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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Entwicklung einer Verfestigungseinrichtung an einer Multiaxial-Nähwirkmaschine

Hausding, Jan 17 October 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Eine nachträgliche Verfestigung von nähgewirkten multiaxialen Gelegen führt zu einer verbesserten Ausnutzung der Verstärkungsfadeneigenschaften. Zu diesem Zweck wurden Lösungsansätze für eine entsprechende Verfestigungseinrichtung gesucht und bewertet. Drei Anlagenvarianten wurden durch die Kombination verschiedener Verfahren (Strahlungswärme, die Kombination aus Wärme und Druck sowie Walzenbeschichtung) und Bindemittel (Thermoplaste in verschiedenen Aufmachungen, Beschichtungsmassen) entworfen. Sie bieten auf die Einsatzzwecke Produktion, Laborbetrieb und geringster Aufwand abgestimmte Eigenschaften. / The additional stabilization of open grid warp knits provides a better exploitation of the reinforcing yarns. To realize such an additional stabilization, various possible methods have been examined and assessed. Three different types of stabilization installations have been developed by combining the most promising technologies (infrared radiation, combination of heat and pressure, roll coater) and binding agents (thermoplastics, liquid agents). These installations offer special fea-tures for different needs: production, laboratory and least expense.

Modelling the Moisture Content of Multi-Ply Paperboard in the Paper Machine Drying Section

Gaillemard, Christelle January 2006 (has links)
<p>This thesis presents a grey-box model of the temperature and moisture content for each layer of the multi-ply paperboard inside the drying section of a paper mill. The distribution of the moisture inside the board is an important variable for the board quality, but is unfortunately not measured on-line. The main goal of this work is a model that predicts the moisture evolution during the drying, to be used by operators and process engineers as an estimation of the unmeasurable variables inside the drying section.</p><p>Drying of carton board is a complex and nonlinear process. The physical phenomena are not entirely understood and the drying depends on a number of unknown parameters and unmodelled or unmeasurable features. The grey-box modelling approach, which consists in using the available measurements to estimate the unknown disturbances, is therefore a suitable approach for modelling the drying section.</p><p>A major problem encountered with the modelling of the drying section is the lack of measurements to validate the model. Consequently, the correctness and uniqueness of the estimated variables and parameters are not guaranteed. We therefore carry out observability and identifiability analyses and the results suggest that the selected model structure is observable and identifiable under the assumption that specific measurements are available. Based on this analysis, static measurements in the drying section are carried out to identify the parameters of the model. The parameters are identified using one data set and the results are validated with other data sets.</p><p>We finally simulate the model dynamics to investigate if predicting the final board properties on-line is feasible. Since only the final board temperature and moisture content are measured on-line, the variables and parameters are neither observable nor identifiable. We therefore regard the predictions as an approximation of the estimated variables. The semiphysical model is complemented with a nonlinear Kalman filter to estimate the unmeasured inputs and the unmodelled disturbances. Data simulations show a good prediction of the final board temperature and moisture content at the end of the drying section. The model could therefore possibly be used by operators and process engineers as an indicator of the board temperature and moisture inside the drying section.</p>

Influência da estrutura ímpar em pneus de lonas cruzadas (\'cross-ply\'). / Influence of an odd structure in cross ply tires.

Igor Zucato 21 November 2006 (has links)
O pneu é o único vínculo entre o veículo e o solo, é ele que transmite toda a potência e carga, e garante a dirigibilidade e condução do automóvel. A estrutura resistente de um pneu é um dos pontos de maior importância para o rendimento, tipo de aplicação e segurança. E conhecê-la é condição primária para o projeto. Pneus convencionais, via de regra, apresentam uma estrutura par de lonas cruzadas (cross-ply), dispostas em ângulos opostos, menores que 90º. Este trabalho visa avaliar as influências de uma estrutura ímpar de lonas cruzadas, em pneus convencionais. Objetiva-se com isso uma redução na matéria prima e uma otimização no tempo de processo. As influências da estrutura ímpar foram verificadas através de uma análise de elementos finitos, examinando o andamento das tensões internas na carcaça do pneu e observando a geometria da região de contato pneu/solo. Verificou-se também a variação da uniformidade utilizando-se do ensaio SAE J332 em uma máquina Akron FD90. A utilização de uma estrutura ímpar, em pneus de lonas cruzadas, acarreta numa deformação na região de contato pneu/solo, devido ao desbalanceamento de tensões nos fios da carcaça, um aumento das componentes de ply-steer e uma variação de força lateral nas componentes dinâmicas avaliadas. A utilização de uma estrutura ímpar deve ser cuidadosamente selecionada dependendo da velocidade, severidade e condições de utilização. / The tire is the only bond between the vehicle and the ground, is it that transmits all the power and load, and guarantees the driven and conduction of the automobile. The resistant structure of a tire is one of the most important factors for the efficiency, type of application and security. Knowing these parameters is the primary condition to design a tire. Conventional tires, usually have a pair structure, made of crossed plies (cross-ply) in opposite angles lesser than 90º. The present work aim to evaluate the influence of an odd cross-ply structure, in conventional tires, looking forward to a material reduction and also an optimization on time process. The influence of an odd structure was evaluated through a finite element analysis, examining the cord stress at the tire carcass and the tire/ground contact region (foot-print). The variation of the uniformity was also verified through a SAE332 test did on Akron FD90 machine. It was observed that the use of an odd structure in cross-ply tires cause a tire/ground contact region deformation, because of the unbalance internal cord stress (at the carcass), and an increase of uniformities components (ply-steer and variation of lateral force). The use of an odd structure must be carefully selected, depending on the speed, severity and condition of use.

