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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Helical Ordering in Chiral Block Copolymers

Zhao, Wei 01 February 2013 (has links)
The phase behavior of chiral block copolymers (BCPs*), namely, BCPs with at least one of the constituent block is formed by chiral monomers, is studied both experimentally and theoretically. Specifically, the formation of a unique morphology with helical sense, the H* phase, where the chiral block forms nanohelices hexagonally embedded in the matrix of achiral block, is investigated. Such unique morphology was first observed in the cast film of polystyrene-b-poly(L-lactide) (PS-b-PLLA) from a neutral solvent dichloromethane at room temperature with all the nanohelices being left-handed, which would switch to right-handed if the PLLA block changes to PDLA. Further studies revealed that such morphology only forms when the chiral PLLA block possesses certain volume fraction (from 0.32 to 0.36), and the molecular weight exceeds certain critical value (around 20,000 to 25,000 g/mol). Achiral phases such as lamellae, gyroid, cylinder, and sphere will form if the above criteria are not satisfied. Even though the unique H* phase has been extensively studied and utilized for many applications, many fundamental and important questions remain unanswered for such BCP* system. Specifically, how does the molecular level chirality transfer from the several-angstrom scale of the lactide monomer to the tens-of-nanometer size scale of the H* domain morphology? Why is the chirality transfer not automatic for this BCP* system? Is H* phase a thermodynamic stable or metastable phase? Are there other novel phases other than the H* phase that could form within the BCP* system? We aimed at providing answers to the abovementioned questions regarding the formation of chiral H* phase, which is no longer limited to the PS-b-PLLA/PDLA system. We divided our studies into both experimental and theoretical parts. In the experiments, we studied the effect of solvent casting conditions, including solvent removal rate and polymer-solvent interactions, on the formation of the H* phase in PS-b-PLLA/PDLA BCPs*. In addition, we monitored the morphological evolution during solvent casting using time-resolved x-ray scattering technique. We found that good solubility towards both PS and PLLA/PDLA blocks are required for the formation of the H* phase, and microphase separation has to happen prior to crystallization of chiral block. Most importantly, we found that crystalline ordering is not necessary for the H* phase formation. This result led us to propose melt-state twisted molecular packing as the underlying driving force for such helical phase to form, and began our work on the theory for BCPs*. First we built the theoretical tool by incorporating the orientational segmental interactions into the self-consistent field theory (SCFT) for BCPs. As a demonstration, we constructed the phase diagrams for one-dimensional (1D) and two-dimensional (2D) phases, for achiral BCPs with different orientational stiffness. We found that orientational stiffness could serve as another parameter to introduce asymmetry into BCP systems, in addition to conformational and architectural asymmetry. This model was further applied to study the phase behavior of BCPs*, and two phase diagrams were constructed. Another chiral phase, wavy lamellae (L* phase), was observed for BCPs*. The H* phase was found to be a thermodynamic stable phase, as long as the segregation strength ����and chiral strength ��! exceed certain critical values. Energetically favorable cholesteric texture was observed for the chiral segment packing inside the H* phase, which is believed to drive such unusual morphology to form. A simple geometrical argument based on bending of cylindrical microdomain and twisted packing of the bended microdomain can be given to explain the nonlinear chiral sensitivity of BCP* morphology, which further explains the non-automatic feature of chirality transfer in such system.

Chemistry of Bismuth, Chromium and Magnesium Complexes and Their Applications in the Ring-Opening Polymerization of Cyclic Esters and Epoxides

Balasanthiran, Vagulejan 13 October 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Synthesis, Characterization and Structure-Property Relationships of Polymer-Stabilized Nanoparticles Containing Imaging and Therapeutic Agents

