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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Population Differentiation in Solidago virgaurea along Altitudinal Gradients

Bergsten, Anna January 2009 (has links)
Altitudinal gradients offer attractive opportunities for studies of population differentiation in response to environmental heterogeneity. In this thesis, I examined population differentiation along altitudinal gradients by combining common-garden experiments with field studies and experiments in alpine, subalpine and boreal populations of the perennial herb Solidago virgaurea. More specifically, I determined whether leaf physiology in terms of nitrogen concentration and resorption, flowering phenology, flower production and reproductive effort vary along altitudinal gradients. Nitrogen concentration in green leaves were higher in alpine than in subalpine and boreal populations. These differences persisted when plants were grown from seeds in a common-garden experiment at two sites, suggesting that the differences have a genetic component. There was mixed support for a trade-off between maximized carbon gain through the maintenance of high nitrogen concentration, and minimized nitrogen loss through high resorption. In their natural habitats alpine populations began flowering later than subalpine populations, but this difference was reversed when plants were grown in a common environment. This suggests that genetic differences among populations counteract environmental effects and reduce phenotypic variation in flowering time among populations. Flowering time thus shows countergradient genetic variation in S. virgaurea. In a common-garden experiment, boreal populations produced more flowers and had a higher reproductive effort than subalpine and alpine populations indicating habitat-specific genetic differences in reproductive allocation. In a field study, which included three populations, seed set was close to zero in the alpine population, intermediate in the subalpine population, and high in the boreal population. Experimental flower removal showed that seed production was associated with a considerable cost in terms of reduced flowering propensity the following year, but did not support the hypothesis that a large floral display is important for pollination success.

Local adaptation and its genetic basis in <em>Arabidopsis lyrata</em>

Leinonen, P. (Päivi) 29 November 2011 (has links)
Abstract Local adaptation is important evolutionary process leading to adaptive population differentiation. Currently, examining its genetic basis is a major goal of evolutionary and ecological genetics. In my thesis I studied local adaptation and its genetic basis in populations of a perennial outcrossing model plant Arabidopsis lyrata by combining common garden experiments at the native field sites and in controlled conditions with quantitative trait locus mapping. Estimates of fitness in the field – both at the level of multiple components as well as hierarchical total fitness – showed that populations of A. lyrata were locally adapted. The studied populations were also phenotypically differentiated in ecologically relevant traits. Different components of fitness were important for the advantage of the locals depending on the environment. Local alleles were associated with high fitness in the field, suggesting that differing directional selection pressures have been involved in phenotypic differentiation. Mostly different genomic regions governed local adaptation in different environments, but the results also suggested that some of these regions could involve rarely documented fitness tradeoffs (antagonistic pleiotropy). Loci governing flowering time differentiation differed between the studied environments, highlighting the need to conduct experiments both in the wild and in controlled conditions. In contrast to most existing studies, F2 hybrids in general had surprisingly high fitness at one study site, largely due to beneficial dominance effects at loci governing survival in that environment. In addition to nuclear genes, cytoplasmic genomes also were found to have a role in local adaptation. / Tiivistelmä Luonnonvalinta saa aikaan paikallista sopeutumista ja adaptiivista erilaistumista. Paikallisen sopeutumisen perinnöllisen taustan selvittäminen on tällä hetkellä yksi tärkeimpiä evolutiivisen ja ekologisen genetiikan tavoitteita. Tässä väitöskirjatyössä tutkin paikallista sopeutumista ja sen geneettistä taustaa monivuotisella, ristipölytteisellä mallikasvilla, idänpitkäpalolla (Arabidopsis lyrata). Käytin työssäni geenikartoitusta kasveilla joita kasvatettiin yhdenmukaisissa oloissa sekä populaatioiden luontaisilla kasvupaikoilla että kontrolloiduissa olosuhteissa. Kenttäolosuhteissa arvioitu kelpoisuus osoitti idänpitkäpalkopopulaatioiden olevan paikallisesti sopeutuneita sekä yksittäisten kelpoisuuteen vaikuttavien ominaisuuksien että hierarkkisen kokonaiskelpoisuuden tasolla. Tutkitut populaatiot olivat myös erilaistuneita ekologisesti tärkeissä ominaisuuksissa. Kelpoisuuteen vaikuttavat ominaisuudet myös poikkesivat ympäristöjen välillä. Paikalliset alleelit olivat yhteydessä korkeaan kelpoisuuteen luonnossa, minkä perusteella voitiin päätellä erisuuntaisen luonnonvalinnan vaikuttaneen populaatioden erilaistumiseen. Kromosomiston eri alueet olivat tärkeitä sopeutumisessa eri ympäristöihin, mutta myös joidenkin samojen genomin alueiden havaittiin mahdollisesti vaikuttavan vastakkaisesti kelpoisuuteen eri ympäristöissä. Myös kukkimisajan erilaistumiseen vaikuttavat genomin alueet poikkesivat eri ympäristöjen välillä erityisesti verrattaessa kenttäkokeita kasvatushuone- ja kasvihuonekokeisiin. Toisin kuin useimmissa tutkimuksissa on havaittu, F2-sukupolven jälkeläistön kelpoisuus oli yllättävän korkea yhdessä kenttäkoeympäristössä. Tähän vaikuttivat kelpoisuuden kannalta suotuisat dominoivat geenivaikutukset, jotka paransivat kasvien selviytymistä kyseisessä ympäristössä. Tumassa sijaitsevien geenien lisäksi myös soluelimien perimällä havaittiin olevan yhteys paikalliseen sopeutumiseen.

