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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Identificação de indicadores globais para o monitoramento da segurança de processos de plataformas de produção de petróleo e gás natural: estudo de caso da indústria brasileira / Identification of global indicators for monitoring process safety in oil and gas production platforms: case study of brazilian industry

Alex Garcia de Almeida 12 March 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho verificou o tema de segurança de processos no segmento de plataformas de produção de petróleo e gás no mar de forma a propor um modelo de indicadores globais a fim de facilitar a identificação de fragilidades no gerenciamento de riscos de processos da indústria de produção de petróleo e gás natural no mar. O resultado esperado é o fornecimento de dados para a otimização de recursos regulatórios na busca da melhoria da segurança operacional. Para tal, buscando conhecer a postura das empresas no cumprimento da necessidade regulamentar da implementação de um Sistema de Gestão de Segurança de Processos (SGSP), foram identificadas as principais práticas preventivas para a o gerenciamento de riscos. Por conseguinte, mensurou-se o esforço na implementação deste SGSP como correlação direta para a prevenção de acidentes (foco preventivo). Já a análise dos resultados deste gerenciamento de riscos (foco reativo) foi obtido através incidentes operacionais classificados de acordo com sua respectiva importância/impacto, dentro de linhas de corte pré-estabelecidas. Assim, o indicador Global preventivo (IGPRV) e o Indicador Global reativo (IGRTV) foram elaborados agregando diferentes indicadores específicos de cada segmento para simplificar a análise e incluir a articulação de conceitos de segurança de processos à atuação regulatória. Os indicadores globais propostos quantificam conceitos subjetivos e complexos para o estabelecimento de metas e permitem aferir o desempenho das ações e projetos da regulação da indústria. Também permitem a identificação e a disseminação das melhores práticas de gerenciamento de riscos, comparando-as em diferente níveis de gerenciamento. Na análise dos resultados, pôde-se perceber que a utilização dos indicadores globais propostos pode responder com sucesso às necessidades regulatórias identificadas

Multivariate and hash-based post-quantum digital signatures. / Assinaturas digitais pós-quânticas multivariadas e baseadas em hash.

Geovandro Carlos Crepaldi Firmino Pereira 11 August 2015 (has links)
The conventional digital signature schemes widely used today may have their security threatened with the possibility of the rising of a large quantum computer. Moreover, such schemes are not entirely suitable for utilization on very constrained-resource platforms. Therefore, there is a need to look at alternatives that present reasonable security in the medium and long term, in addition to attaining acceptable performance when few resources are available. This work provides more efficient multivariate and hash-based post-quantum digital signatures and targets the deployment in scenarios like Internet of Things and Wireless Sensor Networks where the typical devices are very resource-constrained. In the context of multivariable quadratic digital signatures we describe a new technique that attempts to minimize the main drawbacks of these schemes, the large key sizes. The new technique explores certain structures compact matrix rings. Some of the analyzed matrix rings are not secure (one of the attacks runs in polynomial time). Other less compact matrix rings are investigated and they apparently do not suffer a polynomial time attack, but unfortunately are still far from deployment on very constrained platforms. On the other hand, this work describes a method for hash-based signatures providing a 2/3 reduction of the signature sizes in the Merkle-Winternitz multi-time signature scheme. In fact, the signature sizes constitute the main bottleneck of these schemes. The improvement also leads to a 2/3 reduction in the run times (key generation, signing and verifying) and in energy consumption for all these operations on an AVR ATmega128L microcontroller, typically found in Wireless Sensor Networks. This result is much more promising for the deployment in an IoT scenario. / Os esquemas convencionais de assinatura digital mais usados na atualidade têm sua segurança ameaçada com a possibilidade da construção de um computador quântico de grande porte. Ademias, tais esquemas não têm se mostrado completamente adequados para uso em plataformas com recursos computacionais extremamente escassos. Surge então a necessidade da busca por alternativas que satisfaçam as condições de segurança a médio e longo prazo, além de apresentarem desempenho razoável quando poucos recursos computacionais estão disponíveis. Este trabalho obtém assinaturas digitais pós-quânticas multivariadas quadráticas e baseadas em hash mais eficientes e tem o intuito de torna-las práticas em cenários como Internet das Coisas e Redes de Sensores Sem Fio (RSSF), caracterizados por apresentarem dispositivos com recursos computacionais limitados. No contexto de assinaturas multivariadas quadráticas, descreve-se uma nova técnica que tenta minimizar o principal gargalo desses esquemas, o grande tamanho de chaves. A nova técnica explora certos anéis matriciais com estrutura compacta. Mostra-se que alguns dos anéis analisados não são seguros (um dos ataques apresenta tempo polinomial), enquanto outros anéis menos compactos aparentam não sofrer ataque polinomial, mas infelizmente ainda não são adequados para uso em dispositivos muito restritos. Por outro lado, descreve-se um método para obter assinaturas digitais baseadas em hash que fornece redução das assinaturas para 2/3 do tamanho original do esquema multi-time Merkle-Winternitz. De fato, o tamanho das assinaturas constitui o principal gargalo desses esquemas, A melhoria também acarreta uma redução em 2/3 nos tempos de execução (geração de chave, geração de assinaturas e verificação de assinatura) e no consumo de energia para essas operações quando executadas em um microcontrolador AVR tipicamente usado em Redes de Sensores Sem Fio, o AT-mega 128L. Este resultado torna-se promissor para implantação de assinaturas baseadas em hash no cenário de Internet das Coisas.

