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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Management effects on butterfly and bumblebee abundance in Swedish semi-natural grasslands

Dahl, Kristoffer January 2015 (has links)
The amount of semi-natural grasslands has decreased in the agricultural landscape and because of this many grassland species are declining. Semi-natural grasslands are dependent on management, but different studies suggest that different management methods are most favorable to species richness and abundance. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of mowing and grazing on butterfly and bumblebee abundance in Swedish semi-natural grasslands. We used data collected through the Swedish environmental monitoring program NILS. We identified 31 comparable meadows and chose 1-10 pastures in the area surrounding each meadow. For six different species groups we calculated the number of individuals found per 100 m. By standardizing the values of the difference between the means for meadows and pastures we were able to compare the effects of the two methods on abundance in each species group. No species group showed a preference for pastures. A significant preference for meadows was found for two butterfly species groups. The four other groups showed a trend to prefer meadows before pastures. According to our study the recommended management method should be mowing, considering protection of butterflies and bumblebees.

Is spring burning a viable management tool for species-rich grasslands?

Akoto, Brenda January 2012 (has links)
Semi- natural grasslands are species-rich and also one of the most threatened biotopes in Europe. The area of these grasslands has declined and grassland vegetation is threatened as a result of lack of management and land use change. Appropriate management is therefore required to maintain the conservation values and high species richness of semi- natural grasslands. Traditional management, that is, grazing or annual mowing is expensive, which motivates evaluation of alternative cheaper methods of management. Burning is less costly and therefore I evaluated burning along with the conventional methods. The study addressed the main question: is burning an option to mowing and grazing? I searched the literature for available studies suitable for metaanalysis, but located only detailed reports from a series of eleven Swedish long-term field trials. In addition, I collected data in the only one of these trials still running. To facilitate metaanalysis, l used different indicator systems of classification of grassland plants then calculating the odds for a random record being an indicator after one, eight, fourteen, twenty-eight and thirty-nine spring burns. The results show an increasing proportion of grassland indicators of good management in the mowed and grazed plots compared with the burnt plots, indicating a general negative effect of burning on grassland plants compared with mowing and grazing. Hence, burning is not an appropriate long-term management method if the aim is to maintain vegetation diversity in semi-natural grassland.

Effects of local habitat characteristics and landscape composition on the occurrence of burnet moths.

Tarasova, Yana January 2016 (has links)
A decline in biodiversity in agricultural landscapes has been reported for decades. One of the most important habitats for biodiversity in agricultural landscapes is semi-natural grasslands. To preserve species-rich semi-natural grasslands, research need to focus both on local habitat quality and on landscape composition at various scales. In the current study I examined how nectar sources, host plants and other environmental parameters affected the occurrence of adults of four burnet moth species, residents of semi-natural grasslands. Also, I investigated the effects of landscape composition at 34 spatial scales. The results in general showed positive effects of host plants cover, nectar sources abundance, dry soil, sun exposure, tall sward height, small herb and grass cover. At the landscape level all the species responded negatively to the amount of arable land and positively to the amount of forests at scales up to 10000 m. Two species were negatively affected by the amount of artificial surfaces and pasture at some scales. Though the amount of semi-natural grasslands and patch area did not affect the occurrence of the species, at the local scale semi-natural grasslands were still important for the species. Thus, my results suggest that management should be focused both on local and landscape levels. Focus should be to preserve sunny and open areas of high-quality semi-natural grasslands rich in burnet moths’ host plants and especially nectar sources that seem to be more important than host plants for adults. Semi-natural grasslands should be preferably adjacent to forests and not arable land.

Växtartrikedomens svar på restaurering av hävdade gräsmarker : En litteraturstudie / The Response of Plant Species Richness on Restoration of Semi-natural Grasslands : A Review

Bergström, Elin January 2021 (has links)
En av de naturtyper med flest antal växtarter i världen är hävdade gräsmarker som är präglade av traditionell skötsel. Denna naturtyp har minskat kraftigt i area och för att förhindra framtida artutdöenden är restaureringsåtgärder viktiga. Syftet med denna rapport var att med hjälp av vetenskapliga publikationer undersöka vilken effekt restaurering av före detta hävdade gräsmarker i norra och centrala Europa har på växtartrikedomen. Mer specifikt undersöktes effekten av olika restaureringsmetoder på totala antalet arter, arttätheten och artsammansättningen. Utöver detta undersöktes vilka faktorer som påverkar möjligheten till restaurering. Resultatet tyder på att restaurering med bete eller slåtter är mest framgångsrik av de olika undersökta metoderna. Restaurering med bete eller slåtter visade sig kunna ha en positiv effekt på totala antalet arter, arttätheten och artsammansättningen. Enbart rensning av träd och buskar var inte en långsiktigt hållbar metod för restaurering eller bevarandet av artrikedomen eller arter associerade med hävdade gräsmarker. Det finns många faktorer som påverkar möjligheten till restaurering och alla är inte entydiga. Något som kan vara intressant att vidare utforska är vilken betydelse de olika artrikedomsmåtten och artsammansättningen har för att kunna optimera restaureringsprojekt. Förutom att restaurering av hävdade gräsmarker både kan bidra till att utöka Natura 2000-nätverket och uppfylla de globala målen, ger det oss mängder med ekosystemtjänster och bevarande av kulturlandskap.