Balasubramaniam, Sharavanan 06 February 2014 (has links)
The controllable design of magnetic nanocarriers is essential for advanced in vivo applications such as magnetic resonance image-guided therapeutic delivery and alternating magnetic field-induced remote release of drugs. This work describes the fabrication of polymer-stabilized nanoparticles encapsulating imaging and therapeutic agents and delineates relationships among materials parameters and response. The effect of aggregation of magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles in aqueous suspension was characterized using a well-defined core-corona complex comprised of a superparamagnetic magnetite nanoparticle stabilized by terminally-anchored poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAM) corona. The modified Vagberg density distribution model was employed to verify that the complexes were individually dispersed prior to aggregation and was found to accurately predict the intensity-weighted hydrodynamic diameter in water. Aggregation of the complexes was systematically induced by heating the suspension above the lower critical solution temperature (LCST) of the polymer, and substantial increase in the NMR transverse relaxation rates was noted. Controlled clusters of primary iron oxide nanoparticles stabilized by the biodegradable block copolymer, poly(ethylene oxide-b-D,L-lactide) were fabricated by a scalable, rapid precipitation technique using a multi-inlet vortex mixer. Quantitative control over iron oxide loading, up to 40 wt%, was achieved. Correlations between particle parameters and transverse relaxivities were studied within the framework of the analytical models of transverse relaxivity. The experimental relaxivities typically agreed to within 15% with the values predicted using the analytical models and cluster size distributions derived from cryo-transmission electron microscopy. Hydrophilic-core particles assembled using the poly(ethylene oxide-b-acrylate) copolymer and at similar primary nanoparticle sizes and loadings had considerably higher transverse (r2) and longitudinal (r1) relaxivities, with r2s approaching the theoretical limit for ~ 8 nm magnetite. Block copolymer nanoparticles comprised of poly(D,L-lactide) and poly(butylene oxide) cores were utilized to encapsulate the poorly water-soluble antiretroviral drug, ritonavir, at therapeutically-useful loadings. Controlled size distributions were achieved by incorporation of homopolymer additives, poly(L-lactide) or poly(butylene oxide) during the nanoparticle preparation process. Nanoparticles either co-encapsulating a highly hydrophobic polyester poly(oxy-2,2,4,4-tetramethyl-1,3-cyclobutanediyloxy-1,4-cyclohexanedicarbonyl) within the core or possessing crosslinkable groups around the core were also successfully fabricated for potential sustained release of ritonavir from block copolymer carriers. / Ph. D.

Einfluss der lokalen Applikation von Wachstumsfaktoren aus einer biodegradierbaren Poly(D,L-Laktid)-Beschichtung von Biomaterialien auf die Frakturheilung

