Spelling suggestions: "subject:"plutonic.""
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Prameny radioaktivních minerálních vod v oblasti tanvaldského granitu / Springs of the radioactive mineral waters on Tanvald graniteKohn, Pavel January 2015 (has links)
In the years 2014-2015 a radiohydrogeochemical survey was carried out in the Tanvald granite body. Tanvald granite is a two-mica granite body located on the southern edge of the Krkonoše-Jizera Pluton, in the Lusatian part of the Saxony and Thuringian zone of the Variscan orogenic belt. The aim of the survey was to find radioactive water, the 222 Rn volume activity of which exceeds 1500 Bq/l. Such water is - under the Act no. 164/2001 Coll. - considered as radioactive mineral water. The result was a found of 20 water sources meeting this condition and many other sources approaching this value. In terms of the findings, the most important area is Dlouhý Most, where 8 of the radioactive water resources exceeding 1500 Bq/l were found. The most important of these is probably the source TGR/11 with the 222 Rn volume activity 2449 Bq/l. A cluster of water sources with a slightly higher conductivity (exceeding 300 µS/cm) appears in the Dlouhý Most area. Chemical analysis of the most important of them (TG1/15) showed that it is water of the Na-Ca-Cl type, probably contaminated by a run-off from the motorway, which is salted in winter. Another important site is the Kokonín fault area. At this important geological structure a total of four springs of radioactive water with the 222 Rn volume activity greater...
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Advances in Rock Fabric Quantification and the Reconstruction of Progressive Dike Replacement in the Coastal Batholith of Central ChileWebber, Jeffrey R. 10 July 2012 (has links)
The Coastal Batholith of central Chile preserves structures that record the concentration, migration, transportation, and emplacement of magma during the progressive construction of a sheeted dike complex. This sheeted dike complex is divided into three main structural-geographic domains. The northwestern domain contains an abundance of deformed microgranitoid enclaves that host features that facilitated the concentration of melt during crystallization. The formation of interconnected dilational sites produced an array of lecocratic zones that may have formed larger dike networks that facilitated the transportation of melt-rich magma producing new magmatic units of similar mineralogy. The central domain is characterized by the presence of two tonalitic units that contain enclave swarms distinguished by their general packing arrangement and degree of elongation. Di erences in the fabric architecture of these enclave swarms are displayed by two separate three-dimensional fabric analyses using the Rf/ method, which indicates an abrupt transition from low-distortion oblate fabrics to more distorted prolate geometries. These changes are compared to the statistical alignment of feldspar phenocrysts that indicate general attening in both units with a higher degree of alignment within the XZ fabric plane for the younger tonalite. The third (southeastern) domain is distinguished by meter-scale, compositionally and texturally diverse sheeted dikes intercalated with biotite-rich migmatite screens of the host gneiss along the pluton margin. The need to process large quantities of fabric data from central Chile presented the opportunity to establish a comprehensive method for the quanti cation of three-dimensional rock fabrics following the Rf/ and Fry methods. In order to test the utility of this procedure, a three-dimensional synthetic model of known strain shape, magnitude, and orientation was processed. The results of this assessment indicate that the procedure accurately calculated the expected state of strain within a small margin of error. Finally, a natural example is presented to test the method's ability to quantify the fabrics of deformed rocks. This example is a \lineation much greater than foliation" (L>>S) metagranite augen gneiss from the Coastal Batholith of central Chile. This analysis resulted in calculated fabric ellipsoids from both the Rf/ and Fry methods that clearly display signi cantly prolate geometries at moderate distortions. The development of the three-dimensional rock fabric quanti cation procedure highlighted the need to teach analytical strain techniques in three-dimensions. To allow for this application, an interactive R script (FRY3D) was created speci cally to aid in the instruction and visualization of three-dimensional strain calculation at the advanced undergraduate and graduate levels. This tutorial was presented to a structural geology course of 20 students at the undergraduate level with a two part semi-quantitative concept assessment before and after the presentation. The results of this assessment indicate a positive increase in student's understanding of three-dimensional nite strain. Finally, a simple examination of analytical error associated with the Panozzo projection technique for strain analysis is presented and indicates relationships among population size, strain magnitude, and initial fabric. My results suggest that this method is most robust when applied to sections containing greater than approximately 125 lines. Moreover, the magnitude-dependent error indicates that the method may be better suited for rocks deformed at low to moderate strains. I recommend an adaption to the initial conditional assumptions for this method that lines exhibit an initial radial symmetry when recentered to a common point.