Predicting biodiverse semi-natural grasslands through satellite imagery and machine learning

Baggström, Adrian January 2021 (has links)
Semi-natural grasslands are amongst the most biodiverse ecosystems in Europe, though their importance they are experiencing a declining trend. To monitor and assess the health of these ecosystems is generally costly, personnel demanding and time-consuming. With satellite imagery and machine learning becoming more accessible, this can offer a cheap and effective way to gain ecological information about semi-natural grasslands.This thesis explores the possibilities to predict plant species richness in semi-natural grasslands with high resolution satellite imagery through machine learning. Five different machine learning models were employed with various subsets of spectral- and geographical features to see how they performed and why. The study area was in southern Sweden with satellite and survey data from the summer of 2019.Geographical features were the features that influenced the machine learning models most. This can be explained by the geographical spread of the semi-natural grasslands, as well as difficulties in finding correlations in the relatively noisy satellite data. The most important spectral features were found in the red edge- and the short-wave infrared spectrums. These spectrums represent leaf chlorophyll content and water content in vegetation, respectively. The most accurate machine learning model was Random Forest when it was trained using with all the spectral- and geographical features. The other models; Logistic Regression, Support Vector Machine, Voting Classifier and Neural Network, showed general inabilities to interpret feature subsets containing the spectral data.This thesis shows that with deeper knowledge about the satellite-biodiversity relationship and how to apply it with machine learning have the possibilities of cheaper, more efficient and standardized monitoring of ecologically valuable areas such as semi-natural grasslands.

Faktory určující rozšíření druhů suchých trávníků / Factors determining distribution of species in dry grasslands

Průchová, Dana January 2010 (has links)
Factors determining distribution of species in semi-natural grasslands Survival and colonization of plant species in fragmented landscapes are topic of many recent studies. Most of them deal with one or just a few species or with overall species diversity. There are also a lot of studies devoted to the effect of abiotic characteristics and other parameters of fragmented habitat patches. Studies that would enable to evaluate behaviour of a large number of individual species are still relatively rare, especially in case of grassland species. Comparison of species traits in conjunction with the knowledge of type of historical land use and abiotic requirements of species can be a key to understanding of current species dispersal and their regional dynamic in fragmented landscape. This method of prediction of species dispersal can be a good implement for landscape planning and conservation of species and also their habitats. Goal of my thesis was to determine which traits of species influence response of species on land-use history in fragmented habitat of dry grasslands. I tried to use effect of land-use history without effect of environmental factors on species composition in phytosociological relevés. Then I tried to explain the reaction of species through their traits. I focused partially on traits...

Skyddsstatusens betydelse för kärlväxtflorans mångfald i staggräsmarker / The importance of protection status for diversity of the vascular plant flora in Nardus grasslands

Hjorth, Ingeborg January 2022 (has links)
Seminaturliga gräsmarker är en av Europas artrikaste, men mest hotade naturmiljöer. För att rädda och bevara dess arter finns flera olika legala naturskydd med särskilda skötselkrav. Denna studie undersöker om skyddsstatusen gör någon skillnad för mångfalden bland kärlväxter på seminaturliga staggräsmarker. Undersökningen är liten, men trots få replikat pekar analysresultaten ändå på samma tendenser som andra och större studiers resultat. Analyser av insamlade data visar att de skyddade naturområdena har en rikare mångfald av kärlväxter i allmänhet och av naturvårdsarter i synnerhet. Resultaten visar att skötseln av den seminaturliga gräsmarken har betydelse då de skyddade gräsmarkerna har fler hävdgynnade arter. Någon särskild näringspåverkan kan inte påvisas i denna studie, vare sig i skyddade eller icke skyddade områden. De sammanlagda analyserna indikerar att det framför allt är naturskyddet och dess skötselkrav som påverkar mångfalden och artsammansättningen. Upphör hävd som slåtter och bete på seminaturliga gräsmarker leder det till minskad kärlväxtflora, i synnerhet av hävdgynnade arter och slutsatsen blir därmed att legalt skyddade naturmiljöer behövs för att rädda och bevara både hotade arter och hotad mångfald. / Semi-natural grasslands are one of Europe's most species-rich, but most threatened natural environments. In order to save and preserve species, there are several different legal nature reserves with special maintenance requirements. This study investigates whether conservation status makes a difference for the diversity of vascular plants in semi-natural grasslands. The study is very small, but despite few replicates, the analysis results still show the same tendencies as other and larger studies have done. Analysis of collected data shows that the protected natural areas have a richer diversity of vascular plants in general and of conservation indicator species in particular. The analysis results show that the management of the semi-natural grassland is important as the protected grasslands contain more species that are depended on mowing and grazing. The combined analyzes indicate that it is above all nature conservation and its management requirements that affect the diversity and species composition. Cessation of mowing and grazing on semi-natural grasslands leads to a reduction in vascular plant flora, especially species that are dependen on mowing and grazing, and the conclusion is thus that legally protected natural environments are needed to save and preserve both threatened species and threatened diversity.

