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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Brandens påverkan på tallens(Pinus sylvestris) årsringstillväxt i Svealand / The influence of fire on tree-ring growth in Scots pine(Pinus sylvestris) in Svealand

Källman, Olof, Lajtai, Joakim January 2022 (has links)
I litteratursökningen fann vi stöd för två hypoteser, att de överlevande träden efterbrand kunde uppleva en tillväxthämning eller en tillväxtökning.För att utreda detta borrades 88 träd på 5 olika områden, varav hälften var obrända trädi intilliggande bestånd. Därefter macrofotograferades borrspånen för att mätaårsringsbredden digitalt. Datan sammanställdes och analyserades sedan.Resultaten från de enskilda områdena visade tillväxtökning, tillväxtminskning elleringen tillväxtförändring som en brandeffekt. För att undersöka detta vidare sålikställdes brandåret för alla områden och sammanställdes till ett totalt medelvärde,detta påvisade en marginellt positiv effekt av branden.Slutsatsen är att många störande variabler påverkade resultatet, dessa variabler agerar isamverkan för att påverka tillväxten och denna studie lyckades inte isolera brandenseffekt. Den totala sammanställningen visar endast en marginell effekt av branden, detberor på att ett område visade en tillväxtökning och ett annat område visade entillväxtminskning, dessa två tar således ut varandra.

Planificación, logística y valorización de biomasa forestal residual en la provincia de Valencia

