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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die aard van pleegvaders se betrokkenheid by pleegkinders : ‘n verkennende studie binneChild Welfare Tshwane

Kirsten, Erika Christine January 2013 (has links)
Die doel van die studie was om die aard van die betrokkenheid van pleegvaders by pleegkinders te verken binne Child Welfare Tshwane. Om hierdie doel te bereik is ʼn kwantitatiewe benadering gevolg om op ʼn objektiewe wyse die aard van dié betrokkenheid te bepaal. Die studie is volgens ʼn nie-eksperimentele navorsingsontwerp uitgevoer, synde die korrelasie-ontwerp wat die konsep vaderlike betrokkenheid eenmalig gemeet en korrelasies tussen veranderlikes ondersoek het. Data is ingesamel oor drie konstrukte van vaderlike betrokkenheid, naamlike interaksie, beskikbaarheid en verantwoordelikheid. Data is deur middel van 'n self-geadministreerde vraelys ingesamel. Die bevindinge van die studie het getoon pleegvaders oor die algemeen hoë vlakke van betrokkenheid by hul pleegkinders getoon het ten opsigte van al drie die konstrukte. Die pleegvaders het beide ‘n instrumentele rol, byvoorbeeld voorsiening in die kinders se basiese behoeftes, en ‘n ekpressiewe rol, byvoorbeeld emosionele steun en aanmoeding van die pleegkinders, vertolk. Temas wat in hul eie beskrywing van hul rol as pleegvaders na vore gekom het, was diè van emosionele ondersteuning, sosialisering van die pleegkinders, die bied van ekonomiese sekuriteit en interaksie met die pleegkind en dat hul dus ‘n aktiewe byrae tot die uitvoering van die gesinsfunksies gelewer het. Hoewel die meerderheid van die pleegvaders bejaard was en bedags tuis teenwoordig was, het dit nie betekenisvol verskil van die betrokkenheid van pleegvaders wat voltyds gewerk het nie. Daar is tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat maatskaplikewerkdienste ook die pleegvader behoort in te sluit en daarop fokus om pleegvaders te motiveer om betrokke te wees by die versorging van pleegkinders. Pleegvaders kan ‘n belangrike bydrae lewer tot die stabliteit van pleegplasings en tot die algehele welsyn van die pleegkinders. / Dissertation (MSW)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / gm2014 / Social Work and Criminology / Unrestricted

Die aanpassing van die kind in pleegsorg : 'n spelterapeutiese benadering (Afrikaans)

Fourie, Charmaine 04 August 2008 (has links)
Please read the abstract in the section, 00front, of this document / Dissertation (MA(MW))--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Social Work and Criminology / unrestricted

A social work empowerment programme for foster parents of sexually abused children / H.J. Galloway

