the addition of the inhibitor from DLS and the urea was efficient in blocking the nitrification evaluated in three crops in early assessment . The injection of fertilizers in the NH4+ showed higher levels than those of NO3- in the three crop seasons. In Study II DCD did not increase the emission of NH3 when mixed with applied DLS. The injection of fertilizers reduced volatilization of NH3 / Estratégias para melhorar o aproveitamento dos nutrientes e redução do impacto ambiental do dejeto líquido de suínos (DLS) podem valorizar o uso deste resíduo no solo, principalmente na região Sul do Brasil. Diante disso, estudos foram realizados com o objetivo de avaliar as transformações do N no sistema solo-atmosfera. Inicialmente dois estudos foram conduzidos, com dejeto líquido de suínos em sistema de plantio direto, testando a injeção ao solo e uso de inibidor da nitrificação (DCD). O estudo I foi conduzido em um Nitossolo Bruno e em um Cambisolo Húmico Alumínico em Lages/SC. Os tratamentos foram estruturados em um fatorial 2x5 dispostos em um delineamento blocos casualizados com quatro repetições. O fator A foi forma de aplicação de DLS com dois níveis (1-injetado; 2- superfície), e o fator B foram tipos de fertilizantes (1- Uréia; 2- Uréia+DCD; 3- dejeto líquido de suíno (DLS); 4- DLS+DCD; 5- Controle sem fertilizante). Os tratamentos foram aplicados aos solos com cultivo de milho nas safras 2011/2012, 2012/2013 e 2013/2014 e de trigo na safra 2013. As amostras foram coletadas nas profundidades de 0-5, 5-10 e 10-20 cm em cada parcela. As avaliações no solo foram realizadas em dias alternados após a aplicação dos fertilizantes e constaram do teor de N-mineral (NH4+ e NO3-). No estudo II, conduziu-se um experimento em condições controladas, a fim de se avaliar a volatilização de amônia, com aplicação de DLS. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi
inteiramente casualizado com esquema fatorial 4 x 2 x 2 x 2 com três repetições. O fator A foi o tipo de fertilizante: testemunha, ureia, dejeto líquido de suínos (DLS) e DLS + inibidor de nitrificação; o fator B foi o tipo de solo: arenoso e argiloso; o fator C foi a condição de pH: natural e corrigido; o fator D foi a forma de aplicação dos fertilizantes: Injetado e superficial. A dose de DLS aplicado foi de 21 m3 ha-1, a DCD foi de 10 kg ha-1, sendo que todos os tratamentos adubados adicionaram a dose equivalente a 130 kg ha-1 de N. As avaliações constaram da volatilização de amônia realizadas durante 14 dias após a aplicação dos fertilizantes e do teor de N-mineral no solo. Os resultados foram submetidos à análise de variância e comparação das médias pelo teste de Tukey a 5% de probabilidade de erro. No estudo I o uso de inibidor reduziu a nitrificação apenas da ureia, quando adicionado ao Nitossolo, enquanto que no Cambissolo, a adição do inibidor junto a ureia e ao DLS, foi eficiente no bloqueio na nitrificação nas três safras avaliadas nos primeiros dias de avaliação. A injeção dos fertilizantes mostrou teores de NH4+ maiores que os de NO3-, nas três safras avaliadas. No estudo II a DCD não aumentou a emissão de NH3 quando misturada ao DLS aplicado. A injeção dos fertilizantes reduziu a volatilização de NH3
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Água residuária de suinocultura associada à adubação mineral em culturas de milho, aveia e soja / Swine wastewater associated with mineral fertilization in soybean, black oats and maize culturesKessler, Nathalie Caroline Hirt 20 July 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-07-20 / This study aimed at evaluating the agronomic and environmental aspects as results from the continuing application of swine wastewater and mineral fertilizer in corn, black oats and soybeans. The experimental area has a history of swine wastewater application with trials that have been carried out since 2006, whose cycles under management are the seventh, eighth and ninth ones. Four doses of swine wastewater associated with the presence and absence of mineral fertilizer consisted