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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Industry and traffic related particles and their role in human health

Oravisjärvi, K. (Kati) 08 October 2013 (has links)
Abstract Combustion generated ultrafine particles have been found to be responsible for adverse effects on human health. New emission reduction technologies and fuels will change the composition of particle emissions. It is important to confirm that the new reduction technologies are designed to minimise the adverse health effects. In this doctoral thesis the potential health effects caused by traffic and industrially generated particles were studied using epidemiological, experimental and in silico studies. The effects of short-term changes in PM2.5 on the respiratory health of symptomatic children living near a steel works were studied to investigate whether specific sources of PM2.5 have the possible health effects. The PM2.5 emission sources were identified: long-range transport, a steel works, soil and street dust and a mechanical engineering works. Significant associations were not found between respiratory symptoms and PM2.5 or the sources markers. The deposition of traffic-related particles into the human respiratory system was computed using the lung deposition model. Particle size distribution was measured from diesel- and compressed natural gas (CNG)-fuelled busses and an off-road diesel engine under different combustion situations. The majority of the measured traffic-related particle numbers reach the alveolar region of the lungs. There were differences in the deposition of particles when different catalysts, engines or fuels were used. CNG or a diesel particulate filter (DPF) significantly reduced lung exposure to particles. Also physical activity, age and gender affected the deposition of particles. The diesel particles comprised compounds (carcinogenic PAHs, transition metals), which may have the ability to generate reactive oxygen. This study provides new knowledge how of the emission abatement technologies and fuels affects particle number and their composition, as well health hazards. Cleaner technology (CNG, DPF), emits significantly fewer particles in numbers, especially large particles, but they emit high amounts of small-size particles, which penetrate most easily to the deepest parts of the lungs. In addition, particles from engines with DPF include the largest variety of transition metals and other hazardous compounds compared to combustion systems having different emission after-treatment units. / Tiivistelmä Palamisprosesseista peräisin olevien ultrapienten hiukkasten on todettu olevan haitallisia ihmisen terveydelle. Uudet pako- ja savukaasujen puhdistusteknologiat ja polttoaineet vaikuttavat hiukkaspäästöihin ja niiden koostumukseen. Uusien menetelmien käytön tulee vähentää hiukkasten mahdollisia terveyshaittoja. Tässä väitöskirjassa tutkittiin liikenteestä ja teollisuudesta peräisin olevien hiukkasten mahdollisia terveyshaittoja käyttäen epidemiologista, kokeellista ja in silico- menetelmiä. Työssä tutkittiin PM2.5-hiukkasten lyhytaikaisvaihtelun yhteyttä terästehtaan läheisyydessä asuvien hengitystieoireisten lasten terveyteen ja päästölähteiden yhteyttä mahdollisiin terveysvaikutuksiin. Merkittäviä PM2.5-päästölähteitä olivat kaukokulkeuma, terästehdas, maaperä ja tiepöly sekä konepaja. Tutkimuksessa ei havaittu lasten hengitystieoireiden ja PM2.5:n tai päästölähteiden merkkiaineiden välillä merkittävää yhteyttä. Liikenneperäisten hiukkasten kulkeutumista ihmisen hengitysteihin tutkittiin keuhkodepositiomallilla. Diesel- ja maakaasukäyttöisten (CNG) bussien ja dieselkäyttöisen työkoneen hiukkaskokojakaumat mitattiin eri palamisolosuhteissa. Suurin osa mitatuista hiukkaslukumääristä kulkeutui keuhkojen alveolaaritasolle. Erilaisten katalysaattorien, moottoreiden tai polttoaineiden käytön seurauksena hiukkasten lukumääräpitoisuudet vaihtelivat ja siten hiukkasten kulkeutumisessa hengitysteihin oli eroja. CNG:n tai hiukkassuodattimen (DPF) käyttö vähensi merkittävästi hiukkaslukumääriä ja keuhkojen altistumista hiukkasille. Myös liikunta, ikä ja sukupuoli vaikuttivat hengitysteihin kulkeutuvien hiukkasten määriin. Dieselhiukkaset sisälsivät yhdisteitä (karsinogeeniset PAH:t, siirtymämetallit), jotka tuottavat hengitysteissä reaktiivisia happiradikaaleja. Tämä tutkimus antaa uutta tietoa päästövähennysmenetelmien ja polttoaineiden vaikutuksista hiukkasten lukumäärään ja koostumukseen sekä hiukkasten terveyshaitoihin. Puhtaamman teknologian käyttö (CNG, DPF) vähentää huomattavasti pakokaasun hiukkasten lukumäärää, etenkin suurten hiukkasten, mutta tuottaa silti suuria määriä pieniä hiukkasia, jotka kulkeutuvat helpommin keuhkojen syvimpiin osiin. Lisäksi moottoreiden hiukkaspäästöt käytettäessä hiukkassuodatinta, sisälsivät enemmän erilaisia siirtymämetalleja ja muita haitallisia aineita verrattuna polttoon, jossa käytettiin muita päästöjen jälkikäsittelymenetelmiä.

