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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

“En klapp på rumpan istället för en klapp på axeln” : En enkätstudie om arbetstagares upplevelser av sexuella trakasserier inom hotell- och restaurangbranschen

Johansson, Amanda, Bäckström, Jessica January 2021 (has links)
I Sverige är hotell- och restaurangbranschen den bransch där flest anställda utsätts för sexuella trakasserier på arbetsplatsen, där en sexistisk och hård jargong är en betydande faktor. Studiens övergripande syfte är att undersöka hur arbetstagare inom branschen upplever sexuella trakasserier, arbetsgivarens arbete mot detta samt vad som påverkar beslutet att anmäla. För att undersöka detta skickades en webbenkät till arbetsgivare som delade enkäten med sina arbetstagare samt delades på en Facebookgrupp för anställda inom hotell- och restaurangbranschen. Den besvarades av totalt 79 personer, med tämligen jämn könsfördelning. Resultatet visade att 64% av deltagarna har utsatts för sexuella trakasserier på sin arbetsplats samt att kvinnor är signifikant mer utsatta än männen. Deltagare vittnade om att de blivit utsatta för sexuella trakasserier fysiskt, verbalt och icke-verbalt från kunder, kollegor och chefer. Resultatet visade även att upplevelsen av att känna stöd från arbetsgivaren kan predicera en upplevd meningsfullhet att anmäla sexuella trakasserier. Studien ger en bild av en bransch vars arbete mot sexuella trakasserier bör förbättras och stärkas. / The hotel and restaurant industry in Sweden has the highest relative number of sexual harassments occur at the workplace. The harsh, and often sexual, jargon has been identified as a significant contributing factor. The overall purpose of the study is to investigate how employees within the industry are experiencing sexual harassment, how organizations work to counteract sexual harassment and the employee’s decision to report. To investigate this aweb-based questionnaire was sent to employers who distributed it to their employees, andthrough a Facebook group for employees working in the hotel and restaurant industry. The questionnaire was answered by 79 employees, with a gender distribution that was approximately even. The results show that 64.4% of the participants state that they have been subjects of sexual harassment in their workplace. Furthermore, there is a significant difference between women and men, where women are victimized to a larger extent than men. Participants testify that they have been subject to physical, verbal, and non-verbal harassment by customers, colleagues, and managers. The results show that the feeling of support from the employer can predict whether the employee finds it meaningful to report sexual harassment. Moreover, the report indicates that the industry should improve and strengthen its ongoing efforts against sexual harassment.

Grön Köpintention under en Kris : En kvantitativ undersökning om konsumenter bosatta i Sverige under pågående Covid-19 kris / Green purchase intention during a crisis : A quantitative study on consumers living in Sweden during the Covid-19 crisis

Facca, Jessica, Persson, Linn, Rosendahl, Madeleine January 2021 (has links)
Frågeställning: I vilken utsträckning finns det samband mellan konsumenter bosatta i Sverige och deras Gröna Köpintention under en pågående kris? Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka konsumenter bosatta i Sverige och deras Gröna Köpintention gentemot livsmedel under en pågående kris. Detta för att klargöra och analysera, samt ge en ökad förståelse kring ämnet. Metod: En kvantitativ ansats med tvärsnittsdesign har använts för studien. Webbaserade enkäter användes för insamling av primärdata. För att öka arbetets validitet har enkätfrågorna tagits från tidigare forskning. Vidare genomfördes en pilotundersökning före publicering av enkäten. Det totala urvalet inkluderade 354 respondenter varav 6 bortfall. Slutsats: Studien visade att det fanns ett samband mellan svenska konsumenter och deras Gröna Köpintention under en pågående kris. Det framkom att Sociodemografiska egenskaper inte hade något samband med Grön Köpintention i en krissituation, med undantag för kön. Däremot fanns det ett samband mellan Attityd mot Beteendet, Subjektiv Norm och Upplevd Beteendekontroll mot Grön Köpintention under en kris. Respondenterna visade en positiv attityd gentemot Grön Köpintention vilket kan grundas i en uppåtgående trend gentemot en hållbar livsstil före krisen och en ökning av Gröna alternativ i butiker. Vidare kan krisen även ha gett konsumenter utrymme för att se över sina vanor och därav deras Gröna Intentioner. / Research question: To what extent is there a correlation between consumers living in Sweden and their green purchase intention during an ongoing crisis? Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine consumers living in Sweden and their green purchase intention during an ongoing crisis. This to clarify and analyze the subject as well as contribute with further knowledge. Method: A quantitive approach with a cross-sectional design has been used for this study. Web-based surveys were used to collect the primary data. To increase the validity of this study, the survey questions were formed after previous research. Furthermore, a pilot-study was conducted prior to the publication of the survey. The total sample-size included 354 respondents, of which 6 were not in the criteria-range. Conclusion: The study showed that there was a correlation between Swedish consumers and their green purchase intention during an ongoing crisis. It emerged that socio-demographic attributes did not correlate with green purchase intention, with the exception of gender. However, there was a correlation between attitude towards behavior, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control towards green purchase intention during an ongoing crisis. The respondents showed a positive attitude towards green purchase intention, which can be based on an upward trend towards a sustainable lifestyle that has emerged prior to the crisis and an increase in green alternatives in stores. Furthermore, the crisis may also have given consumers space to review their habits and therefore their green intentions.