Plant community assembly in grazed grasslands

Marteinsdóttir, Bryndís January 2014 (has links)
Species assembly into local communities from the surrounding region can be caused either by species failure to reach the site (i.e. seed limitation) or to establish (i.e. establishment limitation). The aim of this thesis was to investigate plant species assembly and to determine the relative importance of different factors in that process. In a cultivated landscape in southeast Sweden, plant community assembly was studied in grazed ex-arable fields. Community assembly from the surrounding region into the local community was explored using trait-based null models and seed sowing and transplanting experiments. The influence of local environmental factors and landscape history and structure on community assembly was also studied. In addition, differences in species assembly between ex-arable fields and semi-natural grasslands were explored. Seed limitation was the strongest filter on local community assembly. Only a fraction (36%) of species in a region dispersed to a local site and adding seeds/transplants increased species establishment. Species abundance at the regional scale, species dispersal method and seed mass strongly influenced which species arrived at the local sites. Establishment limitation also affected the assembly. Of species arriving at a site 78% did establish, seedling survival was low and which species established was influenced by species interactions, local environmental conditions and stochastic events. In addition, landscape structure that determined the species richness in the regional species pool influenced the local assembly. The comparison between assembly in ex-arable fields and semi-natural grasslands indicated that the main cause of difference in species assembly between them was difference in their age. The main conclusion of this thesis is that regional processes are more important than local factors in determining plant community assembly. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 3: Submitted. Paper 4: Submitted. Paper 5: Manuscript.</p>

Local plant species diversity in coastal grasslands in the Stockholm archipelago : The effect of isostatic land-uplift, different management and future sea level rise / Växtdiversitet på strandängar i Stockholms skärgård : Effekt av landhöjning, olika hävdmetoder och framtida havsnivåhöjningar

Lindén, Cecilia January 2017 (has links)
Semi-natural grasslands with traditional management are known to be very species-rich, with many plant species strongly associated with the habitat. The last century’s decline of semi-natural grasslands, as a result of land use change and abandonment, has made the remaining semi-natural grassland a high concern for conservation. Since management can be costly and the available resources often are limited, it is important to use the most beneficial management method for preserving and enhancing the biodiversity. One semi-natural grassland type of certain interest around the Baltic region are coastal grasslands. In this study, I investigated vascular plant species occurrence in ten managed coastal grasslands located in the Stockholm archipelago. The effect of recent land-uplift and future sea level rise on the ten coastal grasslands were analyzed as well. A major part of all ten grasslands had been subjected to the process of isostatic land-uplift the past 100 years. Five of the grasslands were currently managed by grazing and the other five were managed by traditional mowing. There was no significant difference in alpha and gamma diversity between the two management types. Though, higher biodiversity values, such as more different species found in total, higher amount of species typically linked to meadows and pastures, less succession species and more red-listed species, were found in the traditionally mowed grasslands. Furthermore, a sea level rise with 40 cm the next 100 years in the region would lead to loss of plant species diversity in the investigated coastal grasslands. One major concern is the limited areas upwards on the coastal grasslands for species to migrate to in the future, which is expected to primarily affect species associated with meadows and pastures. The study highlights the importance of open and managed grassland areas further up the coastal grasslands for local species to migrate to, if the sea level would rise as predicted by future climate scenarios. Albeit weak the results of this study indicate that traditional mowing generates higher biodiversity values compared to grazing, hence it should be the preferred management method in coastal grasslands in the Stockholm archipelago.

Local and regional factors correlating with long term population change in Gentianella campestris

Löfqvist, Zandra January 2018 (has links)
The decrease of semi-natural grasslands in Europe during the last decade has made several previously common species rare or declining in numbers. One of these species is the endangered field gentian Gentianella campestris, which has been proposed as an important indicator species for semi-natural grasslands. Previous studies have highlighted the importance of consistent management and shown how local conditions affect the species. Less is known about how the population is affected by isolation and changes in the surrounding landscape, both of which are potential consequences of habitat loss.This study utilized long term citizen science data on the population changes to explore if local and regional factors, such as connectivity could explain the rapid decline and local extinctions that the field gentian population in Östergötland, Sweden, has experienced since the beginning of the 1990’s. Generalized linear models showed that the declining field gentian population can partly be explained by changes in the surrounding landscape which has led to decreased connectivity of semi-natural grasslands. The study also indicate that there is a need for future management plans to consider the surrounding landscape on a distance of 1-3 km from field gentian localities as this scale seems to be the most important.

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