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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aimants moléculaires à base de clusters polymétalliques : synthèse, structures cristallines et étude des propriétés magnétiques / Molecular magnets based on polymetallic clusters : synthesis, crystal structures and magnetic properties

Iasco, Olga 28 October 2011 (has links)
Les molécules-aimants, ou Single-Molecule Magnets en anglais, sont des complexes polymétalliques qui possèdent la propriété remarquable de se comporter individuellement comme des aimants. Synthétisées selon les méthodes de la chimie de coordination elles sont devenues l’objet d’une intense activité de recherche multidisciplinaire à l’interface de la chimie et de la physique. C’est dans ce contexte que se situe notre travail de thèse qui nous a conduit à synthétiser plusieurs séries de complexes polynucléaires nouveaux puis a les caractériser cristallographiquement et étudier leurs propriétés magnétiques dont les résultats sont présentés dans ce mémoire. Le premier chapitre présente l’approche théorique, expérimentale et les avancées scientifiques principales dans le domaine des molécules-aimants. Le deuxième chapitre concerne quatre séries de composés obtenus avec des ligands de type oxime. Deux de ces composés [Mn3]n et [Mn6] sont des complexes homonucléaires à base de manganèse et les deux autres [Ln2Cu2] et [Ln3Cu8] (LnIII = Dy, Gd, Tb, Y) des complexes hétéronucléaires CuII - LnIII. D’après les études magnétiques nous avons constaté que [Mn3]n, [Dy2Cu2] et [Dy3Cu8] se comportent comme des molécules-aimants mais que [Mn6] ne manifeste pas les propriétés d’une molécule-aimant. Le troisième chapitre concerne un composé tetranucléaire [Mn4] et une série de complexes dodecanucléaires [Ln4Cu8] (LnIII = Dy, Gd, Tb, Y) obtenus avec des ligands de type benzoxazoles. Les études des propriétés magnétiques ont mis en évidence le couplage antiferromagnétique des ions Mn dans le cubane [Mn4]. Pour la série [Ln4Cu8] (LnIII = Dy, Gd, Tb, Y) sur la base du complexe d’yttrium le couplage Cu-Cu a été négligé et pour le complexe [Gd4Cu8] nous avons mis en évidence des interactions Cu-Gd ferromagnétiques et Gd-Gd antiferromagnétiques. Les mesures faites sur le composé [Dy4Cu8] ont mis en évidence le comportement caractéristique d’une molécule-aimant. Le dernier chapitre présente les résultats obtenues pour un complexe tetradécanucléaire à valence mixte MnII – MnIII [Mn14] que nous avons obtenu a partir d’un ligand de type base de Schiff et dans lequel coexistent des interactions antiferromagnétiques et ferromagnétiques entre les ions manganèse avec un zero-field splitting important. La conclusion générale fait le bilan de nos résultats et donne quelques perspectives ouvertes par notre travail. / The Single-Molecule Magnets (SMMs) are polymetallic complexes containing unpaired electrons that have the remarkable property to behave individually as magnets. Synthesized according to the methods of coordination chemistry they have become the subject of intense multidisciplinary research at the interface of chemistry and physics. In this context our thesis was focused on the synthesis of several series of new polynuclear complexes and their characterization by X-ray diffraction and magnetic measurements. The obtained results are discussed in this manuscript. The first chapter presents the theoretical approach and scientific advances in the field of molecular magnets. The second chapter describes the coordination compounds obtained using the oxime-based ligands: two homonuclear complexes, [Mn3]n and [Mn6], and two heteronuclear series, [Ln2Cu2] and [Ln3Cu8] (LnIII = Dy, Gd, Tb, Y). According to the magnetic studies [Mn3]n, [Dy2Cu2] and [Dy3Cu8] behave as SMM. The third chapter is related to a tetranuclear [Mn4] cluster and a series of dodecanuclear benzoxazoles-based complexes [Ln4Cu8] (LnIII = Dy, Gd, Y). The magnetic measurements made on [Dy4Cu8] showed the characteristic behavior of a SMM. The final chapter presents a valence-mixed MnII - MnIII [Mn14] complex with ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic interactions between manganese ions obtained using a Schiff base ligand. To conclude the main obtained results will be discussed and some perspectives opened by our work will be proposed.

Complexes osmium nitrosyle avec des ligands bioactifs : synthèse, structure, réactivité et activité antiproliférative in vitro / Osmium nitrosyl complexes with bioactive ligands : synthesis, structure, reactivity and antiproliferative activity in vitro

