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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Characterization and Manufacturing of Textile Pressure Sensors based on Piezoelectric Fibres

SARINK, NIEKE January 2014 (has links)
The main purpose of this thesis was to investigate and characterize the use of piezoelectric yarn for use in textile (fingertip) pressure sensors in glove applications. Such applications could include healthcare, security and safety, game applications or intelligent control. Piezoelectric materials generate a voltage when pressed or squeezed. Poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) is a polymorphic material with piezoelectric properties. PVDF yarns were integrated into block sensors. These blocks consist of thermoplastic material glued to a knitted supporting fabric. The electrical signal given off by the PVDF yarn was measured with the help of an oscilloscope. The block sensor generated a distinguishable signal under a dynamic compression of 0.003 N, indicating that the structure is sensitive enough compared to the average male fingertip sensitivity threshold (0.0054N). / Program: Master programme in Textile Engineering

PIEZOELEKTRISK TRYCKSENSOR : En undersökning om textil struktur och piezoelektricitet

Christoffersson, Astrid, Hammarlund, Emma January 2015 (has links)
Arbetet syftar till att skapa en prototyp av en textil trycksensor som kan känna av och skilja på olika typer av belastning. En lämplig metod för att på ett vetenskapligt sätt testa sagda prototyp har också utvecklats. Prototypen har tillverkats för hand på en datoriserad vävstol och de ingående materialen är piezoelektrisk poly(vinyldifluorid), PVDF, tvinnad tillsammans med ett konduktivt garn, Shieldex®, samt polyester. När PVDF-fiber utsätts för töjning genererar de en spänning, vars storlek står i relation till töjningen. Den vävda konstruktion som valdes till prototypen är en distansvara där väftinläggen lagts in i 7 olika lager för att skapa volym. Därmed möjliggörs en töjning av PVDF-fibern som relaterar till trycket strukturen utsätts för. För att utvärdera strukturen skapades tre likadana trycksensorer innehållandes fyra PVDF-fiber som lagts in med ett mellanrum på ca 1,5 cm. Dessa prototyper har sedan fästs på en egentillverkad ramp och PVDF- samt Shieldex®-garnet har kopplats in till ett oscilloskop. Därefter har vikter rullats över prototypen för att generera spänning, vilken har kunnat uppmätas med oscilloskopet. De uppmätta resultaten har analyserats och utvärderats med hjälp av Excel. Testerna visade tydligt att spänningen som uppmättes stod i relation till vikternas storlek; högre vikter gav en mätbart större spänning. Det finns dock stor varians bland resultaten och utvärdering av samtliga prover visar på stora standardavvikelser hos samtliga fiber. Detta innebär att även om det är tydligt att ökad vikt medför ökad signal så kan det finnas svårigheter i att avgöra storleken på vikten utifrån den uppmätta spänningen. / The aim of this project was to create a sensor in textile material which can register and recognize different kinds of pressure. A suitable method has been developed in order to scientifically investigate and evaluate the sensitivity of the prototypes. The prototypes have been produced with a computerized hand weave machine and the materials used were polyester and piezoelectric PVDF-fiber, twisted with a conductive yarn, Shieldex®. When a force is applied to the PVDF-fiber, causing an extension of the fiber, a voltage is generated directly related to the applied force. The final prototype is a woven textile with integrated monofilaments and weft inserted in seven different layers to create a voluminous structure. An extension by the PVDF-fiber is there by enabled to occur which is related to the force applied onto the structure. Three equable prototypes were produced, each consisting four separated PVDF-fibers which were inserted with a distance of 1, 5 cm from each other. The prototypes were further attached one by one on a homemade ramp and the PVDF- and Shieldex®-fibers were connected to an oscilloscope. Different weights were then rolled from the top of the ramp, generating a voltage each time it pressures a fiber, which were seen on the computer software of the oscilloscope. The results were afterwards analyzed and evaluated using Excel. A clear relationship between applied force and generated voltage is shown although there is a great variety among the test results on each weight along with large standard deviations. The exact weight generating a specific voltage is therefore difficult to determine.

