Spelling suggestions: "subject:"plasminogen.""
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Multifunctional roles of plasmin in inflammation : Studies of animal models on rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, wound healing and infectionLi, Jinan January 2005 (has links)
Plasmin has been suggested to be involved in degradation of extracellular matrix (ECM) and tissue remodeling during a number of physiological and pathological processes. The aims of this thesis were to study the functional roles of plasmin during pathological inflammation in autoimmune and nonautoimmune disease models of rheumatoid arthritis (RA), multiple sclerosis (MS), wound healing and infection. In order to explain the obtained results in our functional studies as well as some previous results on the functional roles of plasmin during different tissue remodeling processes, I propose that there is a functional correlation between absence of plasmin and an inability to activate complement. The role of plasminogen during autoimmune collagen type II-induced arthritis (CIA) was studied first. The data revealed that whereas 83% of wild-type (plg+/+) mice developed CIA, none of the plasminogendeficient (plg-/-) mice got arthritis within a 40-day period. When plg+/+ mice were injected with a mixture of monoclonal antibodies against collagen type II they developed arthritis within a 5-day period, whereas no arthritis could be seen in plg-/- mice, although these mice had normal binding of antibody to the cartilage surface. These data suggest that plasmin plays an essential role in the step between antibody binding and inflammatory cell infiltration during CIA, probably during the step of complement activation. When plg+/+ and plg-/- mice were injected intra-articularly with collagen type II or 0.9% NaCl following CIA induction, plg-/- mice developed typical CIA, but the disease was less severe than in the plg+/+ mice and restricted to the injected joints. Sustained tissue necrosis was found only in the plg-/- mice after the local injection. When the antigen-induced arthritis (AIA) model was used, plg-/- mice developed a much more severe arthritis than the plg+/+ mice. These results indicate that different forms of pathogenesis exist for CIA and AIA, and further emphasize the importance of trauma in the induction of CIA in plg-/- mice. We further investigated the role of plasmin in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), which is an autoimmune disease model for MS. During a 2-month period, the severity, incidence, mean onset day, mean maximal score and mean accumulative score of EAE were essentially identical in plg-/- and plg+/+ mice of B10.Q background. Histopathological studies revealed similar levels of inflammation and demyelination in plg-/- and plg+/+ mice. These data indicate that plasmin does not play an essential role in the development of EAE. The findings that plasmin is essential for the development of CIA but not needed for the development of EAE suggest that plasmin may play a pivotal role in autoimmune diseases where complement activation is critically involved in the pathogenesis. The role of plasmin was also studied in a tympanic membrane (TM) wound healing model. After TM perforations were performed, the plg+/+ TMs had all healed by day 11, whereas TM healing was completely arrested in plg-/- mice even as late as day 143. Immunohistochemical studies revealed a disturbed inflammation and tissue remodeling pattern in plg-/- mice. These data indicate that plasmin plays a central role in the healing of TM perforations. The involvement of plasminogen in ear infections was also investigated in plg-/- mice. During an 18-week experimental period, spontaneous otitis media (OM) was essentially developed in all of the plg-/- mice, whereas all of the plg+/+ mice kept a normal TM status. Positive bacterial growth was found in 5 out of 6 plg-/- mice, but only in 1 out of 6 plg+/+ mice. Immunohistochemical studies showed an accumulation of inflammatory cells, fibrin and also other extracellular matrix in the middle-ear cavity and the external-ear canal of plg-/- mice. These results show a spontaneous development of OM in plg-/- mice, but not in plg+/+ controls, suggesting that plasmin plays a critical role in the defense mechanisms during ear infections. Taken together, plasmin appears to play essential roles during autoimmune and non-autoimmune diseases in which complement activation is critical in the pathogenesis.