Adaptation to growing season length in the perennial <em>Arabidopsis lyrata</em>

Kemi, U. (Ulla) 03 December 2013 (has links)
Abstract Adaptation to local environment is important for all organisms to guarantee survival and to maximize reproduction. Populations of the same species may live in environments that differ markedly. Due to differential selection pressures this can lead to population differentiation, which can be studied both at the phenotypic and at the gene level. The growing season cued by long days is typically short in the north, whereas southern populations have long growing seasons and are adapted to short days. Seasonal fluctuations in temperature also differ between northern and southern environments. Daylength and temperature regulate the timing of flowering in plants. Environmental regulation of flowering and its genetic basis has been extensively studied in the annual model species Arabidopsis thaliana. The perennial growth and flowering habit has been studied especially in trees, but studies on herbaceous plants species have been lacking. In this thesis, I have studied adaptation to growing season length in a perennial herbaceous model species Arabidopsis lyrata. Individuals from populations adapted to northern and southern environments in Europe were grown in same conditions in the growth chambers and in the field. Differentiation between the populations was studied by observing their flowering phenotypes and by studying the expression of genes that are candidates for governing the phenotypic differentiation. The main result in the thesis was that adaptation to short growing season in north can be seen as long daylength requirement for flowering and as fast developmental rate. Critical daylength for flowering likely regulates especially the timing of flowering cessation in the end of the growing season. Flowering time of individuals from northern populations also responded more strongly to cold treatment (representing winter) than that of the southern population. The cold requirement for flowering guarantees that the plants only flower after the winter in the spring with suitable conditions. Expression studies indicated that population differentiation in flowering could be at least partly governed by the expression variation in a few candidate genes. The results in this thesis are valuable for instance for understanding perennial species in general, including tree and crop species, and for predicting how plants response to changing climate. / Tiivistelmä Ympäröiviin oloihin sopeutuminen on tärkeää kaikille organismeille selviytymisen ja jälkeläistuoton kannalta. Saman lajin eri populaatiot saattavat elää ympäristöissä, joiden olosuhteet poikkeavat toisistaan huomattavasti. Tällöin populaatioihin kohdistuvat erilaiset valintapaineet ja populaatiot erilaistuvat. Erilaistuminen havaitaan tarkastelemalla yksilöiden ilmiasuja ja geenejä. Kasvukauden pituus määrittää eteläisten ja pohjoisten kasvuympäristöjen valintapaineita. Pohjoisessa kasvukausi on lyhyt ja sen alkamisesta ja loppumisesta kertoo pitkä päivänpituus. Etelässä on pitkä kasvukausi ja siellä elävät populaatiot ovat sopeutuneet lyhyeen päivänpituuteen. Myös vuodenaikaiset lämpötilavaihtelut eroavat pohjoisten ja eteläisten alueiden välillä. Muutokset päivänpituudessa ja lämpötilassa säätelevät kasveilla kukkimisen ajankohtaa. Kukkimiseen vaikuttavia ympäristötekijöitä ja kukkimista sääteleviä geenejä on tutkittu paljon yksivuotisella mallilajilla lituruoholla (Arabidopsis thaliana). Monivuotisten kasvien kasvun ja kukkimisen säätelyä on tutkittu etenkin puilla, mutta hyvin vähän