on eight treatments applied to experimental plots. The agronomic and nutritional indices were determined in the three studied crops. The compounds of leachate collected at the beginning and end of each cycle were also recorded as well as soil characteristics at the beginning and end of each crop. The experimental design was in randomized blocks, under a 4x 2 factorial scheme with three replications. The results were submitted to ANOVA and means compared by Tukey test at 5% significance level. In maize crop, after a swine wastewater application, treated in digester, it could be observed that it could be partially used as an alternative fertilizer, since P and Mn+2 were supplemented with specific fertilization. A special management should be given to the accumulation of Fe+2, Cu+2 and Zn+2 in soil. Attention should be paid also to the levels of Cu+2, Fe+2, Mn+2, NO3-+NO2-, Na+ and Zn+2 in leachate material. In black oats crop, after two applications of swine wastewater treated in digester, it was concluded that swine wastewater can be partially used as an alternative fertilizer, since N, P and S could be supplied. Some attention should be taken with Cu+2 and Zn+2 accumulation in soil and some special care should also be given to the leaching of Cu+2, Fe+2, Mn+2, NO3-+NO2-, Na+ and Zn+2. In soybean crop, after three applications of wastewater treated in digester, the remaining wastewater could be partially used as an alternative fertilizer, since N, P, K+ and S were supplied by specific fertilization. There must have extra attention to the accumulation of Fe+2, Cu+2 and Zn+2 in soil as well as to percolation of Cu+2, Fe+2, Mn+2, NO3-+NO2-, Na+ and Zn+2 According to leachate. / O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar os aspectos ambientais e agronômicos decorrentes da aplicação continuada de água residuária da suinocultura e adubação mineral, nas culturas de milho, aveia e soja. A área experimental possui histórico de aplicação de água residuária da suinocultura, com experimentos conduzidos desde 2006, os quais são o sétimo, oitavo e nono ciclos conduzidos na área. Quatro doses de água residuária da suinocultura, associadas à ausência e presença de adubação mineral, consistiram em oito tratamentos aplicados às parcelas experimentais. Foram determinados índices agronômicos e nutricionais nas três culturas, avaliadas as composições dos lixiviados coletados no início e final de cada ciclo, bem como as características químicas do solo ao início e final de cada cultura. O delineamento experimental consistiu de blocos casualizados em esquema fatorial (4x2) com três repetições. Os resultados obtidos foram submetidos à análise de variância e as médias comparadas pelo teste de Tukey a 5% de significância. Na cultura do milho, após uma aplicação de água residuária da suinocultura tratada em biodigestor, verifica-se que a água residuária da suinocultura pode ser parcialmente utilizada como fertilizante alternativo, desde que o P e Mn+2 sejam complementados com adubação específica. Cuidado especial deve ser dado ao acúmulo de Fe+2, Cu+2 e Zn+2 no solo. Devem-se atentar também para os níveis de Cu+2, Fe+2, Mn+2, NO3-+NO2-, Na+ e Zn+2 no material percolado. Na cultura da aveia, após duas aplicações de água residuária de suinocultura tratada em biodigestor, conclui-se que essa pode ser parcialmente utilizada como fertilizante alternativo, desde que o N, P e S sejam complementados. Deve-se ter atenção com o acúmulo de Cu+2 e Zn+2 no solo, e com a lixiviação de Cu+2, Fe+2, Mn+2, NO3-+NO2-, Na+ e Zn+2. Na cultura da soja, após três aplicações de água residuária de suinocultura tratada em biodigestor, constata-se que a mesma pode ser parcialmente utilizada como fertilizante alternativo, desde que o N, P, K+ e S sejam complementados com adubação específica. Deve-se ter atenção com o acúmulo de Fe+2, Cu+2 e Zn+2 no solo. Deve ser dada maior atenção à percolação de Cu+2, Fe+2, Mn+2, NO3-+NO2-, Na+ e Zn+2 de acordo com o lixiviado
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