Gavriluta, Anatolie 24 September 2013 (has links)
Notre travail de thèse a été dédié à la synthèse et à la caractérisation bio-physicochimique de complexes osmium nitrosyle, qui pourraient relarguer l’oxyde nitrique (NO) au sein des cellules tumorales pour conjuguer les propriétés anticancéreuses souvent associés aux complexes du groupe du platine avec la toxicité de l’oxyde nitrique. Le premier chapitre de notre mémoire de thèse présente l’état de l’art dans le domaine des composés anticancéreux et le rôle de l’oxyde nitrique dans l’apoptose cellulaire. Le deuxième chapitre concerne la synthèse et la caractérisation de complexes d’azole (C)[Os(NO)Cl4(A)] (C = Bu4N+, Na+, HA+; A = indazole, pyrazole, benzimidazole, imidazole), où le plus cytotoxique est H2ind[cis-Os(NO)Cl4(indazole)]. Le troisième chapitre est consacré à l’étude cinétique et thermodynamique par RMN de l’isomérisation trans ↔ cis du complexe (Bu4N)[Os(NO)Cl4(indazole)] qui met en évidence un processus d’isomérisation de type dissociatif. Le quatrième chapitre concerne la synthèse et la caractérisation de complexes d’aminoacides (Bu4N)[Os(NO)Cl4(L)] (L = gly, picolinate, L-, D-pro) qui ont une très faible activité antiproliférative. Le dernier chapitre est consacré à la synthèse et à la caractérisation de clusters hétérométalliques [{Os(NO)Cl3(Ox)}4Ln] (Ln = Gd, Tb, Dy, Y ; Ox=oxalate) dans lesquels la coordinance 8 ou 9 du lanthanide dépend de son rayon ionique. Le précurseur {Os(NO)Cl3(Ox)} a l’activité antiproliférative la plus élevée de tous les complexes osmium nitrosyle connus / The PhD thesis was dedicated to the synthesis and bio-physic-chemical characterization of osmium nitrosyl complexes which could release nitric oxide (NO) in tumor cells to combine the anticancer properties of the platinum group complexes and the nitric oxide cytotoxicity. The first chapter presents the state of the art in the field of anticancer compounds and the role of nitric oxide in the apoptosis. The second chapter concerns the synthesis and characterization of azole complexes with the general formulae (C)[Os(NO)Cl4(A)] (C = Bu4N+, Na+, HA+; A = indazole, pyrazole, benzimidazole, imidazole), where the most cytotoxic is H2ind[cis-Os(NO)Cl4(indazole)]. The third chapter focuses on the kinetic and thermodynamic study of the trans ↔ cis isomerisation of (Bu4N)[Os(NO)Cl4(indazole)] complex by NMR, which highlights a dissociative isomerisation process. The fourth chapter concerns the synthesis and the characterization of amino acids complexes with the general formulae (Bu4N)[Os(NO)Cl4(L)] (L = gly, picolinate, L-, D-pro) of whose antiproliferative activity is very low. The last chapter is dedicated to the synthesis and characterization of heterometallic clusters with the general formulae [{Os(NO)Cl3(Ox)}4Ln] (Ln = Gd, Tb, Dy, Y ; Ox = oxalate), where the coordination number 8 or 9 depends on its ionic radius. The precursor {Os(NO)Cl3(Ox)} has the highest antiproliferative activity among of all osmium nitrosyl known so far

Espécies polinucleares de cobre e ferro com catalisadores de oxidação e modelos de sítios ativos / Polynuclear species of copper and iron as oxidation catalysts and types of active sites

