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Klinische Studie zum Vergleich des schmerztherapeutischen Effektes von Mikroreizstrom-Therapie versus Placebo bei schmerzhafter diabetischer Neuropathie: Klinische Studie zum Vergleich des schmerztherapeutischen Effektes von Mikroreizstrom-Therapie versus Placebo bei schmerzhafter diabetischer NeuropathieWähner, Michael 29 May 2012 (has links)
Diabetes mellitus und seine Folgeerkrankungen haben aufgrund der hohen Prävalenz in der Bevölkerung eine starke medizinsche Relevanz. Dabei stellen die durch eine diabetische Neuropathie ausgelösten Schmerzen ein Herausforderung in der Schmerztherapie dar. Die Behandlung dieser Schmerzen mit TENS ist eine oft angewendete Therapieoption, welche jedoch in ihrer Wirksamkeit nicht ausreichend evidenzbasiert gesichert ist, da es methodenbedingt bei klinischen Studien zur Wirksamkeit der TENS-Therapie oft Zweifel an einer ausreichenden Verblindung gibt. Die vorliegende Studie untersuchte deshalb Mikro-TENS als Therapiealternative zur TENS-Behandlung im Rahmen einer einfach verblindeten, placebokontrollierten, klinischen Studie mit 41 Patienten. Die Placebokontrolle ist bei der Anwendung von Mikroreizstrom möglich, weil dieser unterhalb der Wahrnehmungsschwelle für sensible Nervenfasern liegt. Damit können die Patienten nicht zwischen MENS-Therapie und Placebo-Therapie unterscheiden.
Die Diabetespatienten wurden über 4 Wochen in insgesamt 12 Sitzungen à 30 Minuten mit Mikro-TENS am distalen Fuß beidseits behandelt. Als Messgrößen dienten der PDI, der NPS, der ADS und die durchschnittliche Schmerzintensität auf einer numerischen Ratingskala von 0 bis 10. Diese Variablen wurden jeweils zu Beginn der Studie, direkt am letzten Behandlungstag und einen Monat nach der letzten Behandlung erhoben.
Der PDI Score zeigte nach vierwöchiger Therapie eine durchschnittliche absolute Reduktion von 4,27 \\pm 4,17 in der Verum- und 3,79 \\pm 7,71 in der Placebogruppe. Eine mindestens 30 %ige Verbesserung des NPS- und PDI-Scores wurde als Ansprechen auf die Therapie gewertet. Insgesamt konnte bei circa 30 % der 40 Studienteilnehmer eine Therapieresponse festgestellt werden. Laut NPS sprachen nach vier Wochen Reizstromtherapie 6 von 22 Patienten in der Verumgruppe und 10 von 19 Patienten in der Placebogruppe auf die Therapie an. Die Unterschiede zwischen den Studiengruppen waren statistisch nicht signifikant.
Letztlich konnte die Wirksamkeit von Mikroreizstromtherapie bei diabetischer Polyneuropathie nicht bestätigt werden. Mit einer größeren Fallzahl und damit größerer statistischer Power könnte möglicherweise ein geringer Unterschied im Therapieerfolg zwischen Placebo- und Verumbehandlung statistisch signifikant werden. Dieser Therapieeffekt wäre aber möglicherweise schmerztherapeutisch als nicht relevant einzuschätzen, da es sich mit 80 %iger Wahrscheinlichkeit (Power der vorliegenden Studie) um eine Reduktion von weniger als 15 Punkten im PDI handelt. Daher kann die Mikroreizstromtherapie zur symptomatischen Therapie bei schmerzhafter diabetischer Neuropathie (dPNP) nicht empfohlen werden. Auf die Wirksamkeit von TENS mit höheren Stromstärken zur Behandlung der dPNP kann anhand der vorliegenden Studie kein Rückschluß gezogen werden.