Integração de dados estatísticos sociais no desenvolvimento de uma possível arquitetura para a internet das coisas. / Social data integration on a possible architecture development for internet of things.

Diana Patricia Riaño Riaño 13 September 2016 (has links)
Os objetivos deste trabalho de mestrado consistem em determinar: (i) como modificar a arquitetura de referência de Internet das Coisas para identificar e priorizar as necessidades dos usuários em um determinado contexto; (ii) como transformar dados sociais subjetivos em uma medida objetiva de impacto social; (iii) como correlacionar informações sociais e dados digitais de forma a medir a satisfação dos usuários com os serviços de Internet das Coisas desenvolvidos; (iv) como validar o sistema total; e (v) se a arquitetura é reconfigurável e pode ser adotada e validada em diferentes casos de uso. O método de desenvolvimento começa de uma extensa investigação bibliográfica sobre projetos, arquiteturas e plataformas de Internet das Coisas desenvolvidas e em desenvolvimento, tecnologia social e teoria de grafos. É proposto um mapa conceitual que serve de base a todo o trabalho. A teoria de grafos fornece um conjunto de métricas que permite identificar as reais necessidades de usuários e comunidades e, então, especificar as aplicações e serviços de Internet das Coisas a serem desenvolvidos. ´E proposta uma função de fitness para avaliar a satisfação de requisitos de uma especificação. A validação do método é feita por meio de um estudo de caso. Para uma cidade hipotética são descritos os serviços educacionais, de saúde e de transporte disponíveis. É identificado o problema de oferecimento de serviços educacionais a comunidades distantes e a necessidade desses serviços se integrarem com as entidades culturais e de saúde. Com isso, ´e especificada a aplicação Aula Móvil. Essa aplicação é completamente descrita por meio dos modelos de domínio, de informação, funcional e de comunicação da arquitetura de referência IoT-A. Para o desenvolvimento do software, é feita uma descrição completa em UML: diagrama de classes e diagramas de sequência. Apesar de se ter adotado um estudo de caso simples, fica demonstrada a viabilidade de se integrar a avaliação de dados estatísticos sociais no ciclo de projeto de aplicações de Internet das Coisas. ´E mostrado também que as aplicações de Internet das Coisas geram impacto social a curto, médio e longo prazos. O método e arquitetura propostos neste trabalho são suficientemente genéricos para serem utilizados em outras aplicações relacionadas a uma cidade e também em outros domínios como os de M2M e da iniciativa Industry 4.0. / The objectives of this master thesis consist in determining: (i) how modify an IoT reference architecture to identify and prioritize end user\'s needs in a given context; (ii) how transform subjective social data in a objective measure of social impact; (iii) how correlate social data and digital data to measure the end users\' satisfaction with the developed IoT services; (iv) how validate the total system; and (v) if the architecture is reconfigurable and can be adopted and validated in di?erent use cases. The development method started with and extensive bibliographic research about IoT projects, architectures and platforms, already developed and under development, social technology and graphs theory. A conceptual map is proposed and is used as a basis for the entire work. The graphs theory provides a set of metrics that allow the identification of end users\' and communities\' needs and, then, to specify the IoT applications and services to be developed. A fitness function is proposed to evaluate the fulfillment of requirements of a specification. The whole method validation is made by means of a case study. To do so, the available educational, health and transport services of a hypothetical city are described. The problem of o?ering educational services to distant communities and the need to integrate such services to the cultural and health entities are identified. As a result, a Mobile Class application is specified. This application is completely described by the domain, informational, functional and communicational models of the IoT-A reference architecture. For the software development, a complete UML description is made: class diagrams and sequence diagrams. In spite of having adopted a simple case study, the feasibility of integrating the social statistical data evaluation in the design cycle of IoT applications is demonstrated. It is also shown that IoT applications generate social impact in the short, medium and large terms. The method and architecture proposed in this work are generic enough to be used in other applications related to a city as is other domains as M2M and from the Industry 4.0 Initiative.