Schmidmaier, Gerhard 19 February 2004 (has links)
Wachstumsfaktoren sind wichtige Steuerelemente des Knochenzellmetabolismus. Im Verlauf der Frakturheilung kommt es zur Ausschüttung von zahlreichen Wachstumsfaktoren, Zytokinen und Botenstoffen im und um den Bereich des Frakturspalts, die systemisch oder lokal, endokrin, parakrin oder autokrin wirksam werden können. Für verschiedene Wachstumsfaktoren konnten in zahlreichen Studien osteoinduktive und die Frakturheilung positiv beeinflussende Wirkungen nachgewiesen werden. In vitro und in vivo Studien belegen, dass einige dieser Faktoren wie Insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), Transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGF-beta1) und Bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2) einen stimulierenden Effekt auf osteo- und chondrogene Zellen aufweisen und somit die Knochenheilung stimulieren. Der genaue Wirkmechanismus dieses positiven Effektes der Wachstumsfaktoren und ihre Interaktion im Verlauf der Frakturheilung ist nicht bekannt. Die lokale Applikation der Faktoren für einen therapeutischen Einsatz bei der Frakturheilung stellte bisher jedoch ein Problem dar. Mit der entwickelten biodegradierbaren Poly(D,L-Laktid)-Beschichtung von Implantaten können eingearbeitete Wachstumsfaktoren kontrolliert und lokal direkt an der Fraktur freigesetzt werden. Das beschichtete Implantat dient dabei der Stabilisation der Fraktur und gleichzeitig als Wirkstoffträger. Die Beschichtung weist eine hohe mechanische Stabilität auf. Die eingearbeiteten Wachstumsfaktoren behalten ihre biologische Aktivität in der Beschichtung und werden kontrolliert lokal freigesetzt. Um den Effekt lokal applizierter Wachstumsfaktoren auf die Frakturheilung zu untersuchen, wurde ein standardisiertes geschlossenes Frakturmodell entwickelt, das der klinischen Situation möglichst nahe ist und reproduzierbar durchgeführt werden kann. Untersucht wurde der Effekt der Wachstumsfaktoren IGF-I, TGF-beta1 und BMP-2 und des Trägermaterials PDLLA sowie lokale und systemische unerwünschte Wirkungen. Die Ergebnisse zeigten einen signifikant grösseren stimulierenden Effekt von IGF-I auf die Frakturheilung im Vergleich zur TGF-beta1 Applikation. Die kombinierte Gabe beider Faktoren ergab einen signifikant grösseren Effekt auf die torsionale Stabilität und die Kallusreifung im Vergleich zur Einzelapplikation. Beide Faktoren scheinen einen synergistischen Effekt auf die Frakturheilung zu haben. Die lokale Applikation von BMP-2 beschleunigte ebenso, wie die lokale Freisetzung von IGF-I und TGF-beta1 die Frakturheilung signifikant. Deutliche Unterschiede zwischen IGF-I / TGF-beta1 und BMP-2 konnten nicht festgestellt werden.Allerdings zeigte sich bei der Verwendung von BMP-2 auch ausserhalb der Frakturzone eine grössere Mineralisation der Kortikalis, die bei IGF-I / TGF-beta1 nicht zu beobachten ist. Auch im Grosstiermodell bestätigte sich die Wirksamkeit dieser bioaktiven Oberflächen-beschichtung auf die Osteotomieheilung. Die PDLLA-Beschichtung alleine, ohne eingearbeitete Wachstumsfaktoren, zeigte bereits einen positiven Effekt auf die Frakturheilung. Die Untersuchungen belegen, dass die lokale Freisetzung von Wachstumsfaktoren aus einer biodegradierbaren PDLLA-Beschichtung von Implantaten die Frakturheilung signifikant beschleunigt, wobei keine unerwünschten lokalen oder systemischen Wirkungen beobachtet werden konnten. Bei dem Vergleich lokaler (durch Wachstumsfaktoren) mit systemischer Stimulationsmöglichkeit (durch Wachstumshormon) der Frakturheilung lässt sich zusammenfassend feststellen, dass die kombinierte Anwendung beider Stimulationsmöglichkeiten zu keiner weiteren Steigerung der Heilungsvorgänge führte. Weitere Untersuchungen wurden hinsichtlich der genauen Rolle und Interaktion der Wachstumsfaktoren durchgeführt. Vor allem die Frühphase scheint hierbei eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Frakturheilung einzunehmen. Es zeigte sich hierbei eine deutliche Stimulation der Osteoblastendifferenzierung mit einer Erhöhung der Kollagen-1 Produktion in vitro sowie eine Steigerung der Proliferationsrate und Angiogenese mit einem schnelleren Ablauf der Phasen der Frakturheilung in vivo durch lokal appliziertes IGF-I und TGF-beta1. Weitere Anwendungen der entwickelten Beschichtungstechnologie stellen die lokale Applikation von Wachstumsfaktoren von beschichteten PDLLA-Cages bei der intervertebralen Spondylodese sowie die lokale Applikation von Antibiotika aus einer PDLLA-Beschichtung von Implantaten zur Prophylaxe der Implantat-assoziierten Osteomyelitis dar.Basierend auf diesen Ergebnissen steht der Einsatz PDLLA-Gentamicin beschichteter intramedullärer Tibianägel kurz vor der klinischen Anwendung.Eine Zulassung durch die entsprechenden Behörden ist erfolgt.Die klinische Anwendung Wachstumsfaktoren-beschichteter Implantate ist bereits in der Vorbereitung. / Growth factors are important regulators of bone metabolism. During fracture healing many growth factors or cytokines were locally released at the facture site. In several studies, different growth factors demonstrated osteoinductive and fracture stimulating properties. In vitro and in vivo studies showed a stimulating effect of Insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), Transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGF-beta1) and Bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2) on osteo- and chondrogenetic cells. The exact effectiveness and the interaction of these growth factors during fracture healing is not known so far. Further, the local application of these factors for therapeutically use in fracture treatment is still a problem. The developed biodegradable poly(D,L-lactide)-coating of implants allows the local and controlled release of incorporated growth factors directly at the fracture site. The coated implant serves on the one hand for fracture stabilization and on the other hand as a drug delivery system. The coating has a high mechanical stability. The incorporated growths factors remain biologically active in the coating and were released in a sustained and controlled manner. To investigate the effect of locally released growth factors IGF-I, TGF-beta1 and BMP-2 and the carrier PDLLA on fracture healing, standardised closed fracture models were developed with a close relationship to clinical situation. Further, possible local and systemic side effects were analysed. The results demonstrated a significantly higher stimulating effect of IGF-I on fracture healing compared to TGF-beta1. The combined application of both growth factors showed a synergistic effect on the mechanical stability and callus remodeling compared to single treatment. The local release of BMP-2 also enhanced fracture healing significantly - comparable to combination of IGF-I and TGF-beta1. However, a higher rate of mineralisation was measurable outside the fracture region using BMP-2 in a rat fracture model. Using a large animal model on pigs with a 1 mm osteotomy gap, the effectiveness of locally released growths factors could be confirmed. Further, the PDLLA-coating without any incorporated growth factors demonstrated a significantly effect on healing processes in both models. These investigations showed, that the local release of growth factors from PDLLA coated implants significantly stimulate fracture healing without any local or systemic side effects. Comparing systemic with local stimulation techniques, we found an improvement of fracture healing by systemic administration of growth hormone and local application of IGF-I and TGF-beta1. However, the combined use of both simulation techniques did not lead to a further increase of healing processes. Investigations on the effectiveness and the interaction of growth factors during fracture healing demonstrated an dramatic effect in the early phases of healing processes. The growth factors stimulate the differentiation of osteoblasts with a higher production of collagen I in vitro and increase osteogenesis and vascularisation of the fracture callus in vivo. Further applications of the coating technology are the use of PDLLA and growth factor coated cages for the stimulation of intervertebral fusion and the use of PDLLA and Gentamicin coated implants in order to prevent implant associated infections. The clinical use of antibiotic and growth factor coated implants are in preparation.