ruohovartisilla kasveilla. Tässä väitöskirjatyössä tutkin kasvukauden pituuteen sopeutumista monivuotisella ruohovartisella lajilla, idänpitkäpalolla (Arabidopsis lyrata). Pohjoisiin ja eteläisiin ympäristöoloihin sopeutuneiden eurooppalaisten populaatioiden yksilöitä kasvatettiin samanlaisissa olosuhteissa kontrolloiduissa kasvatushuoneissa ja kenttäolosuhteissa. Populaatioiden erilaistumista tarkkailtiin kukkimiseen liittyvissä ominaisuuksissa sekä eroja selittävien kandidaattigeenien ekspressiossa. Tutkimuksen päätulos oli, että pohjoisen populaation lyhyeen kasvukauteen sopeutuminen voidaan havaita pitkän päivän vaatimuksena kukkimiselle ja nopeana kehityksenä. Kenttäolosuhteissa päivänpituus sääteli etenkin kukkimisen lopetusta kasvukauden lopussa. Pitkä kylmäkäsittely nopeutti kukkimista etenkin pohjoisessa populaatiossa. Kukkimista edeltävä kylmävaatimus takaa, etteivät kasvit kuki syksyllä epäsuotuisissa olosuhteissa, vaan vasta keväällä talven jälkeen. Populaatioiden erilaistuminen kukkimisen päivänpituus- ja kylmävaatimuksessa selittyy todennäköisesti ainakin osittain kandidaattigeenien ekspressioeroilla. Tämän väitöskirjatyön tuloksia voidaan soveltaa monivuotisten viljelykasvien jalostuksessa tai ennustettaessa kasvipopulaatioiden sopeutumista ilmastonmuutokseen.

Méthodes statistiques pour identifier l'adaptation locale dans les populations continues et mélangées / Statistical Methods to Identify Local Adaptation in Continuous and Admixed Populations

Martins, Helena 26 September 2018 (has links)
La recherche des signatures génétiques de l'adaptation locale est d'un grand intérêt pour de nombreuses études de génétique des populations. Les approches pour trier les loci sélectifs à partir de leur contexte génomique, se concentrent sur les valeurs extrêmes de l'indice de fixation, FST, à travers les loci. Cependant, le calcul de l'indice de fixation devient difficile lorsque la population est génétiquement continue, lorsque la prédéfinition des sous-populations est une tâche difficile et en présence d'individus mélangés dans l'échantillon. Dans cette thèse, nous présentons une nouvelle méthode pour identifier les loci sous sélection basée sur une extension de la statistique FST à des échantillons avec des individus mélangés. Considérant notre objectif d'explorer des méthodes statistiques pour identifier l'adaptation locale dans la population mélangée, nous avons inclus des données spatiales pour calculer les coefficients d'ascendance et les fréquences d'allèles. Pour enrichir notre travail, nous avons investigué les effets du déséquilibre de liaison et des méthodes d'élagage de LD dans les analyses de génomes pour la sélection. / Finding genetic signatures of local adaptation is of great interest for many population genetic studies. Common approaches to sorting selective loci from their genomic background focus on the extreme values of the fixation index, FST, across loci. However, the computation of the fixation index becomes challenging when the population is genetically continuous, when predefining subpopulations is a difficult task, and in the presence of admixed individuals in the sample. In this thesis, we present a new method to identify loci under selection based on an extension of the FST statistic to samples with admixed individuals. Considering our goal of exploring statistical methods to identify local adaptation in admixed population, we included spatial data to compute ancestry coefficients and allele frequencies. To enrich our work, we investigated the effects of linkage disequilibrium and LD-pruning methods in genome scans for selection.