The Implementation of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) InManufacturing Company : A Case Study of XYZ Plastics Manufacturing Company in Nigerian

Labiyi, Femi Gbenga January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to implement Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) in Nigeria Plastics Manufacturing Company. Manufacturing companies round the world pay huge amount of money for purchasing new equipments to boost their production however nothing or little is done to achieve or obtain full output from the machine for which it is intended to do. Small losses in time or deviations from planned or calculated capability are taken as usual machine performance. But currently as a result of improved capability levels and demand of quality product at lower prices, purchasing latest machine/equipment is not a way out unless it is completely used. Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) is a method that involve everybody totally, from high management to all workers to implement a complete maintenance program for all machine/equipment during its life. This method ends up in most effectiveness of tools, equipment, virtuously improved workers, tidy up working area, neat and clean working environment. A structure is going to be developed with the potential of evaluating the impact of implementing total productive maintenance within. By evaluating the result or outcome of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM), manufacturing companies can create sensible/smart decisions to improve the potency and standard of the machine, equipment and also the product on XYZ Plastics Manufacturing Company in Nigerian.

Modelling the influence of porosity on fatigue strength of sintered steels

Hall, Emily January 2019 (has links)
The pores in pressed and sintered components constitute weak points in the material since the stress concentration is larger than the nominal stress there. Therefore, fatigue cracks initiate at the pores. Specifically, it can be assumed that the fatigue cracks initiate at the largest pore in the stressed volume. Studies have previously looked at finding ways to model the fatigue strength of the material based on the largest pore. This thesis looks at a model previously derived for hardened pressed and sintered materials that is based on linear elastic fracture mechanics and investigates if said model can be modified to include non-hardened pressed and sintered materials that do not necessarily behave linear elastically. A model describing the influence of the size of the largest pore on the fatigue limit using empirical coefficients is suggested. Furthermore, the area of the largest pore is modelled using extreme value statistics. The model proved successful in modelling the density effect of the porosity on the fatigue strength for two materials with different microstructures: one with a homogeneous microstructure and one with a heterogeneous microstructure. For the material with the homogenoeous microstructure the model also accounted well for the notch effect when tested on samples with a different geometry. However, for the heterogeneous material the model did not account for the notch effect. Deformation hardening due to local plastic deformation in the softer phases was suggested as a possible explanation and was supported by tensile tests.

Stavební průzkum a diagnostika konstrukce / Survey and Diagnostics of Building Construction

Zlámal, Vojtěch January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the position of diagnostics of reinforced concrete structures in the building industry. The theoretical part deals with the research of methods for practical part of this thesis and basic imagine of procedure. The practical part deals with the survey of an existing building, quality of concrete and reinforcement of elements. The last part is the static calculation of the selected element for the intended use of the building. At the end, the results of the construction and technical survey are evaluated.

Model synchronního stroje s PM založeného na ekvivalentní reluktanční síti / Model of synchronous PM machine based on equivalent reluctance network

Sporni, Peter January 2010 (has links)
Táto práca pojednáva o problematike vytvárania a simulácie reluktančnej sieti synchrónneho stroja s V tvarovanými permanentnými magnetmi v programe PSpice. Na začiatku sa oboznámime s konštrukciou a parametrami stroja a potom vyvodíme základné rovnice na výpočet každého prvku siete. Vypočítame každý prvok tohto stroja a potom vytvoríme túto sieť v PSpice. Na začiatku je simulovaná sieť statická a všetky magnetické odpory sú lineárne. Neskôr nahradíme lineárne odpory reprezentujúce plechy nelineárnymi a počítame s precovnou teplotou permanentných magnetov. Potom porovnáme naše výsledky s FEM metódou počítanými hodnotami a vypočítame indukované napätie v jednej cievke stroja. Na záver vypočítame výkonovú a momentovú charakteristiku stroja.