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Función del sistema plasminógeno-plasmina en la fecundación de ovocitos bovinos y porcinosGrullón Yunén, Luis Alberto 13 December 2010 (has links)
El objetivo de este trabajo consistió en describir el papel del sistema plasminógeno/plasmina (PLG/PLA) en la fecundación bovina y porcina. Mediante fecundación in vitro, demostramos que la presencia de PLG ó PLA en el medio de coincubación de los gametos disminuía la penetración de los espermatozoides en los ovocitos y su unión a la zona pelúcida (ZP). Esta disminución no se debía a alteraciones de la funcionalidad espermática ni a cambios en la resistencia de la ZP a la proteolisis, sino a que la PLA provocaba la liberación de los espermatozoides adheridos a la ZP. Mediante inmunofluorescencia indirecta detectamos la presencia de PLG y sus activadores en la ZP y en el oolema de los ovocitos antes de la fecundación. Tras la fecundación, dicha presencia disminuyó o desapareció por completo, por lo que proponemos que el sistema PLG/PLA se activa durante la interacción espermatozoide-ovocito y contribuye a regular la polispermia. / The aim of this study was to describe the role of the plasminogen/plasmin system (PLG/PLA) in bovine and porcine fertilization. Through in vitro fertilization, we demonstrated that the presence of PLG or PLA in the incubation medium of gametes decreased penetration of oocytes and sperm binding to the zona pellucida (ZP). This decrease was not due to alterations in sperm function or changes in the ZP resistance to proteolysis, but the PLA caused the release of sperm previously bound to the ZP. By indirect immunofluorescence we detected the presence of PLG and its activators in the ZP and oolema of the oocytes before fertilization. After fertilization, this presence diminished or disappeared completely, so we propose that the PLG/PLA system is activated during sperm-oocyte interaction and contributes to the regulation of polyspermy.
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Variation in milk protein composition and its importance for the quality of cheese milk /Wedholm, Anna, January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Uppsala : Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, 2008. / Härtill 5 uppsatser.
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Étude des mécanismes d'action anti-tumorale du collagène XIX / Study of collagen XIX anti-tumor mechanismsOudart, Jean-Baptiste 21 October 2015 (has links)
Le collagène XIX est un collagène mineur retrouvé dans la zone de certaines membranes basales spécialisées. Notre laboratoire a montré que son domaine NC1(XIX) est une matrikine présentant des propriétés anti-tumorales et anti-angiogéniques. L'objectif de ce travail est d'étudier les mécanismes aboutissant à cette activité anti-tumorale.Lors de l'invasion tumorale, les cellules cancéreuses dégradent la membrane basale permettant la production de matrikines anti-tumorales. Dans un premier temps, nous avons démontré que la plasmine, qui est une des enzymes clé de l'invasion tumorale, clivait l'extrémité C-terminale du collagène XIX, in vitro et ex vivo, et libérait un peptide présentant une séquence proche du peptide NC1(XIX). Une analyse en modélisation moléculaire a retrouvé que ce peptide adoptait localement la même conformation en coude β de type I que le peptide NC1(XIX). Nous avons ensuite montré que ce peptide inhibait la migration des cellules tumorales in vitro et la croissance tumorale in vivo. Ce travail démontre que le collagène XIX est un nouveau substrat de la plasmine. Ce mécanisme pourrait constituer un moyen de défense de l'organisme contre l'invasion tumorale.Les principaux récepteurs des matrikines appartiennent à la famille des intégrines. Dans un modèle de mélanome humain (cellules SK-MEL-28), nous avons caractérisé l'intégrine αvβ3, comme récepteur du peptide NC1(XIX). Nous avons également démontré que la fixation du peptide NC1(XIX) sur l'intégrine αvβ3 induisait une diminution des phosphorylations de FAK sur le résidu de tyrosine 861, de la sous unité p85 de la PI3K sur le résidu de tyrosine 458, de PDK1 sur le résidu de sérine 241, d'Akt sur les résidus de thréonine 308 