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Ο πλουτωνίτης της Σερίφου : η συνδεδεμένη με αυτόν μεταλλοφορία και η επίδρασή της στο περιβάλλονΚολαΐτη, Ευτυχία 23 July 2008 (has links)
Στην πρώτη ενότητα της έρευνας, σκοπός μας είναι ο προσδιορισμός των λιθοτύπων και του πετροτεκτονικού περιβάλλοντος εναπόθεσης του πλουτωνίτη. Για το λόγο αυτό χρησιμοποιούνται πετρογραφικές, πετροχημικές καθώς και ορυκτοχημικές μέθοδοι ταξινόμησης.
Μελετώνται οι συνθήκες πίεσης και θερμοκρασίας κάτω από τις οποίες εναποτέθηκε ο πλουτωνίτης με τη χρήση γεωβαρομέτρου και γεωθερμομέτρου.
Διερευνάται, επίσης η γεωχημεία των περιβαλλόντων πετρωμάτων του πλουτωνίτη καθώς και οι πιθανοί τους πρωτόλιθοι.
Η δεύτερη ενότητα της έρευνας περιλαμβάνει τη μελέτη της, συνδεδεμένης με τον πλουτωνίτη, μεταλλοφορίας οξειδίων του σιδήρου (αιματίτη, μαγνητίτη) και σουλφιδίων.
Μελετάται η θερμοκρασία κάτω από την οποία έγινε η κοιτασματογένεση, καθώς και η πιθανή πηγή προέλευσής της. Για το σκοπό αυτό χρησιμοποιούνται στοιχειομετρικές, γεωχημικές και ιστολογικές μέθοδοι για τις μεταλλικές παραγενέσεις.
Γίνεται, επίσης, προσδιορισμός της θερμοκρασίας εναπόθεσης των σουλφιδίων καθώς και της πηγής προέλευσης του υδροθερμικού ρευστού από το οποίο αποτέθηκαν. Για το σκοπό αυτό χρησιμοποιείται η μέθοδος των σταθερών ισοτόπων 34S.
Απαντάμε επίσης στο ερώτημα αν η μεταλλοφορία των σουλφιδίων και οξειδίων προϋπάρχει της διείσδυσης του πλουτωνίτη ή δημιουργήθηκε εξαιτίας αυτής.
Τέλος, ως τρίτη, εξίσου σημαντική ενότητα της έρευνας θεωρείται η αναφορά στις αρνητικές επιδράσεις της μεταλλοφορίας οξειδίων του σιδήρου και σουλφιδίων στο περιβάλλον. Στην ενότητα αυτή περιλαμβάνεται και η πρόταση πιθανών τρόπων αντιμετώπισής τους. / The aim of the first part of this study is the determination of the lithotypes of the studied area and also the definition of the petro-tectonic environment of the emplacement of the pluton. Petrographic, petrochemical and mineralogical methoda of classification have been used to accomplish this aim.
The conditions of pressure and temperature of the pluton emplacement have been determined with the use of geobarometric and geothermometric methods.
In this part of the study, the geochemistry of the country rocks of the pluton and their possible protoliths are also presented.
The second part of the study refers to the mineralization of iron oxides (hematite, magnetite) and sulfides related to the pluton emplacement. Stoichiometric, geochemical and textural methods have been used to identify the paragenesis of the mineralization in order to determine the temperature of the mineralization and assume the possible heat origin.
the sulfides emplacement temperature, as well as the origin of their hydrothermal fluid is determined, using the method of the stable isotope 34S.
We also adress to the question if the sulfides and oxides ores prexisted the pluton inavsion or were created because of it.
Finally, as athird equally important aspect of this study is considered the reference to the negative effects of the sulfides and oxides ores in the environment. This unit includes recomendations of possible solutions.
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Situationsanpassat ledarskap i heterogena grupper : En studie om kontroll vid en skarpskjutning i en heterogen pluton med yrkessoldaterKeyser, Annasofia January 2012 (has links)
Syftet med detta arbete är att ta reda på om det går att använda samma form av kontroll på heterogena grupper, yrkessoldater, som det gjorde förr med homogenagrupper, värnpliktiga. Problemet ligger i hur ledarskapet ska anpassas efter en grupp med heterogen mognad. Metoden jag har använt mig av för att ta reda på hur kontrollen upplevs är att studera en skarpskjutning med yrkessoldater och därefter genomföra en enkät undersökning med de deltagande. Litterturstudier har kombinerats med en enkätstudie. Vald teori är situationsanpassat ledarskap. Det centrala i teorin är hur ledaren anpassar ledarskapet efter de personer som leds. Studien bedrivs på en ledningspluton på P7, Revingehed. Slutsatsen blir att det går att använda sig av samma form av kontroll på heterogena grupper som på homogena grupper.