Galloway, Helena Johanna January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this study was to develop, implement and evaluate a social work empowerment programme for foster parents of sexually abused children. This thesis consists of five sections: SECTION A: Contains the problem statement, objectives and research methodology, the limitations of the study and definitions of key words. The problem statement was formulated as follows: There is no existing scientifically developed and implemented social work empowerment programme for foster parents of sexually abused children available in South Africa. This problem statement resulted in the development of four research objectives. The intervention research model was utilised and implemented within a mixed methodology paradigm. Focus group discussions and the single system design generated quantitative and qualitative data. SECTION B: Consists of four articles combined together, form the research report on the achievement of the objectives. The four articles are: Article 1: The implication of sexual abuse for foster care. The aim of this article is to establish the implications of sexual abuse for foster care by means of a literature study. The impact of child sexual abuse depends on various factors like the age of the child, the amount of force used, the relationship between the child and the perpetrator, and the period over which the abuse took place. The impact of sexual abuse on the child also varies depending on the individual child. In order for the foster parent to assist the foster child to heal from the trauma of child sexual abuse, it is necessary for the foster parent to have knowledge of and insight into such impact on the foster child. Article 2: The empowerment needs of foster parents of sexually abused children. The aim of this article is to establish the empowerment needs of foster parents of sexually abused children. A focus group discussion was used as a method to collect relevant qualitative data. Five (N=5) foster parents with foster children that have been sexually abused, identified from the caseload of a Child Welfare Society in White River and formed part of the discussion group. From the discussion group two categories, namely feelings, experiences and challenges of foster parents of sexually abused foster children and the needs of foster parents of sexually abused foster children were identified. Ten themes and sub-themes were derived and identified. Article 3: The development and implementation of a social work empowerment programme for foster parents of sexually abused children. The aim of this article is to develop and implement a social work empowerment programme for foster parents of sexually abused children. A nine session programme was developed according to the needs identified in the previous article, and implemented over three days to seven (N=7) foster parents, selected according to a non-probability sampling method. It was presented through psychosocial group work as method. Article 4: The evaluation of a social work empowerment programme for foster parents of sexually abused children. The aim of this article was to evaluate the social work empowerment programme and the effect of the programme on the psychosocial functioning of the foster parents of sexually abused children. A single system design was followed to collect data. Three standardised instruments were utilised during pre- and post-test. A self- developed questionnaire was used to gather qualitative data. SECTION C: Summative findings, conclusions and recommendations and contribution of the study. SECTION D: Addendums. SECTION E: Compound list of references. / Thesis (PhD (Social Work))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013

A social work empowerment programme for foster parents of sexually abused children / H.J. Galloway

Galloway, Helena Johanna January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this study was to develop, implement and evaluate a social work empowerment programme for foster parents of sexually abused children. This thesis consists of five sections: SECTION A: Contains the problem statement, objectives and research methodology, the limitations of the study and definitions of key words. The problem statement was formulated as follows: There is no existing scientifically developed and implemented social work empowerment programme for foster parents of sexually abused children available in South Africa. This problem statement resulted in the development of four research objectives. The intervention research model was utilised and implemented within a mixed methodology paradigm. Focus group discussions and the single system design generated quantitative and qualitative data. SECTION B: Consists of four articles combined together, form the research report on the achievement of the objectives. The four articles are: Article 1: The implication of sexual abuse for foster care. The aim of this article is to establish the implications of sexual abuse for foster care by means of a literature study. The impact of child sexual abuse depends on various factors like the age of the child, the amount of force used, the relationship between the child and the perpetrator, and the period over which the abuse took place. The impact of sexual abuse on the child also varies depending on the individual child. In order for the foster parent to assist the foster child to heal from the trauma of child sexual abuse, it is necessary for the foster parent to have knowledge of and insight into such impact on the foster child. Article 2: The empowerment needs of foster parents of sexually abused children. The aim of this article is to establish the empowerment needs of foster parents of sexually abused children. A focus group discussion was used as a method to collect relevant qualitative data. Five (N=5) foster parents with foster children that have been sexually abused, identified from the caseload of a Child Welfare Society in White River and formed part of the discussion group. From the discussion group two categories, namely feelings, experiences and challenges of foster parents of sexually abused foster children and the needs of foster parents of sexually abused foster children were identified. Ten themes and sub-themes were derived and identified. Article 3: The development and implementation of a social work empowerment programme for foster parents of sexually abused children. The aim of this article is to develop and implement a social work empowerment programme for foster parents of sexually abused children. A nine session programme was developed according to the needs identified in the previous article, and implemented over three days to seven (N=7) foster parents, selected according to a non-probability sampling method. It was presented through psychosocial group work as method. Article 4: The evaluation of a social work empowerment programme for foster parents of sexually abused children. The aim of this article was to evaluate the social work empowerment programme and the effect of the programme on the psychosocial functioning of the foster parents of sexually abused children. A single system design was followed to collect data. Three standardised instruments were utilised during pre- and post-test. A self- developed questionnaire was used to gather qualitative data. SECTION C: Summative findings, conclusions and recommendations and contribution of the study. SECTION D: Addendums. SECTION E: Compound list of references. / Thesis (PhD (Social Work))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013

