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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Study of the miscibility, crystallization and morphology in poly(propylene) based blends and copolymers

Cham, Pak-Meng 06 June 2008 (has links)
This dissertation discusses the polymorphism, crystallization and melting behavior of propylene-ethylene random copolymers. It also discusses the results of studies of the miscibility and the competitive liquid-liquid demixing and crystallization processes in blends of poly(propylene) and poly(1-butene). In the first part of this study, polymorphism of propylene-ethylene copolymers is studied by wide angle X-ray diffraction. By comparing the a and y crystal phase contents in samples with different ethylene content as well as samples isothermally crystallized at different temperatures, it was shown that increasing ethylene content as well as increasing crystallization temperature promotes the formation of the y-phase. Comparison of the results from fractionated samples and unfractionated samples with similar ethylene contents reveals that in propylene-ethylene copolymers with similar micro-structure, the polymorphism, crystallization and melting behavior are mainly determined by their ethylene content. The issue of co-unit inclusion and its effect on crystallization and melting behavior are also discussed. In the second part of this dissertation, the miscibility behavior of atactic - poly(propylene) (at-PP) and atactic poly(1-butene) (ai-P1B) with different molecular weights is investigated by differential scanning calorimetry. The phase diagram of at-PP and at-P1B blend of molecular weight (87K/48.5K) shows a upper critical solution temperature (UCST) behavior. The UCST behavior is consistent with predictions by the group contribution method. Miscibility behavior of high molecular weight isotactic poly(propylene) (it-PP) and isotactic poly(1-butene) (it-P1B) blend is investigated by a combination of optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy, differential scanning calorimetry and dynamic mechanical analysis. These studies reveal that for the molecular weights investigated, it-PP and it-P1B form blends that are partially miscible in the liquid state. Liquid-liquid demixing is observed by optical microscopy at temperatures above the melting temperature of the it-PP component and is also inferred from scanning electron micrographs of the freeze fracture surface of quenched blends after extraction of the it- P1B component with cyclohexane. It-PP spherulites grow through both liquid phases at relative rates that depend markedly on the crystallization temperature. The complex multiple-melting behavior of the it-PP component in the blend is explained in terms of a bimodal distribution of it-PP lamellar crystals which result from crystal growth in the phase-separated liquid. Finally, the dynamic mechanical analysis data are explained in terms of a liquid-liquid demixing process that results in a significant degree of phase mixing. / Ph. D.

Desarrollo de films y recubrimientos comestibles bio-activos como soporte de agentes antioxidantes y antimicrobianos

Bonilla Lagos, Maria Jeannine 02 May 2013 (has links)
RESUMEN El objetivo de esta tesis fue la obtención y caracterización de films biodegradables con características antimicrobianas y/o antioxidantes a partir de quitosano (CH). Para modular sus propiedades y mejorar su funcionalidad, se estudió la combinación con otras matrices poliméricas: almidón de trigo (WS), polivinil alcohol (PVA) y ácido poliláctico (PLA). Además se incorporaron aceites esenciales (EO) de tomillo (Th) o albahaca (B), ¿-tocoferol (Tp) y ácido cítrico (CA). Se evaluó el efecto del tratamiento de homogenización de las dispersiones formadoras de films (FFD) en films de quitosano con EO en diferentes proporciones. La microfluidización dio lugar a una reducción en el tamaño de gota, a una mayor carga superficial de las mismas y una menor viscosidad de las dispersiones. Además, intensificó todos los efectos provocados por la incorporación de EO sobre las propiedades mecánicas de los films debido a potenciación de las interacciones con el polímero. A baja proporción de EO, la microfluidización mejoró las propiedades de barrera al vapor de agua de los films, pero no tuvo un impacto significativo en la permeabilidad al oxígeno. Los films ejercieron un papel protector frente a la oxidación en grasa de cerdo. La presencia de EO en los films, a pesar de aumentar la permeabilidad al oxígeno, dio lugar a una menor velocidad de oxidación de las muestras (especialmente a alta humedad relativa), probablemente por el efecto antioxidante de los componentes de los EO. Los films de quitosano se mostraron efectivos en el control del deterioro microbiano cuando se aplicaron en carne de cerdo picada, pero la incorporación de los EO no mejoró su actividad antimicrobiana. Se incorporó CH en films de WS en diferentes proporciones. La adición de CH en cantidades crecientes dio lugar a un aumento en la viscosidad y estabilidad de las FFD. Ambos polímeros mostraron un alto grado de compatibilidad lo que dio lugar a una microestructura homogénea. El aumento de la proporción de CH dio lugar a films con mejores propiedades mecánicas ya que el CH pareció inhibir la retrogradación del almidón. Los films WS:CH dieron lugar a una reducción de la carga microbiana cuando se aplicaron en muestras de carne de cerdo picada. Se incorporaron diferentes antioxidantes (aceite esencial de tomillo y albahaca, ácido cítrico y ¿-tocoferol) en films mezcla de WS (80%) y CH (20%). Los films presentaron una microestructura heterogénea por la inmiscibilidad de componentes, principalmente el film con ¿-tocoferol que presentó separación de fases. Esto llevó asociado una superficie más rugosa, con menor brillo y, en el caso del ¿-tocoferol, un color más amarillo. No obstante la incorporación de antioxidantes conllevó un aumento de la transparencia y una disminución de la permeabilidad al oxígeno. El CA provocó un aumento en el módulo de elasticidad y un descenso de la extensibilidad de los films. La incorporación de CH en matrices de PVA dio lugar a films altamente homogéneos, debido a la compatibilidad de ambos polímeros. Se obtuvieron films más resistentes y rígidos, pero menos extensibles. Se observó una reducción del grado de cristalinidad y un aumento de la estabilidad térmica, además de una reducción de la trasmisión de la luz UV. Así mismo, cuando se aplicaron a muestras de carne de cerdo picada presentaron una acción antimicrobiana. La incorporación de CH en una matriz de PLA mediante extrusión no afectó al comportamiento térmico del PLA ni a su grado de cristalinidad. Ambos polímeros se mostraron incompatibles. La reducción del tamaño de las partículas de CH minimizó el impacto negativo sobre las propiedades mecánicas y de barrera al vapor de agua. En su aplicación a muestras de carne de cerdo picada, la presencia de CH mejoró las propiedades antimicrobianas de los films. / Bonilla Lagos, MJ. (2013). Desarrollo de films y recubrimientos comestibles bio-activos como soporte de agentes antioxidantes y antimicrobianos [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/28370