Population genetics of bush-encroaching acacia mellifera at Pniel, Northern Cape Province, South Africa

Nxele, Beka Jeremia 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScConEcol (Conservation Ecology and Entomology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Two populations of Acacia mellifera were noted in Pniel, which is a semi-arid savanna, near Kimberley in the Northern Cape province of South Africa. One population appeared on a rocky, andesitic laval ridges (soil pHKCL 6.5-7.0) along the Vaal river. The other appeared in a sandveld area (soil pHKCL 4). Bush encroachment by A. mellifera was found to be more extensive on the rocky areas than in the sandveld and the two habitats differed extensively on soil pH, clay and silt contents and also on water holding capacities. The rocky habitat was thus deduced to have a higher CEC. Seeds were sampled on a logarithmic scale for allozyme analysis and also randomly in each of the two habitats for local adaptation tests, in which case lime (CaCO3) and organic matter (cow-dung) were used in a completely-crossed design. Detected interaction effects (between population source and pH; population source and organic matter and between pH and organic matter) and significant differences could not separate the two populations as the differences occurred across populations. Random genetic differences leading to phenotypic plasticity in the two observed populations, might be responsible for the observed phenotypic differences. Allozymic data showed no significant differences between the two populations and the genetic distance between and within the populations also confirmed that the two populations had not genetically differentiated. The Mantel Test on the two populations, showed nonsignificant results. Nei‟s UPGMA dendrogram revealed that the game farm subpopulations were more primitive and genetically related to each other. Despite differences in allozyme frequencies, between the sampled sites, genetic differentiation was found to be low (FST = 0.337). Nei‟s (1972) original measures of genetic distance ranged between 0.871 and 1.000 with a mean of 0.949 ± 0.053. The study concluded that the two observed populations had not genetically differentiated and no local adaptation could be established rather phenotypic plasticity was evident and resulted in the observed divergent growth forms. Nonetheless, the overall direction of spread of encroachment appeared to be the eastward. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Twee bevolkings van Acacia mellifera is gevind in Pniel, wat „n semi-ariede savanna is naby Kimberley in die Noord-Kaap provinsie van Suid-Afrika. Een bevolking het voorgekom op klipperige andesitiese lava riwwe (grond pHKCL 6.5-7.0) al langs die Vaalrivier. Die ander het voorgekom in „n sandveld area (soil pHKCL 4). Bos-oorskryding deur A. mellifera was meer uitgebreid op die klipperige areas as in die sandveld en die twee habitats het noemenswaardig verskil ten opsigte van grond pH, klei en silt inhoud asook waterhoukapasiteit. Dit kan was dus afgelei word dat die klipperige habitat „n hoër CEC het. Die sade was versamel op „n logaritmiese skaal vir allosiem-analise en ook ewekansig in die twee habitats vir lokale aanpassings toetse. In dié gevalle was kalk (CaCO3) en organiese material (koeimis) gebruik in „n totaal-gekruisde ontwerp. Bespeurde interaksie effekte (tussen bevolkings bron en pH; bevolkings bron en organiese material en tussen pH en organiese material) en noemenswaardige verskille kon nie die twee bevolkings skei nie, aangesien die verskille voorgekom het regdeur die twee bevolkings. Ewekansige genetiese verskille wat lei tot fenotipiese plastisiteit tussen die twee waargeneemde bevolkings mag dalk verantwoordelik wees vir die waargeneemde fenotipiese verskille. Allosiem-data het geen beduidende verskille gelewer tussen die twee bevolkings nie en genetiese afstand binne en tussen die bevolkings het ook bevestig dat die twee bevolkings nie geneties gedifferensiëer is nie. Die Mantel toets op die twee bevolkings het geen beduidende resultate gelewer nie. Nei se UPGMA dendogram get gewys dat die wildsplaas bevolkings was meer primitief en geneties verwant aan mekaar. Ten spyte van die allosiem frekwensies tussen die gemonsterde gebiede, was die genetiese differensiasie laag (FST = 0.337). Nei (1972) se oorspronlike meeting van genetiese afstand het tussen 0.871 en 1.000 beloop met „n gemiddeld van 0.949 ± 0.053. Die studie het bepaal dat die twee waargeneemde bevolkings nie geneties gedifferensiëer het nie en dat geen lokale aanpassing teenwoordig was nie. Fenotipiese plastisiteit was duidelik waarneembaar en het gelei tot die divergerende groeivorme. Nieteenstaande, was die algehele rigting van oorskryding ooswaarts.

