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Actitudes hacia el amor y satisfacción de pareja en jóvenes universitarios entre 18 y 25 años de Lima metropolitanaCasafranca Rojas, Sara Estefania 02 July 2021 (has links)
La presente investigación se propone conocer la relación existente entre las actitudes hacia el
amor y la satisfacción de pareja en un grupo de estudiantes universitarios entre 18 y 25 años.
Asimismo, conocer las diferencias entre las variables de estudio a partir del sexo y, finalmente,
conocer la relación entre la edad y el tiempo de pareja actual con las actitudes hacia el amor y
la satisfacción de pareja. Los resultados señalan que la actitud predominante en la muestra es
Eros, caracterizada por ser un amor pasional y basado en la atracción física. Se encontró
también una correlación significativa entre Eros y la satisfacción de pareja, lo cual resulta
acorde a estudios previos y las tendencias amorosas en la cultura occidental. Por otro lado, la
comparación a partir de la variable sexo señala que los hombres presentan significativamente
más una actitud Ágape a comparación de las mujeres, lo cual puede estar asociado a los roles
de género, así como evaluaciones diferenciadas al momento de renunciar a algo por la pareja.
Finalmente, no se encontraron asociaciones significativas entre edad y tiempo de pareja con
satisfacción de pareja; no obstante, se encontró una correlación significativa entre edad y las
actitudes Manía y Ágape, lo cual dista de los resultados obtenidos en otros estudios. / This research aims to know the relation between attitudes towards love and couple satisfaction
in a group of university students between 18 and 25 years old. In addition, the research studies
the differences between the study variables based on sex and the relation between age and
current time of relationship with attitudes towards love and partner satisfaction. The results
indicate that the predominant attitude in the sample is Eros, characterized by being a passionate
love and based on physical attraction. A significant correlation was also found between Eros
and couple satisfaction, which is consistent with previous studies and love trends in Western
culture. Additionally, the comparison based on the sex variable indicates that men have a
significantly more Agape attitude compared to women, which may be associated with gender
roles, as well as differentiated evaluations when renouncing to something for the couple.
Finally, no significant associations were found between age and current time of relationship
with partner satisfaction. However, a significant correlation was found between age and Mania
and Agape attitudes, which is far from the results obtained in other studies.
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The cenozoic stratigraphy and associated heavy mineral palaeo-placer deposit on Geelwal Karoo : West Coast, South AfricaElferink, Lisa 03 1900 (has links)
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The farm Geelwal Karoo is situated some 16km north of the Olifants River mouth on the West Coast of
South Africa and hosts fluvial, marine and aeolian deposits of post-Gondwana age. The oldest basal fluvial
succession, unconformably overlies Proterozoic and Palaeozoic basement rocks and is in turn capped by
aeolianite and littoral packages representing two transgressive cycles.
The fluvial channel clay succession is deposited in shallow bedrock-incised channels, has a wedge-shape
and is deposited parallel to the present coastline. The flow direction is along the coast and the northwardtapering,
angular, poorly sorted basal vein-quartz lag indicates a northward palaeo-flow direction. Less than
1% total heavy minerals (THM) is found in the matrix of these gravel units and the heavy mineral suite is
distinguished by zircon, pseudorutile and kyanite. The channel clay unit is dominated by an upper, mediumgrained
quartzose sand and kaolin clay facies, which shows advanced post-depositional weathering. The
fluvial unit is correlated with the channel clay unit of Hondeklip Bay and a Cretaceous age is proposed for the
initial channel incision.
The two shallow marine successions have been correlated with the Late Miocene, Early Pleistocene, +30m
and +50m packages respectively. These marine sediments were first described by John Pether (1994) in
the Hondeklip Bay area and were named according to their transgressive maxima. They are transgressive
successions arranged en echelon down the coastal bedrock gradient, from oldest and highest to youngest.
The offshore environment of the +50m package consists of fine silty sand, which is moderately sorted. The
mineral assemblage is dominated by quartz and the average THM is 18%. The inshore environment is
distinguished by a single poorly sorted basal cobble lag which shows an overall fining upward succession.
The beachface environment is composed of medium to fine-grained sand, which is moderate to well-sorted.