Sonseca Olalla, Agueda 28 July 2019 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [EN] The current PhD thesis deals with the development and characterization of novel nanocomposites based on biodegradable poly(mannitol sebacate) (PMS) matrices with tailored properties and shape-memory capabilities for biomedical applications. Two types of fillers -cellulose nanocrystals (CNC) and electrospun poly(lactic acid) nanofibers (NF-PLA)- were used as reinforcement in order to induce and/or enhance the shape-memory properties of PMS matrices. Also, different crosslinking profiles and stoichiometric ratios between mannitol and sebacic acid (1:1 and 1:2) were studied and evaluated to obtain samples with low and high degrees of crosslinking. An appropriate combination of the crosslinking profile and the monomer ratio for PMS matrix, as well as the addition of low content of CNC, allowed the development of PMS/CNC nanocomposites with a wide range of mechanical properties and degradation profiles. On the other hand, highly oriented poly(lactic acid) (PLA) nanofiber mats obtained by electrospinning were embedded in the PMS matrices. An enhancement of up to 53-fold in the Young's modulus was observed for PMS/NF-PLA nanocomposites filled with 15 wt% of PLA nanofibers. The incorporation of fillers (CNC and NF-PLA) allowed the development of thermally active shape-memory nanocomposites with an enhancement of parameters such as recovery stress and shape fixity. The electrospun PLA-reinforced nanocomposites, offered the best balance of mechanical and thermal properties, as well as a greater control of the transition temperature for switching the change of shape, within a useful range of temperatures. Owing to that, these materials may be of interest as smart responsive systems in long-term biomedical applications. / [ES] La presente tesis doctoral, se centra en el desarrollo y caracterización de nuevos nanocompuestos biodegradables, a partir de matrices de poli(mannitol sebacato) (PMS) con propiedades a medida y capacidades de memoria de forma para aplicaciones biomédicas. Dos tipos de cargas -nanocristales de celulosa (CNC) y nanofibras de ácido poliláctico (NF-PLA) obtenidas mediante electrospinning- se han utilizado como refuerzo, con la finalidad de inducir y/o mejorar las propiedades de memoria de forma en matrices de PMS. Se han estudiado y evaluado diferentes tratamientos de curado y ratios de reacción entre el mannitol y ácido sebácico (1:1 y 1:2), con la finalidad de obtener muestras con bajo y alto grado de reticulación. Una combinación adecuada del tratamiento de curado y el ratio entre monómeros del PMS, así como la adición de bajos contenidos de CNC, permitió desarrollar nanocompuestos de PMS/CNC con un amplio rango de propiedades mecánicas y perfiles de degradación. Por otro lado, se han producido mats de nanofibras de ácido poliláctico (PLA) con alta orientación mediante la técnica de electrospinning, para embeberse en matrices de PMS, observándose una mejora de hasta 53 veces en el módulo de Young para nanocompuestos de PMS/NF-PLA con un 15% en peso de nanofibras. La incorporación de cargas (CNC y NF-PLA) permitió el desarrollo de nanocompuestos con memoria de forma activada térmicamente, con una mejora de parámetros tales como la fuerza de recuperación y la capacidad de fijación. Los nanocompuestos reforzados con NF-PLA obtenidas por electrospinning, ofrecieron el mejor balance de propiedades mecánicas y térmicas, así como un mayor control de la temperatura de transición para la activación del cambio de forma en un intervalo útil de temperaturas. Por todo ello, estos materiales pueden resultar de interés como sistemas activos en aplicaciones biomédicas de larga duración. / [CA] La present tesi doctoral se centra en el desenvolupament i caracterització de nous nanocompostos biodegradables a partir de matrius de poli(mannitol sebacato) (PMS) amb propietats a mesura i capacitats de memòria de forma per a aplicacions biomèdiques. Dos tipus de càrregues -nanocristals de cel·lulosa (CNC) i nanofibres d'àcid polilàctic (NF-PLA) obtingudes mitjançant electrospinning- s'han utilitzat com a reforç amb la finalitat d'induir i/o millorar les propietats de memòria de forma en matrius de PMS. S'han estudiat i avaluat diferents tractaments de curat i ràtios de reacció entre el mannitol i àcid sebàcic (1:1 i 1:2) amb la finalitat d'obtenir mostres amb baix i alt grau de reticulació. Una combinació adequada del tractament de curat i el ràtio entre monòmers del PMS, així com l'addició de baixos continguts de CNC, va permetre desenvolupar nanocompostos de PMS/CNC amb un ampli rang de propietats mecàniques i perfils de degradació. D'altra banda, s'han produït mats de nanofibres d'àcid polilàctic (PLA) amb alta orientació mitjançant la tècnica de electrospinning, per embeure's en matrius de PMS, observant-se una millora de fins a 53 vegades en el mòdul de Young per nanocompostos de PMS/NF-PLA amb un 15% en pes de nanofibres. La incorporació de càrregues (CNC i NF-PLA) va permetre el desenvolupament de nanocompostos amb memòria de forma activada tèrmicament, amb una millora de paràmetres tals com la força de recuperació i la capacitat de fixació. Els nanocompostos reforçats amb NF-PLA obtingudes per electrospinning, van oferir el millor balanç de propietats mecàniques i tèrmiques, així com un major control de la temperatura de transició per a l'activació del canvi de forma en un interval útil de temperatures. Per tot això, aquests materials poden resultar d'interés com a sistemes actius en aplicacions biomèdiques de llarga durada. / Sonseca Olalla, A. (2015). DEVELOPMENT OF SHAPE-MEMORY COMPOSITES BASED ON A BIODEGRADABLE POLYESTER ELASTOMER [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/54129 / Compendio