The perception of Chinese electric cars : A quantitative study of Norwegian car owners behavioral intentions of purchasing Chinese electric cars

Mattsson, Viktor, Stephanson, Erik January 2022 (has links)
In a time where environmental issues have become an important topic on the political agenda, car companies have begun transitioning from fossil-fueled vehicles to battery-driven electric vehicles. In this transition, multiple Chinese electric car manufacturers have emerged on the European car market. The purpose with this study has been to investigate Norwegian consumers' perception of Chinese electric car manufacturers. Empirical data was gathered through a self-completion questionnaire that was sent out to Norwegian electric car-related forums and Facebook groups. The results showed that Norwegians had a positive attitude towards electric cars and large intentions of purchasing one. This did not correlate with their attitude and intention of purchasing a Chinese electric car. A contributor to the Norwegians’ negative effect on Chinese electric cars consisted of the individuals’ political views of China. Lastly, it was seen that social norms and perceived behavioral control cannot be considered predictors of the intention. / I en tid där miljöfrågor har blivit ett viktigt ämne på den politiska agendan har bilföretagen påbörjat en övergång från fossildrivna fordon till batteridrivna elfordon. I denna övergång har flera kinesiska elbilstillverkare dykt upp på den europeiska bilmarknaden. Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka norska konsumenters uppfattning om kinesiska elbilstillverkare. Empirisk data samlades in genom ett självfyllande frågeformulär som skickades ut till norska elbilsrelaterade forum och Facebook-grupper. Resultaten visade att norrmän hade en positiv inställning mot elbilar och hade stora avsikter att köpa en. Det här korrelerade inte med deras inställning och avsikt om att köpa en kinesisk elbil. En stor bidragande faktor till norrmännens negativa effekt på kinesiska elbilar var individernas politiska syn på Kina. Slutligen uppmärksammades det att sociala normer och upplevd beteendekontroll inte kan betraktas som prediktorer för deras avsikt.

Effect of source in online video training for pre-harvest strategies for the control of E. Coli

Chapes, Joseph January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Journalism and Mass Communications / Wes Wise / Escherichia Coli (E. Coli) contamination has been a long-existing concern for those engaged in cattle production, often causing negative public health and economic consequences. The existence of pre-harvest practices that reduce E. coli contamination creates the opportunity to support human health by focusing on modifying behaviors in cattle production through educational communication. It is vital to consider how the communication can be modified to persuade the audience. This study examined the effects of different sources, such as a veterinarian or a cattle producer, presenting the educational message in a training video. An experimental design was used to examine how the information source used in a video relates to the source’s credibility, as well as testing concepts related to the theory of planned behavior. A link to a video and an online questionnaire were distributed to cattle producers through the weekly news e-mail distributed by several beef industry organizations. The data analysis of 106 complete questionnaires found that no matter how a presenter was described in a training video there was no difference in the perceived credibility of the presenter. Also, no matter how the source was identified there was no difference in the variables related to the theory of planned behavior and possible behavior adoption. In addition to these results, this study found that no matter how the source was labeled, higher perceived credibility correlated with more positive attitudes, perceived norms, perceived behavior control and reported intention to adopt the suggested behaviors. This pattern provides evidence for credibility’s relationship with possible behavior adoption, indicating that credibility of the source is an important consideration when message designers are constructing training videos.

