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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

TPP的地緣政治與地緣經濟因素: 台灣加入TPP戰略思考之研究 / The Geopolitical and Geoeconomic Factors: Taiwan's Strategic Calculation to Join TPP

詹雅涵 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以美國歐巴馬政府之「重返亞太」戰略,以及美國於亞太地區所倡導「太平洋經濟合作協議」──TPP為研究標的,並以國家利益理論為研究理論基礎,分析美國面對亞太地區經濟力的強勁成長,以及中國大陸以飛奔之勢成為世界第二大經濟體,美國基於國家利益而開始主導TPP之成立與運作。在這過程之中,美國與中國之戰略如何運用?而台灣在國民黨與民進黨兩大黨都支持加入TPP的情況下,台灣加入TPP之途,到底可能面對那些中國與美國的戰略運用?台灣加入TPP之利與弊各有那些?本研究以以歷史研究法、文獻分析法為研究方法,經由所得文獻之整理、分析、歸納,提出本研究之研究成果有三項: 一、中國國力提升將拉高台灣進入TPP的機會 隨著中國國力提升,美國對中國的「圍堵」,將更加緊繃嚴密,台灣角色必然也會越來越突顯,在美國強力圍堵的戰略運作下,台灣進入TPP之機會越來越高。 二、 海島型經濟特色的台灣,向區域開放市場,是台灣唯一的選擇 台灣海島型經濟,產業大幅仰賴出口,目前中國大陸又是台灣主要出口的地區,面對市場主要對手如南韓、日本已積極簽署FTA,台灣必須積極投入,才不致被邊緣化,中國大陸市場也才不會被對手所取代。 三、TPP與FTA是全球化趨勢下的必然結果 在各式區域經貿協議之中,施行零關稅及強調非關稅的壁壘,簡化文書作業及海關程序,更是打破國與國之間疆,使得關稅制度保護本土產品的制度設計初衷,不復存在,如此強者愈強,弱者愈弱,區域經濟形成一種M型化的競爭態勢。 / This thesis focuses on strategy of U.S. Pivot to Asia Pacific region and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) with the theory of state interest to analyze how the U.S. manages the establishment and operation of TPP on the consideration of the strong economic growth of Asia-Pacific region and the status of rising China as the second largest economic entity around the world. During the process, what is the strategy of the U.S. and China? On the other hand, under the domestic support of two major parties in Taiwan to join TPP, Kuomintang (KMT) and Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), on the way to join TPP, what diplomatic strategies will Taiwan confront when it deals with China and the U.S.? In other words, what are the pros and cons for Taiwan to join TPP? Based on historical analysis, document analysis, this thesis found three major findings: 1. The increase of power of Rising China will enhance the opportunity of Taiwan to join TPP As China’s state power increases, the U.S. will adopt much more serious “Containment” strategies. Under this circumstance, the role of Taiwan will become much more important. Therefore, under the intense U.S. containment strategies, the opportunities for Taiwan to join TPP will become higher. 2. Open market to the region is the choice for sea-island economic Taiwan Taiwan belongs to sea-island economic, which relies on export on the development of industry, and China becomes the major export partner of Taiwan. Facing the challenge of South Korea and Japan which have signed FTA with China, Taiwan has to engage in a more active way to the open market to avoid isolation on the competition of Chinese market. 3. TPP and FTA are the definite result of globalization Among all kinds of regional agreements, zero tax barrier and simplification of administration process on document and custom examination are the keys to break the obstacle between country and country. Moreover, by doing so countries could break the limitation on protecting the local products, which further fosters the M shape competition among the regional economic development between the strong and weak countries.