Advanced Polymeric Membranes and Multi-Layered Films for Gas Separation and Capacitors

Shaver, Andrew Thomas 30 June 2016 (has links)
The following studies describe the synthesis and properties of a family of poly(arylene ether ketone)s which are well known to have good thermal stability, mechanical durability, and other film properties. These poly(arylene ether ketone)s were functionalized with fluorine, oxidized, blended, and crosslinked to increase performance with focus on materials for polymeric capacitors and gas separation membranes. There is a need for polymeric capacitors with improved energy storage density and thermal stability. In this work, the affect of polymer molecular structure and symmetry on Tg, breakdown strength, and relative permittivity was investigated. A systematic series of four amorphous poly(arylene ether ketone)s was compared. Two of the polymers had symmetric bisphenols while the remaining two had asymmetric bisphenols. Two contained trifluoromethyl groups while the other two had methyl groups. The symmetric polymers had Tg's of approximately 160 °C while the asymmetric polymers showed higher Tg's near 180 °C. The symmetric polymers had breakdown strengths near 380 kV/mm at 150 °C. The asymmetric counterparts had breakdown strengths near 520 kV/mm even at 175 °C, with the fluorinated polymers performing slightly better in both cases. The non-fluorinated polymers had higher relative permittivities than the fluorinated materials, with the asymmetric polymers being better in both cases. Two amorphous, high glass transition, crosslinkable poly(arylene ether)s for gas purification membranes have been studied. The polymers were polymerized via step growth and contained tetramethyl bisphenol F and either 4,4'-difluorobenzophenone or 4,4'-dichlorodiphenylsulfone. The benzylic methylene group in tetramethyl bisphenol F can undergo oxidation reactions and crosslinking with UV light. The polymers were oxidized under two different conditions, one by chemical treatment using oxone and KBr and one by elevated thermal treatment in air. Thermogravimetric analysis, 1H-NMR and attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy revealed the progress of the thermal oxidation reactions. Both polymers produced tough, ductile films and gas transport properties of the non-crosslinked linear polymers and crosslinked polymer was compared. Crosslinking was performed by irradiating polymer films for one hour on each side in air under a 100W high intensity, long-wave UV lamp equipped with a 365-nm light filter. The O2 permeability of tetramethyl bisphenol F containing non-crosslinked poly(arylene ether ketone) was 2.8 Barrer, with an O2/N2 selectivity of 5.4. Following UV crosslinking, the O2 permeability decreased to 1.8 Barrer, and the O2/N2 selectivity increased to 6.2. Poly(2,6-dimethyl-1,4-phenylene oxide) (PPO) is a commercial polymer that is utilized for gas separation membranes. It has a relatively high free volume with high gas permeabilities but suffers from low gas selectivities. In this study, PPO polymers with number average molecular weights of 2000, 6000, 17,000, 19,000 and 22,000 were synthesized and blended with a poly(arylene ether ketone) synthesized from bisphenol A and difluorobenzophenone (BPA-PAEK) to make UV-crosslinkable films. The ketone and benzylic methylene groups on the BPA-PAEK and the PPO polymers respectively formed crosslinks upon exposure to broad wavelength UV light. The crosslinked blends had increased selectivities over their linear counterparts. DSC thermograms showed that the blends with all but the lowest molecular weight PPO had two Tg's, thus suggesting that two phases were present, one high in PBA-PAEK and the other high in PPO composition. The PBA-PAEK blend with the 2000 Mn PPO showed only one Tg between the two control polymers. Despite the immiscibility of these films, the gel fractions after UV exposure were high. Gel fractions as a function of the amount of the 22,000 Mn PPO were explored and did not show any significant change. UV spectroscopy of the individual components and the blends showed that more broad wavelength light was transmitted through the PPO component, so it was reasoned that films that was high in PPO composition crosslinked to deeper depths. The O2/N2 permeabilities and selectivities were measured for the linear and crosslinked films. Between the 33/67, 67/33, and 90/10 22k PPO/BPA PAEK crosslinked blended films, the 90/10 PPO/BPA PAEK gained the most selectivity and maintained a larger amount of its permeability. In comparison to commercial gas separation polymers, the non-crosslinked 33/67 22,000 Mn PPO/BPA PAEK blend outperformed polysulfone and cellulose acetate with a 2.45 degree of acetylation. Overall, we were able to blend a small amount of BPA PAEK with the commercially used PPO to create a mechanically robust crosslinked polymer film. / Ph. D.