Lerma Arce, Victoria 29 June 2015 (has links)
[EN] In the framework of a sustainable bio-based economy, this doctoral thesis aims to stimulate sustainable forest management by providing scientific information and guidelines tending to plan and mobilizate bioenergy resources from Mediterranean forests, protect forest ecosystems from forest fires, optimize the carbon balances of the entire bioenergy value chain and finally, contribute to the rural development through employment and richness creation in the renewable energy sector. To achieve these goals, the general objective of this research is to analyse and develop an integral management, planning, logistics and energy valuation model for the forest biomass residues available in the Valencian Province. For that purpose, forest and agricultural crops data in the Valencian Province have been analised by using Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and applying selection and sustainable harvesting criteria. Biomass quantity and real available biomass residues have been estimated. Based on a sustainable management, planning, logistics, transformation and biomass use model, eight bioenergy districts have been identified at a supramunicipal level. Representative forest plots have been selected and two harvesting systems, the integrated system (separated use of logs and forest residues) and the whole tree system, have been tested. Subsequently, productivity, costs, environmental impact, carbon emissions and energy balances have been compared and the quality of the obtained chips has been analysed according to European quality norms. In addition, a pilot pellet plant at a laboratory scale has been designed and started and pellets have been fabricated. Finally, pellet quality and influencing variables such as species, tree fraction of the chips and bark presence have been studied together with the maximum amount of bark that quality pellets can tolerate. It has been estimated 28t/ha of residual biomass for the Valencian Province. A total of eight bioenergy districts have been identified, which could provide a in which a sustained supply of high quality biomass. Representative forest plots are those with a pole stage of Pinus halepensis with a canopy cover estimated in between 40-69% at altitudes around 600 m above the sea level, east-southwest dominating aspects and 15% of average slope. The integrated system has proven to be the most suitable for harvesting Pinus halepensis in a pole stage in the Valencian Province due to a higher harvesting productivity, which in turn means lower fuel consumption, lower total costs, higher economic and financial profitability due to the higher value of log woodchips in the market, lower environmental impact due to the need of less manoeuvrability forwarder space with the integrated systems and a lower number of cycles, slightly lower emissions thanks to a lower fuel consumption and finally, a slightly higher energy balance, with an energy contained in biomass that is around ten times the energy necessary for the biomass mobilization and use. In conclusion, it is possible to obtain high quality woodchips from these two harvesting systems (integrated and whole tree system) when moisture and ash content are properly monitored. It is also possible to obtain high quality pellets from barked and debarked logs as well as from branches. This implies that the abundant forest biomass residues in the Valencian Province can be transformed into high added value solid biofuels. / [ES] En el marco del desarrollo de una bioeconomía sostenible, esta tesis doctoral pretende estimular la gestión forestal sostenible orientada a la ordenación y movilización de los recursos bioenergéticos de los montes mediterráneos, proteger los ecosistemas forestales frente a los incendios forestales, optimizar los balances de carbono en la cadena de valor de la bioenergía forestal y, finalmente, contribuir al desarrollo rural mediante la generación de empleo y riqueza en el sector de las energías renovables. Para alcanzar estos retos, el objetivo general de la investigación es el análisis y el desarrollo de un modelo integral de gestión, planificación, aprovisionamiento y valorización energética de la biomasa forestal residual de la Provincia de Valencia. Para ello, se ha analizado el territorio de la Provincia de Valencia a partir de información forestal y agrícola recogida en distintas bases de datos mediante la aplicación de Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG) y de criterios de selección y aprovechamiento sostenible. Se ha estimado la cantidad de biomasa agroforestal residual existente y aprovechable. Se han definido e identificado distritos bioenergéticos en base a un modelo sostenible de gestión, aprovisionamiento, transformación y uso de la biomasa a escala supramunicipal. Se han seleccionado parcelas forestales representativas y en ellas se han llevado a cabo aprovechamientos experimentales de biomasa mediante el sistema de aprovechamiento integrado (aprovechamiento separado de fuste y residuos forestales) y el sistema de árbol completo. A continuación, se han comparado rendimientos, productividad, costes, rentabilidad, impacto ambiental, emisiones de carbono y balances energéticos de ambos sistemas. Posteriormente, a partir del material recogido se ha analizado la calidad de las astillas según la normativa de calidad europea. En paralelo, se ha diseñado y puesto en marcha una planta piloto a escala de laboratorio para la fabricación de pellets a partir de astillas obtenidas en campo. Por último, se ha analizado la calidad de los pellets y se ha estudiado la influencia de factores como la especie, la fracción del árbol y la presencia de corteza sobre las variables de calidad, estableciendo los límites máximos