Vybrané aspekty sdílené ekonomiky s důrazem na Airbnb a Uber / Selected Aspects of Sharing Economy with emphasis on Airbnb and Uber

Zábranský, Adam January 2019 (has links)
Selected aspects of sharing economy with emphasis on Airbnb and Uber Abstract This paper focuses on the legal regulation of digital platforms which are used to arrange short-term accommodation (the most popular representative is Airbnb) and passenger transport (where Uber is the best-known platform). In the introduction the author explains why he considers it inappropriate to say these platforms are part of "sharing economy", although this term is currently widely used. In addition, the author examines the benefits of Airbnb and Uber platforms in general, such as user comfort, a rating system that allows quality control of provided services, lower prices for the customer than with traditional service providers and a simple way to earn some extra money. At the same time, the author mentions negative aspects of these platforms, such as lower collection of taxes and fees, poor protection of employees and potentially also customers, or reduction of availability and quality of housing. In the next part of the paper the author focuses on each of the mentioned platforms and evaluates the regulation of these platforms, or rather service providers that use these platforms, in the light of both Czech and European case law. The author concludes that the use of apartments for the continuous provision of accommodation...

Modelos de negócio adotados por empresas de compartilhamento de carros no contexto da mobilidade inteligente: estudos de caso múltiplos em empresas que atuam no Brasil / Business models adopted by car sharing companies in the context of smart mobility: multiple case studies in companies operating in Brazil