Modeling and optimization of tubular polymerization reactors

Banu, Ionut 17 July 2009 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this thesis is the investigation of modeling and optimization particularities of tubular polymerization reactors. The original work is divided in two sections, the first treating a modeling and optimization study of tubular reactors for methyl methacrylate polymerization in solution, and the second, an experimental and theoretical study of L-lactide reactive extrusion. In the first section, reactor simulations in similar operating conditions were performed in order to select a representative kinetic model among the published kinetic models for MMA solution polymerization. Two widely used numerical algorithms, one based on Pontryagin's Minimum Principle and the other a Genetic Algorithm, were compared for an average-complexity optimization problem. The results showed a superior robustness of the Genetic Algorithm for this category of problems. The second part of the thesis deals with the modeling and optimization of L-lactide reactive extrusion. A kinetic model is proposed and its parameters estimated using nonlinear estimation numerical procedures based on experimentally measured data. Reactive extrusion experiments were performed in representative operating conditions. The Llactide/ polylactide flow in the extruder was characterized by simulation using the commercial software LUDOVIC®. The simulated residence time distributions characteristics are used to model the reactive extrusion process of two approaches, an axial dispersion model and a compartment model, based on compartments whose characteristics are deduced from the simulations using LUDOVIC®. The modeling results are in good agreement with the measured data in the same operating conditions.

Development and Investigation of Bio-based Environmentally Friendly Fire Retardant PLA Composites

Zhao, Pengcheng 17 June 2019 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Dissertationsarbeit wird auf die Thematik der Entwicklung von Polymerwerkstoffen, basierend auf vollständig natürlichen Resourcen, eingegangen. Die vorliegende Lösung beruht auf der Compoundierung von Polylactid mit unterschiedlich modifizierten Vanillin. Ziel war es, flammschutzwirkende Komponenten einzubringen und die Abhängigkeiten zwischen Zusammensetzung und Eigenschaften aufzuklären. Dem liegt die Absicht zugrunde, optimale Werkstoffe zur Verfügung zu stellen, die sich durch deutlich verbesserte flammhemmende und mechanische bzw. thermo-mechanische Eigenschaften auszeichnen. Die erzeugten modifizierten Vanillin-Derivate sowie deren Composite wurden hinsichtlich der physikalischen und chemischen Struktur mittels REM, EDX, FTIR, NMR, DSC, TGA, SEC und Zugversuch charakterisiert. Zur Bestimmung der flammwidrigen Eigenschaften wurden UL-94 V, LOI und CCT durchgeführt. Es hat sich gezeigt, dass System aus PLA und einem Vanillin-Phosphorsäure-Ester in Bezug auf werkstofflichen Eigenschaften insgesamt die optimale Leistung aufwies. Die Materialen ergaben eine verbesserte Zähigkeit und erheblich erhöht flammwidrige Eigenschaften. In einem weiteren Schritt wurden MMT und APP, zwei kommerzielle Flammschutzmittel, mit dem PLA/VP System kombiniert. Die daraus abgeleiteten Resultate bewiesen eine synergistische Wirkung zwischen VP und MMT bzw. APP und führten zu besseren Brandklassen bei LOI und UL-94 Brandtests. / The present work demonstrates the development of fully bio-based polymeric composites. It was realized by the compounding of poly(lactic acid) and differently modified vanillin. The aim of this work was to introduce flame retardant components into PLA and to study the flame retardant mechanism. The intention of this approach is the preparation of optimized PLA composites with significantly improved flame retardant, mechanical as well as thermo-mechanical properties. The modified vanillin and the PLA composites based on those vanillin derivatives were characterized by means of SEM, EDX, FTIR, NMR, DSC, TGA, SEC and tensile test for their physical and chemical structures. UL-94 V, LOI and CCT were carried out to determine the corresponding flame retardant properties. The results showed that, the PLA/VP system represented the best overall performance. The PLA/VP composite exhibited increased toughness and significantly improved flame retardancy. In addition, two commercialized flame retardants, MMT and APP, were introduced into the PLA/VP system, respectively. It was suggested that there were synergic effects between VP and MMT as well as APP. The combined used flame retardants resulted in an improved classification in UL-94 and LOI tests.