'n Opleidingsprogram vir voornemende pleegouers (Afrikaans)

Fourie, Charmaine 08 August 2008 (has links)
Misdade wat gemik is teen kinders veroorsaak tans ‘n nasionale krisis wat geïllustreer word deur die feit dat daar ‘n toename in die mishandeling en verwaarlosing van kinders is. Al hoe meer kinders word ook wees gelaat na die afsterwe van hul biologiese ouers weens MIV/VIGS-verwante siektes. Dit bring mee dat daar ‘n geweldige toename in pleegsorgplasings in Suid-Afrika is. Welsynsorganisasies beskik egter nie oor ‘n resente opleidingsprogram wat daarop gemik is om voornemende pleegouers op pleegsorg voor te berei nie. Die doel van die studie het behels om ‘n opleidingsprogram vir voornemende pleegouers te ontwikkel, te implementeer en empiries te toets. Die doelwitte wat gestel is om die doel te bereik was om ‘n opleidingsprogram vir voornemende pleegouers te ontwikkel, die program by voornemende pleegouers te toets en om die impak van die program waar te neem deur die resultate van ‘n voor- en natoets te vergelyk. Die inhoud van die opleidingsprogram wat vir die studie ontwikkel is, is beskryf. Gevolglik is van beskrywende navorsing gebruik gemaak. Hierdie studie het berus op die volgende hipotese: Indien voornemende pleegouers hierdie opleidingsprogram deurloop het, sal die voornemende pleegouers se kennis rakende die omvang, wetlike implikasies, verwagtinge, motiewe, verantwoordelikhede en pligte ten opsigte van pleegsorg, en die profiel van die pleegkind verbeter. Die empiriese resultate van die studie het die hipotese as waar bewys.‘n Kwantitatiewe enkelstelselontwerp, is die benadering wat gevolg is. Data is ingesamel met behulp van ‘n vraelys wat tydens ‘n voor- en natoets benut is. Altesaam 53 respondente (ouer as 20 jaar) bestaande uit getroude pare en enkellopendes wat gedurende die tydperk Februarie tot Junie 2006, by die Ondersteuningsraad van Pretoria as voornemende pleegouers aangemeld het, is by die studie betrek. Die 53 respondente is in drie groepe ingedeel. Drie opleidingsessies met elk van die drie groepe is onderneem. Rothman en Thomas se model vir intervensienavorsing is benut om die opleidingsprogram vir voornemende pleegouers te ontwikkel. Die model bestaan uit ses fases, waarvan die eerste vyf fases in die studie benut is. Tydens die eerste fase is die probleem ontleed; in die tweede fase is teoretiese inligting versamel en deelnemers by die studie betrek; by die derde en vierde fases, is die opleidingsprogram tentatief ontwerp en getoets om leemtes te identifiseer. Daarna is die program volledig geïmplementeer en die impak daarvan empiries getoets. Die kwantitatiewe data (voor- en natoets) is met behulp van ‘n selfontwerpte vraelys ingesamel. Die vraelys is benut om inligting aangaande die respondente se kennis van pleegsorg te verkry. Individuele telefoniese onderhoude is een maand na afloop van die implementering van die program met die respondente gevoer om addisionele inligting te kry. Die resultate van die voor- en natoets het getoon dat die opleidingsprogram suksesvol was. Die respondente wat by die studie betrek is, het ‘n verbetering getoon ten opsigte van hul kennis van pleegsorg. Na die evaluering van die opleidingsprogram, is ‘n samevatting van die vernaamste bevindings, en gevolgtrekkings vir die ondersoek in geheel, aangebied. Aanbevelings is gemaak en is temas vir verdere navorsing geïdentifiseer. / Thesis (DPhil)--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Social Work and Criminology / unrestricted

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