Silva, André Koide da 05 April 2019 (has links)
As cidades inteligentes emergiram como uma alternativa no trato das dificuldades oriundas do crescimento populacional observado nas áreas urbanizadas. Entre as iniciativas propostas por essa nova abordagem nos espaços urbanos, destaca-se a mobilidade inteligente. Ela propõe o uso dos recursos tecnológicos a fim de aprimorar a experiência de deslocamento de pessoas e de cargas, objetivando melhorar a qualidade de vida dos cidadãos. Nesse contexto, ressalta-se a importância do compartilhamento de carros como uma das alternativas para reduzir os índices de congestionamento, a emissão de poluentes e a demanda por áreas de estacionamento; além disso, esse serviço promove a interação com outros modais de transporte e os hábitos mais saudáveis entre os indivíduos que os utilizam. Ao analisar os modelos de negócio das empresas que operam nesse mercado, notam-se diferentes modalidades: compartilhamento de carros (ida e volta), compartilhamento de carros (trecho único), compartilhamento de carros (P2P), compartilhamento de corridas e caronas, empresas de redes de transporte e serviços de táxi. Também é possível identificar estreita relação com o consumo colaborativo (também denominado economia compartilhada), fenômeno amplamente explorado a partir da década de 2000, que fomenta o uso ou acesso aos bens em detrimento da propriedade. Assim, os usuários de carros compartilhados podem utilizá-los sem a incidência das obrigações e dos custos fixos associados à posse desses bens. Ambos os paradigmas utilizam a Internet, as redes sociais, os sistemas de informação e os recursos tecnológicos para prover seus serviços e conectar os usuários, criando as chamadas plataformas multilaterais. Estas suportam a criação e a operação em espaços físicos ou virtuais, conectando diferentes grupos de usuários; assim, ao reduzir os custos e as dificuldades desses encontros, disponibiliza-se um ambiente favorável à realização das transações, ou seja, ao compartilhamento dos carros. Esta tese de doutorado aplicou a análise qualitativa comparativa (QCA), a técnica MSDO, a análise de conteúdo e a análise cruzada de casos aos modelos de negócio de 14 organizações que atuam no segmento de carros compartilhados com a finalidade de identificar e descrever como os componentes da mobilidade inteligente, do consumo colaborativo e das plataformas multilaterais foram incorporados nas operações dessas companhias por meio de estudos de caso múltiplos. Os resultados alcançados indicaram alguns fatores críticos do sucesso empresarial desses modelos de negócio, entre eles: a análise de dados massivos por intermédio de ferramentas de big data, a disponibilização de aplicativos para dispositivos móveis, a implementação dos recursos de segurança física e lógica para os usuários dos serviços de carros compartilhados, o estímulo à colaboração on-line e ao uso de redes sociais e a operação em um mercado regulamentado. Devido à causalidade assimétrica, também emergiram componentes associados ao insucesso, entre eles: a ausência do uso de ferramentas de big data para análise dos dados massivos dos usuários; a indisponibilidade de aplicativos para dispositivos móveis; os recursos ineficazes de segurança física e lógica; a adoção de estratégias inócuas ou ausentes para a resolução do problema de massa crítica nas plataformas multilaterais; a dificuldade na obtenção de recursos financeiros para realizar investimentos nos diferentes grupos de usuários e a operação em um mercado sem regulamentação. / Smart cities emerged as an alternative in dealing with the difficulties arising from population growth observed in urbanized areas. Among the initiatives proposed by this new approach in urban spaces, smart mobility stands out as an essential service for the operation of cities. It proposes the use of technological resources in order to improve the experience of moving people and cargo, aiming to improve the quality of life of citizens. In this context, the importance of car sharing is highlighted as one of the alternatives to reduce congestion rates, the emission of pollutants and the demand for parking areas; in addition, this service promotes interaction with other transport modes and healthier habits among the individuals who use it. When analyzing the business models of the companies that operate in this market, different modalities are observed: car sharing (round trip), car sharing (one way), car sharing (P2P), carpooling, transport network companies and taxi services. It is also possible to identify a close relationship with collaborative consumption (also called sharing economy), a phenomenon widely exploited since the last decade, which fosters the use or access to goods over property. Thus, users of shared cars can use them without the incidence of the obligations and the fixed costs associated with the possession of these goods. Both paradigms use the Internet, social networks, information systems and technological resources to provide their services and connect users, creating the so-called multisided platforms. These support operation in physical or virtual spaces, connecting different groups of users; thus, by reducing the costs and difficulties of these matches, a favorable environment is provided to carry out the transactions, that is, the car sharing. This PhD thesis applied the qualitative comparative analysis (QCA), the MSDO technique, content analysis and cross-case analysis to the business models of 14 organizations operating in the car sharing segment with the purpose of identifying and describing how the components of smart mobility, collaborative consumption and multisided platforms have been incorporated into the operations of these companies through multiple case studies. The results achieved indicated some critical success factors of these business models, among them: analyzing massive data through big data tools, making mobile applications available, implementing physical and logical security features for users of car sharing services, the stimulation of online collaboration and the use of social networks and the operation in a regulated market. Due to asymmetric causality, components associated with failure also emerged, among them: the absence of the use of big data tools to analyze the users\' massive data; the unavailability of mobile applications; inefficient physical and logical security features; the adoption of innocuous or absent strategies for solving the critical mass problem in multisided platforms; the difficulty in obtaining the financial resources to make investments in different groups of users and the operation in a market without regulation.

Whitlam and the cities : urban and regional policy and social democratic reform

Orchard, Lionel. January 1987 (has links) (PDF)
Bibliography: leaves 369-402.

Rusumo dam-social challenge in Kagera River Basin : Participation of the affected people

Nzeyimana, Lazare January 2003 (has links)
<p>From long ago, rivers have always sustained livelihoods of the peoples through the utilisation of different natural resources available in the basin. All over the world, many rivers have been dammed in the spirit of performing various purposes: agricultural irrigation, domestic water supply and power generation or flood control.</p><p>By the year 2001, the World Commission on Dams brought into focus the debate on damrelated impacts on local economies, societal cultures, livelihoods security and environmental conservation. The outcome of the World Commission on Dams consultation strongly recommended the governments to involve all stakeholders to address appropriately all issues associated with dams.</p><p>The overall focus of this master thesis is the projected Rusumo Falls dam in the Kagera River Basin (East Africa). Based on literature documentation completed by on-ground observations and qualitative interviews at Rusumo, various issues connected with the dam are presented.</p><p>In the first part, the Kagera River Basin background information is provided. It gives an overview of the physical and human characteristics of the Kagera watershed and subcatchments. A brief history and socio-economic indicators are given to enlighten the outsiders about the development challenges of the riparian countries of Burundi, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda. Regional frameworks for the development and management of Kagera Basin natural resources are presented: The Kagera Basin Organisation and the Nile Basin Initiative.</p><p>Section two analyses the likely social problems around the Rusumo Hydro Electric Project resulting from the land issue and the electricity needs and posing a dilemma for the governments committed to reverse the poverty and developing the economies. Benefits and drawbacks of the dam as perceived by the beneficiaries are thoroughly listed.</p><p>Based on the overwhelming supports from the Rusumo people, the governments of Burundi, Rwanda and Tanzania together with the international community, a public participation scenario is suggested in the last chapter. It encourages the governments to come together with all interested groups and the affected people of Rusumo and address any matters associated to the dam management process.</p><p>The conclusion of this study draws some strategies and methods to ensure full popular participation in the dam management. It provides some ways to involve all stakeholders to address the related issues. As the Rusumo people perceptions of the dam possible effects might not be realistic, the popular participation can offer them a good opportunity to handle socio-economic problems such as the land issue, the economy restructure and the nature conservation. In this case study, the government of Rwanda is therefore responsible for the establishment of platforms for a broad popular consultation.</p>