Alves, Wendel Andrade 23 March 2005 (has links)
Diferentes complexos de cobre(II), contendo ligantes do tipo base de Schiff e um grupamento imidazólico, com interesse bioinorgânico, catalítico e como novos materiais, foram preparados na forma de sais perclorato, nitrato ou cloreto e caracterizados através de diferentes técnicas espectroscópicas (UV/Vis, IR, EPR, Raman) e espectrometria de massa Tandem (ESI-MS/MS), além de análise elementar, condutividade molar e medidas de propriedades magnéticas. Alguns destes compostos, obtidos como cristais adequados, tiveram suas estruturas determinadas por cristalografia de raios-X. As espécies di- e polinucleares contendo pontes cloreto, mostraram desdobramentos das hiperfinas nos espectros de EPR, relacionados à presença do equilíbrio com a respectiva espécie mononuclear, devido à labilidade dos íons cloretos, dependendo do contra-íon e do tipo de solvente utilizado. Adicionalmente, em solução alcalina, estes compostos estão em equilíbrio com as correspondentes espécies polinucleares, onde os centros de cobre estão ligados através de um ligante imidazolato. Em meio alcalino, estes compostos polinucleares contendo ponte imidazolato foram também isolados e caracterizados por diferentes técnicas espectroscópicas e magnéticas. Através da variação estrutural e também do ligante-ponte foi possível modular o fenômeno da interação magnética entre os íons de cobre em estruturas correlatas di- e polinucleares. Os respectivos parâmetros magnéticos foram obtidos com ajuste das curvas experimentais de XM vs T, correlacionando-se muito bem com a geometria, ângulos e distâncias de ligação entre os íons, quando comparado com outros complexos similares descritos na literatura. Posteriormente, estudaram-se os fatores relacionados com a reatividade de todas essas espécies como catalisadores na oxidação de substratos de interesse (fenóis e aminas), através da variação do tamanho da cavidade nas estruturas cíclicas ou de variações no ligante coordenado ao redor do íon metálico. Vários deles se mostraram bons miméticos de tirosinases e catecol oxidases. Um novo complexo-modelo da citocromo c oxidase (CcO), utilizando a protoporfirina IX condensada ao quelato N,N,-bis[2-(1,2-metilbenzimidazolil)etil]amino e ao resíduo de glicil-L-histidina, foi sintetizado e caracterizado através de diferentes técnicas espectroscópicas, especialmente EPR. A adição de H2O2 ao sistema completamente oxidado, FeIII/CuII, a -55°C, ou o borbulhamento de oxigênio molecular a uma solução do complexo na sua forma reduzida, FeII/CuI, saturada de CO, resultou na formação de adutos com O2, de baixo spin, estáveis a baixas temperaturas. / Different Schiff base copper(II) complexes containing an imidazole ligand were prepared as perchlorate, nitrate and chloride salts, and characterized by different techniques (UV/Vis, IR, EPR, Raman) and tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-MS/MS), besides elemental analysis, conductivity measurements and magnetic properties. Some of these complexes, suitable crystals were isolated, allowing its structure to be determined by X-ray crystallography. Equilibria involving mono- and dinuclear species containing chloro-bridges were monitored in solution by EPR spectra, indicating a significant dependence on the solvent, and the counter-ion. In alkaline solution, deprotonation of the imidazole moiety promotes a self-assembled process, by coordination of the irnidazolate nitrogen atom to a copper(II) center of an adjacent unit, leading to the macrociclic or zig-zag-chain structures. These complexes were isolated and characterized by different spectroscopy techniques and magnetic susceptibility. The use of different bridging ligands and well-designed polydentate ligands afforded correlated structural features and exchange coupling constant in a series of di- e polinuclear copper(II) complexes. The magnetic parameters of these compounds were determined by temperaturedependent magnetic studies XM vs T, showing that the sign and the magnitude of the exchange coupling constant depends of the geometry, angle at the bridge, as well as on the bond length between paramagnetic ions, when compared with other complexes already described in the literature. The catalytic activity of the obtained complexes toward the usual biological oxidant, molecular oxygen, were then compared. Most of the di- and polynuclear compounds showed to be efficient catalysts of the aerobic oxidation of amines and o henolic substrates. Differinvg in some structural features, their tyrosinase-like catalytic activity was verified to be influenced by several factors, including steric hindrance of the ligands, cavity dimensions and accessibility of the oxidant to the catalytic center. A new biomimetic model system of the cytochrome c oxidase (CcO) derived from protohemin-IX and it contains a glycyl-L-histidine methyl ester arm axially binds the iron; the bis(benzimidazole) group acts as copper-coordinating site. has been prepared and characterized by different spectroscopic techniques, including EPR spectroscopy. The H2O2 addiction to the fully oxidised state of the system at -55ºC, or bubbling molecular oxygen into a CO-saturated solution of the reduced FeII/CuI state of the complex, resulted in a low spin oxygenated intermediate.

Espécies polinucleares de cobre e ferro com catalisadores de oxidação e modelos de sítios ativos / Polynuclear species of copper and iron as oxidation catalysts and types of active sites