Es profitieren dennoch circa 30 % der insgesamt 40 Studienteilnehmer von der Intervention. Da in der Schmerztherapie Ansprechraten auf eine Placebotherapie von 7 bis 49 % möglich sind, stellt TENS eine Möglichkeit dar, diesen Effekt zusätzlich mit relativ geringem Aufwand auszuschöpfen. Vorteile in der Therapie mit Reizstrom sind außerdem geringe Kosten, nahezu keine unerwünschten Nebenwirkungen und fast kein Vorliegen von Kontraindikationen. Damit ist diese zusätzliche Therapieoptionen der dPNP neben einer optimale Einstellung des Blutzuckers und einer medikamentösen Schmerztherapie nicht außer Acht zu lassen und die Wirksamkeit komplexer Therapieprogramme mit Langzeitreizstromtherapie sollte in weiteren kontrollierten klinischen Studien eruiert werden.
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Effect of an exercise training programme on muscular strength, ankle mobility, balance and gait patterns in patients with diabetic peripheral neuropathy in the lower legsdu Plessis, Ronél January 2021 (has links)
>Magister Scientiae - MSc / Background: Patients who suffer from diabetic peripheral neuropathy in the leg experience a greater risk of developing gait deviations due to a decrease in strength of the lower extremities, especially the tibialis anterior and triceps surea muscle groups. Aim: The aim of the study was to determine the effect of an exercise training programme on blood pressure, fasting blood glucose, muscle strength, range of motion, balance and gait pattern deviations in patients with diabetic neuropathies. Methods: A total of fourteen participants, who had been diagnosed with diabetic peripheral neuropathy or nocturnal allodynia in either one or both extremities, were asked to participate in this study. Participants were purposively selected from two private Podiatry practices based on their signs and symptoms of diabetic neuropathy, age, gender and doctor’s clearance to participate in any form of physical activity. Dependent variables included isometric strength of the muscles surrounding the hip, knee and ankle, the range of motion of the ankle in plantarflexion and dorsiflexion using goniometry, an assessment of balance using the stork stand test, and a gait pattern analysis, using the modified Tinetti Gait pattern Assessment Scale. Study design: The study was a single-blinded, pre-test and post-test experimental study design using a quantitative approach. Intervention: The researcher (a registered biokineticist) developed a scientifically-based exercise intervention programme to specifically target the entire kinetic chain, and to reduce fall risks, improve quality of life and to assist in developing a standard protocol for patients with DPN. The intervention programme consisted of a combination of ankle, hip and knee rehabilitation, including gait pattern specific rehabilitation. The intervention took place 2-3 times a week for 45 minutes per session and was divided in four categories: Range of motion exercises, strengthening exercises, balance and proprioception and gait pattern training exercises. Results: The Mann-Whitney and Wilcoxon Sign Rank Tests were used to evaluate the differences in dependent variables from pre- to post-intervention. The level of significance was set at p<0.05. An increase in range of motion only in the left ankle dorsiflexion were observed and an increase in balance time for the left leg were observed in the intervention group after a 10-week follow up assessment. Clinical significance was observed in the intervention group, post-intervention, with a decrease in systolic (-9.09%) and diastolic blood pressure (-13.89%) and a decrease in blood glucose levels (-17.89%), however, an increase in these variables was observed in the control group post-intervention. An increase in plantarflexion, 8% (left) and 8% (right) and dorsiflexion 5.26% (left) and an 11.11% (right) increase in range of motion for both left and right ankles, and balance time for both legs, 200% (left) and 159% (right) was observed in the intervention group post-intervention. Although the muscular strength variables showed a mix of an increase and decrease in strength post-intervention in the intervention group, however a clinically significant decreased amount was observed in the control group post-intervention for the majority of muscular strength variables. Conclusions: Although not many findings of this study are statistically significant, clinical significance were observed with most of the variables of this study. The findings of this study can assist future researchers in the development of exercise interventions for patients who suffers from DPN.