Design, Synthesis, and Characterization of Magnetite Clusters using a Multi Inlet Vortex Mixer

Mejia-Ariza, Raquel 17 November 2010 (has links)
Superparamagnetic nanoparticles have potential applications in targeted drug delivery and as magnetic resonance imaging contrast agents. Magnetite clusters are of particular interest for these applications because they provide higher magnetic flux (under a magnetic field) than individual magnetite nanoparticles, are biocompatible, and their size and compositions can be controlled. This thesis involves the controlled synthesis and characterization of clusters composed of magnetite nanoparticles stabilized with an amphiphilic block copolymer. It outlines a method to design and form well-defined and colloidally stable magnetite clusters. A Multi Inlet Vortex mixer (MIVM) was used because it is a continuous process that yields particles with relatively narrow and controlled size distributions. In the MIVM, four liquid streams collide under turbulent conditions in the mixing chamber where clusters form within milliseconds. The formation of magnetite clusters was studied in the presence of amphiphilic block copolymers containing poly (ethylene oxide) to provide steric stabilization and control of size distributions using flash nanoprecipitation. First, the mixer was tested using β-carotene as a model compound to form nanoparticles stabilized with an amphiphilic triblock copolymer poly(propylene oxide)-b-poly(ethylene oxide) (F127) at different Reynolds numbers and supersaturation values. Size analysis was done using dynamic light scattering and nanoparticle tracking analysis techniques. The cluster structure was studied using electron microscopy and magnetite compositions were measured using thermogravimetric analysis. Finally, the stability of magnetite clusters was studied over time and the effect of an applied magnetite field on the colloidal stability was investigated. / Master of Science

Effect of chain structure on the thermodynamics and kinetics of polymer crystallization

Snyder, Chad R. 06 June 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this work is to critically examine the Lauritzen-Hoffman (LH) secondary nucleation barrier model of polymer crystallization. One of the major criticisms of the LH theory was that it predicted divergence of the lamellar thickness and crystal growth rate at finite undercoolings - the so-called “δ𝑙 catastrophe." Within this work, it has been shown that the "δ𝑙 catastrophe" can be eliminated by considering all of the implications of the Hoffman-Miller reptation approach. Combination of this approach and the lattice-strain theory of Hoffman and Miller (which predicts curved face crystals) eliminates two of the major criticisms of the LH theory within a single theoretical framework. Through studies performed in this work, the LH theory has been modified in such a way as to extend its utility to higher undercoolings. Physically meaningful nucleation parameters can be obtained with the modified LH theory if the viscoelastic parameters characterizing the transport of chain segments to the growth front are known a priori. Crystal growth and melting behavior were studied in the case of linear and cyclic polydimethylsiloxanes. An equilibrium melting temperature (T<sub>m</sub>) of 250K was determined by the Hoffman-Weeks extrapolation method for a linear PDMS fraction with <M<sub>n</sub>>=62,700 g/mol. This value is 12°C higher than that previously cited in the literature. From the kinetic studies, a fold crystal/melt interfacial free energy of 10.2 erg/cm² was determined which corresponds to a work of chain folding of 2.5 kcal/mol. Studies performed on the cyclic PDMS fractions confirmed that the configuration entropy decreases with decreasing molecular weight. Additionally, the studies on the cyclic PDMS fractions have shown that the σ-C<sub>∞</sub> relationship of Hoffman and coworkers fails for cyclic systems. The crystal growth rates, T<sub>m</sub>, and lamellar thicknesses of polytetrafluoroethylene have been determined in this work. T<sub>m</sub> has been shown to be 331±2°C. By atomic force microscopy and theoretical arguments it has been shown that the lamellar thicknesses of polytetrafluoroethylene, over the temperature range studied, is on the order of 1000Å. These thicknesses correspond to quantization of the folds, from which it was shown that meaningful analysis of the growth rate data is impossible. / Ph. D.