Wendel Andrade Alves 23 March 2005 (has links)
Diferentes complexos de cobre(II), contendo ligantes do tipo base de Schiff e um grupamento imidazólico, com interesse bioinorgânico, catalítico e como novos materiais, foram preparados na forma de sais perclorato, nitrato ou cloreto e caracterizados através de diferentes técnicas espectroscópicas (UV/Vis, IR, EPR, Raman) e espectrometria de massa Tandem (ESI-MS/MS), além de análise elementar, condutividade molar e medidas de propriedades magnéticas. Alguns destes compostos, obtidos como cristais adequados, tiveram suas estruturas determinadas por cristalografia de raios-X. As espécies di- e polinucleares contendo pontes cloreto, mostraram desdobramentos das hiperfinas nos espectros de EPR, relacionados à presença do equilíbrio com a respectiva espécie mononuclear, devido à labilidade dos íons cloretos, dependendo do contra-íon e do tipo de solvente utilizado. Adicionalmente, em solução alcalina, estes compostos estão em equilíbrio com as correspondentes espécies polinucleares, onde os centros de cobre estão ligados através de um ligante imidazolato. Em meio alcalino, estes compostos polinucleares contendo ponte imidazolato foram também isolados e caracterizados por diferentes técnicas espectroscópicas e magnéticas. Através da variação estrutural e também do ligante-ponte foi possível modular o fenômeno da interação magnética entre os íons de cobre em estruturas correlatas di- e polinucleares. Os respectivos parâmetros magnéticos foram obtidos com ajuste das curvas experimentais de XM vs T, correlacionando-se muito bem com a geometria, ângulos e distâncias de ligação entre os íons, quando comparado com outros complexos similares descritos na literatura. Posteriormente, estudaram-se os fatores relacionados com a reatividade de todas essas espécies como catalisadores na oxidação de substratos de interesse (fenóis e aminas), através da variação do tamanho da cavidade nas estruturas cíclicas ou de variações no ligante coordenado ao redor do íon metálico. Vários deles se mostraram bons miméticos de tirosinases e catecol oxidases. Um novo complexo-modelo da citocromo c oxidase (CcO), utilizando a protoporfirina IX condensada ao quelato N,N,-bis[2-(1,2-metilbenzimidazolil)etil]amino e ao resíduo de glicil-L-histidina, foi sintetizado e caracterizado através de diferentes técnicas espectroscópicas, especialmente EPR. A adição de H2O2 ao sistema completamente oxidado, FeIII/CuII, a -55°C, ou o borbulhamento de oxigênio molecular a uma solução do complexo na sua forma reduzida, FeII/CuI, saturada de CO, resultou na formação de adutos com O2, de baixo spin, estáveis a baixas temperaturas. / Different Schiff base copper(II) complexes containing an imidazole ligand were prepared as perchlorate, nitrate and chloride salts, and characterized by different techniques (UV/Vis, IR, EPR, Raman) and tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-MS/MS), besides elemental analysis, conductivity measurements and magnetic properties. Some of these complexes, suitable crystals were isolated, allowing its structure to be determined by X-ray crystallography. Equilibria involving mono- and dinuclear species containing chloro-bridges were monitored in solution by EPR spectra, indicating a significant dependence on the solvent, and the counter-ion. In alkaline solution, deprotonation of the imidazole moiety promotes a self-assembled process, by coordination of the irnidazolate nitrogen atom to a copper(II) center of an adjacent unit, leading to the macrociclic or zig-zag-chain structures. These complexes were isolated and characterized by different spectroscopy techniques and magnetic susceptibility. The use of different bridging ligands and well-designed polydentate ligands afforded correlated structural features and exchange coupling constant in a series of di- e polinuclear copper(II) complexes. The magnetic parameters of these compounds were determined by temperaturedependent magnetic studies XM vs T, showing that the sign and the magnitude of the exchange coupling constant depends of the geometry, angle at the bridge, as well as on the bond length between paramagnetic ions, when compared with other complexes already described in the literature. The catalytic activity of the obtained complexes toward the usual biological oxidant, molecular oxygen, were then compared. Most of the di- and polynuclear compounds showed to be efficient catalysts of the aerobic oxidation of amines and o henolic substrates. Differinvg in some structural features, their tyrosinase-like catalytic activity was verified to be influenced by several factors, including steric hindrance of the ligands, cavity dimensions and accessibility of the oxidant to the catalytic center. A new biomimetic model system of the cytochrome c oxidase (CcO) derived from protohemin-IX and it contains a glycyl-L-histidine methyl ester arm axially binds the iron; the bis(benzimidazole) group acts as copper-coordinating site. has been prepared and characterized by different spectroscopic techniques, including EPR spectroscopy. The H2O2 addiction to the fully oxidised state of the system at -55ºC, or bubbling molecular oxygen into a CO-saturated solution of the reduced FeII/CuI state of the complex, resulted in a low spin oxygenated intermediate.

Thin Films Of A Carbonaceous Copper Oxide, Li Doped Cobalt Oxide And Li At Nanometric Dimension : Synthesis Through CVD, Solgel And Electromagnetic Irradiation And Characterisation

