Spelling suggestions: "subject:"explosive"" "subject:"explosives""
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Impact perceptuel d'une mise à zéro des segments plosifs de paroleSantini, Vincent January 2016 (has links)
En traitement du signal audio, les plosives sont des sons de parole très importants au regard de l’intelligibilité et de la qualité. Les plosives sont cependant difficiles à modéliser à l’aide des techniques usuelles (prédiction linéaire et codage par transformée), à cause de leur dynamique propre importante et à cause de leur nature non prédictible.
Cette étude présente un exemple de système complet capable de détecter, segmenter, et altérer les plosives dans un flux de parole. Ce système est utilisé afin de vérifier la validité de l’hypothèse suivante : La phase d’éclatement (de burst) des plosives peut être mise à zéro, de façon perceptuellement équivalente.
L’impact sur la qualité subjective de cette transformation est évalué sur une banque de phrases enregistrées. Les résultats de cette altération hautement destructive des signaux tendent à montrer que l’impact perceptuel est mineur. Les implications de ces résultats pour le codage de la parole sont abordées.
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Orthographic Loyalty in the Spanish of Northern Mexican SpeakersJanuary 2012 (has links)
abstract: This study analyzes the Spanish of native speakers from Northern Mexico in order to ascertain the presence of the voiced labiodental fricative segment [v] when the sound is orthographically represented with the letter `v'. The study examines some of the internal and external factors that predict the labiodental fricative pronunciation of the letter `v'. This study is based on the theoretical framework of phonology as described by Piñeros (2009) and Hualde (2005). The study examined all instances in the data when a sound is written with the letter `v' to investigate if the sound is pronounced as the faithful voiced plosive bilabial allophone [b] of the phoneme /b/, the spirantized allophone [β], or the voiced labiodental fricative allophone [v]. Four speakers, a male and a female with an incomplete secondary education, and a male and a female with a graduate level education participated in the study. All participants were interviewed for one hour, read a word list, and read a paragraph provided by the researcher. The researcher coded the data using the phonetic analysis software Praat and all data were statistically analyzed using the multivariate software analysis program Goldvarb X in order to investigate the presence of the voiced labiodental fricative allophone [v] and predict what internal and external factors most influence its production. From this study it is obvious that the most influential factor favoring the realization of the labiodental fricative allophone [v] is orthography. When the phonetic segment was represented with the grapheme , the phonetic realization was more likely to be the labiodental fricative [v]. The level of education of the speaker and the formality of the stylistic setting were also determined to be influential factors. Speakers with a higher degree of education and stylistic settings with a higher degree of formality favored the realization of the labiodental fricative [v]. With regards to the internal factors, rather than external factors, a preceding phonological segment of a vowel or fricative dental [s] also favored the realization of the labiodental fricative [v]. / Dissertation/Thesis / M.A. Spanish 2012
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Modeling Of Plosive To Vowel TransitionsBekoz, Alican 01 August 2007 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis presents a study concerning stop consonant to vowel transitions which are modeled making use of acoustic tube model.
Characteristics of the stop consonant to vowel transitions are tried to be obtained first. Therefore several transitions including fricative to vowel transitions are examined based on spectral and time related properties. In addition to these
studies, x-ray snapshots, lip videos and also experiments including subjects are used to intensify the characterization, from the production and the perception side of views. As results of these studies the plosive to vowel transitions are observed to be uttered by exponential vocal tract movements and the perception mechanism is observed to be highly related with exponential spectral changes.
A model, based on the acoustic tube model, is tried to be established using the knowledge and the experience gained during characterization therefore proposed model involves the vocal tract parameters observed in characterization part.
Finally, plosive to vowel transitions including three types of plosives (alveolar, labial and velar) are synthesized by the proposed model. The formants of the synthesized sounds are compared with the formants of the natural sounds. Also the intelligibility tests of these sounds are done. Performance evaluation tests show the proposed model&rsquo / s performance to be satisfactory.