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Epidemiologia mutacional da polineuropatia amiloidótica familiar transtiretina em um serviço brasileiro terciário de neuropatias periféricas / Mutational epidemiology of transthyretin familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy in a brazilian terciary center of peripheral neuropathyMoreira, Carolina Lavigne 21 November 2016 (has links)
Introdução: A amiloidose transtiretina é uma doença autossômica dominante decorrente de uma proteína transtiretina (TTR) variante, que sofre uma mudança conformacional e origina um tetrâmero de TTR instável, passo que é decisivo para o início da formação dos depósitos amilóides em diferentes órgãos e tecidos. Na maioria dos pacientes, o sistema nervoso periférico é o alvo principal, resultando na polineuropatia amiloidótica familiar transtiretina (TTR-FAP), classicamente uma neuropatia sensitivo-motora e autonômica progressiva, evoluindo para o óbito em aproximadamente 10 anos. A mutação de ponto mais frequente no mundo, incluindo o Brasil, é a TTRVal30Met, entretanto mais de 100 mutações de ponto diferentes já foram descritas. Objetivos: descrever a epidemiologia mutacional do gene TTR na polineuropatia amiloidótica familiar e correlacionar estas mutações com seus achados clínicos e eletroneuromiográficos. Métodos: estudo de coorte, descritivo e retrospectivo de um grupo de pacientes brasileiros encaminhados para o serviço de neurogenética do HC da FMRP-USP para investigação de neuropatia periférica, cujo estudo genético identificou uma mutação no gene TTR, com posterior análise transversal dos resultados obtidos entre os subgrupos com as diferentes mutações. Resultados: um total de 128 pacientes tiveram uma mutação de ponto no gene TTR identificada, dos quais 12 (9,4%) pacientes apresentaram uma mutação não TTRVal30Met, incluindo 4 patogênicas (6 pacientes, 4,7%) e 2 não patogênicas (6 pacientes, 4,7%). A mutações não TTRVal30Met patogênicas foram TTRAsp38Tyr (2 pacientes), TTRIle107Val (2 pacientes), TTRVal71Ala (1 paciente) e TTRVal122Ile (1 paciente). Dentre as mutações não patogênicas, foram encontradas TTRGly6Ser (5 pacientes) e TTRThr119Thr (1 paciente). A mutação TTRVal30Met estava presente em 116 (90,6%) pacientes, dos quais 52 possuíam dados clínicos e eletroneuromiográficos completos: 39 (75%) tiveram início precoce e 13 (25%), início tardio. O grupo de início precoce apresentou-se como a forma clássica da PAF-TTR, sem predileção de gênero (homens: 53,8%), manifestação inicial como neuropatia de fibras finas e autonômica (82,1%) e história familiar positiva (90,3%). A ENMG estava normal em 36,7% destes pacientes. O envolvimento cardiovascular foi caracterizado mais frequentemente por alterações da condução cardíaca (84,2%), sendo menos prevalente a cardiomiopatia (11,1%). Por outro lado, o grupo de início tardio mostrou uma predominância do sexo masculino (92,3%), presença de sintomas motores na primeira consulta (38,5%), resultando numa neuropatia sensitivo-motora com acometimento de fibras grossas e história familiar negativa (69,2%). Todos apresentaram neuropatia sensitivo-motora na ENMG. Neste grupo, a cardiomiopatia estava presente em 71,4% dos pacientes. Todos os pacientes, em ambos os grupos, tiveram disautonomia em algum momento do seu seguimento clínico. Conclusões: no nosso estudo aproximadamente 5% dos pacientes com FAP-TTR tinham uma mutação não TTRVal30Met, demonstrando a importância do sequenciamento do gene TTR em pacientes com história clínica sugestiva e screening negativo para a mutação TTR Val30Met. Além disso, os pacientes brasileiros com FAP-TTRVal30Met apresentaram achados clínicos e eletroneuromiográficos similares as populações descritas com esta mutação em outros países. / Background: Transthyretin amyloidosis is an autossomal dominant disease caused by variant transthyretin, that is misfolded, originating a unstable transthyretin tetramer, a rate-limiting step in the formation of the amyloid deposits in different organs and tissues. In most patients, the peripheral nervous system is the main target, leading to transtyretin familial amyloid neuropathy (TTR-FAP), classically characterized as a progressive sensory-motor and autonomic neuropathy, that leads to death in about 10 years. TTRVal30Met is the most frequent point mutation worldwide, including Brazil, but more than 100 different point mutations has been described. Objectives: describe the mutational epidemiology of TTR gene in TTR-FAP and characterize its clinical and electrophysiological findings. Methods: a descriptive and retrospective study of a group of Brazilian patients forwarded to the Neurogenetics or Peripheral Nerve Clinics from FMRP-USP whose etiological investigation identified a mutation in the TTR gene. A cross-sectional analysis evaluating the subgroups with different mutations was also carried on. Results: we identified one hundred and twenty eight patients carrying a TTR point mutation, of whom 12 (9,4%) harbored a non-Val30Met mutation, including 4 pathogenic (6 patients, 4,7%) and 2 non-pathogenic abnormalities (6 patients, 4,7%). The non Val30Met pathogenic mutations were TTRAsp38Tyr (2 patients), TTRIle107Val (2 patients), TTRVal71Ala (1 patient) and