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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fyzickogeografické aspekty rozšíření nepůvodních druhů rostlin v CHKO Křivoklátsko / Physical-geographic aspects of alien plant species distribution in the Křivoklátsko Protected Landscape Area

Nováková, Zuzana January 2016 (has links)
Plant invasions are becoming increasingly more discussed issue, primarily due to a negative impact on global biodiversity. It has also an economic impact and it affects human health. It is therefore important to study the introduction of plant species and their distribution, and monitor them in some way. This is particularly applied to protected areas, where rare species of plants are often endangered. In this work were described factors that affect distribution of alien plant species in the level of plant communities, landscape and large territories. For the practical part of the work has been selected the Křivoklátsko PLA as a model area, mainly because of detailed botanical mapping. There were analysed diversity, origin and distribution of alien plant species. Also the effect of selected factors on distribution of alien plant species in the Křivoklátsko PLA were assessed. The average altitude is the strongest factor. The second strongest factor is the fraction of anthropogenic habitats and moderate factor is the habitat diversity. The length of rivers is weak predictor and the length of roads is very weak predictor of number of alien plant species.

Synergistic effects of mixtures of fungicides and medicinal plant extracts against Botrytis cinerea

Vries, Filicity Ann January 2008 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / We hypothesize that South African medicinal plants contain compounds that can act in synergism with synthetic antifungal compounds. Four fungicides - Sporekill™, Rovral™, Terminator™ and Teldor™ at doses 0.1, 0.2, 0.4 and 0.8 mL L-1 and plant species Galenia africana, Elytropappus rhinocerotis and Tulbaghia violacea were tested alone and in different combinations for their potency (efficacy) on radial growth inhibition of Botrytis cinerea strains on potato dextrose plates. Four doses of plant extract for each of the respective plant species were used. A total of 48 combinations were tested for each strain. Mixtures of plant extracts were far more effective in controlling strains compared to the individual components alone, representing significant levels of in vitro synergistic interactions. Combinations of these components represent an attractive future prospect for the development of new management strategies for controlling B. cinerea. Since the in vitro tests of these mixtures showed inhibitory activity, the mixtures were tested for activity in assays on Granny Smith apples. In vitro tests can be used to screen mixtures to obtain information on their inhibitory activity on a pathogen, however, the environmental conditions of the fruit and the ability of the pathogen to grow into the fruit cannot be simulated in vivo. A series of two-fold doses of medicinal plant extracts were combined with fungicides to conduct decay inhibition studies. The incidence of gray mold was significantly reduced by mixtures of plant extracts and fungicides. Under conditions similar to those in commercial storage, a drench treatment with G. Africana and Rovral™ significantly (p=0.05) inhibit gray mold on the apples and was more effective than the plant extract and fungicide alone. The treatments exerted synergistic effects and were markedly better than the components applied alone. The wound colonization assay was used for optimal decay control. In a drench, much higher volumes of the treatments are used to ensure that the components of the suspension are deposited evenly over the entire fruit surface

Uso de modelagem de nicho fundamental na avaliação do padrão de distribuição geográfica de espécies vegetais / Using modeling based on fundamental niche in the evaluation of geographic distribution for plant species