美國亞太再平衡戰略:兼論我國建軍規劃 / From Pivot to Asia and Rebalancing strategy to Taiwan’s Force Planning

陳俐萍 Unknown Date (has links)
美國總統歐巴馬自2009年上任後,立即著手將美國的全球戰略重心向亞太地區轉移,同時提出「亞太再平衡」政策指導方針,逐步實現以美國利益為依歸的全球戰略重新布局。2012年美國公布國防戰略指導原則《維持美國的全球領導地位:21世紀國防優先任務》,列出21世紀的國防任務優先順序,文件中提及「戰略再平衡」亦即要發展「空海整體戰」,以反制中共的「反介入/區域拒止」(A2AD)為主要關鍵任務之一,由此可見,美國仍將中共視為亞太地區的重要競爭對手。 回顧美國公開宣稱重返亞洲的戰略布局以來,先後於2010年1月、2011年9月及2015年12月三次對臺軍售,總價值高達140.75億美元。臺灣是美國在亞太地區防衛中共所建構反介入的第一道防線,對美國當然存在重要的軍事意義。就美國「亞太再平衡」與戰略替代方案中,華美共同利益或美方缺漏不足之處,應積極尋求雙方更緊密之軍事合作,以因應共軍「反介入/區域拒止」(A2/AD)能力對其亞太利益威脅,同時兼顧減輕美軍的防衛負擔及信守對盟邦的安全承諾。 在傳統戰爭中,臺灣面對中共之勝算極低,但我國絕無鬆懈建軍備戰之理由,而建構一個「財力可負擔、戰力可信賴」的國防,亦是國軍當前的重大挑戰。研究發現,在結合美國「亞太再平衡」策略中,我國應朝1.強化國家利益經營對美關係;2.結合區域安全發展國防武力;3.加強整合國防資源及推動國防自主等面向努力。在無立即危安的情況下,國防建設宜結合國家經濟發展需要,即「以經濟建構國防、以國防支援經濟」,把軍事投資轉型為具附加價值的產業發展策略,並著重在前瞻先進與軍民兩用的科研上,促進武器更新,減少偏重消費性質的武器彈藥採購,以提升國防自主能力,帶動國內產業發展,創造國防的多元價值。 / Since President Obama took over the oval office in 2009, immediate actions are taken to pivot U.S. global strategy emphasis to Asia Pacific area and “Rebalancing” policy was introduced. The idea was to realize the re-plotting of global strategy which is centered on U.S. interest. The priorities of defense mission for U.S. in 21st century was clearly listed in 2012 defense strategy guidance “Sustaining U.S. Global leadership: Priorities for 21st century defense.” When the document talked about “Strategy rebalancing”, it actually talked about Air-Sea battle(ASB), which is one of the critical mission in countering China’s A2AD measures. Hence we can see that U.S. still sees China as her primary competition in Asia Pacific area. Since the proclamation of “Pivot to Asia” strategy, U.S. has granted Taiwan’s arms sales requests in Jan 2010, Sept 2011, and Dec 2015 for a total worth of 14.075 B USD. Taiwan no doubt has great military meaning to U.S. for which is considered as U.S.’s first line of defense in Asia Pacific area when dealing with China. As for the strategic alternative and U.S.’s “Rebalancing” policy, closer military cooperation should be conducted to fulfill the mutual interest of Taiwan and U.S. or the missing link in U.S. strategy. So is to cope with the threat that inflicted by China’s anti-access / area denial" (A2 / AD), ease U.S. defense burden, and comply the security promise to allies. In conventional warfare, the odd is against Taiwan greatly when confronting China. However, that is not the reason to go easy on force building and enhancing combat readiness. Certainly, it is a big challenge to Taiwan’s arms forces when comes to constructing “financial affordable, force creditable” national defense. The study has shown, when integrate with U.S. “Rebalancing” policy, Taiwan should work toward 1. emphasize national interest and nourish the relationship with U.S.; 2. develop defense capability to cope with regional security situation; 3. increase defense resources integration and promote “self-reliant defense”. Under the condition of without immediate danger, national defense construction should combine with the need of national economy development. That means “use economy to build national defense, and use national defense to support economy development”. Military investment can be transformed into industry development strategy added value. The focus should be fore sighting and advance science research that can be applied on both military and civilian domain. We should stimulate weapon innovation instead of weapon or munitions procurement which is plain consuming nature. Hence, self-reliant defense capability can be improved, domestic industries development can be driven, and multiple values of national defense can be created.

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