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Como sou, como estou: imagem corporal e estado nutricional em mulheres solicitantes de cirurgia plástica estética / Body image and nutritional status in applicants women in aesthetic plastic surgeryGarcia, Alessandra Feierabend Engracia 07 July 2017 (has links)
A especialidade da Cirurgia Plástica corresponde ao ramo da cirurgia que visa restaurar partes do organismo alteradas por deformidades congênitas ou adquiridas, bem como corrigir as desarmonias estéticas. Nos últimos anos houve um aumento expressivo no número de Cirurgias Plásticas Estéticas (CPE) realizadas no mundo e no Brasil. Entre os principais procedimentos cirúrgicos no Brasil encontram-se: a mamoplastia de aumento, a blefaroplastia, a lipoaspiração e a abdominoplastia, sendo as mulheres a grande maioria, além de serem mais insatisfeitas com a sua aparência em relação aos homens. Tal situação pode ser um dos principais motivos pela busca da CPE. A Imagem Corporal é representada por dimensões atitudinais e perceptivas, as quais se relacionam com a aparência dos indivíduos sofrendo influências socioculturais, dentre outros elementos do ambiente, que podem afetar o comportamento e atitudes destes. O objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar a IC e o Estado Nutricional de mulheres solicitantes de CPE, em um serviço de CPE particular, na cidade de Ribeirão Preto/SP. Uma amostra de 40 mulheres adultas divididas em dois grupos, Clínico e de Comparação, com características etárias, educacionais e socioeconômicas semelhantes. As participantes responderam aos questionários de Caracterização da Amostra, Critério de Classificação Econômica Brasil, Multidimensional sobre as Relações com o Próprio Corpo, Inventário de Esquemas sobre a Aparência e foram submetidas à Avaliação do Estado Nutricional por meio da Avaliação Antropométrica, Composição Corporal e Análise Bioquímica de sangue e urina. Os resultados obtidos para G1 foram: a maioria das participantes que apresentavam sobrepeso e obesidade, estavam insatisfeitas desde a infância/adolescência, realizavam tentativas de mudanças de hábitos alimentares seguindo blogs, revistas, utilização de dietas da moda e aplicativos, não faziam acompanhamento nutricional com nutricionista, apresentavam nível severo de preocupação com o seu Estado Nutricional de acordo com IMC e sofriam de ansiedade em relação ao sobrepeso. Também estavam mais motivadas e investiam demasiadamente nas crenças sobre a IC, uso frequente de psicotrópicos e acompanhamento psicoterapêutico. As participantes do G2 estavam Eutróficas na sua maioria, mais satisfeitas em relação ao G1, não haviam mudado seu comportamento alimentar nos últimos 30 dias, e também não realizavam acompanhamento nutricional, pois se preocupavam pouco com o Estado Nutricional. Também não investiam na mesma proporção em crenças relacionadas à IC, nem faziam acompanhamento psicoterapêutico e uso de psicotrópicos. Portanto, torna-se essencial uma maior atenção em relação ao EN e acompanhamento psicoterapêutico dessas mulheres direcionados às necessidades individuais. Neste sentido, a detecção e a prevenção precoces de possíveis riscos e futuras complicações provocados por deficiências nutricionais e comportamentos inadequados podem contribuir significativamente para a garantia de resultados cirúrgicos mais satisfatórios, além da diminuição dos dispêndios com Sistema Único de Saúde e de Saúde Complementar (convênios), assim como a redução do estresse emocional e possíveis execuções jurídicas de ambas as partes (médico-paciente). / The specialty of Plastic Surgery corresponds to the branch of surgery that aims to restore parts of the organism altered by congenital or acquired deformities, as well as, correct the aesthetic disharmony. In recent years, there has been an expressive increase in the number of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (APS) performed in the world and in Brazil. Among the main surgical procedures in Brazil are: breast augmentation, blepharoplasty, liposuction and abdominoplasty, with women being the majority, in addition to being more dissatisfied with their appearance in relation to men. This situation may be one of the main reasons for the pursuit of APS. Body Image (BI) is represented by attitudinal and perceptive dimensions, which are related to the appearance of individuals suffering socio-cultural influences, among other elements of the environment, that can affect their behavior and attitudes. The objective of the present study was to investigate Body Image (BI) and the Nutritional Status (NS) of women requesting APS in a private APS service in the city of Ribeirão Preto / SP. A sample of 40 adult women divided into two groups, Clinical and Comparative, with similar age, educational and socioeconomic characteristics. Participants answered the Sample Characterization Questionnaire, Brazil Economic Classification Criterion, Multidimensional body-self relation questionnaire- Appearance scale, Inventory of Schemes on Appearance- Revised, and performed an evaluation of nutritional status through anthropometric evaluation, body composition and biochemical analysis of blood and