Marinez Ferreira de Siqueira 10 March 2005 (has links)
Atualmente vêm sendo desenvolvidas e utilizadas várias técnicas de modelagem de distribuição geográfica de espécies com os mais variados objetivos. Algumas dessas técnicas envolvem modelagem baseada em análise ambiental, nas quais os algoritmos procuram por condições ambientais semelhantes àquelas onde as espécies foram encontradas, resultando em áreas potenciais onde as condições ambientais seriam propícias ao desenvolvimento dessas espécies. O presente estudo trata do uso da modelagem preditiva de distribuição geográfica, através da utilização de algoritmo genético e algoritmo de distância, de espécies como ferramenta para a conservação de espécies vegetais, em três situações distintas: modelagem da distribuição do bioma cerrado no estado de São Paulo; previsão da ocorrência de espécies arbóreas visando à restauração da cobertura vegetal na bacia do Médio Paranapanema e modelagem da distribuição de espécies ameaçadas de extinção (Byrsonima subterranea). A metodologia empregada e os resultados obtidos foram considerados satisfatórios para a geração de modelos de distribuição geográfica de espécies vegetais, baseados em dados abióticos, para as regiões de estudo. A eficácia do modelo em predizer a ocorrência de espécies do cerrado é maior se forem utilizados apenas pontos de amostragem com fisionomias de cerrado, excluindo-se áreas de transição. Para minimizar problemas decorrentes da falta de convergência do algoritmo utilizado GARP (Genetic Algorithm for Rule Set Production), foram gerados 100 modelos para cada espécie modelada. O uso de modelagem pode auxiliar no entendimento dos padrões de distribuição de um bioma ou ecossistema em uma análise regional e local. / Many different techniques are being used today with different objectives to model the geographic distribution of species. Some of these techniques are based on environmental analysis where algorithms search for environmental conditions similar to those where the species were found, resulting in potential areas where the environmental conditions would be favorable for the development of these species. The present study is based on predictive modeling of the geographic distribution of species using genetic and distance algorithms as a tool for plant conservation in three different situations: modeling the Cerrado biome of the state of São Paulo; predicting the occurrence of tree species, aiming at the recuperation of the Médio Paranapanema watershed; and, modeling the distribution of endangered species (Byrsonima subterranea). The methodology used and the results obtained were considered satisfactory for the generation of geographic distribution models for plant species, based on abiotic data for the regions studied. The accuracy of the model in predicting the occurrence of species in the Cerrado is greater if only points that occur within the Cerrado and not in transition areas are used. In order to minimize problems due to the lack of convergence of the genetic algorithm GARP (Genetic Algorithm for Rule Set Production), 100 models were generated for each specie. The use of modeling tools can help understand the distribution patterns of a biome or ecosystem in a regional or local analysis.

Ecological and genetic studies of endangered plant species, Vatica bantamensis and Rafflesia spp., for developing optimal conservation strategies in Indonesia / インドネシアにおける絶滅危惧種Vatica bantamensisとRafflesia属植物の最適保全策構築のための生態学および遺伝学的研究

Yayan, Wahyu Candra Kusuma 24 September 2019 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(農学) / 甲第22079号 / 農博第2371号 / 新制||農||1072(附属図書館) / 学位論文||R1||N5233(農学部図書室) / 京都大学大学院農学研究科森林科学専攻 / (主査)教授 井鷺 裕司, 教授 北島 薫, 教授 神﨑 護 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Agricultural Science / Kyoto University / DGAM

Växtartrikedomens svar på restaurering av hävdade gräsmarker : En litteraturstudie / The Response of Plant Species Richness on Restoration of Semi-natural Grasslands : A Review

Bergström, Elin January 2021 (has links)
En av de naturtyper med flest antal växtarter i världen är hävdade gräsmarker som är präglade av traditionell skötsel. Denna naturtyp har minskat kraftigt i area och för att förhindra framtida artutdöenden är restaureringsåtgärder viktiga. Syftet med denna rapport var att med hjälp av vetenskapliga publikationer undersöka vilken effekt restaurering av före detta hävdade gräsmarker i norra och centrala Europa har på växtartrikedomen. Mer specifikt undersöktes effekten av olika restaureringsmetoder på totala antalet arter, arttätheten och artsammansättningen. Utöver detta undersöktes vilka faktorer som påverkar möjligheten till restaurering. Resultatet tyder på att restaurering med bete eller slåtter är mest framgångsrik av de olika undersökta metoderna. Restaurering med bete eller slåtter visade sig kunna ha en positiv effekt på totala antalet arter, arttätheten och artsammansättningen. Enbart rensning av träd och buskar var inte en långsiktigt hållbar metod för restaurering eller bevarandet av artrikedomen eller arter associerade med hävdade gräsmarker. Det finns många faktorer som påverkar möjligheten till restaurering och alla är inte entydiga. Något som kan vara intressant att vidare utforska är vilken betydelse de olika artrikedomsmåtten och artsammansättningen har för att kunna optimera restaureringsprojekt. Förutom att restaurering av hävdade gräsmarker både kan bidra till att utöka Natura 2000-nätverket och uppfylla de globala målen, ger det oss mängder med ekosystemtjänster och bevarande av kulturlandskap.