TTRVal122Ile (1 patient). Among the non-pathogenic mutations, we found the TTRGly6Ser (5 patients) and the TTRThr119Thr (1 patient). The TTRVal30Met mutation was present in 116 (90,6%) patients, of whom 52 had a complete clinical and neurophysiological data: 39 (75%) with early-onset and 13(25%) with late-onset neuropathies. The early-onset group presented as the classic TTRFAP, with no gender predominance (male: 53,8%), the first manifestations were those of a small fiber sensory and autonomic neuropathy (82,1%) and a highly positive family history (90,3%). EMG was normal in 36,7% of these patients. The cardiovascular involvement was characterized by frequent ECG abnormalities (84,2%), less often associated with cardiomayopathy (11,1%). On the other hand, the late-onset TTRVal30Met showed a male predominance (92,3%), presence of motor complaints in the first evaluation (38,5%) resulting in a sensory-motor polyneuropathy with large fiber involvement and a negative family history (69,2%). All patients presented a sensory and motor neuropathy on EMG examination. In this group, cardiomiopathy was frequently associated with the neuropathy (71,4%). All patients, in both groups, had autonomic symptoms at some point in clinical follow up. Conclusions: In our study almost 5% of the patients with TTR-FAP have a non Val30Met pathogenic mutation, highlighting the importance of sequecing the whole TTR gene in patients with a sugestive clinical history and negative screening for TTRVal30Met mutation. In adition, the Brazilian patients we studied with early and late onset TTR-FAP, present similar findings to TTRVal30Met populations from other countries submitted to similar studies.
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Apolipoprotein A-IV and Transthyretin in Swedish Forms of Systemic AmyloidosisBergström, Joakim January 2004 (has links)
<p>Over 20 different plasma proteins have been shown to have the capacity to undergo conformational changes and self-assemble into highly stable and insoluble amyloid fibrils. </p><p>One, transthyretin (TTR), consists of 127 amino acid residues arranged in eight β-strands (named A to H) and is involved in two different clinical forms of amyloidosis. In familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy (FAP), mutated TTR is found in the amyloid deposits while in senile systemic amyloidosis (SSA) only wild type TTR is present in the amyloid deposits.</p><p>In this study, we have identified a novel form of amyloidosis that is caused by the deposition of an N-terminal fragment of apolipoprotein A-IV (apoA-IV). Interestingly, apoA-IV amyloid was found deposited in a patient that also suffered from SSA. Thus, this patient had two biochemically distinct and concurrent forms of amyloidosis that were derived from apoA-IV and TTR. </p><p>We have also discovered that two different morphological deposition patterns (identified as patterns A and B) exist in TTR-derived amyloidosis. Pattern A, observed in all SSA patients studied and in half of the FAP patients examined contained large homogenous deposits that were composed of short randomly oriented fibrils. In contrast, pattern B was observed in the remaining FAP patients and was represented by smaller-sized deposits that consisted of longer fibrils that were arranged in parallel bundles. The predominant TTR component deposited also differed between the two amyloid patterns. Amyloid pattern A contained mainly C-terminal TTR fragments while pattern B amyloid consisted of full-length TTR. Our findings suggest that two different mechanisms of fibril formation may exist in TTR-derived amyloidosis. </p><p>We have found two epitopes, corresponding to strand C and H that are surface-exposed in TTR-derived amyloid fibrils but hidden and part of the hydrophobic core in the native molecular structure. This indicates that TTR undergoes partial unfolding during fibril formation. </p>
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Peripheral neuropathy and quality of life of adults living with HIV/AIDS in Rulindo District in Rwanda.Juvenal, Biraguma. January 2008 (has links)
<p>Peripheral neuropathy (PN) is a common neurological complication occurring in the asymptomatic and symptomatic stages of human immune deficiency virus (HIV) infection. The pain and other symptoms caused by PN can impair functional ability and limit physical activity that could affect quality of life (QoL). Additionally, studies done on quality of life of people living with HIV/AIDS have shown that, HIV-related neurological syndromes, including PN, significantly reduce QoL. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of peripheral neuropathy amongst and the quality of life of adults living with HIV/AIDS attending the out-patient clinic at Rutongo Hospital in Rulindo District in Rwanda.</p>
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Apolipoprotein A-IV and Transthyretin in Swedish Forms of Systemic AmyloidosisBergström, Joakim January 2004 (has links)