Mineral diversity is greatest in the inshore and beachface environments and the average THM for these two
units is greater than 35%. The +30m package has been extensively eroded due to its lower erosion and
outcrops were sporadic along the coast. The +30m offshore sediments are recognised by fine sediments
with high concentrations of glauconite and organic matter. The inshore environment is distinguished by
numerous poorly sorted pebble lags with fining upward successions. Both the inshore and beachface units
have higher feldspar concentrations than the corresponding +50m units. The average THM for these two
units is less than 3%.
The aeolianite unit, which comprises several distinct units, extends over the entire length of the study area
and is characterized by calcrete and red bed horizons. Colour variations in the otherwise homogeneous unit
are due to heavy mineral enrichment and/or different degrees of in situ weathering and cementation. The
unit is composed exclusively of fine- to medium-grained sand and the THM concentration averages 9%.
This unit is composed of more than one generation of aeolian sand and forms part of an aeolian transport
corridor which transported sand from the beach to the interior. The oldest unit has been equated with the
Upper Miocene Prospect Hill Formation, whereas the more recent yellow dune sand is equated with the
Pleistocene Springfontyn Formation. At Geelwal Karoo, only the heavy sand placer in the +50m package was deemed to be of any economic
significance. The average THM of this placer was calculated to be 40% and some 150 thousand tons of Tibearing
material can be expected from this succession. This relatively small volume of heavy minerals and
extensive cementation however, make this placer a less attractive prospect than the neighbouring Namakwa
Sands operation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die plaas Geelwal Karoo is ongeveer 16km noord van die Olifantsriviermond aan die Weskus van Suid-
Afrika geleë en het voorkomste van fluviale, marine en eoliese afsettings van post-Gondwana ouderdom. Die
oudste eenheid, ‘n basale fluviale eenheid, oorlê Proterosoiëse en Paleosoiëse plaaslike vloer gesteentes
wat op hulle beurt weer bedek word deur eoliese en littorale eenhede verteenwoordigene ven twee
transgressiewe siklusse.
Die fluviale kanaalklei-opeenvolging, afgeset in vlak ingesnyde rotsbedding-kanale, is wigvormig en is
afgeset parallel aan die huidige kuslyn in ‘n alluviale waaier-afsetting. Die vloeirigting was langs die kus en
die noorwaards toespitsende, hoekige, swak gesorteerde basale aar-kwarts bodemgruis dui op ‘n
noordwaards palaeo-vloeirigting. Minder as 1% totale swaarminerale (TSM) is gevind in die tussenmassa
van hierdie gruis-eenhede en die swaarmineraal reeks word onderskei deur sirkoon, pseudo-rutiel en kianiet.
Die kanaalklei eenheid word oorheers deur ‘n boonste, medium-korrelrige kwarts-bevattende sand en
kaolien kleifasies was dui op gevorderde verwering na afsetting. Die fluviale eenheid word gekorreleer met
die kleikanaal en ‘n Kryt-ouderdom word voorgestel vir die aanvanklike insnyding van die kanaal.
Die twee vlak marine opeenvolgings word gekorreleer met die Laat Mioseen, vroeg Pleistoseen, naamlik die
+30m en +50m eenhede onderskeidelik. Die aflandige omgewing van die +50m eenhied bestaan uit matiggesorteerde,
fyn slikkerige sand. Die mineraalversameling word oorheers deur kwarts en die gemiddelde
TSM is 18%. Die subgetysone word onderskei deur ‘n enkele swak-gesorteerde gruislaag en is oorwegende
opwaarts fynerwordend. Die strandomgewing is goed verteenwordige en bestaan uit matig tot goedgesorteerde
medium- tot fynkorrelrige sand. Die grootste mineraal-diversiteit kom voor in die subgety- en
strandomgewings en die gemiddelde TSM vir hierdie eenhede is hoër as 35%.
As gevolg van algemene erosie kom die +30m eenheid sporadies voor. Die aflandige omgeving is herken
deur fyn kleierige of slikkerige sedimente met hoe konsentrasies gloukoniet en organiese materiaal. Die
subgetysone omgewing is gekenmerk deur verskeie gruislae wat almal opwaarts fynwordend is. Altwee die
subgety- en strandomgewings het hoer feldspar konsentrasies as die +50m eenhede. Die gemiddelde THM
vir hierdie enhede is minder as 3%.