Characterization of TCDD-inducible poly-ADP-ribose polymerase (TIPARP/ARTD14) catalytic activity

Gomez, A., Bindesboll, C., Satheesh, S.V., Grimaldi, Giulia, Hutin, D., MacPherson, L., Ahmed, S., Tamblyn, L., Cho, T., Nebb, H.I., Moen, A., Anonsen, J.H., Grant, D.M., Matthews, J. 2018 October 1929 (has links)
Yes / Here, we report the biochemical characterization of the mono-ADP-ribosyltransferase 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin poly-ADP-ribose polymerase (TIPARP/ARTD14/PARP7), which is known to repress aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR)-dependent transcription. We found that the nuclear localization of TIPARP was dependent on a short N-terminal sequence and its zinc finger domain. Deletion and in vitro ADP-ribosylation studies identified amino acids 400–657 as the minimum catalytically active region, which retained its ability to mono-ADP-ribosylate AHR. However, the ability of TIPARP to ADP-ribosylate and repress AHR in cells was dependent on both its catalytic activity and zinc finger domain. The catalytic activity of TIPARP was resistant to meta-iodobenzylguanidine but sensitive to iodoacetamide and hydroxylamine, implicating cysteines and acidic side chains as ADP-ribosylated target residues. Mass spectrometry identified multiple ADP-ribosylated peptides in TIPARP and AHR. Electron transfer dissociation analysis of the TIPARP peptide 33ITPLKTCFK41 revealed cysteine 39 as a site for mono-ADP-ribosylation. Mutation of cysteine 39 to alanine resulted in a small, but significant, reduction in TIPARP autoribosylation activity, suggesting that additional amino acid residues are modified, but loss of cysteine 39 did not prevent its ability to repress AHR. Our findings characterize the subcellular localization and mono-ADP-ribosyltransferase activity of TIPARP, identify cysteine as a mono-ADP-ribosylated residue targeted by this enzyme, and confirm the TIPARP-dependent mono-ADP-ribosylation of other protein targets, such as AHR. / This work was supported by Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) operating grants [MOP-494265 and MOP-125919]; CIHR New Investigator Award; an Early Researcher Award from the Ontario Ministry of Innovation [ER10-07-028]; the Johan Throne Holst Foundation; Novo Nordic Foundation; and the Norwegian Cancer Society to J.M. This work was also funded by grants from the Johan Throne Holst Foundation; and the Novo Nordic Foundation to H.I.N.

Synthèse et étude d’architectures complexes à base de poly(lactide) et de poly(2-isopropyl-2-oxazoline) pour des applications biomédicales