Das, Mahua 09 1900 (has links)
Thin film nanostructures may be defined as assemblies, arrays, or randomly distributed nanoparticles, nanowires, or nanotubes, which together form a layer of materials supported on a substrate surface. Because such nanostructures are supported on a substrate surface, their potential applications cover a wide area in optical, magnetic, electrochemical, electromagnetic, and optoelectronic devices. The focus of the present thesis is the development of methodologies to grow certain thin film nanostructures of some transition metal oxides (TMOs), including copper oxides and LixCoO2, through CVD, sol-gel, and electromagnetic radiation-mediated approaches. The work towards this objective can be divided into three parts: first, the design, synthesis, and systematic identification of novel metalorganic precursors of copper (monometallic) and Li and Co (bimetallic); second, the growth of nanostructured oxides thin films using these precursors; and third, the application of electromagnetic radiation to control or tailor the growth of as grown nanostructures. The underlying growth mechanisms substantiated by appropriate evidence have been put forward, wherever found relevant and intriguing. It may be added that the principal objective of the work reported here has been to explore the several ideas noted above and examine possibilities, rather than to study any specific one of them in significant detail. It is hoped earnestly that this has been accomplished to a reasonable extent. Chapter 1 reviews briefly the reports available in the literature on three specific methods of growing thin films nanostructures, namely chemical vapour deposition, sol-gel processing and light-induced approach. The objective of this chapter has been to provide the background of the work done in the thesis, and is substantiated with a number of illustrative examples. Some of the fundamental concepts involved, viz., plasmons and excitons, have been defined with illustration wherever found relevant in the context of the work. Chapter 2 describes the various techniques used for synthesis and characterisation of the metalorganic complexes as well as of the thin films. This chapters covers mostly experimental details, with brief descriptions of the working principles of the analytical procedures adopted, namely, infrared spectroscopy, mass spectroscopy, elemental analysis, and thermal analysis for characterisation of the metalorganic complexes. This is followed by a similarly brief account of techniques employed to characterize the thin films prepared in this work, viz., glancing incidence X-ray diffraction (GIXRD), field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), electrostatic force microscopy (EFM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), glancing incidence infra-red spectroscopy (GIIR) and, UV-visible spectroscopy. The metalorganic chemical vapour deposition (MOCVD) systems built in house and used for growth of films are described in detail. The topics in the different sections of the chapter are accompanied by pertinent diagrams. Chapter 3 deals with the design, synthesis and characterisation of novel polynuclear complexes of copper and cobalt. Keeping in mind the various advantages such as low toxicity, ease of synthesis, non-pyrophoricity, and low temperature volatility, of environmentally benign complexes based on biologically compatible such as triethanolamine, diethanolamine, the objective has been to synthesize complexes containing triethanolamine and diethanolamine of transition metals such as cobalt and copper, and to investigate their applicability in MOCVD processes as a novel class of precursors. With the notion of ‘better’ and efficient design of precursors, an attempt has been made, through a semi-empirical modeling, to understand the correlation between volatility and various intrinsic molecular parameters such as lattice energy, vibrational-rotational energy, and internal symmetry. Chapter 4 discusses the growth of nanoporous Cu4O3-C composite films through the MOCVD process employing Cu4(deaH)(dea)(oAc)5.(CH3)2CO as the precursor. The various characteristic aspects of as-grown films, such as their crystallinity, morphology, and composition have been covered elaborately in various sections of this chapter. The chapter describes the efficient guiding and confining of light exploiting the photonic band gap of these nanoporous films, which indicates the potential usefulness of these and similar films as optical waveguides. A model described in the literature on absorbing photonic crystals, wherein a periodically modulated absorption entails an inevitable spatial modulation of dispersion, i.e., of the index contrast to open a photonic band gap, has been used to calculate the indices of refraction of one of these nanoporous films. The chapter also reports briefly the preliminary electrochemical investigations carried out on a typical film, examining the notion of its application as the anode in a Li-ion rechargeable battery. Chapter 5 describes the synthesis of nanocrystalline LixCoO2 films by the sol-gel method. Reports available in literature indicate that the various phases of LixCoO2 are extremely sensitive to processing temperature, making it difficult to control dimensionality of a given phase using temperature as one of process parameters. We have investigated the possibility of using incoherent light to tailor the particle size/shape of this material. The as-grown and irradiated films were characterised by X-ray diffraction, and by microscopic and spectroscopic techniques.Optical spectroscopy was carried out in order to gain insight into the physico-chemical mechanism involved in such structural and morphological transformation. Chapter 6 deals with the synthesis of self-assembled nanostructures from the pre-synthesized nanocrystals building blocks, through optical means of exciton formation and dissociation. It has been demonstrated that, upon prolonged exposure to (incoherent) ultraviolet-visible radiation, LixCoO2 nanocrystals self-assemble into acicular architectures, through intermediate excitation of excitons. Furthermore, it has been shown that such self-assembly occurs in nanocrystals, which are initially anchored to the substrate surface such as that of fused quartz. This new type of process for the self-assembly of nanocrystals, which is driven by light has been investigated by available microscopic and spectroscopic techniques. Chapter 7 describes the stabilisation of chemically reactive metallic lithium in a carbonaceous nanostructure, viz., a carbon nanotube, achieved through the MOCVD process involving a lithium-alkyl moiety. This moiety is formed in situ during deposition through partial decomposition of a metalorganic precursor synthesized in house, which contains both lithium and cobalt. It is surmised that the stabilization of metallic Li in the nanostructure in situ occurs through the partial decomposition of the metalorganic precursor. Quantitative X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy carried out on such a film reveals that as much as 33.4% metallic lithium is trapped in carbon. Lastly, Chapter 8 briefly highlights the outlook for further investigations suggested by the work undertaken for this thesis. Novel precursors derived from biologically compatible ligands can open up possibility of growing new type of micro/nano-structures, and of unusual phases in the CVD grown films. Furthermore, it is proposed that the novel method of growth and alignment of nanocrystals through irradiation with incoherent light, employed for the specific material LixCoO2, may be employed for various other metallic and semiconducting materials.

Evaluating organic compound sorption to several materials to assess their potential as amendments to improve in-situ capping of contaminated sediments

Dunlap, Patrick John 08 July 2011 (has links)
Contaminated sediments represent a common environmental problem because they can sequester large quantities of contaminants which can remain long after the source of pollution has been removed. From the sediment these hazardous compounds are released into the sediment porewater where it can partition into organisms in the sediment and bioaccumulate up the food web; leading to an ecological and human health concern. The objective of this work is to investigate an emerging option in contaminated sediment remediation; specifically an option for in-situ treatment known as active capping. Conventional capping uses clean sediment or sands to separate contaminated sediment from overlying water and biota. Active capping is the use of a sorptive amendment to such a cap to improve its effectiveness. This work focuses on granular materials as direct amendments to conventional caps including; granular activated carbon (GAC), iron/palladium amended GAC, alumina pillared clay, rice husk char, and organically modified clays. All materials were investigated in batch sorption tests of benzene, chlorobenzene, and naphthalene in DI water. Additionally porewaters from three sites were extruded and the concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were measured. At Manistique Harbor and Ottawa River PCBs were identified as the primary contaminant of concern while PAHs were the contaminant of concern at the Grand Calumet River. At these sites a solvent extraction method was used to analyze the sediment concentrations of the contaminants of concern. From the former batch tests activated carbon and a commercially available organoclay were chosen for further investigation. This includes PAHs in batch sorption tests using extruded sediment porewater to investigate matrix effects, and PCB sorption in distilled water. / text