Over 20 different plasma proteins have been shown to have the capacity to undergo conformational changes and self-assemble into highly stable and insoluble amyloid fibrils. One, transthyretin (TTR), consists of 127 amino acid residues arranged in eight β-strands (named A to H) and is involved in two different clinical forms of amyloidosis. In familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy (FAP), mutated TTR is found in the amyloid deposits while in senile systemic amyloidosis (SSA) only wild type TTR is present in the amyloid deposits. In this study, we have identified a novel form of amyloidosis that is caused by the deposition of an N-terminal fragment of apolipoprotein A-IV (apoA-IV). Interestingly, apoA-IV amyloid was found deposited in a patient that also suffered from SSA. Thus, this patient had two biochemically distinct and concurrent forms of amyloidosis that were derived from apoA-IV and TTR. We have also discovered that two different morphological deposition patterns (identified as patterns A and B) exist in TTR-derived amyloidosis. Pattern A, observed in all SSA patients studied and in half of the FAP patients examined contained large homogenous deposits that were composed of short randomly oriented fibrils. In contrast, pattern B was observed in the remaining FAP patients and was represented by smaller-sized deposits that consisted of longer fibrils that were arranged in parallel bundles. The predominant TTR component deposited also differed between the two amyloid patterns. Amyloid pattern A contained mainly C-terminal TTR fragments while pattern B amyloid consisted of full-length TTR. Our findings suggest that two different mechanisms of fibril formation may exist in TTR-derived amyloidosis. We have found two epitopes, corresponding to strand C and H that are surface-exposed in TTR-derived amyloid fibrils but hidden and part of the hydrophobic core in the native molecular structure. This indicates that TTR undergoes partial unfolding during fibril formation.
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Peripheral neuropathy and quality of life of adults living with HIV/AIDS in Rulindo District in Rwanda.Juvenal, Biraguma. January 2008 (has links)
<p>Peripheral neuropathy (PN) is a common neurological complication occurring in the asymptomatic and symptomatic stages of human immune deficiency virus (HIV) infection. The pain and other symptoms caused by PN can impair functional ability and limit physical activity that could affect quality of life (QoL). Additionally, studies done on quality of life of people living with HIV/AIDS have shown that, HIV-related neurological syndromes, including PN, significantly reduce QoL. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of peripheral neuropathy amongst and the quality of life of adults living with HIV/AIDS attending the out-patient clinic at Rutongo Hospital in Rulindo District in Rwanda.</p>
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Hereditary transthyretin amyloidosis (ATTR V30M) : from genes to genealogy / Ärftlig transtyretinamyloidos (Skelleftesjukan) : från arvsanlag till släktträdNorgren, Nina January 2014 (has links)
Background: Hereditary transthyretin amyloidosis is an autosomal dominant disease with a reduced penetrance. The most common mutation in Sweden is the V30M mutation in the transthyretin gene. Clustering areas of the disease can be found in Northern Sweden, Portugal, Brazil and Japan, although sporadic cases exist worldwide. Despite being caused by the same mutation, there are large differences in onset, penetrance and symptoms of the disease. Swedish V30M patients typically have a later onset with a lower penetrance compared to those from the clustering Portuguese V30M areas. The reasons for these differences have not been fully understood. The aim of this thesis is to study mechanisms that may influence onset and symptoms and investigate why patients carrying the same mutation have different phenotypes. Methods: Genealogy studies were performed on all known V30M carriers in Sweden using standard genealogy methods. DNA samples from patients, asymptomatic carriers and controls from different countries were collected and the transthyretin gene was sequenced. Liver biopsies from patients were used for allele specific expression analysis and a cell assay was used for miRNA analysis with the mutated allele. Gene expression analysis was performed on biopsies from liver and fat from patients and controls. Results and conclusions: Genealogic analysis of all known Swedish V30M carriers managed to link together 73% of the Swedish ATTR V30M population to six different ancestors from the 17th and 18th century, thus dating the Swedish V30M mutation to be more than 400 years old. A founder effect was also visible in descendants to one of the ancestors, producing a later age at onset. Sequencing of the transthyretin gene revealed a SNP in the 3’ UTR of all Swedish V30M carriers that was not found in any of the Japanese or French V30M carriers. The SNP was present on the Swedish transthyretin haplotype and defined the Swedish V30M population as separate from others. However, the SNP itself had no effect upon phenotype or onset of disease. Gene expression analysis of liver and fat tissue revealed a change in genetic profile of the patients’ livers, in contrast to the unchanged profile of the fat tissue. A changed genetic profile of the liver could explain why domino liver recipients develop the disease much earlier than expected.