urine. The results obtained for G1 were: the majority of participants who were overweight and obese, were unsatisfied since childhood / adolescence, attempted changes in eating behavior following blogs, magazines, use of fad diets and applications, did not perform nutritional monitoring with nutritionist, had a severe level of concern about their Nutritional Status (NS) according to BMI and were anxious about being overweight. They were also more motivated and over-invested in beliefs about body image, frequent use of psychotropic drugs and psychotherapeutic follow-up. The G2 participants were mostly Eutrophic, more satisfied with G1, had not changed their eating behavior in the last 30 days, nor did they perform nutritional monitoring because they cared little about the Nutritional Status. They also did not invest in the same proportion in BI- related beliefs, nor did they follow psychotherapeutic and psychotropic use. Therefore, greater attention is needed in relation to NS and the psychotherapeutic follow-up of these women directed at individual needs. In this sense, the early detection and prevention of possible risks and future complications caused by nutritional deficiencies and inadequate behaviors can contribute significantly to the guarantee of more satisfactory surgical results, as well, as the reduction of expenditures with the Unified Health Sistem (SUS) and Complementary Health System ), as well as, the reduction of emotional stress and possible legal executions of both parties (doctor-patient).
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Embelezamento físico : requisito da gestão gerencialista para o exercício do trabalho imaterialDeus, Estéfani Sandmann de January 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho resultou de uma investigação que objetivou verificar e analisar, do ponto de vista de trabalhadoras que se submeteram a cirurgia plástica estética, se e de que modo o embelezamento físico se mostra como requisito da gestão gerencialista para o exercício do trabalho imaterial. Para tanto a revisão da literatura abrangeu trabalho imaterial, através de autores como Gorz, Grisci e Pelbart, gestão gerencialista, através de autores como Gaulejac e Chanlat, e embelezamento físico, através de autores como Mansano, Bauman e Lipovetsky. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa e exploratória, e, para sua realização foram entrevistados seis cirurgiões plásticos e seis trabalhadoras, indicadas por estes, que se submeteram a cirurgia plástica estética. As entrevistas ocorreram em três cidades do Rio Grande do Sul. A análise dos dados deu-se segundo os parâmetros de Minayo (2001). As evidências empíricas mostraram que, no caso das trabalhadoras entrevistadas, o embelezamento físico pode ser considerado requisito da gestão gerencialista para o exercício do trabalho imaterial. Além disso, mostraram que características da gestão gerencialista e do trabalho imaterial encontravam-se na narrativa das trabalhadoras estudadas. Mostraram ainda que os cirurgiões plásticos estéticos entrevistados, confirmam a tese de que, no caso, das trabalhadoras analisadas, a cirurgia plástica estética pode ser considerada um elemento de embelezamento físico utilizado a fim de se conseguir retorno no trabalho de cada uma. Por fim, as narrativas revelaram que a cirurgia plástica estética é também um artifício utilizado pelas trabalhadoras entrevistadas na tentativa de manter-se dentro de um determinado padrão de embelezamento físico que pode gerar rendimentos ao trabalho imaterial. / This paper is the result of a study that aimed to verify and analyze, from the point of view of workers that underwent cosmetic plastic surgery, if and how physical beautification is a requirement of managerialism to perform immaterial labor. The literature review included immaterial labor, through authors such as Gorz, Grisci and Pelbart, managerialism, through authors such as Gaulejac and Chanlat, and physical beautification, through authors such as Mansano, Bauman and Lipovetsky. This is a qualitative and exploratory research, and six plastic surgeons and six female workers were interviewed, workers who were referred by the surgeons and had undergone plastic surgery. The interviews took place in three cities of Rio Grande do Sul. Data analysis was performed according to Minayo’s parameters (2001). Empirical evidence has shown that, in the case of female workers interviewed, physical beautification may be considered a requirement of managerial management for the exercise of immaterial labor. In addition, they showed that characteristics of managerialist management and immaterial work were found in the narrative of the workers studied. They also showed that the aesthetic plastic surgeons interviewed confirm the thesis that, in the case of the workers analyzed, cosmetic plastic surgery can be considered as a physical embellishment element used in order to achieve a return in the work of each one. Finally, the narratives revealed that cosmetic plastic surgery is also an artifice used by the workers interviewed in an attempt to keep within a certain pattern of physical beautification that can generate income for immaterial labor.