Νέοι οργανικοί υποκαταστάτες στη χημεία των πολυπυρηνικών συμπλόκων του μαγγανίου : σύνθεση, δομή, χημική δραστικότητα και μαγνητική μελέτη / New organic ligands in the chemistry of polynuclear manganese complexes : synthesis, structure, reactivity and magnetic studies

Κουμούση, Ευαγγελία 19 July 2012 (has links)
Η σύνθεση και ο χαρακτηρισμός πλειάδων των μετάλλων μετάπτωσης σε ενδιάμεσες οξειδωτικές βαθμίδες αποτελεί σήμερα έναν από τους κύριους ερευνητικούς στόχους πολλών επιστημονικών ομάδων παγκοσμίως εξαιτίας των εφαρμογών που βρίσκουν σε διάφορα επιστημονικά πεδία, όπως στη βιοανόργανη χημεία, στην επιστήμη των υλικών, στη μοριακή φυσική και στη θεωρητική χημεία. Οι πλειάδες αυτές περιέχουν πολλές φορές έναν ασυνήθιστα μεγάλο αριθμό ασυζεύκτων ηλεκτρονίων στη θεμελιώδη κατάσταση και παρουσιάζουν εξαιρετικό ενδιαφέρον από μαγνητικής απόψεως. Αυτό συμβαίνει γιατί μια υψηλή τιμή spin στη θεμελιώδη κατάσταση είναι αναγκαία (άλλα όχι ικανή) συνθήκη ώστε αυτού του είδους οι σύμπλοκες ενώσεις να εμφανίζουν το φαινόμενο του μονομοριακού μαγνητισμού (single-molecule magnetism). Στην παρούσα Εργασία μελετήθηκε το σύστημα αντίδρασης μαγγάνιο/α-βενζοΐνη οξίμη (α-benzoin oxime, bzoxH2) κάτω από βασικές συνθήκες, το οποίο οδήγησε στην απομόνωση και το δομικό (μέσω κρυσταλλογραφίας ακτίνων-Χ σε μονοκρυστάλλους) και μαγνητοχημικό χαρακτηρισμό των μοριακών πλειάδων [Mn8O4(bzox)8(MeOH)4] (1), [Mn9O2(bzox)11(bzoxH)(MeOH)4(H2O)2] (2) και [Mn9O2(bzox)11(bzoxH)(H2O)6] (3). Τα σύμπλοκα 1-3 αποτελούν τις πρώτες δομικά χαρακτηρισμένες πλειάδες τρισθενών μεταλλοϊόντων με υποκαταστάτη την α-βενζοΐνη οξίμη. Το σύμπλοκο 1 αποτελείται από οκτώ ιόντα MnIII, με το δομικό του πυρήνα να παρουσιάζει μία πρωτότυπη τοπολογική διευθέτηση τεσσάρων τριγωνικών Mn3 υπομονάδων, ανά δύο κάθετων μεταξύ τους, η οποία οδηγεί σε μια ενδιάμεση τιμή spin στη θεμελιώδη κατάσταση, SΤ = 2. Τα ισοδομικά σύμπλοκα 2 και 3 αποτελούνται από εννέα ιόντα MnIII, με το δομικό τους πυρήνα να παρουσιάζει μία επίσης πρωτότυπη τοπολογική διευθέτηση εναλλασσσόμενων τριγωνικών και γραμμικών Mn3 υπομονάδων, η οποία οδηγεί σε μια ενδιάμεση τιμή spin στη θεμελιώδη κατάσταση, SΤ = 3. / The synthesis and characterization of polynuclear metal complexes (clusters) containing paramagnetic 3d-metal ions in intermediate oxidation states have gained intense interest due to the applications of these compounds in several fields of science, such as bioinorganic chemistry, materials science, molecular physics and theoretical chemistry. Such high nuclearity transition metal clusters are one of the growing research subjects in Molecular Magnetism, given the fact that they often possess a fairly large ground-state spin value, which is one of the necessary requirements for a molecule to be able to exhibit the phenomenon of single-molecule magnetism. In the present work, we studied the reaction scheme manganese/α-benzoin oxime (bzoxH2) under basic conditions, which has led to the isolation, and structural (through single-crystal X-ray crystallography) and magnetochemical characterization of the molecular complexes [Mn8O4(bzox)8(MeOH)4] (1), [Mn9O2(bzox)11(bzoxH)(MeOH)4(H2O)2] (2) and [Mn9O2(bzox)11(bzoxH)(H2O)6] (3). Complexes 1-3 are the first structurally characterized trivalent metal clusters with the ligand α-benzoin oxime. Compound 1 consists of eight MnIII atoms and its irregular metal core presents an unprecedented topology based on four triangular Mn3 units, which are vertical to each other, thus leading to an ST = 2 ground state. The isostructural compounds 2 and 3 comprise nine MnIII atoms arranged in a unusual topology based on linear and triangular Mn3 units, thus leading to an ST = 3 ground state.