Predicting biodiverse semi-natural grasslands through satellite imagery and machine learning

Baggström, Adrian January 2021 (has links)
Semi-natural grasslands are amongst the most biodiverse ecosystems in Europe, though their importance they are experiencing a declining trend. To monitor and assess the health of these ecosystems is generally costly, personnel demanding and time-consuming. With satellite imagery and machine learning becoming more accessible, this can offer a cheap and effective way to gain ecological information about semi-natural grasslands.This thesis explores the possibilities to predict plant species richness in semi-natural grasslands with high resolution satellite imagery through machine learning. Five different machine learning models were employed with various subsets of spectral- and geographical features to see how they performed and why. The study area was in southern Sweden with satellite and survey data from the summer of 2019.Geographical features were the features that influenced the machine learning models most. This can be explained by the geographical spread of the semi-natural grasslands, as well as difficulties in finding correlations in the relatively noisy satellite data. The most important spectral features were found in the red edge- and the short-wave infrared spectrums. These spectrums represent leaf chlorophyll content and water content in vegetation, respectively. The most accurate machine learning model was Random Forest when it was trained using with all the spectral- and geographical features. The other models; Logistic Regression, Support Vector Machine, Voting Classifier and Neural Network, showed general inabilities to interpret feature subsets containing the spectral data.This thesis shows that with deeper knowledge about the satellite-biodiversity relationship and how to apply it with machine learning have the possibilities of cheaper, more efficient and standardized monitoring of ecologically valuable areas such as semi-natural grasslands.

Influence of Grazing, Fire, and Rainfall Regime on Plant Species Dynamics in an Ethiopian Perennial Grassland

Jacobs, Michael J. 01 May 1999 (has links)
The dominant habitat-type of Omo National Park (ONP), Ethiopia, is grassland. 111 This grassland supports a variety of wild herbivores and indigenous people; the latter hunt large herbivores for subsistence or graze their domestic livestock in the Park. Therefore, an understanding of grassland dynamics is a high priority for ONP management. Grazing and fire are major factors influencing species composition and vegetation change in East African grasslands . Rainfall regime, in tum, can influence both grassland response to grazing and fire. The ONP grasslands occur along a rainfall gradient ranging from subhumid to semiarid. Research objectives were to: (1) test the Milchunas, Sala, and Lauenroth grazing response model at three sites along the rainfall gradient; (2) determine how basal cover for dominant perennial grasses along the rainfall gradient was influenced by an extended period of intensive defoliation; and (3) determine if current distribution of grassland species associations was related to fire frequency. Species composition changes associated with defoliation were consistent with predictions of the Milchunas, Sala, and Lauenroth model; large changes occurred in subhumid grasslands while minimal changes occurred in semiarid sites . Furthermore, an intermediate response was found at the site that received an intermediate level of rainfall. Basal cover of dominant grasses was not adversely affected by intensive defoliation, and this tolerance was expressed under all three moisture regimes. Significant reductions in basal cover were found, however, in >50% of dominant grasses as a result of protection from grazing and fire . Estimated fire frequency pattern was unrelated to the distribution of species associations within grasslands. Conceptual models of vegetation change were developed for the three grasslands using research results. At the current level of management these models provide information that can be used to improve relations between Park staff and local pastoralists . Given the tolerance of most perennial grasses to intensive defoliation, ONP managers could modify the current policy of no grazing within the Park to one of limited grazing . If management capabilities were to improve, conceptual models could guide an active approach to grassland management.

Impacts of nutrient loads on the invasion potential of Butomus umbellatus L. on Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge diked wetlands

Forstater, Erica L. 10 August 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Role of Plant Species Richness in Green Roof Plots on the Quantity and Quality of Stormwater Runoff

Johnson, Catherine E. 17 October 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Determining Preliminary Components for a Landfill Evapotranspiration Cover

Barnswell, Kristopher D. 17 June 2010 (has links)
No description available.

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