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Análise comparativa das alterações da sensibilidade cutânea após abdominoplastias / Comparative analysis of the alterations of cutaneous sensibility after abdominoplastiesFels, Klaus Werner 31 July 2008 (has links)
A abdominoplastia é uma das cirurgias plásticas mais realizadas. A associação entre a lipoaspiração e o descolamento reduzido trouxe uma nova perspectiva em relação à maior preservação da inervação cutânea sensitiva. Novos métodos de avaliação de sensibilidade têm permitido melhor quantificação e uma análise mais completa da evolução pós-operatória. Foi realizado um estudo do tipo caso-controle comparando-se um grupo controle de pacientes não operadas, um grupo de pacientes que realizou abdominoplastia convencional e um grupo que realizou abdominoplastia associada a lipoaspiração e descolamento reduzido. Para a avaliação da sensibilidade, utilizou-se o PSSD (dispositivo específico de sensibilidade de pressão), testes para sensibilidade térmica e dolorosa (agulhas). O PSSD foi aplicado em nove regiões da parede abdominal anterior para determinação do limiar cutâneo de pressão (LCP) em duas modalidades sensoriais: um ponto estático (1PE), para avaliação de fibras de adaptação lenta, e um teste dinâmico (1PD), para avaliação de fibras de adaptação rápida. Quanto maior o LCP, menor a sensibilidade na região. Foram incluídas 46 pacientes nos três grupos. O grupo controle continha 10 pacientes, cujos limiares cutâneos de pressão (LCP) variaram de 0,82 a 0,84 e de 0,77 a 0,79 g/mm2 para 1PE e 1PD, respectivamente. O grupo de abdominoplastia convencional (AC) continha 14 pacientes com medidas em dois momentos de pós-operatório, precoce (5,75 meses) e tardio (17,36 meses). Os resultados demonstraram LCPs entre 1,02 e 39,94 para a medida precoce e 0,79 e 20,07 g/mm2 para a medida tardia. O grupo de abdominoplastia associada a lipoaspiração (LA) continha 22 pacientes com acompanhamento de 5,72 meses (precoce) e 14,91 meses (tardio). Os resultados demonstraram LCPs entre 0,62 e 4,98 para a medida precoce e 0,67 e 1,91 g/mm2 para a medida tardia. A análise estatística usou método de análise de variância com medidas repetidas. O nível de significância adotado foi de 0,05. A análise estatística para a medida de 1PE revelou redução da sensibilidade significante no grupo AC em todas as regiões (precoce e tardia). No grupo LA, houve redução da sensibilidade apenas nas regiões de mesogastro e hipogastro na medida precoce com regularização total na análise tardia. Entretanto, a análise estatística para 1PD revelou, no grupo AC, redução na medida precoce em todas as regiões e redução apenas das regiões centrais (mesogastro e hipogastro) na análise tardia. Já no grupo LA, todas as medidas estavam normalizadas na análise precoce e tardia. A análise da sensibilidade térmica e dolorosa revelou reduções centrais, especialmente nas regiões de mesogastro e hipogastro no grupo AC. O grupo LA revelou áreas de anestesia térmica e dolorosa apenas em pequena área do hipogastro. Concluiu-se que as três modalidades sensoriais (tátil, térmica e dolorosa) são mais preservadas no grupo LA que no grupo AC. A recuperação da medida 1PD é mais rápida que a medida de 1PE / Abdominoplasties are common plastic surgery procedures. New techniques associating lipoaspiration with selective undermining are bringing new perspectives with regard to the preservation of cutaneous sensibility. New methods of evaluation of cutaneous sensibility have allowed researchers to do a more complete analysis. This is a case-control study comparing a control group of patients non operated with one group submitted to conventional abdominoplasty and another group submitted to abdominoplasty associating lipoaspiration with selective undermining. The abdominal surface was divided into nine regions for sensibility evaluation. Superficial tactile sensibility was tested using the Pressure Specified Sensory Device (PSSD) which allows the determination of the cutaneous pressure threshold (static and moving). Tests of pain and thermal sensibility were also performed. A total of 46 patients were divided in three groups. In the control group, with 10 patients, the cutaneous pressure thershold (CPT) oscilated from 0.82 to 0.84 and from 0.77 to 0.79 g/mm2 for one point static and one point moving sensibility evaluations, respectively. The group of patients submitted to conventional abdominoplasty (AC), with 14 patients, was evaluated in two moments of follow-up: early (mean of 5.75 months after surgical