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The petrogenesis of the intermediate to mafic rocks of the yzerfontein subsuite, and their relationship to-, and paragenesis of hydrothermal veining, cape granite suite, saldania belt, south africaWilson, Sharmoney January 2020 (has links)
>Magister Scientiae - MSc / The 535 Ma post-orogenic Yzerfontein Pluton is a composite pluton that comprises rocks of mafic, intermediate and felsic compositions belonging to the shoshonitic series. The Yzerfontein Pluton forms part of the Cape Granite Suite of the Late-Proterozoic to Early-Cambrian Pan-African Saldania Belt. In this study, major- and trace-element data for the various rocks of the pluton, which act as hosts to extensive hydrothermal veining, are presented and integrated with the petrographic examination of the host rocks in order to constrain their petrogenesis.
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Exploring Connections Between a Very Large Volume Ignimbrite and an Intracaldera Pluton: Intrusions Related to the Oligocene Wah Wah Springs Tuff, Western USSkidmore, Chloe Noelle 31 May 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The Wah Wah Springs Tuff and the Wah Wah Springs Intrusive Granodiorite Porphyry(Wah Wah Springs Intrusion) both originated from the Indian Peak caldera complex, which wasa major focus of explosive silicic activity in the middle Cenozoic Great Basin ignimbrite flareup. This caldera formed 30.0 Ma when an estimated 5,900 km3 of crystal-rich dacitic magma erupted to create the Wah Wah Springs Tuff. The Wah Wah Springs Intrusion later intruded the tuff, causing resurgence of the caldera. Field, modal, and geochemical evidence suggest the tuff and intrusion are cogenetic. The mineral assemblages of the two rocks are similar: both include similar proportions of plagioclase, quartz, hornblende, biotite, clinopyroxene, and Fe-Ti oxides, with trace amounts of titanite, apatite, and zircon. Whole rock geochemistry also matches, and both rocks have distinctively high Cr concentrations. Plagioclase, hornblende, and clinopyroxene have similar compositions but biotite and Fe-Ti oxides have been hydrothermally altered in the intrusion. Both hornblende and quartz provide clues to the magmatic evolution of the Wah Wah Springs Intrusion. Hornblende grains are either euhedral, have reaction rims, or are completely replaced by anhydrous minerals. Deterioration of hornblende was caused by decompression as the magma ascended and then stalled and solidified at shallow depths. Two stages of quartz growth are shown in cathodoluminescence (CL) imagery. Quartz first grew then was resorbed during eruption, then grew again at lower pressures indicated by CL-bright quartz rims and groundmass grains. The geochemical and mineralogical similarities, together with the distinctive hornblende and quartz characteristics suggest that after the Wah Wah Springs Tuff erupted, the unerupted mush rose to a shallow level where it crystallized at low pressure to form the Wah Wah Springs Intrusion. This indicates that the both rocks formed in the same chamber, and that tuffs and associated intrusions can be intimately related.
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Petrography, Geochemistry and Geochronology of the Coe Hill Granite, Hastings County, OntarioAtkins, Thomas R. 04 1900 (has links)
<p> A detailed petrographic, geochemical and strontium isotope study of the rocks representing the variations observed across the Coe Hill granite, Grenville Province, southeastern Ontario provides the basis for the determination of the age and possible origin of this pluton. This study also provides insight into the relationships between similar granitoid plutons in the immediate vicinity.</p> <p> The Coe Hill granite is a medium to coarse grained hypidiomorphic to allotriomorphic, leucocratic quartz monzonite with subordinate isolated inclusions of dioritic and gabbroic gneiss. Variations upon this otherwise homogeneous granitoid occur in discordant aplite dykes, assimilating mafic xenoliths and along brecciated contact boundaries.</p> <p> Generally the rocks of this pluton are more basic than the average for similar granitoids in the area (12.4% vs. 6.0% mafics) as observed in both thin section and major element oxide diagrams. Besides this trend major element diagrams have uniform distributions. A Rb-Sr isochron was determined for the rocks of the pluton proper which gave an age representative of the emplacement of these rocks (t = 1063 ± 21 M.a.;
Ri = 0.7040 ± 5). Trace element Rb shows a value similar to the norm for granitoids yet is enriched in comparison to values acquired from similar granitoids in the area (144 ppm vs. 63 ppm).</p> <p> Through a synthesis of the available data, and that which was acquired from this study on the Coe Hill granite, a comparison with the available data on the Loon Lake quartz monzonite can be made. This comparison illustrates a great deal of strikingly similar trends which have been taken to represent a lower crustal, or upper mantle origin, cogenetic relationship between these two granitoids.</p> / Thesis / Bachelor of Science (BSc)
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Petrology, Geochemistry and Geochronology of a pluton in Thelon Tectonic Zone, Northwest TerritoriesNewman, Richard 04 1900 (has links)