et de sérine 473, de mTOR sur les résidus de sérine 2448 et 2481, et de GSK3β sur le résidu de sérine 9. L'inhibition de cette voie FAK / PI3K / Akt / mTOR, largement impliquée dans la transduction du signal dans le mélanome peut, en partie, expliquer les effets anti-tumoraux du peptide NC1(XIX).Parallèlement, ce travail nous a permis de mettre au point différentes techniques de PCR, de Western blot et d'ELISA pour quantifier l'expression du collagène XIX et de son peptide NC1(XIX). Cette étape constitue un préalable essentiel pour une application éventuelle en biologie clinique. / Type XIX collagen is a minor collagen localized in specialized basement membranes. Our laboratory demonstrated that its NC1(XIX) domain is a matrikine which presents anti-tumor and anti-angiogenic properties. The aim of this work was to study the mechanisms leading to this anti-tumor activity.During tumor invasion, cancer cells degrade basement membrane components leading to anti-tumor matrikine release. First, we demonstrated that plasmin, a key enzyme in tumor invasion, cleaved the C-terminal domain of type XIX collagen, in vitro and ex vivo, and released a peptide with a sequence in close vicinity to the NC1(XIX) peptide. Molecular modeling studies showed that NC1(XIX) peptide and the released fragment adopted locally the same type I β-turn conformation. Then, we showed that this peptide inhibited migration of tumor cells in vitro and tumor growth in vivo. This study demonstrated that collagen XIX is a novel proteolytic substrate for plasmin. Such release may constitute a defense of the organism against tumor invasion.The main matrikine receptors belong to the integrin family. In a model of human melanoma cells (SK-MEL-28), we characterized αvβ3 integrin as NC1(XIX) peptide receptor. We also demonstrated that the binding of NC1(XIX) peptide on αvβ3 integrin induced a decrease in phosphorylation of FAK tyrosine 861 residue, PI3K p85 tyrosine 458, PDK1 serine 241,Akt threonine 308 and serine 473, mTOR serine 2448 and 2481, and GSK3β serine 9. The decreased activity of this FAK / PI3K / Akt / mTOR pathway, heavily involved in melanoma signal transduction, could explain, at least in part, the antitumor effects of NC1(XIX) peptide.Meanwhile, this work allowed us to develop PCR, Western blot and ELISA to quantify the expression of collagen XIX and its NC1(XIX) peptide. These steps were required for clinical applications.
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Rôle de l'hémostase dans l'inflammation induite par les virus influenza A / Role of hemostasis in inflammation induced by influenza A virusesBerri, Fatma 17 December 2014 (has links)
La grippe est une maladie respiratoire aigüe, due à une infection par des virus influenza et qui représente un problème important de santé publique. Une meilleure compréhension des interactions entre le virus influenza et son hôte nous permettra de mieux comprendre la physiopathologie de l'infection grippale, et donc, à terme, de mieux se protéger contre la maladie. La morbidité et la mortalité, causées par les infections grippales sévères, sont associées à une dérégulation de la réponse immunitaire, au niveau pulmonaire. Cette inflammation délétère serait à l'origine de dommages collatéraux du poumon, entrainant une diminution de la capacité respiratoire du patient. Bien que les mécanismes impliqués ne soient pas totalement élucidés, de récents travaux mettent en évidence un rôle central des cellules endothéliales dans la dérégulation de la réponse de l'hôte face à l'infection grippale. Lors d'une agression de l'endothélium, le processus physiologique de l'hémostase (activation plaquettaire, coagulation et fibrinolyse) s'active afin de permettre la cicatrisation de la plaie et de maintenir l'intégrité des vaisseaux sanguins. Dans de nombreuses maladies inflammatoires, la seule dérégulation de l'hémostase est directement liée à une réponse inflammatoire délétère. Lors de ma thèse, nous avons émis l'hypothèse que l'hémostase pouvait être à l'origine de la dérégulation inflammatoire durant les infections grippales. Nos données montrent le rôle de deux facteurs fortement impliqués dans l'hémostase : le récepteur activé par la