Synthesis, Characterization, and Self-Assembly in Water of Amphiphilic Block Copolymers of Polyethylene Glycol and Polyvinylidene Fluoride

Alamoudi, Ammar A. 04 May 2023 (has links)
Amphiphilic block copolymers based on poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) and poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) were synthesized by RAFT polymerization. The commercial poly(ethylene glycol) methyl ether (Me-PEG-OH, 20 Kg/mol) and difunctional polyethylene glycol (OH-PEG-OH, 20 Kg/mol) were used to synthesize diblock copolymers (Me-PEG-b-PVDF), and triblock copolymers (PVDF-b-PEG-b-PVDF) respectively. For the synthesis, the esterification reaction followed by the SN2 reaction was employed to make macro CTA (Me-PEG-XA, XA-PEG-XA, XA refers to the xanthate group). The macro CTAs were used further for VDF polymerization in dimethyl carbonate (DMC) inside the autoclave. Different molecular weights of the PVDF block (whether in the diblocks or the tribolcks) were obtained based on changes in the reaction time. The resulting block copolymers were molecularly characterized by FT-IR, 1H,19F-NMR, and SEC. The thermal properties were studied by DSC and TGA. Furthermore, the crystalline phase characterization was investigated by XRD and FT-IR. Being the obtained block copolymers are amphiphilic, their self-assembly was achieved by nanoprecipitation in DMF/water, and they were analyzed by DLS and TEM.

Síntese de membranas planas compostas de PVDF e nanopartículas de argila. / Synthesis of flat sheet membrane using PVDF and clay nanoparticles.