Die eolitiese eenheid, bestaan uit verskeie duidelik-onderskeibare eenhede, beslaan die totale lengte van die
studiegebied en word kenmerk deur uitgebreide kalkreet en rooi-laag horisonne. Kleurverskille in die
andersins homogene eenheid kan verklaar word in terme van lae swaarmineraal konsentrasies en/of as
gevolg wan verskillende grade van in situ verwering en sementering. Die eenheid bestaan uitsluitlik uit fyntot
medium-korrelrige sand en het ‘n gemiddelde TSM konsentrasie van 9%. Die eenheid bestaan uit meer
as een generasie eoliese sand en maak deel uit van ‘n eoliese vervoersisteem wat sand vanaf die strand na
die binneland vervoer het. Die oudste sande in hierdie eenheid is gekorreleer met die Laat Mioseen
Prospect Hill Formasie terwyl die meer onlangse geelduin sand vergelyk word met die Pleistoseen
Springbokfontein Formasie. By Geelwal Karoo is slegs die +50m eenhede beskou as economies van belang. Die gemiddelde TSM van
hierdie swaarmineraal-ertsligaam is bereken op 40% met ‘n verwagte 150 duisend ton Ti-draende material
van die opeenvolging. Die relatiewe klein volume swaarminerale en uitgebreide sementering het tot gevolg
dat dit ‘n minder aanloklike proposisie is as die aanliggende Namakwa Sands aanleg.
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On The Engineering of a Stable Force-Directed PlacerVorwerk, Kristofer January 2004 (has links)
Analytic and force-directed placement methods that simultaneously minimize wire length and spread cells are receiving renewed attention from both academia and industry. However, these methods are by no means trivial to implement---to date, published works have failed to provide sufficient engineering details to replicate results.
This dissertation addresses the implementation of a generic force-directed placer entitled FDP. Specifically, this thesis provides (1) a description of efficient force computation for spreading cells, (2) an illustration of numerical instability in this method and a means to avoid the instability, (3) metrics for measuring cell distribution throughout the placement area, and (4) a complementary technique that aids in minimizing wire length. FDP is compared to Kraftwerk and other leading academic tools including Capo, Dragon, and mPG for both standard cell and mixed-size circuits. Wire lengths produced by FDP are found to be, on average, up to 9% and 3% better than Kraftwerk and Capo, respectively. All told, this thesis confirms the validity and applicability of the approach, and provides clarifying details of the intricacies surrounding the implementation of a force-directed global placer.
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Dispersão e geoquímica de minerais pesados provenientes de granitos pós-tectônicos na Bacia do Rio Piabanha - RJMello, Frederico Tavares de 01 September 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Biblioteca de Pós-Graduação em Geoquímica BGQ (bgq@ndc.uff.br) on 2017-09-01T16:41:36Z
No. of bitstreams: 1
Frederico Tavares de Mello.pdf: 5422439 bytes, checksum: 634673edb9b932bbd8d8316b51e4ce3d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-09-01T16:41:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Frederico Tavares de Mello.pdf: 5422439 bytes, checksum: 634673edb9b932bbd8d8316b51e4ce3d (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Universidade Federal Fluminense. Instituto de Química. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geoquímica, Niterói, RJ / Os minerais pesados ocorrem em todos os depósitos arenosos e formam assembleias minerais altamente específicas, em função das fontes que alimentam os depósitos e dos processos intempéricos e erosivos aos quais foram submetidos. O estudo destes minerais é empregado em diversos campos da geologia, como na prospecção mineral, na sedimentologia e na petrografia. No presente trabalho se buscou caracterizar a assembleia de minerais pesados provenientes da Suíte Nova Friburgo (granitos pós-tectônicos), assim como a geoquímica dos concentrados destes minerais, e mapear o seu padrão de dispersão ao longo da bacia do Rio Piabanha, localizada na região serrana fluminense, no contexto geológico do Orógeno Ribeira. Foram coletadas 12 amostras de sedimento fluvial ao longo da bacia e foram analisados os concentrados de minerais pesados pertencentes às frações granulométricas areia fina e a areia muito fina. As análises mineralógicas foram feitas através de Difração de Raios-X (qualificação) e de contagem de grãos em lupa (quantificação), enquanto as análises químicas foram realizadas por Fluorescência de Raios-X. Em toda a bacia o zircão e a apatita se mostram mais concentrados na fração areia muito fina, assim como os elementos Zr, Y e Hf (associados ao zircão) e P e La (associados a apatita). Os resultados