<p> The Thelon Tectonic Zone is a major structural,
metamorphic and lithological feature of the Precambrian
Shield in the Northwest Territories. Situated within this
Zone is a 30 square kilometre plutonic body. Rubidium-
Strontium whole rock geochronology yields an age range of
1650 - 2200 Ma for the emplacement of this pluton. Field
and petrographic evidence indicates that the pluton has
suffered post-emplacement deformation, representative of a
late Proterozoic metamorphic event. Major and trace
element geochemistry suggests that this high Ca,
ferrogranodiorite-tonalite intrusive body is associated
with a subduction-related, continental margin tectonic
environment. </p> / Thesis / Bachelor of Science (BSc)
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Fluid inclusions as a monitor of progressive grain-scale deformation during cooling of the Papoose Flat pluton, eastern CaliforniaBrauer, Nancy A. 27 March 1998 (has links)
Analyses of fluid inclusions and microstructures within the Papoose Flat pluton were used to investigate the chemistry and temperatures of fluids circulating with the pluton during cooling. Based on previous microstructural analyses, the interior of this late Cretaceous granitic to granodioritic pluton has been divided into three domains: i) a central core characterized by magmatic microstructures, ii) a middle domain of high temperature (>500°C) solid-state deformation, and iii) an outermost domain characterized by relatively low temperature (<5000°C) solid-state deformation. According to previously published anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility analyses and pluton cooling models, plastic flow occurred in both the outer part of the pluton and within its aureole rocks while the core of the pluton was still molten. Solid-state deformation is proposed to have stopped when the pluton interior cooled through its solidus less than 100,000 years after magma emplacement.
Microstructural analysis of samples from all three domains confirmed the transition from magmatic flow in the core of the pluton to solid-state deformation at the pluton margin. However, weakly developed solid-state microstructures overprint the dominant magmatic microstructures in samples from the core domain. The existence of solid-state microstructures in all three domains indicates that deformation continued during and after crystallization of the interior of the pluton.
Two phase, low salinity (< 26 wt% NaCl equivalent), liquid-rich aqueous fluid inclusions predominate within both quartz and feldspar grains in all samples. Throughout the pluton, the majority of fluid inclusions are hosted by deformed grains. Feldspar-hosted primary inclusions are associated with sericitic alteration. Inclusions were also observed in feldspar as secondary or pseudosecondary inclusions along fractures. Inclusions in quartz are frequently found near lobate grain boundaries or near triple junctions; linear pseudosecondary inclusion assemblages are commonly truncated against lobate boundaries between adjacent quartz grains, indicating that discrete microcracking events occurred during plastic deformation.
Homogenization temperatures overlap for all three microstructural domains. Coexisting andalusite and cordierite in the contact aureole, and the intersection of the Mus + Qtz dehydration reaction with the granite solidus, indicate trapping pressures between 3.8 and 4.2 kb. Ninety-eight percent of the calculated fluid inclusion trapping temperatures at 3.8 - 4.2 kb are below the granite solidus of 650°C. Seventy-six percent of the trapping temperature data fall within the more restricted range of 350-500°C; i.e. at temperatures which are lower than the commonly cited brittle-ductile transition temperatures for feldspar at natural strain rates, but above those for quartz. No correlation could be established between trapping temperatures and either host mineral or microstructural domain within the pluton.
The similar, relatively low trapping temperatures indicate that the majority of inclusions preserved in all three domains were trapped during the late low strain magnitude stages of solid-state deformation. The most common fluid inclusion trapping temperatures (400-500°C) in all three microstructural domains are similar to the deformation temperatures indicated by microstructures and crystal fabrics in the outer part of the pluton; these trapping temperatures are obviously lower than temperatures associated with contemporaneous solid state and magmatic flow in the pluton interior. The similar trapping temperatures within the pluton core and margin must indicate that the inclusion-trapping event migrated from the margin to the core of the pluton as it cooled, because fluid inclusions would rapidly equilibrate to a density appropriate for the PT conditions of their host minerals. / Master of Science
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Zur Platznahme von Granitoiden : vergleichende Fallstudien zu Gefügen und Platznahmemechanismen aus den White-Inyo Mountains, California, USA, und dem Bergsträßer Odenwald = On the emplacement of granitoids /Stein, Eckardt. January 2000 (has links)
Zugl.: @Darmstadt, Techn. Universiẗat, Habil.-Schr., 2000.
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