Morihama, Ana Carolina Daniel 30 March 2016 (has links)
Esta pesquisa foi desenvolvida no laboratório do Centro Internacional de Referência em Reúso de Água (CIRRA), vinculado ao Departamento de Engenharia Hidráulica e Ambiental da Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo (USP). O projeto de pesquisa teve como objetivo principal a síntese de membranas planas compostas, utilizando o polímero fluoreto de polivinilideno (PVDF), nanopartículas inorgânicas de argila (montmorilonita hidrofílica) e óxido de polietileno (PEO). As membranas foram sintetizadas pelo processo de inversão de fases, utilizando 18% em massa de PVDF, n-metil-pirrolidona como solvente e água como o não solvente. Avaliou-se a influência da introdução de diferentes concentrações de nanopartículas de argila e PEO. As membranas sintetizadas foram submetidas a testes de avaliação de desempenho (permeabilidade, capacidade de separação, potencial de depósitos) e de caracterização (morfologia e características físicas). Os resultados obtidos indicam que a adição de nanopartículas inorgânicas de argila e o formador de poros PEO melhoraram o desempenho e as características físicas das membranas. As membranas Kynar 761 6% argila 0% PEO (K6-0), Kynar 761 0% argila 4% PEO (K0-4) e Kynar 761 6% argila 4% PEO (K6-4) apresentaram as melhores permeabilidades com um aumento, respectivamente, de 520%, 1.250% e 1.100%, em relação à membrana pura. Além disso, observa-se uma melhora de 55%, 60% e 41% na redução do potencial de depósito, respectivamente, para as membranas K6-0, K0-4 e K6-4, quando comparada a membrana de controle. A melhora da permeabilidade e do potencial de depósito das membranas compostas está relacionada à melhoria da hidrofilicidade e da carga superficiail. A morfologia interna das membranas sintetizadas com argila pode ser caracterizada com uma camada superficial com poros conectados verticalmente aos poros em formas de canais da camada intermediária. A camada inferior possui uma morfologia esponjosa com micro-poros. O aumento da quantidade e tamanho dos poros superficiais é proporcional ao aumento da concentração de argila, assim como a diminuição de bloqueios horizontais entre a camada superficial e os poros em formas de canais da camada intermediária. A morfologia interna das membranas sintetizadas com PEO pode ser caracterizada por uma camada superficial densa com poros e uma camada inferior com uma morfologia esponjosa densa com micro-poros. A camada intermediaria tem uma morfologia densa com poros em forma de canais com diâmetros maiores se comprado às membranas sem adição de PEO. A adição de PEO diminui o tamanho médio dos micro-poros, se comparado com as membranas onde apenas argila é adicionada. Foi constatado que a melhoria da permeabilidade está associada à alteração na morfologia interna das membranas compostas. O aumento dos poros superficiais conectados aos poros em forma de canais mais longos e uma camada inferior menor, proporciona uma redução da resistência interna da membrana, devido à formação de caminhos livres, facilitando a passagem da água. Pelas análises de espectrômetro de raios X por dispersão de energia (EDS), foram identificadas nanopartículas de argila dispersas na superfície e na matriz transversal da membrana. Os resultados indicam que a introdução de nanopartículas de argila na solução polimérica é uma técnica de modificação da membrana promissora no melhoramento do desempenho da membrana para o tratamento de água e efluentes. / This research was developed in the International Reference Center for Water Reuse (IRCWR) laboratory inside to the Departamento de Engenharia Hidráulica e Ambiental da Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo (USP). The main objective of this research is the synthesis of ultrafiltration flat sheet membrane, using polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) polymer, clay (montmorillonite hydrophilic) inorganic nanoparticles and polyethylene oxide (PEO). Membranes were synthesized by phase inversion process, using 18% PVDF, mass based, in n-methylpyrrolidone as solvent and water as the non-solvent in the coagulation bath. The influence of different concentrations of clay nanoparticles and PEO was evaluated. Permeability, separation capability, and foulling potential tests were conducted to evaluate membranes performance and morphology analysis and physical characteristics were used for membranes characterization. Results indicated that clay nanoaprticles and PEO addiction can improve membrane permeability and morphology. The Kynar 761 6% clay 0% PEO (K6-0), Kynar 761 0% clay 4% PEO (K0-4) and Kynar 761 6% clay 4% PEO (K6-4) membranes showed the best permeability results, with an increase, respectively of 520%, 1,250% and 1,100%, compared to pure membrane. Furthermore, there is an improvement of 55%, 60% and 41% in the foulling potential reduction, respectively, for K6-0, K0-4 and K6-4 membranes, compared to the control membrane. It was verified that membrane permeability improvement and fouling potential reduction with the addition of clay nanoparticles is related with the improvement of membranes hydrophilicity and surface charge. The internal morphology of the membranes synthesized with clay can be characterized by a surface layer with pores interconnected with finger-like pores in the intermediate layer. The bottom layer has a sponge-like morphology with micro-pores. The increasing number and size of surface pores and also the reduction of horizontal blocks between the surface layer and the finger-like pores in the intermediate layer, is observed with increasing dosage of clay. The internal morphology of the membranes synthesized with PEO can be characterized by a dense surface layer and a bottom layer with dense sponge morphology with micro-pores. The intermediate layer has a dense morphology with finger-like pores with larger diameters if compared to the membranes without addition of PEO. The PEO addition decreases the average size of micro-pores, compared with membranes only clay is added. It was observed that change in composite membranes internal morphology, resulted in the water permeability improvement. The increasing superficial pores connected to longer finger-like pores and a thin bottom layer resulted in an internal pore structure with a lower resistance due to free paths formation, facilitating the flow passage. Using Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) analysis it was possible to observed clay nanoparticles dispersed on membrane surface and in its cross-section matrix. These preliminary results indicate that clay nanoclay addiction in polymeric solution is a promising membrane modification technique for improving membrane performance for water and wastewater treatment.

Síntese de membranas planas compostas de PVDF e nanopartículas de argila. / Synthesis of flat sheet membrane using PVDF and clay nanoparticles.