procedure) and late (17.36 months). The results showed CPTs betwen 1.02 and 39.94 in the early follow-up, versus 0.79 to 20.07 g/mm2 in the late follow-up. The group submitted to abdominoplasty associated with lipoaspiration and selective underminig (LA) had 22 patients, with a mean follow-up period of 5.75 (early) and 14.91 (late) months. The results showed CPTs betwen 0.62 and 4.98 (early) and 0.67 and 1.91 g/mm2 (late). The statistical analysis was conducted with the analysis of variance with repeated measurements. The level of significance adopted was p < 0.05. The estatistical analysis for one point static showed significant reduction of sensibility in the group AC in all abdominal regions (in the early and late follow-up periods). The group LA presented reduced CPT only in the mesogastric and hypogastric in the early evaluation; the late evaluation was normal. On the other hand, the analisis of one point moving showed, in the group AC, a reduction of early evaluation measurement in all abdominal regions and a reduction only in central regions (mesogastric and hypogastric) in the late. The LA group presented normal in all measurements. The analysis of pain and thermal sensibility shows that the centermost regions of the abdomen, mesogastric and hypogastric, presented the highest anesthesia index in the AC group. The LA group showed just some islands in the hipogastric regions. The recuperation of the 1PD evaluation was faster than the 1PE. In conclusion, the three sensibilities (tactile, thermal and pain) were more preservated in the LA group. Abdominoplasty with lipoaspiration could be considered a better choice than conventional abdominoplasty considering the preservation of cutaneous sensibility
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Segmentace trhu plastické chirurgie v ČR / Market segmentation of plastic surgery in the Czech RepublicMaříková, Pavla January 2011 (has links)
Main objective of my thesis is to recommend a marketing orientation for clinics through an understanding of why men and women undergo plastic surgery and what is their reason to start considering it. Because women use plastic surgery more than men, the study is mainly focused on them. Another target is to compare competing invasive and non-invasive cosmetic treatments. The research part is consisting of a quantitative research. Quantitative research is based on online questionnaire and distributes plastic surgery market, with potential candidates and clients who have already undergone some treatment to the individual segments. Individual interesting reliances between them are pointed out with cross-analyzing by Excel program. For segmentation process was used IBM SPSS Statistics program. Outcome of this thesis discovers five segments and subsequent recommendations for marketing orientation for selected segments.
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O corpo em evidência: o discurso publicitário de cirurgia plásticaLopes, Edilaine Vieira 20 February 2008 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2008-02-20 / The main purpose of this study is to reveal processes of discourse construction of plastic surgery advertising adds published on a Brazilian magazine called Plástica & Beleza. Four advertisements placed between December 2005 and November 2006 form the corpus of this analysis. Considering the gathering of linguistic and iconic aspects, we are interest in identifying the strategies used to give legitimacy to the discourse that emerges out of these communicative events. Based on theoretical assumptions of French Discourse Analysis, we will provide with an analysis, in each add randomly chosen, the following categories: the Aristotelian scheme, language detailing, the discourse deixis, enunciation scenarios, the ethos and incorporation. / O principal objetivo desse estudo é desvelar os processos de construção discursiva das propagandas de cirurgia plástica veiculadas na revista Plástica & Beleza. O corpus de análise é formado por quatro anúncios publicados no período de dezembro de 2005 a novembro de 2006. Considerando a junção dos aspectos lingüísticos e icônicos, interessa-nos identificar as estratégias utilizadas para imprimir legitimidade ao discurso que emerge dessas situações comunicativas. A
partir dos pressupostos teóricos da análise do discurso de linha francesa, analisaremos, em cada anúncio aleatoriamente escolhido, as seguintes categorias: o esquema aristotélico, as particularidades da linguagem, os dêiticos discursivos, as cenas da enunciação, o ethos e incorporação.