Νέες πλειάδες μεικτού-σθένους (ΙΙ/ΙΙΙ) του μαγγανίου με υποκαταστάτη την 2-πυριδυλομεθανόλη : σύνθεση, δομή, χημική δραστικότητα και μαγνητική μελέτη / New mixed-valent (II/III) manganese clusters from the use of 2-(hydroxymethyl) pyridine : synthesis, structure, reactivity and magnetic studies

Αλεξανδρόπουλος, Δημήτρης 21 December 2012 (has links)
Η σύνθεση και ο χαρακτηρισμός πλειάδων των μετάλλων μετάπτωσης σε ενδιάμεσες οξειδωτικές βαθμίδες αποτελεί σήμερα έναν από τους κύριους ερευνητικούς στόχους πολλών επιστημονικών ομάδων παγκοσμίως εξαιτίας των εφαρμογών που βρίσκουν σε διάφορα επιστημονικά πεδία, όπως στη βιοανόργανη χημεία, στην επιστήμη των υλικών, στη μοριακή φυσική και ηλεκτρονική, και στη θεωρητική χημεία. Οι πλειάδες αυτές περιέχουν πολλές φορές έναν ασυνήθιστα μεγάλο αριθμό ασυζεύκτων ηλεκτρονίων στη θεμελιώδη κατάσταση και παρουσιάζουν εξαιρετικό ενδιαφέρον από μαγνητικής απόψεως. Αυτό συμβαίνει γιατί μια υψηλή τιμή spin στη θεμελιώδη κατάσταση είναι αναγκαία (άλλα όχι ικανή) συνθήκη ώστε αυτού του είδους οι σύμπλοκες ενώσεις να εμφανίζουν το φαινόμενο του μονομοριακού μαγνητισμού (single-molecule magnetism). Στην παρούσα Εργασία μελετήθηκε το σύστημα αντίδρασης μαγγάνιο/2-πυριδυλομεθανόλη (hmpH), παρουσία ή απουσία κυανικών ιόντων (OCN-) και κάτω από βασικές συνθήκες, το οποίο οδήγησε στην απομόνωση και το δομικό (μέσω κρυσταλλογραφίας ακτίνων-Χ σε μονοκρυστάλλους) και μαγνητοχημικό χαρακτηρισμό των πλειάδων [Mn7(OH)3(OCN)3(hmp)9](ClO4)2 (1), [Mn16O8(OMe)4(OCN)4(O2CMe)12(hmp)6(MeOH)2] (2), [Mn18O14(O2CMe)18(hmp)4(hmpH)2(H2O)2] (3) και [Mn18O14(O2CEt)18(hmp)4(hmpH)2(H2O)2] (4). Οι πλειάδες 1-4 είναι μικτού-σθένους (ΙΙ/ΙΙΙ). Το σύμπλοκο 1 αποτελεί ένα νέο μέλος μιας μεγάλης οικογένειας επταπυρηνικών συμπλόκων με το δομικό πυρήνα τους να περιλαμβάνει έξι ιόντα Mn διευθετημένα κυκλικά γύρω από ένα έβδομο κεντρικό ιόν Mn2+. Τα σύμπλοκα 2, 3 και 4 αποτελούν παραδείγματα υψηλής πυρηνικότητας και συμμετρίας πλειάδων του Mn, με αισθητικά όμορφες δομές και ενδιαφέρουσες μαγνητικές ιδιότητες. / The synthesis and characterization of polynuclear metal complexes (clusters) containing paramagnetic 3d-metal ions in intermediate oxidation states have gained intense interest due to the applications of these compounds in several fields of science, such as bioinorganic chemistry, materials science, molecular physics and electronics, and theoretical chemistry. Such high nuclearity transition metal clusters are one of the growing research subjects in Molecular Magnetism, given the fact that they often possess a fairly large ground-state spin value, which is one of the necessary requirements for a molecule to be able to exhibit the phenomenon of single-molecule magnetism. In the present work, we studied the general reaction system manganese/2-(hydroxymethyl)pyridine (hmpH), in the presence or absence of cyanate ions (OCN-), under basic conditions, which has led to the isolation, and structural (through single-crystal X-ray crystallography) and magnetochemical characterization of the compounds [Mn7(OH)3(OCN)3(hmp)9](ClO4)2 (1), [Mn16O8(OMe)4(OCN)4(O2CMe)12(hmp)6(MeOH)2] (2), [Mn18O14(O2CMe)18(hmp)4(hmpH)2(H2O)2] (3) and [Mn18O14(O2CEt)18(hmp)4(hmpH)2(H2O)2] (4). All complexes 1-4 are mixed-valent (II/III). Complex 1 is a new member of a growing family of heptanuclear clusters with a core consisting of six Mn ions arranged in a ring around a seventh central Mn2+ ion. Complexes 2, 3 and 4 are examples of high-nuclearity and high-symmetry Mn clusters with aesthetically pleasing structures and interesting magnetic properties.