encontrados mostram que as assembleias provenientes dos granitos pós-tectônicos se distinguem por conter grandes concentrações de magnetita, além de possuir pequenas concentrações de piroxênio e monazita, os quais ocorrem somente associados ao Corpo Frades da Suíte Nova Friburgo. Quanto a geoquímica, os concentrados provenientes dos granitos pós-tectônicos se destacam por apresentarem altas concentrações de Fe2O3, de Cr e de Sr, este ultimo associado principalmente a apatita. A influência de sua assembleia nos concentrados de minerais pesados é restrita a até cerca de 15 quilômetros das áreas fontes. O principal fator limitante a isto é a entrada de novos sedimentos provenientes de outras fontes, contendo concentrações mais elevadas de zircão, ilmenita e anfibólio e encobrindo, portanto, as características mineralógicas e geoquímicas originais na foz da bacia / Heavy minerals occur in all sandy deposits and form highly specific mineral assemblages. These deposits are the result of both weathering and erosive processes of their geological sources. The study of these minerals is used in many fields of geology, like mineral prospection, sedimentology and petrography. This study aimed to distinguish the heavy mineral assemblage from Suíte Nova Friburgo (post-tectonic granites) in terms of its geochemistry and also map its dispersion pattern along the Piabanha watershed. Piabanha watershed is located in the mountainous region of Rio de Janeiro state and geologically associated to Ribeira Orogen. Twelve fluvial sediment samples were collected along this watershed. Two fractions of the heavy mineral concentrate were analyzed: the fine sand and the very fine sand. Mineralogy was determined by X-Ray Diffraction (qualitative) and grain counting (quantitative), and geochemistry by X-Ray Fluorescence. Along the whole watershed zircon and apatite are common in the very fine sand fraction. Zr, Y, Hf (associated to zircon) and P, La (associated to apatite) show the same behavior. The results show that the assemblage from the post-tectonic granites are distinguished by large magnetite concentration, besides small pyroxene and monazite concentrations, associated to Corpo Frades from Suíte Nova Friburgo. The geochemistry of the heavy mineral concentrate from these granites are distinguished by high concentrations of Fe2O3, Cr and Sr, the last one manly associated to apatite. The influence of the heavy minerals assemblage from the Nova Friburgo granites is restricted to about 15 kilometers from its source areas. The input of sediments (with more zircon, ilmenite and amphibole) from other geological sources hides the influence of the granites in the watershed outfall
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On The Engineering of a Stable Force-Directed PlacerVorwerk, Kristofer January 2004 (has links)
Analytic and force-directed placement methods that simultaneously minimize wire length and spread cells are receiving renewed attention from both academia and industry. However, these methods are by no means trivial to implement---to date, published works have failed to provide sufficient engineering details to replicate results.
This dissertation addresses the implementation of a generic force-directed placer entitled FDP. Specifically, this thesis provides (1) a description of efficient force computation for spreading cells, (2) an illustration of numerical instability in this method and a means to avoid the instability, (3) metrics for measuring cell distribution throughout the placement area, and (4) a complementary technique that aids in minimizing wire length. FDP is compared to Kraftwerk and other leading academic tools including Capo, Dragon, and mPG for both standard cell and mixed-size circuits. Wire lengths produced by FDP are found to be, on average, up to 9% and 3% better than Kraftwerk and Capo, respectively. All told, this thesis confirms the validity and applicability of the approach, and provides clarifying details of the intricacies surrounding the implementation of a force-directed global placer.
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A study of titanium-bearing oxides in heavy mineral deposits along the East Coast of South Africa.Hugo, Victor Emmanuel. January 1993 (has links)
Heavy mineral deposits along the east coast of South Africa represent the world's largest
demonstrated resource of beach placer ilmenite. This mineral occurs as homogeneous,
subrounded grains, with chemical compositions close to pure FeTi03• Concentrates
contain between 48 and 52 per cent Ti02, with minor impurities of MnO, MgO, and
Most coastal ilmenites are unaltered or display only incipient alteration, but the entire
spectrum of alteration products from ilmenite to rutile or anatase, is observed.