thrombine, PAR-1 (Protease Activated Receptor J) ainsi que le plasminogène, dans l'inflammation délétère des poumons et dans la pathogénicité des virus influenza. Outre le rôle de l'hémostase, nous avons également pu mettre en évidence que le virus influenza incorpore des protéines cellulaires dans l'enveloppe virale, lui permettant d'échapper au système immunitaire, ce qui pourrait aussi contribuer à la dérégulation de la réponse de l'hôte. L'ensemble des résultats obtenus ont permis de mieux comprendre les mécanismes à l'origine d'une réponse immunitaire dérégulée dans les infections grippales et de proposer de nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques pour lutter contre la maladie / Influenza is an acute respiratory disease caused by infection with influenza virus and is a major public health problem. A better understanding of the interaction between influenza virus and host allow us to better understand the pathophysiology of influenza infection, and thus, ultimately, to better protect themselves against the disease. Morbidity and mortality caused by severe influenza infections are associated with dysregulation of the immune response in the lung. This deleterious inflammation is the cause of lung collateral damage, causing a decrease in the patient's breathing capacity. Although the mechanisms involved are not fully understood, recent studies point to a central role of endothelial cells in the deregulation of the host response to influenza infection. During endothelium aggression, the physiological process of hemostasis (platelet activation, coagulation and fibrinolysis) is activated in order to allow wound healing and to maintain the integrity of blood vessels. In many inflammatory diseases, the only dysregulation of hemostasis is directly linked to a deleterious inflammatory response. During my thesis, we hypothesized that hemostasis could be the cause of the inflammatory dysregulation during influenza infections. Our data show the role of two factors strongly involved in hemostasis: the thrombin activated receptor, PAR-1 (protease activated receptor 1) and plasminogen, in the deleterious lung inflammation and in the pathogenicity of influenza virus. Besides the role of hemostasis, we have also been able to show that the influenza virus incorporates cellular proteins in the viral envelope, allowing it to evade the immune system, which could also contribute to the deregulation of the host response. All the results obtained allowed to better understand the mechanisms involved in immune response dysregulation during influenza infection and suggest new therapeutic targets to fight against the disease
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Clot-Targeted Enzyme-Responsive Nanoparticles for Thrombolytic TherapySun, Michael 26 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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A Quantitative Investigation of Selected Reactions in the Fibrinolytic CascadeCook, P. Michael 01 February 2008 (has links)
Previous work has shown that thrombin activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor (TAFI) was unable to prolong lysis of purified clots in the presence of Lys-plasminogen (Lys-Pg), indicating a possible mechanism for fibrinolysis to circumvent prolongation mediated by activated TAFI (TAFIa). Therefore, the effects of TAFIa on Lys-Pg activation and Lys-plasmin (Lys-Pn) inhibition by antiplasmin (AP) were quantitatively investigated using a fluorescently labeled recombinant Pg mutant which does not produce active Pn. High molecular weight fibrin degradation products (HMW-FDPs), a soluble fibrin surrogate that models Pn modified fibrin, treated with TAFIa decreased the catalytic efficiency (kcat/Km) of 5IAF-Glu-Pg cleavage by 417-fold and of 5IAF-Lys-Pg cleavage by 55-fold. A previously devised intact clot system was used to measure the apparent second order rate constant (k2) for Pn inhibition by AP over time. While TAFIa was able to abolish the protection associated with Pn modified fibrin in clots formed with Glu-Pg, it was not able to abolish the protection in clots formed with Lys-Pg. However, TAFIa was still able to prolong the lysis of clots formed with Lys-Pg.