Quels facteurs limitent l’installation de Brachypodium retusum : une espèces clé pour la restauration écologique des steppes méditerranéennes ? / Which factors limit the etablishement of brachypodium retusum : a key species in ecological restoration of Mediterranean steppes ?

Vidaller, Christel 14 December 2018 (has links)
Le brachypode rameux (Brachypodium retusum) est une espèce herbacée pérenne qui domine les pelouses sèches de Méditerranée occidentale. Dans notre zone d’étude du Sud de la France, la recolonisation spontanée est très faible après perturbation du sol. Cette observation ne correspond pas aux résultats d'études menées dans d'autres régions montrant une capacité de colonisation élevée. L'objectif principal de cette thèse était donc de tester les différentes hypothèses pouvant expliquer les différents patrons de colonisation.Dans un premier chapitre, nous avons testé si ces différents patrons de colonisation résultent d'une différenciation génétique entre les populations. Des marqueurs AFLP ont été utilisés pour analyser la structure génétique de 17 populations de Méditerranée occidentale dont la différenciation neutre entre populations. Dans un sous-échantillon de 13 populations françaises, la différenciation de traits phénotypiques sous sélection a été testée dans un jardin commun et comparée à la différenciation neutre. Dans le deuxième chapitre, nous présentons une étude sur la différenciation adaptative des traits phénotypiques et avons testé une potentielle réponse différentielle à la manipulation de facteurs environnementaux clés. Les deux derniers chapitres de la thèse ont analysé les facteurs environnementaux qui limitent la recolonisation in situ, indépendamment du génotype ou de la population. Dans le troisième chapitre, nous avons testé l’effet du pâturage et du feu sur le recouvrement végétatif ainsi que sur la reproduction sexuée de B. retusum installé. Enfin, dans le quatrième chapitre, nous avons mesuré l’effet de l’arrosage initial et du pâturage sur l’installation de plantules transplantées initialement germées en serre et de plantules issues de semis in situ. Nos résultats ont montré que les populations de B. retusum sont génétiquement différenciées pour les marqueurs neutres mais également pour les traits phénotypiques. Cette différenciation est supérieure à la dérive seule et suggère une adaptation aux conditions environnementales, en particulier aux températures estivales et à la fréquence du gel en hiver. Une réponse différentielle à la manipulation expérimentale de facteurs environnementaux (sol, pâturage, humidité du sol) a confirmé le caractère adaptatif de la différenciation génétique. Les expériences in situ ont montré que le feu a un effet positif sur la reproduction de B. retusum et sur la communauté végétale associée, alors que son recouvrement végétatif n’était pas supérieur à la moyenne de la communauté. L'exclusion du pâturage pendant deux saisons n'a eu d'incidence sur aucun des paramètres mesurés chez les populations adultes. L'arrosage initial a affecté l’installation des plantules au cours de la première saison. Au cours de la deuxième saison, l'effet seul de l’arrosage n'était pas significatif, cependant son effet est resté positif sur la survie uniquement dans les parcelles pâturées. Le pâturage, au début du cycle de vie de B. retusum, a eu un effet négatif sur le recrutement et la croissance des plantules. En conclusion, la différenciation adaptative entre les populations peut avoir contribué aux différences régionales en termes de capacité de colonisation et doit être prise en compte lors du ciblage des populations sources pour l'introduction de plantes en restauration écologique. La réponse positive de B. retusum a indiqué que le feu était une force sélective importante dans le passé qui pourrait être utilisée pour favoriser l'espèce et la