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Use of Healthcare, Perceived Health and Patient Satisfaction in Patients with BurnsWikehult, Björn January 2008 (has links)
A severe burn is a trauma fraught with stress and pain and may change the entire course of life. This thesis focuses on care utilisation, care experiences and patient satisfaction after a severe burn. The patients studied were treated at the Burn Unit at Uppsala University Hospital between 1980 and 2006. Burn-related health was examined using the Burn Specific Health Scale-Brief (BSHS-B), personality traits with the Swedish universities Scales of Personality (SSP), psychological symptoms using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression scale (HADS), symptoms of posttraumatic stress with the Impact of Event Scale-Revised (IES-R) and satisfaction with care using the Patient Satisfaction-Results and Quality (PS-RESKVA) questionnaire. Those utilising care years after injury reported poorer functioning on three of the BSHS-B subscales. Personality traits had a greater impact on care utilisation than injury severity. Social desirability was lower among care utilisers and was associated with burn-related health aspects. The participants reported a low level of negative care experiences, the most common of which was Powerlessness. Most patients were satisfied with care, more with quality of contact with the nursing staff, and less with treatment information. Multiple regressions showed that the BSHS-B Interpersonal relationships subscale was an independent variable related to all measured aspects of patient satisfaction. The highest adjusted R2 was 0.25. In a prospective assessment with multiple regression analyses, Age and Education, the personality traits of Stress susceptibility, Trait irritability, Detachment and Social desirability, in addition to the post-traumatic stress symptoms Intrusion and Hyperarousal, were predictors of satisfaction with care. The highest adjusted R2 was 0.19. The thesis has pointed out that interpersonal factors are related to care utilisation as well as satisfaction with care. However, satisfaction with care was only moderately associated with health and individual characteristics, which may imply that the care itself is of major importance.
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Differentiation of Human Dermal Fibroblasts and Applications in Tissue EngineeringSommar, Pehr January 2010 (has links)
Tissue engineering applies principles of biology and engineering to the development of functional substitutes for damaged or lost tissues. Tools for the neo-generation of tissue in tissue engineering research include cells, biomaterials and soluble factors. One main obstacle in tissue engineering is the limited availability of autologous tissue specific progenitor cells. This has led to interest into using autologous cells with stem cell plasticity. Bone marrow derived stem cells were the first adult stem cells shown to have multilineage potential. Since, several reports have been published indicating that cells from other tissues; fat, muscle, connective tissue e.g., possess potential to differentiate into lineages distinct from their tissue of origin. The optimal cell type for use in tissue engineering applications should be easy to obtain, cultivate and store. The human dermal fibroblast is an easily accessible cell source, which after routine cell expansion gives a substantial cell yield from a small skin biopsy. Hence, the dermal fibroblast could be a suitable cell source for tissue engineering applications.The main aim of this thesis was to investigate the differentiation capacity of human dermal fibroblasts, and their possible applications in bone and cartilage tissue engineering applications. Human dermal fibroblasts were shown to differentiate towards adipogenic, chondrogenic, and osteogenic phenotypes upon subjection to specific induction media. Differentiation was seen both in unrefined primary cultures and in clonal populations (paper I). Fibroblasts could be used to create three-dimensional cartilage- and bone like tissue when grown in vitro on gelatin microcarriers in combination with platelet rich plasma (paper II). 4 weeks after in vivo implantation of osteogenic induced fibroblasts into a fracture model in athymic rats, dense cell clusters and viable human cells were found in the gaps, but no visible healing of defects as determined by CT-scanning (paper III). After the induction towards adipogenic, chondrogenic, endotheliogenic and osteogenic lineages, gene expression analysis by microarray and quantitative real-time-PCR found several master regulatory genes important for lineage commitment, as well as phenotypically relevant genes regulated as compared to reference cultures (paper IV). In conclusion, results obtained in this thesis suggest an inherent ability for controllable phenotype alteration of human dermal fibroblasts in vitro. We conclude that dermal fibroblasts could be induced towards adipogenic, chondrogenic, endotheliogenic or osteogenic novel phenotypes which suggest a genetic readiness of differentiated fibroblasts for lineage-specific biological functionality, indicating that human dermal fibroblasts might be a suitable cell source in tissue engineering applications.