Bullet, Jean-Richard 12 1900 (has links)
Le traitement du cancer est l’un des plus grands défis en chimie médicinale moderne. La majorité des traitements utilisés repose sur la chimiothérapie, impliquant l’emploi de molécules bioactives cytotoxiques. Bien qu’efficaces, ces molécules présentent, pour la plupart, des désavantages notoires tels que le manque de spécificité cellulaire et une solubilité limitée en phase aqueuse. Une façon de remédier aux problèmes exposés est de solubiliser ces molécules au sein de matrices polymères. Il existe différents types de matrices qui sont : les liposomes, les micelles, les nanosphères, les nanocapsules, les dendrimères (et les polymères en étoile), et les polymères conjugués et linéaires. Dans cette thèse, nous faisons l’étude de deux matrices polymères potentielles composées de matériaux biocompatibles : le polylactide et la poly(2-isopropyl-2-oxazoline). La première partie de la thèse, est consacrée à l’étude des polyester-co-éthers portant des groupements pendants fonctionnalisables. Nous avons développé ces copolymères par polymérisation aléatoire en masse de lactones (le lactide ou la caprolactone) et différents taux d’éthers de propargyle et de glycidyle (GPE), à 120°C, en utilisant l’octanoate d’étain comme catalyseur. L’efficacité de la copolymérisation a été mise en évidence par des analyses FTIR, RMN 1H et COSY. Toutefois, L’analyse GPC a montré une diminution de la masse molaire des polymères et un élargissement de la dispersité en rapport avec l’augmentation du taux de glycidyle initial. De plus, les analyses RMN 1H ont montré que le taux de propargyl (provenant de l’éther de glycidyle) au sein du copolymère ne dépassait pas 50%. La faisabilité des modifications post-polymérisation a été évaluée en couplant le (9-azidomethyl) anthracène au chaîne de poly(ester-co-éther)s via la chimie clic CuAAC. Cette méthode s’est révélée inoffensive pour la chaîne de polyesters. Des études de cytotoxicité ont prouvé l’innocuité des poly(ester-co-éther)s. Des nanoparticules sphériques ont été préparées à partir de ces polymères et peuvent être utilisées comme nanosphères pour le transport de molécules bioactives hydrophobes. La copolymérisation des lactones avec des éthers de glycidyles s’avère être une stratégie intéressante de fonctionnalisation des chaînes des polyesters permettant la synthèse d’une large gamme de copolymères pour des applications biomédicales. Afin d’améliorer la synthèse des poly(ester-co-ether)s, nous avons proposé une approche mécanistique tenant compte des réactions de transfert de chaînes. Dans la deuxième partie de la thèse, nous avons étudié un polymère en étoile composé d’un polymère thermosensible : la poly(2-isopropyl-2-oxazoline) PIPOZ. Nous avons premièrement exploré deux approches synthétiques afin d’obtenir une série d’étoiles de PIPOZ (S-PIPOZ) de structure bien définié à savoir l’approche « coupling-onto » et l’approche « core-first ». Une première série de S-PIPOZ a été réalisée directement à partir d’un coeur pentaérythrityl tétratosylés par polymérisation cationique par ouverture de cycle (CROP) de 2-isopropyl-2-oxazoline pour l’approche « core-first ». Pour l’approche « coupling-onto », une deuxième série de S-PIPOZ a été réalisée par couplage via la CuAAC entre des PIPOZ-N3 linéaire (L-PIPOZ N3) et un cœur à 4 bras portant des alcynes terminaux. Tous les S-PIPOZs obtenus ont été analysés par RMN 1H, IR, MALLS-LS, des analyses UV et par microcalorimétrie différentielle à balayage (HS-DSC). Les polymères obtenus par l’approche « core-first » ont montré une microstructure mal-définie comparé à ceux obtenus par l’approche « coupling-onto ». Suite à ces résultats, nous avons défini l’approche « coupling-onto » comme voie d’obtention des S-PIPOZ. Une explication sur la structure mal-défini des polymères obtenus par l’approche « core-first » sera développée dans cette section. Nous exposerons aussi une méthode de purification permettant l’élimination rapide et efficace des L-PIPOZ N3 qui contaminent les échantillons de S-PIPOZ faits par l’approche « coupling-onto ». Cette méthode peut être applicable à d’autres polymères thermosensibles dans une certaine gamme de température. Dans la troisième partie, nous avons étudié l’effet de l’architecture et de la composition des bras-polymères sur la température de transition de phase et les propriétés des S-PIPOZs. Afin d’étoffer notre étude nous avons synthétisé un polymère en étoile à bloc composé de PIPOZ et de poly(éthylène glycol) PEG. Cette étude a été réalisée en examinant des solutions chauffées de polymères (S-PIPOZ, S-PIPOZ-b-PEG et tous les précurseurs linéaires) par des analyses de spectrométrie d’absorption UV, HS-DSC, diffusion de la lumière LS. Nous avons évalué la présence ou l’absence de cristaux au sein d’échantillons de S-PIPOZs provenant de solutions chauffées. Cette évaluation a été réalisée par diffusion des rayons-X aux grands angles (WAXS) et par microscopie électronique à transmission (TEM) et à balayage (SEM). La présence de cristaux est néfaste pour la conception de nanomatériaux destinés à des applications biomédicales. Nous exposons aussi dans cette section une méthode basée sur l’amination réductrice permettant de fonctionnaliser les S-PIPOZ avec différents types de macromolécules. Cette thèse expose les avantages et les inconvénients (synthèses, fonctionnalisation, structures…) des PLA-co-GPE et des S-PIPOZs et constitue dans son ensemble à une première ébauche vers une conception améliorée de futurs nanomatériaux. / Treatment of cancer is one of the biggest challenges in modern medicinal chemistry. The vast majority of treatments are based on chemotherapy, involving the use of cytotoxic bioactive molecules. Although effective, most of these bioactive molecules have notorious drawbacks, such as the lack of cellular specificity and limited solubility in aqueous media. A way to address these problems is to dissolve these bioactive compounds into polymer matrices. There are different types of matrices, including liposomes, micelles, nanospheres, nanocapsules, dendrimers (and star-polymers), and conjugate and linear polymers. In this thesis, we explored two different prospective polymers that can be used as matrices. Both are composed of biocompatible materials: polylactide and poly(2-isopropyl-2-oxazoline). The first part of the thesis is dedicated to the investigation of polyester-co-ether with functionalizable pendant groups. First, we developed the polyester-co-ether by copolymerization of lactones (lactide or caprolactone) with different ratios of glycidyl propargyl ether (GPE) in the bulk at 120°C in the presence of Sn(Oct)2. The efficiency of the copolymerization was evidenced by FTIR, 1H and COSY NMR analyses. However, GPC analyses displayed a decrease of molecular weights and a broadening of the molecular weight dispersity with increasing of the epoxide molar ratio in the feed. 1H NMR analyses showed that the propargyl content from the epoxide does not exceed 50%. The feasibility of post-polymerization functionalization was evaluated by coupling anthracene to the poly(ester-co-ether)s through copper-catalyzed alkyne-azide cycloaddition (CuAAC). The polyester chain was found to support this reaction. Toxicity studies showed that the poly(ester-co-ether) was non-toxic. Spherical nanoparticles were prepared from these polymers. They can be suitable nanospheres for drug delivery. The copolymerization of lactone with glycidyl ether is an interesting approach to functionalize the PLA (or poly(ester)) main chain. It is also a powerful and straightforward strategy to synthesize a large array of functionalized polymers for biomedical applications. In order to improve the synthesis of the polyester-co-ether, we investigated the copolymerization mechanism of the chain transfer reactions leading to the chain reductions and we suggested a mechanistic explanation. In the second part of this thesis, we focused on developing star-polymers from the thermosensitive (2-isopropyl-2-oxazoline) polymer. In order to prepare a well-defined set of star-poly(2-isopropyl-2oxazoline) S-PIPOZs, we explored two different synthetic approaches: the “coupling-onto” and the “core-first” approach. Two sets of S-PIPOZs were prepared by these approaches. For the “core-first” approach, a set of S-PIPOZ was prepared by direct cationic ring opening polymerization (CROP) from a tetra tosylate-functionnalized pentaerythrityl core. For the “coupling-onto approach”, the S-PIPOZs were prepared by ligation between L-PIPOZ-N3 and a 4-arm core with an alkyne group via CuAAC. The prepared polymers were analysed by 1H NMR, IR, Multi Angles Laser Light Scattering - Gel Permeation Chromatography (MALLS-GPC), UV absorption spectroscopy and High Sensitive Differential Scanning Microcalorimetry (HS-DSC). Polymers obtained by the “core-first” approach shows ill-defined microstructure compared to those obtained by the “coupling-onto” approach. In light of these encouraging results, the “coupling-onto” method was pursued for preparing S-PIPOZ. An explanation on the ill-defined structure will be provided within this thesis. Moreover, we developed a purification method for the fast and efficient removal of free PIPOZs, which otherwise contaminate the star-PIPOZ samples that are prepared by the coupling-onto approach. This method is applicable to other thermosensitive polymers within a certain range of temperature. In the third part, we focused on the effect of the architecture and composition of the S-PIPOZs on the phase transition temperature of the polymer. For this, we synthesized a hetero-star block copolymer composed of PIPOZ and poly(ethylene glycol) PEG. This study was carried out by examining the aqueous polymer solution (the linear precursors, S-PIPOZs, S-PIPOZ-b-PEG) upon heating via UV spectroscopy, HS-DSC and light scattering. We also assessed the temperature-induced crystallinity of the Star-PIPOZs by Transmission (TEM) and Scanning (SEM) Electron Microscopy, WAXS. This is important for biomedical nanodevices. We also provided a straightforward method, based on aminative reduction, to functionalize the S-PIPOZ with different macromolecules. This thesis discusses the advantages and the drawbacks related to the synthesis, functionalization, structures of PLA-co-GPE and the star-PIPOZs. Overall, this represents a pioneering study for improving the design of prospective nanodevices.