Informed storage management for mobile platforms

Kim, Hyojun 22 August 2012 (has links)
Storage devices are rapidly changing, and we need to adapt the OS storage software stack to keep up with the changes. Such a re-evaluation of the storage software stack is especially required for mobile platforms because they are relying on inexpensive flash storage devices having very different performance characteristics from the familiar hard disk.In this thesis work, we first show the importance of storage in mobile platforms; contrary to conventional wisdom, we find evidence that storage is a significant contributor to application performance on mobile devices. Then, we explore the solution space for flash storage; user-level library for selective logging, host-side write buffering layer, and OS buffer replacement scheme for flash storage have been studied. Finally, we build an integrated solution for smartphone storage, named Fjord. In the Fjord study, we re-design logging and RAM buffering solutions for smartphones, and also propose fine-grained reliability control mechanisms. We prove that non-volatile logging can improve storage performance remarkably. Understanding the characteristics of cloud-backed applications and controlling the reliability constraint for chosen cloud-backed applications can achieve additional significant performance gain.We implement and evaluate our solution on a real Android smartphone, and demonstrate significant performance gains for everyday apps on such platforms.

Development Of A Mobile Robot Platform To Be Used In Mobile Robot Research

Gonullu, Muhammet Kasim 01 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Robotics is an interdisciplinary subject and combines mechanical, computer and electrical engineering components together to solve different kinds of problems. In order to build robotic systems, these disciplines should be integrated. Therefore, mobile robots can be used as a tool in education for teaching engineering concepts. They can be employed to be used in undergraduate, graduate and doctorate research. Hands on experience on a mobile robot increase motivation of the students on the topic and give them precious practical knowledge. It also delivers students new skills like teamwork, problem solving, creativity, by executing robotic exercises. To be able to fulfill these outcomes, universities and research centers need mobile robot platforms that are modular, easy to build, cheap and flexible. However it should be also powerful and capable of being used in different research studies and hence be customizable depending on the requirements of these topics. This thesis aims at building an indoor mobile robot that can be used as a platform for developing algorithms involving various sensors incorporated onto a mobile platform. More precisely, it can be used as a base for indoor navigation and localization algorithms, as well as it can be used as platform for developing algorithms for larger autonomous mobile robots. The thesis work involves the design and manufacturing of a mobile robot platform that can potentially facilitate mobile robotics research that involves use of various hardware to develop and test different perception and navigation algorithms.

Improving Operational Performance Of Antennas On Complex Platforms By Arranging Their Placements

Bayseferogullari, Can 01 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this thesis is to improve the operational performance of the communication antennas mounted on complex platforms such as aircrafts and warships by arranging placements of these antennas. Towards this aim, primarily, in order to gain insight on the influence of geometrically simple structures composing the platform on antenna performance, a quarter wavelength monopole antenna placed at the center of a finite square ground plane is studied by using uniform Geometrical Theory of Diffraction (GTD). Besides, the change of far field radiation pattern and complex diffraction functions due to the variation of the width of a square ground plane is examined. Secondly, electromagnetic analysis of two Ultra High Frequency (UHF) antennas mounted on geometrically simple structures composing simplified F-4 aircraft is carried out by using transient solver of Computer Simulation Technology (CST) Microwave Studio&reg / (MWS), in order to conceive the influence of each structure on antenna performance. Then, electromagnetic analysis of these antennas mounted on simplified and original F-4 aircrafts is performed, in order to determine the optimal location of the lower UHF antenna (newly installed antenna) for the operational performance of this antenna to be optimum in terms of electromagnetic coupling and far field radiation pattern. Finally, electromagnetic analysis of the communication antennas mounted on a warship is performed by using transient solver of CST MWS&reg / , in order to determine the optimal locations of these antennas for the operational performance of these antennas to be optimum in terms of electromagnetic coupling and far field radiation pattern.

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