tolerables de corteza para la producción de pellets de calidad. Como resultados, se ha estimado que en la Provincia de Valencia la cantidad de biomasa residual aprovechable es de en torno a 28t/ha, identificándose ocho distritos bioenergéticos en que se podría dar un suministro sostenido en cantidad y calidad de biomasa en base a sus propios recursos agroforestales. Las parcelas representativas de las masas dominantes pertenecen al estrato Pinus halepensis en estado de latizal-fustal con una fracción de cabida cubierta de entre el 40-69%, situadas a altitudes medias de 600 m sobre el nivel del mar, con orientaciones dominantes este-suroeste y pendientes medias en torno al 15%. El sistema de aprovechamiento integrado ha resultado ser el más adecuado para el aprovechamiento de estas masas debido a un mayor rendimiento en el desembosque que se traduce en menores consumos de combustible, menores costes totales, mayor rentabilidad económica y financiera, un menor impacto ambiental, emisiones ligeramente menores en el sistema integrado frente al completo y un balance energético algo superior, siendo la energía contenida en la biomasa, en ambos casos, diez veces superior respecto a la que se necesita para su aprovechamiento. Se concluye que es posible obtener astillas de calidad procedente de estos sistemas de aprovechamiento biomásico (fustes y árbol completo) siempre que se controle la humedad y el contenido en cenizas y que es posible obtener pellets de alta calidad a partir de fustes descortezados y sin descortezar, así como de su fracción de ramas, lo que implica que los abundantes recursos biomásicos en la Provincia de Valencia pueden ser transformados en / [CA] En el marc del desenvolupament d'una bioeconomia sostenible, aquesta tesis doctoral pretén estimular la gestió forestal sostenible orientada a l'ordenació i movilització dels recursos bioenergètics dels forets mediterranis, protegir els ecosistemes forestals front als incendis forestals, optimitzar els balanços de carboni en la cadena de valor de la bioenergia forestal i, finalment, contribuir al desenvolupament rural mitjançant la generació de treball i riquesa en el sector de les energies renovables. Per a assolir aquests reptes, l'objectiu general de la investigació és l'anàlisis i el desenvolupament d'un model integral de gestió, planificació, aprovisionament i valorització energètica de la biomasa forestal residual de la Provincia de València. Per a fer açò possible, s'ha analitzat el territori de la Provincia de València a partir d'informació forestal i agrícola recollida en distintes bases de dades mitjançant l'aplicació de Sistemes d'Informació Geogràfica (SIG) i de criteris de selecció i d'aprofitament sostenible. S'ha estimat la quantitat de biomasa agroforestal residual existent i aprofitable. S'han definit e identificat districtes bioenergètics en base a un model sostenible de gestió, aprovisionament, transformació i ús de la biomasa a escala supramunicipal. S'han seleccionat parcel·les forestals representatives i en elles s'han dut a terme aprofitaments experimentals de biomasa mitjançant el sistema integrat (aprofitament per separat de canó i de residus forestals) i el sistema d'arbre complet. A continuació, s'han comparat ambdós sistemes pel que fa a rendiments, productivitat, costs, impacte ambiental, emissions de carboni i balanços energètics. Posteriorment, a partir del material recollit s'ha estudiat la qualitat de les estelles generades amb els aprofitaments segons la normativa de qualitat europea. En paralel, s'ha disenyat i posat en marxa una planta pilot a escala de laboratori per a l'elaboració de pellets a partir de les estelles obtingudes de camp. Per últim, s'ha analitzat la qualitat dels pellets i s'ha estudiat la influència de factors com l'espècie, la fracció de l'arbre i la presencia d'escorça sobre les variables de qualitat establint els límits màxims tolerables d'escorça per a la producció de pellets de qualitat. Com resultats, s'ha estimat que en la Provincia de València la quantitat de biomasa residual aprofitable és d'al voltant de 28t/ha, identificant-se huit districtes bioenergètics en els que es podria donar un sumisitre sostingut en quantitat i en qualitat de biomasa en base als seus propis recursos agroforestals. Les parceles representatives de les mases dominants perteneixen al estrate Pinus halepensis en estat de perxada amb una desnitat de recobriment de entre el 40-69%, situades a altituds mitjanes de 600 m sobre el nivell del mar, amb orientacions dominants est-suroest i pendents mitjanes al voltant del 15%. El sistema d'aprofitament integrat ha resultat ser el més adequat per a l'aprofitament d'estes mases dominants debut a un major rendiment en el desembosc que se tradueix en menors consums de combustible, menors costs totals, major rentabilitat econòmica i financiera, un menor impacte ambiental, unes emissions lleugerament menors del sistema integrat front al complet per menor consum de combustibles i un balanç energètic lleugérament superior, siguent l'energia continguda en la biomasa per a amdós sistemes deu voltes superior respecte a la que es necessita per a la seua mobilització i aprofitament. Se conclou que és possible obtindre estelles de qualitat procedent d'aquests sistemes d'aprofitament biomàsic (canó i arbre complet) sempre que se controle la humitat i el contigut de cendres i que és possible obtindre pellets d'alta qualitat a partir de canons descorçats i amb escorça, així com de la seua fracció de rames, el que implica que els abundants recursos biomàsics de la Provincia de València poden ser / Lerma Arce, V. (2015). Planificación, logística y valorización de biomasa forestal residual en la provincia de Valencia [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/52391