Modeling and optimization of tubular polymerization reactors / Modélisation et optimisation des réacteurs tubulaires de polymérisation

Banu, Ionut 17 July 2009 (has links)
Le but de cette thèse est l’investigation des particularités des problèmes d’optimisation et modélisation des réacteurs tubulaires de polymérisation. La partie originale du travail est divisé en deux sections : la première traitant de l'étude théorique de la modélisation et de l’optimisation des réacteurs tubulaires de polymérisation du méthacrylate de méthyle en solution, et la deuxième, une étude expérimentale et théorique de l'extrusion réactive de L-lactide. Dans la première partie, afin de sélectionner un modèle cinétique représentatif, parmi les modèles publiés pour le processus de polymérisation de MMA, des simulations ont été effectuées en conditions identiques de fonctionnement. Deux algorithmes numériques, l’un basé sur le Principe du Minimum de Pontriaguine et l’autre de type Génétique, ont été comparés pour un problème d'optimisation de complexité moyenne. Les résultats ont montré une robustesse supérieure de l’Algorithme Génétique pour cette catégorie de problèmes. La deuxième partie de la thèse est consacrée à la modélisation et à l’optimisation de l'extrusion réactive du Llactide. Nous avons proposé un modèle cinétique et ses paramètres ont été estimés en utilisant des procédures numériques basées sur les données cinétiques expérimentales. Les expériences d'extrusion réactives ont été exécutées dans les conditions de fonctionnement représentatives. L'écoulement de L-lactide/polylactide dans l'extrudeuse a été caractérisé par la simulation en utilisant un logiciel commercial, LUDOVIC®. Les caractéristiques de la distribution des temps de séjour simulées sont utilisées pour modéliser le processus d'extrusion réactive en utilisant deux approches, un modèle à dispersion axiale et un modèle à base de compartiments, dont les caractéristiques sont déduites des simulations effectuées avec LUDOVIC®. Les résultats de la modélisation du processus sont en bon accord avec des données mesurées en mêmes conditions opératoires. / The aim of this thesis is the investigation of modeling and optimization particularities of tubular polymerization reactors. The original work is divided in two sections, the first treating a modeling and optimization study of tubular reactors for methyl methacrylate polymerization in solution, and the second, an experimental and theoretical study of L-lactide reactive extrusion. In the first section, reactor simulations in similar operating conditions were performed in order to select a representative kinetic model among the published kinetic models for MMA solution polymerization. Two widely used numerical algorithms, one based on Pontryagin’s Minimum Principle and the other a Genetic Algorithm, were compared for an average-complexity optimization problem. The results showed a superior robustness of the Genetic Algorithm for this category of problems. The second part of the thesis deals with the modeling and optimization of L-lactide reactive extrusion. A kinetic model is proposed and its parameters estimated using nonlinear estimation numerical procedures based on experimentally measured data. Reactive extrusion experiments were performed in representative operating conditions. The Llactide/ polylactide flow in the extruder was characterized by simulation using the commercial software LUDOVIC®. The simulated residence time distributions characteristics are used to model the reactive extrusion process of two approaches, an axial dispersion model and a compartment model, based on compartments whose characteristics are deduced from the simulations using LUDOVIC®. The modeling results are in good agreement with the measured data in the same operating conditions.

Photo-Catalytic Reaction Screening and Catalytic Polymerization of rac-Lactide Studied by Mass Spectrometry

Jayaraj, Savithra January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

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