Interpersonal influence on physical activity : mediation by psychological factors and moderation by personal characteristics

Ripperger-Suhler, Kenneth Grant 22 September 2010 (has links)
The primary purpose of the study was to identify relationships among sources of interpersonal influence, putative psychological mediators, and physical activity. The moderation of these relationships by age, body composition, and educational attainment was also evaluated. Responses from 1224 employees were collected through an online survey at a major healthcare facility in central Texas. Structural equation modeling was used to construct the Social Context Scale of Interpersonal Influence and to estimate its ability to explain intention to be physically active and predict physical activity behavior. Invariance testing provided estimates of moderation by age, education, and body composition. Home social context was positively associated with self-efficacy and positive anticipated outcomes and negatively associated with negative anticipated outcomes. Friend social context was positively associated with self-efficacy, positive anticipated outcomes, and intention. Teasing was positively associated with negative anticipated outcomes. Self-efficacy and positive anticipated outcomes were positively associated with intention. Negative anticipated outcomes were negatively associated with intention. The relationship between friend social context and both positive anticipated outcomes and intention was stronger for obese than non-obese respondents. Home social context was more strongly associated with self-efficacy for those with four year degrees than for those without. Self-efficacy was more strongly associated with intention for those with four year degrees than for those without. Self-efficacy predicted subsequent total leisure time physical activity and the relationship was stronger for respondents over 45 years of age than for those younger than 45. The association between self-efficacy and subsequent total leisure time physical activity was also stronger for respondents with a four year degree than for those without. Home and friend social contexts provide potential conduits for post intervention influence on physical activity behavior. The discussion of the benefits of physical activity among friends may encourage overweight and obese individuals considering exercise, especially those with limited physical activity experiences of their own. / text

Elever och skolfusk : en studie om attityder, subjektiv norm, upplevd kontroll, intentioner, rättfärdiganden, motivation samt självvärdering - en applikation av <em>The Theory of Planned Behavior</em>

Brunström, Britt-Mari January 2010 (has links)
<p>Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka sambandet mellan elevers attityder, subjektiv norm, upplevd kontroll, intentioner, rättfärdiganden, motivation samt självvärdering i relation till benägenhet att fuska eller att avstå från att fuska. <em>The theory of planned behavior </em>(Ajzen, 2006) har använts som teoretisk modell för en enkätundersökning med 122 elever i grundskolans årskurs 9 och i gymnasieskolans årskurser 2–3. Resultatet av studien visar att intentionen att utföra ett beteende, som i denna studie är fusk, är den viktigaste prediktorn för beteendet i fråga. I föreliggande studie har även kunnat styrkas att rättfärdigande av eget fusk har en avgörande roll vad gäller beteende och intention. De övriga variablerna har en viss betydelse med inte i lika hög grad som intention och rättfärdigande.  Resultatet av studien har diskuterats utifrån intentionen och rättfärdigandets starka samband med beteendet.</p>

Explaining users' intentions to continue participating in Web 2.0 communities : the case of Facebook in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

Al-Lozi, Enas January 2011 (has links)
Traditional communications media has been transformed and reshaped with the introduction of the Internet and its technologies. The Internet has massively evolved over time, and the World Wide Web or otherwise referred to as Web 1.0 has developed to what is so called Web 2.0. The explosive diffusion of this global system has fostered the emergence of Web-based communities supported by the existence of globally connected individuals. As both the number of World Wide Web virtual community sites and users has expanded and grown quickly, these communities have become a subject of study to researchers of multiple disciplines. However, sustaining a successful operation of any Web 2.0 community depends on the continuous participation of its own users. It is massively important to maintain committed members in terms of continuous participation. Yet, their level of participation might vary depending on one‘s personal, social, situational, and cultural influences that eventually affect their intentions and behaviour on whether to continue or discontinue participating in that community. Facebook as a particular Web 2.0 community has been used as an exemplary case study in this research reflecting the drivers of its continuous usage in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Moreover, very few studies on Web 2.0 communities covered the Middle East area and more specifically there is almost absence of research in Jordan on how users of Facebook along with their cultural and behavioural influences would continue using this Web 2.0 community or not. Therefore, this study tackles this issue to investigate the influences affecting the continuous participation in these communities This research develops a conceptual framework that can be used as an instrument to guide empirical work in the field of Web 2.0 communities. The empirical context of the research is random Facebook users in Jordan, where data were analysed using quantitative and qualitative research approaches. Results and findings show that Personal attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioural control has shown to be all significant and highly influential on affecting users‘ intentions to continue participating on Facebook, perceived behavioural control (i.e. facilitating conditions, controllability) ranked the highest in its significance towards examining users’ intentions to continue participating on Facebook. Followed by the subjective norms (i.e. critical mass, compliance, and informational influences), then ranked the personal attitude (i.e. satisfaction, compatibility). Results have proved that most Facebook users in Jordan do participate on this site in the first place to deliver epistemic value elements, not with a much difference came the social value after, then ranked the hedonic third. The utilitarian value proved to be insignificant by all means, therefore, users intend to continue participating on Facebook despite of the perceived value elements to be delivered. Interestingly, analysis have proved the insignificance of the three cultural dimensions (i.e. masculinity vs. Femininity, individualism vs. Collectivism, and long-term vs. Short-term orientation), therefore, it has not been considered moderating in the framework of this research. Furthermore, the study concludes with specific implications for relevant theories, and useful findings on the individual, organizational, and the societal levels. Additionally, researchers in similar areas can find this work useful as a way to approach new streams in studying participation in Web 2.0 communities.