Transmission electron microscopy of weathered ilmenites reveals that ilmenite commonly
alters to pseudorutile and then to rutile or anatase, as described by Teufer and Temple
(1966) and Grey and Reid (1975). Ilmenite may also alter directly to rutile (or anatase)
in a single-stage process. In addition, ilmenite altered by high temperature oxidation and
hydrothermal processes is found in the deposits. There is good mineralogical evidence that
the alteration of ilmenites found in the coastal sediments is best described by a multi stage
model, in which some ilmenite grains were altered prior to final deposition.
Other common iron-titanium oxides in the deposits include magnetite, rutile and hematite,
which may occur as discrete grains or as composite grains of two or more oxides.
Ilmenite and magnetite in the coastal sediments are derived from rocks of both the Karoo
Igneous Province and the Natal Basement, while rutile is derived solely from the latter.
Ilmenites from certain rock groups may be distinguished on the basis of their chemical
composition. However, magnetite chemistry is a better indicator of provenance, and
magnetites from the above two sources can be clearly distinguished. The petrography of
the iron-titanium oxides may be used as a provenance indicator, but may be misleading,
as the proportions of the oxide intergrowths change with transport and weathering.
Variations in the proportions and chemical compositions of iron-titanium oxides and other
heavy minerals within the coastal sediments are caused by provenance, selective sorting
during deposition, age of the deposit, weathering, and the recent geological history of the
area. A model is proposed in this study which describes the formation of the heavy
mineral deposits in relationship to the above influences. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of Natal, Durban, 1993.
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Richards Bay zircon.Pietersen, Kevin John. January 1992 (has links)
Zircon from the zircon concentrate of Richards Bay Minerals was investigated with a view
to understanding the morphology and provenance. The obsevations were applied to the reduction of
uranium, thorium and other trace elements in the heavy mineral placer deposits. It is evident from
differences in morphology, optical characteristics, cathodoluminescence, inclusion types and trace
element analyses that the zircon is derived from numerous parent rocks. Rare earth element
modelling reveals several possible parent rocks including rhyolites, granites, syenites, pegmatites and
Fission track U mapping of individual zircons indicated an enrichment of U in the rims and
grain terminations. The U maps were used to devise and test several methods, including abrasion and
partial dissolution, to reduce the combined U and Th concentration from 450-563ppm to below
400ppm. The effect of magnetic cleaning, density separation and size classification of the zircon
concentrate on the U +Th concentration was found to be negligible. Air abrasion and HF acid
dissolution successfully reduced the U +Th concentrations to between 332 and 383ppm.
The contribution of trace elements from inclusions, surface pit fillings and coatings, and
foreign minerals within the zircon concentrate were evaluated by by scanning electron microscope
identification. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of Natal, Durban, 1992.
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Using Hard Macros to Accelerate FPGA Compilation for Xilinx FPGAsLavin, Christopher Michael 22 January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) offer an attractive compute platform because of their highly parallel and customizable nature in addition to the potential of being reconfigurable to any almost any desired circuit. However, compilation time (the time it takes to convert user design input into a functional implementation on the FPGA) has been a growing problem and is stifling designer productivity. This dissertation presents a new approach to FPGA compilation that more closely follows the software compilation model than that of the application specific integrated circuit (ASIC). Instead of re-compiling every module in the design for each invocation of the compilation flow, the use of pre-compiled modules that can be "linked" in the final stage of compilation are used. These pre-compiled modules are called hard macros and contain the necessary physical information to ultimately implement a module or building block of a design. By assembling hard macros together, a complete and fully functional implementation can be created within seconds. This dissertation describes the process of creating a rapid compilation flow based on hard macros for Xilinx FPGAs. First, RapidSmith, an open source framework that enabled the creation of custom CAD tools for this work is presented. Second, HMFlow, the hard macro-based rapid compilation flow is described and presented as tuned to compile Xilinx FPGA designs as fast as possible. Finally, several modifications to HMFlow are made such that it produces circuits with clock rates that run at more than 75% of Xilinx-produced implementations while compiling more than 30X faster than the Xilinx tools.