Alfa-fosfato tricálcico obtido por reação via úmida para aplicação em cimentos ósseos e cimentos compósitos

Thürmer, Monica Beatriz January 2014 (has links)
Nos últimos anos, intensos estudos vêm sendo realizados no que se refere a substitutos ósseos biocompatíveis e absorvíveis, notadamente os cimentos ósseos de fosfato de cálcio, para cirurgias de reconstrução e em engenharia de tecidos. Porém os cimentos de fosfato de cálcio desenvolvidos apresentam baixa resistência mecânica quando comparados com os ossos do corpo humano. Neste contexto, a busca por alternativas para minimizar esse problema tem se intensificado. A obtenção de alfa-fosfato tricálcico por outras rotas de síntese, bem como o desenvolvimento de compósitos de fosfatos de cálcio e hidrogéis têm se destacado nesse ramo. O preparo destes compósitos permite combinar excelentes propriedades como: i) osteocondutividade e capacidade de formar ligações com o tecido ósseo proporcionado pelos fosfatos de cálcio e ii) facilidade de adesão e distribuição de células no interior de scaffolds, proporcionado pelo hidrogel. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi o desenvolvimento de uma nova metodologia de obtenção de alfa-fosfato tricálcico, o preparo de composições de cimentos de fosfato de cálcio e de hidrogéis, bem como a obtenção e caracterização de compósitos destes, visando o melhoramento das propriedades para aplicação como biomaterial Foi possível sintetizar alfa-fosfato tricálcico com elevado grau de pureza, utilizando-se o método de reação via úmida. Após estudos da ordem de adição e concentração dos reagentes foi possível definir os melhores parâmetros de síntese. Com isso verificou-se a influência do tempo de moagem nas propriedades dos cimentos, sendo constatado que para o fosfato de cálcio preparado pela metodologia proposta, não há necessidade de moagem adicional. Foram testadas formulações de hidrogéis utilizando N-vinil-2-pirrolidona e ou ácido acrílico, utilizando três iniciadores: azobisisobutironitrila, persulfato de amônio e 1- hidroxiciclohexil fenil cetona. Pela adição de formulações de hidrogéis ao cimento foi possível obter compósitos com maior absorção de água, mantendo as propriedades mecânicas, o que pode permitir uma melhor adesão celular ao implante sem comprometer sua estrutura. O ensaio de citotoxicidade in vitro demonstrou que o cimento sintetizado neste trabalho não apresentou efeito tóxico para as células. Mostrando, ainda, a adesão e proliferação de célulastronco mesenquimais e de uma linhagem de osteoblastos. / In the last years, intensive studies have been conducted regarding the biocompatible and resorbable bone substitutes, notably calcium phosphate bone cements, for reconstructive surgery and tissue engineering. However, the calcium phosphate cements developed exhibit low mechanical strength when compared with the bones of the human body. In this context, the search for alternatives to minimize this problem has intensified. The obtaining of alphatricalcium phosphate by others synthesis routes, as well as development of calcium phosphate and hydrogels composites has been prominent in this branch. The preparation of these composites allows to combine excellent properties such as: i) osteoconductivity and ability to form bonds with bone tissue, afforded by calcium phosphate and ii) ease of adhesion and distribution of cells in the scaffolds inside, provided by hydrogel. The aim of this work was the development of a new methodology to obtaining alpha-tricalcium phosphate, the preparation of calcium phosphate cements and hydrogels compositions, as well as the obtaining and characterization of composites of these, intended to improve the properties for application as biomaterial. It was possible to synthesize alpha-tricalcium phosphate with high purity using the wet method reaction After studies of the addition order and reagents concentration was possible to define the best synthesis parameters. With that it was verified the influence of milling time on the cements properties to being noted that for the calcium phosphate prepared by the proposed method, there is no need additional milling. Were tested hydrogel formulations using N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone and/or acrylic acid, using three initiators: azobisisobutyronitrile, ammonium persulfate and 1-hydroxycyclohexyl phenyl ketone. By the addition of the hydrogel formulations to the cement was possible to obtain composites with higher water absorption by keeping the mechanical properties, which may permits better vascularization of the implant without compromising its structure. The in vitro cytotoxicity assay demonstrated that the cement synthesized in this work does not show any toxic effect on the cells. Also, showing the adhesion and proliferation of mesenchymal stem cells and an osteoblast line.