Southern pine beetle colonization: Dispersal phenology and host selection

Thomason, John William 10 May 2024 (has links) (PDF)
The southern pine beetle, Dendroctonus frontalis Zimmermann (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), is a prime example of a bark beetle of high ecological and economical importance. As these bark beetles adapt to a changing environment, forest managers must continue to evolve management strategies to improve forest resilience to these pests. Herein, we examined the validity of phenological trap timing cues for the annual spring D. frontalis risk assessment survey and found the traditional use of flowering dogwood (Cornus florida) (Cornaceae) bloom occurred an average of 3 weeks after peak D. frontalis spring flight activity. We also examined the natal host influence on adult beetle host selection to explore a possible explanation for the lower occurrence of D. frontalis infestations in longleaf (Pinus palustris) vs. loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) (both Pineaceae). The laboratory choice tests performed showed no selection preference based on natal host.

Chemodiversity and Functions of Monoterpene Hydrocarbons in Conifers

Persson, Monika January 2003 (has links)
No description available.

Chemodiversity and Functions of Monoterpene Hydrocarbons in Conifers

Persson, Monika January 2003 (has links)
No description available.

Genetic variation for growth, wood and fibre properties of Pinus patula families grown on six sites in South Africa.

Vermaak, J. A. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScFor (Forest and Wood Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / This study evaluates the variation that exists between six sites and between more than 200 Pinus patula families established across the sites for various traits utilised in a tree improvement programme. The traits utilised were growth at ages five and eight years, gravimetric densitometry of a sub-sample of the top 100 families at age eight, and microdensitometry and fibre morphological characteristics as determined by image analysis of increment cores, extracted from a sub-sample of the top 30 families. Significant differences were found between locations for growth at ages five and eight, density (both gravimetric and micro densitometry) and fibre properties. For each of the site combinations, utilising Type B- genetic correlations, the interaction between families and locations were evaluated in order to determine which locations could be grouped together in order to determine the effect various sites will have on the deployment of material. Significant differences were also found between families for the various traits investigated, which would indicate that desired trait or trait combinations can be selected for in a tree improvement programme. Heritability estimates for growth varied across sites, ranging from 0,32 to 0,57 at five years and 0,34 to 0,59 at eight years for family heritability. The individual tree estimates ranges from 0,08 to 0,27 at five years and from 0,09 to 0,26 at eight years. The standard errors associated with the heritability estimates for growth however indicate that the estimates, especially those of the individual trees should be used with caution. The heritability estimates for density and fibre morphological characteristics on the family and individual tree level are on a number of sites very high, although this is associated with large standard errors. Indications were that the traits can be combined effectively into a multi-trait selection index, since the phenotypic and genotypic correlations indicated mostly favorable or slight negative correlations between traits.

Selected mechanical properties and the structural grading of young Pinus patula sawn timber