A Targeted Approach to Increasing the African American Blood Donor Pool

Sutton, Arnethea L 01 January 2017 (has links)
A continuous need for blood products, specifically for those who require frequent transfusions, such as individuals with sickle cell disease, warrants the need for targeted interventions to increase blood donations from underrepresented populations. One population in particular, African Americans, only account for 1% of blood donors in the United States. Literature indicates numerous reasons why this population is underrepresented amongst donors, including fear, lack of knowledge about the blood donation, and specific to this population, lack of trust in the medical community. This study involves the development, implementation, and assessment of a targeted educational approach, incorporating the Theory of Planned Behavior and various teaching methods, to motivate African Americans non-donors to attempt to donate blood. Participants attended a 1-hour educational session where they completed two surveys, one before the session and one directly after. A third survey was completed 2 months after the session. Of the 155 individuals enrolled in the study, 142 subjects were included in the data analysis. Sixteen percent of the study participants presented to donate as a result of attending the educational session. This resulted in a statistically significantly higher proportion of African Americans presenting to donate than the current proportion in Virginia. Analysis of results from the first two surveys indicated that subjective norm and attitude were significant predictors of one’s intent to donate blood, while perceived behavioral control was not a factor. The educational session increased survey scores related to intent to donate in comparison to scores obtained prior to the session. While this study resulted in a significant proportion of new donors, there is still a need for interventions that will focus specifically on changing attitudes toward blood donation and a need for methods to motivate African Americans to educate individuals in the community on the importance of becoming blood donors.

Rozhovor v dopravněpsychologickém vyšetření / Interview in driver assessment and diagnostics.

Říhová, Miroslava January 2014 (has links)
Master thesis is focused on one of the crutial and the most problematic tools at the same time of driver diagnostic which is the interwiev. In the theorethical part of the thesis we concern on the targets and basic starting points of the driver assesment, from which the explorative areas of the interwiev. We discuss the role of the interwiev in the systém of methods which can be used for driver behaviour prediction and its specific kontext or the social desirability influence. The interwiev is divided into four phases - introducion (contract), anmnestic data gathering, diagnostical part, and conclusion. The theory of planned behaviour, and Behavioral Event Interview are presented in the diagnosticlal as the two sources of the design of semi-standardized interview. Empirical part contains a specific interwiev design including the recommended question set for mapping of the ability to view and reflection, driving style and characteristics, attitudes to risk behavior a possibility of the driver change from the point of his behaviour.. Then, the qualitative assesment of the question sets using the contrast method, comparison and subsequent interpretation based on the content analysis of the driver statements in accompanying case reports. Based on the analysis of the driver statements we set several key...

A Prudent Access Control Behavioral Intention Model for the Healthcare Domain

Mussa, Constance Cecilia 01 January 2011 (has links)
In recent years, many health care organizations have begun to take advantage of computerized information systems to facilitate more effective and efficient management and processing of information. However, commensurate with the vastly innovative enhancements that computer technology has contributed to traditional paper-based health care information systems, are security vulnerabilities that have potentially devastating effects on these systems. To ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information and to ensure compliance with the Security Rule of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), health care organizations have implemented a number of security controls. Although the objectives of these controls are understood and acknowledged by users of computerized patient care information management systems, the controls are sometimes circumvented or ignored. The purpose of this study was the development of an instrument that measures key determinants of healthcare professionals' prudent access control behavior. The study examined healthcare professionals' prudent access control behavior using a model that integrates the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) and the Health Belief Model (HBM). Two additional variables - information security awareness and perceived information security responsibility were incorporated into the model. Rather than focusing on a single behavior or a few specific behaviors, a category of behaviors was proposed. Results of the study indicate that the HBM and TPB constructs as well as the two additional constructs included in the model are indeed key determinants of healthcare professionals' intention to engage in prudent access control behavior that mitigate security threats. Additionally, results of the study provide support for the partial mediating effects of perceived benefits and perceived responsibility for information security on attitude, information security awareness, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control, and perceived severity. The study contributes to the IS knowledge domain by providing theoretically grounded explanations for a subset of prudent information security behaviors of healthcare professionals.

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