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El impacto de los roles de género y de la pornografía en el placer sexual femenino de mujeres jóvenes heterosexuales de Lima MetropolitanaGallo Alarcon, Mariana Isabel 05 June 2024 (has links)
La presente investigación tiene el objetivo de explorar el impacto de los roles de género y de
la pornografía en las vivencias del placer sexual femenino en mujeres heterosexuales entre 18
y 25 años de Lima Metropolitana. Este estudio cualitativo empleó un enfoque
fenomenológico en las 7 entrevistas semi-estructuradas que se realizaron dirigidas a
responder los siguientes objetivos específicos: (a) Conocer la influencia de los roles de
género en su sexualidad, (b) analizar el impacto de la pornografía y las representaciones de
los órganos sexuales en la noción del placer sexual (a) identificar los significados actuales
que le otorgan al placer sexual. Se obtuvo como resultados cuatro temas que se relacionaron
entre sí: (a) Significados sobre el placer sexual, (b) Construcción de la ignorancia sobre el
placer sexual femenino, (b) Las representaciones de la sexualidad marcadas por la violencia
simbólica y (d) Vivencias del placer sexual atravesadas por los roles de género. De acuerdo
con el análisis, se evidencia que la estructura social patriarcal, sustentada por los mandatos de
género occidentales permeados con la idea del pecado y el castigo social, han propiciado la
omisión del placer sexual, deseo y erotismo de las mujeres. En este contexto, las mujeres
vivencian su sexualidad con miedo, culpa y vergüenza, priorizando el deseo y placer sexual
masculino por sobre el de ellas. Ello se ve reforzado por la carencia de información científica
y contextualizada en espacios cruciales para su desarrollo, como la escuela y la familia. Este
vacío es llenado por representaciones distorsionadas de la sexualidad femenina provenientes
de materiales educativos poco coherentes con la realidad y de la pornografía mainstream.
Ambos elementos, sumados al silencio sobre el placer sexual femenino, conforman una forma
de violencia simbólica que amolda la vinculación de las mujeres con su propio cuerpo y la
interacción sexual con un otro. El acceso a la información, el conocimiento compartido entre
mujeres y el proceso de reflexión a partir del feminismo, conlleva a una mayor consciencia
sobre la importancia de su propio placer sexual, así como a la evolución de los significados
alrededor del mismo. Con esta investigación, se espera visibilizar el valor que tiene una
perspectiva positiva de la sexualidad más allá del riesgo y el tabú, y poner en agenda el
derecho al placer, derecho humano que es excluido del abordaje en la educación sexual
integral. / This research aims to explore the impact of gender roles and pornography on the experiences
of female sexual pleasure in heterosexual women between 18 and 25 years old in
Metropolitan Lima. This qualitative study employed a phenomenological approach in the 7
semi-structured interviews conducted to address the following specific objectives: (a) Explore
the influence of gender roles on their sexuality, (b) analyze the impact of pornography and
representations of sexual organs on the notion of sexual pleasure, and (c) identify the current
meanings attributed to sexual pleasure. Four interconnected themes emerged as results: (a)
Meanings about sexual pleasure, (b) Construction of ignorance about female sexual pleasure,
(c) Representations of sexuality marked by symbolic violence, and (d) Experiences of sexual
pleasure influenced by gender roles. According to the analysis, it is evident that the
patriarchal social structure, supported by western gender norms permeated with the idea of
sin and social punishment, has led to the omission of women's sexual pleasure, desire, and
eroticism. In this context, women experience their sexuality with fear, guilt, and shame,
prioritizing male sexual desire and pleasure over their own. This is reinforced by the lack of
scientific and contextualized information in crucial spaces for their development, such as
schools and families. This void is filled with distorted representations of female sexuality
from educational materials that are inconsistent with reality and mainstream pornography.
Both elements, combined with the silence surrounding female sexual pleasure, constitute a
form of symbolic violence that shapes women's connection with their own bodies and sexual
interaction with others. Access to information, shared knowledge among women, and the
process of reflection through feminism lead to greater awareness of the importance of their
own sexual pleasure and a shift in the meanings surrounding it. With this research, it is
expected to highlight the value of a positive perspective on sexuality beyond risk and taboo,
and to bring the right to pleasure, a human right excluded from comprehensive sex education
to the forefront of the agenda.
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