TAFIa prolongs clot lysis by removing the positive feedback loop for Pn generation. The effect of TAFIa modification of the HMW-FDPs on the rate of tissue type plasminogen activator (tPA) inhibition by plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 (PAI-1) was investigated using a previously devised end point assay. HMW-FDPs decreased the k2 for tPA inhibition rate by 3-fold. Thus, HMW-FDPs protect tPA from PAI-1. TAFIa treatment of the HMW-FDPs resulted in no change in protection. Vitronectin also did not appreciably affect tPA inhibition by PAI-1. Pg, in conjunction with HMW-FDPs, decreased the k2 for tPA inhibition by 30-fold. Hence, Pg, when bound to HMW-FDPs, protects tPA by an additional 10-fold. TAFIa treatment of the HMW-FDPs completely removed this additional protection provided by Pg. In conclusion, an additional mechanism was identified whereby TAFIa can prolong clot lysis by increasing the rate of tPA inhibition by PAI-1 by eliminating the protective effects of Pn-modified fibrin and Pg. Because TAFIa can suppress Lys-Pg activation but cannot attenuate Lys-Pn inhibition by AP, the Glu- to Lys-Pg/Pn conversion is able to act as a fibrinolytic switch to ultimately lyse the clot. / Thesis (Master, Biochemistry) -- Queen's University, 2008-01-31 17:04:50.447
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Les peptides GXXPG : nouvelles molécules thérapeutiques à visée régénératrice osseuse ? / GXXPG peptides : new biomolecules for bone regeneration ?Robinet, Julien 09 April 2014 (has links)
La cicatrisation de défauts osseux permet tout au plus une réparation de l'os et dans peu de cas, une régénération ad integrum. Le développement de biomatériaux issus de l'ingénierie tissulaire en vue d'une régénération osseuse est donc un enjeu majeur. Le but de cette étude a été d'évaluer si des peptides GXXPG issus de l'élastine sont capables de favoriser la différenciation ostéoblastique de cellules mésenchymateuses dérivées de la moelle osseuse humaine (CMMO) ainsi que la formation de la matrice osseuse et sa minéralisation. Pour y répondre, nous avons utilisés les lattis de collagène de type I (COL1). La contraction de lattis « flottants » (LF) stimule l'expression de marqueurs de l'ostéoblaste (Runx-2, BSP…) par les CMMO ainsi que la minéralisation de la matrice osseuse. Cette différenciation ostéoblastique est aussi associée à l'activation de la cascade MT1-MMP/MMP-2/MMP-13. Nous montrons ensuite que les peptides GXXPG stimulent de façon dose-dépendante l'expression de marqueurs ostéoblastiques comme Runx-2 via S-Gal. Sur « coating » de COL1, ils stimulent la différenciation ostéoblastique des CMMO, la formation de la matrice osseuse et sa minéralisation. Enfin, dans des conditions « inflammatoires » créées par l'ajout de plasminogène (Plg) exogène, ces peptides conservent une activité ostéogénique sous contraintes mécaniques ou non. Plg seul induit également la différenciation ostéoblastique. Bien que les peptides GXXPG stimulent la production d'enzymes à activité collagénolytique (MT1-MMP, MMP-1), la lyse des LF n'est pas significative. En conclusion, les peptides GXXPG apparaissent comme des biomolécules pharmacologiques prometteuses pour la régénération osseuse. / Bone healing leads in only a few cases to an ad integrum regeneration, but most often to an incomplete tissue repair. Thus, the development of new biomaterials from tissue engineering in order to promote bone regeneration is a major goal. The purpose of our study was to evaluate if GXXPG peptides, derived from elastin, are able to favor human bone marrow mesenchymal cells (HBMC) to mature osteoblasts and bone matrix formation and mineralization.To this end, we used type I collagen (COL1) lattices. Floating lattice (LF) contraction stimulates osteoblasts markers expression (Runx-2, BSP…) by HMBC and bone matrix mineralization. Osteoblast differentiation is also associated to MT1-MMP/MMP-2/MMP-13 proteolytic cascade activation. We then showed that GXXPG peptides stimulate osteoblast markers like Runx-2 in a dose-dependent manner, an effect which involves S-Gal receptor. On a type I collagen coating model, these peptides also promote CMMO differentiation into osteoblast, bone matrix formation and mineralization. Finally, under “inflammatory” conditions, which can be catalyzed by plasminogen (Plg) supplementation, these peptides keep their ability to induce osteogenic responses in HBMC, even under mechanical stress. Plg alone is also able to promote osteoblast differentiation. Although GXXPG peptides stimulate collagenolytic enzymes (MT1-MMP, MMP-1) production, collagen degradation in LF is not significant. To conclude, GXXPG peptides appear as promising pharmacological biomolecules in bone regeneration.
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Biomaterials Based Approaches for Treating Fibrin Defects in Bleeding ComplicationsGirish, Aditya 25 January 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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