Dowse, George Patrick 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScFor (Dept. of Forest and Wood Science)--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this study 1345 pieces of 38x114 mm timber sawn from 16-20 year-old Pinus patula trees were obtained from a wide variety of sites along the Mpumalanga escarpment in South Africa. The samples were tested for various mechanical and physical properties. The objectives of this study were (1) to determine the variation in the bending strength, tension strength, and stiffness of the sawn timber, (2) to assess the efficiency of the current visual and mechanical grading rules on this sample, and (3) to evaluate the potential of some indicator properties to be used as structural grading parameters on this resource. A large number of non-destructive measurements were performed on all the samples, including scanning of the boards with a commercial X-ray density scanner, moisture content measurement, growth ring measurements, warp measurement, acoustic frequency measurement and measurement of the stiffness using a mechanical grader. The data from the X-ray density scanner was used to calculate a number of knot-related variables for each board. Visual grading according to the SANS 1783-2 (2005) specifications for structural timber was performed by a certified grader on all the boards. The timber was divided into two groups for destructive testing, one group each for bending and tension tests. Tests were conducted according to the SANS 6122 (1994) method for in-grade testing. Due to the sampling method followed, the destructive tests effectively used a random placement of defects with regard to the load application position. From the destructive tests the modulus of elasticity (MOEedge), bending strength (MOR) and tensile strength were determined. The study showed that the MOEedge of the sawn timber was far below the requirements of the current national standard (SANS 10163-1) for all of the visual and mechanical grades. The mean MOEedge of the visually graded S5 timber was about 30% lower than required. The 5th percentile values for bending strength of all the visual and mechanical grades were above the required values of SANS 10163-1. The 5th percentile values for tensile strength of all the visual and mechanical grades were similar to that required by the SANS 10163-1 standard. Correlations between flatwise measured MOE (MOEflat) and edgewise measured MOE (MOEedge) were smaller than expected, as well as the correlations between both MOEedge and MOEflat with MOR. Dynamic MOE (MOEdyn), calculated from acoustic frequency tests on the timber, was found to be the best single predictor of MOEedge, MOR and tension strength. Multiple regression analysis showed that a combination of MOEdyn, density and knot parameters can be used to improve the predictability of some of the strength and stiffness characteristics of the timber. It is recommended that a comprehensive study on the structural grading of SA Pine be performed which includes (1) an analysis of market requirements in terms of strength and stiffness properties of timber, (2) in-grade testing of a representative sample of structural timber in South Africa, and (3) a review of the standards used in South Africa to regulate the structural grading of timber. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie studie is 1345 stukke 38x114 mm 16-20 jaar-oue Pinus patula planke, afkomstig van ‘n wye verskydenheid groeiplekke teen die Mpumalanga platorand in Suid Afrika, gebruik. Die planke is getoets vir verskeie meganiese sowel as fisiese eienskappe. Die doelwitte van hierdie studie was om (1) die variasie in buigsterkte, treksterkte en styfheid van die gesaagde planke te bepaal, (2) die effektiwiteit van die huidige visuele -en meganiese graderingsreëls op hierdie monster planke vas te stel, en (3) die potensiaal te evalueer van sommige eienskappe wat gebruik kan word as strukturele graderingsparameters. ‘n Groot hoeveelheid nie-destruktiewe toetse is op alle planke uitgevoer, wat ingesluit het skandering van planke met ‘n kommersiële X-straaldigt-heidskandeerder, metings van voginhoud, groeiringwydtes, deformasie, akoestiese frekwensie en die bepaling van styfheid met behulp van ‘n meganiese gradeerder. Die data van die X-straalskandeerder is gebruik om ‘n aantal kwasverwante veranderlikes vir elke plank te bereken. Visuele gradering is op alle planke uitgevoer ooreenkomstig met die SANS 1783-2 (2005) spesifikasies vir strukturele hout deur ‘n gesertifiseerde gradeerder. Die hout is in twee groepe opgedeel vir destruktiewe toetse, een vir buigtoetse en een vir trektoetse, ooreenkomstig met die SANS 6122 (1994) metode vir binnegraadse toetse. As gevolg van die monsternemingsmetodiek wat gevolg is, is daar effektief gebruik gemaak van ‘n lukrake plasing van defekte met betrekking tot die las-aanwendingsposisie. Die modulus van elastisiteit (MOEedge), buigsterkte (MOR) en treksterkte is deur middel van destruktiewe toetsresultate bepaal. Die studie het aangetoon dat die MOEedge van gesaagde hout aansienlik minder as die vereiste van die huidige nasionale standaard (SANS 10163-1) is vir al die visuele en meganiese grade. Die gemiddelde MOEedge van die visueel-gegradeerde S5 planke was omtrent 30% laer as vereis. Die 5de persentiel waardes vir buigsterkte van alle visuele en meganiese grade was hoër as die vereiste waardes soos voorgeskryf deur SANS 10163-1. Die 5de persentiel waardes vir treksterkte van alle visuele en meganiese grade was gelykstaande aan wat vereis word deur SANS 10163-1. Korrelasies tussen MOE, gemeet op die wydte sy (MOEflat), en MOE, gemeet op die diktesy (MOEedge), asook die korrelasies van beide MOEedge en MOEflat met MOR van die planke was laer as verwag. Dinamiese MOE (MOEdyn), wat bereken was vanaf die akoestiese frekwensie resultate, is vasgestel as die beste enkele indikator van MOEedge, MOR en treksterkte. Meervuldige regressie analise het aangetoon dat ‘n kombinasie van MOEdyn, digtheid en kwasparameters gebruik kan word om die voorspelbaarheid van sommige van die sterkte- en styfheids eienskappe van die hout te verbeter. Daar word aanbeveel dat ‘n omvattende studie gedoen word op die strukturele gradering van SA Dennehout, wat insluit (1) ‘n analise van die markbehoeftes in terme van die sterkte- en styfheids eienskappe van hout, (2) binnegraadse toetsing van ‘n verteenwoordigende monster strukturele hout in Suid Afrika, en (3) die hersiening van standaarde in gebruik in Suid Afrika om die strukturele gradering van hout te reguleer.