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Epidemiologia mutacional da polineuropatia amiloidótica familiar transtiretina em um serviço brasileiro terciário de neuropatias periféricas / Mutational epidemiology of transthyretin familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy in a brazilian terciary center of peripheral neuropathyCarolina Lavigne Moreira 21 November 2016 (has links)
Introdução: A amiloidose transtiretina é uma doença autossômica dominante decorrente de uma proteína transtiretina (TTR) variante, que sofre uma mudança conformacional e origina um tetrâmero de TTR instável, passo que é decisivo para o início da formação dos depósitos amilóides em diferentes órgãos e tecidos. Na maioria dos pacientes, o sistema nervoso periférico é o alvo principal, resultando na polineuropatia amiloidótica familiar transtiretina (TTR-FAP), classicamente uma neuropatia sensitivo-motora e autonômica progressiva, evoluindo para o óbito em aproximadamente 10 anos. A mutação de ponto mais frequente no mundo, incluindo o Brasil, é a TTRVal30Met, entretanto mais de 100 mutações de ponto diferentes já foram descritas. Objetivos: descrever a epidemiologia mutacional do gene TTR na polineuropatia amiloidótica familiar e correlacionar estas mutações com seus achados clínicos e eletroneuromiográficos. Métodos: estudo de coorte, descritivo e retrospectivo de um grupo de pacientes brasileiros encaminhados para o serviço de neurogenética do HC da FMRP-USP para investigação de neuropatia periférica, cujo estudo genético identificou uma mutação no gene TTR, com posterior análise transversal dos resultados obtidos entre os subgrupos com as diferentes mutações. Resultados: um total de 128 pacientes tiveram uma mutação de ponto no gene TTR identificada, dos quais 12 (9,4%) pacientes apresentaram uma mutação não TTRVal30Met, incluindo 4 patogênicas (6 pacientes, 4,7%) e 2 não patogênicas (6 pacientes, 4,7%). A mutações não TTRVal30Met patogênicas foram TTRAsp38Tyr (2 pacientes), TTRIle107Val (2 pacientes), TTRVal71Ala (1 paciente) e TTRVal122Ile (1 paciente). Dentre as mutações não patogênicas, foram encontradas TTRGly6Ser (5 pacientes) e TTRThr119Thr (1 paciente). A mutação TTRVal30Met estava presente em 116 (90,6%) pacientes, dos quais 52 possuíam dados clínicos e eletroneuromiográficos completos: 39 (75%) tiveram início precoce e 13 (25%), início tardio. O grupo de início precoce apresentou-se como a forma clássica da PAF-TTR, sem predileção de gênero (homens: 53,8%), manifestação inicial como neuropatia de fibras finas e autonômica (82,1%) e história familiar positiva (90,3%). A ENMG estava normal em 36,7% destes pacientes. O envolvimento cardiovascular foi caracterizado mais frequentemente por alterações da condução cardíaca (84,2%), sendo menos prevalente a cardiomiopatia (11,1%). Por outro lado, o grupo de início tardio mostrou uma predominância do sexo masculino (92,3%), presença de sintomas motores na primeira consulta (38,5%), resultando numa neuropatia sensitivo-motora com acometimento de fibras grossas e história familiar negativa (69,2%). Todos apresentaram neuropatia sensitivo-motora na ENMG. Neste grupo, a cardiomiopatia estava presente em 71,4% dos pacientes. Todos os pacientes, em ambos os grupos, tiveram disautonomia em algum momento do seu seguimento clínico. Conclusões: no nosso estudo aproximadamente 5% dos pacientes com FAP-TTR tinham uma mutação não TTRVal30Met, demonstrando a importância do sequenciamento do gene TTR em pacientes com história clínica sugestiva e screening negativo para a mutação TTR Val30Met. Além disso, os pacientes brasileiros com FAP-TTRVal30Met apresentaram achados clínicos e eletroneuromiográficos similares as populações descritas com esta mutação em outros países. / Background: Transthyretin amyloidosis is an autossomal dominant disease caused by variant transthyretin, that is misfolded, originating a unstable transthyretin tetramer, a rate-limiting