Alfa-fosfato tricálcico obtido por reação via úmida para aplicação em cimentos ósseos e cimentos compósitos

Thürmer, Monica Beatriz January 2014 (has links)
Nos últimos anos, intensos estudos vêm sendo realizados no que se refere a substitutos ósseos biocompatíveis e absorvíveis, notadamente os cimentos ósseos de fosfato de cálcio, para cirurgias de reconstrução e em engenharia de tecidos. Porém os cimentos de fosfato de cálcio desenvolvidos apresentam baixa resistência mecânica quando comparados com os ossos do corpo humano. Neste contexto, a busca por alternativas para minimizar esse problema tem se intensificado. A obtenção de alfa-fosfato tricálcico por outras rotas de síntese, bem como o desenvolvimento de compósitos de fosfatos de cálcio e hidrogéis têm se destacado nesse ramo. O preparo destes compósitos permite combinar excelentes propriedades como: i) osteocondutividade e capacidade de formar ligações com o tecido ósseo proporcionado pelos fosfatos de cálcio e ii) facilidade de adesão e distribuição de células no interior de scaffolds, proporcionado pelo hidrogel. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi o desenvolvimento de uma nova metodologia de obtenção de alfa-fosfato tricálcico, o preparo de composições de cimentos de fosfato de cálcio e de hidrogéis, bem como a obtenção e caracterização de compósitos destes, visando o melhoramento das propriedades para aplicação como biomaterial Foi possível sintetizar alfa-fosfato tricálcico com elevado grau de pureza, utilizando-se o método de reação via úmida. Após estudos da ordem de adição e concentração dos reagentes foi possível definir os melhores parâmetros de síntese. Com isso verificou-se a influência do tempo de moagem nas propriedades dos cimentos, sendo constatado que para o fosfato de cálcio preparado pela metodologia proposta, não há necessidade de moagem adicional. Foram testadas formulações de hidrogéis utilizando N-vinil-2-pirrolidona e ou ácido acrílico, utilizando três iniciadores: azobisisobutironitrila, persulfato de amônio e 1- hidroxiciclohexil fenil cetona. Pela adição de formulações de hidrogéis ao cimento foi possível obter compósitos com maior absorção de água, mantendo as propriedades mecânicas, o que pode permitir uma melhor adesão celular ao implante sem comprometer sua estrutura. O ensaio de citotoxicidade in vitro demonstrou que o cimento sintetizado neste trabalho não apresentou efeito tóxico para as células. Mostrando, ainda, a adesão e proliferação de célulastronco mesenquimais e de uma linhagem de osteoblastos. / In the last years, intensive studies have been conducted regarding the biocompatible and resorbable bone substitutes, notably calcium phosphate bone cements, for reconstructive surgery and tissue engineering. However, the calcium phosphate cements developed exhibit low mechanical strength when compared with the bones of the human body. In this context, the search for alternatives to minimize this problem has intensified. The obtaining of alphatricalcium phosphate by others synthesis routes, as well as development of calcium phosphate and hydrogels composites has been prominent in this branch. The preparation of these composites allows to combine excellent properties such as: i) osteoconductivity and ability to form bonds with bone tissue, afforded by calcium phosphate and ii) ease of adhesion and distribution of cells in the scaffolds inside, provided by hydrogel. The aim of this work was the development of a new methodology to obtaining alpha-tricalcium phosphate, the preparation of calcium phosphate cements and hydrogels compositions, as well as the obtaining and characterization of composites of these, intended to improve the properties for application as biomaterial. It was possible to synthesize alpha-tricalcium phosphate with high purity using the wet method reaction After studies of the addition order and reagents concentration was possible to define the best synthesis parameters. With that it was verified the influence of milling time on the cements properties to being noted that for the calcium phosphate prepared by the proposed method, there is no need additional milling. Were tested hydrogel formulations using N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone and/or acrylic acid, using three initiators: azobisisobutyronitrile, ammonium persulfate and 1-hydroxycyclohexyl phenyl ketone. By the addition of the hydrogel formulations to the cement was possible to obtain composites with higher water absorption by keeping the mechanical properties, which may permits better vascularization of the implant without compromising its structure. The in vitro cytotoxicity assay demonstrated that the cement synthesized in this work does not show any toxic effect on the cells. Also, showing the adhesion and proliferation of mesenchymal stem cells and an osteoblast line.

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