Energy and Strength-based Criteria for Intralaminar Crack Growth in Regions with High Stress Gradients

Kulkarni, Anish Niranjan January 2021 (has links)
Cross-ply composite laminates can develop very high density of transverse cracks in the 90-layer under severe thermal and mechanical loading conditions. At such high crack densities, two adjacent cracks start to interact, and a stress gradient is created in the region between these cracks. Due to the presence of high stress gradients, thickness averaging of longitudinal stress becomes obsolete. Thus, a detailed analysis of stress state along the thickness direction becomes necessary to study growth conditions of fiber sized microcracks initiated at the interface between 0-layer and 90-layer. Stress analysis at various crack densities is carried out in this project using finite element analysis or FEM as the main tool. This analysis is coupled with strain energy release rate (ERR) studies for a microcrack which grows in transverse direction from one interface to the other. The growth of this microcrack is found to be strongly influenced by the stress gradients and a presence of compressive stresses along midplane under tensile loading conditions at high crack densities.

Fracture and Friction Characterization of Polymer Interfaces

Vu, Ivan 18 December 2015 (has links)
Understanding the interactions of polymer interfaces is essential to improve polymer-based designs, as the properties of the interface are often different than those of the bulk material. This thesis explores the interfacial interactions of polymer interfaces for two classes of materials, additive manufacturing materials and fiber-reinforced composites. Additive manufacturing (AM) refers to a number of processes which rely on data generated from computer-aided design (CAD) programs to construct components by adding material in a layer-by-layer fashion. AM continues to generate a substantial amount of interest to produce fully functional products while reducing tooling costs associated with traditional manufacturing techniques such as casting and welding. Recent advancements in the field have led to the production of multi-material printing that has the potential to create products with enhanced mechanical properties and additional functionality. This thesis attempts to characterize the fracture resistance of AM materials produced by the PolyJet process. Test standards established for mode I fracture testing of adhesive joints are adapted to evaluate the fracture resistance and interface between two printed acrylic-based photopolymers. Significant differences in fracture energy and loci of failure between the selected test configurations were observed depending on the print orientation. Failures were nominally seen to occur at the interface, alternating from one adherend interface to another in a random fashion. Results demonstrated a decreasing trend in fracture energy at slower crack propagation rates, indicating that such dependency is associated with the fracture resistance of the interface. T-peel tests conducted on specimens prepared with both constant and graded interlayers revealed enhanced peel resistance with gradient interlayers, suggesting design opportunities of enhanced fracture toughness by implementing intricate material patterns at the interface of the two photopolymers. Fiber reinforced composite (FRCs) materials have become increasingly desirable in a number of industrial applications where weight reduction is critical for increased payloads and higher performance. When manufacturing structures from these materials, the presence of friction in the composite forming process is seen to have a major effect on the finished quality. Friction between the plies, or between the composite laminate and forming tool, can be undesirable as shape distortions such as wrinkles can appear and compromise the structural integrity of the finished product. To evaluate these frictional processes, a standard rheometer is used to evaluate tool-ply friction on dry textile fabrics and graphite/epoxy prepregs over a range of temperatures, pressures, and sliding velocities. The results provide some general insights into the frictional response of composite prepregs as a function of the manufacturing environment. The materials tested are shown to have different mechanisms that govern the frictional processes. In particular, the results of friction testing on the prepreg indicate that friction comes from a contribution of both Coulomb and viscous-related mechanisms, the latter which become especially at higher temperatures. / Master of Science

Etude d’un contrôle ultrasonore pour la détection et l’identification de l’ondulation de plis dans les CFRP aéronautiques