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Cosmetic Citizenship: Beauty, Affect and Inequality in Southeastern BrazilJarrin, Alvaro January 2010 (has links)
<p>This dissertation examines how perceptions of beauty in Brazil reflect both the existing social inequalities and the struggles to produce a more egalitarian society. While hegemonic discourses about beauty in Brazil foster an upper-middle class, white standard, the working-class make claims to citizenship by redefining beauty according to their own affective, sensory experiences. As I see it, the affective relationship that plastic surgery patients have towards their own bodies is central to understanding why beauty is a source of social recognition in Brazil. In this dissertation, I argue that even though discourse attempts to discipline the body to perceive only the "truths" it produces, subjects reinhabit discourses through their immediate sensory experiences, opening up the political space to generate social change.</p>
<p>In order to access this form of "cosmetic citizenship," however, working-class patients undergo low-cost aesthetic surgeries in public hospitals, which are subsidized by the State and help build the national reputation of plastic surgeons. I argue that this national investment in beauty establishes personal appearance as a precondition for citizenship and inclusion in the nation. While media narratives construct beauty as a vehicle for upward mobility in Brazil, the medical discourse about beauty imagines the Brazilian population as becoming progressively homogeneous through "miscegenation" and surgery. These discourses depend on the raciology established by Neo-Lamarckian eugenics at the beginning of the twentieth century, and later popularized by the work of Gilberto Freyre.</p> / Dissertation
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Reality Cosmetic Surgery Makeovers: Potential Psychological and Behavioral CorrelatesSperry, Steffanie 11 April 2007 (has links)
According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (2006), the number of cosmetic procedures has increased to over 10 million in 2005, showing a 38% increase from 2000. This increase in cosmetic surgery prevalence is paralleled by a surge in reality cosmetic makeover television programming, such as Extreme Makeover and Dr. 90210. No research to date has assessed the potential relationships between reality media viewership and body image, eating pathology, or cosmetic surgery attitudes. The tripartite model of core influence (Thompson et al., 1999) is presented as a theoretical framework for conceptualizing the link between media influences, internalization, body image dissatisfaction, and outcomes such as eating disorder symptomatology and cosmetic surgery attitudes. The current study examines the relationships between reality cosmetic makeover viewership, cosmetic surgery attitudes, body image, and eating disorder symptomatology in a sample of 2057 college females. Viewership of reality cosmetic surgery shows was significantly related to more favorable cosmetic surgery attitudes, perceived pressure to have cosmetic surgery, past attainment of a cosmetic procedure, overall body dissatisfaction, thin ideal internalization, eating disorder symptomatology, and a decreased fear of surgery. Although the current study is correlational, it provides a framework for future hypothesis testing and elucidates the link between contemporary media influences, body dissatisfaction, eating disturbance, and cosmetic surgery attitudes and behaviors.
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Performing Perfection: Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery and the Rhetorical BodyHarris-Moore, Deborah Rose January 2011 (has links)
While there is a long history of rhetorical studies that focus on oral and written discourses, the relatively recent trend of studying rhetorical images, materiality, and rhetorical bodies presents a shift toward an expanded perspective on what constitutes texts and what can be considered rhetorical. The study of bodies as rhetorical texts prompts the questions of how language is material and visual in nature. In my dissertation I examine the relationship between rhetoric and the body through Judith Butler's theories of materiality and performativity. Using Butler's theories of performance as a lens, I analyze the rhetoric of plastic and cosmetic surgery and demonstrate the role of performance in the perpetuation of and response to rhetoric of the body. Cosmetic and plastic surgery are performatives in that they not only confer a binding power on the action performed by altering the body through surgical and non-surgical means, but also initiate various citational practices within the field of medicine and in popular culture (through various mediums such as television, magazines, billboards, and websites). These procedures result in images and claims that authorize particular social expectations of beauty, youth, and sexuality.I examine a range of mass media texts related to cosmetic surgery (television shows, magazines, news clips, websites, and films) that portray different normative and deviant performativity of the body. In my research, I include interviews from volunteers in Los Angeles; my analysis involves local individuals' relationships to plastic and cosmetic surgery and their various body performatives in terms of normativity and agency. By comparing global and local perspectives, I argue that media sensationalizes the agent/victim binary in order to sell plastic and cosmetic surgeries, as well as related texts. The local stories serve to counter assumptions about the role of power in plastic surgery, revealing a far more complicated relationship between clients, rhetoric, and the reasons behind their surgeries; the agent/victim binary that is emphasized in mass media fails to capture lived experience and creates a detrimental rhetoric of empowerment.
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