Ana Carolina Daniel Morihama 30 March 2016 (has links)
Esta pesquisa foi desenvolvida no laboratório do Centro Internacional de Referência em Reúso de Água (CIRRA), vinculado ao Departamento de Engenharia Hidráulica e Ambiental da Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo (USP). O projeto de pesquisa teve como objetivo principal a síntese de membranas planas compostas, utilizando o polímero fluoreto de polivinilideno (PVDF), nanopartículas inorgânicas de argila (montmorilonita hidrofílica) e óxido de polietileno (PEO). As membranas foram sintetizadas pelo processo de inversão de fases, utilizando 18% em massa de PVDF, n-metil-pirrolidona como solvente e água como o não solvente. Avaliou-se a influência da introdução de diferentes concentrações de nanopartículas de argila e PEO. As membranas sintetizadas foram submetidas a testes de avaliação de desempenho (permeabilidade, capacidade de separação, potencial de depósitos) e de caracterização (morfologia e características físicas). Os resultados obtidos indicam que a adição de nanopartículas inorgânicas de argila e o formador de poros PEO melhoraram o desempenho e as características físicas das membranas. As membranas Kynar 761 6% argila 0% PEO (K6-0), Kynar 761 0% argila 4% PEO (K0-4) e Kynar 761 6% argila 4% PEO (K6-4) apresentaram as melhores permeabilidades com um aumento, respectivamente, de 520%, 1.250% e 1.100%, em relação à membrana pura. Além disso, observa-se uma melhora de 55%, 60% e 41% na redução do potencial de depósito, respectivamente, para as membranas K6-0, K0-4 e K6-4, quando comparada a membrana de controle. A melhora da permeabilidade e do potencial de depósito das membranas compostas está relacionada à melhoria da hidrofilicidade e da carga superficiail. A morfologia interna das membranas sintetizadas com argila pode ser caracterizada com uma camada superficial com poros conectados verticalmente aos poros em formas de canais da camada intermediária. A camada inferior possui uma morfologia esponjosa com micro-poros. O aumento da quantidade e tamanho dos poros superficiais é proporcional ao aumento da concentração de argila, assim como a diminuição de bloqueios horizontais entre a camada superficial e os poros em formas de canais da camada intermediária. A morfologia interna das membranas sintetizadas com PEO pode ser caracterizada por uma camada superficial densa com poros e uma camada inferior com uma morfologia esponjosa densa com micro-poros. A camada intermediaria tem uma morfologia densa com poros em forma de canais com diâmetros maiores se comprado às membranas sem adição de PEO. A adição de PEO diminui o tamanho médio dos micro-poros, se comparado com as membranas onde apenas argila é adicionada. Foi constatado que a melhoria da permeabilidade está associada à alteração na morfologia interna das membranas compostas. O aumento dos poros superficiais conectados aos poros em forma de canais mais longos e uma camada inferior menor, proporciona uma redução da resistência interna da membrana, devido à formação de caminhos livres, facilitando a passagem da água. Pelas análises de espectrômetro de raios X por dispersão de energia (EDS), foram identificadas nanopartículas de argila dispersas na superfície e na matriz transversal da membrana. Os resultados indicam que a introdução de nanopartículas de argila na solução polimérica é uma técnica de modificação da membrana promissora no melhoramento do desempenho da membrana para o tratamento de água e efluentes. / This research was developed in the International Reference Center for Water Reuse (IRCWR) laboratory inside to the Departamento de Engenharia Hidráulica e Ambiental da Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo (USP). The main objective of this research is the synthesis of ultrafiltration flat sheet membrane, using polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) polymer, clay (montmorillonite hydrophilic) inorganic nanoparticles and polyethylene oxide (PEO). Membranes were synthesized by phase inversion process, using 18% PVDF, mass based, in n-methylpyrrolidone as solvent and water as the non-solvent in the coagulation bath. The influence of different concentrations of clay nanoparticles and PEO was evaluated. Permeability, separation capability, and foulling potential tests were conducted to evaluate membranes performance and morphology analysis and physical characteristics were used for membranes characterization. Results indicated that clay nanoaprticles and PEO addiction can improve membrane permeability and morphology. The Kynar 761 6% clay 0% PEO (K6-0), Kynar 761 0% clay 4% PEO (K0-4) and Kynar 761 6% clay 4% PEO (K6-4) membranes showed the best permeability results, with an increase, respectively of 520%, 1,250% and 1,100%, compared to pure membrane. Furthermore, there is an improvement of 55%, 60% and 41% in the foulling potential reduction, respectively, for K6-0, K0-4 and K6-4 membranes, compared to the control membrane. It was verified that membrane permeability improvement and fouling potential reduction with the addition of clay nanoparticles is related with the improvement of membranes hydrophilicity and surface charge. The internal morphology of the membranes synthesized with clay can be characterized by a surface layer with pores interconnected with finger-like pores in the intermediate layer. The bottom layer has a sponge-like morphology with micro-pores. The increasing number and size of surface pores and also the reduction of horizontal blocks between the surface layer and the finger-like pores in the intermediate layer, is observed with increasing dosage of clay. The internal morphology of the membranes synthesized with PEO can be characterized by a dense surface layer and a bottom layer with dense sponge morphology with micro-pores. The intermediate layer has a dense morphology with finger-like pores with larger diameters if compared to the membranes without addition of PEO. The PEO addition decreases the average size of micro-pores, compared with membranes only clay is added. It was observed that change in composite membranes internal morphology, resulted in the water permeability improvement. The increasing superficial pores connected to longer finger-like pores and a thin bottom layer resulted in an internal pore structure with a lower resistance due to free paths formation, facilitating the flow passage. Using Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) analysis it was possible to observed clay nanoparticles dispersed on membrane surface and in its cross-section matrix. These preliminary results indicate that clay nanoclay addiction in polymeric solution is a promising membrane modification technique for improving membrane performance for water and wastewater treatment.