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Vozes infantis: a caracterização do contraste de vozeamento das consoantes plosivas no português brasileiro na fala de crianças de 3 a 12 anosBonatto, Maria Teresa Rosangela Lofredo 13 September 2007 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2007-09-13 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Plosive sounds are produced early in childhood, yet it is not uncommon cases in
speech therapy clinics of children who have difficulty pronouncing them, particularly
as regards the distinction between voiced and voiceless plosives. Existing literature
in Phonetics states that the production of plosives involves the constriction of the
vocal folds which can in turn increase the degree of supra-laryngeal obstruction in
par with that of sublaryngeal obstruction and, as a result, make voicing difficult. In
order to produce voiced obstruent sounds similarly to adults, the child has to learn
to synchronize glottal and oral gestures. Procedures for the acoustic investigation of
such plosives abound in the literature, among which we can mention Voice Onset
Time (VOT), the total duration of the plosive segment and the duration of the vowel
sound which either precedes or follows it. The aim of the present study is to
characterize, by means of acoustic phonetics investigation, the production of plosive
consonants in Brazilian Portuguese (BP), in the speech of three and twelve year-old
children. In order to undertake such investigation, we used a corpus comprised of six
plosives of BP, extracted from the production of two-syllable words inserted in carrier
phrase. The children were selected after detailed analysis and the acoustic sign
inspection was carried out in the sound wave shape using the broadband
spectrogram. Extractions were made of VOT as well as of each of the vowel and
consonant segments from the /a/ sound of diga , besides the key-words, of the word
baixinho and the full sentence, starting from the first vowel (ex:
D/i/g/a/p/a/p/a/baixinho ). The corpus composed of 3-year-old children was used in
the perceptive study with the participation of 120 judges. The results showed that the
judges identified the plosives /b/, /d/ e /g/ as voiced when accompanied by at least
53% of sound spectra. As regards /p/, /t/ e /k/, plosives, the appearance of breathy
vowel caused these consonants to identified as voiced, while aspiration had no effect
whatsoever in the perception of judges in the case of voiceless plosives. As to
production results, variability in the mean scores and high standard deviation for
voiceless, tonic and post-tonic plosives were observed by and large in all the age
brackets. Overall, VOT proved to be a satisfactory parameter for voicing
differentiation in infant talk, observed in the speech of children over 3 years of age.
However, VOT measures were not consistent enough to differentiate plosives,
bilabials and alveolar sounds. This study adopted theoretical notions as proposed by
Source - Filter Theory (Fant, 1960), Articulatory Phonology (FAR - Browman and
Goldstein, 1986; 1990. 1992) and Articulatory Acoustic (FAAR - Albano, 2001), Direct
Realism Theory (Fowler, 1986), and the theory of the phonological system acquisition
termed by Albano (1990) as O Toque de Ouvido . Based on this theoretical
background, we can affirm that voicing contrast was present in the speech of all the
children. We can also affirm that in the production of 3-year-olds there have been
greater latency between the coordination of glottal and articulatory gestures, which
was observed by the great availability in the productions in the measures of VOT.
Velar sounds showed less variability. It was inferred , based on the analysis of
spectrographic characteristics along with theoretical foundations of gestural
phonology (FAR and FAAR), that small children have difficulty interrupting a gesture
and starting another one, probably due to difficulties arisen from overlapping
gestures , which are better articulated the older one gets / Os sons obstruintes plosivos são produzidos logo cedo pelas crianças, mas apesar
disso é comum encontrarmos na clínica fonoaudiológica aquelas que apresentam
dificuldades para pronunciá-los, principalmente em relação a estabelecer a distinção
entre os vozeados e os não-vozeados. Para a produção dos sons vozeados a
literatura fonética explica que o grau de constrição das pregas vocais pode aumentar
o nível de obstrução supra-laríngea igualando-o ao da sub-larínge e como
conseqüência dificultar o vozeamento. Para produzir os sons obstruintes vozeados
semelhantes aos do adulto, a criança tem que aprender a sincronizar o gesto glotal e
oral. Para a investigação acústica da produção dessas plosivas a literatura aponta
várias medidas, dentre elas o Voice Onset Time (VOT), a duração total do segmento
correspondente à plosiva e a duração da vogal que a precede ou a sucede. O
objetivo do presente estudo é caracterizar, por meio de uma investigação fonéticoacústica,
a produção das consoantes plosivas no Português Brasileiro (PB), na fala
de crianças de 3 a 12 anos. Para realizar tal investigação, utilizamos um corpus
contendo as seis plosivas do PB, a partir da produção de palavras dissílabas,
inseridas em frases-veículo. As crianças foram selecionadas após análise criteriosa
e a inspeção do sinal acústico foi realizada na forma de onda e no espectrograma de
banda larga. Foram realizadas a extração do VOT e de cada um dos segmentos
vocálicos e consonantais a partir do /a/ de diga , além das palavras-chave, da
palavra baixinho e da frase completa, começando com a primeira vogal (Ex:
D/i/g/a/p/a/p/a/baixinho ). O corpus das crianças de 3 anos foi utilizado para a
realização do estudo perceptivo com a participação 120 juizes. Quanto aos
resultados obtidos, os juízes identificaram as plosivas /b/, /d/ e /g/ como vozeadas
