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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Almost Poisson Brackets for Nonholonomic Systems on Lie Groups

Garcia-Naranjo, Luis Constantino January 2007 (has links)
We present a geometric construction of almost Poisson brackets for nonholonomic mechanical systems whose configuration space is a Lie group G. We study the so-called LL and LR systems where the kinetic energy defines a left invariant metric on G and the constraints are invariant with respect to left (respectively right) translation on G.For LL systems, the equations on the momentum phase space, T*G, can be left translated onto g*, the dual space of the Lie algebra g. We show that the reduced equations on g* can be cast in Poisson form with respect to an almost Poisson bracket that is obtained by projecting the standard Lie-Poisson bracket onto the constraint space.For LR systems, we use ideas of semidirect product reduction to transfer the equations on T*G into the dual Lie algebra, s*, of a semidirect product. This provides a natural Lie algebraic setting for the equations of motion commonly found in the literature. We show that these equations can also be cast in Poisson form with respect to an almost Poisson bracket that is obtained by projecting the Lie-Poisson structure on s* onto a constraint submanifold.In both cases the constraint functions are Casimirs of the bracket and are satisfied automatically. Our construction is a natural generalization of the classical ideas of Lie-Poisson and semidirect product reduction to the nonholonomic case. It also sets a convenient stage for the study of Hamiltonization of certain nonholonomic systems.Our examples include the Suslov and the Veselova problems of constrained motion of a rigid body, and the Chaplygin sleigh.In addition we study the almost Poisson reduction of the Chaplygin sphere. We show that the bracket given byBorisov and Mamaev is obtained by reducing a nonstandard almost Poisson bracket that is obtained by projecting a non-canonical bivector onto the constraint submanifold using the Lagrange-D'Alembert principle.The examples that we treat show that it is possible to cast the reduced equations of motion of certain nonholonomic systems in Hamiltonian form (in the Poisson formulation) either by multiplication by a conformal factor, by the use of nonstandard brackets or simply by reduction methods.

Geometry and Dynamics of Nonoholonomic affine mechanical systems

Petit Valdes Villarreal, Paolo Eugenio 05 July 2023 (has links)
In this Thesis we study two types of mechanical nonholonomic systems, namely systems with linear constraints and lagrangian with a linear term in the velocities, and nonholonomic systems with affine constraints and lagrangian without a linear term in the velocities. For the former type of systems we construct an almost-Poisson bracket using elements related to a riemannian metric induced by the kinetic energy, and we show that under certain conditions gauge momenta exist. For the latter type of systems, we focus on the ones possessing a \emph{Noether symmetry}. To everyone of these systems we associate an equivalent system of the former type, and we exhibit the procedure to relate them and their gauge momentum. As a test case for the theory, we analyze the system of a heavy ball rolling without slipping on a rotating surface of revolution: we elucidate that also in this framework the so-called Routh integrals are related to symmetries, we give conditions for boundedness of the motions. In the particular case the surface of revolution is an inverted cone we characterize the qualitative behavior of the motions.

Rigidité du crochet de Poisson en topologie symplectique

Rathel-Fournier, Dominique 09 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Aspects géométriques et topologiques du crochet de Poisson des variétés symplectiques