Zardan, Jean-Philippe 23 November 2012 (has links)
L'ondulation pli est un défaut majeur qui peut apparaître dans certains matériaux composites tels que le CFRP. Des mesures de vitesse et atténuation ultrasonore permettent la détection, mais pas l'identification, de l'ondulation pli. Dans la présente étude, il est démontré que pour identifier cette ondulation pli, il est important de prendre en compte la déviation du faisceau ultrasonore. Deux méthodes différentes, A²Scan et C²Scan, permettent de détecter et mesurer cette déviation. D'une part, de l'écart produit un comportement asymétrique dans les réponses obtenues à des angles d'incidence oblique. Ce phénomène se manifeste à travers l'étude des domaines d'angles d'incidence, qui peuvent normalement être superposés. D'autre part, la technique de C²Scan permet la mesure de la déviation du champ acoustique transmis. Dans les deux cas, l'étude de la déviation induite révèle sa sensibilité à la présence d'ondulation plis. Ces méthodes ont été validées expérimentalement et leur utilisation potentielle, en fonction de l'épaisseur de la pièce, ainsi que sont industrialisation par ultrasons laser sont discutées. / Ply waviness is a major defect, which can appear in certain composite materials such as CFRP. Attenuation and ultrasound velocity measurements allow the detection, but not the identification, of ply waviness. In the present study it is shown that in order to identify this ply waviness, it is important to take the deviation of the ultrasonic beam into account. Two different methods,A²Scan et C²Scan , allowing such deviations to be detected are proposed. On the one hand, the deviation produces an asymmetrical behaviour in the responses obtained at oblique incidence angles. This phenomenon is revealed through the study of incidence angle ranges, which can normally be superimposed. On the other hand, the double scanning technique allows the deviation of the energy maxima of the transmitted acoustic field to be determined. In both cases, the study of induced deviation reveals that it is sensitive to the presence of ply waviness. These methods have been experimentally validated and their potential use, depending on the thickness of the workpiece and industrialization by laser ultrasonic means are discussed.

C-Ply (Trademark) NCF Carbone extra fin : Etude du procédé de fabrication et optimisation du renfort / C-Ply (Trademark) Ultra light CarbonNCF : Study of the manufacturing process and textile reinforcement optimization

Singery, Vicky 03 February 2016 (has links)
L’industrie aéronautique travaille sur l’amélioration des systèmes propulsifs parl’introduction de composites dans la fabrication des aubes de soufflante afin d’alléger lastructure et ainsi de réduire la consommation en carburant des avions. Ces pièces réaliséesen tissage 3D présentent généralement des irrégularités de surface. Une manière d’optimisercet aspect est d’ajouter un pli additionnel de surface : nos travaux de thèse portent sur ledéveloppement de ce pli sous la forme d’un renfort « Non Crimp Fabric » (NCF) biaxial extrafinen fibre de carbone de module intermédiaire (IM), inférieur à 100 g/m², régulier et ayant unebonne déformabilité. Lors de nos travaux de thèse, nous avons utilisé la méthode des plans d’expériencepour améliorer la technologie d’étalement afin de répondre aux exigences demandées. Nousavons pu définir la configuration optimale d’étalement permettant d’atteindre la cible d’un pliinférieur à 50 g/m² en fibre de carbone IM. Pour réaliser un NCF extra-fin, après étalement,les plis sont assemblés par couture afin d’assurer la tenue du renfort. La combinaison decouture choisie (armure, tension, longueur, jauge …) conditionne l’aspect du NCF et sacapacité à être manipulée et déformée. Nous avons donc optimisé les paramètres de coutureafin d’obtenir les propriétés souhaitées. Après avoir optimisé l’étalement des fibres et l’assemblage des plis, nous avons réalisé et caractérisé les renforts NCF extra-fins pour valider leurs propriétés. Nous sommesfinalement parvenus à mettre au point un renfort NCF en fibre de carbone IM, inférieur à50 g/m² par pli ayant un taux de couverture supérieur à 98 % et une bonne capacité à sedéformer. / Aircraft manufacturers are working on the improvement of their engines bymanufacturing fan blades with advanced composite materials to reduce fuel consumption.However, fan blades are made from 3D woven fabrics which often have surface irregularities.It can be minimized by an additional thin layer on the surface : our thesis work is focused onthe development of a new textile structure based on ultra-thin biaxial “Non Crimp Fabric” (NCF)technology. This spread NCF made from intermediate modulus (IM) carbon fibers must belighter than 100 gsm, regular and deformable.During our thesis work, we used Design of Experiments (DOE) methodology to improvethe spreading technology used by Chomarat to make ultra-light NCF materials and meet theestablished requirements. We were able to reach the ultra-thin ply target of less than 50 gsmper ply. After optimizing the spreading process these thin ply tapes are stitched together tocreate NCF. Stability, visual aspect, handling and deformability are dependent on the stitchingsettings (stitching pattern, tension, length, gauge, etc.). Therefore we optimized the stitchingparameters to get the desired properties.After the spreading and stitching process had been optimized, the NCF weremanufactured and tested to validate the desired properties had been achieved. The testingconfirmed that we were able to develop a new carbon fiber NCF that was less than 50 gsm perply, had a coverage rate of higher than 98 % and had good deformability characteristics.