quando apresentavam, pelo menos, 53% de barra de sonoridade. No caso das
plosivas /p/, /t/ e /k/, a presença da breathy vowel favoreceu a identificação dessas
consoantes como vozeadas e a presença da aspiração não interferiu no julgamento
dos juizes para as plosivas não-vozeadas. Quanto aos resultados da produção,
pudemos observar para as plosivas não-vozeadas, tônicas e pós-tônicas,
variabilidade nos valores das médias e desvios-padrão elevados para todas as
faixas etárias. De forma geral, verificamos que o VOT foi um parâmetro satisfatório
para a diferenciação do vozeamento na fala infantil, e esta foi encontrada a partir
dos 3 anos. O VOT não foi específico para diferenciar entre o ponto articulatório das
plosivas bilabiais e alveolares. Os pressupostos teóricos que adotamos, como a
Teoria da Fonte e do Filtro (Fant, 1960), a Fonologia Articulatória (FAR - Browman e
Goldstein, 1986; 1990; 1992) e a Acústica Articulatória (FAAR - Albano, 2001), a
Teoria do Realismo Direto (Fowler, 1986) e a proposta de aquisição do sistema
fonológico que Albano (1990) denominou O Toque de Ouvido , nos permitem
afirmar que o contraste de vozeamento esteve presente na produção de fala de
todas as crianças. Podemos afirmar, também, que principalmente na produção das
crianças de 3 anos, ocorreu maior latência entre a coordenação dos gestos glotal e
articulatório, que foi observada pela grande variabilidade em suas produções em
termos de VOT, sendo que as velares revelaram menor variabilidade. Inferimos com
base na análise das características espectrográficas e com apoio nos fundamentos
teóricos da fonologia gestual (FAR e FAAR) que as crianças pequenas têm
dificuldades em interromper um gesto e iniciar outro, provavelmente em função de
dificuldades em relação à sobreposição de gestos e com o aumento da idade essa
sobreposição passa a ser melhor realizada
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The influence of training and athletic performance on the neural and mechanical determinants of muscular rate of force developmentTillin, Neale A. January 2011 (has links)
Neuromuscular explosive strength (defined as rate of force development; RFD) is considered important during explosive functional human movements; however this association has been poorly documented. It is also unclear how different variants of strength training may influence RFD and its neuromuscular determinants. Furthermore, RFD has typically been measured in isometric situations, but how it is influenced by the types of contraction (isometric, concentric, eccentric) is unknown. This thesis compared neuromuscular function in explosive power athletes (athletes) and untrained controls, and assessed the relationship between RFD in isometric squats with sprint and jump performance. The athletes achieved a greater RFD normalised to maximum strength (+74%) during the initial phase of explosive contractions, due to greater agonist activation (+71%) in this time. Furthermore, there were strong correlations (r2 = 0.39) between normalised RFD in the initial phase of explosive squats and sprint performance, and between later phase absolute explosive force and jump height (r2 = 0.37), confirming an association between explosive athletic performance and RFD. This thesis also assessed the differential effects of short-term (4 weeks) training for maximum vs. explosive strength, and whilst the former increased maximum strength (+20%) it had no effect on RFD. In contrast explosive strength training improved explosive force production over short (first 50 ms; +70%) and long (>50 ms; +15%) time periods, due to improved agonist activation (+65%) and maximum strength (+11%), respectively. Explosive strength training therefore appears to have greater functional benefits than maximum strength training. Finally, the influence of contraction type on RFD was assessed, and the results provided unique evidence that explosive concentric contractions are 60% more effective at utilising the available force capacity of the muscle, that was explained by superior agonist activation. This work provides a comprehensive analysis of the association between athletic performance and RFD, the differential effects of maximum vs. explosive strength training, and the influence of contraction type on the capacity for RFD.
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Explozívy v češtině: temporální vlastnosti a variabilita při realizaci / Plosives in Czech: temporal characteristics and variability in realizationŠimek, Jaroslav January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to closely investigate and describe selected phonetic properties of Czech oral plosives [p t ť k b d ď g] in normal speech. The re- search focuses mostly on temporal characteristics in various contexts; moreover, we deal with the possible manners of plosive articulation in Czech, including non-canonical realizations. Another important part of the present study is a comparison with earlier studies. In the domain of temporal characteristics we examine the influence of various contexts on phone duration. The contexts include: phonetic context, speaker gender, the position of the plosive in the stress unit or articulation rate. We also examine a possible connection between the duration of the plosive and its realization. In the part that deals with the manner of articulation we focus on the individual phonetic properties, for which we investigate especially the conditions and degree of their stability. Furthermore we describe the specific plosive articulations in certain pho- netic contexts and some alternative realizations of certain plosives. The speech material used is mostly spontaneous. All the speakers are non- professionals from various TV broadcasts. Keywords: plosives, duration, phone segmentation, phonetic properties, pho- netic context, gender, articulation...
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