Payette, Jordan 07 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie deux problèmes de nature géométrique et topologique associés au crochet de Poisson sur les variétés symplectiques. Le premier problème porte sur la notion de submersion symplectique que nous introduisons dans le présent texte et qui généralise la notion de symplectomorphisme. Il s'avère qu'une submersion symplectique est un morphisme de Poisson : il s'agit d'une application entre variétés symplectiques qui préserve le crochet de Poisson. Notre intérêt pour ces fonctions réside dans le fait que le théorème de non-tassement de Gromov porte sur l'aire minimale possible pour les images des submersions symplectiques (allant d'une boule symplectique vers le plan symplectique) obtenues comme compositions d'un plongement symplectique dans l'espace symplectique euclidien de dimension 2n et de la projection standard vers le plan de coordonnées conjuguées (p_1, q_1). Nous investiguons le problème inverse dit « de représentabilité » : nous obtenons des conditions nécessaires et suffisantes pour qu'une submersion symplectique comme ci-dessus se factorise comme précédemment à travers un plongement ou une immersion symplectique dans l'espace euclidien. Nous montrons par ailleurs qu'il existe une submersion symplectique qui ne se factorise pas de la sorte à travers une immersion et qu'il existe aussi une submersion symplectique qui se factorise de la sorte à travers une immersion, mais pas à travers un plongement. Le deuxième problème porte sur la conjecture du crochet de Poisson de Polterovich. Étant donné une variété symplectique (M, omega) et un recouvrement U de M, nous pouvons définir l'invariant pb(F) associé à une partition de l'unité F subordonnée à U, qui est une sorte de norme sur les crochets de Poisson entre les paires de fonctions de la partition. En dénotant e(U) l'énergie de disjonction de Hofer maximale d'un ouvert du recouvrement U, la conjecture demande s'il existe une constante positive C indépendante de U et de F telle que le produit de pb(F) et de e(U) soit supérieur à C. Cette conjecture a été établie récemment par Buhovski-Logunov-Tanny dans le cas des surfaces ; en nous inspirant de travaux antérieurs de Buhovski-Tanny, nous avons aussi démontré la conjecture pour les surfaces de genre plus grand que 1. Nous exposons notre approche dans le second chapitre de cette thèse. À l'aide des submersions symplectiques, nous généralisons nos méthodes afin d'attaquer la conjecture en dimensions supérieures ; nous obtenons ainsi une nouvelle preuve d'un théorème de Polterovich et de Buhovski-Tanny concernant l'invariant pb pour des recouvrements formés de petits ouverts. Afin de rendre cette thèse aussi accessible et auto-suffisante que possible, nous débutons par une introduction à la topologie symplectique. Des annexes recueillent les faits plus particuliers que nous utilisons tout au long de ce travail. / This thesis studies two problems of geometric and topological nature associated to the Poisson bracket on symplectic manifolds. The first problem concerns the notion of "symplectic submersion" that we introduce here and which generalizes the concept of symplectomorphism. A symplectic submersion turns out to be a Poisson morphism, namely a map between symplectic manifolds which preserves the Poisson bracket. Our interest in those maps stems from the fact that Gromov's nonsqueezing theorem is a statement about the minimal area possible for the images of the symplectic submersions (going from a symplectic ball to a symplectic plane) which are compositions of a symplectic embedding into the Euclidean symplectic space and of the standard projection onto the plane of conjugated variables (p_1, q_1). We investigate the inverse "representability" problem: we give necessary and sufficient conditions for a symplectic submersionas above to factorize in the previous way either through a symplectic embedding or through a symplectic immersion into Euclidean space. We show moreover that there exists a symplectic submersion which does not factorize in this way through an immersion, and also that there exists a symplectic submersion which does factorize in this way through an immersion, but not through an embedding. The second problem concerns Polterovich's Poisson bracket conjecture. Given a symplectic manifold (M, omega) and an open cover U of M, we can define the invariantpb(F) of a partition of unity F subordinated to U, which is a sort of norm on the pairwise Poisson brackets of the functions in F. Denoting e(U) the maximal Hofer displacement energy of a set in U, the conjecture asks whether there exists a positive constant C independent of U and F such that the product of pb(F) and e(U) is greater than C. This conjecture was proved recently by Buhovsky-Logunov-Tanny in the case of surfaces; based on earlier work of Buhovsky-Tanny , we also proved the conjecture for surfaces of genus one and above. We present our approach in the second chapter of this thesis. Using symplectic submersions, we generalize our methods in order to tackle the conjecture in higher dimensions; in particular, we obtain a new proof of a theorem of Polterovich and Buhovsky-Tanny about the pb invariant of covers made up of small open sets. In order to make this thesis as accessible and self-contained as possible, we first give an introduction to symplectic topology. The appendices also collect the more specialized facts we use throughout this work.

Lieovy grupy a jejich fyzikální aplikace / Lie groups and their physical applications

Kunz, Daniel January 2020 (has links)
In this thesis I describe construction of Lie group and Lie algebra and its following usage for physical problems. To be able to construct Lie groups and Lie algebras we need define basic terms such as topological manifold, tensor algebra and differential geometry. First part of my thesis is aimed on this topic. In second part I am dealing with construction of Lie groups and algebras. Furthermore, I am showing different properties of given structures. Next I am trying to show, that there exists some connection among Lie groups and Lie algebras. In last part of this thesis is used just for showing how this apparat can be used on physical problems. Best known usage is to find physical symmetries to establish conservation laws, all thanks to famous Noether theorem.

Classification de systèmes intégrables en coordonnées cylindriques en présence de champs magnétiques

Fournier, Félix 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Intégrabilité et superintégrabilité de deuxième ordre dans l'espace Euclidien tridimensionel

Abdul-Reda, Hassan 02 1900 (has links)
L'article "A systematic search for nonrelativistic systems with dynamical symetries, Part I" publié il y a à peu près 50 ans a commencé une classification de ce qui est maintenant appelé les systèmes superintégrables. Il était dévoué aux systèmes dans l'espace Euclidien ayant plus d'intégrales de mouvement que de degrés de liberté. Les intégrales étaient toutes supposées de second ordre en quantité de mouvement. Dans ce mémoire, sont présentés de nouveaux résultats sur la superintégrabilité de second ordre qui sont pertinents à l'étude de la superintégrabilité d'ordre supérieur et de la superintégrabilité de systèmes ayant des potentiels vecteurs ou des particules avec spin. / The article "A systematic search for nonrelativistic systems with dynamical symetries, Part I" published about 50 years ago started the classification of what is now called superintegrable systems. It was devoted to systems in Euclidean space with more integrals of motion than degrees of freedom. The integrals were all assumed to be second order polynomials in the particle momentum. Here we present some further results on second order superintegrability that are relevant for studies of higher order superintegrability and for superintegrability for systems with vector potentials or for particles with spin.

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