Variations in some structural features and wood properties of Pinus caribaea Morelot from British Honduras

Lantican, C. B. January 1972 (has links)
No description available.

The effect of the number of log sorts on mechanised log processing productivity and value recovery in landing-based cable yarder harvesting operations

Tolan, Alexander Charles January 2014 (has links)
The New Zealand forest industry produces a diverse range of log grades and sorts to meet domestic and export market demands and to maximise returns to the forest grower. An implication for the supply chain is the number of log grades and sorts a harvesting operation is expected to produce from one species, radiata pine (Pinus radiata). The number of log grades and sorts can impact on landing size and layout requirements, value recovery, log-making complexity, machine utilisation and quality control requirements. A study was conducted to investigate if the number of log sorts affects mechanised log processing productivity and value recovery. This would determine if any gross value gains derived from producing a higher number of sorts are offset by losses in log processing productivity. Two landing-based mechanised log processors at cable yarder harvesting operations were studied using different cutting scenarios producing five, nine, twelve and fifteen log sorts. The study collected data from over 26 hours of mechanised processing which included the processing of 578 stems at an average piece size of approximately 1.6 m³. Machine utilisation results showed processors spending 84% of total time on productive tasks and that 49% of total time was spent on the primary productive tasks of log processing. Quadratic regressions were used to model log processing productivity trends which showed piece size and cutting scenario as significant predictor variables (p-value <0.01). There was a significant difference between cutting scenario with five log sorts and the cutting scenarios with twelve and fifteen log sorts (p-values <0.05), as well as a significant difference between the nine and fifteen log sort cutting scenarios (p-value <0.01). There was not enough evidence to suggest productivity was different between cutting scenarios producing five and nine log sorts. Based on this analysis, it was likely that the null hypothesis that the number of log sorts does not affect log processing productivity should be rejected. At a piece size of 2 m³, the productivity model estimated processing productivity was 10% higher producing nine log sorts compared to producing fifteen log sorts. A linear regression model showed a strong relationship between gross value recovery, piece size and cutting scenario (p-value <0.01). Gross value recovery increased as the number of log sorts increased. A significant model suggested it is likely null hypothesis 2, that the number of log sorts does not affect gross value recovery, should be rejected. There were only some differences in variances between cutting scenarios which were statistically significant. Both the average results and regression estimates showed the five log sort cutting scenario recovering 94% of the value of the cutting scenario with fifteen log sorts. Incremental gains in value recovery as the number of log sorts increased were marginal, which appeared to be due to log prices for many major log grades trading in a close range in relation to historic price trends. Regression trends for productivity and gross value recovery indicated that the most optimal cutting scenario, in terms of processing value outturn per productive machine hour, was the cutting scenario producing nine log sorts. This suggests that declines in processor productivity offset gains in gross value recovery when producing twelve and fifteen log sorts. Market sensitivity analysis suggested that differentials in log prices impact on the number of log sorts which optimise the value outturn per productive machine hour from log processing.

Above and Below Ground Assessment of Pinus radiate

McQuillan, Shane January 2013 (has links)
A comparison of above ground forest metrics with below ground soil CO₂ respiration was carried out in an attempt to reveal if any correlations exist. Above ground measurements of 2720 clonally propagated trees were taken assessing the silvicultural treatments of stocking, herbicide and fertiliser. These were compared to 480 below ground soil CO₂ respiration measurements. Using measurements of mean height, mean dbh and basal area the data was analysed and returned significant results for mean dbh and the interactions of herbicide and clones, and stocking and herbicide. Mean height returned a significant result for the interaction of stocking and herbicide. Below ground measurements showed an interaction between ripping and stocking; however these results were not ratified by the above ground results. Overall the results were encouraging and should aid in future experiments that seek to understand what effect above ground treatments have on below ground CO₂ activity.

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