Pevnostně deformační analýza uchycení filtru pevných částic na traktoru / Stress-strain Analysis of Diesel Particulate Filter Support on Tractor

Ježek, Přemysl January 2012 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is to carry out stress-strain analysis of diesel particulate filter support on tractor. So it describes sequence of steps for the analysis model, such as geometry description, mesh generation, applied forces definition and others. Result of the analysis is assessed in terms of strength and improvement was proposed.

Tepelné výpočty motorů s permanentními magnety v silnoproudé elektrotechnice / Thermal Calculations of Permanent Magnet Motors in High Current Technology

Deeb, Ramia January 2013 (has links)
Práce se zabývá výpočty magnetických a tepelných vlastností servomotoru s permanentními magnety (motor M718 I vyráběný firmou VUES s.r.o. v Brně). Všechny uvedené výpočty jsou založené na numerických metodách konečných prvků a konečných objemů. 2D magnetická analýza motoru byla řešena s pomocí programu FEMM, zatímco pro 3D analýzu byl využit software ANSOFT. Magnetické analýzy umožnily stanovit rozložení magnetického pole v motoru a ve vzduchové mezeře. Ztráty způsobené vířivými proudy byly počítány v závislosti na rozměrech permanentních magnetů a velikosti toku magnetické indukce ve vzduchové mezeře. U 3D modelu v programu ANSOFT byly vypočítány i Joulovy ztráty. Pro daný servomotor byly navrženy dva způsoby chlazení. V prvním případě se jedná o vnitřní chladicí systém. K původnímu modelu motoru byly přidány některé modifikace (otvory v rámu motoru a radiální ventilátor na hřídeli uvnitř rámu motoru). U druhého způsobu chlazení bylo navrženo vnější chlazení. K původnímu rámu byly přidána chladicí žebra a radiální ventilátor na hřídeli vně rámu motoru. Výpočty proudění a tepelná analýza byly provedeny jak pro původní model motoru, tak i pro modifikovaný návrh (vnitřní a vnější chlazení) pomocí software ANSYS Workbench. Teplotní charakteristiky původního motoru byly měřeny různými senzory. Bylo provedeno porovnání experimentálně získaných výsledků s vypočteným teplotním modelem. Práce byla vytvořena v rámci doktorského studijního programu Elektrotechnika a komunikační technologie, obor Silnoproudá elektrotechnika a elektroenergetika. Podstatná část práce vznikla za podpory Centra výzkumu a využití obnovitelných zdrojů energie a výzkumných projektů CZ.1.05/2.1.00/01.0014 and FEKT S-11-9.

Stavební průzkum a diagnostika konstrukce / Survey and Diagnostics of Building Construction

Resl, Jaroslav January 2016 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the overview of the diagnostic methods for engineering surveys reinforced concrete constructions. The practical part explains engineering surveys of industrial building, evaluation of concrete strength on existing building and results from search reinforcements on individual elements. Next part is focused on load testing precast floor slab removed from construction and evaluation load capacity. The last part include structural design of elected parts (precast floor slab and beam).

Stavební průzkum a diagnostika železobetonové konstrukce / Survey and Diagnostics of Reinforced Concrete Structure

Filipu, Martina January 2017 (has links)
The master´s thesis deals with concrete properties and it introduces problematics of building survey. In each part the study deals with diagnostic methods used for building construction. Then it closely examines selected methods, which are used for recognisability of steel reinforcement in concrete. In the practical part I conducted two engineering surveys of reinforced concrete industrial buildings. The main aims were to identify the position of reinforcement in selected elements of crane runway and to evaluate the quality of used concrete. The last part of thesis is focused on static assessment of short corbel of crane runway.

Stavební průzkum a hodnocení stavu konstrukce / Building survey and evaluating the state construction

Sloupenský, David January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis in theoretical section is focused on a brief overview of the methods used in the diagnostic of reinforced concrete structures. The practical part of this thesis deals with the diagnostics of the manufacturing reinforced concrete buildings in the complex Fatra Napajedla. This part will provide concrete strength of existing structures and will verify the reinforcement of individual elements of the structure by means of modern devices – radar and electromagnetic rebar locator. In the final section of this thesis will be performed static reports of selected parts of the structure.

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