Jinsheng Fan (16316757) 02 August 2023 (has links)
<p>    An all-additive manufacturing technique was developed to print piezoelectrically active polymeric materials, primarily poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVdF), for use in pressure sensors in soft robotics. The research proceeded in three stages. The initial stage used Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) and electric poling independently to create piezoelectric PVdF pressure sensors. The second stage merged FDM and electric poling processes. The third stage introduced electrospinning to create flexible, high-output piezoelectric PVdF materials, which were combined with three-dimensional (3D) printed soft structures for stretchable pressure sensors.</p> <p>    The main achievement of the research was the development of the Electric Poling-assisted Additive Manufacturing (EPAM) technique, combining electric poling and FDM 3D printing to print piezoelectric materials with custom structures at lower costs. β-phase in semicrystalline PVdF materials is mainly responsible for piezoelectricity. A higher β-phase content results in superior sensor performance. This technique was evaluated by measuring the piezoelectric output voltage of the printed PVdF films, and β-phase content was quantified using Fourier-transform Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The developed EPAM technique was combined with Direct Ink Writing (DIW), becoming a hybrid 3D printing technique. This is the first demonstration of applying a hybrid printing technique to print piezoelectric PVdF-based sensors directly. The sensor was constructed using FDM printed PVdF film as the dielectric sandwiched between two parallel DIW printed silver electrodes. The PVdF sensors have both piezoelectric pressure sensing and capacitive temperature sensing functionalities. The application of the capacitive temperature sensor was demonstrated by applying heating-and-cooling cycles while measuring the capacitance as a function of temperature at a constant frequency, showing improved sensitivities at higher frequencies (i.e., 105 Hz) after dielectric polarization.</p> <p>    The third stage of research was motivated by the need for soft piezoelectric pressure sensors for soft robotics. Challenges were twofold: requiring soft piezoelectric materials with high coefficients for excellent sensors and fabrication techniques to incorporate soft materials into designed structures. Inspired by the EPAM technique, a method combining electrospinning and DIW was used to create soft piezoelectric PVdF/thermal plastic polyurethane (TPU) blend microfiber-based pressure sensors. The soft sensor was integrated with an FDM printed soft structure for a stretchable pressure sensor with both piezoelectric sensing and capacitive sensing mechanisms.</p>

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