Synthesis and reactivity of metal complexes containing functionalized N-heterocyclic carbene ligands for catalytic applications / Synthèse et réactivité de complexes métalliques contenant des ligands carbéniques N-hétérocycliques et des ligands fonctionnels pour des applications catalytiques

Ai, Pengfei 24 September 2015 (has links)
L’objectif de ce travail fut la synthèse de ligands fonctionnels de type N,N'-diphosphanyl-NHC (NHC = carbènes N-hétérocycliques) et l’étude de leur chimie de coordination. La synthèse du nouveau ligand tridentate, stable et rigide, N,N'-diphosphanyl-imidazol-2-ylidene a permis des études expérimentales et théoriques et l’accès à des complexes mono-, di-, tri-, penta-, et hexanucléaires des métaux du groupe 11 (Cu, Ag et Au) originaux et aux propriétés structurales uniques. Les complexes mono- et dinucléaires avec un ou deux atomes de phosphore libres ont permis d’accéder à des complexes hétérotrinucléaires à interactions d10-d10 qui sont luminescents. La transmétallation partielle ou totale des complexes homotrinucléaires de Cu ou d’Ag avec des réactifs contenant du Pd(0) ont conduit à des complexes hétérotrinucléaires à interactions d10-d10. En plus de son comportement pontant, ce ligand peut se agir en chélate dans des complexes du palladium et du chrome. Dans le cas du Cr(III), ils montrent une activité catalytique en oligomérisation de l’éthylène supérieure à celle des complexes du Cr(II) et conduisent principalement à des oligomères. / The purpose of this work was the synthesis of N,N'-diphosphanyl-functionalized NHC ligands andtheir coordination chemistry. The novel stable and rigid tridentate N,N'-diphosphanyl-imidazol-2-ylidene was synthesized and experimental and computational information on its stability weregained. It served as a unique platform for the synthesis of novel mono-, di-, tri-, penta-, hexanuclear complexes with the coinage metals (Cu, Ag and Au), exhibiting rare structural features. The mono- and dinuclear complexes with one or two dangling P-donors provided rational access to heterotrinuclear complexes. All these coinage metal complexes have short metal-metalseparations, indicating the presence of d10-d10 interactions, and display excellent luminescentproperties. Partial or complete transmetallation of the homotrinuclear Cu or Ag complexes withPd(0) precursors led to hetero-trinuclear complexes with d10-d10 interactions. In addition to itsbridging behavior, this ligand also showed its chelating behavior in Pd or Cr(III) complexes. Thelatter displayed superior performance in ethylene oligomerization than the Cr(II) complexes andgave mostly oligomers.

PAK-Freisetzung aus tauchgeteerten Rohren unter Berücksichtigung verschiedener Wasserqualitäten

Filsinger, Markus 20 November 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Der Einfluss des Biofilms, der Inkrustation, der Fließgeschwindigkeit und der Wasserqualität auf die Freisetzung von PAK wurde in Batch-, Drehkolbenreaktorversuchen und an einem Rohrleitungssystem untersucht. Chlorung von tauchgeteerten Edelstahlcoupons mit Biofilm führten zu einer fast vollständigen Ablösung des Biofilms und einer Zunahme der Freisetzung von Fluoren, Phenanthren und Fluoranthen. Die PAK-Freisetzung von tauchgeteerten Edelstahlcou-pons in einer Lösung von Trinkwasser mit 0,1% Natriumazid als Hemmstoff der Atmungskette, der den Biofilm nicht ablöst, führten zu einer Zunahme aller untersuchten PAK in der gleichen Größenordnung wie ohne Bio-film. In chloriertem Teerleachat wurden unter der teilweisen Anwendung einer einfachen Methode der kontinu-ierlichen Extraktion folgende PAK-Derivate analysiert: Chloracenaphthen, 1-Chlorpyren, 9-Fluorenon, Anthron. Da Reaktionsprodukte von Phenanthren und Fluoranthen nicht gefunden werden konnten, wird eine Weiterreaktion zu 9-Fluorenon vorgeschlagen, die durch die Pechoberfläche katalysiert wird. Instationäre Korrosion und nicht vorhandener aerober Abbau sind die Gründe für eine PAK-Zunahme während Stagnationphasen. / The influence of biofilm, encrustation, flow velocity and water quality on the release of PAHs was investigated in batch, continuously flown reactor experiments and in a pipe rig system. Chlorination of coal-tar coated stainless steel slides with biofilm resulted in an almost complete removal of the biofilm and an increase of the release of fluorene, phenanthrene and fluoranthene. PAH release of coal-tar coated stainless steel slides exposed to a solution of drinking water with 0,1% sodium azide as an inhibitor of the respiratory chain which did not remove the biofilm led to an increase of all observed PAHs up to the same magnitude as without biofilm. In chlorinated coal-tar leachate the following derivatives were detected while partly utilizing an easy method for a continuously extrac-tion: chloroacenaphthene, 1-chloropyrene, 9-fluorenone, anthrone. While reaction products of phenanthrene and fluoranthene could not be found a further reaction to 9-fluorenone catalysed by the coal-tar surface is proposed. Instationary corrosion and no aerobic degradation are the reasons for PAH increase during stagnation periods.

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