communauté végétale associée dans des opérations de conservation et de restauration. L'exclusion du pâturage à court terme est tolérée par les populations adultes de B. retusum, mais l'abandon à long terme entraîne une diminution de son recouvrement par rapport aux graminées pérennes à croissance rapide. / Ramose false brome (Brachypodium retusum) is a perennial herbaceous species that dominates dry grasslands of the Western Mediterranean. In our southern French study area, spontaneous re-colonisation is very low after soil disturbance. This observation does not correspond to the results of studies from other regions showing a high colonisation capacity. The major objective of this PhD thesis was to test different hypotheses potentially explaining the different colonisation patterns.In the first chapter, we tested whether these different colonisation patterns are the result of genetic differentiation among populations. AFLP markers were used to analyse genetic structure including neutral population differentiation in 17 Western Mediterranean populations. In a sub-sample of 13 French populations, differentiation in phenotypic traits under selection was tested in a common garden and compared to neutral differentiation. In the second chapter, we present a study on adaptive differentiation in phenotypic traits testing a potentially differential response to the manipulation of key environmental factors. The last two chapters of the PhD analysed environmental factors that limit re-colonisation in the field independent of genotype or population. In the third chapter, we tested the effect of grazing and fire on vegetative recovery as well as on sexual reproduction of established B. retusum and in the fourth chapter we measured the effect of initial watering and grazing on the establishment of transplanted seedlings pre-grown in a greenhouse and of field-sown seedlings.Our results showed that populations of B. retusum are genetically differentiated in neutral markers but also in phenotypic traits. This differentiation is superior to drift alone and suggests adaptation to environmental conditions, particularly to summer temperature and winter frost frequency. A differential response to experimental manipulation of environmental factors (soil, pasture, soil moisture) confirmed the adaptive character of genetic differentiation. The field experiments showed that fire has a positive effect on B. retusum reproduction and on the associated community whereas vegetative recovery was not higher than community average. Two seasons of grazing exclosure did not affect any of the measured parameters in adult populations. Initial watering affected seedling establishment in the first season. In the second season, the watering main effect was not significant but interestingly the effect remained positive on survival in grazed plots whereas no such effect was observed in exclosures. Grazing in early life cycle stages of B. retusum had a negative effect on seedling recruitment and growth.In conclusion, adaptive differentiation between populations may have contributed to regional differences in colonisation capacity and needs to be taken into account in targeting source populations for plant introduction in ecological restoration. The positive response of B. retusum indicated that fire was an important selective force in the past which may be used to favour the species and its associated plant community in current conservation and restoration management. Short-term grazing exclosure is tolerated by mature B. retusum populations but long-term abandonment results in a decrease of cover relative to high-growing perennial grasses. In early stages of seedling establishment grazing should be avoided to guarantee introduction success - or grazing stress needs to be compensated by watering.

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