Multiaxiale Gelege auf Basis der Kettenwirktechnik – Technologie für Mehrschichtverbunde mit variabler Lagenanordnung / Multiaxial multi-ply fabrics made by warp knitting – Technology for composites with variable layer arrangement

Hausding, Jan 07 April 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Mit multiaxialen Gelegen auf Basis der Kettenwirktechnik stehen hervorragende textile Halbzeuge für die Weiterverarbeitung als Verstärkungskomponente in Faser-Kunststoff-Verbunden zur Verfügung. Die bisherige Konfiguration der für die Herstellung dieser Textilien verwendeten Nähwirkmaschinen führt verfahrensbedingt zu einem unsymmetrischen Produktaufbau mit üblicherweise nur einer Fadenlage in Gelegelängsrichtung und ebenso zu Einschränkungen bei der Anordnung des Bindefadens im Textil. Durch die Erweiterung des Nähwirkprozesses wird es möglich, Nähwirkstoffe mit einer beliebigen Abfolge der Einzellagen herzustellen, zum Beispiel in symmetrischer Anordnung. Die neuen Varianten der Lagenanordnung und der Bindungskonstruktion bilden den Ausgangspunkt für die Produktentwicklung am Beispiel zweier Anwendungen aus den Bereichen der Faser-Kunststoff-Verbunde und des textilbewehrten Betons. Hier wird deutlich, dass über die Herstellung symmetrischer Gelege hinaus der Einsatz des erweiterten Wirkprozesses die Eigenschaften der Gelege und der Endprodukte vorteilhaft beeinflussen kann. Aus den untersuchten Beispielen und grundsätzlichen Betrachtungen leitet sich ab, unter welchen maschinentechnischen Voraussetzungen der Einsatz des erweiterten Wirkprozesses sinnvoll ist. Es wird ein Konzept entwickelt, auf dessen Grundlage Nähwirkstoffe mit variabler Lagenanordnung auf Nähwirkmaschinen gefertigt werden können. / Multiaxial multi-ply fabrics made by warp knitting are excellently suited for the application in fiber reinforced composites. The usual configuration of the stitch-bonding machines, which are used to produce these fabrics, necessarily leads to composite laminates with an asymmetric layer arrangement and only one layer of yarns in the zero degree direction of the fabric. The variability of patterning with the binding yarn is also limited. By completing the stitch-bonding process with an additional work step it is possible to produce stitch-bonded fabrics without any restrictions concerning the arrangement of the individual layers in the fabric, for example with a symmetric composition. This is the basis for the development of two exemplary products in the fields of textile reinforced plastics and textile reinforced concrete. It can be shown that the application of the extended stitch-bonding process is advantageous beyond the layer arrangement, positively affecting the mechanical properties of the fabric and the composite. From these examples, conclusions are drawn regarding the configuration of future stitch-bonding machines.

Bytový terasový dům / Residential terraced house

Ryšánková, Eva January 2013 (has links)
Master’s thesis "Residential terraced house" is developed in the form of project documentation containing all requirements according to applicable regulations. The proposed facility is located in a quiet area of Hodonin and is detached. It is a six-storey new building with three underground and three above-ground floors. The building has 12 residential units. The structural system is designed with reinforced concrete monolithic ceilings. The building has a single ply flat roof.

Entwicklung einer Verfestigungseinrichtung an einer Multiaxial-Nähwirkmaschine

Hausding, Jan 12 March 2004 (has links)
Eine nachträgliche Verfestigung von nähgewirkten multiaxialen Gelegen führt zu einer verbesserten Ausnutzung der Verstärkungsfadeneigenschaften. Zu diesem Zweck wurden Lösungsansätze für eine entsprechende Verfestigungseinrichtung gesucht und bewertet. Drei Anlagenvarianten wurden durch die Kombination verschiedener Verfahren (Strahlungswärme, die Kombination aus Wärme und Druck sowie Walzenbeschichtung) und Bindemittel (Thermoplaste in verschiedenen Aufmachungen, Beschichtungsmassen) entworfen. Sie bieten auf die Einsatzzwecke Produktion, Laborbetrieb und geringster Aufwand abgestimmte Eigenschaften. / The additional stabilization of open grid warp knits provides a better exploitation of the reinforcing yarns. To realize such an additional stabilization, various possible methods have been examined and assessed. Three different types of stabilization installations have been developed by combining the most promising technologies (infrared radiation, combination of heat and pressure, roll coater) and binding agents (thermoplastics, liquid agents). These installations offer special fea-tures for different needs: production, laboratory and least expense.

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