step in the formation of the amyloid deposits in different organs and tissues. In most patients, the peripheral nervous system is the main target, leading to transtyretin familial amyloid neuropathy (TTR-FAP), classically characterized as a progressive sensory-motor and autonomic neuropathy, that leads to death in about 10 years. TTRVal30Met is the most frequent point mutation worldwide, including Brazil, but more than 100 different point mutations has been described. Objectives: describe the mutational epidemiology of TTR gene in TTR-FAP and characterize its clinical and electrophysiological findings. Methods: a descriptive and retrospective study of a group of Brazilian patients forwarded to the Neurogenetics or Peripheral Nerve Clinics from FMRP-USP whose etiological investigation identified a mutation in the TTR gene. A cross-sectional analysis evaluating the subgroups with different mutations was also carried on. Results: we identified one hundred and twenty eight patients carrying a TTR point mutation, of whom 12 (9,4%) harbored a non-Val30Met mutation, including 4 pathogenic (6 patients, 4,7%) and 2 non-pathogenic abnormalities (6 patients, 4,7%). The non Val30Met pathogenic mutations were TTRAsp38Tyr (2 patients), TTRIle107Val (2 patients), TTRVal71Ala (1 patient) and TTRVal122Ile (1 patient). Among the non-pathogenic mutations, we found the TTRGly6Ser (5 patients) and the TTRThr119Thr (1 patient). The TTRVal30Met mutation was present in 116 (90,6%) patients, of whom 52 had a complete clinical and neurophysiological data: 39 (75%) with early-onset and 13(25%) with late-onset neuropathies. The early-onset group presented as the classic TTRFAP, with no gender predominance (male: 53,8%), the first manifestations were those of a small fiber sensory and autonomic neuropathy (82,1%) and a highly positive family history (90,3%). EMG was normal in 36,7% of these patients. The cardiovascular involvement was characterized by frequent ECG abnormalities (84,2%), less often associated with cardiomayopathy (11,1%). On the other hand, the late-onset TTRVal30Met showed a male predominance (92,3%), presence of motor complaints in the first evaluation (38,5%) resulting in a sensory-motor polyneuropathy with large fiber involvement and a negative family history (69,2%). All patients presented a sensory and motor neuropathy on EMG examination. In this group, cardiomiopathy was frequently associated with the neuropathy (71,4%). All patients, in both groups, had autonomic symptoms at some point in clinical follow up. Conclusions: In our study almost 5% of the patients with TTR-FAP have a non Val30Met pathogenic mutation, highlighting the importance of sequecing the whole TTR gene in patients with a sugestive clinical history and negative screening for TTRVal30Met mutation. In adition, the Brazilian patients we studied with early and late onset TTR-FAP, present similar findings to TTRVal30Met populations from other countries submitted to similar studies.
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Vojtova reflexní lokomoce u dědičných polyneuropatií / Vojta's reflex locomotion in hereditary polyneuropathiesVinciková, Lenka January 2007 (has links)
CMT disease is the most frequently type of the hereditary polyneuropathy. In the Czech republic are some 2 - 4 thousand people with this disease. Clinical picture is characterized by deterioration peripheralnerves, that faces to muscular atrophy and mobility disorders. Lower limbs are affected early than upper limbs. On the lower extremitywe observe typical deformity progress - pes cavus. Fingers on the hand are in claw position. The disturbed peripheral nerves and foot deformity affect balance, movement and stability. The scope of my work was assessment of the value of the Vojta's reflective locomotion for the hereditary polyneutopathy. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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